What to take a teenager to the sea. What to take with you on a seaside holiday: a list of necessary things for a family trip to the seaside

When going on a trip, we are faced with the pressing question of what to take to the sea, what list of necessary things for women, men and children should be at hand?

When going on a trip, we are faced with the pressing question of what to take to the sea, what list of necessary things for women, men and children should be at hand, so that the absence of something very necessary at the most crucial moment It didn't spoil the whole holiday. But as soon as we start packing our suitcase, we discover that, afraid of missing out on something, we have taken away so many things that our luggage becomes too heavy to carry. What to do in such a situation? What to leave at home and what to take with you on a trip? Let's try to resolve this dilemma.


Traveling to the sea within your own country

The package of documents required for a trip to the sea may differ in content depending on where the trip is planned: within your country or abroad.

For those who travel to the sea within their own country, the list of documents is much smaller and simpler. It includes:

  • identification document (passport, other ID);
  • tickets/driver's license;
  • money in cash and/or bank card.

You need to be especially careful when choosing an identity document for your trip. What kind of ID this will be also depends on the type of transport you plan to travel with. It is important to remember that purchasing tickets and boarding vehicle can only be done with a passport.

If you travel with your own car, you definitely won’t need tickets. But you should definitely check that you have a driver’s license.

Opinions may differ regarding the need for a passport to travel by personal transport. On the one hand, many people do not want to take an important document on a long journey in order to prevent its possible loss. But on the other hand, its presence can always help out in the most difficult unforeseen circumstances. For example, in case of problems with a bank card, you can always get your money in cash at the cash desk of any bank using your passport.

Therefore, carefully weigh all the pros and cons, do right choice identification document for your trip.

Advice!It is not recommended to keep money all together in a wallet. It is better to divide them into several parts and put them in different places. You can hide your bank card in your luggage. This will help you not be left without a means of subsistence in the event of your wallet being stolen or lost.

Package of documents for traveling on holiday abroad

For a holiday abroad, the package of documents is much wider. It brings together not only documents for adults who go to sea in another country. For those traveling with children, it is also necessary to properly complete and collect all the papers required for their trip abroad.

So, to travel to the sea abroad you need to take the following list of documents:

  • a foreign passport, and if the visa regime between countries is not lifted, then it must be with an issued visa;
  • insurance documents;
  • voucher/contract with a tour operator;
  • tickets (both ways);
  • child's international passport;
  • power of attorney from one of the parents to take the child outside their country (if the child is traveling with only one of the parents);
  • money, bank cards.

When faced with the need to obtain a visa, first of all, you should understand that the conditions for obtaining it differ significantly from country to country. Therefore, having already carried out such a procedure once, you cannot be sure that you will complete it again in a similar way. You should find out in detail all the conditions for obtaining a visa to the selected country from a travel agency.

Regarding money, the most rational option for traveling to the sea abroad is to take at least two types of currency on your trip: firstly, dollars (or euros, if this is a eurozone country), that is, an international currency that can always be used to pay without problems; secondly, the national money of the country of travel.

A convenient option is plastic payment bank cards. They should always be on hand when traveling abroad, along with cash. Their undeniable advantage in this regard is the ability to choose any desired currency for payment, not necessarily your national one.

Advice!Before choosing a bank card for a trip to the sea abroad, it is recommended to find out whether the card of the selected type is accepted in the country you are traveling to. You also need to make sure that the card does not expire during your vacation. If necessary, pre-extend the validity of the card.

Women's and children's suitcases: collecting clothes and other things

Packing women's and children's suitcases for any trip is a whole science. Also, the list of women's and children's things that you need to take for a holiday at sea is often incredibly long. Therefore, you should separately dwell on what will nevertheless become necessary during the trip, and what you can refuse without hesitation.

First of all, you need to take beach things, without which a holiday by the sea will not take place:

  • pareo;
  • headdress;
  • Beach sneakers;
  • bedding with a towel.

And then you should put it in your suitcase: sports suit, skirt, shorts, jeans, two or three T-shirts and T-shirts, pajamas, a dress for evening walks, underwear (so that there are enough replacement sets for every day), sandals for the evening and regular ones without heels, as well as a long-sleeve shirt or jacket - in case of cold weather.

For a child, you should take at least two swimsuits, two T-shirts or T-shirts for every day, several shorts, several hats, socks and underwear for every day, tighter pants and a blouse for cool weather, several pairs of comfortable shoes for walks and excursions and the beach.

In addition to clothes, your child will need toys, coloring books, pencils, and other little things that will help keep him occupied on the road, in a hotel room, etc. Don’t forget about inflatable mattresses, circles, armbands, a pump for them, as well as children’s sunglasses .

What to put in a man's suitcase?

Men usually do not have any special problems when packing their suitcases before going on vacation. But still, in order not to forget anything, we suggest checking its contents with the universal list of things that a man should take with him to the sea.

Firstly, these are beach accessories. Namely:

  • swimming trunks;
  • headdress;
  • bedding, towel;
  • Sunglasses;
  • slippers.

The rest of the suitcase is items for everyday wear. Of these, it wouldn’t hurt to take a pair of light trousers and shirts for excursions and walks, classic trousers for an evening program and a shirt to go with them, a pair of shorts, two or three T-shirts and T-shirts, socks and underwear at the rate of one pair for each day, light sandals, summer shoes.

If a man prefers a sporty style of clothing, a summer tracksuit, light sneakers or sneakers will not hurt. It will be convenient to take walks in nature and go on picnics in them.

A man's clothes at sea should also be chosen correctly: from natural fabrics in light colors. A dark shirt and dress pants can be worn for evening events.

Advice! Even if a man belongs to the category of representatives of the stronger sex who are not afraid of the cold, it is still recommended to take clothes with him in case of cold weather - a jacket, trousers made of thicker fabrics.

How to properly collect a first aid kit and hygiene products?

The list of things you need to take with you to sea must include a first aid kit. It must be filled correctly and compactly. You should not overload her with too many medications of any type. It should contain drugs of different spectrums of action that can be used to provide first aid if various symptoms occur:

  • fever-reducing and cold medications;
  • painkillers;
  • broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • medications for sore throat;
  • nasal drops;
  • allergy medications;
  • remedies for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sedative;
  • antifungal medications (including for the genital area);
  • drugs that stabilize the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • remedies for burns and bites;
  • antiseptics (including hydrogen peroxide, medical sleep, iodine);
  • contraceptives;
  • auxiliary means - cotton wool, bandage, cotton swabs and disks, adhesive tape.

You should also take with you on vacation those medications that you are currently taking as prescribed by your doctor (if any).

Cosmetic products are used for personal hygiene, the collection of which must also be approached equally responsibly and carefully. First of all, these are sunscreens and tanning products, washcloths, shampoos, soaps, shower gels, toothpaste, brushes and toothpicks, razors and blades for them, combs, toilet paper, tampons and pads, wet and dry wipes, towels and handkerchiefs, baby hygiene products.

Many women even on the sea coast cannot give up cosmetics. In this case, you should make sure that the necessary makeup products are also at hand: mascara, eye shadow, cosmetic pencils, lipstick and glosses, creams, powder, makeup base, manicure kit, perfume, etc.

Advice!It is recommended to take with you to sea medicines and hygiene products that have been proven through repeated use. This will help avoid unwanted allergies, side effects from experiments with new drugs.

What to take to the sea: list of things - equipment

Among the most important items household appliances items that you need to take with you to the sea are undoubtedly in first place - Among the most important items of household equipment that you need to take with you to sea, undoubtedly in the first place are a camera, a smartphone or a tablet with a camera

Based on your own preferences, the amount of luggage, living conditions, length of stay on vacation, etc., you can also take with you e-book, laptop, netbook, MP3 player. These devices will help organize the leisure time of the vacationer when he decides to stay in the room. They also need to include network cables, chargers, USB drives.

Using a laptop or netbook, you can also ensure the safety of photos and videos taken on vacation if the memory capacity of the photo device is limited.

Typically, hotels provide equipment such as irons and hair dryers in their rooms. But if you are absolutely sure that they will not be found in your chosen vacation spot, make sure to put them in your luggage. For relaxation, you can use mini-options of hair dryers and irons.

If vacationers plan to cook their own food, then a modern miracle of technology - a multicooker - can come to the rescue. It will help to significantly reduce the time spent on cooking.

Advice! It is rational to purchase and take portable chargers with you, with which you can maintain the charge level of your equipment while outside the hotel room.

Luggage that is packed correctly will not take up too much space, because it will include the most necessary things for a sea holiday. We have compiled the most universal list of things that men, women and children may need at sea. We hope the information provided will help reduce your packing time and make the process of packing your suitcase more enjoyable and easier.

What to take to the sea?
It seems that this skirt, and those slippers, and that disk are vitally important on a trip. As a result, the suitcase swells to enormous sizes and does not close.
Minimum things needed!

Not forget!!!
Passport (foreign passport), tickets, insurance, hotel reservation (trip, voucher), money, credit cards. Make sure that your passport contains a visa (for traveling abroad) and that your insurance covers all events that may occur. It is also worth stocking up on the address and phone numbers of the embassy if you are going on vacation to another country.

List by category.

1. Items of clothing and footwear:
- a couple of changes of underwear
- swimsuit (2)
- skirt/shorts (2 pcs.)
- T-shirt, T-shirt, top (2-3 pcs.) and a tank top (T-shirt) with long sleeves (1 pc.)
- jeans and trousers made of light fabric
- sweater (in case of cold weather)
- socks (2 pairs)

Think about where you will go.
If there are any evening activities planned (clubs, parties), take something for them.
For such exits, you should not take half the cabinet. A pair of bright blouses (or an evening top) that will harmonize well with existing skirts or trousers, as well as spectacular jewelry, will be enough. For men, it seems to me that there is no need to take anything special. Jeans, a light shirt or T-shirt are the best look for a beach party.
If you have the desire and space in your suitcase, you can add beautiful sandals for evening outings to a disco or bar.

Shoes to take with you to the sea:
- beach shoes (flip-flops or flip-flops or sandals)
- light shoes for outdoors and excursions

2. Hygiene products:
- Toothbrush
- soap
- shower gel/shampoo
- towel, one large and one medium
- sanitary pads or tampons
- wipes, regular and wet
- shaving products

3. Cosmetics:
- decorative cosmetics (it is better to take waterproof ones and you don’t need to take a lot of decorative cosmetics, in the heat it only prevents the skin from breathing).
- creams before, from, for, after tanning
- milk or cream to moisturize the skin

4. Miscellaneous:
- camera/video camera
- telephone
- chargers for the above
- Sunglasses
- headdress
- Beach bag
- travel wallet
- comb
- hair accessories

What to take with you to the sea from medicines
First aid kit with minimum set should also be on hand, especially in exotic places.
The required set includes:
- band-aid (excursions always involve a lot of walking)
- headache tablets
- cotton wool and bandages
- Activated carbon
- hydrogen peroxide
- from diarrhea
And, of course, if you are allergic to something or have any diseases, take medicine for them as well.

So let's get down to business. We sort things in this way (each item has its own bag): shoes, underwear, wrinkled items, wrinkle-free items, trousers (fold along the seam and in half twice).
We choose a container - a suitcase or a travel bag.

At the bottom there are shoes, in the gaps between them there are socks and underwear, rolled into rollers, then those gadgets that are not included in hand luggage and will not be needed to our destination. All remaining items, except trousers, are folded in a stack in an unfolded form so that those that wrinkle are separated by two or three items of clothing that do not wrinkle (the shirts will thus end up in the middle). The filling of this unique sandwich will be trousers. Now all that remains is to cross the sleeves at the front, fold the entire structure in half and put it in the suitcase.

On the side there will be space for a travel bag (French necessaire, literally - necessary), 1) a travel case or a small suitcase with toiletries. 2) A box with a set of accessories for needlework or sewing), which must be placed so that it is easy to use when necessary.

Summer time is vacation time. We are all looking forward to meeting the sea, gentle sun rays and white sand. When going on vacation, girls often think about what clothes to take with them. I always want to be stylish, but I have absolutely no desire to carry around an overflowing suitcase. In this article we will tell you how to put together a universal set of clothes for beach holiday.

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Packing your suitcase

Often, girls take so many clothes with them that they don’t even take them out of their suitcase.

Another common mistake is that ladies simply throw the first summer clothes they come across into their bag, without paying attention to how well they go together.

Before packing your suitcase, you should answer a few questions:

  • How long will the vacation last?
  • What are the climatic conditions there?
  • What events will you attend there? (Concerts, exhibitions, excursions)
  • Will your vacation be active or will you spend most of your time lying on the beach?

The answers to these questions will help you choose the right things for your vacation in correct proportions. Now let's talk about the most necessary clothes.


Girls in dresses always look very feminine and attractive. And therefore, it is better to take several of these wardrobe items on vacation.


A pair of light T-shirts and T-shirts are always useful, as they go with any skirts and trousers.

You can also take several elegant tops that are suitable for visiting exhibitions, concerts or discos. Will fit lace tops, or, for example, plain drop shoulder top.



In cooler weather or in the evenings, you may need warmer clothing.

universal. It will suit any look, so feel free to take it with you on vacation. To create a more elegant evening outfit, you will need.

jacket You can also take a light cape. During the day it will protect you from the scorching sun, and in the evening from the cool breeze. Particularly relevant this season.


Swimsuit and beachwear What's a beach holiday without a swimsuit?! It's better to take several of them. You will need pair of bikini With different types

ties for a more even tan.

Beach accessories Accessories you will need Beach bag

, where you can put your things when going to the coast. Also take with you hat

. It will protect you from overheating. This season, straw hats are more relevant than ever. As for jewelry, you can take a couple with you bracelets

to make your outfits more interesting and individual.

Don't forget stylish frames.Probably everyone before traveling faces the problem of packing a suitcase, backpack or bag so as not to forget anything. Everything, of course, depends on where you are going: to warmer climes or ski resort

?! We offer a kind of cheat sheet for travelers, in the form of a list of necessary things for a trip.As a rule, we start preparing for the trip in advance,

of course, if the departure is not in a couple of hours)). In order not to forget anything, we make a list of necessary things.

List of necessary thingsThe list can be compiled in Word or Excel. Record on laptop, phone, tablet,or the old-fashioned way, write it on a piece of paper so that it is always at hand

(especially having compiled such a list, it will be one hundred percent useful to you on every subsequent trip). We have two lists of necessary things: summer and winter, they are divided into items.

  • Documents, money, cards
  • It is better to keep money and documents separately. When traveling, it is convenient to have an internal pocket on your clothes and store them there Divide the money into several parts and put it in
  • different places
  • International passports. Keep electronic copies of all passports at your post office
  • There is no need to take a civil passport when traveling abroad
  • Photocopy of your passport (in case you lose or have the original stolen)
  • Medical insurance
  • Flights. Electronic and make a printoutDriver's license, international driver's license. If you are driving your own car: documents for the car, green card insurance (we wrote )
  • in detail
  • A notepad with your notes: route, phone numbers, addresses, contacts
  • Money for credit cards, take a couple of cards (we wrote).

Personal hygiene items

  • Do not take large packages, they weigh a lot. If you run out of supplies, you can always buy them atSte.
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Pads: daytime, nighttime (well, if necessary, and you’re a girl)
  • Manicure accessories (file, scissors). Get a manicure/pedicure before your trip
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Comb
  • Perfume
  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap. Keep in mind that most hotels will have this all in the room
  • Deodorant
  • Cosmetics. Lipstick/lip gloss, mascara, mirror
  • Hairpins, crabs, hair ties
  • Sunscreens (we wrote)
  • Hairdryer
  • Hair straightener (if needed)
  • Mosquito spray (read how to choose mosquito repellent)
  • Wet wipes
  • Dry wipes
  • Preziki, not a joke, there are 200 ways to use them for other purposes)))


  • For chronic diseases, take the medications prescribed by your doctor (don’t forget to take a prescription to avoid problems at the border).
  • Tablets for headaches (or severe hangovers, anything can happen).
  • Painkillers
  • Something for the throat
  • For indigestion
  • Aspirin or equivalent
  • Bandage
  • Germicidal patch
  • Chapstick
  • In the articles, and we looked in more detail.

Equipment and devices

  • Check and charge all devices before traveling
  • Don't forget to take chargers, extra batteries, rechargeable batteries and adapters
  • Mobile phone. Take another phone for a local SIM card
  • Camera with memory card
  • Laptop, tablet (if you need them)
  • If you travel by car, a navigator with loaded maps (can be replaced with a tablet or smartphone).
  • Take advantage of our


  • Several T-shirts to go with one pair of trousers and shorts
  • One pair of outdoor shoes, a jacket, sweatshirt, etc. Wear comfortable clothing and one pair of high heels
  • Evening dress
  • Several changes of underwear
  • Headwear for the season
  • Sunglasses
  • Outdoor shoes and slippers
  • Don't buy a new pair that hasn't been worn yet, it can rub your feet.
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks for a beach holiday, visiting the pool or sauna
  • Yes! Be sure to leave room in your suitcase for shopping.
  • Other

Things and various crap that you don’t need to take, for example:

  • Umbrella
  • Wrist watch(required with water resist)
  • Small souvenirs for new friends and locals
  • Compact raincoats
  • Guide
  • Toothpicks
  • Clamps
  • Corkscrew
  • Small padlock
  • Thermal mug
  • Stretch film and foil
  • A flask for whiskey (although no, you have to take it))))...
  • Snorkel mask (read how to choose if you don’t have one)
  • Karimata
  • Waterproof bags (very helpful in a rainstorm)
  • Various nuts, seeds, chips (nasty)..
  • Lighter ZIPPO
  • Booze, cigarettes
  • Batman costume, for role playing games(just kidding, hahaha)

IN list of necessary things you can add your own points, remove something, and add something.

When all things are laid out, you can start collecting them. Divide your things into 2 parts: what you will take with you (hand luggage) and what you will check in as luggage.

What to put in your hand luggage

We put everything valuable (documents, money, phone, etc.) in hand luggage. E If you are flying by plane, then there should not be anything sharp or liquid in your hand luggage. And also, something that may be useful on the road:

  • napkins
  • comb
  • mirror
  • pen
  • magazine or crossword for leisure
  • water


We put everything compactly in a suitcase. To prevent things from getting wrinkled, I roll them up like a sausage. In my opinion, there is less space and the view remains good. The suitcase should never be stuffed all the way. Firstly, you may be overweight (most airlines have a baggage allowance of up to 20 kg), and secondly, you will probably buy something for yourself or your loved ones.

Thank you for reading our blog. See you soon on the pages of our

With the onset of summer, many families go on vacation to the sea, and often parents take small children with them, at this moment the important question arises of what to take with them to the sea with children. There is a whole list of things that not only parents, but also the baby may need.​

You will have to think through not only a list of what is needed on the vacation itself, but also think about what things you should take for the period of the trip or flight to the vacation destination. Not many parents know what documents, products, medicines and essentials they may need during their vacation. We will try to create a complete list of what you need so that there are no problems during your vacation.

Clothes and shoes

It’s worth starting from this point, because clothes and shoes are very important for young children. You shouldn’t take a lot of things for your child, because it will only take up extra space, and in the end it may not even be useful. A list of things will make it possible not to take anything unnecessary, but also not to forget something important and necessary. The most necessary items of clothing and footwear include:

  1. Underwear for parents and baby. For themselves, parents can take as many sets as they need, but the child will need about five sets of T-shirts and panties.
  2. Bathing suit. Boys should take two swimming trunks, girls two, two sets are needed so that you can use a spare swimsuit.
  3. Hats. It is best to purchase a Panama hat or cap for a child from natural material, in such a headdress the baby’s head will not sweat. It is worth taking two caps so that you can replace the headgear if necessary. A Panama hat may be needed not only on the beach, but also during a walk in the park.
  4. Shoes. The child may need different shoes; for sunny weather, sandals are taken; in case of rainy or cloudy weather, it is worth taking light closed shoes. Beach shoes must be purchased separately; it is best to pay attention to flip flops if you are planning a hike. sand beach. If the beaches are pebbly or rocky, you should buy your child rubber slippers that have thick soles.
  5. Warm clothes. Even if the weather forecast at the resort promises warm and sunny days, do not forget about warm clothes, since the weather can change at any time, and in the evenings the sea can be cool. The child may need a warm jacket, sweatshirt or tracksuit.
  6. Basic clothing. A boy may need at least five T-shirts and three shorts. Girls should take sundresses, dresses, skirts and T-shirts in the same quantity. It is better not to take jeans and jackets with you, as they will only take up extra space in your suitcase with clothes.

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of what to take with them to the sea with children, you should also include a nightgown or pajamas for the child in the list of things.

Documents and money

You can hear many stories from friends that all their things were collected, and upon arrival at the airport, vacationers realized that they had not taken some important documents. It’s worth taking care of preparing documents and money first, so that you don’t have to return home for the essentials later.

To avoid problems before departure or on vacation, you should collect the following documents:

  • tourist insurance policy, which is issued by a travel company;
  • For each family member they take Russian passports or international passports;
  • a child’s birth certificate is required, especially if the child is not included in the parents’ passport;
  • printed electronic tickets, or original tickets;
  • if the vacation is on a package tour, then vacationers must have a voucher in their hands;
  • when vacationing in Russia you should take with you;
  • when holidaying abroad you need currency;
  • You should also take Russian money with you.

    Do you make a list of necessary things before going to the sea?

First aid kit for the road

We have sorted out the list of what you need to take with you to the sea with children from clothes and documents, now we will describe the list of things that may be additionally needed on the trip. It is simply impossible to purchase some medications abroad, and on vacation in Russia, prices for medications can be significantly higher. For this reason, it is worth packing some medications with you on your trip.

Recreation packages should include:

  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of a child;
  • medicinal product to reduce temperature (Nurofen, Paracetamol);
  • antiviral drug;
  • broad-spectrum antibacterial drug;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • spray for or lozenges for resorption;
  • medication to restore bowel function;
  • a means for preparing a solution for poisoning (Regidron is the most popular);
  • medicine against diarrhea (Smecta or Enterofuril);
  • essential medicines (bandage, cotton wool, brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and more);
  • remedies for insect bites and after insect bites;
  • drugs against allergic reactions.

It is better not to buy candles on the road to reduce the temperature, as they may melt during the trip and cannot be used. You can also purchase an antiemetic for your child.

Toys and books

When the question arises about what to take with them to the sea with their children, parents do not always think about entertainment for the child. The list of necessary things should include toys, books and entertainment items for the baby so that he does not get bored during the trip.

Necessary things include:

  • two favorite toys of the child, this will help the baby quickly adapt to new conditions;
  • buy a new entertaining toy so that your baby doesn’t get bored during a trip or flight;
  • some interesting toys, which can keep your child busy for a long time;
  • special sets of toys for the beach, the set includes a bucket, shovel, rake and various molds (you can purchase such a set on the spot);
  • toys for swimming in the sea or, these can be armbands, an inflatable circle, an inflatable ball or a pool for the youngest children;
  • various drawing supplies (album, coloring book, pencils and markers);
  • entertaining books with training;
  • books with stories and fairy tales for children, you can buy new ones or take already read ones to make it easier for your baby to fall asleep.

Necessary things for the flight

We told you what to take with you to the sea with children, now it’s worth describing in more detail the list of things that you may need during the trip:

  • juice for a child with a straw;
  • any cookies for your baby to snack on;
  • wet wipes to wipe your baby's dirty hands;
  • a pack of disposable handkerchiefs;
  • a spare T-shirt and shorts if the child gets dirty along the way;
  • for playing games or watching cartoons;
  • small blankets if the child gets cold or decides to sleep during the trip;
  • bottle of drinking water.

For a snack, you can use not only cookies, but also various fruits. You may also need toilet paper; if your baby is very small, you should take a few spare diapers with you.

In addition, it is worth taking with you on your trip toothpaste and brush, baby shampoo, as well as special children's sun cream. Don't forget about charger for tablet and phone.