Bath bombs. How to make a do-it-yourself bath bomb for children, effervescent, with sea salt, clay, edible, oil-free, aromatic, New Year's: recipes

There are many ways to unwind your mind and body at the end of the day. For example, go for a walk, do needlework or watch an interesting movie. But there is a more entertaining option - take a hot bath with fizzy bombs.

Bubbling bath bombs, made by hand, will fill the room with a pleasant aroma and soften the water with essential oils and herbs. The natural ingredients that make up their composition, at the same time relax the muscles and have a beneficial effect on the skin. In such an atmosphere, you can forget about all the problems and have a good rest.

Necessary ingredients for making natural bombs

Making a bubbling bath ball at home is very simple, because for this you need a set of the most familiar ingredients. Their composition can be changed depending on personal tastes and preferences.

Ready-made bath bombs will be a great gift for loved ones and friends if you pack them in a beautiful wrapper. They do not require special storage conditions: they can lie in a dry place for as long as you like.

The following ingredients are used to create hissing bombs:

  • Soda;
  • Lemon acid;
  • food salt;
  • Base oil (olive, sea buckthorn, almond, etc.);
  • Essential oils;
  • Clay, milk powder or cream;
  • Natural fillers: dry herbs, oatmeal, green tea, peel citrus fruits, poppy seeds, honey, flower petals, cinnamon and so on;
  • Dyes optional.

soda and citric acid usually added in a ratio of 1:2. When combined with water, it is the mixture of these substances that causes the "geyser effect" in your bathroom.

When using essential and base oils, you should follow the recommended dosage, which is usually indicated in the package instructions. Despite all the benefits of this component, you should not overdo it with its quantity.

The last items on the list should be finely chopped. You can use several fillers at once, which are combined with each other, improve the condition of the skin, relax or invigorate - depending on the desired effect.

For work, you may also need a variety of molds, a coffee grinder or a mortar for grinding ingredients. It is not necessary to go to the store for special forms, because you can use children's figures to play in the sand, baking dishes, small jars of yogurt or cosmetics, and so on.

Simple recipes for making bombs with your own hands

Bath bomb "Antistress"

To create an anti-stress bomb, you will need a set of the following ingredients:

  • Baking soda - 4 tablespoons;
  • Edible salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Powdered milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • Almond oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Essential oil (lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus or bergamot) - 10-20 drops;
  • Dried herbs (chamomile flowers, green tea, lavender, lemon balm) - 1 tbsp.

In a mortar or coffee grinder, carefully grind the soda and citric acid to prevent large pieces from getting into it. Separately, grind the dried herbs to a state of fine crumbs.
Using a spoon, mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a separate bowl.

Carefully add water (preferably using a sprayer for even application) until the mass begins to foam and hiss.
Take a little mass with a dry hand and squeeze lightly. It is very important that it does not fall apart and keep its shape, otherwise after drying ready product crumble. If the mass is dry, add a little oil or a couple of drops of water, but do not overdo it.

Divide the mixture into molds, pre-oiled, and tamp well. Leave the molds for 4-5 hours (depending on size) in a dry place. It is important not to overexpose here - dried bombs will be very problematic to get out of the mold. After the allotted time, remove the bombs and transfer to a dry place for further storage for 1-2 days.

Natural honey-oatmeal flask is made using the following ingredients:

  • Baking soda - 4 tablespoons;
  • Citric acid - 2 tablespoons;
  • Edible salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Apricot oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Powdered milk or cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Essential oil of bergamot - 10-20 drops;
  • Ground oatmeal - 1 tbsp.

Honey and oatmeal are great for dry and irritated skin that is prone to flaking. The ingredients used stimulate cell renewal, nourish the skin and improve blood circulation.

As in previous recipes, mix all dry and wet ingredients separately. Candied honey is recommended to pre-melt in a water bath so that it mixes well with the rest of the ingredients.

Combine the honey-oil mixture with the dry ingredients powder and mix thoroughly until smooth. Part oatmeal can be used as a decoration when ramming the mass into molds.
Such a bomb should dry out within 4-6 hours.

chocolate bomb

To make this sweet dessert bomb you will need:

  • Baking soda - 4 tablespoons;
  • Citric acid - 2 tablespoons;
  • Edible salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Jojoba oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Cocoa butter or dark chocolate - 1 tablespoon;
  • Powdered milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp.

Cocoa butter is widely used in cosmetology, and is also part of many natural face and body skin care products. It perfectly saturates the dermis, gives it a natural glow, makes it soft and renewed.
Combine all dry ingredients and mix thoroughly with your hands to remove large particles.

In a separate bowl, melt cocoa butter or a bar of dark chocolate without additives. You can resort to using a microwave or a water bath. Cool the resulting mixture and add a few drops of base oil. You should have a smooth, buttery mixture.

Then slowly combine the dry and liquid ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth.
Pour the resulting mixture into molds and transfer to the freezer for 30 minutes until completely hardened. The finished bomb must be removed from the mold and wrapped with plastic wrap.

Fragrant citrus bomb consists of the following components:

  • Baking soda - 4 tablespoons;
  • Citric acid - 2 tablespoons;
  • Edible salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Essential oil of lemon, tangerine, grapefruit or orange - 15-20 drops;
  • Lemon or orange zest - 1 tablespoon;

Natural oils made from citrus fruits are considered the most effective assistant in the fight against cellulite. With regular use of these products, your skin will become smoother and firmer, and the peeling effect will noticeably decrease.

In a clean bowl, mix soda and citric acid with a given proportion, add fine salt and zest. Carefully pour in the base oil and then the selected essential oil and mix thoroughly.

Your bomb will become even brighter if you add rich yellow food coloring to it.
If necessary, add a little water and press the mixture into the molds and let them dry for 2-3 hours.

When making bombs with your own hands, you will be 100% sure of the quality of the ingredients and the absence of harmful additives in their composition. Balloons homemade are much more fragrant and healthier for your skin.

What could be nicer after a hard day than taking a warm, fragrant bath? turn this process hand-made bath bombs will help you to a real SPA-procedure.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

DIY bath bombs: useful properties

Purchased products often use chemical components, dyes and technical soda. Together, they can cause skin irritation or dryness, allergic reactions, or leave on the body. white coating. Therefore, it is best to learn how to make them yourself from natural ingredients and start creating.

The main components included in composition are:

  • baking soda is a component that any housewife has at home. It softens the water, removing its hardness. As a result, the skin will be less flaky;
  • lemon acid. It is the most basic of all components. It is thanks to her and soda that the bomb hisses and blows bubbles;
  • potato starch. Alternatively, corn starch can be used;
  • oil. Wheat germ oil is best, as it is the lightest. The oil is added so that the mixture of aromatic substances envelops the skin and softens it after taking a bath;
  • finely ground sea salt. A large one will do, but you still need to grind it yourself;
  • essential oils. They fill the air with aromas, relax and promote healing of the skin: all kinds of cuts, scratches, cracks, and also easily relieve the inflammatory process. Citrus and ylang-ylang oils not only give an invigorating effect, but are also powerful aphrodisiacs.

All ingredients are added step by step, mixing each time. Do-it-yourself bath bombs are an ideal prevention of acute respiratory infections at home. Read the technology master classes below.

DIY bath bombs: recipes for making

There are two simple classic recipe for the manufacture of balls:

  1. dry;
  2. water.

How to make balls is up to you. Some like bombs made with water, while others prefer the dry version. To determine, we advise you to first do both.

For the dry method you will need:

  • four l. soda;
  • two l. citric acid;
  • eight l. food salt;
  • two l. cosmetic oil, which is necessary for the mixture to become plastic and mix well;
  • ten drops essential oil.

All components are collected with a tablespoon. Adding each time a new ingredient, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. When kneading is done, place the workpiece in the mold and tamp it down. It must be closed. For complete drying, you need to wait at least 6 hours. It is important to observe all proportions. For the preparation of these cosmetic products, soda is indispensable. It is thanks to it and citric acid that an “explosive” effect is obtained. Soda balls in combination with oils do not dry the skin, but rather saturate it useful minerals, so do not be afraid to take a bath of soda.

IN composition of the second preparation method on water includes:

  • two tablespoons of soda;
  • one l. citric acid;
  • one l. salt;
  • 0.5 l. cosmetic oil;
  • eight drops of essential oil;
  • water in the sprayer.

The cooking process is the same as in the first version. The only difference is that during kneading, the mixture needs to be sprinkled with water two or three times. It is necessary to mix very quickly so that the bomb "does not explode."

Do not be afraid to fantasize and add different ingredients to the mixture. Balls with cocoa will give the body subtle chocolate notes, and with dyes they will make the color of the water pleasant for relaxation. If you do not want a film of vegetable oils to envelop your body after a spa treatment, you can replace them with baby oil. You can do without essential oil, just like without a foaming agent. If the first is used to saturate the air with aromas, then the second is just for fun.

Very often do-it-yourself bath bombs are made according to starch-free recipes, although this is absolutely unjustified. The following are cooking methods with the addition of starch and a foaming agent.

How to make bubbling bath bombs with your own hands?

DIY bubbling bath bombs are not only a spectacular sight, but also an amazing anti-depressant. They saturate the water with useful elements, and the skin with a pleasant aroma. For bubbly balls you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • sea ​​or table salt;
  • olive oil;
  • essential oil for fragrance;
  • mold.

Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of citric acid. Thoroughly mix these substances, preferably rubbing with each other. It is they who will provide the "explosive" effect. Add 2 tablespoons of sea salt olive oil and stir again. Drip 10 drops of essential oil. You can take any, at your discretion. The most commonly used oil is lavender.

The result should be a mixture that will resemble wet sand. Pour the mixture into molds, pressing it carefully. After 15 minutes, pull the bomb out of the mold and leave for 6-8 hours to dry.

To make the future ball acquire a certain color, you can add food coloring. For beauty, beads, sequins or special pearls are added. The use of a sizzling antidepressant will turn an ordinary bath into a fragrant SPA pleasure, and a sparkling water will instantly cheer you up.

If you prefer to take a bath with foam, then when kneading salt balls, add 30 gr. cosmetic raw materials "Luminous foam". Foam balls are ready!

How to make DIY bath bombs for kids?

DIY bath bombs for children are something unimaginable and exciting, especially their "explosive" effect. When preparing a fragrant ball for a child, it is important to consider many nuances:

  • never use technical soda;
  • do not use dyes.

The recipe is pretty simple:

  • take 120 gr. baking soda;
  • add 60 gr. citric acid and the same amount of starch;
  • add 3 tsp of sea salt;
  • replace liquid vegetable oil with baby Johnsons Baby or with solid butter, previously melted in a water bath (2 tsp);
  • add 1/3 tsp. water and 5 drops of lavender oil.

Fill the molds with the mixture more densely. The ideal option there will be children's molds in the form of funny little animals.

We make a mold for bombs with our own hands

A do-it-yourself bath bomb mold can be either rubber or plastic. Today the market is full various options in the form of a ball, square, snowflake, heart, egg.

All of them cost a lot of money. You can save and use as an alternative:

  • regular silicone molds for cookies or ice;
  • plastic wrap from Kinder Joy;
  • paper molds for baking cupcakes.

How to pack your own bath bombs?

Probably every needlewoman wondered how to pack bath bombs with her own hands.

  • most in a simple way is the packaging of the product in food or shrink film. You need to do this by pressing tightly to the edges. Products are quite fragile, so try not to damage them. Choose the largest on the hair dryer temperature regime and walk through the entire workpiece. On the reverse side, you can stick your own logo;
  • you can present such a gift in a transparent bag decorated with a bow;
  • if there are several balls, they can be folded into a beautiful glass jar. On top of the lid, you can lay a beautiful piece of cloth and press it to the lid with threads;
  • Bombs neatly folded in a box will look original. In addition, each product must first be placed in a paper cupcake mold.

We make New Year's bath bombs with our own hands

New Year's bombs will help to plunge into the world of magic and pass the hours until the New Year. Each of us associates winter holidays with the smell of Christmas trees and citruses. It is these essential oils that should be used during the manufacture of the mixture. Pine, spruce, cedar and juniper oils are ideal. In addition to relaxation, coniferous oils have:

  • soothing;
  • invigorating;
  • refreshing effect.

DIY New Year's bath bombs completely relax the body and can be used to calm the mind after hard mental work. The additional smell of citrus will bring a festive touch.

How to make your own scented bath bombs

aromatic bombs for a bath with their own hands they are able to carve out moments of pleasure and peace from gray everyday life. Making simple and at the same time beautiful balls with your own hands is much nicer and more economical. It is known that the oils that make up the balls not only saturate the room with aroma, but are also characterized healing properties in relation to the skin. It is enough to add just 10-20 drops to any bomb recipe. Owners of dry skin are ideal olive and sesame oil. To combat oily skin, it is better to use coconut or almond.

Hot bath is a procedure created by adepts of beauty and health. Healing, relaxing and tonic - they were popular in ancient states: Rome, Greece and Egypt. Even then, various herbs, essences and oils were added to them. This procedure is still loved today. Women all over the world are sure to find time to soak up the hot water with all sorts of drugs sea ​​salt, herbs, aromatic or essential oils or foam. All this can be purchased at the store. However, a truly effective and natural product can be obtained if you make your own bath bombs.

Have you ever taken a bath bomb before? In vain. This sizzling and bubbling ball will turn an ordinary boring bath into a royal jacuzzi. Soap shells can fill the space around with an amazing aroma, make your skin tender and soft and cheer you up.

Bath bombs are also loved by children. bubbly balls delight kids of any age, making even the most inveterate haters of the shower fall in love with soap procedures. They are also indispensable for romantic baths. Pops will make you laugh joyfully and enjoy a tender moment next to your loved one.

Of course shops household chemicals and perfumeries offer a huge selection of bombs. But what are they made of? Are they really made with natural ingredients? Those who doubt a positive answer to this question can make nice soapy things themselves. Plus, it will help you save money. The necessary materials are quite inexpensive.

Young Chemist's Kit: Gathering the Necessary Ingredients

First, we need a couple of free minutes to study the recipes. You'll have to find molds later. You can take, for example, silicone molds for baking, ice boxes and other pastry items are also suitable.

You can use containers from Kinder Surprise or jars left over from cosmetics.

There are also special molds in the form of a ball.

Fantasize! Let your bomb be unique.

The essential ingredients that are responsible for the hissing and bubbling of soap balls are citric acid and baking soda.

We take amazing aromas from essential oils or dried flowers. The skin will thank us for the use of essential oils. For example, olive, grape seed oil, sunflower or almond. Those who are especially keen can also use dyes, just try to choose hypoallergenic ones.

The rest of the ingredients depend on what kind of bomb you want to end up with.

Recipes for stress

An ideal hot bath is synonymous with a relaxing treatment. It will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts and stress. Especially if magic bombs are present in it. Here are some recipes that will transform ordinary tap water into a magical relaxing liquid.

Lavender with milk

We stock up on a cup, a spray bottle, a tablespoon and the following substances: soda, citric acid, sea salt, grape seed oil, crushed dry lavender and essential essence of the same flower.

This bomb is based on lavender oil and milk. The gentle scent of the composition has a calming effect. The oil helps to cope with headaches, fatigue and excruciating insomnia.

Almond bath

We stock up, as always, with a cup, a tablespoon and a teaspoon and a spray bottle, baking soda, citric acid, a bottle of glycerin and almond oil. If you want to add a delicate lemon tint to the bombs, then prepare the curry spice.

  1. First, mix soda (4 tablespoons) and citric acid (3 tablespoons).
  2. Then add glycerin (1 teaspoon), sweet almond oil (1 tablespoon) and some water from a spray bottle.
  3. If desired, add one quarter of a teaspoon of curry, send to molds, pack tightly.
  4. Such a handmade bath bomb will dry much longer - about 72 hours.

However, it's worth it. Almond pop is a great way to unwind after a hard day at work. Take this bath after sports training or any other physical activity. It will help to relax the muscles and prevent pain in them the next day.

Mint bath bombs

We stock up as always with a cup, a tablespoon, baking soda, citric acid, sunflower oil and dry chopped mint and its ether.

  1. Pour chopped mint into a thermos (about 5 tablespoons).
  2. Send boiling oil there (3 tablespoons). Leave the resulting mixture for an hour.
  3. After 60 minutes, squeeze out the oil. For example, using gauze or a thin towel.
  4. Mix soda and citric acid (3 tablespoons of each substance), add a few drops of peppermint oil.
  5. Mix both compositions and pour the resulting mixture into molds.
  6. We are waiting for at least 20 days.

Peppermint bombs can save you from bad thoughts and mental strain. Therefore, take the time to prepare a few of these unique specimens.

For invigoration of the body and soul

A hot bath can have more than just a relaxing effect. By adding special energizing ingredients to it, after 15 minutes you will feel a surge of strength and an unprecedented tone.

Coffee ylang - ylang

We stock up on a cup, a spray bottle, a tablespoon and the following substances: baking soda, citric acid, ground coffee, starch, wheat germ oil and sea salt.

  1. We take a cup. Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 citric acid into it. Try to combine the powders into a single mixture. To do this, rub them well with a spoon.
  2. Stir in 3 tablespoons of another dry substance - starch.
  3. Now next in line are 2 tablespoons of wheat germ oil. Mix well.
  4. Pour in one tablespoon of ground coffee and salt.
  5. Then turn 15 drops of ylang-ylang ether. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  6. Spray the composition in the cup with water from a spray bottle.
  7. Finally, take the substance in the palm of your hand and squeeze it tightly. If the product crumbles and falls apart, then drip a little more wheat germ oil.
  8. Lubricate the forms with any vegetable oil. After that, lay out future bombs and leave for 2-3 hours.
  9. Remove from molds onto paper, leave to dry for 5-6 days. After this time - the bombs are ready!

Bath bombs, handmade with ground coffee and ylang-ylang oil, will give you an unprecedented burst of energy. The oil will have a special softening effect on the skin. One of his abilities is to heal wounds. Also, this fluid affects blood pressure. She can fix it. And you can not talk about the invigorating function of coffee. This fact has long been proven by scientists and confirmed by ordinary people.

The invigorating power of citrus. The fastest lemon bombs

We stock up, as always, with a cup, soda, a tablespoon, dry citric acid and take a fresh lemon.

  1. Grate one fresh citrus fruit.
  2. Combine the resulting slurry and soda (4 tablespoons).
  3. Add acid (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  4. Then we act at the speed of light: we quickly lay it on the molds and be sure to wrap it with a film.
  5. We forget for five or even six hours.
  6. We take it out of the mold, lay it out on paper sheets.
  7. We leave for 7 days.

lemon bomb - perfect solution for "owls". A morning bath with a lemon shell is a real energy SPA. You will forget about drowsiness, and meet the new day in a fighting mood.

Soapy sweets or a sweet tooth bath

Sweet aromas of chocolate, cinnamon or almond will drive almost any woman crazy. After all, we are natural sweet tooth. In addition, the smell of mouth-watering desserts will turn you into a fluttering butterfly. Therefore, in moments of depression and sadness, we snack on chocolate or buy ourselves a fragrant cinnamon shampoo. Desserts have an even greater effect in this situation. water procedures. How to make a bath bomb equivalent to a chocolate brownie? We stock up on the necessary ingredients and prepare an explosive projectile.

Coffee with cream

We stock up on a cup, a spray bottle, a tablespoon and the following substances: soda, citric acid, dry cream, cinnamon powder, ground coffee and glycerin or grape seed oil of your choice. You can add your favorite aromatic ether to this list.

  1. Mix citric acid (2 tablespoons), soda (4 tablespoons) and dry cream (1 spoon) in a bowl.
  2. Add one tablespoon of ground cinnamon.
  3. Then the turn of glycerin or grape seed oil (2 tablespoons of one of these two bases).
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Add 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil and coffee.
  6. Spray with water using a spray bottle and send to the mold for 10 - 15 minutes.
  7. Remove the pops and leave on paper for 5 - 6 hours.

Due to the natural nature of the ingredients, these bombs should be used up within a week. However, such a dessert is unlikely to be stale. Who wouldn't want to get rid of depression and blues with zero-calorie sweets?


Who doesn't love chocolate? All those who raised their hands, please leave the monitor. This precious recipe for chocolate bombs can only be accepted by true connoisseurs of this delicacy.

We take: 3 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1.5 tbsp. l. citric acid, 3 tbsp. l. chocolate: milk, dark or bitter. Most importantly, no additives.

The composition of these sweet pops is simple. No more complicated and the recipe:

  1. Finely grate a bar of your favorite chocolate.
  2. Connect baking soda and citric acid.
  3. We send grated chocolate to the dry mixture. Pour the mixture tightly into the moulds.
  4. After 3-4 hours, we take out the bombs, lay them out on paper.
  5. Forget about them for a day. That is how long they will dry.

You can now use homemade bombs while taking a hot bath. We send the pops into the water and enjoy the process first, then the effect. Soap shells, made by yourself from natural essences, will cheer you up and become ideal allies in the fight for beauty. The most delicate skin like silk, chic thick hair and a positive attitude - all this will make you irresistible not only in the eyes of strangers, but also in your own.

  1. The temperature of the water in the bath should be no higher than 36.6 degrees.
  2. Don't mess around in hot tub longer than half an hour.
  3. Do not use questionable components or those to which you may have a negative reaction.
  4. Do not use more than 20 drops of essential oils.

Once you get used to making bombs with these recipes, feel free to start making your own. Add your favorite ingredients to infuse your bath with nature's most delicate scents.

Try to create explosive masterpieces with your child or friends. Or arrange a surprise for your loved ones, friends and colleagues - give them homemade presents for the next holiday!


How wonderful that today bathing can be turned into an entertainment show. One has only to put a bubbling bath ball into the water and enjoy the dance of bubbles with a delicate smell of a cosmetic product.

Bath balls will entertain while bathing and give the skin softness and gloss. They combine the functions of care and relaxation. The composition of the soap product can be various caring components.

Making your own bath bombs is not that difficult. Bath bomb recipes are amazing. But not everyone knows how to make bombs. A master class on their creation can be found here.

you can put any herbs in bath bombs

What is a bath bomb, we answer: effervescent bath bombs are made from different mixtures according to numerous recipes, they are also called "geysers". Once in the water, they seethe, gradually dissolving.

The recipe for bath bombs includes only natural ingredients. They give the skin beneficial caring substances. The balls have a delicate aroma, soothe and relax. Or, on the contrary, they carry an invigorating charge, dipping into a fresh whirlwind of emotions.

In any case, this soapy fireworks will give everyone pleasure and cheer up. The ball with the addition of sea salt will turn the water in the bath into a salt pool, very beneficial for health.

How to make a bath bomb with your own hands, first things first, a specialized master class will teach you this. To prepare a bath popper, you must have the following products:

  • Citric acid
  • Sea buckthorn, almond - any other oil
  • Powdered milk, cream, cosmetic clay
  • Any essential oils
  • Supplements of dried herbs, flowers, flakes, honey and so on
  • Dye

Components are taken in accordance with their tastes. Depending on the condition of the skin and the presence of any allergic reactions. It is important what emotions and what kind of care you want to get in the process of bathing with one or another bomb.

in each bomb we can add literally everything that is at hand


To create a homemade bath bomb, you need to prepare:

  1. volumetric cup
  2. Gloves and mask
  3. Cold water spray bottle
  4. Bomb molds

If there were no spherical shapes at home, any will do. It can be plastic containers any size and shape. And then you should purchase the missing forms for bombs in hardware stores or departments for creativity.
Making our own bath bombs, we will use the following recipes:

Master class number 1 "Relaxation"

four tablespoons of soda;
one to three tablespoons of citric acid;
one tablespoon of salt;
two to four tablespoons of powdered milk (cream);
two tablespoons of almond oil;
10-20 drops of essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot;
one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, lemon balm.

Combine all ingredients, except oils, in a large container, crush. While stirring, add almond oil and other oils. Mix everything. We spray on the mass from the spray gun. When the mixture begins to sizzle and becomes viscous, spread the mass into molds and tamp well.

The form must be pre-greased with oil. We leave products for 5 hours. Transfer the finished bath pops to separate place. If the bomb is made as a gift, it should be beautifully packaged.

How to pack a ready bubbling bath ball is up to you. There is no limit to the flight of fancy. Wrapping paper, ribbons, colored cardboard, bright cellophane will do. You can just wrap the ball in beautiful paper and tie with ribbon. And you can combine round geysers into a simple composition of several pieces. Lots of options.

Master class No. 2 "Chocolate Paradise"

four tablespoons of soda;
one to three st. spoons of citric acid;
one tablespoon of salt;
two tablespoons of jojoba oil;
one tablespoon of dark chocolate;
one to three tablespoons of powdered milk can be (cream);
one tablespoon of cocoa powder.

use whatever forms you have

In a spacious container, combine soda, acid and salt, grind. Melt a bar of chocolate. Slowly add jojoba oil to the cooled mass. Add the resulting mixture to the bowl with the rest of the elements. Mix. Place a homogeneous mass according to the forms. Put in the freezer. Remove after half an hour, the soap attraction is ready.
Learn how to make a homemade citrus bath bomb.

Master class number 3

three to five tablespoons of lemon or rather lemon zest
three to five st. spoons of soda;
one to three st. spoons of citric or any other acid;
half st. spoons of salt;
two tablespoons sea ​​buckthorn oil;
15-20 drops of grapefruit or lemon essential oil.

Mix loose powders in a dry bowl. Add grated lemon zest. Carefully pour in the sea buckthorn oil, lemon oil and mix everything well. If desired, add food coloring. Sprinkle the prepared mixture with water and lay in special forms for bombs. And you can leave for 5 hours. When the balls are dry, you can start using them.

These bubbling bath bombs are handcrafted from natural ingredients.
A useful properties they have a lot:

  • take care of the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it;
  • give a pleasant aroma and a feeling of joy;
  • relax and soothe;
  • increase overall vitality.

It’s easier, of course, to buy a ready-made bubbling ball. But how can you be sure of its quality and safety? Store-bought balloon water bombs may contain ingredients that are unhealthy. And instead of positive impressions, they will bring problems and poor health. And if these are children's bath bombs, then their natural composition is all the more important.

Children's direction

It is also easy for children to make bombs with their own hands. Every child will be happy to bathe with a soap miracle. Noisy seething and a colorful cascade of splashes will delight any kid. It is only necessary to approach the creation of home-made water fireworks with enthusiasm and imagination.

A baby bath bomb at home is made, just like everyone else. Only this bomb will be brighter, more unusual and interesting. With the smell of sweets or fizzy soda. There are a huge number of children's forms for bath bombs. Of course, when choosing a recipe for bath bombs, it is worth considering the interests and tastes of the child.

Swimming beads

A similar soap firework will provide bath beads. This is a set of small beads similar to pearls. They are different size and colors. Consist of the same ingredients as large geysers + contain gelatin. Often included in large balls. They are placed inside the bomb at the stage of creating a soap masterpiece. Beads give the same unforgettable emotions and sensations. You can buy these wonderful beads on the Internet or in departments with bath products.

Nothing is more relaxing than taking a hot bath. It is this pleasant procedure fill the body with beauty and health. Also in ancient world took baths with various herbs, oils and essences - to tone, relax and heal the body and spirit. And today, women all over the planet find time to soak in hot water with all kinds of cosmetic and medicinal additives - salt, foam, oils and other means. All this can be bought in the store. But the most effective effect will render natural remedies made by hand. And this article will tell you how to make your own bath bombs.

In contact with

These wonderful balls, hissing and bubbling, are able to turn a boring bath into a royal jacuzzi. They fill the bath space with a magical aroma, make the skin extraordinarily smooth and tender and cheer up.

What do you need to make bombs?

For those who have never made this miracle tool with their own hands, it will be useful to find out what materials and devices may be needed in order to get the so-called "pop". You will need:

When all the necessary ingredients and equipment are assembled, you can arm yourself with a good mood and start preparing a fragrant ball at home, taking care of beauty and health.

How to make a bath bomb

To imagine the process of making fizzy bath joy and choose a recipe to your liking, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recipe and understand general principle creating bombs. So, how to make a bomb from salt or other ingredients? It is based on the following steps:

The finished mass is necessary Pack tightly into molds and leave for 30 minutes. Then the form can be removed, and the ball left to dry for another day in a dry and warm place. After the required time has elapsed, the bomb must be wrapped in cling film and refrigerate until use. This is necessary so that they do not become damp, otherwise they may give a reaction.

Easy Bath Bomb Recipes by Skin Type

Below are various homemade bath bomb recipes.

For oily skin

You will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of soda;
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt (you can also use pink salt)
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil;
  • 7 drops of citrus essential oil.

Mix all dry ingredients in a deep bowl, mix thoroughly, then add oil and mix everything thoroughly again. For the bomb to have attractive appearance you can give her beautiful shade using food coloring, juice or decoction of herbs. After the mass is placed in a mold and dried, as indicated in basic recipe.

For dry skin

Dry skin is constantly in need of nourishment and hydration, so several oils and vitamins are added to the recipe. So, you need to prepare:

Base oils in the total volume should be no more than 1.5 tablespoons.

The algorithm of actions is the same as before: first, dry ingredients are mixed, then base oils are gradually added to them, after which essential oils. When the mass will have the consistency of wet sand and will hold its shape when compressed, you need to place it in a mold and wait for it to dry. Also before sculpting in the last batch you can drop the dye, this will give the final product a bright and aesthetic look. But this is not at all necessary. For dry skin, a bath with such a bubbling ball will be a salvation.

Another option is to add dry seaweed sold in a pharmacy to the mixture. They can be laid in a mold between the layers of the main mass. That is, for example, put 1/4 of the mixture on the bottom of the mold, then 1/3 tablespoon of seaweed, tamp the soda mass again tightly on top, and again seaweed on top, and so on until the form is completely filled. Such a bomb will be useful for the skin and will have a beautiful and interesting view so you can give it to your friends.

Scented anti-stress bombs

Hot tub is synonymous with relaxation. It helps to relax and clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts. The effect will increase many times if a bubbling ball is added to the water. Below are some recipes to help you relax. It is quite possible that the very process of making a bomb will seem so exciting, and will distract from the daily routine, and the family will only be happy about it.

Bath bomb - a recipe that gives vivacity

You will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped vitamin C;
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered milk;
  • 6 drops each of rosemary and lavender essential oils.

First of all, you need to mix all the dry ingredients in a deep bowl. Mix them thoroughly, and without ceasing to mix, gradually add oil. If the mass turns out to be too dry, you can add more oil or just sprinkle it from a spray bottle.

If the mixture is ready and has the consistency of wet sand, you can start laying it in the mold. Let it dry for two hours, then take it out of the mold and leave it to dry on a paper sheet for a day.

For uplifting and invigorating

The main ingredients are the same, as in the previous recipe, but other oils will be needed: it is better to take almond oil as a base. And from essential citrus fruits are well suited: orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime.

So, it turns out that you first need to mix 4 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. citric acid. Then pour in 1 tbsp. l. almond oil, and 10 drops of citrus essential oil you like (you can also take and mix several varieties). Then everything is thoroughly mixed again, and when the mass is fully prepared, you can fill out the forms. Dry in the same way as before. In a day the bomb will be ready.

DIY baby bath bombs: recipes

Who, if not a child, will be delighted with a bubbling ball in his bathroom? Therefore, in order to please your child with such fun, you can make a bomb for him. It is recommended to use simple recipes, eliminating the addition of artificial colors, replacing them with natural juice. It is better to add natural ingredients to the mass, such as flower petals, sea salt, medicinal herbs. The bomb will be even more interesting if you add a small one inside. This will cause a new wave of delight in the child, after the ball dissolves and a small rubber fish or something else floats to the surface.

The recipe is designed for the preparation of five 100-gram bombs. You can take any form you like. So:

  • 15 tablespoons soda;
  • 6 tbsp citric acid;
  • 3 tbsp. white clay and sea salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oils;
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil.

Sift soda through a sieve into a bowl in which all the ingredients will be mixed. Then add ground citric acid, clay and sea salt there. Everything is thoroughly mixed and oils are slowly poured in there - first jojoba, and then lavender. When the mixture sticks together well, you can lay it in a mold. The bomb dries in the mold for about an hour, then you need to get it out and leave it to dry for a day. If you leave such a ball to dry near a radiator or heater, it will dry much faster.