Laws of beautiful design for a beige kitchen. Beige set in the kitchen interior: design, style, combinations (60 photos) Beige set in the kitchen

For many years, beige color has not lost its leading position in interior design. How to choose the right one kitchen set beige color, design secrets, real photos beige kitchens in modern and classic styles - in this article.

Pros and cons of beige color

The popularity of cream, butter and other shades of beige and sand in kitchen design can be easily explained by a number of factors.

  1. Being an absolutely neutral color, beige fits harmoniously into almost any kitchen interior, from strict classics and cozy country to technologically advanced hi-tech. In addition, due to its versatility, it is perfect for both furniture and finishing floors, walls, and ceilings.
  2. Beige tones will be a real salvation for small rooms. This color will make a tiny kitchen much lighter and more spacious, provided that it is not used in its design. a large number of various shades, textures and materials.
  3. Beige may seem overly faded and inexpressive, but in fact it has a rich palette of shades, many of which evoke “tasty” associations. Cappuccino, caramel, creme brulee, custard... These variations of beige, when used correctly, immediately make the kitchen feel homely, as if saturated with the aromas of coffee, fresh pastries and exquisite desserts.
  4. It is undemanding when it comes to companion flowers, which allows it to create charming tandems with almost all the tones of the rainbow spectrum. The ease with which it can be combined with other shades will not require your design skills.
  5. This color is pleasant and delicate, it has internal heat and naturalness. Due to these characteristics, it has a calming effect on the human psyche, charges with positive energy, and creates a comfortable and sincere atmosphere in the kitchen.

Against the background of so many advantages, the disadvantages of beige kitchens seem insignificant. But they still exist. Firstly, a kitchen designed in light colors will require careful frequent cleaning. Secondly, the versatility of this color sometimes plays against it: too often it is used in kitchen interiors, which, from the point of view of many people, automatically transfers this color to the category of banal and uninteresting. However, if you make some effort, your kitchen in beige tones will become unique and inimitable.

Monochrome or contrast?

With shades ranging from light brown to pale cream, beige has endless possibilities. It is able to mute flashy colors, make rather modest tones “play out” and thereby change the mood in your kitchen beyond recognition.

So, beige combined with:

  • white - a win-win combination, looks great in both small and spacious kitchens;
  • black will form a contrasting duet, provided that beige dominates;
  • brown (wenge)– an extremely successful tandem, unobtrusive and pleasing to the eye;
  • gray will create a calm, cozy atmosphere if the kitchen as a whole is designed in pastel colors;
  • green will create an environment close to the natural environment;
  • red and burgundy looks elegant, bright and interesting;
  • purple and lilac– a bold and bold step, guaranteeing an extraordinary interior;
  • sky blue will bring a feeling of spaciousness and airiness to the kitchen;
  • yellow will fill the room with cheerfulness and sunshine.

Naturally, you should be aware that each of these colors has its own variations of shades, some of which in certain cases will not harmonize with beige. For example, it is not recommended to use cold blue, blue-green, dirty gray tones in combination with a beige shade with a pronounced yellowish undertone. In this case, the warm beige will look as if it has faded and faded with time.

The variety of shades of beige allows you to set your sights on creating a monochrome kitchen, keeping the floor and ceiling, walls and furniture in this color and building the interior on nuances. There are, however, some subtleties here that should not be neglected. Otherwise, the interior may turn out boring and faceless.

The secret to the charm of a beige monochrome kitchen is based on the combination of several shades of color in one room. Ideally, they should alternate from darker tones at the bottom to the lightest at the top.

Spectacular textures of wood and natural stone, wallpaper with an original pattern, and mosaics will prevent such a kitchen from turning into a monotonous space. And if desired, the interior can be further enlivened with a couple of bright accessories.

Choosing a style

The versatility of this color makes it indispensable in furniture production. A kitchen set in beige tones is ideal for implementing any design solutions. Its surfaces can be made from the most different materials(wood, laminated chipboard, MDF, painted with enamel, coated with film? HPL plastic or acrylic), and the facades can be either matte or glossy, have a smooth or embossed texture, straight or convex shape.

To decorate beige kitchen sets, manufacturers use patination, inlay, and photo printing. Emphasizing the cozy warmth of this tone, they set it off in every possible way with a darker frame of the facades, countertops with an interesting texture, fittings for copper, bronze or chrome-plated parts.

Beige kitchen sets in classic or Provence style

Modern beige kitchens

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Those who want to receive a harmonious, peaceful, cozy kitchen A beige color palette is often chosen. This is a universal color that can be used for any style, and can also be combined with a variety of colors, both bright and calmer.

Regardless of whether the room is sunny or not, a shade of beige is suitable in any case. However, many people think that it is a boring color. Therefore, to really prevent it from becoming like this, it is worth knowing some secrets of successful interior design. This will be discussed further.

Combination of beige with other colors

Beige is a universal and at the same time self-sufficient color. Even the absence of another palette will not make the interior boring and monotonous. This is the main advantage of beige color.

Advice! When choosing a monochrome palette, textures, patterns, and textures are used for variety. This could be textured or patterned wallpaper, draped or patterned curtains, or the use of mosaics or textured wood.

However, it also goes well with other colors and shades, which allows you to add original notes to your kitchen design. The whole secret is that beige, roughly speaking, is a diluted brown color, which in turn is considered a mixture of all colors except black. In addition, beige has many tones, both cold and warm, which in combination can create a unique interior.

Beige-brown kitchen

The most popular and successful combination is the beige-brown color scheme. Such an interior will be filled with comfort, harmony, and tranquility. At the same time, it is important to choose the right shades, since they may not always be appropriate and look advantageous. In this case, it is worth turning to nature or cooking. For example, it could be coffee with milk, wenge wood and unbleached canvas, cocoa and straw mat.

If the kitchen is small, then it is better to refuse a dark shade of brown and choose a lighter one. Wenge color is preferable for large spacious rooms, otherwise an already small area will visually decrease even more. The darker color is used for curtains, dining area, countertops, and furniture details.

Beige and white

The white and cream combination is also very often used, making the interior more aristocratic. Due to the fact that this range is light and essentially similar to the monochrome beige solution, here too one cannot do without adding texture and texture, and in addition it is worth using different tones. White is best for finishing, but choose a beige palette for the set and accessories.

Gray beige color

Practical modern design The kitchen will be a combination of cream and metallic gray. Retro design with the use of shabby parts will also fit here. In this case, you can choose absolutely any combination. Gray curtains and wallpaper together with a beige set would be appropriate, as would metallic furniture on a cream background.

Beige green kitchen

Beige also harmonizes with green. Typically, such an interior is made in an ecological style, but more modern technological styles using glossy surfaces are also possible.

Green in combination with beige can be either rich or calmer. It is preferable to choose a green set on a beige background. In addition, the kitchen can be made entirely in a beige palette, and individual details can be diluted with green or the design can be complemented with interesting accessories in this tone.

Black beige kitchen

A beige and black kitchen looks very stylish. The main thing with this choice is not to overdo it with black so that the room does not look too gloomy and dark. It is better to have some dark accents, such as tabletops, chairs, wall decoration.

Advice! To prevent black from being too aggressive, you need to use a glossy surface.

Beige blue kitchen

The best combinations are those created by nature itself. Azure Sea and sand beach harmonize perfectly. Same goes for kitchen design great solution will be the use of beige and blue or of blue color. The beige set looks beautiful on a blue background. At the same time, you need to remember that blue color belongs to cold tones, so beige should be chosen warm so that the interior is balanced.

What style is suitable for a beige kitchen?

It has already been said that beige is a universal color, so it not only goes with many colors, but is also suitable for any style.


The classic style is most often designed with beige details in the interior, so a beige kitchen in it is the most harmonious solution. In addition, such a design necessarily contains elements of wood, massive furniture, heavy curtains, and expensive tiles.

Even a completely monotonous kitchen in a classic style looks elegant, but combinations, including contrasting colors, are not excluded. These can be wenge or saturated burgundy color. Wenge is most often used for furniture and tabletops, but burgundy color is used for curtains, the dining area, and the pattern on the apron in this palette is also welcome.


Country is characterized by everything natural, because it is a rustic, folk style. This is wood, green grass, sand, stone, so beige is best suited, and it is used as the main one. This design should use more wooden furniture and details. The stone will look noble, for example, as an apron, or to frame a tabletop.

High tech

This is one of the most fashionable styles today, in which beige can also be a great color. When decorating, it is used for the background. All other details are usually done in a contrasting palette. A suitable combination with red, black, as well as all sorts of juicy, berry and rich colors, including neon.


Provence refers to rustic, but at the same time sophisticated styles. Despite its simplicity, the design is sophisticated.

Here, as in country music, you are welcome natural materials, including wood, stone. Thin strokes and patterned lines are also used. Gloss in this case is inappropriate.

For walls, you can use regular plaster or wallpaper with a pattern. Brick inserts, for example, for an apron, look harmonious. Dinner table can be wooden or wicker. In the presence of stone countertop It is also better to choose stone for the table decoration.

Arranging a beige kitchen

A monochrome composition in the kitchen is quite rare. Most often, the design contains additional colors that can dilute the interior with interesting combinations. Even such a neutral color as beige is often used only in individual details. Which ones are best done in this color? Let's look further.


A light, solid background always looks good and allows you to choose furniture and accessories in a wide variety of colors and shades. However, you shouldn’t stop at just one tone. To prevent the walls from looking boring and faceless, it is better to use several tones or choose textured coatings, perhaps wallpaper with a pattern.


It is believed that the bottom is always best done in dark colors, that is, the floor as well. It's practical and always looks good. However, the light floor is also made of natural wood or white tiles will be an excellent solution. This always adds sophistication and speaks of the good taste of the owner.

Advice! If light colors predominate in the interior, then it is still better to make the floor dark along with the countertop and apron. This will be a wonderful contrast and add color.

Set and upholstered furniture

When choosing a headset in a store, you will notice that beige tones are the most common. This is the most common color because it is natural and is part of wood, stone and even metal.

Such a set against a contrasting background looks very advantageous and beautiful. Moreover, it is very effective to use a black background in this case. Calm combinations with light walls can be diluted with glass inserts, carved doors, panels.

The same can be said about upholstered furniture. It will fit perfectly into a beige interior. And the choice of such furniture in the store will always please you with its variety.

Textiles and decor

Various accessories and decorative items are usually used to add interesting, bright notes to the design. In this regard, it is inappropriate to use solid beige tones for such elements.

It is better to choose them that are brighter and more saturated. An exception can only be when the interior already uses a lot bright colors, for example, walls, then curtains in this situation would be more appropriate in beige color.


In the kitchen, appliances should usually be less noticeable, but in no case should they merge with the furniture, so as not to add dullness to the design. For example, if the set is a warm beige tone, then the equipment will look great in golden or bronze color.

It is better to choose black or silver equipment. A bright accent is also quite acceptable, for example a red hood or refrigerator. At the same time, it should be supplemented with appropriate color range accessories.

When deciding to design a kitchen exclusively in beige tones, it is important not to overdo it with the palette of shades. First of all, it is unacceptable to use more than 3-4 shades of beige. It looks tacky.

The best solution would be to use texture and patterns. You can choose wallpaper with a large or small pattern depending on the style of the kitchen, or purchase a set with original carvings and interestingly shaped handles.

If other colors are allowed in the design, then the interior can be diluted with bright accessories. They can be curtains, a tablecloth on the table, pillows on the sofa, chairs. You can also hang a picture or a bright chandelier. Alternatively, when using natural materials, indoor plants will fit into the overall landscape.

Thus, beige color is one of the most popular. It belongs to a neutral palette, which goes well with any other color schemes. The main thing is not to use more than two colors in addition, otherwise it will look too cluttered and out of place.

Beige kitchen real photos

Kitchen in beige tones, it can be said to be a classic of the genre. Blue, red, green, etc. Kitchen colors also have their fans, but the classics are eternal. What should a beige kitchen be like? What styles are best to use for its design? What furniture should I install? Let's try to figure it out...

Beige color is ideal for creating a calm interior. It may have a tint of yellow or grey. When using beige in the kitchen, it is important that it “plays” and is not boring. Beige is characterized by inner warmth and spiritual harmony. Beige is the color of the beach or wheat field, the color of shells and baked milk. In a beige interior, people feel very peaceful.

Beige is a neutral color. It doesn't irritate or disturb. It can be used if you are not confident in your design abilities. It is difficult to make something tasteless or uncomfortable with beige. Anyone will feel very comfortable in a beige kitchen.

Neutral and at the same time noble beige color is universal for creating a sophisticated, individual kitchen. Modern or classic, ascetic or openwork pompous interior - any design can be made in this soft shade.

Photo of a beige kitchen with pink elements.

A beige kitchen is a noble solution in any combination. To prevent the interior from being boring, choose bright accents: burgundy painting on light-colored facades, an apron with a wenge tabletop, a set top trimmed with a dark countertop, red dishes in a plain kitchen, etc.

Combination of beige with other shades

Regardless of whether you paint the kitchen set in this neutral shade, and choose curtains and wallpaper in a different tone, or prefer a cream top and dark bottom, shade the apron with black or brown, or cover the furniture with a dark countertop, you should choose harmonious combinations of shades , which can be played in different ways.

  • A beige kitchen with natural tones will make the interior fresh and quite rich. A green setting will be brighter against a neutral background. Blue furniture or decoration will take on a warmer tone. If these colors are used in pastel colors, they can easily be applied in the Provence style, which can be noted in the photo below.
  • White and beige combination - a universal solution for sterile rooms, whose housewives are always ready to demonstrate their love for cleanliness. But such a design can be quite boring, so most often this combination is used in openwork vintage interiors or in glossy modern solutions.
  • Purple furnishings combined with a beige shade will emphasize calm and tranquility in the home. If you choose rich purple tones, you can create a futuristic interior. Soft and light lilac colors will make the room relaxing, which is easy to see in the photo.
  • A beige kitchen is often complemented by a black or dark chocolate countertop. This stroke draws a border if a light top and a more saturated bottom are used. This combination is also applicable when organizing a rather dark work area, because a brown or black apron against the background of a neutral cream kitchen looks elegant, although unusual. When choosing this shade, wenge is often preferred. This color plays with different notes, including gold threads. Therefore, the interior turns out not to be two-color, but more multifaceted and iridescent.
  • A kitchen in beige tones harmonizes with shades of burgundy and fiery red surfaces. As a rule, in this case a neutral color is chosen for the walls, the wallpaper is painted in it and the corresponding curtains are selected, as in next photo. In this case, the kitchen set can be either red-beige or white-burgundy. But it should be remembered that such bright solutions are permissible only in spacious rooms.
  • The gray-beige combination is considered quite traditional. Despite its neutrality and a certain facelessness, within the framework of this combination quite non-standard ideas. The design is created based on the original forms of furniture and decor.
  • A beige and brown kitchen is another popular solution. This combination is noble and elegant. In a spacious room, the wall decoration may be dark, while a small room will be more likely to be decorated with a chocolate tabletop and, perhaps, an apron.

Photo of a kitchen in beige and olive colors.

Beige wall decoration: how to choose furniture

The decision to choose beige wallpaper is more traditional than it might seem at first glance. A neutral tone is universal for decorating any kitchen - both small and large rooms look elegant and cozy in such tones. In a spacious kitchen you can safely use dark details and, of course, the set itself. The following combinations will be interesting design options:

Photo of a modern beige and white kitchen.

  • Gray-beige furniture with a smooth color transition in a high-tech style interior. Neutral wallpaper should be plain - without a pattern, only texture as a decoration is acceptable. You can paint the top one tone, the bottom another. In this case, the apron in the kitchen can be made of metal or with an imitation of a steel surface on glass. Designs in this style often use glossy surfaces.
  • Burgundy kitchen furniture or lower facades in burgundy color will look organic both in a modern style and in a retro interior. In the first case, gloss is used and textured finish
  • beige walls. In the second, the design of the room can be more openwork, and the set can be matte and even use classic decor, such as moldings, milling, ornate patterns. Wallpaper, curtains, and a dining set can be openwork, as in the photo. However, you can choose both herbal and terracotta shades. Although, for example, a green work area may be too bright for the Provence style, so this combination is more applicable in modern interior designs. Wallpaper and curtains with floral patterns are appropriate here, the color of which often matches the shade of the set. A Provence style apron is most often covered with tiles with a similar pattern. Dining furniture or a wenge-colored tabletop, burgundy textile trim are appropriate here, but all this should be in small quantities.
  • A chocolate set is an exquisite solution for a spacious kitchen, decorated in beige. Here you can use an apron of the same shade as the wallpaper and curtains. It can be tiles or glass. As a rule, these are light details. The pattern on them depends on the design style. If a wenge color set is selected. then the interior is usually made in natural materials and natural ornaments. This is eco-style, Provence, country. High-tech facades will have gloss, and wallpaper and curtains will be abstract or plain.

Beige kitchen: what will the wall decoration be like?

Numerous options for combining such a neutral color allow you to combine your favorite tones in a wide variety of proportions and styles. For example, a white and beige solution will always be relevant for a room of any size, where it does not matter how much of a particular shade is used. Therefore, corner sets for a small kitchen are often made like this, where the decoration, curtains, and details remain light.

Photo of a kitchen in a soft beige color.

Burgundy, black, chocolate or wenge-colored finishes are permissible only in spacious rooms and exclusively in their individual areas.

This could be an accent wall, an apron, a tabletop, or curtains in combination with the listed details. Partially such a rich top will look organic – for example, on the ceiling in a figured installation of stretched fabric.

The gray and beige combination is often used throughout the kitchen.

Therefore, in such an interior there may be grey colour and in wall decoration. Most often, a gray-metallic gloss is used to diversify a monotonous environment. But the most harmonious solution would be to combine beige with gray-green, blue, red-gray or wenge-colored trim. In this case, the gray shade acts as a finishing touch, and red-burgundy, bright or dark details act as accents.

Photo of a kitchen in a combination of beige, white and gray.


Beige kitchen. Beige kitchen interior

An interior made in light beige tones will make a small beige kitchen more spacious and brighter. Neutral beige color can be used for all kitchen surfaces: walls, floors. ceiling. Kitchen furniture can also be beige.

Beige kitchen in high-tech style

But to prevent everything from merging into one inexpressive spot, it is better to use different shades: from the darkest at the bottom to the lightest at the top. Parquet or laminate flooring, cork, birch or ash flooring, ceramic or limestone tile flooring will be a good basis for a kitchen interior. Monochrome interiors in beige tones are almost always successful, but they should still be diluted with a few bright spots of a different color to relieve the kitchen of monotony.

Video on the topic: Kitchen beige color of countertop and wallpaper design photo

Combinations of beige with other colors in the kitchen

The beige color in the kitchen goes well with shades of brown, red, gray, and purple. These may be bright spots decorative elements: vases with flowers, work surfaces and countertops of kitchen sets, dishes on open shelves, curtains, potholders and kitchen towels. Kitchen sets of these colors against the background of beige walls are also interesting.

Neutral beige will help tone down bright, flashy tones and make them softer. For lovers of contrasts, when using yellow and lilac, pink and green, turquoise and terracotta colors in the interior at the same time, it is necessary to soften their combination with beige.

To create space and airiness, you can use a combination of beige and blue, and by combining beige and yellow in the interior, you will fill the kitchen with light and make it sunny and welcoming. When decorating a kitchen in beige tones, you should also pay attention to the combination with white. Beige walls perfectly set off the whiteness of the kitchen unit. And if you add shades of brown here, the kitchen will become more impressive and brighter.

Photo of a gray-beige kitchen.

In what styles is beige color appropriate in the kitchen? This color, favorably emphasizing the texture of natural materials, will become indispensable for ethnic and eco-style in kitchen interior design. It goes well with wood, bamboo, stone, and can serve as a wonderful backdrop for indoor living plants. The most natural combination is considered to be a combination of beige with brown and green. It is unobtrusive, but stylish and cozy.

Beige kitchen furniture.

Kitchen furniture in beige shades is very trendy. Almost all manufacturers now offer similar furniture. The cappuccino shade has become especially popular. Kitchen furniture solutions in the form of a light top and a dark bottom or, conversely, a light bottom and a dark top are common today.

A light beige color looks best at the top, and it is more practical to decorate the lower part of the furniture set in dark colors - brown or black. But black doesn't go well with beige, while brown is just the perfect ally for it.

Design project for a beige-brown kitchen.

Less common in kitchen furniture, but quite “appetizing” and stylish, is the combination of a cream shade with red or burgundy.

Video on the topic: Bright kitchen in a project with the participation of the company “Kukhonny Dvor”
If the kitchen has beige furniture, then the color of the walls should be a different shade. It can also be a beige shade, but darker or lighter. You can choose a pinkish or peach tone, red, burgundy or brown for the walls. A beige kitchen will look good against purple or gray walls (and vice versa).

Photo of a kitchen using beige, gray and orange.

If you have cream furniture in the kitchen, then you should be careful with blue, green, snow-white and dirty gray. If there is a lot of this color in the kitchen, against their background the beige kitchen may seem untidy, old, yellowed with time. Especially if the beige color is a very light, yellowish shade. It will be uncomfortable to be in such a kitchen.

Beige kitchen: a few design secrets.

For a beige kitchen, choose lamps with warm light. Do not buy appliances for a beige kitchen in the same color or white; metallic colored household appliances are best suited here.

Photo of a classic beige kitchen.

For kitchen decor, choose “tasty” decorations and accessories: a clock in the shape of a coffee cup or with its image, chocolate-colored dishes, a vase covered with coffee beans, or a candlestick, painting or poster of cakes.


Photo of a kitchen in beige, gray and white shades.

Video on the topic: Gray-beige kitchen

Beige kitchen: advantages and disadvantages of the interior

If you understand the psychology and meaning of color, it turns out that the beige color symbolizes comfort, calmness, and peace. This is a neutral color, chosen by soulful and practical people. And here it’s hard to disagree, because beige can also be called practical, it goes well with almost any color, and here you don’t need to rack your brains for a long time and choose the right colors to combine.

But we’ll talk about this a little later, but for now let’s find the pros and cons of a kitchen in beige tones. And according to tradition, let's start with the advantages.

Photo of a glossy beige kitchen.

  1. Light beige color belongs to the palette of pastel shades. This is a soulful and comfortable shade that gives peace and has calm energy. It’s pleasant to be in such a room; nothing here bothers either the household or guests of the house.
  2. According to followers of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, light shades of beige (ivory, peach-beige, milky) symbolize stability and happiness in any area, so it can be safely used in the kitchen.
  3. Soft shades of beige in the interior visually expand the space, making it visually larger and lighter. This technique can be used by owners of small kitchens to visually expand the boundaries of the room.
  4. A beige kitchen can easily change the mood. Beige color is often used as a background, so by changing bright accents (a painting or panel on the wall, a lampshade, a tablecloth on the table), you can achieve the desired effect. Of course, it will not be possible to change the interior in a radical way, but it is quite possible to change the degree of mood.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of beige kitchens.

  1. Psychologists say that the abundance of beige shades causes a stagnation effect in a person. Such an interior lacks dynamics and is somewhat boring. But that is why contrasting accents are used here.
  2. This is not an independent color. If there is a beige interior decorated in monochrome, it is always several shades, for example, light beige and brownish.
  3. A beige kitchen needs more careful care. But here we can say that any kitchen decorated in light colors, especially with glossy surfaces, requires more frequent cleaning.
  4. Brownish shades look gloomy in the absence of light. But this drawback can be overcome if you equip the kitchen with more than just basic lighting. but also additionally, and also add glossy surfaces, for example, on furniture facades.

As you can see, against the backdrop of global advantages, several disadvantages lose their significance. Moreover, all of them can be solved - some with more careful care, others with more thoughtful design and lighting.

Kitchen in beige tones: choosing a partner

A little higher, we have already returned to this issue several times and found out that 90% of the interior of a beige kitchen is not monochrome. This color is used as a background, allowing other colors to reveal themselves more fully and show all their power.

It combines shades that are adjacent in the palette, and radically opposite ones. But one thing is good - there is a place for all of them in such a kitchen! We invite you to study frequently used combinations in more detail to choose the ones that are more suitable for your interior.

Photo of a glossy beige kitchen in high-tech style

  • White and beige kitchen. Great option, which will bring freshness and lightness to the interior. This, one might say, is a classic combination that “lightens” the monotony and dullness of beige and surrounds it with positive energy.
  • Kitchen in beige and brown tones. This combination is very often used when decorating a kitchen in a classic style. But in other styles this combination will look appropriate. Brown furniture with glossy ivory fronts goes well with beige wood-look laminate flooring and a mosaic apron.
  • Gray-beige kitchen. This room gives off a bit of a chill, so this color combination is advisable to use if the kitchen faces the sunny side of the house. Another way to solve the problem is to use glossy furniture facades and chrome accessories (this could be roof rails, furniture fittings, basket, shelf, dish drainer, etc.).
  • The combination of red and beige can also be considered classic; these two colors get along well next to each other and are excellent neighbors. A red-beige kitchen can be dominated by one or the other color. It all depends on what objectives are being pursued. If red is used as a bright and contrasting accent, then beige is used as the basis. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to weaken the assertiveness of red, then it is diluted with beige.
  • A beige-orange kitchen looks impressive and positive. Orange color is quite bright and dynamic, it has a beneficial effect on mood and energizes you for the whole day. Beige in this combination “quenches” the brightness of orange, but even in this situation, the kitchen can have a stimulating effect, which not all household members like. The solution is found very quickly - muted shades are used for this: instead of the color of juicy orange or carrot, titian or coral is used.
  • Blue color against a background of light shades of brown will fill the kitchen with oxygen and visually make the room spacious and airy. A beige-blue kitchen looks romantic and gentle, while it is better to choose beige with warm shade, closer to honey.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a beige kitchen looks very homely and gives a feeling of comfort and peace. If not for the application bright accents, glossy surfaces and chrome accessories, then it could be called conservative. But thanks to the bright color combinations and modern finishing materials, such a kitchen can be decorated even in the most fashionable style, the main thing is to correctly prioritize and choose the right shades.


Universal and sophisticated color: shades of beige in the kitchen interior

Shades of beige in interiors conquered the world several decades ago and are not losing ground today. The color has become popular because it combines sophistication with versatility - you can use almost any complementary shade with it. A beige kitchen will please the owner for a very long time - cream is always pleasing to the eye.

Photo of a beige and brown kitchen.

Proponents of decorating the kitchen with bright red and orange colors insist on the special “appetizing” of such a space. Juicy shades are really good, but they can get boring quickly. Natural tones create a much better atmosphere of comfort in the home, calming and relaxing. It is almost impossible to “spoil” such an interior, but you can fall in love at first sight. The coffee-au-lait style is a great start to the morning!

Beige kitchens have won a lot of fans thanks to the following advantages:

  • This color scheme is good for decorating small rooms. In a country with a large number This is very important for tiny rooms. Cream is able to visually expand the room, but is not as “demanding” as white. To maintain the effect, you need to minimize the number of additional shades. It is possible to complement the kitchen set with walls, paste wallpaper or lay laminate flooring of the same color.
  • High compatibility is another undeniable dignity beige colour. It is used in almost any room. The design can be made in a classic or hi-tech style, everything will be appropriate and harmonious. If a project has been chosen, but it’s difficult to decide on a color, then milk would be an excellent solution.
  • The wide range refutes the old opinion that beige is boring and predictable. Don’t limit yourself to one shade – there are a huge number of them. Kitchens in beige or milky tones come in cold and warm tones, they can resemble light wood (for example, birch) or latte coffee. Among the palette, there is sure to be a suitable color with which an electric oven and any mixer will be combined.
  • Sandy or warm milky goes well with other colors. It can be chosen as a primary or additional shade. It is also ideal as a base color for a kitchen set. If you wish, you can change accessories (curtains, pots, frames) - the room can easily be transformed without huge costs.
  • The kitchen in soft beige tones is light and pleasant - the shade has a very delicate effect on a person, calming and bringing into a peaceful state. This is the most unpretentious color, surrounded by which you can happily spend a very long time.

So, there are a lot of advantages, the disadvantages pale in comparison. A light kitchen set requires regular and thorough cleaning, otherwise it looks untidy. It is better to choose washable wallpaper.

You will have to put in a little more effort than usual to ensure that your kitchen delights you with its pristine beauty. Another disadvantage arises from the versatility of the design - many people choose it. To make the room unique, you can complement the room with interesting accessories, dishes and household appliances(for example, electric oven and dishwasher).

Photo of a light beige kitchen.

Selection of colors

Interior design in beige shades is done using several matching colors or without dilution. Monochrome space allows you to get a visually larger room.

To achieve this effect, the gamma must be light; when using a dark color, the sizes appear smaller than they actually are.

A monochrome kitchen in beige tones can become incredibly stylish and cozy if you stick to certain rules when designing it. The shade should be darker at the bottom, lighter at the top. Warm wood colors are chosen for the floor, light wallpaper for the walls, and white or milky shades for the ceiling. Chrome-plated household appliances create accents, and white ones harmonize well with the overall background.

Photo of a Provence style kitchen in classic beige color.

You should not combine more than two colors in devices. If the electric oven is in a metallic shade, then it is better to make the sink, mixer, refrigerator and hood in the same colors.

A light kitchen set goes well with a wooden countertop. To create multiple accents in monochrome interior, use a variety of textures in wallpaper, lamps, and batteries.

Beige and white in the kitchen interior.

It is better to choose a companion color for powdery shades in a warm range; cold ones can look a little “dirty”, which does not add coziness to the room. Classic combination– beige with blue, it is light and airy. White and sand are chosen for a small kitchen. In this case, all pipes and the mixer are also made white. Light green, pale lilac, natural shades of wood, yellow and red are often chosen as companions.

Components, household appliances and accessories

Beige kitchens look best with matte facades. The glossy surface is quite demanding in terms of lighting and accessories. The easiest way is to select components and appliances for a light-colored kitchen set with a wooden or gray countertop.

In this case, it is better to keep the design of the room in beige natural shades using mosaics, stone and wood. Wallpaper is better for walls than paint.

Built-in and free-standing household appliances must be combined with facades. Since it is very difficult to choose a tone-on-tone electric oven or refrigerator to match your kitchen set, it is better to choose contrasting models. A bright white color will draw attention to itself, making the milky color look “dirty.” The easiest way to find a metallic color technique. You can choose a black built-in electric oven. You can complement it with a black faucet or roof rails.

When choosing different white accessories, you need to be careful - it’s better to stay in shades of baked milk and flax.

Photo of beige and brown colors in kitchen design.

To avoid mistakes, you can complement beige furniture with chrome-plated components. The metallic colored sink and mixer will match any façade.

Developing on last stage It is important to choose the right accessories. Textiles can be in natural colors or bright. If the kitchen is monochrome, purple, green or blue details will do. For a gentle “rustic” look, choose wicker baskets, wooden trays and serving bowls, lace curtains and cotton tablecloths.


Video on the topic: Pistachio-beige kitchen

Beige kitchen in the interior: cozy, soft and appetizing

The color variety of kitchen furniture is amazing, and today one can hardly be surprised by its brightness. And yet there is a color that will harmoniously fit into any interior style and room of any size. Beige always wins: both when used independently and in combination with other colors.

Features of beige kitchens

  1. Neutrality. Beige is considered a neutral color that cannot be classified as obviously cold or warm. This feature makes him friendly and not annoying.
  2. Versatility. When using beige, you don’t have to worry about being judged to have bad taste, because it’s hard to overdo it with this color. Beige is associated with delicious pastries, a cup of cappuccino, and creamy coffee cream, which is why it fits so well into the kitchen interior.
  3. Variety of shades. Depending on your preferences, you can choose one shade or another and effectively complement it with a companion color. In this case, the completed interior can be neutral or brighter.
  4. Comfort. Beige has a beneficial effect on the psyche and makes a person feel protected.

Creamy cuisine.

The beige palette includes:

  • wheat,
  • cream,
  • bodily,
  • sand,
  • coffee,
  • baked milk color
  • caramel,
  • coffee with milk,
  • sea ​​foam color, etc.

Photo of a small white-gray-beige kitchen with a washing machine.

Stylistic decision

Thanks to its neutrality, beige will organically fit into any interior style.

Photo of a beige kitchen - noble gloss.

  • Classic. In calm, traditional interiors, beige furniture is most often complemented by brown colors.
  • Modernity: minimalism. high tech. modern Bright or contrasting colors are used as a complement.
  • Art Deco. It is distinguished by the use of rich textured fabrics and accent details with a glossy surface. Beige furniture in an Art Deco kitchen takes on a special resonance against the backdrop of dark walls.
  • Japanese style. Beige furniture is framed by a calm, light palette.
  • Country. Beige in a country kitchen coexists with natural materials, simple finishes and natural colors.

Finishing walls, floors, ceilings

The rules for combining beige will help you avoid mistakes in kitchen design. The most successful combination of beige with purple, red, brown and gray tones. Beige and white will look elegant, but only if you choose a shade other than snow-white. Peach shades will create an atmosphere of warmth and light in your kitchen.

Photo of a beige Provence kitchen.

  • yellowish beige with blue and blue-green shades,
  • yellowish beige with cold, dirty gray,
  • warm beige with snow-white.

Video on the topic: “ Housing Question": Practical and bright kitchen for skilled cooks
It is not recommended to use these colors and shades, since beige furniture framed by them begins to seem faded, unsightly, and dull with time.

Photo design of a beige kitchen project.

Walls. For those who love a calm palette, we can recommend decorating the walls in beige, but choose a shade that differs from the shade of the furniture group. Red, brown, burgundy, pinkish and peach walls complement beige furniture very well.

Floor. Beige furniture looks interesting against a black floor with a reflective surface. The most applicable option is a floor covering made of wood or imitating wood; such a tandem can be called ideal. Light gray and light green are also used for flooring.

Beige and light brown. The perfect combination for the kitchen.

Ceiling. A sky blue ceiling will give the kitchen an airy feel, yellow will make the room warmer, and lilac will guarantee a stunning effect. A white ceiling also harmonizes perfectly with a beige kitchen, if the shade of white is chosen correctly.

Combination of beige: combining facades

Brown and black. Very often a combination of a light top of furniture and a dark bottom or its mirror scheme is used. For a light shade, you can use white or light beige.

For dark colors, you can choose a rich shade of beige, as well as black or brown. Brown looks less contrasting, which is why this tandem is more popular. In addition, brown and beige are related colors, their union is beautiful and strong.

For reasons of practicality, the best option is a kitchen with a brown bottom and a cream top, because the fronts of the lower cabinets get dirty faster. If frequent washing of the lower modules does not bother you, then you can opt for a light shade.

Photo of a glossy beige kitchen.

Red shades. Not a stereotyped, but expressive combination - the use of shades of red and cream in kitchen furniture. It looks not only stylish, but also very appetizing. If bright red does not suit you, then you can replace it with a noble shade of burgundy.

Purple splashes. This combination will appeal to people who are brave and confident in their abilities.

Small kitchen with washing machine.

White details. Beige and white furniture resembles a cake, so it looks solemn. Remember the rule for choosing the shade of white.

Natural materials. Working surfaces made of wood or stone are ideal for beige facades.

Patination, photo printing, inlay. The cozy warmth of beige sets will be emphasized by finishing made from darker materials. Precious metal fittings or chrome-plated parts will emphasize the direction of the style.

Choosing a tabletop, designing an apron

  • Contrasts. When choosing a tabletop, you can play with contrast, because bright surfaces in purple and red shades look amazing against a beige background.
  • Natural materials. A tabletop made of wood, stone or an imitation of these materials is ideal for beige furniture and will emphasize the natural orientation and beauty of the interior.
  • White. Gives lightness to the kitchen.
  • Chocolate color. It will highlight the facades favorably and make them even softer.

Photo of a beige and gray kitchen.

Choosing a light color for furniture, splashbacks and tabletops is a risky decision, because you can lose the clarity of the lines and get a blurry picture. Therefore, if you plan to make the countertop light, let the apron be bright or at least stand out. You can act on the opposite principle.


Photo of a modern beige kitchen.

Beige kitchen, what wallpaper to choose, beige wallpaper for the kitchen

If you are wary of strong colors, then these arrangements are for you. They are suitable for kitchens in modern and classic styles both for the small one, since they optically allow you to expand the space, and for the large one. This design will give a warm, cozy yet elegant character to the room. Cream colors almost never go out of style.

Beige kitchen in Provence style.

Beige and light brown tones, are an excellent solution for those who do not want to experiment with interior design. This is one of the “safest” colors of the entire palette; it has many shades, so there are no problems in choosing the most suitable one for your room.

The only downside is that such a pastel, monochromatic kitchen can be a little tiring. If there are too many of these neutral tones in a space, then it usually lacks life and it is worth adding bright and dark colors to the details of furniture or decorative items, paintings, panels, photo wallpapers and other types of decor.

Photo of a beautiful beige kitchen.

Beige kitchen which wallpaper to choose?

Coffee with milk or kitchens in beige tones can be different. Depending on how much milk is added, you may end up with a lighter or darker shade. Some of them, however, look delicious, regardless of the color intensity - light or light brown. The rich palette and functionality of color contribute to the fact that it has become a favorite among many and is often used in the kitchen.

Photo of a beige kitchen with a bright apron.

All these shades of light brown and creamy tones are very warm, remind us of a delicious sweet drink and are pleasing to the eye. Such tones look especially interesting in the kitchen, not only on the fronts, but also on the walls and in accessories.

This cream color is for people who are cautious and reluctant to use vibrant, dominant colors. Indeed, beige suits everyone, and its use will further ensure that the room does not feel cold and unpleasant. Fronts in this tone will look interesting with surfaces made of wood or imitation wood, perhaps in combination with an even darker shade of light brown.

What to do to liven up a “too” creamy design? There are many possible solutions. One of them is to choose the appropriate color of wallpaper for the beige kitchen and the color of the floors.

The design will be more interesting when the color blue or blue appears in the room.

Light furniture in the colors of bleached oak will be perfectly emphasized by black paint on the walls or black photo wallpaper with a pattern. This combination suits large spaces and will visually enliven the room. dark wall on the apron will highlight light facades well and emphasize their elegant beauty.

No less successful would be corresponding additions to beige furniture in brighter colors, such as purple and yellow. If you want to use stronger accents, then accessories and additions in shades of red are ideal.

Such furniture also goes perfectly with floral or culinary motifs. This means that you should choose wallpaper, apron or roller blinds with such motifs. Very important nuance– these are well-chosen walls. Modern beige kitchen wallpaper color can be a single color or it can be a combination of shades of the same color.

In the latter case, the room will receive additional enlivening accents. Walls with pictures will also liven up plain furniture and bring a little extra freshness to the room.

Combination of beige and dark gray in the kitchen interior.

Beige wallpaper for the kitchen in various styles

Beige has subtle and muted tones; it is warm, not aggressive and does not catch the eye. This is the ideal backdrop for expressive elements. It will never be tasteless and is always in fashion. This color is discreet and will match modern kitchen in high-tech or boho style. Beige wallpaper for the kitchen is an excellent solution for various interior styles.

Scandinavian style prefers solid natural colors. White and gray surfaces can be replaced with soft beige color. Beige wallpaper, perhaps with white vertical stripes, is perfect for the cozy atmosphere of Scandinavian design. They will be combined with white furniture and natural wood furniture.

Beige checkered wallpaper will bring a little imagination to a kitchen inspired by Scandinavian style. An original choice would also be beige wallpaper with white dots - it will give the walls a joyful and cozy character. The Scandinavian style values ​​lightness and natural materials, so it is worth recommending choosing paper wallpaper to go with it.

Shabby chic style
This style is based on muted cream tones, which will harmoniously combine with pastel pink shades. Shabby chic is a combination of romance and a retro climate. The interior design in this style will correspond to rose motifs. On decorative and very original wallpaper Postcards and reproductions of vintage black and white images from a bygone era may also be displayed.

Beige wallpaper for a kitchen in this style will look great when accompanied by matching decorations: dried roses, decorative photographs, white porcelain or distressed white antique painted wood accessories.

Boho style It’s worth betting on the number and intensity of colors. Cream wallpaper on the wall in this case will be an excellent backdrop for bold colors. This does not mean, however, that wallpaper should be uniform and boring. They can be decorated with oriental motifs or figurative motifs, images of food and plates. Vinyl wallpaper will perform well in this role.

Thus, calm tones in the kitchen will be an excellent and universal solution that will appeal to many people. At the same time, there are many styles representing this color scheme. Everyone can choose a style that suits their individual taste. Accessories and other decorations are of particular importance in such interiors. They give individual characteristics room and are able to revive the too calm atmosphere inherent in design in this key.

As a rule, to avoid monotony, they try to combine beige in the kitchen with other colors. Here are the most popular combinations:

1. Beige and brown kitchen

Classic color scheme for a discreet style. Brown is well suited for stylistically highlighting any elements.

2. Beige with wenge

Wenge is a noble and popular color, but quite “heavy” in itself. In combination with beige it is quite suitable even for a small room.

3. Beige and gray kitchen

In such interiors, beige is the main color of the facades; gray is responsible for the appliances and work area (countertop or skins). For greater harmony, the fittings also have a gray tint.

4. Beige-red kitchen

Most often, these colors are found in classic, no-frills kitchen sets. If it is necessary to emphasize the red color of the facades, spot lighting looks appropriate.

5. Beige and green kitchen

Green color designed to dilute neutral beige with cheerful notes. A similar combination can be found in classic kitchens, and in high-tech kitchens.

6. Beige and red kitchen

In such kitchens, the dominant role is given to the color red. Beige is used as an assistant to dilute too bright colors.

7. Beige and black kitchen

In most cases, the countertops and household appliances are painted black, and a little less often they are removed. Due to the contrast, the kitchen becomes more solid and massive. It is acceptable to use gloss.

How to combine a beige kitchen set with the interior:

Floor, walls and ceiling. Neutral beige works well on these three surfaces to create an understated interior. If more contrasting colors are needed, the colors should be selected in such a way that the color from floor to ceiling transitions from darker to lighter. Example: brown floor, beige walls, café-au-lait colored facades and a cream ceiling.

Light. If there is a lot of beige, lamps with warm light will look good - this will make the interior look more saturated.

Technique. It will be better if the technique plays “in contrast” to beige. Otherwise, the interior will create a feeling of sloppiness. Metallic color equipment will become best choice, in the absence of other contrasting colors.

Accessories. Interior elements of contrasting colors are welcome: coffee cups, various jars, flower vases, etc.


Below you will find real photo reviews of beige kitchens.

The brown-beige color scheme is optimal for the kitchen, as it is suitable for different interiors and for a long time never goes out of style. In the photos of rooms decorated in these colors, you can see examples of successful combinations of wallpaper, kitchen furniture, etc. In room design, beige and brown will look expressive, although they are considered neutral colors.

Features of brown and beige colors. Advantages and disadvantages

Both colors have a ton of shades that create many options for combination. Beige is delicious vanilla, creme brulee, caramel, cappuccino and other tones. Brown is also not inferior to it - a color that is associated with chocolate and natural dark wood. It has the following varieties: terracotta, brick, ocher, etc.

Design in neutral colors should not be considered too simple, faceless or tasteless. Brown and beige finish is basic. It emphasizes rich, bright details that look more than advantageous against a noble background. The number of accents should be minimal. People feel comfortable in a beige-brown room different generations, regardless of the time of year and fashion trends.

Minimalistic design in brown and beige tones

Other advantages of this design:

  • the color combination suits any interior style;
  • thanks to its versatility, you can choose beige and brown when decorating walls, floors, purchasing furniture, textiles, and decorative details;
  • “delicious” colors can awaken the appetite;
  • both shades are optimal for rooms of different sizes;

Disadvantages of combining these colors in the kitchen:

  • On beige furniture, dirt, streaks, and stains are clearly visible; on brown furniture, dust is clearly visible. You need to clean the room thoroughly and regularly;
  • the wrong color balance can turn a cozy kitchen into a gloomy room;
  • the cold light of the lamps makes the shades dirty.

Advice. To soften brown tones, you need to use glossy facades in the room.

Interior decoration: wallpaper, curtains, furniture, apron

The choice of wallpaper shade depends on which side the windows face. If they are facing south, then you should choose a cool gray-beige color scheme. A kitchen in which window openings are located on the north side needs warm, light colors: cream, wheat, milk. It is optimal if the wallpaper is with patterns or textured or embossed.

The apron plays an important role in the design of the kitchen. It is selected taking into account the shade of the headset. Dark furniture is combined with a beige apron. Light contrasts harmoniously with brown. It is also necessary to consider the color of the countertop, floor and ceiling. If one of the tones dominates in the room - beige or brown, then the apron can be laid out in the form of an interesting pattern, decorated with mosaics.

Mosaic kitchen apron

The color of the curtains should be in harmony with the wallpaper - for example, be a shade lighter. A win-win option is beige curtains of any length, but you can experiment with dark shades. In this case, it is desirable that brown curtains be made of light, airy fabric: tulle, organza, veil, etc. Roman and draped curtains look attractive.

Advice. Appliances classical white not entirely appropriate in a beige-brown kitchen. For bright interior choose a refrigerator, stove and other units in a metallic shade. In a room where brown predominates, purchase milky tones.

How to combine beige and brown in different styles

Advice. In any style, beige is good for decorating large areas of the room (for example, walls), and brown is good for details: pillows, curtains, lampshades.

To design a large room, you should choose furniture in a rich dark color - for example, wenge. Another option is a brown set with light countertops. If you place beige cabinets, chairs, and a table in a spacious kitchen, dark shades can be used to decorate the floor. In a cramped room, you need to focus on light colors. Brown color in this case is useful for placing accents.

Furniture of the same color scheme looks interesting against the background of beige wallpaper. You just need to choose the right tone for the headset: it should be lighter or a little darker. An alternative is pink or peach shades. Beige furniture is appropriate in a room with brown, as well as red and burgundy wallpaper. The combination with purple is also justified.

If the kitchen is small, make beige the dominant color

Blue and green do not go well with a light set, especially if there are a lot of them in the interior. Among these colors, beige looks untidy. It is worth using the snow-white finish carefully. In a minimal amount, it makes the room brighter and more spacious. Too much white decor in a beige-brown kitchen will make the room seem dirty and unkempt.

Many designers recommend avoiding pairing these neutral shades with black. If done inappropriately, it can make the kitchen gloomy. But don't be afraid to use gray. Handles on furniture, countertops, sinks, hoods and hob. Yellow will add cheerfulness to a beige-brown kitchen, sunlight. Light blue will make it airy and spacious.

You can use tea, coffee or chocolate themes as decorative elements. For example, hang a picture of coffee beans or a clock in the shape of a cup. A variety of finishing options opens up space for imagination and allows you to make a beige-brown kitchen original.

Brown color in kitchen design: video

Kitchen design in brown and beige tones: photo