Cuttings of blue spruce using winter cuttings. How to propagate blue spruce: features of cultivation and care, tips and tricks

The height of most trees reaches 25-30 m and remains virtually unchanged, although sometimes giants almost twice as large can be found. The average height of ordinary spruce varieties at the turn of ten years of age is no more than 4 meters.

Breeders have developed many varieties of this tree - more than seventy species. These include both classic massive trees and low-growing fluffy forms that creep along the ground. A number of varieties have been transformed from a tree into a bush that is up to two meters wide and rises half a meter above the ground.

Sharp knife or pruning shears Rubbing alcohol or bleach 3-inch pots with drainage holes All-purpose slow-release fertilizer Fine bark Peat moss Pencil Rooting hormone Plastic bags Rubber bands or twist nuts 6-inch pots with drainage holes Garden soil Peat moss. Propagation of cuttings deciduous trees of many evergreens can be held at home in a simple frame filled with sand. To make a frame like this, simply make a square or rectangular frame using 2" x 6" boards.

Artificially bred varieties of blue spruce remain extremely frost-resistant. This is quite unusual for plants that humans had a hand in creating. Almost all full-size and dwarf variations of the tree can easily withstand frosts down to -35 ºС.

Popular varieties

For most decorative and everyday tasks Several dozen varieties of blue spruce are used. Many of the tree varieties available can be grown yourself or purchased as seedlings. The main differences between them are the growth rate and maximum trunk height. Let's look at their most famous varieties.

How to Grow Blue Spruce

Nail the four corners together as if to create a large frame. This frame should sit on the surface of the ground in a well-drained area. An area with partial shade is preferred. Once you have built the frame, remove any weeds or grass in the frame to prevent this vegetation from growing through your propagation bed. Fill this frame with very high quality sand. This frame should be well drained. Standing water will certainly seriously hamper your propagation results.

Making evergreen cuttings is easy. Simply clip a 4- to 5-inch-long cutting from the parent plant. Separate the needles or leaves from the bottom half to two-thirds of the cut. Ranging evergreen cuttings is usually not necessary because removing leaves or needles causes enough trauma for root recovery and development.

  • Dwarf blue spruce (maxwellii, ohlendorfii) used to frame paths and gazebos without taking up much space and without heavy branches hanging over your head. The maximum height of most low-growing specimens does not exceed 1-2 m. A number of spruce trees can reach a height of 5-6 m, but a growth rate of 3-5 cm per year allows them to be classified as dwarf. The cost of a seedling ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles. In a shaded place special care for an adult tree is not required. Enough to carry out periodic inspection and treat the surface with protective chemicals. Reproduction of dwarf spruce is carried out mainly by cuttings.

Start watering again in the spring and throughout the summer. They don't need much water, but be careful not to let them dry out. And at the same time, make sure they are not wet. Deciduous tree debris from many evergreens can spread this way, but it takes some time. You must leave them in the frame for twelve months. You can leave them longer if you wish. Leaving them until next spring would be great. They should develop more roots over the winter.

A friend of mine who is a wholesale nursery uses this method to distribute all of his evergreens. He covers his frames with steel hoops and plastic to provide extra protection in the winter. This may help, but you have to be careful. It will be too hot on good days and the plants will start to emerge from dormancy too early.

  • Spruce glauca represents two varieties, including the classic prickly spruce and her petite companion. A standard tree reaches a maximum height of 25 m and has a growth rate of 10 to 20 per year. Dwarf Glauca (Glauca globosa) grows no higher than 2 meters, increasing by 10 cm per year during the ripening period. The cost of dwarf Glauka spruce reaches 8,000 rubles, and its propagation is a long process associated with the selection of suitable seedlings from seeds. The price of a regular spruce seedling is 1000-1500 rubles, and it is grown in nurseries both by cuttings and by seed. Glauca globosa is planted in decorative purposes in the courtyards of houses, while ordinary spruce is found within the city. Group planting of full-size spruce is done to develop green spaces and highlight the architecture of cultural or administrative buildings. Large spruce trees do not require careful care and are subject only to periodic pruning as the branches dry out. Spruce Glauca globosa needs to pay more attention and monitor the optimal soil moisture regime, avoiding excessive moisture.

They will then freeze when the temperature drops below freezing. If you are going to cover your frame in the winter, use white plastic or clear plastic that has been coated with white, white, and white latex paint. You should also water in the winter if you plan to cover your plants with plastic. Dehydration occurs very easily in winter, especially with plastic surgery.

A covering of light, fluffy snow actually protects plants from harsh winter winds. Let Mother Nature take care of your cuttings during the winter. Sometimes she does a fantastic job, and sometimes she reminds us that we are messing with nature. This method of rooting hardwood cuttings can and will work on a variety of evergreens, both needles and broadleaf evergreens. But there are some varieties that are more difficult and will not root unless given special care.

  • Hoopsie blue spruce (hoopsii) refers to varieties of medium height (up to 11 m), used for planting in parks and forest belts saturated with greenery. The tree stands out among other varieties due to the most pronounced blue shade of its needles and is popular in recreation and leisure areas. The tree is propagated by cuttings, and the cost of seedlings reaches 4,500 rubles. The average growth of a tree is 10-12 cm/year.

Hoopsey spruce is also the most resistant to microorganisms and adverse weather conditions. Caring for wood is only necessary when using it for decorative purposes. Spruce trees planted in parks do not require outside intervention and grow independently.

For most of the more difficult to propagate evergreens, adding bottom heat will help trigger root development. You can find the link in the table of contents. Keep in mind that any time we attempt to root a cutting of any kind, we are asking the plant to establish roots until the top of the plant begins to grow. Once the plant starts growing, it will die if it doesn't establish roots first. Conifer cuttings are very delicate and will collapse if not cared for carefully.

However, conifer cuttings root very quickly and can grow on their own roots for several weeks. Leaf cuttings, on the other hand, are much more durable and can survive for several months with very little attention or roots. However, hardwood cuttings develop roots very slowly.

Why should planting be done in spring?

Planting in the spring allows the young tree to gain a foothold in a new location and prepare for the winter cold. Trees planted in the fall almost always die because they cannot withstand the harsh cold conditions. Their root system does not have time to prepare in a new place, and minor damage is not restored before frost.

It's a matter of what works best for you. For the average home gardener, propagating from hardwood cuttings is more reliable because they require less attention. It will grow to 60 feet tall and 15 feet wide and will be very windy due to its large expanding root system and tough, flexible wood. This tree can live a long life in its native area, outside of this it is highly variable and many times lives no more than 25 years. In the wild around Durango, Colorado, many spectacular species grow over 100 feet tall.

Moistened loam, provided with nutrients, is well suited for planting spruce. It is advisable to feed the spruce once a year during the first years of growth with special fertilizers. Adding regular manure to the area where the tree grows is strongly discouraged.

To ensure long-term and high-quality growth, you need to consider the following:

Due to their shape, heavy snow and ice storms do little damage. Deer generally do not eat this species unless nothing else is available. Was planted in windbreaks in the past because many nurseries only carried this evergreen. When planted on its own in the sun and wind, disease problems are reduced but not eliminated. When this tree is taken out of its natural range of low humidity and rainfall and planted in the wind, problems arise.

With more humidity and less sun and wind, this species develops two serious disease problems: acupuncture and canker, which are fungal diseases. It usually starts at the bottom with dead branches and spreads up the tree, with white sap coming out of the trunk. It doesn't seem to kill the tree completely, many times a 30 foot tree only has 3 feet at the top that is green.

  1. the soil should not be constantly dry, since the nutrient medium necessary for spruce is created by fungi living in moist soil;
  2. For planting, you should avoid places where there is always shade. It will maintain excessive moisture and promote wood rot;
  3. Blue spruce will not be damaged by dry watering - fluff up the soil to obtain a loose state. Do not be too zealous when cultivating the soil, since the tree's roots are close to the surface;
  4. pay attention to the appearance of the seedling. The reddish tint of the needles indicates the appearance of fungus, and the shedding of needles is a sign of excess moisture. You can get rid of blue spruce diseases by treating it with appropriate chemicals.

In hot weather, watering of young trees should be 12 liters per week per tree. Preheat the water outside, otherwise the contrast between warm soil And cold water will negatively affect the health of young shoots.

Seedlings with a closed root system

Without protection from the winds and being absolutely ugly, most people cut them down. A 2 foot tall tree is 5 feet tall at 5 years old, in good soil with adequate moisture, and weeds and grasses around the base. The left image is only 30 feet tall and almost completely dead from needle fungus disease. Right picture. Is this a beautiful tree?

Colorado spruce is not recommended in wind waves east of Nebraska because of its disease problems, which rarely cause the tree to reach more than 30 feet. If you like this tree, plant one in your front yard and one in your backyard, but plant other species in the wind if you want something that won't be a problem. In drying houses west of Iowa, it may be a good tree choice due to its low moisture requirements, less humidity, and therefore fewer disease problems.

Don't miss the 5-minute video on how to properly plant a seedling coniferous tree:

The method of growing plants by cuttings is very effective and is used on an industrial scale. The essence of the approach is to use fragments of spruce branches to obtain a full-fledged tree.

Many evergreen trees used for cut Christmas trees are often members of the pine family and are difficult or impossible to propagate from cuttings. These seedlings grow 1-2 feet in a year or two. Once transplanted, they become 6 feet tall at 5-8 years. Consider the challenges of taking cuttings from a tree that has been pruned weeks before. Cuttings from any plant must be carefully taken from the proper part of the plant and processed accordingly. Suitable evergreen trees that can be propagated from cuttings must have cuttings taken from the current growing season and close to the base of the plant.

The main stages of cuttings are:

  • selection of cuttings for germination. They should be 7-12 cm long and have a piece of bark at the base. The procedure should begin in April, when the plants “rise” after winter stagnation;
  • placing the cuttings in a substrate consisting of equal parts of sand, perlite and peat (as an option, you can use purchased mixtures);
  • maintaining constant humidity in the substrate, which can be created by covering the soil along with the cuttings with a vapor-proof film or an inverted half of a plastic bottle;
  • moving cuttings after rooting into the greenhouse. Their final development will take place there. It is advisable to provide the plants with bright sunlight necessary for intensive growth.

Sprouted cuttings should be planted in the soil one year after the cuttings begin. You can always take a chance and try to transplant a few cuttings from the greenhouse at the end of autumn, but there is an extremely high chance that they will not take root.

You need to collect seeds a couple of months before planting them (planted in April and harvested in February). Cone seeds consist of a small seed and a surrounding impeller. The latter must be removed, as it will interfere in the future.

What is the best time of year to prune tree roots?

Also, do not remove roots close to or fused with the trunk, as they are critical to the structure of the tree. If you decide to prune or remove tree roots, winter and early spring are the best times of year to do so.

How many tree roots can you cut?

Never remove more than 20 percent of tree roots. Then wait two to three years to ensure your tree recovers completely. Only then can you safely consider cutting more tree roots.

When using seeds to grow spruce, be patient and follow the general tips:

  1. the collected seed mixture should be washed in water and treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then dried and “hardened”;
  2. “hardening” is carried out in a refrigerator or snowdrift, in which the seeds are placed in a fabric bag;
  3. a couple of days before the planting date, the seed material is removed from the snow or refrigerator and dried. It must be used within the near future, otherwise there will not be good germination;
  4. the seeds are planted in a peat-based substrate, to which spruce fertilizers and a small amount of fungicide are added. Seeds should be buried 1-2 cm into the soil, otherwise it will be difficult for them to grow;
  5. after severe frosts, one-year-old sprouts can be planted in open ground. If germination is high, it is enough to leave one spruce sprout per 6-7 cm of the planting row. You should not be upset if the overall germination of seeds is less than 50%. Even 30 or 40% of sprouted shoots are an excellent result.

A significant portion of trees can grow from seed into ordinary spruce with green needles (not blue). This is a normal situation for seed plants, since only seedlings obtained by cuttings completely repeat the maternal properties.

Again, if you cut tree roots, there is never a guarantee that it won't damage or eventually kill the tree. We only recommend removing tree roots when they are causing damage or disruption to adjacent structure - not for aesthetic reasons.

To give your tree the best chance of survival, consult a local arborist before removing tree roots. Or see if your arborist can trim the roots for you. If it appears to be part of a large root, ask your arborist before trimming or cutting. For a smaller root, go to step.

Blue spruces are an inexpensive alternative to ornamental trees for a summer cottage. When growing independently, the most troublesome part is only the initial period of caring for the sprout, while an adult tree will develop independently. Periodic application of fungicides or insecticides to protect against pests and fungi is necessary for all garden plants. Blue spruce trees are rarely seen in home gardens, but they always emphasize the sophistication of housing and the originality of its design.

Coniferous trees reproduce well from cuttings. Spruce species such as glauka, blue spruce, dwarf spruce They are very popular among gardeners and private entrepreneurs, and each of these species lends itself well to propagation using cuttings.

Spruce cuttings are planted in the spring, which gives the tree a significant head start over other plants - it has more time to prepare for winter, collect a certain amount of useful things, strengthen the root system and trunk of the tree in order to be able to withstand the cold. Autumn planting does not give positive results; according to gardeners, almost all coniferous trees die in winter, especially in regions where winter is harsher.

Common loamy soil can be an ideal substrate for spruce propagation. It is quite nutritious for spruce, so at home, when growing this representative of conifers, you can use a soil mixture based on loam or one hundred percent loamy soil. The plant does not require frequent feeding - just once a year is enough to satisfy the spruce. Feeding, looking ahead, occurs exclusively with mineral fertilizers. You should refrain from organic components; it is especially not recommended to add manure to the soil mixture in pure form or as part of other fertilizers.

Propagation of spruce by cuttings at home begins with the search for material for taking cuttings, their separation, and then rooting. Ideal cuttings for planting have a length of up to twelve centimeters and a heel - a small piece of bark on the lower part - which will ensure excellent root development. The minimum length of the cutting should be six centimeters. Cuttings are cut in the spring, around April, when sap flow began in the plant, it moved away from hibernation and completely ready, full of useful substances. Cuttings in April are also advisable, since it allows cuttings to be planted in favorable conditions - the temperature is regulated at night, and the rest of the time there are no significant changes or sudden climatic changes.

You need to propagate spruce by cuttings at home in a substrate of sand, peat, perlite and soil from the site. The mixture should be loose. It should be constantly moistened, as this is the key to good development. For seven days, spruce cuttings immersed in the substrate are covered with plastic wrap. Since air does not penetrate under it, the film must be periodically opened, allowing the cuttings and soil to ventilate. This procedure can be replaced by greenhouse conditions, that is, placing the cuttings in a substrate in a greenhouse.

The main conditions for the development of cuttings are sun and water. You need to water frequently, but remember to give the soil mixture time for the moisture to evaporate. It is recommended to harden spruce cuttings at home by treating the soil mixture with a solution of potassium permanganate. The cuttings and soil are also treated with fungicides, and insecticide treatments are also periodically used to protect them from bacteria in the soil or from fungal formations. It is recommended to carry out this in the first weeks of planting, when the cuttings will be in a humid environment under a film.

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Different varieties spruces, including magnificent trees with blue needles, are an indispensable element of decorative compositions country gardens. The easiest way to grow beautiful evergreen trees is by cuttings, but in this case you will need knowledge of the intricacies of this process.

How do they reproduce in nature?

In the natural environment, spruce, like all other plants, first blooms, after which pollination and reproduction occur. This one coniferous specific reproductive organs are young modified branches called strobili. Spruce is considered a monoecious plant because it produces organs of both sexes.

Collected in several pieces, they form cones. In the last ten days of spring, small female cones appear at the ends of the branches - a bunch of reddish-colored megastrobilae, directed upside down. The macrospores that develop on them then form an embryo sac containing seeds. They are located on the upper shoots, which subsequently ensures long-distance flight of seeds.

Male flowers are microstrobilae. These are staminate organs that form smaller yellowish cones, mainly formed on the lateral branches. The microspores formed on them result in the release of pollen of the same yellow color. In spring they throw it out and pollinate female organs tree.

In autumn, fertilized female flowers are already quite large spruce cones, mostly brown. In some species they can be completely dark, almost black. Weightless spruce seeds with transparent wings ripen in late winter and early spring. They instantly fly off from the upper branches, and, driven by the wind, they can end up far from the mother tree.

While maintaining germination, seeds sometimes do not germinate for about 10 years, but then they find a favorable moment and sprout, gradually taking root in the soil.

A spruce shoot is a thin stem with a tip in the form of a knot of cotyledons (whorl). The plant grows only 4 cm per year, then begins to grow faster. Being protected by other trees at a tender age, as it grows, the coniferous beauty will gradually displace them, making a place for itself in the sun. Spruce trees acquire the ability to bloom at the age of 25-50 years, but in some varieties, with proper care, cones appear already at 10-15 years. Flowering of adult plants does not occur every year, but once every 3-5 years. If the tree is planted on a spacious area and it has enough

natural light

, then it can begin to reproduce much earlier than in a forest or dense planting.

Despite the fact that in nature, spruce reproduces trees similar to itself using seeds, cultivation allows for other methods of its propagation. Breeding methods at home

On their plots, gardeners grow mainly blue spruce varieties, which are especially beautiful in the landscape design of the area. For this, both low-growing varieties, reaching a height of 1.5-2 m, and tall trees, capable of growing up to 15-20 meters, are used. However, one should not forget that

spruce grows slowly and it can take decades.

What makes the crop in demand, of course, is its immunity to air composition, as well as its frost and drought resistance, but you need to understand that there are certain difficulties in cultivating coniferous species, including its propagation. There are several ways to grow spruce. For those who are not looking for easy ways, it’s suitable propagation by seeds, which, moreover, does not guarantee the appearance of such a varietal tree as blue spruce on the site. It happens that in the process of growing, the Christmas tree loses its noble blue and becomes green. Unfortunately, this can only be noticed in the second year of the plant’s life.

To avoid disappointment, before purchasing you need to learn more about the chosen variety and its features.

Seeds should be selected from special forestry farms. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • percentage of germination (it may depend on storage conditions);
  • excluding crossbreeding with other varieties of the breed;
  • quality of seeds - they must be fresh (current season).

But good seeds- this is only half the battle; to guarantee success, the rules for preparing and sowing seeds must be followed. However, if you want to plant an ordinary Christmas tree in the garden, the seed method is also suitable.

The most effective and uncomplicated is propagation of spruce by cuttings. This way the tree takes root better, adapts to a new place faster, and caring for the seedling is much easier. However, the vegetative method has its own subtleties - it is necessary to collect planting material in a timely manner, taking into account the age of the mother plants.

Even cuttings collected from young trees are capable of producing developed root system only in 80%, while material taken from old spruce is viable only in half of the cases. The method is relevant for growing blue spruce trees, since by sowing seeds they often grow with green needles.

Keeping in mind that the seeds need to be carefully processed before planting, and sometimes this takes quite a lot of time, it turns out that it is much easier to root and then grow a spruce tree from a branch in your garden.

Preparatory work

The mother spruce trees from which cuttings are taken must be between 4 and 20 years old, then you can count on good rooting. Older plants after 30 years will also give results, but more modest.

Preparation for cuttings is carried out in several stages, during which the basic requirements must be strictly observed.

  • To guarantee quality branches, it is advisable to use trees no older than 10 years. Additional condition– you need to take cuttings from a spruce grown from seeds.
  • It is better not to cut off the rooting material, but to break it off with gloved hands - this way the cutting loses less resin, and therefore less nutrients.
  • You need to choose annual branches with a piece of bark, located horizontally. The necessary “heel” prevents the resin from leaking out and prevents the plant from rotting, which occurs due to the blockage of sap flow.
  • Quality material is considered to be from the sides of the tree, its middle part or the crown. A healthy shoot is yellowish in color, brown at the base.
  • Cuttings are cut 6-10 cm long; it is advisable to plant them immediately. When transporting, planting material is wrapped in a damp cloth.
  • Experienced gardeners advise not to cut spruce trees in the hottest part of the day, but to do it early in the morning, when there is still dew on the branches, which will contribute to rapid development roots

It is believed that It is best to collect cuttings in the spring - from late March to mid-May. At this time, there is an active process of vegetation and swelling of the buds, whose scales move apart and a green conical part appears.

With the right choice of time for planting, it is possible to obtain developed roots about 20 cm long in 2.5 months.

If you harvest the branches in the summer, they are unlikely to have time to send out root shoots, but an influx will form on the cuttings, from which the root system will later develop. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use growth stimulants. The cut areas are treated with Kornevin or soaked in a Heteroauxin solution. A cutting prepared earlier will take root in pre-settled water if you keep it in it for several hours.

Despite the fact that it is possible to propagate spruce branches in the fall before the first frost, this should not be done, since adaptation of winter seedlings is difficult.

This process lasts for 8-9 months, while in spring it is 4-5 months maximum. In addition, a third of all sprouts die, unlike spring sprouts, which almost all take root.

The process of planting in the ground Before planting, the lower part of the plant is cleared of needles and shoots, and then placed in a sugar solution (50 g of sand per 1 liter). The cutting should stand in it for 24 hours. After this they are used

stimulants - humic or succinic acid.

  • Planting at home is carried out through the following steps. The soil for small greenhouse containers is prepared from perlite, peat, sand and garden soil
  • . Alternatively, a mixture of washed coconut fiber and peat is suitable. This is a loose and breathable composition that young plants need.
  • The branches should be planted at an angle of 30-45 degrees in holes 3-4 cm deep. If several cuttings are placed in one container, then a distance of 30 cm is maintained between them.
  • The soil must be compacted, and coarse river sand must be added on top - it will prevent the roots from rotting. You can also mulch the surface of the earth with wood shavings, straw, and pine bark, leaving only the soil at the base of the seedling without mulch.
  • Then the plants are watered and covered with a film that provides a greenhouse effect. Containers are placed in a shaded place.

Rooting usually occurs after 2 months or a little later. Along with this, in order to successfully germinate small Christmas trees, you will need to regularly care for them, carrying out the necessary agricultural procedures.


All the while the branches are taking root, It is necessary to open the film every day and ventilate the plantings for 15 minutes. If Christmas trees are grown directly in a greenhouse, you need to open the room doors or windows every day, but avoid drafts. Additionally, you need to spray the air in the room and the cuttings themselves.

How to plant a spruce in a summer cottage?

Fashion for use coniferous plants for the design of plots arose in pre-revolutionary times. At that time, graceful fir trees decorated almost every noble estate. Modern specialists in landscape design bringing back this wonderful tradition. Spruce trees are used to create a special atmosphere, are used as material for, divide the area of ​​​​the site into separate zones and serve as a kind of protection for other plants. It should be noted that the forest beauty is quite unpretentious in care and takes root well in unnatural natural conditions. To do this, you just need to follow a number of simple rules.

Artificial propagation of coniferous trees is done in several ways. Growing spruce in a summer cottage is possible from seeds, seedlings or using cuttings. As they say experienced gardeners and landscape designers, the latter option is considered the simplest, most effective and widespread in Russia. Spruce planted using cuttings takes root better and adapts more easily to new conditions, without requiring special care. However, in this matter there are a number of subtleties necessary to achieve the most favorable results. Let's look at them in more detail.

When to take cuttings from mature spruce trees?

In order for the growing of a beautiful and healthy spruce from cuttings to end successfully, it is very important not to make a mistake with the time of collecting the main planting material. Knowledgeable people It is recommended to do this in the spring months (from approximately the last days of March to the end of May), at a time when the buds begin to swell and the so-called growth energy is activated.

It is believed that cuttings for propagation of spruce can be taken before the first frost. However, winter sprouts adapt less well to the new environment; rooting of the plant takes much longer (about 9 months instead of the standard 4–5).

Trees planted in the spring have time to take root properly before the onset of cold weather, which makes them healthier and more resistant to low temperatures and different types diseases. Rooting of spring cuttings of spruce and their growth occurs much faster than those planted in autumn period. Perfect timing It is customary to consider April to be collected, and it is best to do this in the morning, before the sun reaches its zenith.

Reproduction and varieties - what to choose?

If you are going to plant coniferous trees at your dacha, first you need to decide on planting material. After all, not all spruce varieties are suitable for these purposes. To get a favorable result, you first need to decide on the type of crop to be planted. In this case, there should be no problem with the choice, since there are a huge number of spruce varieties, the cultivation of which has been successfully carried out for a long time in our region. The most popular of them include the following: Serbian spruce, Blue spruce, Gray spruce (another name for this species is Canadian spruce), Oriental spruce. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Blue spruce is one of the most common types of coniferous trees used in the design of summer cottages. This is not surprising, because such a plant is not only beautiful, but also has increased endurance and unpretentiousness. Blue spruce is characterized big amount needles of a bluish hue, as well as a special crown having a perfect geometric shape.

Serbian spruce in its own way appearance very similar to fir trees. The presented variety is distinguished by the presence of spreading and fluffy branches, somewhat reminiscent of fringe. This type of spruce can be considered an ideal choice for a small garden plot, because it is characterized by grace and does not take up much space. The height of an adult plant in most cases does not exceed 26 m, and the diameter of its crown is only 3 m. In addition, Serbian spruce is extremely resistant to any climatic conditions. She feels great both during droughts and during severe frosts, both in the shade and in direct sun.

Canadian spruce is an ideal option for large summer cottages, since the height of an adult tree can reach 20–30 meters. The presented variety is characterized by intensive growth and cold resistance. Spruce tree of the "Eastern" variety is often used to create plots. This plant has a branched crown with long needles and dark red cones, reminiscent of a cylinder in shape. “Eastern” spruce takes root well in any type of soil and does not need a lot of sunny color. However, this subspecies is considered moisture-loving, and therefore needs more frequent and abundant watering compared to other coniferous trees.

Selection and processing of planting material

After you decide on the variety, it’s time to select spruce cuttings for planting. According to experienced gardeners, propagation will be more successful if you take shoots from mature trees aged 5 to 10 years. Cuttings measuring 15–30 cm are taken from the upper crown section or from the middle part of the plant. In order for the tree to take root well, the shoots must certainly have a woody heel (this is a piece of bark located at the very base of the cutting). After cutting, it must be processed - shortened a little and given a rounded shape. Also note that the color of the shoot you choose should be yellowish, and the base itself should be brown.

On next stage Let's move on to the immediate pre-planting preparations. To do this, you need to clear the lower part of excess branches and needles. To accelerate growth, it is recommended to place the cuttings in a five percent sugar solution for a day, and then treat their base with succinic acid, humate, root or other preparations specially designed for this.

First of all, you need to decide on the place where you plan to plant spruce trees. Shaded areas are ideal for these purposes, where small trees will be protected from the unwanted effects of direct sunlight. sun rays. Depending on the time of year, air temperature and climatic conditions, cuttings are planted in a greenhouse or directly into the ground. The main thing is that the soil temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees, otherwise rooting will be difficult, and the lower the number on the thermometer, the less likely this stage will become.

To obtain the most favorable results, the shoots are placed in soil filled with substrate mass (a mixture of peat masses, sand and perlite). After this you can proceed to preparation landing pit, which should consist of the following layers: 5 cm of drainage, 10 cm of soil or substrate soaked in fertilizers and 5 cm of sand.

Planting and growing spruce shoots

After all the preparatory stages are completed, you can proceed to planting spruce cuttings. To do this, immerse the planting material in the prepared soil to a depth of 3 to 5 cm. Please note that it is recommended to plant coniferous trees at a slight slope (about 30 degrees). If you are planting several spruce trees, then the intermediate interval between cuttings should be at least 10 cm.

Next, you need to compress the soil, thoroughly moisten the soil and cover the base of the seedlings with a special film that has a vapor-proof effect. The height of this protective coating should be equal to 35 cm in relation to the top soil layer. After a few months, the film can be removed. Finally, mulch the rhizome with manure, straw or a layer of branches. To avoid possible rotting of the seedlings, leave an area of ​​just a few centimeters free from mulch around their base. At this point, propagation of spruce using cuttings can be considered complete; for clarity, we suggest going this route again in the proposed video.

Further care of spruce trees planted from cuttings is very important for the acclimatization of the plant. However, this process is quite simple and does not require large quantity time. If the cuttings were planted in a greenhouse, then during the hot season the room must be ventilated daily for 15 minutes. You should also maintain a constant level of air humidity. For these purposes, seedlings are regularly sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

As for watering, it is recommended to do it daily only during extreme heat. However, the soil should never dry out. For light moistening, just spray the soil a little. Provide cuttings required quantity liquids and nutrients can also be achieved using special mulching compounds. In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, the area around it should be regularly cleared of all kinds of weeds that take away nutrition from fragile cuttings.

Approximately once a month, seedlings need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as special compounds designed to accelerate their growth. On winter period To protect against ultra-low temperatures, it is recommended to additionally cover young trees with mulch, leaves or loose snow. You can also equip a special frame around them, which will protect the seedlings from snowstorms and strong winds.

If you planted cuttings in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then after six months, begin to slowly accustom them to natural conditions, maximizing the ventilation time. Replant trees in open ground It is recommended no earlier than a year to a year and a half later, when the rhizome has finally become stronger.

As you can see, a little patience, and your summer cottage will be filled with a delightful pine aroma forest beauties, which will delight you with their splendor and unchanging greenery all your life!

Blue spruce is one of the most beautiful conifers. It can be used to decorate a wide variety of areas. The peculiarity of spruce is that its needles are blue. Her homeland is North America. Blue spruce can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. Most often, it is the second option that is used, as it increases the chances of growing a healthy and beautiful tree.

Description of the method: propagation by cuttings

It is necessary to start propagating the blue beauty using cuttings from their preparation. Blue, gray and silver species of Siberian spruce trees are used as the mother form. Today they are present in a wide variety, as they actively decorate public gardens, botanical gardens And garden plots. The age limit for a tree must be 40 years.

If you carry out cuttings on younger plants, they will sprout 80% of the roots, but older ones – only 50%.

Preparation of cuttings: rooting

Harvesting seedlings is carried out by stripping branches from the side of the tree. A layer of old wood should remain on the resulting shoots. This allows the cutting to grow normally and not rot. If you use this method, the resin will not be released and the elements of the conductive system will not become clogged.

If you use a knife to cut cuttings, the resin will actively flow out, which prevents the full supply of nutrients for the normal growth and development of the seedling.

Deadlines for harvesting twigs (future seedlings)

The most suitable time for harvesting remains spring – the end of April–beginning of May. It is during this period that the buds covering the scales move apart and the green cone extends. If you follow these recommendations, the resulting cutting will have roots already on the 80th day. And after 5 months, the length of its roots reaches 20 cm.

Video: how to propagate and grow blue spruce from a cutting branch

In the video - propagation of blue spruce by cuttings:

But no one bothers you to prepare cuttings in the summer. This will be done in mid-July. But the resulting seedlings at this time may not have time to take root in the ground, as a result of which only callus is formed. But rooting of cuttings cut in summer will occur only next year. But you can see what they look like in this article in the photo.

Planting at home: step-by-step instructions

Step-by-step instructions for rooting and planting at home:

  1. The resulting cuttings must be planted in a greenhouse using sand. The layer thickness should be 1.5 cm.
  2. Then moisten it.
  3. Better rooting can be achieved by using special growth stimulants. For example, today Heteroauxin is actively used. To obtain a solution, you need to take 100 g of the drug and 1 liter of water.
  4. After thorough mixing, place the cuttings in the solution and keep there for 3-6 hours.
  5. Then rinse them with water and plant them in the prepared substrate.

In the first 2-3 weeks, you need to shade the cuttings during the day and humidify the air. To do this, you have to spray the floors and walls with water and loosen the soil.

If the temperature in the greenhouse is increased, then whiten the glass of the greenhouse and shade the cuttings themselves. If the nights are still cold, then cover the greenhouse with mats. But this will help you understand how blue spruce is sowed with seeds.

How to care during growing

Once blue spruce cuttings have been planted, they must be carefully cared for. This is the only way to get a beautiful, healthy and tall tree. Spruce trees can grow even in the shade, so to get a fluffy tree you should choose a sunny and warm place. In this case, the soil there should be moist, and strong wind absent. Then the tree will be strong and straight. The presence of bright light is undesirable.


After watering, the soil must be loosened. This will ensure access of water and air to the root system.

An adult tree does not need to be watered often. 10 liters of water per week will be enough for him. This amount is considered optimal in order to saturate the roots and prevent water stagnation. But how they are chosen is described in great detail in this article.

Video: how to root and care for cuttings

Video shows how to care for blue spruce cuttings:

Air humidity

In this regard, blue spruce is not too picky. It tolerates humidity normally, as well as minor drought. To wash off dust and dirt, use a hose with water. Then the needles will acquire a rich blue color. But read how to plant and care for the Budleya shrub.


If you chose the wrong place during the first transplant, you can plant the tree again. Blue spruce tolerates such events well. But this does not mean that you need to do this often.

After the location has been chosen, it is necessary to dig a hole, lay drainage, pour soil that is suitable for the selected coniferous tree, and sand on top. When planting spruce, it is necessary to ensure that the root collar is located above the ground. If this condition is met, healthy tree growth is ensured. Read about planting and caring for Phlox in open ground.

Top dressing

Feed often blue needles not worth it. This tree doesn't need that. The only thing that is possible is to fertilize the soil near the trunk in the spring before the shoots appear.

Before mulching with peat, sawdust or compost, weeds should be removed around the trunk, which can cause diseases and attract harmful insects.

Loosening and trimming

Blue spruce does not like dense soil, so it needs to be loosened near the trunk. To do this you need to use a hoe or hoe. Do everything extremely carefully. You should not dig deep, otherwise you can damage the roots.

You also need to monitor the appearance of the tree. Remove dried branches in a timely manner so that a beautiful crown is formed. If the plant begins to bifurcate, then one crown should be removed.

Pest Control

If you found on the blue beauty orange spots, then it is worth using special drugs. If the branches are severely damaged, prune or uproot the tree itself. This way you will prevent other Christmas trees from becoming infected. Find out about the description of juniper Andorra Compact.

If a young spruce tree has burnt shoots, this indicates damage to the spruce sawfly. To combat it, the branches will have to be treated with fufanon. To do this, take 20 g of it and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. When the needles begin to turn yellow, this indicates the presence of a pest such as spruce-fir hermes. Under the tree you can see a lump of white cotton wool. To get rid of it, you need to treat the Christmas tree in April with a solution of Rogov or Antio. For 10 liters of water there are 20 g of the drug.

In the video - pests of blue spruce:

If stem pests are present, there will be holes 5 mm in size in the bark. You can fight them if you improve the living conditions and treat the crop with insecticides. Due to lack of sun or the influence of external negative factors fir branches on one side they may dry out. In this case, you need to create shade for the spruce and improve its growing conditions.

Conifers are difficult to reproduce at home, and blue spruce is no exception. You can get a young tree from seeds or cuttings. The second method is faster and is guaranteed to preserve all varietal characteristics of the species and the color of the needles. Remember that success depends on many factors: the right material and time of year for cutting, as well as the temperature of maintenance and watering.

The homeland of the beautiful spruce is North America. There it is common in the mountainous regions of the west and southwest and is a symbol of two states: Utah and Idaho. Under natural conditions it grows up to 40 m tall and can reach an age of several centuries. The crown of young trees is in the shape of a narrow cone, while that of older trees is cylindrical. The needles are green with a bluish-blue coating. Ripe cones are light brown, about 4 cm in diameter when opened. In the north of Russia, forms of spruce with blue needles are also found. The wax coating protects the branches from excessive fumes and harmful atmospheric substances.

Attention! The definition of “blue spruce” speaks only of color, and not of membership in the species. The species “blue spruce” does not exist; blue color is found in common spruce, prickly spruce, Canadian, and Siberian spruce.

Decorative varieties with blue needles:

  • Waldbrunn (gray-blue pyramidal crown, about a meter high).

  • Montgomery (bright blue flattened crown, height 2 m).
  • Blue Pearl ( bonsai with bright green-blue needles).

Blue Pearl
  • Blue fog (dwarf variety, deep blue needles).
  • Glauka Globoza (dwarf variety with silver-blue needles).
  • Canadian gray (dwarf variety with rapid growth, needles of a bluish tint).

Rooting blue spruce cuttings

Middle-aged trees are selected for cuttings. As practice has shown, material from fir trees younger than four and older than forty years has a lower survival rate. You can collect twigs in early spring, summer or winter. Last year's horizontal shoots are broken off, leaving a “heel” of bark at the end. This will delay the release of resins and protect against clogging of blood vessels. The optimal branch length is 6–10 cm. Planting is carried out on the same day. If transportation is required, the plant is wrapped in a damp cloth.

Advice. In dry, hot weather, cuttings of conifers are not carried out.

To stimulate root growth, use “Kornevin”. To do this, slightly damage the bark at the bottom of the cutting and rub in the preparation. You can soak it for 15–16 hours in heteroauxin. Twigs that have already been stored for some time are kept in water for 1–2 hours beforehand. Prepared cuttings are planted in mini-greenhouses with a light mixture. Soil composition:

  1. Coconut substrate.
  2. High peat.

The parts are mixed and placed in containers. Drainage (expanded clay, fine gravel) is placed at the bottom of the mini-greenhouse. You can use peat screenings or dry bark. The branches are stuck into the ground at an angle of 45° to a depth of 3–4 cm. The soil is pressed tightly so that there is no air space left inside. The top layer is coarse river sand. 1–2 cm is enough. This is done in order to eliminate the possibility of rotting of the lower part of the cuttings.

Rooted cuttings

After planting, the soil is watered with warm water and the greenhouse is closed. The containers are placed in a place without bright light. Rooting will occur in 2–2.5 months. At this time, the greenhouse is monitored and ventilated periodically. Watering begins from the moment the roots appear.

Alternative methods of rooting blue spruce

For branches broken off in winter, this planting option is used. The lower part of the cuttings treated with root is covered with damp moss. Instead of moss, you can use a soaked peat tablet. Wrap the top tightly with a paper towel and secure with an elastic band. In such a roll, several cuttings are wrapped at once with a distance of 5 cm from each other. The entire packages are placed in plastic bags and hung in a cool room. If the outcome is successful, the roots will hatch in 2.5–3 months. In May they are planted in a greenhouse under film.

Some people advise holding spruce cuttings in damp sand before rooting. low temperatures. In a plastic container with large river sand The branches are placed, deepening them by 1 cm. The container is closed and placed in a cold place with t +1…+3 C°. After three weeks of maintenance, the branches are moved to a greenhouse, where conditions are initially maintained from +15 to +18 C°. Then it is increased to +20…+23 C°.

Planting cuttings

The cuttings are planted obliquely at an angle of 30° and to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, since conifers do not tolerate buried planting well. The greenhouse is shaded from bright sunlight, protected from overheating, and ventilated. Optimal temperature for rooting +20 C°. In cases of reduced conditions, the walls are insulated with special mats. High level humidity (not lower than 85%) in the greenhouse can be maintained with a fog-forming installation.

Advice. A greenhouse for conifers must have a drainage layer 5 cm thick.

In the first year, callus is formed, a kind of growth from which roots will develop. In the second year, young seedlings can be assigned a permanent place of residence in open ground. The Christmas trees spend their first winter under cover.

Choosing a location and caring for blue spruce

All conifers prefer areas protected from wind and direct sun. Soils are preferably slightly acidic or acidic in pH level. Heavy clay soil with constant stagnation of moisture is not suitable.

The soil should be light with good air exchange. Consider how tall the mature tree will be so that you don’t have to worry about replanting it again. The distance between trees of dwarf varieties is about a meter, for medium ones about three meters, for large ones at least five meters. When planting, drainage is placed at the bottom of the hole, and the root collar of the plant is oriented at the level of the top of the soil. The width of the hole is selected taking into account the root system of the seedling.

To plant spruce, choose a place protected from the sun and drafts.

During drought, Christmas trees are watered. For one mature plant you need at least 10 liters of water. Blue spruce practically does not need feeding. In spring, you can water with a liquid solution of fertilizers for conifers.

Attention! Manure is not applied under the spruce trees.

Blue spruce can be affected by: spruce sawfly, bark beetles, scale insects, spruce (hermes) and root aphids. To combat insects, diseased trees are treated with insecticidal preparations. As a preventative measure, carefully inspect the trees and prevent the area from becoming clogged.

Blue spruce can also be obtained from seeds. This method is longer and does not always provide complete transmission of varietal characteristics. Cuttings are considered a faster and more effective method. Experiment, and you will definitely be pleased with the result of your own work.

Reproduction of blue spruce: video