We’ll tell you and show you how to treat your garden in early spring. Treating trees against pests and diseases in spring What to spray against

Apple scab
Apple scab

If you have treated apple trees for scab, and gooseberries for powdery mildew on young leaves, then spraying must be repeated on young ovaries. It is best to use a drug against diseases and pests for this. "Vectra". It’s better not to use pesticides in your garden, but use biological products, and instead of chemicals, treat plants against diseases with a biological product "Zircon"(4 drops per 1 liter of water).

In the photo there are black currant bushes with small orange spots

Small ones may appear on blackcurrant bushes. orange spots- columnar rust, or larger orange swellings - goblet rust. How to spray plants with diseases in this case? Treat the bushes with a preparation containing copper, for example, HOM. Biological products are also suitable "Fitoverm" or "Fitosporin".

cherry leaves
Gooseberry leaves

If last year the leaves of cherries and gooseberries turned yellow and fell early, then spray them with any of these preparations for the treatment of plant diseases.

Gray rot on strawberries
Gray rot on raspberries

In wet weather, there is a risk of gray rot appearing on strawberries and raspberries. Sprinkle the soil around the bushes with ash. Good drugs for this plant disease are "Fitosporin" And "Zircon".

Pictured is a red gall aphid

On red currants in dry weather, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with a solution of drinking or soda ash (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) against red gall aphids.

Late blight of tomatoes
Bacteriosis of cucumbers

In the greenhouse at the end of the month, tomatoes should be treated against late blight and cucumbers against bacteriosis. For this purpose, use a drug to protect plants from diseases. "Zircon". If spider mites appear on cucumbers (massive yellowing of the entire leaves), then apply "Fitoferm".

Plants do not set fruit well

If plants in greenhouses do not set fruit well, then once every 10 days spray them with preparations for treating plants against diseases "Ovary" or "Bud".

Peony sprouts
Peony sprouts

As soon as pink sprouts appear on the peonies, immediately spray them protectively against rot with a solution of any preparation for combating plant diseases containing copper (a solution of Bordeaux mixture, "Fitosporina").

Cover with white spunbond

Also open roses and clematis and do the same spraying. Then cover them again, but without spruce branches, only with boxes. Place white spunbond on top. This shelter can only be removed when the threat of frost has completely passed. Phlox plantings also need to be sprayed, perennial asters, delphiniums and bearded irises right on the ground. Later, when the lilies sprout, repeat this procedure. This is especially important for oriental hybrids. In general, they should be sprayed systematically all summer (at least once a month). Zircon to avoid damage by botrytis.

Asters in the photo

Water annual asters with a drug against plant diseases "Fitosporina"– it helps to get rid of the black leg.

Spray the entire garden with one of the biological products to normalize the composition of plant cell sap. The best one is "Silk" ("Novosil"). Also suitable "Epin-extra" or "Healthy Garden". "Healthy garden"(or even better, a preventive protective cocktail: 2 grains each "Healthy Garden" And "Ecoberina", 4 drops each "Zircon" And "Uniflora-bud", 8 drops "Fitoverma" per 1 liter of water) in general, all plantings should be treated once a month.

Aphids on bushes
Aphids on trees

In dry weather, green (melon) aphids may appear on bushes and trees. How are plants treated against pests in this case? Systematically spray the plantings, especially the ends of the branches, with an infusion of pine needles or onion peel. Also use an infusion of citrus peels or dissolve 3 tbsp. l. urea in 10 liters of water. There is also a chemical against aphids to protect plants from pests - "Perimore". However, it is better for spraying homeopathic, environmentally friendly "Healthy Garden"(6 grains per 1 liter of water).

But it is impossible to get rid of aphids once and for all. A flying female, flying from afar, immediately lays hundreds of eggs. Within a week, the insect will multiply.

Ladybug larvae

Our most reliable helpers in the fight against this pest are ladybugs and their large black larvae with dots of red or orange color On the sides. They destroy hundreds of aphids and their eggs every day. Many, unfortunately, do not know what larvae look like ladybug and destroy them.

Gall midge in the photo

Another assistant is the predatory gall midge. She loves to settle on legumes and spicy crops, so these plants should always be planted on your site, in addition, they cannot be sprayed with pesticides.

Weevil on strawberries
Weevil on raspberries

At the beginning of June, the weevil moves from strawberries to raspberries. How to water the plants against pests in this case? Use a chemical "Zipershans" or biological product "Fitoverm"(which is preferable).

At this time, it is no longer possible to spray the garden with concentrated mineral fertilizer or iron sulfate against lichens.

Leave this work until late autumn, but do protective spraying against the first pests that lay eggs in the opening buds, and then in the detached buds.

Spray the garden

Before flowering, you can use karbofos, since it decomposes within a week and will have time to be neutralized by the time beneficial insects emerge at the time of flowering of the garden. It’s even better to spray the garden with an infusion of citrus peels or onion peels. It is especially important to process viburnum in a timely manner.

Gooseberry bushes
Black currant bushes

Gooseberry bushes, black currants, affected powdery mildew, and apple trees suffering from scab, spray with a preparation to protect plants from pests "Zircon"(4-6 drops per 1 liter of water).

Make the first spray on young leaves, the second - about 2 weeks after flowering ends on young ovaries. In the fall, you should carry out another spraying with the same preparations after harvesting.

Preparations for treating plants against pests

Make sure that at the time of flowering the ants do not eat the blackcurrant ovaries. If the bushes bloom but don’t produce berries, that’s their job. To protect against ants, place a rag soaked in kerosene under the bushes (but please do not water the soil with kerosene).

Ant larvae

Ants and many other insects do not like this smell. You can put a drop of any anti-ant gel on each trunk growing from the ground. A good drug gel for controlling plant pests "A great warrior". Insects will come running to the bait. Since the ants not only eat themselves, but also carry prey to the anthill, each of them, except themselves, will destroy a lot of their relatives, and most importantly, the queen will die. ( By the way, this drug acts on wasps in exactly the same way.) If there are a large number of ants scurrying around on the soil under the bushes, remove about 2 cm of the top layer of soil; most likely, you will find oviposition there. Pollinate it with a preparation against plant pests "Phenaxin" or "Ant"(the preparations are low-toxic for other insects and warm-blooded inhabitants of the garden). Ants and eggs will die under the influence of the drug.

Bud mite on black currants

Check if there is kidney mite on black currants - the pests are located in large round swollen buds, which are very different from other buds and are clearly visible. Diseased kidneys should be picked and burned, and not thrown away anywhere or composted. When the black currant blooms, look to see if any bush has irregular flowers with narrow fused petals of a dirty pink color. This indicates a very dangerous and contagious disease - terry. Immediately uproot and burn such a bush, even if you find flowers on just one branch.

Red Ribes
Red gall aphid

Red currants are often attacked by red gall aphids, which penetrate inside the leaf, eating away the pulp. Its feces cause poisoning, which manifests itself in red swellings on the leaves (galls). How to spray plants against pests in this case? Early spraying on young leaves will help. "Fitoverm" or "Akarin", which is absorbed by the leaves and functions in the cell sap for 3 weeks, protecting the plant from any sucking or gnawing pests.

Important! After treating plants with pest control drugs, there should be no rain for 3-4 hours so that it does not wash away the drug. In addition, spraying should not be done in sunny weather, because the drug will evaporate faster than it will be absorbed by the leaves.

In the photo there is an aphid inside a leaf

Any external treatment is practically useless, since the aphids are located inside the leaf. To prevent it from getting into the leaves, spray soda in dry weather, but always on the underside of the leaf, as well as on the buds that are swollen at the very beginning of spring (3 tablespoons of drinking or soda ash per 10 liters of water). The fact is that aphids penetrate the leaf with bottom side, and the soda will burn her tender cover and she will die. This pest lays its eggs at the very tip of the branches at the end of the season.

To destroy them late autumn after the leaves fall, treat the ends of the branches with boiling water or spray with concentrated mineral fertilizer/saline solution. Be sure to mow the grass around the area, preventing it from sprouting, especially sedge, which is a breeding ground for rust.

Pictured is the Colorado potato beetle
The photo shows the larvae of Colorado beetles

If you find bright salmon-colored larvae or yellow-black striped Colorado potato beetles on potatoes, then treat the potato bushes with the preparation "Sonnet"(over large areas - "Aktara"). Spraying is carried out once a season before flowering.

Phlox in the photo
Irises in the photo

Feed peonies, phlox, irises, and asters with ash, sprinkling it on the moist soil around the plant and lightly loosening it.

In the photo there are strawberries

If the strawberry bushes have become “boring” or aphids (spitting aphids) have appeared in the middle of the bushes, then pour a hot solution (60-65 °C) of bright pink potassium permanganate over the strawberries.

Red beetle on a lily bud
Red beetle on a lily flower

The drug "Sonnet" or "Aktara" You can spray lilies if you find a red beetle on them that eats leaves (semicircular cutouts appear on them along the edges), buds and flowers.

On your own summer cottage At the end of spring, I noticed the apple blossom beetle on my favorite varieties of apple trees. Since it is not recommended to treat the trees during the flowering period, I waited until the last bud had faded.

She waited another two weeks, then she treated not only the apple tree, but also other fruit trees with Decis. After two weeks, the number of flower beetles decreased sharply, and later they disappeared completely.

This way I was able to save my future harvest. In this article I will list you folk remedies and chemicals that can be used to save fruit trees from insect pests after flowering.

It is not recommended to spray fruit trees during flowering and fruiting. Therefore, treatment against insect pests and fungal diseases is carried out in early spring or after flowering has ended. The final stage usually carried out in the fall while preparing plants for winter.

For this procedure, choose a dry and windless day. It is best to do it in the evening, as this is when most insect pests begin to crawl out of the cracks. But you can also process it early in the morning. And it would be a good idea to check the weather forecast to see if rainy days are coming soon.

Otherwise, the procedure will have to be repeated after rain. But there are chemicals that work better during high humidity. Therefore, you should first read the instructions for the drug.

For a tree taller than two meters, about six liters of solution are usually dissolved for spraying, and for low shrubs and trees, about two liters, even less, are sufficient. But in the second case, they look at the density of their crown.

If you don’t want to spend money on a modern sprayer, you can spray with a broom, which is lowered into a bucket of solution each time.

And in specialized stores you can purchase any sprayer from the cheapest to the most expensive, depending on their composition and power. For processing large quantity For trees, it is better to purchase an electric pump.

To loved ones fruit varieties attacked by insect pests and diseases as little as possible, from the very beginning for planting it is advisable to choose hybrid seedlings with high resistance to various diseases and pests.

Safety precautions

While working with chemicals It is undesirable to neglect safety precautions, otherwise you may get poisoned or get a skin burn:

  • First, care is taken to ensure that there are no children or animals in the garden during the procedure.
  • Before work, be sure to wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, a mask or respirator, goggles, and a headscarf. They make sure that there is not a single one left on the body. open area skin. Since it is unknown how the human body will react if a few drops of a chemical come into contact with it.
  • When purchasing in a specialized store, be sure to study the instructions for the drug, its composition, and pay attention to the expiration date.
  • It is not recommended to spray nitrogen-containing substances on plants in the evening; it is better to do this in the morning.
  • It should be remembered that it is advisable to spray the garden with chemicals as little as possible throughout the entire season. Ideally, it is used once or twice during the entire season.
  • After treatment, be sure to write down in a notebook the date on which the procedure was performed, the name of the drug or folk recipe, and a list of trees and shrubs treated.
  • During operation, it is recommended to regularly stir or shake the solution.
  • In order for the substance to fall on the leaves as fine dew, the tip of the apparatus is kept away from the branches during operation.
  • After finishing work, be sure to wash your face and hands with regular soap, despite the fact that they were covered with protective clothing and a mask. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth and nose with boiled water.

Folk recipes

Due to the fact that fruit plants after flowering chemical solutions it is recommended to process very carefully so as not to damage the future harvest; many gardeners choose folk recipes, which not only rid trees of insect pests, but also do not cause any harm to the plant and humans.

  • Walnut leaves - They are collected in early autumn, so the concentrate is prepared almost immediately and stored until summer. To do this, fill the bucket two-thirds with leaves and pour boiling water over it. Cover tightly with a lid and place in a cool place until spring. And in the spring, before spraying, a liter of nut tincture is diluted in a ten-liter bucket of liquid. This procedure does not cause any harm to the fruits, so it can be repeated every ten days until the pests completely disappear.
  • Tomato tops - By the time flowering ends fruit tomatoes They have already grown enough that unnecessary leaves can be cut off from them for future decoction. With its help you can get rid of aphids and their larvae. About four kilograms of leaves are thrown into an enamel ten-liter bucket, filled to the top with water and put on fire for half an hour. The cooled tincture is diluted with five liters of cool liquid and a little grated soap is added. Then, if necessary, they carefully spray the entire crown.
  • Wormwood - With its help you can easily destroy pests such as aphids, mites, moth caterpillars, weevils, sawflies. Throw about a kilogram of leaves into an enamel container, add 5 liters hot water. Leave alone for two days. After which the container is placed on the fire and boiled for half an hour. After the tincture has cooled, it is filtered and diluted with ten liters of water. Plants are treated with it twice at intervals of a week.
  • Hot pepper - You can use it to get rid of slugs, caterpillars, and copperheads. The tincture begins to be made ten days before spraying. About a kilogram of pepper pods is crushed, poured to the brim hot water and put in a dark and cool place for ten days. Before processing, 150 ml of pepper tincture is diluted in 10 liters of liquid.
  • Tansy - It rids plants of many types of insect pests. To do this, dilute 700 grams of tansy powder in a ten-liter bucket of hot water. Leave for about two days. Then boil again for about 15 minutes, filter. Before spraying, a liter of tincture should be diluted with a liter of water. This tool can be used an unlimited number of times.
  • Tobacco dust - Most effective method in pest control. Mix a glass of tobacco dust in two liters of water. Cook over low heat for about half an hour, without bringing to a boil. Leave to infuse for a day, then dilute with six liters of water before spraying. To make it stick better to the branches and leaves of the plant, a little soap is diluted in the broth.


They are used only if traditional recipes do not work. And it is worth remembering that they are not treated with them during flowering and fruiting. And if it was necessary to process it during fruiting, then in this case the harvest is harvested only a month after the last procedure.

The means described below can not only completely destroy many insect pests, but also protect trees from fungal and viral diseases. They can be processed only two to three weeks after the last petal of the inflorescence falls off.

  • Bordeaux mixture - With its help you can quickly get rid of mites, codling moths, and cure the plant of many fungal and viral diseases. But this drug is treated strictly two weeks after the last petal has fallen off, or even better, before flowering begins. In any case, the solution must be very weak. In a plastic bucket with liquid, dilute 50 grams of copper sulfate and 200 grams of lime. The container should not be iron. Immediately after stirring, treatment is carried out. It is not recommended to store this product in diluted form for a long time.
  • Urea - Trees are treated with it not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes, since it effectively rids fruit trees of all larvae, aphids, flower beetles, and leaf rollers. The solution for treating faded trees should be very weak. 50 grams of urea are diluted in one bucket of liquid. For enhanced effect you can add 10 grams of copper sulfate. You can water not only the branches, but also the ground, thereby fertilizing it.
  • Karbofos - This insecticide for short term will destroy leaf rollers, aphids, mites, and codling moths. To do this, dilute 3 grams of karbofos in a five-liter container. For an adult tree, 8 liters of solution is enough, and a bush will need even less - 3 liters.
  • Chlorophos is a very poisonous remedy that instantly rids the plant of all types of mites and beetles. 35 grams of chlorophos are diluted in a five-liter jar of water. In this case, the gardener needs to use this chemical carefully.
  • Benzophosphate - It rids fruits not only of insect pests, but also of mammalian rodents. The proportions for the solution are the same as for chlorophos.
  • Fungicide "Skor" - Considered the most low-toxic and effective means. Protects plants from aphids, moths, moths, sawflies, mites, cherry flies, leaf rollers and fungal diseases. Suitable for all fruit and berry plants.

In order to harvest a full harvest of beautiful and whole fruits in the fall, you need to take care of the trees and shrubs in the spring. It is necessary to treat and spray them against various pests and diseases.

All fruit trees and shrubs need to be sprayed without exception. This procedure is carried out in dry, windless weather at a time when the buds are swollen and the leaves are about to bloom. It is better to spray in the morning or evening when there is no sun.

How to treat garden trees in spring

On sale now big choice chemical, combined and biological products for garden treatment. This is known to everyone copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, and Abiga-Peak emulsion, etc. How to spray is up to you. Let us only note that:

  • Chemical preparations are convenient because they quickly dissolve in water and have convenient packaging. Their decay period ranges from several days to 3 weeks.
  • Combined preparations help to kill several types of pests in one spraying. No re-processing required.
  • Biological products do not contain any chemicals; they are produced on the basis of various microorganisms and bacteria. There is no harm from them to humans, but the trees will need to be re-treated.

Spraying trees and shrubs with copper sulfate

The most common and inexpensive remedy for spraying - a solution of copper sulfate. But just because its cost is low, its effectiveness does not decrease. Copper sulfate is diluted in the following proportion: 100 g of powder per 10 liters of water. This solution helps to get rid of not only pests, but also cytosporosis, brown leaf spot, fruit rot, scab, black cancer, leaf curl, septosporosis, etc.

Spraying with colloidal sulfur (at temperatures above 18 degrees) or Neoron works well against ticks and larvae that have overwintered in the bark.

Installing hunting belts on the trunks based on “Alt”, “Vo-Vlip”, or “Clean House” glue will help against weevils. From the copperhead, leaf roller, moth and aphid, apple blossom beetle it is necessary to spray with preparations Kinmiks, Inta-VIR, Fastak, Karate,

Bordeaux mixture (1%) or the drug "Abiga-Peak" (0.4%) are used for trees and shrubs with different terms awakening of the buds, as well as during the growing season.

Treatment of apple and pear trees from diseases and pests

In early spring, before the buds swell, 5% iron sulfate is used to combat fungal diseases, mosses and lichens.

During the period of kidney swelling and in the green cone stage (when the buds begin to bloom), apple and pear trees can be treated against scab and leaf spots with Azofos, Strobi or 3% Bordeaux mixture.

When the buds begin to bloom on fruit trees, they can be sprayed against aphids, pear worms, mites, leaf rollers, flower beetles with Bi-58, Binom, Ditox, Lepidocid, 30 plus, Bitoxibacillin, Fufanon, Sumitsin, Alterr.

When the buds turn pink treat fruit trees against scab and leaf spots with Skor or Fundazol. And for pests of these trees, use Novaktion, Pirimix or Fufanon - these are the most effective drugs at this stage.

How can trees be treated after flowering?. For scab, spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture, as well as with Strobi, Fundazol, Skor, Cumulus or Rayok, is suitable. For pests such as apple moth, leaf roller, aphid, and winter moth, use Decis or Fitoverm products. Decis or Apollo will help against gall mites. And for the sawfly, Karbofos, Kemifos, Fufanon or Novaktion will be effective.

For convenience, here is a table of when and how to treat trees against pests and diseases. If you adhere to this processing schedule, then your trees in the country will always be healthy and your fruits will be free from pests.

Processing plums, apricots, cherry plums in spring

Before the buds open We recommend spraying these garden trees with 3% iron sulfate to remove moss, lichens, and fungal infections. For scale insects, aphids and mites, use spraying with the preparation “30 plus”.

At the beginning of bud break(green cone) for diseases such as clasterosporiosis and monilial burn, spray stone fruit trees with 3% Bordeaux mixture or a solution of the drug Abiga-Peak. The “30 plus” product will help against pests at this stage.

When protruding buds (“white bud”) from aphids and mites, you can use Karate, Fufanon and Novaktion. At this moment, trees can be sprayed against diseases with 1% Bordeaux mixture or diluted with Abiga-Pik and sprayed with it.

At the stage of bud separation, the trees are treated against the sawfly with Fufanon, Novaktion and Fastak.

Spraying cherries in spring

In early spring, still before the buds swell, it is advisable to spray the cherries with a 3% solution of iron sulfate against diseases and the preparation “30 plus” against pests.

When the buds are starting to bloom, against diseases on stone fruit trees, spraying with 3% Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Peak solution is used. At the same time, it is advisable to spray the cherries against a pest such as cherry moth. Effective drugs- Lepidotsid, Novaktion, Sumition or Fufanon.

On the stage extension of buds It is safe to spray cherries with 1% Bordeaux mixture against diseases. For various pests you can use Karate, Fufanon.

When separating buds, spraying trees against sawfly with Novaktion and Fufanon is used.

Spraying solutions are prepared immediately before use.

This treatment is carried out using a special sprayer or hand pump. The solution should get onto the trunk and all branches. If the trees are tall, it is necessary to lengthen the hose so that the solution reaches even the very top. You need to spray so that the solution falls on the surface to be treated in the form of small drops of dew. To do this, keep the tip of the device at a distance of at least 70 cm from the plant.

Spraying trees and shrubs in spring, video

The video discusses the spring treatment of the garden with carbamide (urea).

Interesting on the topic:

What do you use to treat trees and shrubs in the spring? Please share this in the comments. What drugs and means are most effective in combating diseases and pests in garden trees and bushes?

Do you use copper sulfate to spray your garden? What biological agents do you think will help protect the garden from pests and diseases?

Hearing that tree spraying is beneficial and knowing exactly when to spray trees are two different things. If spraying of fruit trees in the spring occurs untimely, then at best you will not get the desired result, and at worst you will be left without a harvest at all. Trees are processed not only when the fruits have already formed, but also in late autumn, when the leaves have fallen, and in early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed.

Based on the experience of many gardeners, a conditional plant processing calendar was created. It also takes into account the drugs that should be used in certain period, and the time of the procedure. Is it possible to spray trees during flowering? This is the most pressing question for all new gardeners. In most cases, you will find one categorical answer: no, this should not be done under any circumstances. But let's try to sort everything out in order.

Garden treatment in spring

The first work with fruit trees is planned for early spring. Experienced gardeners It is advised to start fighting pests as soon as the snow melts and the air warms up to +5ºС. This usually happens closer to mid-March, when the buds are just beginning to form. The first thing to do is clean it with a brush. On the same day, make the necessary solution and treat the plants. Special attention Pay attention to cracks in the bark where harmful microorganisms could overwinter.

The next treatment takes place in April and is aimed at protecting the buds of apple, plum and pear trees from fungal diseases and the stag beetle. But you need to protect it from possible diseases and other pests, but this is done after flowering. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering seems to be clear. This should be done before or after flowering. Although there is one "but". In order to increase the yield, you need to fruit trees attract more bees and other insects. Therefore, pears and plums are sprayed with honey solution precisely during flowering. It is prepared at the rate of 100 g of honey per 10 liters of water. This will attract a huge number of insects, abundant pollination will occur, which always guarantees a good harvest.

So there is one positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering. But limit yourself spring treatment not worth it because great importance There is also autumn spraying of fruit plants.

Tree treatment in autumn

Closing the season and preparing the garden for wintering occurs between October and November. This should be done when the foliage has already fallen, especially if you are using chemicals. Before treating trees older than 6 years, it is advisable to remove old bark and lichens so that various pests and pathogens do not overwinter under them. This is done using a metal brush. After such cleaning, you can begin the first spraying with a fresh solution. You can do the second spraying after the first frost, when the weeds and all fallen leaves have been removed.

Preparations used to treat trees

Domestic gardeners most often use the following means:

Copper sulfate - protects plants from moniliosis, curl, scab, coccycosis and phyllosticosis. Processing is carried out in the first half of March and at the end of October.

Iron sulfate - supplies plants with the necessary iron and effectively protects them from pests. Treatment occurs twice a year, when the garden has not yet had time to green up and when it is already preparing for winter.

Urea (carbamide) - destroys pest larvae and slows down the rate of awakening of the plum after wintering (for 1-2 weeks), which protects its color from spring frosts. Treatment occurs last before winter and in spring after flowering.

- “Preparation 30” - it rids plants of leaf rollers, whiteflies, aphids, mites, moths, scale insects and copperheads that have overwintered in the bark. Treatment also occurs in late autumn, although this product is also used in summer period. Gardeners advise using it no more than once every 3 years.

Now you have an idea of ​​whether trees can be sprayed during flowering, and also when is the best time to do it. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of your garden, and it will delight you with a bountiful harvest for decades.