We apply fertilizers for gooseberries and currants after harvesting. How to feed currants in the fall after harvesting: organic or mineral fertilizers Feeding currants after harvesting

Proper feeding contributes to a good harvest of currants

The berry season is coming to an end. Juicy and tasty fruits of currant and gooseberry are collected and processed into compotes, jams, marmalades. The time has come to take care of the bushes themselves, which during this period lay fruit buds and need a balanced diet. We will tell you what fertilizers, and in what quantity, you need to apply in order to get a rich harvest in next year.

How to feed currants

Currant loves both organic and mineral fertilizers. Young bushes do not feed for the first 3-4 years if the soil was well fertilized during planting. But when the plants are weak and poorly developed, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied - urea or ammonium sulfate at the rate of 5-10 g per 1 sq.m.

Adult currant bushes that have already begun to produce a crop are fed 3-4 times per season, using organic and mineral fertilizers. During the flowering period, it is necessary to add 25-40 grams of urea under each bush.

During the period of pouring berries, feed with phosphorus and potash complex fertilizers. Repeat the introduction of nitrogen-containing urea, in the same proportion.

After harvesting, the bushes are watered with a solution containing phosphorus and potassium. To prepare it, 2 tbsp. superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water. The consumption rate per plant is 25-30 liters. If the weather is rainy, fertilizers are applied dry.

On soils with high acidity (pH above 7), phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are replaced with ash - 3 cups per bush. Starting from the 3rd year of life, currants that have fruited once every 3-4 years are additionally fed with organic matter - an infusion of bird droppings or mullein, adding 3-4 liters for each plant.

Rules for feeding gooseberries

Gooseberries can bear fruit in one place for 8-10 years, taking a lot of minerals from the soil and impoverishing it. Therefore, in comparison with other berry plants, it requires more frequent and plentiful feeding.

In the first two years of life, young shrubs are fed only with nitrogenous fertilizers - 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. urea and 2 tbsp. nitrophoska. The solution is introduced into a near-stem circle with a diameter of 80 cm.

Adult shrubs aged 3 to 6 years for good fruiting, minerals are needed. During the season, they are fed 3-4 times: during bud break, before flowering, and when fruits begin to set. But the most important is the final, August top dressing.

After picking berries, gooseberries need to accumulate useful elements in the roots and branches for laying fruit buds for the future harvest. For each square meter plantings contribute half a bucket of compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate and the same amount of ammonium sulfate. For abundantly fruiting bushes, this rate is doubled, or organic matter is added 2-3 liters for each bush.

Fertilizers close up in the soil during loosening. The area outside the trunk circle is dug up, trying not to damage the roots. On acidic soils sulfate is replaced with phosphate rock, increasing the rate by 25-30%, since it dissolves worse than superphosphate.

In July-August, buds are laid on the currant for the next year, so be sure to take the time to care for the bushes. Pruning, watering, loosening, top dressing, protection against diseases and pests will allow you to maintain plant health for a long time.

Currants after harvesting sometimes look not very pretty: they stick out in different sides old branches, green leaves interspersed with yellowing, in some places shoots gnawed by pests are visible. And if you also didn’t stand on ceremony with the branches while picking berries, the picture can be quite sad. Therefore, take the time for several procedures that will restore currant strength and attractive appearance.

Some summer residents confuse currant care after harvest with autumn training bushes to winter period. But it's too early for this event. Quicker this stage can be considered the beginning of the preparation of currants for winter. And in no case is it recommended to skip it so that the plant has time to accumulate nutrients before a long hibernation.

Let's take a closer look at all the activities that red, white and black currants need after harvest.

Pruning currants after harvest

As soon as fruiting is over, and all the berries are removed, currant bushes need sanitary pruning. Make it better spicy secateurs. First, cut off diseased, damaged and old thick shoots (they are brown, with a bloom) that will no longer bloom next year. Also cut out all the extra basal shoots inside the bush, they only thicken it, and too low-lying branches lying on the ground. Shorten powerful annual shoots by 5-8 cm.

As soon as the plant gets rid of the ballast in the form of unnecessary branches, it will direct all its forces to laying the buds. So, subject to all other procedures, a rich harvest will not keep you waiting!

The thicker the bush, the fewer berries on it. Therefore, do not neglect regular pruning of currants.

With pruning shoots, everything is clear, but what to do with the leaves? In blackcurrants, they can be cut off on their own, especially if they are affected by diseases. Usually this is done in the fall. But on the red leaves must fall off themselves, otherwise the plant will experience stress.

If good branches remain after cutting the currant, cut them into cuttings and use for reproduction. And add healthy leaves to marinades and pickles.

Watering currants after harvest

Berry bushes need moisture to properly bud and then overwinter well. After cutting off excess branches and shoots, water the bushes with warm fresh water. Pour 1-2 buckets under red currants, 3-4 buckets for black currants. The next watering will be only in the fall, before preparing for wintering.

Black currants require more abundant watering than red and white currants. its root system is located close to the surface of the earth.

Loosening the soil under currant bushes

It is also advisable to loosen the soil under the currant bushes in order to increase the access of oxygen to the roots. It is not necessary to loosen deeply, just lightly walk with a chopper or hoe on the soil crust, remove weeds. Try to avoid the area near the trunk itself so as not to touch the roots. And to make it easier to feed in the future, make small grooves.

Due to loosening, it will not be so comfortable for pests to arrange nests in the soil for the winter.

Feeding currants after harvest

By the end of July, the soil is already very depleted, so black, white and red currants need to be fed after harvest. To do this, it is worth using mineral fertilizers and organic matter, and if the bushes look tired, they additionally carry out anti-stress treatment.

How to process currants after harvest? First of all, dissolve 1 tbsp. superphosphate and potassium sulfate in a bucket of water, add 1 cup wood ash and pour this mixture under each bush.

All types of currants are very fond of phosphorus, but they cannot tolerate chlorine, especially red currants. Therefore, top dressing with potassium chloride in the composition is better not to make.

Then prepare organic fertilizer: dilute bird droppings (1:12) or mullein (1:6) with water - and in a week the top dressing will be ready. To feed the bushes, add 0.5 liters of manure infusion or 1 liter of mullein infusion to a bucket of water. The liquid should be poured into the special grooves that you prepared during loosening. If there is no time to prepare infusions, add 1 bucket compost under each currant bush.

From folk remedies, feeding with potato peels has proven itself well, a couple of handfuls of which you can simply dig around the perimeter of the bush. As well as fishmeal and scales (400 g per bush), which contain phosphorus, beloved by currants.

How to feed an exhausted currant bush

If the bushes bear fruit abundantly and are very depleted, feed them with complex mineral fertilizer according to the instructions, for example, nitrophoska. Spray the leaves with Zircon, which will relieve stress in plants and help them survive the unfavorable period. Often the currant suffers from chlorosis, its leaves begin to turn yellow, so it is worth feeding it with nitrogen: 1 tbsp. urea for 10 liters of water.

Processing currants after harvest from pests and diseases

Even outwardly healthy bushes require treatment from pests and diseases. And now this must be done, because for at least 3 weeks the plants have been without protection, while you were waiting for the harvest and did not spray them with anything!

To protect against fungal diseases, use a 1% solution Bordeaux liquid or fungicidal preparations (Topaz, Fundazol). If there are signs of powdery mildew, spotting, etc., the treatment is carried out again 7-10 days after the first one, or as indicated in the instructions for the drug.

To drive out the colonies pests, which you found while harvesting, 5 days after spraying with fungicides, use insecticides:

  • from currant midge- Lepidocide, Bitobaxibacillin, Kinmiks, etc.;
  • from kidney mite - Kleschevit, Karbofos and others;
  • from a glass case- Fitoverm, Lepidocid, Iskra, Aktara, etc.;
  • from aphids– Kinmiks, Fufanon, Iskra, etc.

If there are no signs of the appearance of insects, then treatment with Bordeaux liquid will be sufficient and additional spraying is not necessary. To disinfect the soil, you can shed it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then mulch the trunk circle with straw or sawdust, which will retain moisture in the soil and protect the plant roots from overheating.

To reduce the number of treatments required, grow varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests. For example, blackcurrant Vernissage, Emerald necklace, red - Ural beauty, Red Dutch, white - Imperial yellow or Pink pearls.

Currants after harvesting need care, and you already know what to do to keep your favorite bushes healthy. After all the procedures described in the fall, before the start of frost, clear the soil under the bushes from leaves and weeds. Sprinkle fresh soil to protect the roots. And after the first frosts, when the snow stops melting, tie the bushes with twine in a spiral and wrap them with burlap, matting or spunbond.

It is hard to imagine a garden without currant bushes. Currant - useful berry , which contains a large number beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

There are several types of currants, which differ in color, ripening time.

To in summer time harvest a useful crop of currants, shrubs need care in the spring, and especially after harvesting.

What should be the correct care in August and September after harvesting berries

Currant care should be constant. But the main period of care is the time after harvest.

After the crop is harvested, the plant begins to actively give strength to the root system, foliage and new shoots. The period of active growth begins around the end of summer, in August, but this depends on the plant variety.

If all activities are carried out correctly and in a timely manner, then next year in the summer it will be possible to get a healthy and rich harvest.

Care consists in carrying out such activities:

  1. Pruning old shoots will strengthen strong branches on which berries will appear next season.
  2. Soil loosening.
  3. Autumn feeding.
  4. Control and preventive measures against pests.
  5. Watering.
  6. Preparing a currant bush for wintering.

Let's consider each method separately.

Pruning red, white and black currants: how and what to cut

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First stage- this is sanitary pruning, all diseased, damaged shoots are removed, as well as branches that shade and thicken the bush.
  2. Second phase is the formation of the shape and the number of shoots different ages which will allow the plant to fully bear fruit.

Seedlings of red, white and black currants younger than three years of age should only be sanitary pruned.

The main part of fruiting are shoots. The crop is formed along the entire length of annual and biennial branches. The fruiting part die off a few years after harvest. That's why branches older than three years make no sense to leave.

You need to cut the following:

  1. Shoots older than 3 years that do not increase growth by at least 20 cm per season.
  2. Cut out old branches. This will help awaken the underground buds and zero shoots will begin to grow.
  3. Annual branches that interfere with the full development of strong shoots.
  4. Remove damaged branches from the bush.

Cut branches should be burned.. Carry out the procedure late autumn or in early spring. Old shoots can be cut off after harvest so that the plant does not give them strength.

should be held every year. Slices should be treated with garden pitch. After the procedure, perform intensive feeding of the plant.

How to care for and cultivate the soil around the bush in autumn

Care in the fall, in September, should be not only for the plant, but also for the soil. Care activities include digging trunk circles around the bush.

The earth is dug up or loosened carefully, stepping back from the center of the bush by about 1 m. After digging, the soil is watered and mulched with dry earth with a layer of up to 10 cm.

Mulching will help preserve the root neck from early frosts and will help retain moisture.

Features of autumn and spring top dressing: what fertilizers to apply and when?

Fertilize the currant bush at the same time as digging. For this, only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used. Organic use only in the spring.

It is worth noting that currants can also be fertilized with superphosphate. When mulching, you can use humus.

After fruiting is completed, the currant begins to lay buds for the next season. Therefore, this period is considered the most important in the care and nutrition of the shrub.

The earth is depleted by the end of summer, so your task will be feed the bush with nutrients. If this is not done, then next year you can not count on a rich harvest.

What can be fed? It is allowed to apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Remember that phosphorus and potassium components must be included in the fertilizer.

  1. Mix in a bucket of water 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  2. In a bucket of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. urea and superphosphate, add 1 cup of wood ash.
  3. With a strong depletion of the bush, it is better to use mineral fertilizer.
  4. As for organic fertilizers, you can use bird droppings and mullein. Dilute chicken manure in a ratio of 1:12, insist 2 weeks. For irrigation, use 0.5 liters of infusion per bucket of water. Mullein is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, insist 1 week.
  5. Also, as a top dressing, you can use potato peelings, which are simply buried in the soil along the perimeter of the bush.

Fertilizing currants after harvesting, pest control:

Pest and disease control: what treatment can be done in spring and autumn?

Pest control is a must. which should be carried out both in early spring and autumn. They mainly use Bordeaux liquid, karbofosi and other drugs.

As a preventive measure for diseases and the appearance of pests, the bush must be sprayed with a 1% Bordeaux mixture (Topaz, Fundazol). The procedure is carried out every month.

If you find a pest infestation, deal with them immediately.

After fruit ripening and harvesting, dried branches and leaves can be seen. These are signs of glass infection..

Found ticks- immediately treat the bush with special preparations. Suitable Neoron, Fitovern, Kinmiks, Kleschevit, Karbofos.

From gall midges use Neoron, Aliot, Kinmiks, Lepidocid.

Good watering - for fruiting in summer

Like all trees, after harvesting, they begin to store up moisture and useful substances for the winter in order to overwinter. The currant bush is no exception.

Watering should be plentiful. It must be done before the onset of cold weather.

For the bush to have time, remove all foliage from the branches that pulls nutrition and moisture from the shoots.

How to feed and whether to fertilize in the fall

Feed the bush autumn time necessary. Currant draws a large amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium from the soil, so the lack of these elements will lead to minimal fruiting next year.

  1. Before applying fertilizer, the soil around the shrub must be cleared of leaves. Fallen leaves can be a breeding ground for various diseases that will begin to develop in the spring.
  2. The soil must be disinfected. For the procedure, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, a solution of laundry soap are suitable.
  3. It is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is they who provide the basis for laying buds for the future harvest, and stimulate active growth bush.

Preparing for the winter

Winter is a special time for the garden. During this period, most shrubs simply freeze from the cold, which greatly upsets gardeners. To avoid this, trees and bushes need to be prepared for the winter period.

In order for the currant bush to winter and please with a rich harvest, the following activities need to be carried out:

  1. In autumn, carry out preventive measures to combat fungal diseases and pests. The soil around the shrub should be cleared of weeds, fallen leaves. Feed the bush with fertilizer.
  2. Preparation starts with pruning. Remove all diseased, dry and old branches. It is better to do this in the fall. Since in the spring, due to the fact that the plant quickly enters the growth stage, buds can be damaged, which will lead to a decrease in yield.
  3. Feed the bush after pruning, the soil around the currant is dug up and mulched. To do this, you can use sawdust, newspapers, hay.
  4. At the first frost the bush can be wrapped. To do this, you need twine, which pulls the branches up, spirally. Branches in this form will not rub against each other from the wind, and will keep maximum amount fruit buds.
  5. When the snow falls, compact it around the base of the bush, and then completely cover the currants.
  6. If you are afraid of damaging the branches with twine, then use another method of sheltering the plant. Lay the branches carefully as close to the ground as possible.. Top with slate. Thanks to this, the shoots will be protected from the effects of wind and frost.
  7. Young plants are desirable to wrap on the principle of grapes and dig in the ground.

Cooking berry bushes for winter:

Keep in mind that proper preparation by winter, it will save the currant bush from freezing. It happens that after removing winter shelter frosts are returning, cover the plant with straw, old blankets to preserve the crop.

If you use the method of bending the shoots to the ground, in early spring you will need to open the bush so that the buds and new shoots can fully form.

Caring for currants after harvest provides for a large number of activities., which are recommended to comply with to obtain a crop.

Watch the plant, carry out pest control on time. After all, the harvest depends on your timely care.

Currant thanked you for leaving with berries. And if this gratitude seemed a little small to you, it means that something was missed in the spring and summer. After harvesting, there is a new chance to correct mistakes and help the bushes lay the next year's harvest. And in the case of abundant fruiting, when the currant gave a lot of strength, it can not do without your attention.

Caring for currants after fruiting

During this period, you no longer need to be afraid to treat currants with insecticides and fungicides. If you find pests on the bushes, you see clear signs diseases, then finally you can get rid of them. But first, tidy up the bush. And after all the events, it would be necessary to support the currants with watering and top dressing.

We clear the ground under the bush

Pull out all the weeds, remove fallen leaves and berries, clear the place under the bush and around it to the black earth. This event will facilitate all subsequent care for you. Branches will be more visible. And if diseased leaves and berries infected with pests fall off again, you can easily collect them.

By clearing the ground under the bush, you will facilitate your further work on caring for currants.

We do sanitary and cosmetic pruning

Pest and disease control will be more effective if foci of infection are removed before treatments:

  • tops of branches with aphid-twisted leaves;

    Aphid colonies live inside such wrapped leaves.

  • tops of branches covered with white powdery mildew;

    Disease powdery mildew also starts at the top.

  • unharvested berries, braided with cobwebs, wormy, bursting or dried;

    Collect not only good berries but also spoiled by pests

  • leaves with spots, swelling and other damage;

    Leaves with signs of diseases and pests should be cut off

  • whole branches with withered leaves and dried berries on red currants, inside them live glass larvae.

    A glass case often settles on red currants, the larvae bite into the shoots, the leaves and berries wither on them.

All this immediately burn or take it out of the area and throw it away. In addition, you need to prune branches that:

  • broke;
  • grow inside the crown;
  • creep along the ground.

Spend a partial formation of the bush, make the final one next spring. Cut out one of the oldest branches with black bark and small green growths (up to 20 cm).

At black currant already 4-year-old branches are considered old, their productivity at this age decreases. Redcurrant is more durable, its shoots remain productive up to 6-7 years.

Also thin out the annual shoots growing from the center of the bush. Leave only 3-5 of the tallest and thickest. Pinch their tops for branching, because currant berries grow on lateral shoots of the first and second orders.

Video: how to increase the yield of currants by 1.5–2 times with summer pruning

We fight pests and diseases

No need to buy from spider mite one drug, the second from moth, etc. Treat the bush with broad-spectrum insecticides: Aktara, Karbofos, etc. For all diseases, it is also enough to choose one drug: Topaz, Skor, HOM, Horus or another fungicide. Work with them not only the bush, but also the ground under it, all the props and the fence, if it is nearby.

For healthy currants, one preventive treatment is enough. Bushes affected by insects and fungi, spray both fungicide and insecticide twice with an interval of 7-10 days. The frequency of treatments is indicated on the packaging of each drug.

Watering currants

After fruiting, a reorientation of forces occurs at the currant bush, now it is not the aerial part that grows, but the root. Moisture deficiency during this period will result in poor plant development next year: growth will be weak, yield will decrease. Be sure to water, wetting the ground to the entire depth of the roots: in young 3-year-old bushes - up to 1 m, in adults - up to 1.5 m. 4–5 holes along the perimeter to the same depth. Fill them with water, let them soak and water again until the water begins to stagnate in puddles.

Water the bush in the groove made around it.

We feed

Top dressing must be combined with watering or rain, it is impossible to apply on dry land! Sprinkle evenly 2 tbsp into already moistened irrigation holes or grooves. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulphate on a bush and continue to water over fertilizer. You can dissolve this amount in a bucket of water and apply when watering. Superphosphate dissolves more easily in hot water. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with a glass of wood ash, adding it in the same way: into a groove or loosen it in a bucket of water.

Shake the ash in water and pour it under the bush

Loose and cover with mulch

After all the procedures, level the ground under the bush, loosen the top layer from the base to the periphery. Cover with mulch with a layer of 5 cm. Use sawdust, weeded and dried weeds, straw for this. After leaf fall, when the daytime temperature drops to 5–7 ° C, it would be good to find an opportunity to rake out this mulch, take it to compost, and lay a fresh 10 cm layer instead.

In the old mulch at this time, pests have already hidden for the winter, they are inactive. Caught in the top layer compost heap the insects will freeze. As a new mulch, you can use humus, ready-made compost, or bedding from poultry and livestock. These materials will serve as a good top dressing in the spring, immediately after the snow melts.

Video: preparing currants for winter

Currant is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances, thanks to its unique composition it has surpassed all other berries. They are taken in the treatment of colds and vitamin deficiency, an excellent antipyretic is prepared from leaves and stems. Also, the leaves are used in the preservation of vegetables to give a special flavor.

An unpretentious culture can be found on any modest plot and in large agricultural enterprises. Even with minimal care and without fertilization, it bears fruit normally, but more effort is worth making to increase the yield. On average, about 4 top dressings will be needed for the entire growing season. The culture has an excellent property - it quickly absorbs nutrients, due to which it grows faster.

Do I need to feed currants: how to determine?

The appearance of the plant will tell you what it lacks:

  • With a lack of nitrogen, fruit buds will slowly bloom, the bush will not give an annual increase.
  • If a yellow border appears along the edges of the leaves, then the culture is deficient in potassium.
  • A decrease in the size of the berries is observed with a lack of phosphorus.

Feeding methods

Currants can be fed different ways. To save time, sprinkle the dry fertilizer mixture around the bushes and water abundantly. They will gradually dissolve, supplying root system nutrients.

The introduction of liquid top dressing under the root gives a quick and increased effect. We prepare a working solution (fertilizers are diluted in clean water) and usually water the plants or pour the top dressing into the grooves dug next to the bushes.

Foliar treatment (spraying on leaves) is also applicable to currants.

How to feed currants in spring

Systematic increases productivity. If the soil is saturated with sufficient nutrients, the berries not only become larger, they also increase in size, including a decrease in fruit shedding. Of course, proper care is indispensable: follow timely pruning and watering, remove weeds from the site, carry out the prevention of diseases and pests. However, not every gardener knows the best way to feed currants in spring in order to get a rich and healthy harvest of delicious berries.

When, what and how many times to feed?

It is especially important to fertilize in the spring, as the shrubs are weakened after wintering. Timely application of fertilizers will give strength to the development of the root system and activate growth in general.

The frequency of fertilization depends on the quality of the soil. In general, during the season you will need about 4 dressings:

  • The first time we feed currants as soon as the buds open;
  • We carry out the second dressing at the end of flowering. Although active growth is taking place at this time, the strength of the plant must be maintained. The number of inflorescences and, accordingly, berries in the future will depend on this;
  • The third dressing will be needed in June-early July, when the fruits will pour. It is desirable to apply a complex mineral fertilizer with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus;
  • In late July-early August, after the end of fruiting, it is very important to forgive the fourth dressing, which is the key to abundant fruiting next season. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to apply nitrogenous fertilizers, since the shoots will not have time to ripen by winter.

Fertilizing with nitrogen in early spring

For currants, feed with nitrogen fertilizers in early spring:

  • Under each young bush, add 40 g of urea, for adult plants the dose should be reduced to 25 g.

For organic lovers, there are several options:

  • We dilute mullein infusion with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, chicken manure - 1 to 10.
  • An alternative is herbal infusion. It is prepared from fresh young grass (nettle, dandelions, weeds from the site), mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. After 3-5 days of fermentation, filter, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and water.

Feeding before flowering

How to feed red black and white currants before flowering for a bountiful harvest

It is not superfluous to feed before flowering. Use the complex fertilizer nitroammofosk containing all necessary components: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Under each adult bush, add 2-3 tbsp. l. fertilizer, plant in the soil and water the bushes well.

What to feed after flowering

Yield directly depends on after flowering. Before fertilizing, carefully inspect the bushes. If pests (aphids, thrips) are found, spray the plants with a solution of karbofos (70 g of the drug per 10 liters of water).

What to feed during fruit set

To get large berries, apply fertilizer as soon as the fruits begin to set. A solution of complex mineral fertilizer, which is diluted according to the instructions, is perfect. Or cook it by checking the ingredients yourself. For 10 liters of water we take 20 g of phosphorus and 10 g of potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

It is permissible to feed adult bushes with organic matter - a solution of slurry. The soil is enriched with nutrients, humus, which is especially important when grown on sandy, sandy and soddy soils.

How to feed currants after transplantation

If the seedlings were planted last year, in the spring you can add a little nitrogen, literally 5-10 grams of saltpeter for each plant, or replace the mineral fertilizer with fermented manure, chicken droppings.

Immediately after the currant should not be fed, you need to give it time to root.

How to feed currants in the fall after harvest

At the end of summer or autumn, currant bushes should also be fed. The beneficial effect of useful trace elements will lay the foundation for the future harvest and prepare the plants for a successful winter. In which month to feed, decide for yourself: you can after harvesting in August, you can a little later, in September.

How to feed currants in August after picking berries and pruning or in September for the winter

  • Spread rotted manure within a radius of 50 cm around the bush (about 4-6 kg of humus will be needed per plant).
  • Sprinkle wood ash on top (200 g for each plant)
  • Also evenly distribute over the surface and stir with organics superphosphate (about 100 g), potassium sulfate (10-20 g) and urea (young bushes will need 40-50 g, from the fourth year of life 20-30 g is enough).

An alternative way is to sow green manure crops (vetch, lupine, peas, etc.). They are sown in spring or summer, and in the fall they are mowed and, together with this greenery, they dig up the site.

How to feed currants in the fall after trimming the video:

If you are an inexperienced gardener, be sure to watch the video from which you will learn how to care for currants in the fall in order to get a rich harvest for many years: how to cut, feed, mulch. The currant bush is able to bear fruit abundantly for 10-12 years, so you should pay a little attention to the beauty in the fall.

How to feed currants with folk remedies for a good harvest

According to the advice experienced gardeners collected recipes for the preparation of fertilizers from natural materials. Such dressings are prepared, as they say, from improvised means, but in terms of efficiency they are no worse mineral mixtures, are able to supply the soil with a complex of macro- and microelements.

How to feed currants with yeast or rye bread

Yeast top dressing - real natural stimulant growth and fruiting, it can be used throughout the growing season about once every 10-12 days.

  • For 10 liters of water, take 0.5 kg of brewer's yeast, add 50 g of sugar, mix and put in heat. After fermentation, water the currants, one plant will need 10 liters.
  • You can use rye bread instead of yeast. Dry the bread crusts and fill a ten-liter bucket with them 1/3, add 50 g of sugar or old jam. Top dressing is applied identically to yeast.

How to feed blackcurrants with potato peels

You can prepare potash fertilizer for currants from ordinary kitchen waste - potato peels will be an excellent raw material. Dry them well, grind them into powder and sprinkle around the bushes during flowering. Potassium has a positive effect on education a large number ovaries, i.e. productivity will increase significantly.

Potassium supplement with starch

Store-bought starch will replace potato peels. Take a pack of starch (200 g), dilute in 5 liters of tepid water, put on fire and bring to a boil, cool. Dilute the prepared mixture in 10 liters of water, pour 2 liters of fertilizer under each bush before flowering, and 3 liters during flowering.

Feeding fish bones

Do not throw away fish bones, they are rich in phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iodine. Elements helps to improve fruiting. Pass fresh bones immediately through a meat grinder, then dry, sprinkle the powder in the trunk circle.

How to feed currants with ash for abundant fruiting

Wood or grass ash is a natural mineral fertilizer, contains a complex of minerals that stimulate flowering and fruiting (about 5% of potassium and other trace elements). You can scatter dry ash around currant bushes, but liquid top dressing will work more efficiently and faster.

We prepare the ash infusion:

  • Fill about ½ of a ten-liter bucket with ash, fill it to the top with water and insist for two days.
  • The infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • Under each mature plant pour 10 liters of solution each, half the dose is enough for young bushes.

How to feed currants by leaves for a good harvest Top dressing in June

It is most favorable to carry out foliar top dressing in June. Use a set of trace elements (selenium, boron and zinc are perfect in this regard).

In the assortment of sales there is a sufficient number of drugs, they are sold in the form of tablets or in powder form.

The best ready-made fertilizer for currants is the Uniflor-micro preparation, which has a great effect on increasing productivity. You will need to take 1 tablespoon of the drug and dissolve in 10 liters of water. Carry out the first treatment during flowering, the second - with the appearance of the ovary.

Also for foliar feeding and disease protection, you can use the following solution. We take 60 g blue vitriol, 10 g potassium permanganate (manganese) and 6 g boric acid, each component is dissolved separately, and then diluted in 10 liters of water. After processing the leaves with such a composition, an increase in yield by 1-1.5 times is noted. Do not forget that the waiting period before harvesting after such processing is at least a month.

When spraying, try to get the solution on the reverse side sheet plates, so top dressing is absorbed faster. Spraying is carried out when there is no exposure to direct sun rays(morning, evening after sunset or cloudy weather). Otherwise, the water will quickly evaporate and the leaves will get burned.