Entrance door to a private country house: wooden, plastic, metal. Safety and DIY installation

When choosing the perfect door, there are a few things to consider:

  • the material that formed the basis of the door leaf;
  • dimensions of the entrance structure;
  • style and design.

Wooden doors

Doors made of natural wood remain the most popular - they are reliable, durable and look presentable. Solid wood is used for their manufacture, wooden boards or wood and metal panels. Depending on the source material, the structure may be strengthened by inserting sheet metal.

Entrance doors from natural wood They perfectly protect the house from heat loss and last a long time.

Plastic doors

Plastic base entrance structures- sheets of plastic, which are additionally insulated to increase thermal insulation properties. In addition to maintaining heat in the living room, plastic doors have such advantages as good sound insulation and resistance to corrosion. Such doors have a low cost and are easy to install.

Metal doors

They are gaining more and more popularity due to their performance properties. metal doors V a private house. To ensure high strength and burglary resistance, manufacturers use steel sheets with a thickness of 1.2 to 2 mm. Doors must be equipped with stiffeners - transverse, longitudinal or combined.

If the highest strength is required, then you should pay attention to armored models. They are made using a special safe technology, when concrete is poured inside the frame.

Types of doors

Depending on the size, all entrance doors are divided into:

  • single-leaf;
  • one-and-a-half, consisting of a narrow part (about 30 cm) and a wide part (about 90 cm);
  • bivalve.

Single-leaf doors are much more often used in ordinary apartments, while single-leaf or double-leaf structures are chosen to equip the entrance area in a private house. The difference between double doors is not just the larger width of the door leaf, but also the presence of two hinges and a connecting locking mechanism.

How to order a door?

The first step in purchasing an entrance door to a private home will be to call a specialist to take measurements. Then the material is discussed and the design of the structure is selected. After manufacturing the product, company employees deliver it to the desired address and install it.

The front door is where the appearance of any home begins. The door should not only look beautiful, but also be reliable, durable and have good thermal insulation. A properly selected door will help to avoid many operational problems - ice, corrosion and condensation, and, of course, the entry of unwanted guests.


All entrance doors are usually classified into several types.

The first type of classification is based on the material of manufacture:

  • Metal.
  • Made of wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.
  • Thermo doors.

Let's take a closer look at each type of door:

  • Many people prefer to install metal doors because they are stronger than other materials, which means they are more reliable and will last longer. Metal construction sheet with correct use and with proper care it will serve its owners for decades. They have increased protection against break-ins and intrusions, and have reliable technological locks. Such doors are frost-resistant thanks to the anti-freeze material, and are perfect for retaining heat in the house.
  • Wooden doors are the second most popular to install. They are environmentally friendly and suitable for lovers of natural materials. Such structures require additional protection in the form of a paint coating, since they are subject to mechanical stress. If the door is made of high-quality wood and processed properly, then such a door will serve its owners for many years.

It is customary to subdivide wooden doors into panel doors and those made of solid wood. Wood panel it is filled either with a solid block of wood or made from glued solid wood. Glued array is cheaper.

The quality of the canvas can be determined by the manufacturing technology. The wood must be thoroughly dried. Damp wood will cause cracks to appear and, consequently, deformation of the door. Proper gluing is carried out using high-quality adhesive products at a given temperature.

Upper paintwork applied in three layers, using layer-by-layer sanding. This will ensure resistance to moisture. Wooden panels are made from oak, mahogany, ash, walnut, and cherry. Oak panels are famous for their durability. Tree yellow color It gets darker over time.

Elite models are made of mahogany, so they are much more expensive. Ash has a rich range of natural shades - from grayish-pink to darker burgundy. Walnut is very durable, but easy to process. Panel models are created from panels about 3 centimeters thick. They can be solid or hollow inside.

To increase the strength of a wooden door, you can use an aluminum profile or steel corners. Thanks to this, the strength of the canvas will increase and its characteristics will not be inferior to metal models. The use of several bolts in locks and anti-vandal fittings will also have a beneficial effect on enhancing the security of doors.

  • Plastic models presented on the market in large quantities. Affordable prices for plastic doors will please any buyer. Such models are comfortable to use; it is possible to equip the door with specialized electronic systems. For strength, they are installed inside the plastic sheet itself. additional designs for strengthening.

  • PVC doors protect the house from excessive street noise. The canvas itself can be insulated, have reliable protection from temperature changes and precipitation, which is especially important in autumn-winter period. A variety of presented models of plastic doors, a large range design ideas will delight any sophisticated buyer. Depending on the buyer’s wishes, you can select the required model.

  • Glass doors are gaining particular popularity. Their most important advantage is their beautiful and unusual appearance. Thanks to the use of this model, more natural elements penetrate into the room. sunlight, glass gives a feeling of lightness.

Another positive side is the resistance of glass to adverse weather conditions and temperature changes. Glass perfectly retains its properties, both during severe winter frosts, when home insulation is especially necessary, and in the summer heat. The material is not subject to corrosion.

Glass doors are usually divided into several subtypes:

  • Doors with standard plain glass. This type of door is quite fragile and can be easily damaged by even a small impact.
  • Models with denser glass units. Reliable and withstand mechanical stress.
  • Products with reinforced glass units. Can withstand the use of power tools.
  • Models with armored glass. The design can withstand a variety of impact methods and can withstand natural disasters.

The safest glass door options are models with tempered double-glazed windows and triplex systems. Such models withstand mechanical stress.

Another undeniable advantage glass doors - the ability to combine different materials when creating the product. In the manufacture of the product body, the following materials are used: wood, metal (steel, aluminum, etc.), plastic. Glass inserts – small “windows” – are built into the finished body. You can use stained glass decorations.

It is also important to note that many people avoid using glass products due to the reluctance of the owners “to be on public display.” Designs with frosted or tinted (colored) glass will help avoid excessive “openness.” This will not affect the properties of the glass - the heat and sound insulation will remain the same, and light will also penetrate into the house.

Thermo doors will be an excellent solution for your home. Similar models are made using special technologies, therefore they have high thermal insulation. This technology is called thermal rupture.

The components inside the frame and door leaf are connected to external elements using special insulators. This eliminates the possibility of penetration of cold currents. A layer of thermally reflective foil is mounted inside the door frame. The so-called thermos effect is created. The metal part of the door is coated with a triple coating, which provides protection against deformation and temperature changes.

Elite models of entrance doors should be highlighted separately. They are usually made from a metal such as steel. For finishing, high-quality and expensive wood species are used - mahogany, oak, walnut. Such models are characterized by the most high class protection.

The inside of such models is filled with mineral wool. Mineral wool is a good heat insulator and is a non-flammable material.

The hinges of luxury doors are equipped with anti-cuts, making it almost impossible to remove them from the hinges. Robbers will also not be able to cut out such hinges, since special armored linings are located near the hinges. Handle area and door lock also equipped with additional intrusion protection.

According to their purpose, all doors can be divided into:

  • Shockproof. Each model with good strength can be called shockproof.
  • Bulletproof. The most reliable types. They have the maximum degree of protection. In their manufacture, only the best and most durable metal alloys are used.
  • Soundproof. Enough rare view. The main purpose is partial or complete absorption of external sounds and noise.

According to the method of opening, entrance doors are divided into hinged and sliding. If the front door swings outwards, then it leaves the house less heat, rather than from a door that opens into the room.

The degree of resistance to opening also plays an important role. Class 1 doors cannot be opened using ordinary tools. The second class of burglary resistance is characterized by the fact that the structure cannot be hacked using mechanical tools. Class 3 – the possibility of penetration using electric tools. Well, class 4 means armored doors.

In an ordinary country house, it is advisable to install products with at least 2 or 3 degrees of protection against penetration.

Often, houses have two entrance doors at once. In this case, the first one plays a protective role; it is stronger, protected from penetration and hacking. The second acts as a protective factor for maintaining heat in the room. It is desirable that in this case the installed canvases are made of different materials.

All of the above types of products will help the inexperienced buyer navigate and choose the right model of entrance door for his home.


When purchasing a door, it is important to choose models whose door leaf is made of steel sheet. The thickness of the sheet should vary from 1.3 to 2 millimeters. The greater the thickness of the metal, the stronger and safer the structure.

The models are reinforced from the inside with metal stiffeners. Stiffening ribs are divided into longitudinal, transverse and combined. The door frame must be made of metal with a thickness of at least 0.3 - 0.5 centimeters. The profile shape is U-shaped.

To protect against cold air masses, reliable thermal insulation is needed. The thermal insulation layer is made of mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. Other materials with low thermal conductivity can also be used.

To make the door fit as seamlessly as possible into the overall appearance of the house, you can install a canopy. It will provide a comfortable entrance to the house, protect the steps and the door leaf itself from the unfavorable external environment, and add harmony and completeness to the appearance of the home.


By size, entrance door structures are usually divided into:

  • Single leaf– have a single solid fabric. A universal option, which is most often used in residential buildings.
  • One and a half- consist of two doors. Most often, one of the doors is used. The other acts as an auxiliary one and is used only in rare cases (for example, when moving large equipment or furniture).
  • Double doors– consist of two identical sashes that are used equally.

When choosing the size of the door, you should take into account the fact that in the future it may be possible to bring in or take out large furniture, things and equipment. All objects must fit freely into the opening and not cling to the walls. In general, it is desirable that the opening be at least 90-100 centimeters wide and two meters high.


The materials from which entrance doors for a country house are made are very different. These are metal, plastic, wood, glass. The choice of material from which it is made door design, is dictated not only by the overall design and appearance of the house, but also by the preferences of the owners.

Many people prefer metal models because they represent reliability and protection. When choosing a metal door, it is worth studying the characteristics of the product, which are usually described in the attached documents:

  • A box of this model is made from two sheets– facial and internal. The front (outer) layer is solid. The strength of the structure directly depends on the thickness of the sheet. The minimum thickness is one and a half millimeters. If the thickness exceeds 4 millimeters, the door will become difficult to open, since the weight of the leaf will increase significantly.

It is advisable to install such a model in country houses, where the owners do not live all year round. This will help reduce the risk of unwanted guests entering your home or cottage.

  • Wooden models although they are inferior in strength to metal ones, they still have a number of their own undeniable advantages. Such products are environmentally friendly because they are made from natural natural material– wood, the structure has significantly less weight, increased sound insulation and heat insulation properties.

Wooden doors have the ability to resist corrosion. If the wood has undergone good process processing, the product will serve its owners for a very long time. The most durable types of wood are oak, teak, walnut and beech.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the existing shortcomings wooden doors. If the canvas was made with obvious violations of the wood drying process or it was not sufficiently impregnated protective coating(that is, varnish), this will lead to further rapid destruction of the product during operation. Wood is an unstable material and is exposed to temperature changes, high humidity and external unfavorable factors. In the event of a fire, such models quickly ignite and burn out.

The price for natural materials - wood, logs - is significantly higher than for metal constructions. Budget options are created from cheaper wood, which is usually not strong enough. These options are good for interior doors. Experts advise installing wooden doors in a private country house, taking into account high-quality locks and fastenings.

  • Plastic models have a number of advantages. This is, first of all, a wide range of models on the market. Rich color palette, possibility of imitation various materials(wood, stone), decor with glass and other elements - all this is an undeniable advantage such products.

Plastic has good sound insulation, so the owners of the house will not be afraid of street noise. The entire structure is sealed. Such models are easy to care for and operate, and can withstand all weather conditions – temperature fluctuations, precipitation, high humidity. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

When used correctly, this fabric does not need replacement or repair. For reliability, the plastic sheets are reinforced with a metal frame. The price of the product will also please buyers.

Design and finishing

When choosing an entrance door, it is important to take into account the architectural structure of the house itself and the entrance to it, as well as the presence of an entrance and lighting. The street door must withstand external influences, temperature changes, precipitation and humidity.

Experts do not recommend trimming street structures tree chip materials– these are chipboard, MDF. They interact poorly with moisture, so under the influence of precipitation, snow and rain they will become unsuitable for use. Hammer painting will help retain moisture. This coloring creates a very durable coating that is suitable for harsh climatic conditions.

Viniplast is also suitable for cladding doors; it tolerates moisture well, but is not frost-resistant. At -20º C the material becomes more brittle, brittle and cannot withstand strong mechanical stress. Modern doors are equipped with high-quality coatings during production. The coating has both a protective and decorative function.

What are the best outdoor products to install?

If we talk about entrance doors for country houses and cottages, it is important to remember that they must be strong, safe, protect against the penetration of cold and excess noise, and have a good locking system. Any good manufacturer manufactures its products taking into account current standards.

Give a definite answer about what kind front door It's impossible to choose better. The choice of door is influenced by a huge number of factors. This may include the budget allocated for the purchase of the product, the preferences of the home owners, the overall design and appearance of the house, as well as weather conditions. A correctly selected door will become the final accent in the design of your home.

What you should pay attention to when choosing doors:

  • Reliability.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Product quality.
  • Thermal protection.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Design.
  • Intrusion protection (high-quality locking system).

The last point is especially important. The right locks will protect you and your family from criminal intrusion. For example, if you have chosen a wooden door for a private house, then make sure that it is equipped quality system locks This will protect your home from thieves and vandals.

Beautiful options for street doors

Any owner wants to choose a beautiful and practical door for his home. And no matter what kind of house it is (cottage type or a simple house made of timber), a correctly selected door will complete the image of the house as a whole and will delight the owners for a long time.

Let's look at the question of which entrance doors are best to choose for a private house and apartment. The main materials used to make doors in our time are usually wood and metal. Like any element of the house, the door must correspond to its purpose and have certain properties. Let's list the main ones: inherent in any a good door, regardless of the material of manufacture.

  • Strength. The front door serves to protect the home from the entry of strangers.
  • As a result, it prevents hacking. This concept implies both design features and the use of special locks, including on the door.
  • It should be warm and soundproof to the maximum. In terms of these qualities, it is advisable not to be much inferior to the wall on which the door frame is mounted.
  • Today it is difficult to imagine an entrance door without a peephole or a video surveillance camera combined with an intercom and a remote control button for the lock. These devices make our life much easier.
  • Good appearance. After all, if the theater begins with a coat rack, then your home begins with the front door.

Which entrance door is better to choose?

The determining factor is the properties of the door leaf and frame

First, let's look at what material the base of the door is made of. Of the two above, it is worth choosing a metal as basic foundation. Wood is much inferior to metal in strength and fire safety.

For the sake of maintaining the truth, it is worth mentioning that there are also wooden doors, for example, made of alder or oak, impregnated with a special composition, which makes them difficult to burn. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

A good, durable and beautiful front door is no longer a rarity today, and therefore is not an object of increased interest to individuals seeking to encroach on your property. And that means it is simply necessary to have it. Therefore, let's start by considering the design of a high-quality modern door made of metal.

Design features of a good door leaf

The door is based on two steel sheets, front and rear. These sheets, especially the front one, must be solid. Otherwise, at the junctions of the pieces, they can be separated quite easily. Sheet thickness is preferably 1.8 mm.

This figure is derived from practice. On the one hand, a door that is too thin can easily be cut with an ordinary can opener, even if not a kitchen knife, then a knife for opening cartridge boxes. This has been verified.

On the other hand, there are considerations of sufficiency. They produce doors with both 3 and 4 mm sheet thickness! Moreover, with reinforcement and an additional sheet between the two main ones. Such a door is attached not on hinges, but on special levers. The steel used is hardened. Neither a sledgehammer, nor a crowbar, nor an angle grinder, nor a drill are suitable against it. In a word - a tank. Opening it yourself is worth the effort. And its price, to put it simply, is about $2000. Frankly speaking, a lot.

If you have a dacha somewhere in the forest, far from people, and you don’t go there often, this option may be suitable. And in conditions staircase apartment building, it's still a luxury. To break open a door in a city, a crowbar, a sledgehammer and nothing more are usually used. Therefore, a thickness, as we said, of 1.8 mm is quite enough. Such a door, when exposed to the above tools, may simply bend, but not give up.

Portions and platbands for the entrance door

One more an important condition is the absence of slots in the door structure through which a lever can be inserted to bend the door leaf or the door frame itself. For this, porches and platbands are used. The platbands save the box itself from being broken into, and the porches prevent anyone from getting to the door leaf.

It is appropriate to say here that the box itself must be secured properly. Otherwise, the end result may be a “colossus with feet of clay”, when a powerful door is stuck to the wall with almost one frame construction foam. Let us make a reservation once again that gaps neither on the door itself in relation to the frame, nor between the frame and the wall are unacceptable.

The door is not hollow inside. Between the sheets there is insulation for the front door, which is also a means of sound insulation. The choice of materials here is wide: from mineral wool to cardboard. It all depends on the availability of certain materials from the manufacturer, and of course, the cost of such a door.

Which insulation is best for an entrance door?

There are many options, it can be polystyrene foam, and wooden blocks, and sawdust... In general, who has what and what is capable of. And if we are talking about non-metallic materials, we should not forget that a rubber strip must be glued between the door leaf and the frame to eliminate or reduce the penetration of odors. In addition, when closing such a door there will be no noise.

Which way should the front door open?

Before you install new door in the apartment, pay attention to the fact where the front door should open. According to fire safety rules, it is prohibited to change the direction of door opening in order to avoid creating difficulties in the event of an emergency evacuation of people.

The fact is that old wooden doors opened, as a rule, inward. And the new metal ones will open outward and disturb the neighbors. So, you may come across a very caustic friend, and you will be considered a violator. The matter may end in a fine, so it is better to kindly agree with all neighbors in advance.

The reliability of doors largely depends on the hinges used. The best option is closed door hinges(awnings). They are more reliable, and the door looks neater.

If the hinges are used with the connection exiting outside, it is worth using the so-called “anti-removal pins” (also known as “tongues” or “fingers”).

Even if the hinge connection has been knocked down or cut off, the presence of anti-removal pins will not allow an intruder to easily enter the room for a certain time. It may take 10-20 minutes to remove the pins. It is clear that the size, design and strength of the hinges themselves matter.

In addition, you need to know that there should be not 2 hinges on the door, but 3 or even 4 pieces. This provides additional security. It also helps to redistribute the load from the weight of the door onto all hinges.

When the hinges are worn out and erased, the door leaf sag. Often, in order to avoid such consequences, a hardened ball from a ball bearing is placed inside the loop under the working pin during manufacturing. This reduces wear and prolongs the service life of the hinges.

External control elements

As we have already said above, the door must contain surveillance devices, such as an electronic peephole or a video surveillance system. Today we will not dwell on video surveillance systems. It's a whole world! But it must be said about the eyes that they must be armored. Otherwise they may not save you in case critical situation from an attack on your life.

There should preferably be two places for installing locks. One castle is not enough, three castles are a lot. And two is just right. A woman can handle the choice of door appearance very well. Representatives of the fair sex do not care what materials are there or how many loops there are, but in matters of design they are the best experts.

There are two standard ways to fasten the box: with a U-shaped bracket and flat. The first is preferable, since it allows you to create required strength designs. But due to the different locations of the walls, it is not always suitable. Then you will have to put up with and tinker with the flat mount. Although, if everything is done correctly, this method is in no way inferior in strength to the previous one.

Entrance door manufacturers and costs

Besides everything, and maybe first of all, you are interested in the price of the front door. This largely depends on the manufacturer.

Domestic manufacturers are traditionally distinguished by lower quality (although there are many exceptions), but also by correspondingly low price. It ranges from 200 to 500 dollars.

Imported doors cost from $400 to $1,000. Here the choice is yours. Just remember to check the completeness of the product at the final stage of purchase. One more small but significant note. Before going to the store, do not forget to measure the doorway. Doors, especially foreign ones, come in different sizes. If you are not a specialist, it is better to have the door installed knowledgeable people. This will save you from big and small mistakes, as well as headaches.

Bottom line
We hope now you know which entrance door to choose for your house or apartment. In conclusion, I would like to say that door breaking is carried out with a crowbar and a master key. Moreover, “master keys” are used much more often. But more on that another time.

When choosing a door, the customer also decides on its configuration. The complete set of metal doors is divided into regular, that is, standard, which is initially provided for in the price list, and additional (which the client can order in addition to the door, for an additional cost).

The usual configuration of metal doors involves

  • door frame;
  • door leaf;
  • one or more stiffeners (depending on the type of door);

Additional equipment can be agreed with the client, it may include:

  • closer;
  • main and additional locks;
  • decoration;
  • door knob.

Thus, when purchasing a metal door, it is necessary to proceed from what functionality it will carry. And based on this, determine its technical indicators and appearance.

Private houses are convenient and comfortable housing, which people are increasingly choosing to live in. To remain confident in your own safety and limit visits to the territory on which the house is located, there must be a fence on the site. However, this does not always prevent uninvited guests from appearing, so before moving into a home, it is equipped with attributes that are usually associated with security: reliable doors, durable windows and an alarm security system.

The Medver company produces and sells entrance doors to private homes. Our catalog contains a large collection of various models that are suitable for furnishing both a small country house and a reputable cottage. All products of our own production are sold with delivery throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Assortment of street doors to the house from the manufacturer "MEDVER"

All models that are presented in the catalog of our online store meet the basic qualities required for outdoor doors:

  • Reliability and durability. The basis of the design is metal carcass from reinforced profile. The door leaf is made of metal sheet 2mm thick;
  • Heat and sound insulation. To reduce the cost of heating a home, all doors are equipped with a seal along the contour and foam filler in the cavity of the leaf;
  • Safety. The doors to the house have 2 types of locks. At the request of the customer, fittings and locking systems can be changed taking into account specific requests;
  • Reliable cladding. The catalog presents models with various external and internal finishes, which are adapted to environmental conditions and do not deform under the influence of high and low temperatures, pressure drop, air humidity and precipitation.

All our company's products are certified and ready for delivery and installation.

Buy an entrance street door for a private house in Moscow

In our online store you can purchase an entrance door with different amounts valves, different options external and interior decoration, standard or fully equipped. Our customers are presented with doors finished in materials such as:

  • Solid oak. Wooden doors are beautiful, sophisticated and ideal for a private home. Finish from natural material harmonizes well with natural landscape and does not affect the reliability of the design;
  • MDF. Doors with a durable coating that is resistant to climatic and mechanical disturbances;
  • Powder paint or nitro enamel. Reliable coating that protects the metal base from corrosion;
  • Vinyl leather. Warm finishing for additional heat and sound insulation of housing;
  • Laminate, plastic. Simple and reliable coatings for budget door models.

To clarify the price or fill out an application for the wholesale supply of products, we recommend contacting the consultant managers of our online store.

When choosing an entrance door for a private home, it is worth considering many factors. The product must meet certain requirements, the most important of which are reliability and high thermal insulation. Without knowing the basic required characteristics, you should not rush to the first option that comes your way. In this article we will look at several various designs, and we will also figure out which entrance door is better for a private house in a particular case.

Types of entrance doors

Entrance doors for a country house are classified according to several parameters. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which the structure is made.

In addition, you can find other types of door designs on the market. Of course, they are not so popular among the population, especially for glass products. Doors of this type serve a decorative function; in addition, the work of installing them in Moscow is quite expensive.


Wooden doors are very common because they are highly durable and enhance the exterior of a home. But, in Lately the popularity of such doors has decreased somewhat, this is explained by the appearance on the market steel structures, which inspire more confidence.

To make wooden doors, solid wood, wooden panels or panels in combination with metal are used. In the first case, the panel is made entirely of wood without any inserts made of other material; in the second, it is placed between the panels sheet metal a certain thickness, which can significantly increase the strength of the structure.

Wooden panels can have different design and sizes, protect the house well from heat loss.

We recommend choosing products made from solid natural wood, since panels made from pressed shavings have a short service life (as a result, they will have to be replaced within a few years after installation).


Modern plastic doors are no less popular. For their production they are used PVC profile and sheets of plastic. Insulation is installed between the sheets, which improves the thermal insulation properties of the products. In the photo below you can see a standard plastic entrance door in a private house.

Among the advantages of plastic street doors for the home, it is worth highlighting:

  • low cost;
  • good sound insulation;
  • ideal insulation;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • absence of corrosion processes.

Metal-plastic structures are equipped with double-glazed windows. WITH inside you can stick a special decorative film, which will give originality to the doors.

Certainly, metal-plastic structures They also have some disadvantages. For example, when burning they release toxic substances, there is a high probability of fading under the influence sun rays and quite high temperatures. In addition, such fabrics are not resistant to mechanical damage.

On video: what you need to know to do it right PVC selection doors.


Today, metal entrance doors in private homes are in great demand. This is due to the fact that they have high performance characteristics. For the manufacture of metal doors, steel is used standard sheet, the thickness of which can reach 2 mm. The thicker the material, the higher the strength of the structure.

The sheet is reinforced from the inside with vertical and horizontal stiffeners. The best option is a combined arrangement of elements.

Armored metal doors from the manufacturer are highly durable. They are made on the basis of a safe. So, concrete is poured inside the frame, which makes the doors bulletproof. Of course they are iron products They are very heavy and not easy to use.


Beautiful forged doors are basically a metal sheet, which is decorated with forged elements. Particularly popular are products with glass inserts on the outside, using high-strength material. This allows you to maintain the reliability of the door structure at the appropriate level.

Entrance door dimensions

Depending on the size, entrance doors are divided into three types:

  • single-leaf;
  • one and a half;
  • bivalve.

The first option is often used in city apartments. As for one-and-a-half and double-leaf structures, they are installed in private homes and offices. Each of these options has its own characteristics.

One and a half

One-and-a-half doors are installed in country houses, in entrances and vestibules multi-storey buildings. With their help, you can provide sufficient space for bringing in furniture, building materials and other large objects through openings. Such doors consist of a narrow part and a wide working leaf. The width of the first canvas is 30 cm, and the second – 90 cm.

Often a small sash is fixed in door frame using a latch. It can be easily opened whenever necessary. The main thing is that the loop is movable.


The peculiarity of this door design is that both leaves are working, so they are often the same in width. Of course, when making a custom design, the size ratio can be changed. But still, the canvases are equipped with handles and a connecting locking mechanism.

Double doors fit optimally into the exterior of the house gothic style. To hide the bulkiness of the structure and give it elegance, experts recommend using decorative forged elements and inserts made of durable glass.

By style

Previously, doors were used exclusively to protect the house from the entry of strangers. Today, such products are an integral element of the exterior of the house. They can say a lot about its owner. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering the design of the door leaf.

Modern doors

In order for the door to become a real color of the house, it is best to opt for modern designs. They are made from various materials and have certain design features.

In a private home you can use the following products:

  • Modern combined doors. Several materials are used to make the canvas. A composition made of metal and glass would be a good option - such doors look very modern and elegant.

  • Hinged doors. The canvas is mounted on hinges. Despite the heavy weight, the door easily rotates into the desired position.

  • With additional sash. For creative people, the best option would be to install an additional decorative sash.

  • Doors with glass inserts. Using glass, you can dilute the monotony of the canvas and make it more attractive and solid. Inserts may have different shapes, size and placement method. There is no need to worry about the reliability of such a door, since it uses tempered and high-strength glass that can withstand various loads.

In fact, there are a lot of door design options. Therefore, everyone can find an option that suits this or that style.

Winter doors (insulated)

In regions with harsh climatic conditions Special attention it is worth paying attention to the thermal insulation of the house. Great solution In this case, it will be the installation of winter doors.

The peculiarity of such structures is that they have high thermal insulation properties. Inside the canvas there are several insulation materials (expanded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool, cork material, isolon). There are additional layers for insulation - at least 2-3 sealant contours and finishing with frost-resistant materials on the outside of the canvas.

  • Insulated entrance doors for a private home have the following advantages:
  • high thermal insulation, which helps protect the house from heat loss;
  • protection against condensation and icing of the canvas; Availability exterior finishing
  • with anti-vandal coating;

variety of design, aesthetic appearance. It also uses double-sided insulation, which protects the canvas from moisture. Attached from above decorative coating. To protect the house from heat loss, the door structure is additionally equipped with seals.

To the advantages Finnish doors include:

  • high strength;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • variety of colors and designs;
  • possibility of using decorative inserts;
  • quite high strength.

Doors with glass

Many people believe that entrance doors with glass inserts are less reliable than their conventional counterparts. But actually it is not. It all depends on the material used. Often, high-strength glass is used for insertion, and forged grilles are used as additional protection.

Doors with glass have some advantages:

  • Availability of a natural light source. Light from the street will enter the dark corridor through the glass insert. This allows you to avoid artificial light sources.
  • Safety. Through the insert you can see who is on the other side of the door. This option is especially suitable for protected objects.

As for the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the relatively high cost due to the use of glass elements.

Doors with thermal break

A door with a thermal break is a metal sheet that is equipped with special heat-insulating inserts.

These are special elements of the inside of the front door with a low degree of thermal conductivity.

  • The following are used as thermal breaks:
  • PVC inserts.
  • Allows you to reduce heat transfer between materials. The gaskets have chambers filled with air. They are what keep the heat in. Styrofoam. Most often used to protect the product from freezing.
  • Mineral wool. Acts as an ideal sealant. To protect the cotton wool from getting wet and losing its properties, it is additionally covered with a special film.

, which has

  • high density
  • . Its presence significantly increases the cost of the product.
  • organization of supply and exhaust ventilation.

Considering such features, it is better to entrust the installation of the door frame to professionals.

On video: review of an insulated entrance door with a thermal break.

Elite doors are quite expensive. This is due to their high performance characteristics and special production technology. The canvas is made from steel frame, which is equipped with stiffeners. It is sheathed with a solid bent sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm to 3 mm. The latter option is recommended for installation in private homes. The filler is polypropylene foam or polystyrene. They provide high heat and sound insulation.

As for finishing, valuable types of wood, expensive metal, glass and other luxury materials are used to order.

In addition, the design is equipped with high-strength and reliable locks and other fittings. When making a door to order, it is possible to install a biometric lock. It identifies the owner by fingerprint.

Front doors to the house

Front doors are representative structures that are installed at the central entrance. Externally, they are designed to match the exterior of the building, and internally, they are designed to match the decoration of the entrance room. Such entrance doors bear a very heavy load. Therefore, they must meet high requirements for strength and insulating properties.

Front doors are distinguished by their appearance. They look very massive and are of considerable size. They are often made in the form of a double-leaf design.

Among the main features it is worth highlighting:

  • presentable and aesthetic appearance;
  • use of natural and expensive materials;
  • practicality and reliability;
  • high wear resistance and long service life;
  • reinforced structure and massiveness.

Often, front entrance doors are made to order. Therefore it is possible to create original design. For decoration, various inserts and forged products are used.

Which entrance door is better?

When choosing an entrance door for a private home, it is worth considering that it must meet certain requirements:

  • Home safety. The main function is to protect the home from intrusion by third parties. Therefore, the door structure and accessories must be highly durable and reliable.
  • Heat and sound insulation. The canvas must reliably protect the house from external noise and heat loss.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. This primarily concerns hacking attempts. The design must withstand any attempts to open it.

So which entrance door should you choose for a private home? The best option would be metal insulated sheets; you can also consider Finnish-made options. Such products are available on the market in wide range

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