Aspects of the moon and uranium in the synastry. Sexual relationship in the synastry (astrology)

Pluto is responsible for the subconscious, instincts, sensations and depths of the psyche inaccessible to man. This planet is associated with the hidden plans of the personality and the incomprehensible secrets of the subconscious.

Moon and Pluto: conjunction in the synastry

The conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry of partners can be both constructive and destructive, depending on other compatibility parameters. Such couples will have a strong physical attraction, sexual compatibility, but this does not guarantee the stability and duration of the union. Pluto's partner can oppress the Moon man with his jealousy and dominance, which can eventually lead to a break.

Moon and Pluto: a square in the synastry

The square of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry speaks of complex and unequal relationships. In such a pair, the Moon's partner will give himself entirely, sacrifice and adapt, endure humiliation for the sake of love. And a Pluto partner will manage relationships and emotions for their own satisfaction or benefit. With time moon man will be devastated, but will not be able to end the relationship. Such a connection very often acts as a karmic working off.

Moon and Pluto: opposition in the synastry

The opposition of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry speaks of the dominance of Pluto in human relationships. Such relationships can be built on the manipulation and management of emotions. The lunar partner will surely suffer in such a union, while the constant change of emotions and behavior of the Pluto person will completely subdue the chosen one or the chosen one. Such unions can be long-term, but the Moon's partner will always be a victim of Pluto.

Moon and Pluto: sextile in the synastry

The sextile of Pluto and the Moon speaks of the possibility happy life subject to the transformation and adaptation of partners. A Pluto person will have to learn to trust in order not to show jealousy and aggression. The partner of the Moon should stock up on patience and endurance, putting up with the shortcomings of the chosen one, showing wisdom and tolerance, allowing the loved one to take the place of the leader in the pair. Often such couples separate for a while, so that after a personal transformation they will unite again for a happy and stable marriage. Aspects of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry of partners characterize, to a greater extent, the possibility of transformation and growth, the fight against the dark sides of the subconscious and the control of feelings and emotions. These aspects in the synastry very rarely play a dominant role in the prospect of marriage, but with some nuances in the analysis of partner cards, they can become very important. You can find out the details of compatibility with a partner from a professional

I continue the topic of synastric aspects, apparently I will not finish it soon, as something constantly distracts me. I think that all these twin transits focus my attention on intellectual food - on studying, accumulating information, communicating with loved ones, which is also necessary. The themes of eclipses, retro-venus, lunar nodes are very exciting and relevant, which take me away from the intended course. But not about that now...
So, back to the synastry, and in particular to the Moon and its role in personal relationships.

"The moon is a reflection of the eyes. When two people look at her from different
ends of the earth, they certainly meet with their eyes.
Elchin Safarli.

The moon is the unconscious beginning of a person, his emotional world, spiritual component, intuition. On the outer plane, this is everyday life, our daily life with its worries and troubles, the ability to adapt to the world around us and survive. The moon manifests the solar forces in life, it controls our behavior and in Everyday life we see more in man his moon than the sun. Therefore, the interaction of Moon partners is a very important point in synastric astrology.

Lunar aspects.

Moon - Moon.
It is very important that there is a harmonious aspect between the Moons of partners or that they are in signs favorable for interaction. If two Suns are in bad compatible marks, people usually clash with each other, but nevertheless they can be relatively easy to communicate (if there are other positive aspects). The situation is different with Moons that are badly aspected or placed in signs that are very different from each other. In this case, internal discomfort, misunderstanding and alienation will be felt, people will not be able to satisfy each other's emotional needs. All this will be at the level of sensations.
When the Moons are in conjunction or in the same sign, partners feel their natural belonging to each other, in trine and sextile - spiritual understanding. In addition, the Moon in the horoscope symbolizes the past of a person, his memory, living in the depths of the subconscious. Some astrologers believe that finding the Moons in conjunction or in the same sign indicates that partners can feel behind their shoulders one path that they once met in past lives, and the origins of love at first sight, this "instant recognition" by them each other may lie in a very, very distant past.
Moons in opposition will indicate different emotional behaviors, although they have a lot to learn from each other. Such relationships are likely to be cool.
If the Moons are in a square, difficulties of mutual understanding constantly arise on a sensual-emotional basis. Differences in opinion about family, home, feelings, and children can chill romantic relationships. And we are not talking about any resolution of disagreements, since the partners cannot "sit down at the negotiating table" calmly and without fuss because of the lack of harmony of feelings and emotions.
Moon - Venus.
Conjunction, trine, sextile of the Moon and Venus good sign for love relationships, symbolizes mutual understanding, love and devotion to each other. Emotions and feelings come together to form a special sensitivity between partners. The Moon is able to very skillfully ensure the domestic and emotional security of Venus, which, for its part, with its love ensures absolute mutual understanding.
The opposition speaks of a strong attraction, the square - of the difficulty in expressing one's feelings. However, this can hardly spoil the relationship, of course, if there are no other unfavorable combinations in the card that reinforce this negative.
Moon - Mars.
Aspects of the Moon and Mars indicate sexual attraction.
With tense aspects - quarrels and misunderstandings. Energetic and ardent Mars suppresses the emotions of the Moon, thereby arousing the latter's inner emotional experiences. This aspect is good only for the physical side of the relationship, because. The Martian often offends his Lunar partner. It is difficult to talk about harmony here, since emotional conflicts and family scenes are simply inevitable for this union. Partners will require great patience and mutual respect for each other.
With a favorable aspect, the pair has great potential. The Moon learns how to translate her instincts into actions, Mars learns how to act through her instincts. Partners very effectively complement each other in any life activity that requires energy, courage and self-expression.
Moon - Mercury.
Their harmonious aspect indicates the possibility of a long-term relationship, understanding subconscious level, although not as strong as that of the two moons. An excellent constructive and spiritual-intellectual connection is established between people.
When quadrature, the relationship is characterized by a lack of mutual understanding in matters of everyday everyday life. The Mercury personality is guided by rational intellectual representations, while the Lunar personality trusts intuition and emotional mood more. Mercury accuses the Moon of hypersensitivity, laziness, insecurity, which causes reciprocal accusations of excessive rationality, criticality and insensitivity.
The opposition represents two poles: rationality (Mercury) - irrationality (Moon). There is, as it were, a tug-of-war between emotions and reason, but the possibility of an agreement is not ruled out - "turning" the opposition into a union, when the interests of both sides are taken into account.
Moon - Jupiter.
Two people experience harmony in travel, philosophy and finding their place in life. The feeling of mutual trust and responsibility among partners is very high. They can equally appreciate the advantages of a family, a home and a strong rear, since their ideology of being and worldview is based on the same life values. This aspect does not bind the relationship, but can add joy and enjoyment to an otherwise stable partnership.
With tense aspects - distrust, differences in worldview. Partners can indulge each other in weakness and permissiveness of behavior.
Moon - Saturn.
This aspect binds the relationship, strengthening their intentions and bringing two people together through karmic experiences. The Moon senses the causes, while Saturn must be responsible for the results. Saturn tends to hold back his partner by instilling a traditional and responsible lifestyle. As a result, the Moon may feel caged, but it is difficult for her to break her attachment.
To positive side mutual acute sense of mutual responsibility should be attributed. Both partners feel patrons towards each other.
Moon - Uranus.
This aspect brings excitement and instant attraction. Uranus delights his partner, opening up new experiences for his emotional world. But Uranus can also bring instability into relationships. When connecting, opposition, square, the Moon feels high tension from the Uranian partner and it will be difficult to withstand it for a long time and people can often part.
Moon - Neptune.
The harmonious aspects of the Moon and Neptune speak of a good compatibility of the couple, they are easy together, each of the partners understands the feelings of the other on an intuitive level.
When the aspect is negative, uncertainty and deceit arise. Neptune may appear somewhat vague and unclear in its intentions. Partners encourage and condone each other's unhealthy lifestyles, abuses, and idleness.
Moon - Pluto.
A favorable aspect brings depth and understanding to relationships. With the help of attention, care and sincere love, both partners can literally transform each other. In some cases, a connection arises similar to the aspect of the Moon - Neptune, with the only difference being that Pluto takes on the role of leader, constantly directing and stimulating the Lunar personality in the right direction. The Moon responds by forming a reliable emotional and domestic base for the creative activity of Pluto.
With negative aspects - Pluto rigidly manipulates and controls the emotions of the Moon. This aspect brings a fickle, explosive quality to the relationship. This is reminiscent of a Moon-Mars relationship. The difference between them is in a higher psychological level. The Plutonian personality feels its psychological advantage over the Moon, which causes hypersensitivity and irritability in the latter. The moon silently or subconsciously protests against the aggressiveness and authoritarianism of Pluto, which leads him into an indescribable rage.

If there are similar aspects in the horoscopes of both partners, this may to some extent be a sign that in their relationship with each other they will freely reveal their potential, and even if adverse aspects are revealed when comparing horoscopes, their connection can be deep and fruitful. for both. If in the horoscopes there are the same or similar unfavorable aspects, each partner will be able to see the reflection of the not-so-good sides of his personality in the other, and thus understand how to deal with them. Of course, if a person does not like something in himself, and he sees this in his partner, alienation and misunderstanding may simply arise between them. Although, on the other hand, it is in the unfavorable aspects that the greatest potential lies in terms of the possibilities for the development of the human soul.

Aspects when comparing horoscopes are mutual aspects.
Some aspects of the comparison are immediately noticeable, others - on the contrary, through a careful look at the map. Therefore, when working with an astrologer, it makes sense to build a graph-scheme of all the aspects he discovers. The closer to each other are the planets and points that form aspects, the more important they will be for the relationship. Thus, a conjunction of Mars with Uranus within one degree is a stronger aspect than the same conjunction, but within, say, seven degrees.

Astrologers disagree on what the orbis should be in order for the aspect to be considered effective, but everyone agrees that when comparing two horoscopes, it should be less than in the natal charts of each of the partners. But, by the way, even aspects with rather large similar distances can, nevertheless, manifest themselves, influencing relations in a certain way (even if their manifestations are not so noticeable).

Orbs in synastry

Therefore, you can allow:

7° for conjunction, trine and opposition,

6° for square and sextile,

5° for quincunx,

2° for karmic and creative aspects.

It will be difficult for a novice astrologer to take into account mutual aspects with a large distance between planets and points. And if you reduce the distances I proposed by another 2 ° - then only a small number of them will have to be taken into account. At the same time, these remaining aspects will be the strongest and, therefore, most influencing the relationship of two people. Of course, an experienced astrologer can afford to consider even very minor aspects when comparing two horoscopes, but it is better for a beginner to deal with configurations that are most noticeable and important.

The first thing to consider , so that's exactly what aspect it is.

Auspicious sextiles and trines (and sometimes conjunction) speak of the manifestation positive qualities, included in this connection of the planets, while the square, opposition and quincunx (arc of 150 degrees) - about their negative side par excellence.

The most powerful aspect of two planets is their conjunction, however, sometimes the smallest semi-sextile (30 degree arc) formed by planets in two horoscopes can greatly influence the basic configurations of the planets in one of the horoscopes. Therefore, the astrologer should always be very careful.

People born in the same year , with a high probability will have the same aspects formed by slowly moving planets, so that the conjunction of Pluto in both horoscopes will make the manifestation of the main principle of this planet even more vivid. However, the conjunction of Pluto of one of them with the Moon of the other will be of much greater importance for the relationship of two people. This will mean that the huge energy of Pluto interacts with the emotions and feelings (Moon) of another person. Therefore, a person with such a Pluto will awaken very deep feelings in his partner, and will even be able to control and manipulate him.

In addition, if two people were born in the same year, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Jupiter occupy approximately the same position. Therefore, when these planets in one horoscope form aspects with the inner planets in another, they further enhance the aspect of these latter with the outer planets in the second horoscope. With an age difference of two or three years, this will no longer be the case (with the possible exception of the manifestations of the aspects of Pluto and Neptune).

The most important aspects in the synastry.
As already mentioned, some of the aspects when comparing two horoscopes are more important, while others are less important. Always for the relationship of two people will have great value aspects formed by the axes Asc-Dsc and MC-IC, as well as the configuration of the rulers Asc and Dsc from one horoscope to another. If these two planets form a trine or sextile (and sometimes are in conjunction or opposition - it depends on which planets they are), then this is a wonderful sign that speaks of a happy and harmonious relationship. If the planets form a square or quincunx, then this aspect will also be important, although less favorable. Of course, there may not be an aspect between the rulers of the Ascendants, but since their interaction is of paramount importance for human relationships, great importance then it will acquire the position of these and other planets in some specific signs of the Zodiac. For example, one of the partners may have an ascending Aquarius, and the other - Uranus connect with the Ascendant; or the Descendent of one may be in Virgo, and the other may have the Sun in that sign. In On Human Relations, Louis Sagent elaborates on examples of this kind.

The concept of "ideal aspect" not in astrology: there are aspects with more likely favorable for the relationship of two people, and there are, on the contrary, rather unfavorable. And although with the predominance of these latter in the horoscopes of two, these people may enter into some kind of relationship with each other, they will most likely be difficult for both. Venus and Jupiter, for example, go well with each other even in difficult aspects, while any aspects of Mars and Saturn are likely to be unfavourable.

The ratio of favorable and unfavorable aspects in the horoscopes of two people can be established by studying all the significant connections of their planets. The favorable or unfavorable aspect is largely determined by which planets form it, which can be illustrated by the following example: Venus in the horoscope of Hitler forms a square with the Sun in the horoscope of Eva Braun, however, the solar and Venusian principles are close to each other, so their aspect can be considered although and difficult, but still not seriously complicating their relationship. In this case, this square means that Eva's temperament does not correspond to Hitler's idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba ideal partner for him in an erotic plan, and that there may be discrepancies between their spiritual and social interests. Indeed, Hitler's love for art was the most important in his life, while Eva was less interested in the cultural and artistic world.

Aspects formed by the Sun and Venus in two horoscopes (especially if it is a conjunction, trine, sextile and opposition) - an excellent indicator of the attraction and attachment of people to each other. An ideal aspect, for example, is the coincidence of the Sun in the female horoscope with Venus in the male (and vice versa). Even the less favorable square and quincunx can indicate people's attraction to each other, but this is often associated with an imbalance in their relationship to each other.

Another very good sign -the coincidence of the Sun in the male horoscope with Mars - in the female, and vice versa. Mars and the Sun in the female horoscope, along with everything else, speak of the qualities that will attract her in men. Therefore, in the case when the Sun in the male horoscope coincides with Mars (or the Sun) in the female, this man will fully meet her requirements (similarly, if the Moon and Venus coincide in the male horoscope).At the same time, the aspects of the Sun and Mars in two horoscopes may not be ideal.

Hitler's Mars forms a square with Eve's Sun. This indicates possible aggression in their relationship: perseverance, exactingness and determination, embodied by Hitler's Mars, are by no means in harmony with Eve's way of self-expression. At the same time, favorable aspects of Mars and Saturn can be surprisingly productive. The sextiles and trines formed by them in horoscopes indicate that the partners perfectly complement each other energetically, therefore, acting together, they can achieve a lot, and there will be no rivalry and quarrels between them.

Highly important point when comparing two horoscopes - aspects of the Sun and the Moon. And if there are no such aspects, the signs and elements in which they are located become significant.


The Sun in both horoscopes speaks primarily of the interaction of partners on a superficial, external level. The aspects formed by the Sun in one horoscope and the planets in another indicate how the second partner supports and respects the personality of the first, and how he (or she) relates to his goals and temperament. Both Suns in harmonious signs are a good indicator of compatibility, but being in signs that are not uniquely compatible with each other may not be an obstacle to their interaction. Between opposite signs there is a strong attraction for the same quality, and although misunderstanding is sometimes possible, favorable aspects can always somehow compensate for this. However, if there are too many unfavorable aspects, mismatched Sun signs will worsen the situation even more.

In the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun, both luminaries are in fixed signs, and both partners are characterized by perseverance and stubbornness in achieving their goals. Eve - Aquarius - was very unpredictable and independent, while Hitler - Taurus - more restrained and patient.

When the Suns are in a square or in signs that are 90° apart, the partners will generally tend to do things differently, but given the harmonious aspects formed by their Sun and Moon, this may not be a serious obstacle. When two Suns are in opposition, this indicates a strong attraction or dislike of partners for each other, while their sextile or trine speaks of a harmonious and balanced relationship.

Sun and moon
Connections of the Sun and the Moon in the horoscopes of two partners - the most important indicator their psychological and emotional compatibility. The Sun - the dominant masculine principle in the horoscope - is naturally complemented by the feminine qualities of the Moon. A classic indication of a harmonious relationship is the conjunction of the Moon in a woman's horoscope with the Sun in a man's horoscope, and vice versa: when the Moon in a man's horoscope is connected to the Sun in a woman's horoscope. Of course, the connection is the strongest aspect, however, both the sextile and the trine formed by the Moon in the horoscope of one partner with the Sun of another can speak of mutual attraction, harmony and good compatibility. Important factor- and what houses the Moon and Sun are in, even if they do not form a visible aspect. For example, if the Sun in one horoscope is in an air sign, and in another - in an air or fiery sign, then even without their obvious aspect, this is a sign of harmony in relationships.

In the horoscopes of Eve and Hitler there are no aspects between the Sun and the Moon, just as there are none between both Suns and both Moons. However, Eve's Moon in Virgo pairs well with Hitler's Sun in Taurus - which indicates their compatibility.

The opposition of the Sun of one partner and the Moon of the other often speaks of the attraction of partners to each other, while their square indicates problems and difficulties in the relationship. One whose Moon is in a square with the Sun of another may find that his insensitive partner suppresses him, while the latter considers him too sensitive. In fact, this corresponds to the difficulties in the relationship of the fire and water elements.

Sun and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

The aspects of the Sun in the horoscope of one of the partners with the outer planets of the other are always very interesting and, as a rule, strong. Uranian contacts often involve a sudden, magnetically strong attraction of partners to each other (especially the conjunction of both Uranus). If Uranus of one is aspected by the Sun of the other, then the first partner stimulates the other, as if awakening him, although with too strong Uranian connections, the relationship is usually short-lived and rather unpredictable.

If the Sun of one of the partners is aspected by the Neptune of the other, then the first one is simply fascinated by the second, subtly feeling and inspiring him. Neptune indicates a highly spiritual relationship of people, but one should not forget that another aspect of it is associated with deceit and disappointment, so a Neptunian person can often even undermine his partner's self-esteem, as well as his self-confidence. The aspects of Pluto and the Sun in the two horoscopes are of great importance. That partner, whose Pluto is connected with the Sun of another, provides the latter with great opportunities for growth both internally and externally. Since any contacts of Pluto with the inner planets are very intense, they greatly increase the level of these relationships, or, on the contrary, indicate conflicts and rivalry between the two Egos.

In our example, Eve's Uranus squares Hitler's Sun, and Hitler's Uranus trines Eve's Sun. This indicates that the relationship with Hitler contributed to the awakening of Eva's creative potential, the disclosure of her abilities and more complete self-realization. At the same time, the influence of her Uranus on the Sun in Hitler's horoscope is rather negative: in particular, it is known that her unpredictable temperament (enhanced by the Sun in the sign of Aquarius and the Moon trine with Uranus) irritated him, and even to some extent threatened the image he created always an imperturbable leader. However, Eve's Pluto largely neutralized these unfavorable tendencies for their relationship, forming a harmonious sextile with Hitler's Sun. This suggests that Eva helped Hitler achieve his ambitions, believing in his success and thus helping to strengthen his self-confidence.

With regard to marriage, the most important aspects are those that the Moon forms in the horoscopes of both partners. The moon is the embodiment of the unconscious principle in a person, she points to his emotional world. If the two Suns are in badly compatible signs with each other, people tend to clash with each other, but they can still communicate relatively easily. The situation is quite different with Moons that form a bad aspect or are in signs that are very different from each other. When this happens, none of the partners will feel at ease with the other, since they are unable to satisfy each other's emotional needs. However, this will be present only at the level of sensation, and therefore their endless discussions, in which they will strive to come to some kind of logical agreement, will lead nowhere. If their Moons are in conjunction, or just in the same sign, the partners will feel this as their natural belonging to each other, and if they are in a harmonious aspect, or at least in well-compatible signs, it will be easy for them to come to an agreement and compromise.

I have often had to deal in my work with people who, despite many favorable aspects between their planets, had strained relations only because of the bad positions of the Moons. Conversely, if two Moons form a favorable aspect, and other planets in stress aspects, then the relationship can be stable.

Of course, the best option is to find the Moons in conjunction in the same sign. This indicates that subconsciously people feel that they are made for each other, and harmony and mutual understanding reign in their relationship. In addition, the Moon in the horoscope symbolizes the past of a person, his memory, living in the depths of the subconscious. Therefore, the Moons that are in conjunction or in the same sign indicate that partners can feel one path behind their shoulders, feel that they once knew each other, and not necessarily in real life. Some astrologers believe that people whose Moons are in conjunction (or at least in one sign) have already met in past lives, and the origins of love at first sight, this "instant recognition" of each other by them, may lie in a very, very distant past. .

Moons in opposition indicate a huge difference in the emotional behavior of partners, but at the same time they can be compatible with each other: they have a lot to learn in this relationship. If the Moon and Venus do not form a favorable aspect, the partners are likely to be cold to each other, and their relationship is tense and strained.

Moon and Mercury
A good aspect of the Moon and Mercury in two horoscopes is one of the most favorable for human relationships. Their conjunction is even better than the conjunction of the two Mercurys, however, of course, not as strong as the two Moons. Moon and Mercury indicate that partners understand each other on a subconscious level, and their harmonious aspect contributes to long-term relationships, even if there are unfavorable aspects in the horoscopes of these partners. The opposition of Mercury in the horoscope of one of the partners and the Moon of the other may indicate that the second partner will be annoyed by the desire of the first to rationalize and explain everything, and not to live, completely trusting his intuition. Sometimes this aspect can stimulate in the lunar partner the ability to creative thinking. If the Moon and Mercury are in a square or quincunx, the Mercury partner may not understand the feelings and moods of the other, reproaching him for being too emotional. The latter feels insecure at the same time, and begins to get even more nervous.

Moon and Venus
The favorable aspects formed by these feminine planets are a very good sign for a love relationship. Sextile, trine and the conjunction of the Moon and Venus indicate mutual respect for partners who love and are devoted to each other. In fact, their good aspect is a wonderful sign for those who are going to marry, able to neutralize the manifestation of unfavorable aspects. The opposition of the Moon and Venus speaks of a strong attraction to each other, however, the square and the quincunx indicate the difficulties of both partners in expressing their feelings. However, as in the case of the aspects of the Sun and Venus, the bad aspects of the Moon and Venus are unlikely to greatly spoil the relationship of the two, of course, if there are no other unfavorable combinations that can enhance this negative.

In the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun, one of the most favorable moments is the conjunction of Venus Eve with the conjunction of Lupa and Jupiter in the horoscope of Hitler, indicating their strong attraction to each other and the happiness of both in this proximity. This aspect actually neutralizes unfavorable changes, explaining the duration of the connection between Hitler and Eve - they did not part until death, and were together for sixteen years.

Moon and Mars
Aspects of the Moon and Mars can indicate the sexual attraction of partners to each other, but at the same time, quarrels and misunderstandings between partners, especially the square and the quincunx. One of the partners whose Mars is aspected by the Moon of the other may suppress his emotions too much, although at the same time he awakens strong emotional experiences in him. Obviously, the aspects of the Moon and Mars are favorable only for the physical side of the relationship of their lunar partner, an energetic and ardent Martian often hurts and offends. Although the good aspects of the Moon and Mars indicate a lot of creativity in this couple.

Moon and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Aspects of the Moon and Uranus in two horoscopes indicate a strong attraction of partners to each other. The one in whose horoscope Uranus is aspected by the Moon of another admires his partner, opening up new, unfamiliar dimensions for his emotional world, but Uranus indicates instability and instability in relationships. A partner whose Moon forms a square, quincunx, opposition or conjunction with Uranus of another feels a high tension emanating from him - and for some time this is not bad, but it can be difficult to withstand it for a long time. Although the square of the Moon and Uranus in two horoscopes cannot greatly damage the already established relationship, but if other Uranian aspects are added to it, then the intensity of the communication of partners for both will be unbearable, and perhaps they will often part.

Partners with harmonious aspects in the horoscopes of the Moon and Neptune are well suited to each other. The Neptunian is able to intuitively guess the mood of a partner, although that is why the latter can become emotionally dependent on him. The conjunction of these planets is a wonderful sign for the union of two. At the same time, Neptune can be both weak and afflicted. Therefore, if he forms a square, opposition, quinconx, and sometimes a conjunction with the planets from the partner’s horoscope, he must be prepared for misunderstanding, and even for the deceit of the person next to him.

Aspects formed by the Moon and Pluto in different horoscopes, can be both constructive and destructive, depending primarily on the people themselves. The one whose partner Pluto is aspecting the Moon of the other is able to touch the deepest layers of his emotional world, although this can be painful for both. If Pluto forms a square, quincunx and opposition with the Moon, then this indicates that this partner can rigidly manipulate and control the emotions of his partner. Trine and sextile - of course, aspects are more favorable.

In our example, Hitler's Neptune forms a trine with Eve's Moon. This is a very good sign of their spiritual intimacy and mutual understanding on a subconscious level. Further, his Neptune forms a double trine with Eve's Moon at 26° 40" Virgo and her Mercury at 28° 19" Capricorn, and although Neptune himself is in an air sign, and the Moon and Mercury are in earth signs, their favorable aspect indicates a mutual their sympathy and emotional attachment.

Venus and Mars

The aspects of these planets speak primarily about the physical side of the relationship: conjunctions, trines and sextiles are favorable aspects in this regard, indicating the sexual attraction of partners to each other, although the Martian partner can be too aggressive and impatient. With squares, quincunxes, and oppositions, physical attraction can be just as strong (especially on the part of a Martian), but its rudeness and cruelty can frighten the other partner, and tension and distrust of each other inevitably arise between them.

Venus in the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun form a trine, also in the trine are Hitler's Mars and Eve's Venus. If the aspect were more accurate (less distance between the planets) - that would speak of harmony in their sexual relations. Although the distance is quite significant - about eight degrees, there are still indications of good compatibility of partners in the physical plane (all these planets are in earth signs). But the influence of the conjunction of Mars with Venus in Hitler's horoscope is restrained by Saturn in the Eve chart, so it can be assumed that, physically, not everything was fine with them.

Venus and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

The aspects formed by Venus in the horoscope of one of the partners and Uranus of the other speak of their attraction to each other. As already mentioned, the influence of Uranus is very unstable and unpredictable, although it can perfectly stimulate the manifestation of the qualities of those planets with which it is associated. His aspect to Venus indicates, in addition, very passionate love relationship, intense, and, perhaps, somewhat non-standard. Not only his favorable connections with Venus, but even their opposition and quincunx speak of a magnetically strong attraction of people to each other.

However, the square, the quincunx, and sometimes the opposition, and even the connection may also indicate that the excessive sexual ingenuity of the Uranian partner can unpleasantly shock and suppress the other, in order to neutralize this moment, many more favorable factors are needed, otherwise, their relationship may be too short lived.

Aspects of Venus and Neptune speak of a deep and romantic relationship between the two partners. The Nsptunian is capable of self-sacrifice and deep devotion to his partner. Trine and sextile are a beautiful aspect of them, while conjunction, square and opposition can indicate some kind of problem. The partner whose Neptune is aspected by the other's Venus may seem surprisingly attractive and charming to the latter, although it is very possible that this is only an illusion. If Neptune and Venus in both horoscopes are in a double aspect (Neptune of one is aspected by Venus of the other, and vice versa), people can experience a state close to ecstasy in love. As in the case of the configurations of Neptune and the Moon, these aspects indicate a deep, subconscious closeness of partners.

As for Pluto, all the aspects it forms with the inner planets must be carefully studied by the astrologer. Pluto can both surprisingly elevate, and vice versa, suppress the Venusian principle in another partner. Therefore, there are both harmonious and happy couples with this aspect, and vice versa. If these planets form a conjunction, square, or opposition, then the one whose Pluto interacts with the Venus of another may be possessive and manipulative of his partner, who, in turn, may find him too vulgar, difficult to understand, and sometimes even mentally retarded. . Aspects of Pluto and Venus can be very problematic in the area of ​​sexual relations, since Pluto in this aspect indicates a person's high demands on his partner in terms of sex. In addition, such people absolutely cannot stand the coldness and aloofness of those who are close to them.

Mars and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

All aspects of Uranus with Mars are much less favorable than those of Uranus and Venus. If this aspect is also unfavorable (any other than trine and sextile), then it often indicates the inability of partners to reach a compromise and work together. If Uranus and Mars in the horoscopes of two form an opposition or a square, the partners are often unable to tolerate each other at all, and constantly quarrel. Their combination, to a lesser extent, opposition, indicates a strong attraction of partners to each other, but conflicts are not excluded here. If there are more harmonious aspects between the planets and two horoscopes (Moon and Venus, for example, or Venus and Jupiter), then the aspect of Mars and Uranus will most likely relate only to the physical side of the relationship of these partners. In general, with any unfavorable aspects formed by Uranus with planets in another horoscope, partners need to part from each other from time to time.

The configurations of Mars and Neptune for the relationship of two people are almost always unfavorable. An exception is the situation when both partners are engaged in common Neptunian activities, or share Neptunian interests (healing, mystical arts, drama, drawing, music, etc.). Neptune largely sublimates the martial aggression of Mars, and with favorable configurations (sextile or trine), the intuition of the Neptunian can even help the Martian in his vigorous activity. At the same time, their combination, opposition, quincunx and square can be fraught with deceit and disappointment for the Martian, and the Martian himself is able to make his partner even more suspicious, constantly spurring his already rich imagination.

If Neptune is strong in the horoscopes of both, then the added influence of the aspect of Neptune of at least one of the partners with Mars of the other can lead to mutual misunderstanding of the two, and often to parting. If Pluto in one of the horoscopes forms an aspect with Mars in another, then the fiery energy of the Martian may turn out to be simply threatening for his partner. Therefore, the latter, in turn, will try to control and manage the Martian, against which he naturally rebels. The square and opposition of Mars and Pluto in horoscopes are often fraught with physical collisions of partners, while with a sextile, a trine, and sometimes a conjunction of the planets, relationships can be very productive: the dynamism and energy of each of the partners is doubled in their union. The configurations of Mars and Pluto - as well as Mars and Venus - speak of the strength of the physical attraction of partners to each other. However, Pluto's high-frequency energy can be difficult to bear in large doses, and its often unfavorable aspect to Mars leads to a break in the relationship.

In the example we are considering, Venus does not form aspects with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but Hitler's Neptune is in conjunction with Eve's Mars, and her Neptune is in aspect with Hitler's Mars. Neither he. neither Eve was engaged in healing, and their interests were different (which was already indicated by the square of the Sun and Venus in their horoscopes). However, the aspects of Mars with Neptune speak in their case of common mystical pursuits. It is now unknown whether Hitler heeded the advice of astrologers, especially since in 1941 astrology was officially condemned as a pseudoscience. Yet his use of the swastika, a symbol of the mystical, and the fact that some of his colleagues (including Goebbels) were fascinated by the occult, may be grounds for the assumption that Hitler himself was interested in mystical teachings. Therefore, it is likely that he and Eve did this together. The aspect of Hitler's Neptune and Eve's Mars is quite accurate (in terms of the distance between the planets), and therefore more powerful than the configuration of this Neptune and Fuhrer's Mars. The Neptunian in such cases often seems to the Martian an elusive deceiver, and so it was in the relationship between Hitler and Eve: until the last moment he refused to marry her. Consequently, she could not force him to act as she would like: perhaps his mere presence was enough for her to involuntarily abandon her intentions and goals, this often happens with the aspects of Mars and Neptune.

Intellectual communication between two partners is a very significant factor for their relationship with each other. Even if it is difficult for them to understand each other's habits and actions intuitively, relationships can take place under the condition of their harmonious verbal communication. Hence the importance of the aspects formed by Mercury. If the Mercury of both partners are in poorly combined signs or in unfavorable aspects with each other, then this does not only mean that they think differently, but also about that. that they perceive the world in completely different ways, and therefore their relationship can be very, very difficult.

With a bad aspect of the two Mercurys, any trifle, any trifling disagreement can become a reason for a quarrel: people who look at the world differently, if they can somehow get along with each other, then, in any case, without mutual understanding. Therefore, it is unlikely that their relationship will be long and promising. If, in addition, both Mercury are in cardinal or mutable signs, the partners will constantly arrange verbal bickering, while making sharp and caustic remarks to each other.

When comparing two horoscopes, astrologers usually consider the aspects of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars to be more important, but all the configurations formed by the two Mercurys are very important. If Mercury in two horoscopes are in a square, especially being in fixed signs, then partners are unlikely to ever come to a compromise. Their constant criticism and disrespect for each other's opinions frustrates both of them, and very soon their closeness ceases. Since Mercury never moves away from the Sun more than 28%, the square of Mercury also speaks of the square of the Suns in two horoscopes, which further exacerbates the already deplorable state of affairs. If the Sun and Mercury in at least one horoscope are in different signs and not in conjunction, then the overall picture does not look so sad. However, if both Mercury are in inharmonious signs, albeit without forming a square with each other, partners find mutual language it will not be easy enough, the only exception can be only such an arrangement of the planets, in which one Mercury is in the air sign, and the other in the earth: both of these elements have a rational beginning. Mercury in opposition speaks of the partners' objective view of each other, while their conjunction is the best aspect for the compatibility of partners, indicating common interests, their mutual understanding and agreement.

Mercury and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Aspects of Mercury of one of the partners with Uranus or Pluto of the other can indicate both intellectually harmonious relationships, as well as unstable and difficult ones. The unfavorable configurations of Uranus and Mercury speak of fundamentally different types of thinking of both partners. They quarrel literally because of nothing, and the Uranian partner does not listen to the arguments and justifications of the Mercurian at all. If Uranus and Mercury form a favorable sextile or trine, the partners understand each other simply telepathically, and the Uranian partner often expands the horizons of the Mercurian, encouraging his interest in everything unusual.

Favorable aspects of Mercury with Neptune (sextile, trine, and sometimes conjunction and opposition) also speak of excellent communication of partners on a subconscious level, while their square indicates the possibility of deception by the Neptunian of his partner, and (unconscious) misleading him.

One partner whose Pluto forms unfavorable aspects with Mercury in another horoscope (square, opposition, quincunx, and sometimes conjunction) can often manipulate the other's thoughts. It also speaks of cruelty on an intellectual level. At the same time, the sextile and trine of Pluto and Mercury speaks of a good understanding of each other by partners.

In the example of Hitler's and Eva Braun's horoscopes, Mercury is square with each other, in the signs of Taurus and Aquarius respectively. Another square - Uranus and Mercury - indicates that the behavior and even the way of thinking of Eve could annoy Hitler. No doubt, he, whose Sun and Mars were in Taurus, considered Eve to be impermanent and superficial (in this horoscope, the Moon is in trine with Uranus, and Mercury is in conjunction with Uranus). In addition, Eve's Neptune squares the Fuhrer's Mercury, which suggests that her behavior could often bring confusion into Hitler's orderly thinking. All this, taken together with the square of the two Mercurys, indicates that it was often very difficult for them to understand each other. Although the unfavorable manifestation of these aspects was largely neutralized by the trine formed by Eve's Mercury with the conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in Hitler's horoscope, as well as by the sextile of Eve's Pluto and Hitler's Mercury. The trine of Neptune and Mercury speaks of a rather strong deep connection between partners, in which the Neptunian (in this case, Hitler) inspires and intellectually stimulates the Mercurian (Eve). A good aspect of Pluto with both Mercury (in his horoscope and partner's horoscope) indicates that the closeness of partners can greatly affect their whole life.

Continuation of the material at the link:

The moon in the horoscope represents our unconscious, which (according to Freud) occupies a large part of our psyche. We realize and work out a very small part of actions and perceptions, therefore the invisible threads of the Moon make up a significant part of the canvas of our life.

The moon testifies to our birth and early childhood, which we do not remember, but which lays down many of our habits, eating habits and the way we react to situations. The basic needs of the Moon are those needs that Maslow defined as the most basic human needs: the need for food and drink, warmth and protection from the outside world.

The moon in the sign determines the place where we especially need protection, where we feel our vulnerability, this is the place where our main fears and complexes are rooted.

In a nutshell, it can be expressed as follows:

Moon in Aries afraid of losing the initiative, afraid of defeat.
Moon in Taurus afraid of instability.
Moon in Gemini afraid of monotony and information vacuum.
Moon in Cancer afraid of being exposed.
Moon in Leo afraid of being underestimated.
Moon in Virgo afraid to fail, overlook, make a mistake.
Moon in Libra afraid of not being liked, afraid of breaking up relationships.
Moon in Scorpio afraid of emotional calm.
Moon in Sagittarius afraid of losing authority.
Moon in Capricorn afraid of not reaching the goal.
Moon in Aquarius afraid of losing freedom and independence.
Moon in Pisces afraid of being exposed.

The sign in which the Moon is located and its aspects in the horoscope also show how she implements the protection of her fears, including through partners. In Taurus, for example, the Moon is economical and prudent, attracting a partner with delicious food and a beautiful appearance. In Libra, the Moon easily adapts to circumstances and a partner, strives to fully comply with his tastes. In Cancer, she becomes a darling for those around her, to which everyone goes with their problems, and she surrounds her partner with her care and attention. However, it should be remembered that the Moon is always selfish and, behind care and attention, she disguises her own tasks, which in general boil down to the desire to protect herself from a rough and cruel world.

It is very important for an astrologer to evaluate the positions of the Moons in the synastry of partners: inharmonious aspects to the Moon affect the basic and unconscious needs and attitudes of a person, so they can destroy even the most big love and the highest ratios.

Harmonious relations between the Moons (trine, sextile, conjunction) say that the partners have a spiritual relationship, they live soul to soul. In such an alliance, partners feel good about each other, show sincere concern for each other.

It is also important to observe the interaction between the Moon of each partner and Venus and the Sun of the other partner. So harmonious aspects from the Sun provide the partner's Moon with additional energy protection, and the aspects of Venus are able to give the Moon affection and sympathy. If there are inharmonious aspects between the Moon of one partner and the Sun and Venus of the other partner, then this, although it does not lead to serious contradictions and breaks in relations, can seriously darken the atmosphere between them.

Where as big problems for the Moon can deliver the negative aspects of the evil planets of the partner: Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus.

From the negative aspects of Mars (square, conjunction, opposition), the Moon cries: Martian unrestrained emotions injure the Moon, deprive it of the ground under its feet. If the partner's Mars is very evil, then after some time mental suffering can manifest itself in the form of illnesses (especially if the Moon belongs to a woman, and Mars to a man). And among the most frequent diseases of the moon, which does not receive life for her necessary protection: neurosis, insomnia, depression, various phobias. Diseases of the Moon, with its long oppression, can also reach the somatic level and manifest themselves according to the sign in which the Moon is located: in Aries, give migraines; in Taurus - chronic diseases of the throat, overeating and fullness; in Mercury - diseases of the lungs and bronchi; in Cancer - diseases of the stomach; in Leo - diseases of the vessels and heart; in Virgo - problems with the gastrointestinal tract; in Libra - nervous disorders; in Scorpio - diseases of the genitourinary system; in Sagittarius - liver disease; in Capricorn - inflammation of the joints and spine, skin diseases; in Aquarius - varicose veins, in Pisces - various infectious diseases.

If the female Moon has a harmonious aspect from the male Mars, then such an interaction strengthens the couple: a positive response from the woman’s Moon allows a man to better reveal his masculine energy, and the Moon, which receives nourishment from the man’s Mars, allows the femininity of its owner to fully open up. Therefore, often a man with one woman feels macho, and with another - flawed and inferior (the same effect is given by aspects from Mars of a man to Venus of a woman).

Defeats from Pluto and Uranus partner negatively affect the Moon. Aspects from Pluto give the Moon a constant unconscious sense of danger, which exhausts the human psyche and weakens it. The unstable influence of Uranus irritates her - prolonged uranium influence can lead to nervous breakdowns and diseases at the bodily level.

Special mention must be made of negative impact to the moon of Saturn. In ancient times, Saturn was called the "great misfortune" and the defeat of the Moon or the Sun by Saturn was called the "seal of Satan." S. Shestopalov softened the name to the “seal of misfortune”, which is carried by the negative aspects of this harsh planet to the Moon. Under the influence of Saturn partner on his Moon, a person feels depressed, unhappy. However, the presence of a "seal of misfortune" can affect relationships in different ways. If Saturn belongs to a man, then he can in every possible way suppress the social activity of his wife, as a result, she turns into a housewife, and, ultimately, becomes uninteresting to her husband. If Saturn belongs to a woman, then the husband is methodically driven under the heel and loses all initiative. It is easier for a person to transfer the influence of Saturn of a partner if he is already “used” to him: his Moon, for example, has a defeat from his own Saturn, or he already had a “seal of misfortune” coming from his parents. Such people seem to be unconsciously looking for a new Saturn - and find it in the form of a spouse. As a result of the “seal of misfortune”, marriage most often breaks up and most often the carrier of Saturn leaves. The oppressor loses interest in the oppressed, ceases to respect him, begins to neglect him, and, in the end, leaves the family.

But in contrast to the "seal of misfortune" there is also a seal of happiness - these are harmonious aspects (trine, sextile, conjunction) from Jupiter of one partner to the luminaries of another. Jupiter through harmonious aspects gives the partner a charge of vivacity, optimism, fullness of life. It has been noticed that if one of the partners has a “seal of happiness” from the other, then he values ​​relationships and marriage more, because he feels happy next to his partner.

And be sure to evaluate which house the Moon of the partner falls into: this will indicate the kind of care and interaction that you will receive from the Moon of another person.

Partner moon in your first house: you become highly dependent on the mood of your partner, he can subordinate you to his desires and whims.

Partner moon in your second house: your partner begins to take care of you intensively, creating a comfortable environment for you at home. The ultimate goal of the Moon in your second house is an underlying desire to share your energy and finances.

Partner moon in your third house: a partner may begin to be jealous of your environment, trying to replace all communication with himself. At best, your partner will gently teach you the important principles of human communication.

Partner moon in your fourth house: this position can give both partners a feeling of deep satisfaction and peace, the partner will be very drawn home to you, as well as you to him. This is the best position for your partner and you - with him you feel safe, confident in yourself and your life.

Partner moon in your fifth house: your partner may start to care for you like a child, while showing his care in a very emotional way. Sometimes such concern develops into a demonstrative game, when partners lisp not only alone with themselves, but also in public. If one of the partners is engaged in creativity, then the other can become a muse for him, protect him from many household worries.

Partner moon in your 6th house: with this aspect, the partner can begin to take care of both his own and your health, and suddenly become a follower healthy lifestyle life. However, the Moon often translates caring for the other into caring for oneself, and as a result, the husband or wife is often enslaved to the partner's healing techniques.

Partner moon in your seventh house. Your partner's concern for you can begin to annoy you, just as an adult child is annoyed by the care of a mother who seeks to tie a scarf for him on the street. Often the afflicted Moon (especially the female one) masks its egoistic programs under the guise of care - in such care the will of the other is enslaved. In this case, partners often quickly become enemies: any action of his wife begins to irritate him, and she tells everyone what a thick-skinned biscuit husband is.

Partner moon in your 8th house. With this combination, the partners will have a feeling of a hidden threat or strong tension which will often materialize into open conflicts. With a not very affected 8th house, such standing can add a pleasant sharpness to relationships, strong sexual attraction and joint meditations, in which the paired egregore turns on very strongly. But if something goes wrong in a couple, then sex can become simply impossible.

Partner moon in your ninth house. If his Moon fell into your ninth house, then a certain sacred meaning suddenly appears in caring for each other. This is not an easy aspect, but it can be used in a positive way, such as as an inspiration for learning, traveling, or writing philosophical treatises.

Partner moon in your tenth house. Caring for a partner begins to be edifying, partners can begin to teach each other on specific examples or adjust the situation so that the other can learn lessons for himself. But since the Moon is in the fall in the 10th house, it is not at all a fact that the partner will draw the right conclusions or even learn the lessons. At strong moon the partner may begin to cruelly exploit the other, abusing his sense of duty. Here it is very important to analyze this situation and stop in time, before the relationship deteriorated at all.

Partner moon in your eleventh house. Such standing can make friendship between partners warm, the partner will be happy to take care of you, demanding almost nothing in return. However, this aspect is fraught with many opportunities for abuse, not the least of which will be the subconscious temptation of a partner to secretly enslave you and isolate you from your friends and social activities. And at one fine moment, you may notice that all friends and communities have disappeared somewhere, and your life has become much more boring. To prevent this from happening, partners need to let go of possessiveness and understand that their union must be part of a larger group life and work.

Partner moon in your twelfth house. This aspect can plunge you into hell, or it can lift you up to heaven - it all depends on the cultural level of the partners and their attitudes towards each other (how consumer they are). For example, the Moon of the wife, falling into the 12th house of the husband, can lead to the fact that both will consider his main life task - serving her as a wife, mother of his children and mistress of the house. the main problem consists in replacing the image of God with the image of a wife. The meaning of this aspect is to see the subtle karmic knots, the roots of which go back, perhaps, to a very distant past, and try to soften them at the everyday level. AT good option the partner becomes a psychoanalyst and confessor for the other, but for this he must show spiritual subtlety and complete disinterestedness.

Used Books:

S. Shestopalov, O. Molchanova "Astrology of relationships"

Absalom Underwater "General Astrology"

L. Nazarova "Medical Astrology"

About the author

Eleanor Dan

Eleanor Dan, consulting astrologer. She studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I do reading consultations. natal chart, relationships, career, career guidance, life mission. I am an expert in forecasting. I answer various questions.

This comparative combination implies the emergence of a relationship based on a strong psychidelic connection between partners who are able not only to anticipate each other's mood swings, but also empathize with them at the same time. If the aspect is negative or if the personalities are psychologically immature, the connection between them is either broken or becomes false in essence, and the “Neptunian” personality becomes the main initiator of this. In addition, emotional problems arising from the subconscious assessment of past experiences can also significantly harm the relationship of these people. With a positive aspect, one can more confidently speak of mutual sympathy and penetration of individuals who find common interests in mystical and psychological research, spiritual sciences, occultism. At the same time, the psychidelic connection really manifests itself in full psychological compatibility partners. Them common Home becomes a "temple" of their existence, for the improvement of which they spend all their time and money with great desire. Their common interests are directed towards everything beautiful, they have fewer and fewer secrets from each other, they may well engage in joint business activity, which, of course, should cover the scope of their common interests based on a psychological assessment of real life.

Moon conjunct, sextile or trine Neptune

This aspect indicates a psychic connection. Partners are unusually receptive to the mood and feelings of each other. Telepathic communication often takes place. There is a lot of sympathy between people. At times, Neptune may appear slightly distant from the Moon, especially when conjunct. Any of these aspects can indicate that people greatly inspire and encourage each other, and for highly developed individuals, spiritual harmony and mutual devotion. The sextile and trine are not as strong as the connection, but they still significantly contribute to the compatibility of people. There is a lot of mutual sympathy, comfort, support, positive experience. Any interest in mysticism and occult knowledge will be enhanced by this aspect.

Moon male conjunct Neptune female

This aspect creates an aesthetic attraction that suggests mystical overtones. Each partner is mentally attuned to the other. Both are compassionately receptive to each other's needs. The result of this combination can be artistic creation. The sensitivity of a man acquires cosmic understanding through the attunement of a woman to nature and the universe as a whole. The receptive flow makes this aspect one of the most pleasing combinations for a relationship or marriage to flourish.

Woman's Moon conjunct Man's Neptune

Sensitivity, receptivity and charm are combined with compassionate understanding and a sense of plasticity. Partners feel comfortable and can work together, so that intuitive understanding is enhanced. Added to this wonderful combination are similar musical and aesthetic tastes. A woman finds new ways to idealize her partner, and he shares his feeling of divine love with her. This relationship combines emotional grounding (through the woman) with the ability to touch the infinite (through the man).

Moon sextile Neptune

With this comparative aspect, an intuitive connection arises between people, which largely determines the nature of their relationship. Personalities are able to telepathically feel each other's mood, help each other cope with its unpredictable changes, thanks to the possibilities of communication at the subconscious level. Joint passion for spiritual and psychological teachings further strengthens and improves this connection. This comparative combination allows you to form harmonious family relationships. The house for these people becomes truly their fortress.

Moon square Neptune

Moon in opposition or square to Neptune

There is too much sensitivity to each other's moods and feelings, making the reaction overly emotional and slightly disturbing. Neptune can plunge the Moon into confusion, confusion, bewilderment or confusion. Sometimes it leads to misunderstanding, the meaning or cause of which cannot be explained. Neptune all the time seems to the Moon a little mystical, mysterious, and in some cases the person of the Moon will suspect him of deceit and cheating. If both individuals have weak character, will, allow licentiousness, they will adversely affect each other. Neptune can mislead the Moon and can cause her a lot of anxiety and even problems. This aspect is not favorable if it occurs in the charts of spouses.

Man's Moon square Woman's Neptune

This aspect brings confusion to the relationship. A man senses an escapist position in a woman, but cannot really define it. He may try to provide protection and reliability, but he is never sure of the partner's loyalty or intentions. Thus, the feeling of being deceived tends to obscure important issues. A man subconsciously tries to please his mother by holding on to the woman of his dreams. In reality, he experiences a sense of failure, however, if he seeks mystical answers, he only deepens his sense of loneliness. He can symbolically become Don Quixote chasing windmills.

Woman's Moon square Man's Neptune

A woman experiences a feeling of subconscious loneliness, as her idealized relationship is constantly falling apart. The more she tries to identify with her partner, the more she loses herself. A man may try to find himself through her maternal instinct, subconsciously resenting the return of the symbolic childhood from which he is trying to escape. There is a lot of psychic interaction as each partner reaches out to the other on many levels. Due to misunderstanding, lack of clearly defined goals, and confusion with the identification of partners, it is difficult to define their relationship.

Moon trine Neptune

In this comparative aspect, relationships are established between individuals based on a psychoidelic connection, which implies the subsequent transposition into the plane of intuitive feeling, subconscious reactions of partners in the process of relationships with each other. The commonality of the spiritual-emotional worldview, with the same ability for creative imagination, further improves this connection psychologically. In some cases, a karmic connection may well develop between these individuals. Both personalities certainly strive to engage in meditation, the occult and spiritual and religious teachings, trying to achieve a telepathic relationship with each other. Equally, by respecting each other's personal ambitions and supporting their partner in every possible way, these people further strengthen their relationship.

Male moon trine female Neptune

This aspect indicates the subconscious receptivity of both individuals. Each of the partners understands the feelings of the other on an intuitive level, a gentle romantic flow guides the relationship. Like a woman bathed in moonlight, partnership reflects one of the most harmonious combinations of characters. A man warms a woman with his love, and she sings soothingly and thanks him for his efforts. Her inspiration helps birth his eternal feelings for the universe.

Woman's Moon trine Man's Neptune

Here the woman sees in the man an idealized dream of herself. Like rain falling on fertile soil, a man pours his love on a woman, and she grows to the image of his ideal. Mutual enthusiasm and psychic understanding are characteristic of both partners, as their creative imagination moves to the same vantage point. Like Cyrano de Bergerac, the man sings of his Roxana.

Moon opposite Neptune

With this comparative aspect, relationships develop between individuals in which subtle psychological inconsistencies arise. Thus, a "Neptunian" person may well seem somewhat vague and unclear in his intentions. Both personalities are able to stimulate in each other tendencies to emotional and psychological depression, the cause of which is a retrospective look at negative sides past life. On the other hand, with the positivity of the aspect as a whole, a psychotelepathic connection may well be established between partners, supported by mutual stimulating tendencies towards mutual interest in psychology, occultism, astrology, and art. At the same time, again with the positivity of the aspect, partners help each other in resolving psychological problems and in self-expression of creative, intuitive abilities. Their common home becomes a place of favorite pastime, where they can safely engage in art, science, meditation.

When the aspect is negative, mistrust and deceit arise between people, especially on the part of the “Neptunian” personality. They stimulate and indulge each other's unhealthy lifestyles, abuses, indulgence in idle hobbies and just idleness.

Moon of a man in opposition to Neptune of a woman

This aspect causes a feeling of loss in a man. He reaches for the woman, only to find that she is not there. Instead, he is faced with dreams, illusions, fantasies, and battles with the Maya, when in reality it is a receptivity to his real feelings. In turn, the image of the animus in a woman is not consistent with what she sees in a man. She becomes confused and may try to force him to live up to her ideal, thus creating dreams in which she will have to live. Due to the difficulties caused by this aspect, relationships can easily turn into a source of frustration.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Neptune of a man

With this aspect, it is difficult for both individuals to express true feelings for each other. A man may hide behind images that mask his real identity, while a woman keeps trying to bring to the surface his feelings that she knows she has. She reaches for the wind, and he constantly slips out of her hands. As a result, she may become disillusioned with herself or lose her sense of individuality.

Various sources of synastric astrology.