Everything you need to know to grow shrubby cinquefoil. Kuril tea (cinquefoil): an excellent shrub for creating landscape design Cinquefoil shelter for the winter

Cinquefoil bush or Kuril tea, is a picturesque bush with a crown compact shape, dotted with many small flowers yellow, pink, white. Blooms from mid-June to October. All cinquefoils are not picky about soil, drought-resistant and winter-hardy.

Thanks to its amazing unpretentiousness, it is considered an indispensable decoration for gardens and personal plots. Feels good like V open ground , and in voluminous flowerpots, flowerpots on terraces, balconies, loggias.

Shrubs do not create any special problems for gardeners and do not require great care in care.

The main task is to choose the right place for planting and ensure sufficient soil moisture.

All types of shrubs prefer sunny areas, with desirable shading from the midday sun, especially in the southern regions.

Exceptions are capricious species, requiring special conditions for cultivation:

  • “white” prefers partial shade
  • "brilliant" grows well on sandy soils on the south side of the plots
  • “Arctic” requires acidic soil.

Planting in open ground

It is better to plant a bush in early spring. In exceptional cases, the planting procedure is possible in late summer - early autumn. Plants are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other.

The frequency of planting bushes depends on the purpose - decorative or obtaining raw materials from the plant

If you plan to use the bush to obtain medicinal raw materials, the distance is reduced to 30 cm.

The soil must be loosened, well fertilized. It is recommended to carry out liming and ensure good drainage.

Place the root system of seedlings purchased from a nursery in advance in a clay mash with the addition of root formation stimulants such as Kornevin or Gumat for several hours. Subsequent stages:

Subsequently, it is necessary to protect the seedlings from lack of moisture for a month.

Care rules: watering, weeding, fertilizing

The main requirement for the rapid and high-quality development of plants is regular watering. Young bushes are watered once a week with half a bucket of water for a month. In dry summers, it is enough to water once every 8-10 days with one bucket of warm water per bush. Vigorous flowering the bush will respond to spraying on hot days.

During the summer season, loosening and weeding of weeds is carried out in a timely manner.

Flowering cinquefoil is fed mineral fertilizers three times– in May, July, September.

Due to the fact that there are almost no ready-made fertilizers for bloodroot on the market, it is easier to prepare it yourself

In May, it is necessary to add phosphorus fertilizer and potassium sulfate, at the rate of 30 g per bucket of water to stimulate flowering.

Cinquefoil is cold-resistant and does not require winter shelter.

Pruning cinquefoil

Care includes another procedure - an annual haircut, which should be done in early spring before the buds appear and in the fall. Sanitary pruning necessary for removing broken dry branches and for forming a bush in the form of various geometric shapes, often a ball. In the spring, all last year's growth is cut back to a third of its length.

In autumn, old elongated branches are removed.

Every 4-5 years a rejuvenating haircut is performed. To give the bush an aesthetic appearance dry branches are removed dried shoots growing inside the bush.

The main purpose of pruning is to stimulate abundant flowering and maintain beautiful shape bush.

Diseases and pests

Cinquefoil is generally immune to disease.

However, under unfavorable weather conditions (cold, rainy summers), cinquefoil can be affected by:

  • Rust. The leaves have a yellowish brown spots with controversy on the reverse side. Treatment consists of foliar feeding solutions of potassium permanganate, boric acid. It is good to treat the bush with a solution colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture.

To avoid infection, do not plant cinquefoil next to pine trees, where rust spores can overwinter.

  • Spotting. Multi-colored spots on the leaves, reddish, gray or yellow, are visually observed. The reason lies in dry air, lack of nutrients, insufficient lighting or in low air temperatures.

The lesion must be treated with fungicides. It is better to remove heavily infected branches.

  • Spider mites. They can appear in hot, dry summers. Brown spots on the leaves and cobwebs are visible. A control measure will be treating plants with a soap solution with ash.
  • Scoops. They are destroyed by treatment with insecticides such as Fitoverm according to the instructions on the packaging.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate shrubs:

By division

Dig up a bush at the age of four years, wash it and cut it into pieces with 2-3 sprout buds with a sharp knife. Treat the roots with a root formation stimulator and plant them in a new location. The process is carried out in spring in warm weather or autumn.


Cut off young shoots from last year's growth, remove the lower leaves, and treat with Kornevin. Plant in a shaded place in a greenhouse, or under glass jar to ensure comfortable air humidity. After 15-20 days, young plants can be planted in a permanent place.

Needed on time pick from cuttings the inflorescences that appear, they weaken young plant. Maintain high humidity by frequently spraying the cuttings throughout the day.


Depending on the climatic conditions Seeds are collected at the end of summer or in September-October. The seeds need to be cleaned and dried. Store in breathable bags. Sow in spring.

The success of growing seeds directly depends on how correctly they are stored

By layering

The selected lower shoot should be slightly cut along outside, bend it to the ground, pin it with the cut down, sprinkle with soil. Until autumn the layer appears root system, he is transplanted to a new place.

Creeping varieties are best propagated by layering.

Types and uses of cinquefoil bush

About 15 types of cinquefoil bush and Kuril tea (Dasiphora) are popular. All types are divided into three groups:

  1. with yellow flowers
  2. with white flowers
  3. with flowers of reddish shades, pink, orange.

The most common type is the yellow-flowered cinquefoil.

Description: general and yellow varieties

The shrubs are highly branched, with a height of 0.9 - 1.5 m. Young shoots are covered with small hairs, adults with grayish-brown bark. The leaves are green, small, trifoliate. IN summer season The bush is strewn with numerous flowers of various shades.

Flowers in the form of inflorescences at the ends of the branches. Flowering continues about three months. The seeds ripen in August-September.

With a close-up, it becomes clear why yellow cinquefoil is popular and loved by gardeners

The most popular representatives of yellow cinquefoil are the following varieties:


Stands out large size bush with erect shoots, bright yellow flowers against a background of emerald leaves. Bush 1.3 meters high with a crown diameter of up to 1.5 meters;


Characterized by golden-yellow flowers against a background of grey-green leaves. Bush up to 1 meter high with a crown diameter of up to 1.3 meters.

Princess: rose bush

Among the rose bushes Potentillas are distinguished by the Princess variety. This is a compact shrub with light pink flowers with yellow stamens against a background of light green foliage. A bush 0.7 meters high with a crown diameter of up to 1.2 meters.

Using cinquefoil in landscape design

The erect cinquefoil holds its shape perfectly. Thanks to this property, borders and low hedges made from its bushes look aesthetically pleasing.

Both single perennials on lawns and group plantings look harmonious.

The shrub has been successfully used when decorating flower beds- mixborders, rockeries and alpine slides.

Combination with other plants

Combinations of cinquefoil bushes with plants such as:

  • Hosts
  • Kizilniki
  • Barberries
  • Junipers
  • Thuja occidentalis

A composition with Boumalda spirea or Thunberg barberry with red leaves will be beautiful.

Ideal companions Potentillas will become plants with white and blue colors.

It so happened that multi-colored shrubs of different varieties are used for alpine slides

Let's consider what types of shrubs are used in decoration:

Rockeries and alpine slides

A win-win option - brilliant cinquefoil. Refers to the ground cover species. Pink flowers against a background of green leaves create a picturesque effect. In addition, this species thrives in dry, sunny areas on sandy and crushed stone bases.

Garden and flower beds

In flower beds, shrubby cinquefoil is used to embody a special design idea. Long flowering and compactness allow it to fit harmoniously into various compositions with trees, flower beds, and shrubs.

The Elizabeth variety (yellow-orange, low-growing) is good for creating single cropped forms- balloons, pillows. A well-chosen variety will decorate any area of ​​the garden.

Hedges and borders

Its dense, flowering crown and decorative appearance make cinquefoil an ideal plant for creating low hedges and borders for decorating forest edges and lawns. A haircut helps give them a formal look. For linear plantings, yellow-flowering varieties Goldstar and Goldfinger are more often used.

Landscape design is not just for common flowers and shrubs. There are often cases when gardeners turn to openly rare plants. That's why we told you.

The variety of flower colors, leaf shades, and shrub dimensions allows you to create attractive compositions with high decorative effect . Thanks to its long flowering, cinquefoil will delight you throughout the entire gardening season, and with proper care, the longevity of most varieties is 20-30 years.

A not too large bush with pretty flowers is found very often in nature; it is familiar to almost every person. In this article we'll talk about shrubby cinquefoil, this is the name of this representative of the plant world.

Every corner of the garden can be decorated by planting suitable plants. When choosing, their decorative effect, stability and flowering duration are taken into account. All these requirements are met by care and cultivation which will not cause much trouble. Having learned how to properly care for it, you can replenish your flower garden with this beauty.

Types of Potentilla

In nature, cinquefoil can be found in temperate zone Northern Hemisphere: on Far East, Siberia, China, Mongolia, in Western Europe and the Altai mountains.

There are different types of shrubby cinquefoil. There are fifteen of them in the genus, all deciduous. This miracle of nature has more than a dozen varieties that differ from each other in the color of leaves, flowers, and plant height. In places with a temperate climate, varieties with yellow-orange flowers feel most comfortable and stable.

Each variety of shrubby cinquefoil has its own flowering color. But most often it is white, tones.

The most popular varieties of shrubby cinquefoil:

  1. Cinquefoil bush "Abbotswood" is a bush up to one meter high with a dense cushion-shaped crown and light green leaves. The white flowers are small clusters. Abbotswood is part of one of the most the best varieties, looks good in group plantings of rock gardens and low-growing borders.
  2. Cinquefoil shrub "Guilford Cream" is a one and a half meter high bush with a dense cushion-shaped crown and dark green leaves. Large flowers begin to bloom in early July.
  3. Cinquefoil shrub "Red Ace" is distinguished by creeping shoots. The height of the bush is about 70 cm, the crown is 1.3 m wide, the leaves are dark green, the flowers are orange-red, beautiful.
  4. Cinquefoil shrub “Hoppy Orange” - plant height is half a meter, crown width is one meter, flowers are dark orange in color. This variety has established itself as a variety with high endurance and winter hardiness. It feels comfortable in summer cottages.

Botanical description

Cinquefoil shrub is a strongly branched bush. The branches are covered with red-brown or brown-gray bark, which peels off easily.

Leaves with two to three pairs of oblong or oblong-ovate leaflets 5-25 mm long and 1-8 mm wide, which are usually hairy, are rarely glabrous.

Flowers are formed on shoots grown in the current year. There are approximately 25-30 stamens inside, which is why the center is fluffy.

Blooming of one flower lasts from five hours to two days, depending on the ambient temperature and humidity. The shrub blooms from early May to late August. Plants are found with different colors of flowers, very reminiscent of the spring color of apple trees or rose hips. They begin to bear fruit in October. Bloodroot shrubby in autumn looks colorful and elegant, covered with yellow foliage.

Other names: Kuril bush tea, bush cinquefoil, cinquefoil.

care and cultivation

Cinquefoil is unpretentious in relation to the soil, but it is better to plant it in well-lit places in a loose and nutritious substrate. When planting, the root collar should be at ground level. Soil disease has a bad effect on the development of shrubs.

Planting shrubby cinquefoil is not a difficult task. You just need to follow some rules after planting the plant. Mandatory watering in dry summers and timely fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Pruning cinquefoil

Call abundant flowering Can timely pruning, removing unusable shrunken branches or shoots. Pruning of shrubby cinquefoil is carried out every two years. Shoots should be left at a level of 10 cm from the ground.

The bush can be made spherical or in the shape of a pyramid; this will greatly enhance its decorative effect.

To circumcise is to perform a “surgical operation.” Therefore, it should be done at a time when healing will be better. In this case - in the spring. Pruning helps rejuvenate the bush.

Pests and diseases

Like all living things, cinquefoil is susceptible to disease. One of them is rust. There is no major damage from it, but it has a strong effect on decorativeness. Planting near pine trees should be avoided.

It’s easy to get rid of such a disease; just spray it with fungicides, a solution of manganese, and boron. There are no pests.

Cinquefoil shrub: reproduction

One of the propagation methods is cuttings. It is better to cut cuttings fifteen centimeters long at the end of June, by which time the branches will already have gained strength for independent development. WITH bottom side it is necessary to remove the leaves and place the prepared cuttings in a growth stimulator for twelve hours.

Plant the finished cuttings in a prepared greenhouse, covering it with glass or film. Remove all formed buds in order to ensure successful growth of the root system.

After about a month, 90% of the cuttings will have roots and take root safely. You can leave them in the greenhouse until next spring. Seedlings from cuttings take root easily when planted under a jar.

You can propagate shrubby cinquefoil by layering, pressing it to the ground and then digging it in. It will be possible to separate the cuttings from the bush only next spring. This method is considered the simplest and easiest.

A good propagation option is dividing a four-year-old bush. In spring, in warm weather, separate the sprout with growth buds and immediately plant in place, then water generously.

IN natural conditions Potentilla shrub reproduces by self-sowing. Sometimes gardeners collect them themselves and then sow the seeds, but this method is ineffective. When using it, the maternal qualities of the plant are almost not transmitted.

Landscape design

Thanks to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and long flowering period, cinquefoil shrubby looks good in low-growing hedges and is a decoration of garden compositions. After planting the plant, you can form a low-growing border.

A planted bush on a small lawn or lawn will for a long time delight with abundant flowering. The plant can be used to create group and single plantings.

By choosing the right varieties, you can make a mini-garden of plants, which will include shrubby cinquefoil, which even a novice gardener can care for and grow.

Beneficial features

Kuril bush tea has about 3000 species. The plant was given a name, which translated from Latin means strong, mighty for its beneficial properties. healing properties. At one time, Ilya Muromets breathed its aromas, which made him stronger and more powerful. In ancient times, healers called cinquefoil a powerful plant.

The plant (cinquefoil fruticosa) can be used in the treatment of urinary incontinence in children, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, as well as for washing purulent wounds and treating burns and boils.

People use an infusion of flowering branches for pain and cramping in the stomach and intestines, for dyspepsia, bloody diarrhea, and as a hemostatic agent. Tibetans drink this remedy for pneumonia as an expectorant.

The roots of the bush are also endowed with healing properties; they are used for diarrhea. An infusion of the whole plant is used to treat stomatitis, purulent sore throat and other mouth diseases.

July is the most suitable month for procuring medicinal raw materials. During this period, the cinquefoil will already fully bloom, and during flowering it has the ability to produce all the useful substances.

A wonderful plant is the shrubby cinquefoil. Caring for and growing this useful bush makes it possible to receive pleasure and enjoyment from the work done, and at the same time brings enormous benefits.

Blooming formed cinquefoil bush

Cinquefoil (lat. Potentilla) - perennial, which can decorate gardens and flower beds for 20-30 years. The different varieties range in size from 50 to 100 cm in height and width. Typically, a cinquefoil bush has a rounded shape, but to make it ideal, every year you need to help the plant “beautify”, that is, make a shaping haircut. Let's look at how to properly prune using the example of the shrubby cinquefoil "Goldfinger".

It is better to use a fairly powerful pruner as a tool, since the oldest branches reach 0.7-1.2 cm in diameter.

You can make a haircut in the fall, before installing the snow cover. In this case, in March-April you will see a neat crown of the bush, which will not require your attention on busy spring days for the gardener. However, in colder latitudes, in conditions middle zone It is better to prune in the spring. Old branches dense bush will contribute well to snow retention, and the plant will better tolerate frost.

You will need:

  • pruner;
  • fan rake;
  • roulette.

Sequence of work:

By using fan rake clear the ground around the bush of old leaves and grass. With the same rake you can “comb” the branches of the cinquefoil, removing last year’s leaves and flowers that have dried on them.

Examine the shape of the plant, determine the degree of shortening of the branches. If the plant was exposed to the sun on one side and in the shade on the other, it could not form its crown symmetrically. In this case, to give the correct rounded shape, the branches will be trimmed with different sides not the same. The main thing is that as a result of cutting, the branches of the bush become the same length, which will create a ball shape.

When cutting cinquefoil, proceed from the rule that the branches should not be shortened by more than half, best option- by a third. Remove old broken and dried branches entirely, treat the cuts with garden varnish.

Trimming the cinquefoil stimulates abundant flowering. It is advisable to feed the plant in the period after cutting, when the first green leaves begin to appear on the branches. Potentilla responds well to spring feeding phosphate fertilizer (25 g per 10 liters of water) and potassium sulfate (30 g per 8-10 liters of water).

In dry summers, cinquefoil needs a cool shower, so do not bypass it with a hose when watering, but give it a good “rain” on its crown.

By comparing the photos before and after cutting, you can clearly see that a well-groomed look can be given to a plant by spending only 15-20 minutes working with pruning shears. In return, the cinquefoil will thank you with a thick ball of greenery and bright flowers against its background.

Soil mixture

Mixed humus with turf soil and sand (2:2:1). A drainage layer of 20 cm of crushed stone is required. Acidity is recommended within pH 7-8.6.

Top dressing

Every spring 100-150g is useful mineral fertilizers. And before flowering - supplements rich in potassium and phosphorus.


Cinquefoil is quite drought-resistant, but does not tolerate dry air. During hot summers, 3-4 waterings per season are sufficient; young plants need to be watered more often. In the evenings, you can spray the crown of the plant, being careful not to damage the flowers.


Simultaneously with weeding, but not deeper than 10cm.


Peat layer 6-8 cm.


When pruning, two methods are used. During the first, every spring, old and weak shoots are removed. In the second case, the cinquefoil is radically pruned once every 5-6 years, cutting it off completely, only leaving stubs up to 20 cm in height. After such pruning, the cinquefoil must be fed, and it quickly recovers and grows again.


Pests do not bother the cinquefoil.


Cinquefoil can only occasionally be affected by rust.

Preparing for winter

Many decorative types quite winter-hardy. You should only take care of young seedlings and wrap them in burlap in frosty winters to avoid frostbite on one-year-old shoots. Over time, thanks to care and feeding, frost resistance increases.

Hello, dear readers!

Or Kuril tea - this is how this beautifully flowering plant from the Rosaceae family is most often called. Scientists cannot figure out the ancestral identity of this species among themselves. But I think that all these scientific disputes cannot affect the ability to grow this plant on your own summer cottage and the main thing is that it pleases the soul and the eye.

Potentilla fruticosa has been known in culture since the beginning of the 18th century, and currently its popularity is only increasing. How not to love one of the most unpretentious shrubs, capable of growing in areas with hot climates, as well as in permafrost conditions. Name " Kuril tea"The plant received for its healing properties. You can brew a drink from the leaves of cinquefoil, which has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and choleretic effect, although its taste is quite specific and not everyone will like it.

Botanical description of Potentilla fruticosa

Bloodroot– a shrub up to 1.5 m high, perennial, has a dense crown up to 1.5 m, and a powerful rhizome. The leaves of many varieties are heavily pubescent, preferably five-fingered. Europeans call this shrub dasyphora because of the pubescence of the leaves. Most varieties bloom abundantly, the flowers are single, 2-4 cm in size, with five petals, the color is most often yellow, white, pink, orange and red are also found.

According to data from literary sources, more than 130 incredible beautiful varieties shrubby cinquefoil, most of which can already be found freely available today at horticultural markets. Cinquefoils are relatively inexpensive, so every amateur gardener can purchase several copies to decorate a plot. In addition, cinquefoil reproduces well by vegetative means, and if it is possible to get cuttings of the varieties you like, you can grow planting material on your own.

Growing cinquefoil bush

In cultivation, cinquefoils are unpretentious, are characterized by high winter hardiness (they winter well in the middle zone and to the north without shelter), are not demanding on lighting, and are drought-resistant. In addition, they form beautifully and look decorative all season long. But I think every gardener will appreciate the incredibly long flowering period of these beauties. If grow shrubby cinquefoils varietal varieties, they bloom profusely for 2-4 months (some varieties finish flowering with the first autumn frosts). By the way, for beekeepers, cinquefoils are faithful helpers; they are good honey plants.

The compact size of the bushes allows you to place several specimens of different colors even on one square meter land. These shrubs make excellent borders and are indispensable when arranging rocky hills. Growing shrubby cinquefoils is quite easy. Prefers fertile soils, but can grow on any type, but does not tolerate heavy loams and clay soils. For abundant and annual flowering, give them a lighted place; when choosing a place, I advise you to pay attention to the color of the flower. White-flowered cinquefoils can be grown in light shade. Varieties with pink and reddish shades in bright light do not produce such a bright color than in light shade, and those planted in the shade develop poorly and stop blooming.

Varieties of Potentilla bush

Varieties cinquefoil bush They differ mainly in height (from 0.5 to 1.5 m) and flower color. Tall (up to 1.5 m) variety Gold Finger carries bright yellow large flowers, up to 3-4 cm in diameter, forms a fairly dense crown. The leaves are very elegant, emerald green. Yellow-flowered variety Elizabeth does not exceed 0.8 m in height, but forms a very voluminous crown, sometimes more than 1 m in diameter. The flowers are large and lighter in color than the previous variety. Decorative flowering bush complemented by bluish velvety leaves.

Potentilla stands out with its transition from yellow to red tones Annette. Moreover, when blooming, the color of the buds and flowers is darker, gradually turning to lemon shades. The leaves are dark green and often go well with the color of the flowers. The height of the bush does not exceed 1 m.

The highly branching variety of Potentilla shrub has a snow-white color of flowers. Abbotswood. Variety Primrose Beauty decorated with large cream flowers with a bright yellow eye in the center. Gorgeous low-growing variety Day Dawn attracts attention with salmon-pink flowers. Moreover, the color of the flower can change during the day depending on the amount of sunlight. This variety behaves like a chameleon: the flowers are either dark pink or pale pink.

Variety Pink Beauty really beautiful thanks to the bright, rich pink color of the flowers. The advantage of this variety of cinquefoil lies in the density of the low-growing bush, which does not fall apart with age, but holds its shape perfectly even without pruning.

For lovers of bright colors, we can recommend the variety Red Ace. The flowering of this shrubby cinquefoil is impossible not to notice, because the color of the flowers is red-coral. Among the new products, pay attention to the decorative deciduous variety Longacre with extraordinary bluish-green leaves and yellow flowers.

Variety - baby Manchu up to 40 cm high, forms a crown of a meter in diameter. The flowers are white with a cream tint.

To shrubby cinquefoil annually pleased you with their flowering, you need to prune it, but not when you have time, but exclusively in the spring (although autumn pruning acceptable). Spring pruning shoots by one third will not only help to keep the bush in shape, but will also significantly increase its decorativeness, freeing it from many fruits with seeds that started last season, the presence of which at the ends of the shoots in the spring makes the bush very untidy. In addition, as many years of experience show, old shoots and bushes in general winter much worse and bloom less profusely.

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