Types and varieties of viols: which ones to choose? Proper care and lush flowering. Seedling Care

Plant viola (lat. Viola) belongs to the genus of the Violet family, whose representatives grow mainly in mountainous regions and places with a temperate climate northern hemisphere and according to various sources, there are from four hundred to seven hundred species. Some of the violas are endemic to the South American Andes, some of them are found in the subtropics of Brazil, in the tropics South Africa, in Australia, the Sandwich Islands and New Zealand. Viola is popularly known as pansies.

Violet-viola has been popular since time immemorial - about two and a half millennia ago, the ancient peoples inhabiting the territory of Europe wove a flower into holiday garlands and wreaths, decorating them with premises for celebrations. The fragrant violet was the first to be introduced into the culture, and after it the mountain violet. The first mention of breeding work on the development of violet hybrids dates back to 1683. Acquaintance of Europeans with the species of Wittrock's viola, which is a hybrid of yellow viola, Altai viola and tricolor viola, took place in the 19th century. Today, garden viola is one of the most popular plants, with hundreds of varieties and varieties.

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Planting and caring for the viola (in a nutshell)

  • Landing: perennial seeds are sown in the ground before winter, annuals are grown seedling way: seeds are sown for seedlings in March, and seedlings are planted in the ground in May. If the viola is grown in a two-year culture, then the seeds are sown on the school garden in June or July, and in late August or early September, the seedlings are transplanted to permanent place.
  • Bloom: depending on the species, variety and method of cultivation from early spring to late autumn.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: rich, moist, well-drained.
  • Watering: in a season with normal rainfall, the viola can not be watered, but in a drought, watering should be regular: the soil on the site is kept loose and slightly moist.
  • Top dressing: once a month with a complete mineral fertilizer.
  • Reproduction: seeds and green cuttings.
  • Pests: clover owls, spider mites, gall nematodes and violet mother-of-pearl.
  • Diseases: pythium, smut, leaf spot, gray mold, blackleg, powdery mildew and variegation virus.

Read more about growing viola below.

Viola flowers - growing conditions

Viola is represented by perennial, biennial and annual herbaceous plants, reaching a height of 15 to 30 cm. The root system of the viola is fibrous, the main shoot is erect. Simple or pinnately dissected viola leaves, equipped with stipules, are either collected in a basal rosette or grow alternately. The flowers of the viola are axillary, solitary, on long peduncles, up to 7 cm in diameter, the upper petals are with marigolds, the lower ones are larger, with a sac-like formation at the base - a spur. The colors and shapes of the violas amaze with their variety: monochromatic, two- or three-color, spotted, striped, with one spot, with wavy or even edges of the petals, simple or terry ...

Viola blooms very profusely, depending on the time of planting, either from mid-March to the end of May, or from August until frost, although there are hybrids that can bloom throughout the summer or twice per season. The fruit of the viola is a box with seeds that remain viable for up to two years.

Viola is winter-hardy and shade-tolerant, although far from sun rays it blooms not so abundantly, and the flowers become smaller. The soil for viola is preferred loamy, fertile, moist, since it grows on dry sandy soils also leads to the fact that the flowers of the viola become small.

Growing viola from seeds

Sowing viola for seedlings

You can sow viola seeds directly in open ground, but we'd better tell you how to grow viola seedlings, since the seedling method of seed propagation is usually more reliable than seedlingless. If you plan to see flowering already this year, viola seedlings should be grown from the end of February.

Before sowing the viola, buy a soil substrate for violets in a flower shop, and soak the seed for a day in a solution of Epin or Zircon. Then lay the seeds in the grooves made in the ground and sprinkle them on top with a substrate ground between the palms, pour, cover the container with glass or transparent film and keep it in a room with a temperature of about 15 ºC.

In the photo: Viola flowering in a flower bed

viola seedling

Viola seedlings from seeds will begin to hatch in a week and a half, and as soon as the viola has sprouted, the glass must be removed, and the seedling container should be placed in a cool place where the air temperature is not higher than 10 ºC, under a bright light. scattered light protected from direct sunlight. Viola care at this stage consists in the timely moistening of the substrate and the application of complex mineral fertilizer in the form of a solution twice a month.

Viola Pick

There are two opinions about how many times and when to dive the viola.

Some flower growers insist that the seedlings of the viola are dived twice: the first time, when a pair of true leaves grows in the seedlings, and the second time the viola is picked in another 2-3 weeks according to the 6x6 scheme.

But others no less experienced experts believe that the second pick is, in fact, planting the viola in open ground, so it’s up to you to decide whether you need to dive the viola a second time. In the end, the viola can be planted on the site in an already flowering state - it takes root perfectly. And viola blooms from seeds in late spring or early summer.

In the photo: Dense thickets of viola

Planting a viola

When to plant viola

Viola planting in open ground is carried out depending on the climate of the area in April or May. Determine a sunny area for the viola with optimal composition soil and add 0.2 parts of not too finely crushed coal to one part of the earth, so that its fractions perform, in addition to everything, a drainage function, and the same amount of humus or dry bird droppings. Viola will also grow well in soil of this composition: humus, soddy land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1.

Do not plant a viola in a lowland where they lie close ground water so that there is no stagnation of water in the roots of the viola.

How to plant a viola

If you are concerned about the question of how to plant a viola correctly, let me reassure you: planting viola flowers does not contain any secrets. Seedlings are placed in pre-prepared holes at a distance of 10-15 cm between specimens, sprinkled with earth, compacted the soil around the bushes and watered after planting. Please note that the cultivation of viola flowers involves transplanting plants every three years, combined with the division of bushes, otherwise the perennial viola grows strongly, and the flowers become small, which makes the plant lose its decorative effect. Most the best varieties viola can be easily propagated by cuttings.

Pictured: Pansies

Viola Care

How to grow a viola

Growing viola requires keeping the soil in the area moist and loose, because root system the plant has a superficial one - it is located at a depth of only 15-20 cm. The area with viola is watered as needed, but in a normal summer natural moisture will be enough - rains, and only if the summer is hot, you will have to mess with watering. It is also necessary to remove weeds from the site as they appear and pick off wilted flowers with seed pods in time so that the flowering of the viola does not lose its intensity.

In addition, caring for viola flowers provides for monthly feeding with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate at the rate of 25-30 g per square meter.

In the photo: White and blue viols

Viola pests and diseases

As you can see, planting and caring for a viola is very simple, so do not neglect the rules for growing a viola, follow them meticulously, otherwise you will have to face difficulties that could have been avoided with proper care. It's about about diseases and pests that occur when the rules of agricultural technology are violated.

Viola most often suffers from powdery mildew, which manifests itself at first in the form of gray or white plaque on leaves, buds and stems. This happens if fertilizing is done only with nitrogen fertilizers or in a dry sunny summer with abundant morning dew. In case of illness powdery mildew plants are sprayed with soda ash with soap or Fundazol, or ground sulfur. If the disease persists, treatment can be repeated after two weeks.

In addition, if the temperature, air and soil humidity regimes established by agricultural technology are violated, troubles may arise with diseases such as gray rot or blackleg. Eliminate the causes of the disease until it has covered all the plants, remove the affected specimens, and pour the soil after them with Fundazol.

In the photo: Large viola flower

Sometimes the viola suffers from spotting, from which its leaves dry, and the plant itself weakens. It is necessary to destroy specimens affected by the disease, and it is best to burn them so that the infection does not spread throughout the garden. healthy plants for the purpose of prevention, they are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid 2-3 times with an interval between sessions of two weeks.

Of the insects, caterpillars of the clover scoop and violet mother-of-pearl, which eat the leaves of the plant, are dangerous for the viola. They are destroyed by spraying the viola with chlorophos or tobacco infusion.

Viola after flowering

How and when to collect viola seeds

Collect seeds from faded plants in August-September. After the flowers wither, small boxes with seeds remain in their place.

A sign of seed readiness for collection is the turn of the box up.

Seeds are removed from the cut boxes, dried indoors and sent for storage in the refrigerator. If the seed boxes are not removed, then abundant self-seeding can happen, and you will see fresh spontaneous seedlings either in the fall or next spring, but if they are thinned out and planted in time, then you can grow viola on the site without labor costs for sowing and planting work.

In the photo: How the viola blooms in the garden

Viola in winter

The current varieties of perennial violets, if covered with spruce branches or dry foliage, can withstand even severe frosts - up to -30 ºC. A annual violas disposed of after withering.

Types and varieties of viola

Viola Wittrockiana (Viola wittrockiana)

The most common type of viola in our flower beds is Wittrock's viola, or pansies. It is a perennial 20-30 cm high, cultivated as a biennial plant, with oval alternate leaves with blunt teeth along the edges and single large flowers from 4 to 10 cm in diameter of various colors and shapes.

Flower growers divide garden viola varieties into several categories: according to the timing and quality of flowering, flower size, color, shape and level of winter hardiness.

If the criterion is the size of the flowers and their simultaneous number on the bush during flowering, then according to these characteristics, Wittrock's viola varieties are divided into groups of large-flowered (grandiflora) and multi-flowered (multiflora) varieties.

If the basis of the difference is color, then conventionally varieties are divided into one-color, two-color and spotty, but it should be understood that there is no clear boundary between these groups, and the same variety can be classified, for example, as spotted and two-color.

One-color varieties of Wittrock viola:

  • Viola White- a sprawling shrub up to 25 cm in diameter and up to 20 cm high with green leaves, white with barely noticeable greenery and yellowness, fragrant flowers on long peduncles. This variety blooms from mid-April to early August and from late September to October. Winters well under cover;
  • Blue Boy- a bush up to 25 cm tall with bluish leaves, lilac-blue corrugated flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, with dark lilac strokes at the base of the petals, the upper petals are bent back. At the same time, up to 19 flowers can open on a bush. Blooms from April to August and in September-October, winters well under cover;
  • Rua de Negri- compact bushes up to 23 cm high, leaves with a bluish bloom, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with rounded black velvet petals wavy at the edges, slightly bent back, at the base of the lower petal there is a bright yellow eye. Opens simultaneously on a bush up to 14 flowers. Blooms from April to August and from September to October. Winters well under cover;
  • Viola red- erect stems up to 20 cm high, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, red with a very dark eye at the base of the petals.

In the photo: Viola Wittrockiana (Viola wittrockiana)

Bicolor varieties of Wittrock viola:

  • Jupiter- a compact variety up to 16 cm high with dark green leaves and flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with rounded white-violet flowers, the upper petals of which, white at the base, are bent back, and the lower ones have a velvety texture and a deep purple hue. Opens immediately up to 20 flowers. Winters well;
  • Lord Beaconsfield- bushes up to 25 cm high, bluish leaves. Flowers up to 5.5 cm in diameter. The upper petals are white-blue with ink strokes at the base, the lower ones are deep purple with an uneven lilac rim around the edges. At the same time, up to 30 flowers bloom on a bush. Winters well;
  • Saint Knud- compact bushes up to 20 cm in height with green leaves and flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, in which the upper petals are a light yellowish-orange hue, and the lower ones, bright orange with a red base, strongly protrude forward. Up to 19 flowers can be open on a bush at the same time.

In the photo: Viola Wittrockiana (Viola wittrockiana)

Spotted violas:

  • Shalom Purim- a many times improved form of the rococo viola variety, the same terry viola, but with an incredibly strong corrugation of the petals of very large flowers - a third larger than the standard. It goes on sale as a mixture of seeds of various colors. Unlike the parental species, it prefers light penumbra to the sun - then the corrugation of the leaves is more pronounced;
  • hybrid F1 Eyes of the tiger- a novelty of incredible coloring: on the yellow background of the petals there are frequent thin brown strokes, the diameter of the flower is up to 3 cm. It can be grown both in flower beds and in pots. The hybrid differs in early, abundant flowering and pleasant aroma;
  • hybrid F1 "Cassis"- a compact plant with purple petals with a thin white border around the edges, blooms very profusely, has a high winter hardiness.

In the photo: Horned Viola (Viola cornuta), or ampelous viola

In addition to Wittrock's viola, horned viola, or ampelous viola, is often grown in culture - perennial height from 15 to 25 cm with a creeping branched rhizome, which, growing, forms a carpet. Its stems are triangular in cross-section, the leaves are oblong, coarsely serrated, up to 6 cm long, the stipules are pinnately incised. Numerous flowers 3-5 cm in diameter, with a horn-shaped spur, are painted in a lilac-violet range with a small yellow eye. Blooms from May to September. Winter-hardy, but it is desirable to cover it for the winter. Growing ampelous viola is not much different from growing garden viola. The breeding of new varieties of viola horned was mainly carried out by English breeders:

  • Arkwright Ruby- a large-flowered variety with intense red petals with a yellow eye and dark spots on the base of the lower petals;
  • Balmont Blue- a variety with blue flowers and climbing shoots, grows well in hanging baskets and balcony containers;
  • Purple Duet- flowers of this variety have two upper petals burgundy, while the bottom three are dark pink with darker strokes at the base.

In the photo: Fragrant Viola (Viola odorata)

Fragrant Viola (Viola odorata)

Another species that grows well in culture and has many garden forms, is fragrant viola - a perennial with a thick rhizome and almost round leaves up to 9 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, forming a rosette. The flowers are quite large, fragrant, purple hue. Blooms in May for three weeks, sometimes re-blooms in autumn. Varieties:

  • Rosina- very fragrant flowers Pink colour, darkening closer to the base, their upper petals are bent, the side ones are slightly extended forward - the flower looks like a flying bird;
  • Charlotte- Viola with large dark purple flowers;
  • Tsar- Viola with very fragrant purple flowers.

In the photo: Viola moth (Viola papilionacea), or viola klobuchkovy (Viola cucullata)

Viola moth, or clobuche (Viola papilionacea = Viola cucullata)

The moth viola, or klobuchkovy, is also in demand in culture, 15-20 cm high with heart-shaped or kidney-shaped, serrated leaves along the edge and large, single purple flowers, in which the upper petal is white with a purple stripe, and the center is yellowish green, almost white. Blooms from April to June. Varieties:

  • Freckles- white flowers with dense purple speckles, which become larger in cool spring. Blooms in spring to early summer. One of the most unpretentious varieties of viola in culture;
  • Royal Robe– miniature viola with very fragrant flowers, the petals of which are bent back, and at the base of each petal there are yellowish and black strokes. The petals themselves have a color from violet-blue to purple;
  • Red Giant- very large red-violet flowers on long peduncles. Long flowering variety.

In addition to the listed widely used types of viola, graceful, mountain, yellow, swamp, Altai, hairy, Labrador, single-flowered, motley, sandy, Somkhet, dog, sister, foot-shaped, amazing, hill and Selkirk viola could grow well in garden culture. In the meantime, they are used by breeders for the most part to develop new varieties and hybrids of garden viola.


Wittrock's violet is the well-known Pansies. A perennial plant with flowers that have a characteristic "eye" that distinguishes them from other flowers. Found naturally in temperate climatic zones. A hybrid violet that was bred in the 19th century in England. Named after the director of the Bergen Botanical Gardens.


These are compact plants with a height of 15-40 cm. Leaves oval shape dark green. Flowers can be 5-10 cm in diameter. They have five petals, three of which form a characteristic "eye".

Coloring can be varied, with complex color transitions. The simplest option is a yellow center surrounded by a black spot, with white, yellow, red and blue petals.

There are simple and terry varieties. They bloom all summer until mid-autumn. Usually grown as biennial plants. After flowering, they form boxes with seeds that are sown on their own. In this way, it is possible to ensure the continuous growth of pansies in the garden.


Today, many varieties have been bred that differ in color, degree of doubleness, and duration of flowering. The most common varieties:

  1. Simple:

  • Bambini- yellow flowers with a purple transition and brown stripes from the center of the petals;
  • Firnengold - lemon petals with a black "eye";
  • Maxim Marina - the transition of colors from the center to the edges: yellow, dark purple, white, purple;
  • Tangenne - white petals with a black "eye";
  • Universal Series - white petals with a yellow center and purple cilia.
  1. Semi-double:

  • Alpensee - dark purple flowers with a yellow center;
  • Delta Pure Deep Orange - peach petals;
  • Pure White - white petals with a yellow center;
  • Adonis - blue petals with a transition to White color, yellow center;
  • Joker - orange-purple color with a black "eye".
  1. Terry:

  • Cristal Bowl White - white flowers with a yellow center;
  • Rococo - purple petals with white edging and a yellow center;
  • Chalon Supreme - white-lilac color with a yellow earring;
  • Terry lace is a mixture of blue, yellow and purple.

In the flower beds, both plain Wittrock violets and multi-colored ones look good. You can plant varieties of the same species nearby, or you can combine different ones. The main thing is to pick them up according to the height and size of the flowers so that the composition looks holistic.


Wittrock violet is an unpretentious flower that has become a favorite of many gardeners and landscape designers. It goes well with all flowers: tulips, daffodils, asters,. He is put on open areas, along curbs and under trees.

Pansies, aka Wittrock's Violet (Viola wittrockiana) - the most popular garden view, represented by numerous varieties that amaze with a variety of colors. Another name is viola (Viola), but scientifically - tricolor violet.

Features of growing pansies (viola) from seeds, planting and care ...

If you plant pansies already blooming at the very beginning of summer, they will delight you with their flowering until the autumn frosts. If the winter is not too cold, the tricolor violets will bloom again. in early spring because the plant is biennial.

Wittrock's violet (Viola wittrockiana) - flowers of bright colors and good flowering, in diameter they can reach up to 10 cm, which made this flower popular. All of them have a shining yellow eye in the center at the base of the lower petal. Varieties differ in height (from 15 to 40 cm), the size of the flower.

Violet tricolor (Víola trícolor) is a herbaceous biennial or annual plant with small flowers which is most common in temperate climates. Often used in folk medicine due to its excellent medicinal properties.

Pansy flowers grow well in both bright sun and shady places. Soils like rich and moist, but well-drained, as these plants do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

What is the best way to grow your favorite varieties of pansies?

Pansies are propagated by seeds and vegetatively. In the garden, they give abundant self-seeding. conventional cultivation garden violets (violas) - as a biennial, young plants begin to bloom only in the second year. However, when divided annually, they can be grown as a perennial.
If the soil in the flower bed is loose, then you can safely sow viola seeds in June-July immediately into open ground. Over the summer, the plant will have time to accumulate enough strength to bloom in the spring.

Seeds are sown in early summer (until the end of June), in the traditional seedling way. After 10-15 days, the first shoots can be seen. After the seedlings form 3-4 leaves, they are seated in separate pots. At the end of summer, well-formed young plants are planted in the garden or in flower beds. In the spring - in April-May of the next year, overwintered pansies bloom.

Each flower with "eyes" lasts a week. Violent flowering lasts about 1 month. Then there is a decline. Violets should be fed with a complete mineral fertilizer and watered abundantly. At the end of summer, pansy flowers will bloom again magnificently.

To prolong the flowering period, wilted flowers are removed before seed pods begin to form. Then the plant does not waste its energy on seed maturation and continues to bloom profusely.

Growing viola "in one year", harvesting seedlings in advance.

In order for pansies to bloom this year, the seeds are sown in winter - in January-February. We put the container with seeds in a dark place. At an average room temperature of + 18-20 degrees, the first shoots will appear in a week, a maximum of two. When they appear, we rearrange to a lighted, cool place (desirable temperature is +10). After another couple of weeks, a maximum of 20 days, we dive the seedlings. We plant the grown seedlings of pansies in open ground in early May. By the end of the month we are waiting for flowering.

Garden violet can be propagated by cuttings, which are cut with 2-3 knots. good from one developed plant You can cut up to 10 cuttings. They are planted in a light earthen mixture to a depth of about 0.5 cm. After 3-4 weeks, you can wait for the formation of roots.

Multi-colored Wittrock violets will decorate any flower bed. In one area, pansies are perfectly combined with spring-blooming bulbs, primroses, forget-me-nots, daisies. They grow well in containers, on balconies and verandas. The newest tricolor pansy hybrids are heat tolerant and bloom all summer long.

At all times, garden violet was very popular with different peoples, sung by her best poets, was the emblem of ancient Athens. In medieval Germany, in honor of the violet, there was a holiday - Spring Day. The great German poet Goethe was very fond of these lovely flowers.

Wittrock violet Viola x wittrokiana or Viola or Garden violet or Pansies - that's how many names these delicate flowers have. In fact, these names combine various varieties obtained by crossing several types of violets: Violets tricolor Viola tricolor, Violets Altai Viola altaica and Violets yellow Viola lutea.

Wittrock's violet is a perennial plant, usually grown as a biennial, sometimes as an annual. It has compact shape bush, no more than 40 cm, the leaves are dark green, ovate-oblong in shape, narrowed at the end, with a crenate edge and stipules, arranged alternately, on short petioles. Flowers solitary, axillary, large, about 7-10 cm in diameter. Perianth double, corolla five-membered, lower lobe with nectar-bearing spur. The column at the top is spherically thickened. Corolla color: white, yellow, blue, blue, orange, carmine red, can be monochromatic or with spots of a contrasting color. The fruit is a box. Contains many small, shiny brown seeds. Seeds remain viable for 2-3 years.

Pansies is the Russian name for the garden violet, it has been decorating the flowerbeds of Russian gardeners for many decades, but in fact, hybrid violets were bred by breeders in England in the 30s of the 19th century. And very quickly spread throughout Europe.

Work on breeding new, more and more spectacular varieties did not stop, and at the beginning of the 20th century in Portland (USA, Oregon) large-flowered varieties of violets were bred, in which the flower diameter reached 12 cm. centuries adopted by Japanese breeders.

Growing Violet Wittrock

Wittrock violets are traditionally grown from seedlings. At the same time, the seeds are sown in an unheated greenhouse in June - July (young plants will bloom only in the second year), in light nutrient soil. On light loamy soils, humus, peat and sand are added in proportion. Based on one part of garden land, 1 part of humus, peat and ½ sand. It is better to sow seeds in rows, with a step of about 1-2 cm, sprinkling with soil no more than 5 mm. The sowing rate of violet seeds is approximately 2-3 g per 1 m².

Seeds germinate best at temperatures around 20-22°C. Shoots usually appear on the 10-15th day. They also dive as standard: in the phase of two true leaves, the distance between plants is 5-6 cm.

10 days after planting the seedlings, and every subsequent 10 days, you can carry out top dressing, alternating complex mineral fertilizers and organics.

In late August or early September, violet seedlings are planted in a permanent place - always bright, but protected from the wind. At the same time, the distance between the bushes should be about 25-30 cm. The seedlings have time to take root and winter well. And already in May you will be pleased blooming flower bed violets. In light partial shade, the viola will continue to bloom in the summer.

You can grow Wittrock's Violet in another way: the seeds are sown in wide boxes as early as January. The soil can be used universal for seedlings, the seeds are embedded in the soil by 5 mm, well moistened and covered with a film. The boxes are kept at a temperature of about 22 ° C, ventilated 2-3 times a day, preventing the earth from drying out or mold. When shoots appear, the seedlings are rearranged to a very bright place, if necessary, illuminated, the temperature should be about 10-12 ° C. At this point, it is important to prevent waterlogging of the soil so that the seedlings do not die from the “black leg” (thickened, poorly ventilated seedlings are especially susceptible to the disease).

After the development of two true leaves, the seedlings can be planted in cups (burrowing into the soil to the cotyledon leaves), a week after this, the plants can be fed (fertilizer taken in half the dose). In late April - early May (depending on the weather), after preliminary hardening, the seedlings are planted in the ground.

Wittrock's violet is unpretentious, it is cold-resistant, grows well in sunny areas and in light partial shade, easily and without losses. flowering plants can be transplanted (with the preservation of an earthen coma) to a new place in the garden.

Pansies are perennials by nature, but in horticulture they are grown only as biennials - the first two years the flowering is lush and plentiful, in the third year the decorative attractiveness is greatly reduced, this should be taken into account when designing flower beds.

Soil requirements for violets are standard: rich, nutritious, fairly moist, but well-drained, soil acidity is preferred with a pH of 6.0-8.0, i.e. not strongly acidic, rather neutral or slightly alkaline.

Wittrock's Violet does not tolerate planting in a shady lowland, where the soil dries out for a long time, it does not grow well on poor sandy loamy soils. If the earth is not nutritious enough, humus or compost is added before planting in the flower garden. And when planting flowers, they are mulched with peat.

After the first year of flowering, in October, I need to cut off all the flower stalks, leaving only dense rosettes of leaves. They winter well, and will also bloom profusely next spring. If the winter is going to be harsh, violets need light shelter with spruce branches or foliage of garden trees.

During the summer, faded flower stalks are constantly removed from the violet, the plants are watered if necessary and weeded from weeds.

Wittrock's violet is used in flower beds, borders, mixborders, on rocky hills, as well as for growing on balconies and for cut bouquets.

Varieties of Wittrock Violets

From a botanical point of view, the concept of varieties for Wittrock violet is somewhat incorrect. The fact is that a variety is a group of plants obtained by crossing specimens of the same species. And Wittrock's violet is already an interspecific hybrid. Therefore, with regard to pansies the concept of heterotic hybrids or F1 hybrids is acceptable.
Their choice is huge, for every taste, there are early-flowering and late-flowering ones, but the classification is based, first of all, on the size of the flower.

  • Group of supregigan violets (flower diameter up to 11 cm)
    • Super Majestic Giants F1 Series Super Majestic Giants Series F1. Compact - bushes about 15 cm high, resistant to adverse conditions, tolerate heat well. Early flowering, flowers are bright, with a spot.
  • Group of giant violets (flower diameter 9-10 cm)
    • Majestic Giants Series F1 Majestic Giants Series F1. Branched bushes about 15 cm high. They bloom throughout the summer, tolerate heat well. The flowers are bright, with a spot.
  • Group of large-flowered violets (flower diameter 8-9 cm)
    • Crown Series F1 Crown Series F1. Bushes up to 15 cm, strongly branched, cold-resistant, bloom early. The flowers are bright, uniform in color, without spots.
    • Regal Series F1 Regal Series F1. Bushes up to 15 cm, strongly branched, cold-resistant, bloom early. Flowers are distinguished by the presence on the petals dark spots- 'eye'.
  • Group of mid-flowered violets (flower diameter 6-8 cm)
    • Series Crystal Bowl F1 Crystal Bowl F1. Bushes about 12 cm, early flowering, long and very abundant bloom, resistant to heat. Flowers of uniform color, without eyes.
    • Maxim Series F1 Maxim Series F1. Bushes about 12 cm, early flowering, long and very abundant bloom, resistant to heat. Flowers of various bright colors, with dark eyes.
    • Ultima F1 Series Ultima Series F1. Plants about 13 cm tall and abundant flowering. Flowers of a wide variety of colors with a spot, or without a spot.
  • Group of small-flowered violets (flower diameter 5-6 cm)
    • Rococo F1 Series Rococo F1. Plants are distinguished by an unusual flower shape - they have highly corrugated petals.
    • Series Wagon F1 Universal Series F1. Plants about 13 cm tall, bloom early and profusely, many flowers of various colors and shades.