Height of sockets from the floor. What height should the installation of sockets be according to the rules? Practical advice for developing an electrical network project in a house or apartment

There are a number of rules that regulate the height of sockets from the floor. However, they are not strict, thanks to which designers implement a lot non-standard ideas. Installation parameters are specified in the rules for installing sockets from the floor - PUE.

The installation height of sockets according to European standards should be 0.3 m from flooring. This is considered convenient since all the cables are located low. They won't spoil appearance and will allow you to freely arrange furniture in the room without obstructing the connector. The cords are located on the floor and do not interfere with the passage.

The installation height of the switches is 0.9 m from the floor. The distance is considered optimal for all family members, since even a child can turn on the lighting at this level. To understand at what height to install sockets and switches, it is necessary to take into account the height of the residents.

Soviet standard for installing sockets and switches

IN Soviet time there was a standard for installing sockets from the floor at a height of 90 cm. The advantage of such standards is that there is no need to bend over. In this case, the places for connecting to the network are located above the table, because the height of the workplace according to standards is 75-80 cm. And the installation height of the sockets allows you to connect all desktop electrical appliances, even if they have a short cable. At the same time, small children could not reach the devices.

According to GOST, the position of the switch was regulated in the same way as the distance from the floor to the outlet. The toggle switch was located at a height of 160 cm, thanks to which it was always at head level. The switch was easy to find, even if there was furniture nearby.

Features of the location of switches and sockets

When installing connection points, you should choose the installation height of the sockets that is appropriate for the given room. Thus, the European standard provides for the placement of electrical connectors in different parts rooms. This is much more convenient than installing a block of sockets in one place, since there is no need to use extension cords. In the living room and bedrooms, this option will be the best. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each standard in different rooms.

When designing wiring, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. Set the height of the connectors based on the furniture layout and electrical appliances in the room.
  2. Ensure free and constant access to these places. They should not be tightly covered with pieces of furniture or other large objects.
  3. The number of sockets must be calculated with a reserve.
  4. The distance between them should be such that it is easy to clean any part of the room with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. The location of switches and sockets is determined by the purpose of the room. If this is a warehouse, then everything needs to be placed closer to the entrance. If the living room is near the recreation areas. And the height is determined by the design of the room and the height of the owner.

In the corridor

There are 2-3 sockets in the hallway. They mainly power household appliances (vacuum cleaner, shoe dryer, etc.). To ensure that the connected wires do not interfere with movement around the room, the connectors should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the floor. Some hallways have shelves for small items. Phones are often placed on them, so one connector should be placed nearby to make it convenient to charge the device. If you plan to place a router in the corridor, you need to allocate a separate outlet for it.

The height of the switch is chosen such that it is convenient for each resident to use the device. The toggle switch is placed mainly at a distance of 75-90 cm from the floor.

In bathroom

The bathroom has a washing machine, a boiler, an electric razor and a hairdryer. Depending on the configuration of the devices, 2-3 connection points to the electrical network are sufficient. The height of the sockets will depend on the equipment being connected. Thus, it is convenient to use a hairdryer and razor when the plug is turned on near the mirror at waist level. The washing machine and boiler are connected so that the cable reaches the connector. Therefore, for a water heater, the socket is placed at a height of 140-170 cm.

When installing devices, safety precautions must be observed; therefore, wiring should not be placed too low. So, if there is an overflow of water, the wires will remain unharmed. According to standards for placement height, they must be installed at least 15 cm from the floor covering and at a distance of 60 cm from the taps. The switch is placed in the corridor because there is high humidity in the room. It is often combined with a toilet toggle switch.

In the living room

In the living room, more often than in other rooms, furniture is rearranged and the most electrical appliances are installed. Therefore, the height of the sockets above the floor should be chosen based on their purpose in the range of 15-30 cm. It is advisable to mount them in all corners of the room so that in the future you do not have to pull extension cords.

The main devices in the living room are:

  • TV;
  • home cinema;
  • satellite receiver;
  • sconces or floor lamps;
  • air conditioner;
  • Wi-Fi router;
  • computer;
  • columns;
  • additional devices for a computer, etc.

To do this, you need a large number of sockets to ensure simultaneous power to all devices. Therefore, you should take care to place 1-2 sockets on each wall. It is not advisable to install them higher than 30 cm from the floor covering, so as not to clutter the room with wires and spoil its appearance. It is necessary to hide them from view as much as possible.

When laying electrical wiring, you need to take into account the placement of furniture and the places where devices will be connected. Some devices require constant power, others turn on periodically. This should also be taken into account when wiring. You should not place a block of more than 2-3 sockets, so as not to spoil the design of the room. The switches in this room can be installed both according to European standards and according to old standards. It all depends on the design of the room.

In the kitchen

Most of the equipment is in the kitchen. Since the number of electrical appliances increases every year, the need arises for their placement and connection. The main techniques are:

  • fridge;
  • microwave;
  • hood;
  • Dishwasher;
  • multicooker;
  • TV.

Often these devices are constantly connected. Additionally used:

  • blender;
  • kettle;
  • toaster;
  • juicer;
  • coffee maker;
  • mixer, etc.

The number of sockets is determined by the frequency of their use. The main condition in this situation is ease of access to the network. That's why editing is popular now electrical outlets right in the furniture. This way they can be hidden from view and made accessible. But the connectors for built-in equipment should be easy to access, as well as the switches.

The height of the connection point for the refrigerator is 15-20 cm. If you plan to install it on microwave oven, the level is raised to 60-80 cm. When the washing machine is placed in the kitchen, the power cable is laid at a height of no higher than 30 cm. For local lighting fixtures install sockets at a distance of up to 10 cm above them.

If the TV is mounted using brackets, the height of the connection point can be 180-200 cm from the floor surface. And for small devices, sockets are mounted on the work surface. For powerful electrical appliances, it is advisable to make a separate power line to prevent wiring from burning out. The switch key is placed at waist level so that it is comfortable for each resident to turn it on.

In the bedroom

There are 4 electrical connections in the bedroom. If you plan to place a TV receiver in the room, you should provide for its power supply and related devices. The height of sockets in the bedroom should not be more than 30 cm from the floor. An exception may be the installation of an air conditioner. It is advisable to make an outlet for it next to the device.

Often installed next to the bed desk lamp, sconces or floor lamps. Therefore, you need to make 2-3 connectors on each side. If the laptop will be used frequently, you should also provide a connection location. When the bedroom has dressing table, a local lamp is often installed near it and a curling iron, straightener and other devices are turned on. Therefore, it should be ensured Free access to the connectors.

For standard bedrooms, choose to place the switch at a height of 90 cm. If the room has complex design, it should include installing toggle switches on several keys or placing them in different parts of the bedroom.

In the nursery

There should be 2-4 electrical outlets in the children's room. The main equipment is a lamp, and for older children - a computer. It is necessary to provide connection to all stationary devices and leave 1-2 connectors free. Previously, they were made at a high altitude so that the child could not reach them. Nowadays, products are equipped with protective equipment, so they can be installed according to standards.

The switch should be located at a height of 75-90 cm so that the child can easily reach it. It is important that the wardrobe or open interior door did not obscure him. The child should easily and quickly reach the switch, so placement on the same side as the door handle is considered convenient. An outlet for household appliances is placed in the entrance area so that it is covered by the open flap. The connector is used to connect a vacuum cleaner, heating device or other devices. Height can be 10-30 cm.

In the office

There can be many electrical appliances here, just like in the living room. The following are often placed on the table:

  • lamp;
  • computer;
  • columns;
  • scanner;
  • printer, etc.

Additional devices are:

  • air conditioner;
  • sconce or floor lamp.

Therefore, at least 6 electrical connectors should be installed. It is recommended to install them at a height of no more than 30 cm from the floor to avoid a pile-up of wires. If a soldering iron and other power tools are used on the work surface, then it is recommended to install the socket at a height of no more than 15 cm above the table top.

Since there are no clear laws regulating the placement of network connection points, they must be installed based on convenience and design.

Question: “At what height should the sockets be made?” worries every person who is faced with the need to replace electrical wiring in an apartment. In order to correctly calculate the distance at which to place elements, you should take into account several objective factors that influence their location.

You need to think about preventing the possibility of liquid getting into the socket, minimizing the risk mechanical damage electrical accessories, unhindered connection of various household appliances to the network - the cords of the devices must reach the entrance to the network.

Freeing ourselves from prejudices

Almost all new electricians who decide to independently replace the wiring in their home are interested in information about European standards, according to which the height of sockets on the wall from the floor should be 30 cm.

This is nothing more than a myth; there are no regulatory documents confirming such a figure. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to place “electrical points” in the apartment in exactly this way.

The “Rules for Electrical Installations” (hereinafter referred to as PUE) talks about the height at which sockets should be from the floor in rooms with high humidity, or more precisely, in bathrooms.

This condition has been put forward only for the safety of the population; it will help protect against electric shock. We will consider this issue in more detail in the next section.

Mentions in regulatory documents

So, some European standards for the height of sockets still exist. The height requirements for electrical fittings are described in several sections of the following documents:

  • GOST R 50571.11-96;
  • SP 31-110-2003.

According to the PUE, plug sockets must be installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the doorway of the shower stall. The minimum distance from the “electrical point” to the elements of the gas pipeline system is also determined; it is equal to 50 cm. GOST mentions a similar requirement regarding a 60 cm distance to the shower cabin door.

Having studied the joint venture, you may come across a condition that it is prohibited to install sockets under and above kitchen sinks.

The height of their placement in schools and kindergartens is also discussed; electrical accessories should be installed at a distance of 180 cm from the floor level.

Kitchen sockets

The issue of placing power supply elements specifically in kitchen area. This is due to the presence large quantity electrical appliances that every housewife needs.

So, the height of the sockets in the kitchen, which are used to connect the most popular household appliances, is:

  • for connecting a refrigerator, automatic machine or dishwasher to the network optimal value- 15 - 20 centimeters from the floor;
  • for connecting small household appliances (coffee machine, electric kettle, microwave oven, multicooker) with an ideal height of kitchen countertop is considered 20 cm, that is, 1 meter and 10 centimeters should be measured from the floor level;
  • The socket for the hood is usually placed at a distance of two meters from the floor.

Electrical fittings in the living room

Before marking the installation points for sockets, think about where the upholstered furniture, TV, air conditioner, desk, etc. will be located.

The height of TV sockets may vary depending on which method of installing equipment is chosen. If it is located on a low stand, it is permissible to install the “electric point” at a distance of 30 cm from the floor; if the TV is hanging on the wall, it is better to increase the height to one meter.

Sockets about upholstered furniture placed at a level of 75-90 cm from the floor, this solution gives easy access to them for any devices.

Sockets for floor lamps and vacuum cleaners are located 30 cm from the level of the floor covering.

Sockets in the bedroom

With the sleeping area everything is much simpler. One or two sockets can be installed around bedside table, they will be used to recharge the smartphone and turn on the night light. If you plan to install an air conditioner, you must provide one point directly below the ceiling.

You should take into account a couple more spare sockets that will be used to turn on a hair dryer, fan, and vacuum cleaner. When in the bedroom there will be computer desk, the battery is placed near it at a height of 30 cm above the floor.

It is not difficult to correctly draw up a schematic diagram of the location of new sockets in the apartment; the main thing is to think carefully about the placement of all electrical appliances.

On the created drawing, do not forget to mark the optimal height, this will help you avoid mistakes during the repair process.

Photo of sockets

When starting a renovation, you have to take many nuances into account. One of the most difficult points in improving an apartment or house is electricity. Even the seemingly simple installation of a light switch has pitfalls. In addition to its form and functionality, you will have to decide at what height from the floor the switch will be located.

The choice is influenced not only by the factor of ease of use, but also by the safety of residents. Therefore, it is necessary to understand in detail how to determine the installation location of the switch and whether there are any regulatory documents regulating this.

At what height should the switch be installed from the floor?

IN own home you can find the switch even with your eyes closed, but if you notice it at a party, you often get lost, even if it is in a visible place. And its location does not always seem convenient to you. This happens because we use lighting at home so often that we turn it on and off automatically, and when we get into an unusual room, we have to think about it.

That is why it is worthwhile to approach the issue of choosing the height and location of the switch with special care.

There are no rules regulating the number of sockets and switches installed in apartments and residential buildings, in all documents only general recommendations. This figure is determined by each owner depending on the number and location of electrical appliances.

But existing regulations strictly regulate the places prohibited for the installation of sockets and switches. This should be noted Special attention, since these rules will affect the installation height.

If you go to several different apartments old years of construction, you can notice that, basically, all the light switches are on the same level. By Soviet standards the device data was located at a height of 1.6 - 1.7 meters from the floor. This attitude is still common today.

This happens because the standard height of the switch from the floor is so memorable on an intuitive level that even during repairs, people do not change their location so as not to get used to it again.

Height of the switch from the floor according to European standards

We always associate the prefix “euro-” with something new, more reliable and of higher quality. "Eurostandard" and "European-quality repair" are modern technologies and materials in construction, more comfortable layouts and the location of all communications, including sockets and light switches. All new buildings are now built to these standards.

According to the European standard it was calculated optimal location switches for all family members. Not too high for children and not too low for adults. Height of the switch from the floor according to European standards is 0.8 - 0.9 meters. This level was not chosen by chance. This is the approximate height to which an adult’s hand can reach down.

At the same time, the child will also be able to reach this level. IN SP 31–110–2003 clause 15.34, 15.36 the following is said about this.

Both the Soviet and European standards are not an unquestioning indication. You can choose the installation height of equipment in your home depending on your convenience and the location of furniture and electrical appliances. In a room intended for sleeping, it is more convenient to install switches near sleeping place at the level that can be reached from a lying position. It is approximately 60 – 70 centimeters from the floor.

In the work area, in addition to the main one, additional lighting is provided. These are various table or wall lamps. It is more convenient to place their switches on distance of 10 – 20 centimeters from the height of the table. This way you can adjust the lighting without interrupting your studies.

The location of sockets and switches must be thought out in advance before execution. finishing works. Once they are completed, it will be almost impossible to move or add additional ones without damaging the new renovation. It is imperative to take into account the location of furniture in the rooms and electrical appliances on them.

Where should the switch be placed?

The location of the switch depends on the purpose of the room. In any case, for main lighting it is installed immediately next to front door from the handle side. Do not place the switch behind open door, as this will complicate its operation and lead to accidental presses.

Also, it should not be partially or completely covered by furniture and interior items. The installation height of the switch should be comfortable for all family members, both adults and children. To make it comfortable to press the key, consider the average height of the hand lowered down for all adult family members.

Where is better install a bathroom switch(bathroom): at the entrance to the room or inside? In rooms such as bathrooms, toilets, saunas, pantry, light switches should be install outside, that is, in front of the entrance. Why outside and not inside?

Usually, when a person enters the bathroom or toilet, what is the first thing he does? That's right - he closes the door (possibly even with a lock). Now imagine that you are closed and it is dark around, where to look for this switch? Therefore, for convenience, it is better to control the lighting in such rooms from the outside: when you come in, the lights are already on, you can see everything around you, when you go out, you turn them off.

IN living rooms, kitchens and corridors are the other way around. In such premises switches are installed inside. We went into the room - turned on the light, went to bed - turned it off. That is, here all control occurs inside the room and there is no need to open the doors for this.

Moreover, to increase comfort, for example in the bedroom, it is advisable to install special (pass-through) switches for the main lighting, which allow you to control one chandelier with different places. For example, one switch is placed near the bed or sofa at arm's length of a lying person, the other at the entrance near the door. Thanks to this, it becomes possible turn off the lights before bed without getting out of bed.

Don’t forget about additional lighting – lamps, sconces, LED strips. Their switches are installed depending on ease of use and aesthetic appearance of the interior.

Have you noticed in which position the switch is on and in which position it is off? And it should. This is necessary in order to install all equipment in the apartment equally correctly.

From the above we can conclude that the location of the switches is chosen based on the purpose of the room and ease of control. The generally accepted location is at the entrance to the premises on at a distance of 10-15 cm from the door. Here is what is said about this in State standard SP 31–110–2003 clause 15.34.

Tips for choosing the height for switches

How high should the switch be from the floor? In addition to existing standards, individual factors influence the choice of location. As a standard, it is suggested to choose the distance of the hand lowered down. This height is convenient because turning the light on and off can be done automatically without bending the limb. Walk around several times, simulating pressing a switch, and mark the position on the wall that is comfortable for you.

The second factor influencing the location is the design features of the renovation. You should decide in advance where the furniture, sockets, main and additional lighting will be located.

Visually imagine where the switch will be installed for a particular room, mentally try to turn it on several times. Perhaps when driving it will seem to you that it is too high or, on the contrary, low. This way you won’t forget anything and choose the optimal location.

Check out the idea! Pay attention to the location of switches in the apartments of your friends and relatives. Are you comfortable using them? Perhaps this way you can avoid mistakes in your repair by changing the selected position in advance.

Switches are not installed near sources of heat and water (radiators, sinks). These restrictions are set for security purposes. Also, do not place the devices too low or too high.

The optimal height is at the level of your hand down. If set too low, you will have to squat or bend over. When positioned high, the arm must be raised or bent, which also causes, albeit minor, inconvenience.

If you are building new house or do major renovation in an apartment, you will definitely encounter electrical problems. It is best not to redo the existing household electrical network, but to reinstall the wiring, thinking through down to the smallest detail the location of the switching devices. In this case, quite natural questions will arise - what should be the height of the sockets from the floor where the switches are installed?

Main options

There is no such thing as officially accepted standards. There are only recommendations and requirements on how to install sockets and switches regarding communications (gas, water, heating pipes). Otherwise, the main thing is that the operation of electrical equipment is comfortable and safe.

Whether you install the switching devices yourself or seek help from a professional electrician, keep in mind that there are two most common options for how high from the floor they can be mounted:

  • installation of sockets and switches according to the so-called “European standard”;
  • "Soviet" installation system.

All these concepts are conditional; in fact, European standards and Soviet systems do not exist, it is simply more convenient to distinguish and determine what the installation height of sockets and switches should be.

The first option became widespread relatively recently, when it became fashionable in the post-Soviet space to conduct renovation work in homes and offices and call it “European-quality renovation”.

There are no differences between repairs in Europe, America or Russia; they can either be good and of high quality, or not so good.

But it so happened that good and high-quality repairs associated with punctual and neat Europeans and received the prefix “euro”. And the one that wasn’t very good was identified with everything Soviet and earned the corresponding name.

The “Euro” version assumes that the height of the socket from the floors is 0.3 m, and the switch is 0.9 m. According to Soviet standards, the switch was mounted at the level of the shoulders and head of an average person (1.6-1.7 m), and the sockets – 0.9-1 m from the floors.

Option for placing sockets for a TV in the video:

It is impossible to say which of these two options is preferable; everything here is purely individual. In the “euro” version, to control the lighting there is no need to raise your hand up to turn on the switch; it is located at the comfortable level of the lowered human palm. In addition, such a switching device can be turned on and off by a child.

Placing the switch at a distance of 1.6-1.7 m is advantageous when it is necessary to install some furniture under it (wardrobe, bookcase, refrigerator).

A "Euro" socket located almost near the floor poses a danger to small child, who has just learned to crawl and is interested in everything that catches his eye. In this case, of course, it is preferable to install sockets according to the Soviet version at a level of 1 m from the floor.

But as for sockets in which some kind of equipment is constantly plugged in, such as a TV, computer or stereo system, it is better to mount them as close to the floor as possible so that the wires do not stretch across the entire wall and spoil the appearance of the room.

General requirements and rules

Electricians have a basic normative document– Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE). Some “specialists” neglect this document, but then the quality of electrical wiring installation falls on their conscience.

click to enlarge

Rules are created in order to be guided by them, so we will give you basic recommendations on how to various rooms required distance from the floor to the socket or switch:

  • In utility or utility rooms, the height of the mounted sockets from the floor is within 0.8-1 m. It can be increased to 1.5 m if the wires are supplied from above.
  • It is very important that the distance from switching devices to gas pipes was more than 0.5 m.
  • In residential and office rooms, the height of sockets from the floor should be such that it is comfortable to connect electrical appliances to them. It all depends on how the interior of the rooms is decorated, as well as on their functional purpose, but it is not recommended to install sockets higher than 1 m from the floors.

You can install sockets on special baseboards made of non-flammable materials.

  • The installation height of switches varies from 0.8 to 1.7 m. It is recommended to mount them on the walls on the side where they are located door handles. If lighting fixtures are controlled by cords, then it is permissible to install switches for them under the ceiling.

  • In rooms where children are constantly present, the height installed sockets and switches is regulated by a figure of at least 1.8 m from the floor level. Very important condition: all sockets in childcare facilities must have automatic protection, which, after pulling out the plug, will close the socket.
  • It is prohibited to install sockets in bathrooms and shower rooms, saunas and laundries. Their installation is permitted only in apartment bathrooms and hotel rooms. But they must have RCD protection (device protective shutdown), and also be located in zone 3 (the division of bathrooms into zones will be discussed below). Sockets in bathrooms must be installed no closer than 0.6 m to the shower doors.

IN Lately installation has become widely used floor models sockets, power is supplied to them in special baseboards (cable ducts). They are very good in terms of design (they are almost invisible), but you need to be careful when wet cleaning rooms so that water does not enter them.

There are rooms in our residential buildings that deserve a separate discussion about installing sockets in them. This is a kitchen, stuffed with a huge variety of different household appliances, and a bathroom, which is a dangerous room due to dampness, of increased importance. Let's talk about these premises in a little more detail.


The main condition for an electrical element installed in the kitchen is that it should not be closer than 0.6 m to the water pipes and sink. The same applies to gas pipes and stoves; it is necessary to maintain a distance between them and sockets (switches) of at least 0.5 m.

About the design of sockets in the kitchen in the video:

In general, the situation with electrical kitchen wiring is the most difficult. Firstly, there are many communications located here - heating, water supply, sewerage, gas. Secondly, there are much more household appliances that require separate power supply in the kitchen than in any other rooms (washing machine, water heater, hob, electric oven). In this case, you need to install sockets in such a way that they are always accessible.

In kitchens, it is better to install these switching devices at three levels from the floor:

  • First level (or lower) – 0.15-0.20 m. this level install sockets for electrical appliances that require constant or long-term connection to the network (washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, electric stove, waste shredder).
  • The second level (or middle) is 1.0-1.2 m. At this height, switches for lighting elements and sockets for household appliances are made kitchen appliances(microwave oven, tester, blender, food processor, electric kettle, bread maker, coffee machine, multicooker, etc.). More exact distance choose for yourself depending on the furniture configuration in the kitchen.

To make it easier to plug in household appliances, place the sockets slightly higher than the countertop.

  • Third level (or upper) - 2.0-2.5 m. Connect to sockets located at this height exhaust fan, additional lighting for work areas, TV. Neither the switching devices themselves nor the cords going to them will spoil the kitchen interior, because they are almost invisible behind the furniture (wall cabinets).

It is allowed to place sockets under the tabletop or inside kitchen cabinets. To do this, special holes must be made in the walls of the furniture. This will help you save some space without ruining the overall look.

The minimum distance from the floor to the outlet must be at least 0.1 m, otherwise water may enter it during wet cleaning (washing floors).


This room is divided into several zones:

  • Zone 0 (the inside of the bathtub itself or the shower tray).
  • Zone 1 (external vertical surface of the bathroom).
  • Zone 2 (this is essentially zone 1, increased by 0.6 m).
  • Zone 3 (the rest of the bathroom).

Sockets can only be installed in zone 3. Even if you really want to mount them near the mirror to make it convenient to use a hair dryer, electric razor or hair clipper, this is strictly forbidden (if the mirror is not in zone 3). In addition, sockets must have a degree of protection of IP44, due to the fact that the humidity in the bathroom is constantly high.

  1. Socket for connection washing machine can be set at a level from 0.3 to 1.0 m.
  2. Additionally, in order to connect small household electrical appliances, sockets are installed at a height of 1.1-1.2 m.
  3. To connect the boiler, it is better to mount the switching device at a height of 1.7-1.8 m.

In bathrooms, placing sockets lower than 0.15 m from the floor is prohibited. This is due to the familiar situation when you forgot to turn on the water tap or a broken Appliances, resulting in a flood.

Water ingress into switching devices is unacceptable!

The location of sockets and switches is clearly shown in the video:

Light switches are typically located outside bathrooms.

As you can see, there are no strict rules when it comes to placing outlets. There is only useful tips, recommendations and individual requirements. Be sure to take them into account when planning installation locations for switching devices.

Arrangement of a new or replacement old wiring is always associated with one important question: what should be the height of the sockets from the floor, and at what distance should the switches be installed. At the moment, there are no unified rules and regulations, so each individual case needs to be dealt with in more detail.

Standards, SNiPs, regulations - where to find the exact answer?

Say that they exist precise recommendations There is no question about where and at what distance the socket should be installed in each specific case. The point is that during times Soviet Union there was a GOST that unconditionally specified the installation height of sockets and switches. In the first case, the figure was 90–100 cm from the floor, and in the second 150–170 cm. In fact, there was a rational grain in these values, because the switch was always at eye level and was visible, and in order to power any The device was plugged in, there was no need to bend down. In addition, this arrangement of power supplies made it possible to place furniture anywhere in the room, which is especially important in cramped living conditions.

Currently in many new panel houses You can still find this standard placement. The word “European standard” is common in our everyday life, but in reality such a unified concept does not exist. The fact is that each individual country in Europe has its own rules for the placement of power supplies, not to mention the fact that some of them have, in addition, designs of sockets and switches that differ from ours. As a rule, the European standard refers to the installation of sockets at a height of 30–40 cm from the floor and the installation of switches at a height of 80 cm to one meter. Moreover, there are no recommendations regarding their location in the rooms. This arrangement of sockets is not very convenient, since you constantly have to bend down to turn on the device, but there are no wires hanging on the walls in the room.

As for Russian standards and regulations, such as PUE, GOST R 50571. 11-96, SP 31-110-2003 and others, there are several main positions that give recommendations on where sockets and switches should be installed:

  • in the bathroom, electricity sources must be at least 60 cm away from the shower doors and taps;
  • they are not allowed to be placed above or below sinks;
  • in schools and nurseries preschool institutions switches must be located at a height of 180 cm from the floor, and sockets must have protective screens;
  • The distance between sockets and switches from gas pipelines should be at least half a meter.

Thus, there is no specific data that could indicate at what height to install sockets and switches, and there is also no information on where they should be located in relation to the placement of furniture in the room and the presence of certain equipment. However, this fact allows home owners to install power supplies in the place where it is more comfortable for them, and also makes it possible to install the number of them that they consider necessary. When designing electrical wiring, try to take into account all the nuances of the arrangement of furniture and appliances, so as not to use surge protectors unnecessarily in your home and not to load one outlet with several powerful electrical appliances.

Sockets in the kitchen - how to provide for everything

The modern kitchen is not limited to the refrigerator and gas stove. Today you can find a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a toaster, dishwasher and much more. But for each of these devices it is important to think through correct location sockets In addition, it is important to take into account the location of the furniture and the kitchen set. And if you add to this water pipes and gas pipelines, then the question correct wiring becomes especially relevant. Before you begin work on arranging electrical wiring, you need to draw up detailed plan wiring with an exact indication of each point regarding furniture, windows, doors and communications.

In order to make sockets and switches practical and as accessible as possible, it is necessary to follow some recommendations based on many years of experience of electricians and home craftsmen. Firstly, it should be taken into account that a large number of equipment is currently produced with a fairly short cord length. These include a refrigerator, dishwasher, stove. For these devices, the optimal location of the sockets is at a height of 10–20 cm from finishing coating floor. Since they are constantly plugged in, this distance from the floor to the outlet will allow the cord not to sag.

To connect small kitchen appliances, such as an electric meat grinder, toaster, multicooker, mixer, etc., it is recommended to install sockets at a distance of 10–20 cm from the countertop. For them, it is also possible to provide power sources at a distance of 110 cm from the floor. In this case, it will be convenient to use them by placing them on the table surface. If the kitchen has built-in appliances, then the power sources should be located not directly behind the appliances themselves, but behind adjacent cabinets, and holes should be made in the rear walls of the furniture so that there is easy access to turn it off. The optimal height for the points is considered to be 30–60 cm from the floor.

When installing sockets and switches above the countertop, they must be located at a distance of at least 60 cm from the water source.

When installing a hood in the kitchen, the socket for it is mounted at a distance of at least 2 meters from the floor or 10 cm from the edge of the upper cabinets, and it is important to take into account the fact that the point should be located on the side of ventilation pipe, providing open access to it. Above upper cabinets kitchen set, you can place sockets for lighting fixtures built into the top row of furniture and for lighting working area, unless separate switches are provided for them. You can also place a socket for a fan, if one is built into the ventilation duct. Thus, all sockets can be divided into three levels: lower, middle and upper.

This approach to arranging wiring allows you to correctly distribute points along the walls of the kitchen for their rational use. In addition, there is a good opportunity to lay out the wiring relative to the power of the appliances used, because for some of them it is recommended to run a separate line to the electrical distribution panel. When working in the kitchen, it is important not only to determine the correct height of sockets and switches, but also to make a power reserve in case the kitchen is equipped with new equipment or replaced old technology to a more powerful one. As for the installation of switches in the kitchen, they are usually located on the side of the open part of the doors at arm's length, which is usually 80–100 cm.

Is it possible to have sockets in the bathroom?

A couple of decades ago, the issue of installing sockets in the bathroom was practically not discussed, but today it is simply necessary to have an socket in the bathroom, and their number is not limited to one. Judge for yourself, the first thing you need to do is set aside a personal point for washing machine, since using an extension cord to connect equipment is not recommended in principle. It is advisable if a separate line is provided for it with the obligatory connection of an RCD on it. For greater convenience, its location is recommended at a height of one meter. This is done so that at any time it is possible to disconnect the device from the network.

In houses where a boiler is responsible for the hot water supply, a separate line with an RCD and an outlet located in close proximity to the device must be allocated for it. It is also allowed to install socket blocks above the countertop in the bathroom. They are used for hair dryers, electric razors and other small equipment. An important limitation when installing them is that they must be located at least 60 cm from the water source. All sockets in the bathroom must be equipped with grounding and a moisture-proof screen that will protect them from splashes.

When choosing a socket, you need to pay attention to the markings. It looks like this: IP XY, where X is the degree of protection against dust. Y is the degree of protection against moisture (for use in the bathroom you need to buy models with a number of at least 4). The current strength of the purchased product must be 16A. It is possible to install sockets with a parameter of 10A, but they can only be used for low-power equipment. When laying wiring to sockets, you must ensure that you use copper cable with three conductors (phase, neutral and ground) with a cross section of 2.5 mm.

The cable must be laid directly from the distribution panel, that is, a separate line must be allocated to the bathroom. Wiring is being laid in a hidden way– in grooves or behind drywall. This approach eliminates the possibility of accidental damage and contact with water. The installation of sockets in the bathroom should be preceded by a well-designed project, in which all distances will be measured to the nearest centimeter. Only in this case can you safely use the equipment and carry out water procedures.

Switches, as a rule, are never installed in the bathrooms themselves, but are located in front of the entrance to them. The installation height of switches usually starts from 80 cm.

Living rooms - there are never too many sockets

Proper wiring in living rooms will not only allow you to functionally enjoy all the benefits of civilization, but also protect yourself from numerous network filters and dangling wires. Unfortunately, in typical new buildings, and even in old housing stock, designers are limited to two or three outlets per room, which in modern realities is negligible. So there is an overload in the power grid, countless power outages. And what’s even worse is fires. Therefore, having thought about the design of the room, you definitely need to think about what height to install the sockets and where it is best to place them. Once you've arranged your furniture in your sketch, place power points within arm's length of each area where you plan to spend your time.

So, let's look at the location of sockets and switches near the bed. Firstly, their number depends on the number of people who will rest on the bed. If this is a family bed, then it is necessary to place a block of sockets on both sides of it. Their distance from the floor will depend on several factors. If bedside tables are placed close to the bed, then it is convenient to place the sockets with a distance of 10–15 cm up from them. If there are no bedside tables, then choose any place near the bed at a distance of 30–90 cm from the finished floor covering.

Switches for overbed sconces and general light should be located next to the sockets in this block. If you plan to place lamps on nightstands near the bed, then you should definitely add an extra socket for them. This rule also applies to the location of sockets on both sides of the sofa in the living room. Sconces are rarely used in halls, but floor lamps are quite common, so an extra socket at a distance of 30 cm from the floor to connect the device will be very useful.

In addition to 220 V outlets, install special USB ports for recharging modern gadgets - phones, smart watches, etc.

For the TV, if it will hang on the wall, install a block of five sockets at a distance of 130 cm from the floor. Or 30–60 cm from the floor, if a place has been prepared for it on a low cabinet. The unit consists of 3 electrical sockets, an antenna socket and an Internet connection. Equipping workplace, you need to provide two socket blocks. The first is located above the surface desk(this is approximately 90 cm from the floor, and the second one is made only 30 cm above the floor). A desktop computer will be connected to it.

If you plan to install a dressing table in the room, which is especially important in bedrooms, then the same rules apply for them as for the work area - 2 blocks at a distance of 30 and 90 cm from the floor. When installing electrical wiring, do not forget to place several blocks of sockets around the perimeter of the room to connect a vacuum cleaner, humidifier and other devices. Switches are usually located at the entrance near the door, at least 10 cm from the opening and at a height of 75–90 cm. Some install switches on the corridor side. For greater convenience, do not forget to install duplicate (pass-through) switches to regulate the light, especially if your lighting is not connected to a smartphone or control panel.

Where else are sockets needed in the house?

When planning the wiring, you should not lose sight of such rooms as a balcony, hallway, storage room and the like, because the sockets and switches installed there play important role. Let's start with the hallway - the first room that greets everyone who comes into the house. Here it is necessary to provide a light source. The height of this switch, like the others in the home, should be 75–90 cm. As for sockets, if the size of the room is small, then one double socket will be enough to connect a vacuum cleaner and a shoe dryer. If the corridor is elongated, then you can provide a block of sockets on each of its sides. Their distance from the floor is 30–40 cm, but if this is inconvenient for you, then you can choose this indicator yourself depending on your personal preferences.

If you plan to equip a work area or recreational area on the balcony, then you should also take care of arranging power sources there. If you plan to place a desk for work, then, as already described above, install two blocks of sockets at different heights. If the room will be used only for recreation, 1–2 blocks of sockets at a height of 30 cm above will be sufficient.

If you plan to install an air conditioner in the apartment, then provide an outlet for it, 30 cm away from the ceiling.

Installing sockets and switches in an apartment according to European standards is not convenient for everyone. When installing wiring and determining locations for future power sources, first of all, rely on the design project of the room and personal needs.