Balcony insulation is what you need. Internal insulation of loggia walls: which material is more reliable

The loggia could well be called an additional room in the apartment, but, unfortunately, many people use it only in summer time, since it initially does not have insulation, and there are no heating radiators installed there.

Modern way insulation - spraying polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the walls using special equipment, and specialized companies deal with this insulation.

However, before inviting them to spray such insulation, the walls need to be prepared by lathing them. It will be a kind of frame for the sprayed and expanding heat insulator, as well as for securing the decorative finishing material.

The advantage of this method of insulation is that when sprayed, the material, expanding, closes all the cracks, making the surface absolutely not blown, without cold bridges. Polyurethane foam covers not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor.

Video - How polyurethane foam is sprayed

Loggia design solutions

I would like to show several options. Perhaps by starting the process of turning a cold room into usable area, someone will be inspired by one of the ideas developed by the designers.

In this case, a standard loggia with a small footage is presented, transformed into cozy room recreation. Here you can retire with a book or laptop and delve into reading. If a large family lives in an apartment, usually each member is doing something they love, and sometimes it’s difficult to find cozy place to sit in silence. An insulated loggia will be an ideal option for this.

In such a room you can place a small TV and enjoy your favorite programs or sit with handicrafts, comfortably choosing comfortable armchair legs. The main thing is that there is extra space that can serve all family members in turn to do what they love.

An original option - the loggia turns into a stylish bar

This option is suitable for apartments in which the door to the loggia is located in the kitchen. In this case, it can become a dining room, especially since most kitchens in apartments are quite small.

If apartment owners like to frequently host parties, a loggia window sill can easily replace a bar counter.

You can also have a romantic dinner here. The evening city, which offers a wonderful view, and the pleasant summer air will create the necessary mood for this. In winter, it’s nice to sit at the counter, sipping coffee and looking at the opening wide panorama outside the window.

Glass sliding doors installed between the kitchen and the loggia will help to unite or separate the rooms, depending on the need.

In this version, it was combined with the living room, and the wall, which previously served as a dividing element between the two rooms, became a unifying one, as it was transformed into a comfortable table.

The area of ​​the former loggia in this layout can be used as an office with a comfortable desk, as well as hobbies when you don’t want anyone to interfere.

And, of course, combining the loggia and the room will increase the total space, opening big window. The room will be more illuminated, which will help save on electricity.

Additional living space can be adapted for various activities, for example, on a loggia winter Garden, workshop or computer room. Therefore, if the apartment is equipped with a loggia, but it is not yet insulated, you need to urgently get down to business and expand the area of ​​​​your home by using a room that is not used functionally.

Video - How a loggia is insulated

The first step when preparing for thermal insulation is to decide how to insulate the balcony from the inside. Today the market offers a huge range of thermal insulation materials. At making the right choice insulation material, the insulation result will be of higher quality, and the installation process will be simplified.

All materials for insulating a balcony can be compared according to the following parameters:

Let's compare the characteristics of the most popular materials to determine the best way to insulate a balcony.

Mineral wool

Produced from various melts rocks. Sold in the form of slabs or rolls.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • does not burn even at the most high temperatures;
  • environmentally friendly, does not emit allergenic substances in any condition;
  • Insulating loggias or balconies with mineral wool, the thickness of which is only 4 cm, allows you to achieve the effect of thermal insulation, as if you had built a wall with two bricks.

The disadvantage is its high hygroscopicity. When wet, this insulation significantly loses its thermal insulation properties. As a result, when insulating loggias or balconies with mineral wool, you need to worry about guaranteed waterproofing. To do this, it is enough to lay an additional layer inside that protects this type of insulation from the penetration of dampness, for example, foil-coated polyethylene film or penofol, which has excellent vapor-waterproofing parameters.

Characteristics of mineral wool

Mineral wool has the following parameters:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient – ​​0.07-0.045 W/(m*K);
  • degree of moisture absorption - 0.5% of volume;
  • mineral wool does not ignite even at high temperatures;
  • it does not lose its thermal insulation parameters for 40 years;
  • cotton wool has a variety of different types delivery: in a rigid tiled state it can be laid without problems on various surfaces, while in in roll form requires more careful fastening;
  • capable of dampening noise up to 50 dB;
  • affordable price.


The most common insulation for loggias and balconies. This is a gas-filled material obtained from a variety of styrene components. It has:

  • low moisture absorption;
  • biological purity;
  • increased service life;
  • this is a fairly lightweight material and can be easily laid on various bases, but low-density slabs crumble during processing, as a result of which it is recommended to use high-density foam plastic for insulating balconies and loggias inside;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • ignites at a temperature of 450 0 C.

IN Lately, during its manufacture, fire retardants are added to the composition, due to which the fire threshold significantly increases.

Important! Some manufacturers added the letter “C” to the marking at the end, which means self-extinguishing.

Characteristics of foam plastic

This insulation for loggias and balconies is very popular due to its excellent characteristics:

  • taking into account its density, thermal conductivity ranges from 0.044-0.038 W/(m*K), this is a relatively good indicator;
  • the moisture absorption coefficient is 1-4% of the volume;
  • manufacturers guarantee that foam insulation for loggias and balconies will not lose their thermal insulation parameters and shape for 50 years;
  • reduces noise by only 5-10 dB;
  • the cheapest insulation compared to analogues.

Advice! If you want to choose the optimal insulation for a loggia or balcony in terms of price and quality, the best choice namely polystyrene foam.

This is the most attractive insulation for loggias and balconies in terms of thermal insulation characteristics.

Manufactured by extruding polystyrene foam. This technology makes it possible to obtain a material with a homogeneous structure, consisting of closed small cells with a size of about 0.2-0.1 mm. Thanks to this structure, penoplex has a number of advantages among other insulation materials:

  • there is practically no water absorption and vapor permeability;
  • excellent thermal insulation parameters;
  • has increased frost resistance;
  • for 50 years does not lose its shape and thermal insulation characteristics even when used in conditions of increased dampness;
  • Thanks to its unique hygroscopicity parameters, it can be installed as insulation inside and outside balconies or loggias without waterproofing bedding.

Characteristics of penoplex

The unique structure of penoplex provides excellent parameters:

  • its thermal conductivity coefficient is about 0.028 W/(m*K);
  • degree of moisture absorption is approximately 0.4%;
  • may ignite at very high temperatures;
  • the original structure allows you to maintain thermal insulation parameters for 50 years;
  • insulation for balconies and loggias made of penoplex is lightweight, making it easy to install surfaces made of various materials;
  • environmentally friendly material, does not emit any harmful odors;
  • has a relatively affordable price.

This is flat insulation, available in rolls. It is based on foamed self-extinguishing polyethylene on one or both sides covered with polished aluminum foil High Quality. It significantly increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation layer. This insulation works on the principle of heat reflection. Penofol manufacturers offer a wide range of its various types. They differ in the thickness of the base material and the number of layers of foil. The most popular option is penofol, covered with foil on one side. But if you live in a region with harsh winters, then you are better off insulation will do with double-sided foil and a thickness of foamed polyethylene of at least 5 mm.

The unique structure of the heat-insulating material allows it to perfectly resist the penetration of moisture, as a result of which when insulating a balcony or loggia inside, there is no need to lay a layer of waterproofing.

This insulation is produced in rolls, which allows it to be laid as a continuous sheet without joints. Installation in this way significantly increases sound insulation. In addition, polyethylene foam is environmentally friendly pure material, it does not emit any substances harmful to health in any condition. Manufacturers guarantee that the material will not lose its thermal insulation parameters for 100 years.

Characteristics of penofol

Such insulation for balconies and loggias have the following parameters:

  • their thermal conductivity coefficient is in the range – 0.051-0.038 W/(m*K);
  • the level of moisture absorption is about 0.35% of the volume;
  • the insulation does not burn even at very high temperatures, as a result of which it is a 100% fireproof material;
  • it does not lose its shape and thermal insulation parameters for 100 years;
  • This insulation is very convenient to install; to do this, just unwind it along the insulated surface;
  • it provides excellent sound insulation parameters, dampening noise up to 35 dB;
  • has a relatively low cost.

Internal thermal insulation diagram

Methods for insulating a balcony inside include the following installation steps.

High-quality insulation of a balcony from the inside can be done by taking several steps in succession:

  • Thermal insulation made from the inside will take away their free space. To achieve greater efficiency, it is recommended to install some thermal insulation materials in two layers. The average apartment has a balcony of no more than 6 m2. Insulation laid 15 cm thick will significantly reduce this space.
  • Reinforced concrete and brick easily allow moisture to pass through. If the wall is insulated from the outside, it will be constantly warm and air saturated with water vapor will freely leave the room. But if a balcony or loggia is insulated from the inside, the fence slab made of reinforced concrete will remain cold. Condensation will settle on its inner surface, causing premature destruction of the structure.
  • Insulating balconies from the outside makes it possible to save heating costs by up to 30%. It turns out to be more effective and of higher quality than insulation made from the inside.

But working outside creates some difficulties:

  • To perform insulation above the second floor, it is necessary to involve specialists - industrial climbers.
  • The insulation of a loggia or balcony can ruin appearance facade of the building. As a result, before starting this work, you need to obtain permission from the architecture department.

Technology external insulation several advantages:

  • The dew point of formation shifts to the surface of any finishing material. Reinforced concrete slab remains relatively warm at all times, resulting in moist air from interior spaces freely and naturally removed through it into the atmosphere.
  • Allows you to save useful space. Outside, you can lay a layer of thermal insulation material of varying thickness. This will not reduce the space inside the balcony in any way.

Has the day come when it's time to finally throw away your old ski and take all the cans from your balcony to the garage? Your head is full of ideas, and if not, then the global web will help you. You are ready to make all your brightest and craziest desires come true on a vacant piece of living space. There is one small problem left. These are harsh conditions that attack your hard-earned square footage.

Therefore, the first priority that needs to be solved before letting your imagination run wild is keeping warm. In order to minimize repair costs, let's figure it out how to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands.

If you decide to add the balcony area to the living area of ​​the apartment, you need to carry out work to insulate it. To avoid unforeseen problems after the repair, the work must be carried out in compliance with established norms, rules and approvals.

Serious reconstruction will require permission from local executive authorities, architecture and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You should not ignore this point in order not to be punished for violating the housing code. In addition, coordination will help avoid certain errors when changing structural elements. Experienced specialists will immediately notice inconsistencies in the project. Correcting errors at the design stage will avoid the costs of correcting errors after repairs.

The order of work and its volume depend on what tasks the reconstructed balcony will perform:

  • It will continue to be a place to relax in the warm season, and insulation is carried out to protect against wind, dust and atmospheric precipitation. This is a less expensive method and easier to implement.
  • Will be attached to the area of ​​the apartment as a full-fledged living space used all year round. Here the scope of work increases significantly, since it will be necessary to provide heating, steam and waterproofing, and change the power supply system.

Attention! Balcony with sliding windows it is almost pointless to insulate, since the windows themselves will let the cold in.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands

First of all, it is necessary to take measurements and determine the quantity of materials, their composition and quality. Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for insulation, insulation and finishing to suit every taste and material income. Of course, you shouldn’t skimp on quality. It is necessary to take care of the environmental friendliness and fire safety of housing.

A balcony is an external structure that is located outside the building; its three sides and the ceiling require insulation, even if the neighbors have already carried out the work. The sequence of work should be structured in such a way as not to miss important nuances that will then have to be corrected:

  • Particular attention must be paid to the condition enclosing parapet. Most often, this is a thin plate of metal, profile, or iron rods. This structure will have to be replaced with a brick wall or foam blocks. To build a wall, you need to choose light, hollow bricks so as not to create extra load onto the supporting plate.

Balcony parapet

  • Glazing It's better to leave it to professionals. Depending on the chosen interior, the profile can be wooden or PVC with double glazed windows. The number of sashes is determined in advance to ensure ventilation and ease of maintenance. When installing windows, expansion profiles are installed, which will facilitate the installation of insulating boards.

Glazed balcony

  • Sealing cracks, joints, holes, chips and cracks polyurethane foam, polyurethane sealants or mastic. They will protect against penetration of moisture, dust, negative impact environment.

Sealing cracks on the balcony

  • Let down energy supply in such a way that access to food is as practical as possible. Electrical work and heat supply installations must be carried out by specialists who have special permission to carry out such work.

Conducting electricity on the balcony

  • Insulation carried out in the following sequence: walls and ceiling.

How to insulate walls on a balcony

To choose the right insulation, you need to know its technical characteristics, pros and cons.

The main parameters that determine the quality of a material are its thermal conductivity, environmental And Fire safety. It is very important that the insulation is lightweight and takes up less space.

  • . Multilayer, consisting of foil and polyethylene foam, reflective material several millimeters thick. At the same time, it reflects at least 90% of heat, is durable, lightweight, and inexpensive. During installation, it easily takes the shape of the surface and is attached.

Balcony insulation with penofol

  • Polyurethane foam. Provides fire and environmental safety. It is applied to the surface by pouring or spraying, closes all cracks, provides waterproofing, and does not require a frame or fastening.

Balcony insulation with polyurethane foam

  • Penoplex. These are foamed polystyrene boards. The material practically does not absorb moisture, but it is voluminous and does not accept the parameters of the surface to which it is attached.

Balcony insulation with penoplex

  • Expanded polystyrene. It has excellent sound, steam and heat insulation properties. Due to its efficiency and environmental friendliness, it is well suited for insulating a balcony.

Balcony insulation with polystyrene foam

  • Styrodur. A type of expanded polystyrene, extruded, green in color, with good characteristics.

Balcony insulation with styrodur

  • Isover (mineral wool). Widespread insulation made from fiberglass. This is mineral wool, which will retain heat, provide sound insulation, and will not weigh down the structure. Has an affordable price. Used with additional hydro- and vapor barrier.

Balcony insulation with isover (mineral wool)

It is not advisable to use fiberglass, as it is a fire hazard and emits toxic substances.

Considering the temperature difference between the outside air and the room, it is necessary to provide a kind of hydrobarrier that will not allow warm air create condensation upon contact with a cold fence. The presence of condensation will lead, in the future, to formation and rotting.

Depending on the type, the insulation is attached using glue, special dowels with a wide head, expansion nails or spraying.

Using mineral wool the surface is pre-primed. After drying, mineral slabs coated with adhesive composition. Installation starts from the bottom and is carried out according to the type brickwork. Allow the glue to dry completely overnight. You can reinforce it in several places using dowels.

Often, a wooden frame is used to lay slabs, the design of which retains heat worse than insulation. Therefore, it is better to fasten the material end-to-end and seal them with aluminum tape or polyurethane foam.

It is better to attach layers of mineral wool end-to-end

The next layer is a vapor barrier. It could be foil polyethylene. It is placed with foil inside the building so that it reflects the heat coming from the house. Insulation materials for other insulation materials, may not be used, depending on the purpose of the room.

How to insulate the floor on the balcony

About a quarter of the heat loss on the balcony occurs through the floor, so work needs to be done to prevent these losses. This is not the most difficult operation and it is quite possible to do it yourself. When choosing a material, you need to take into account that the floor level on the balcony after installation should be at or below the floor level in the adjacent room.

There are several simple and accessible ways:

  • with frame device;
  • monolithic;
  • electric heated floor.

Only one thing may require professional skills - installing a heated floor.

Installation of heated floors on the balcony

The main point in choosing a method and material is the condition of the supporting slab. In older houses, the structures may be worn out and are not always ready to withstand heavy loads. Therefore, it is important to agree with the specialists of the architecture department what weight of materials can be used during repairs. This is especially important when installing monolithic concrete floors.

The frame floor, in turn, can be constructed using:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • pepoplast;
  • penoplex or foamed polystyrene.

Floor insulation technology consists of several stages.

  1. Leveling the surface of the slab is carried out if necessary.
  2. Waterproofing with polyethylene film or roofing felt (for damp rooms).
  3. Installation of wooden sheathing. A timber with a height close to the thickness of the insulation is used. They are laid along the length of the balcony at a distance of 50 cm from each other or another convenient distance depending on the size of the insulation sheets. Leave 5-7 cm from the walls, and 5 cm from the ends, so that the wood does not deform when there is high humidity. They are attached to the floor with anchors or self-tapping screws with a depth of at least 4 mm. This will ensure a stable fixation. If it is necessary to install transverse beams, it is necessary to make cuts at the joints to half the thickness and create recesses with the help of which the transverse logs are connected to the longitudinal ones. They control the level and prevent the bars from sagging. If necessary, place wooden wedges or dies, which are fixed to the floor with polyurethane foam. It is important to prevent foam from getting into the joint between the wedge and the beam.
  4. The sheathing is filled with the selected insulation.

Cheap and efficient materialmineral wool. Available in rolls and slabs, light in weight, easy to install. The size of the canvas is chosen so as not to wrinkle or bend it. This reduces the protective properties due to a decrease in the amount of air between the fibers. The main disadvantage of mineral wool is its low moisture resistance, so it is necessary to use a vapor barrier as the next layer.

Popular, inexpensive Styrofoam due to its lightness and ease of installation, it is most often used as insulation. It is very hygroscopic and resistant to any environment. Disadvantages include deformation under load and poor sound insulation.

Insulating the balcony floor with foam plastic

Penoplex It is resistant to mold growth, mechanical stress, temperature changes and has excellent thermal insulation properties. As a disadvantage, its flammability can be canceled with the release of harmful substances and material thickness.

Insulation of the floor and walls of the balcony with penoplex

Has high fire resistance and durability expanded clay. But it is not very good for insulating a balcony, since a thick layer is required for normal thermal insulation.

Insulating the balcony floor with expanded clay

  • The gaps remaining after filling with insulation are foamed.
  • On top of the insulation or vapor barrier (if used) as a rough flooring, after which the selected floor material will follow, chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood is attached.

Cement screed is used only when quite robust construction balcony In order not to exceed permissible load, use reinforced screed up to 50 mm thick.

The following methods will require special professional skills.

Implemented as insulation systems electric heating using special infrared film, cable, tapes. They are laid on a thin layer of insulation and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

For water floors a special water circuit is required.

Water floor design diagram

How to insulate a ceiling on a balcony

Before starting work, you should carefully inspect the ceiling for signs of leakage, since even a small amount of moisture getting on top of the insulation can lead to the development of mold.

Given the difficulty of working on the ceiling, it is necessary to protect your eyes and use glasses.

The already familiar penoplex, mineral wool, polystyrene foam (foiled polyethylene foam) are used as materials for work.

Penoplex with a density of 35-45 kg/cm² allows the use of panels from 20 mm, which will provide normal thermal protection. The only drawback is the high cost.

Insulating the balcony ceiling with penoplex

Thickness foam plastic can be within 50mm, and the density is 15kg/cm², then MDF, PVC or plasterboard panels are mounted on top. At a density of 25 kg/cm², putty can be used.

Insulating the balcony ceiling with polystyrene foam

For ease of installation, markings are carried out taking into account that the slabs or sheets of insulation fit well into the prepared sheathing, and the level of fastening is determined. It’s better to calculate everything below in advance, then the work at the top will take less time. The thickness of the insulation layers and finishing must be such as not to interfere with the opening of windows.

They use different sequences of work:

  • Installation of sheathing → installation of insulation → cladding.
  • Fastening the insulation over the entire area → vapor barrier → installing a wooden sheathing or frame made of a metal profile → cladding.

If the balcony is located Upstairs building, it is important to prevent moisture from getting from the roof onto the insulation; for this, an additional layer of insulation with polyethylene or foil polyethylene foam is provided under the roof.

The first layer for waterproofing may be a special composition based on bitumen mastic, applied to a concrete slab with a brush. The next step sheet waterproofing is installed.

How to insulate a balcony with penoplex

Penoplex is a cluster of polystyrene foam balls with air gaps. It practically does not absorb moisture, has a long service life, and low thermal conductivity. Slabs with a thickness of 2-10 cm are produced.

Penoplex slabs

The lightness of the material does not create additional load on the load-bearing slab. It is resistant to deformation and does not emit harmful substances. To increase fire safety, choose a variety marked C. Since the balcony walls are thin, thick insulation boards are used, which will reduce the usable area of ​​the room.

When exposed to sunlight, penoplex loses its properties, so it is used only as internal insulation.

The material is easy to cut, does not crumble, and does not create problems during installation. Used to insulate walls, floors and ceilings. The following types of fastening are used:

  • Disc-type dowels with plastic cores. This mount is suitable for uneven surfaces and metal profile roofs.
  • With a special glue applied to a previously primed surface, it is enough to apply the glue in dots or in a zigzag pattern. Adheses well to smooth concrete bases.
  • Glue, with additional fixation, dowels.

Methods for applying glue to penoplex

Penoplex slabs are laid in prepared sheathing cells or without it, over the entire surface. The use of lathing, especially on the facade, worsens thermal protection.

The slabs are fitted tightly, the joints are sealed with construction tape or filled with polyurethane foam. The insulation is covered with a layer of polyethylene with a foil layer. Depending on the purpose of the room, a vapor barrier may not be used.

Penoplex insulation is suitable for all types interior decoration: special plaster, plasterboard, wood and finishing boards.

How to insulate a balcony with foam plastic

One of the most common ways to insulate a balcony (walls, floor, ceiling) is polystyrene foam. This material, at a relatively low cost, is capable of correct installation, provide excellent thermal insulation performance. From others positive qualities, it is worth noting the resistance to adverse weather conditions. It does not absorb moisture, does not collapse under its influence, and is resistant to the formation of rot and mold.

Polystyrene foam does not emit harmful substances and combines well with other materials.

To insulate a balcony, polystyrene foam is used both outside and inside. It is better to entrust external work for multi-storey buildings to specialized organizations for safety reasons.

For internal insulation, a foam thickness of 4-6 cm is sufficient. If the front part is thinner than the side panels, a thickness of up to 10 cm can be used. When choosing a thickness for floor insulation, it is necessary to leave a headroom for the installation of the floor itself, and for the ceiling - for opening windows.

Insulation is carried out in two ways:

  • Adhesive. Foam boards can be glued to flat surfaces that do not require waterproofing special glue(Ceresit ST-85). This method is good for installing a floor under a subsequent screed or walls under plaster. In this case, when the foam sticks, glue is applied to its outer surface with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Without waiting for complete drying, apply a reinforcing mesh, but do not flood it and cover it with another layer of glue.

Adhesive method of foam insulation

  • Frame. Since the use of other finishing materials requires additional fastening, arrange wooden sheathing or frame made of metal profile. This method is convenient for creating a multi-layer cake that provides outside waterproofing, and on the inside - vapor barrier. The layers can fill the cells of the frame or be located under the bars and along the top. The foam itself is cut to the size of the cells so as to fill them as tightly as possible. It is fastened with dowels or self-tapping screws with wide mushroom-shaped caps.

Frame method of foam insulation

Crevices , voids , uneven areas are filled with scraps, polyurethane foam or sealant. After drying, you can attach a layer of vapor barrier over the insulation and the cake is ready for finishing with plasterboard, plastic panels or other finishing.

How to insulate a plastic balcony

Plastic balconies or decorated with plastic panels, resistant to the external environment, sunlight, temperature changes. Guaranteed period The service life of quality panels is at least 50 years. They are easy to install, have an affordable price, are easy to maintain and look aesthetically pleasing. Thanks to their positive characteristics, plastic balconies have gained popularity.

Plastic panels improve the aesthetic appearance and provide sufficient thermal protection for balconies with improved glazing.

Balcony with plastic panels

Sheathing a balcony with plastic is done on a mounted wooden frame or metal profile, which reacts poorly to temperature changes and changes in humidity. The structure of the frame creates free space between the walls and finishing panels. It would be stupid not to take advantage of this moment and add one of the common insulation materials to this space. If at the same time the seams and joints of the balcony structure are sealed, then even one layer foam plastic, penoplex or mineral wool, filling the cells of the sheathing, will significantly change the microclimate. And the use of an additional layer of vapor barrier will make it possible to use plastic balcony throughout the year, as a full-fledged living space.

How to insulate a wooden balcony

Lovers of wood in the interior also maintain style on the balcony. Main advantages wooden structures in their environmental purity, favorable microclimate created by breathable material. The texture of the wood, supported by modern finishing materials, creates a cozy atmosphere and attractive appearance. However, without additional insulation, a wooden balcony can only be fully used in the warm season. In addition, under the influence of the external environment, wood quickly ages, absorbs moisture, cracks, and succumbs to rot. Wanted fixed costs to keep open wooden balconies in an attractive way.

Wooden balcony

Insulation with installation will help improve consumer qualities glazing and a set of works on waterproofing.

The interior will be well supported by frames made of wood of the appropriate species with double glazing, which will allow you to use the balcony as a living space. After their installation, work is carried out to seal gaps, cracks and junctions using polyurethane foam. The insulation technology is similar to the work for structures made of other materials, however, wood requires mandatory hydro- and vapor barrier.

Work order:

  • Wooden balcony structures are treated with agents to protect against rotting, insects and increase fire resistance. This also applies to bars for sheathing.
  • The concrete base is primed.
  • Waterproofing is laid on the prepared surfaces. Ruberoid or mastic is used for the floor, polyethylene or foil is used for the walls and ceiling.
  • A wooden frame is prepared from bars that provide the possibility of laying insulation of the selected thickness.
  • Insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam) is tightly placed in the cells of the sheathing. The remaining voids are filled with foam.
  • A layer of vapor barrier made of foil polyethylene foam or penofol is attached on top of the insulation.
  • Finishing with wooden panels, lining. It is necessary to ensure that the weight of the finishing material does not overload the supporting slab of the balcony. Part wooden materials can be replaced with lighter ones, without compromising functionality and attractiveness.

To make insulating a balcony with your own hands a pleasure and provide an excellent result, think through your goals and objectives in advance, and carry out the necessary approvals and measurements. Select materials according to technical characteristics and your financial capabilities. Carry out work in a comprehensive manner, without missing out on details. And success is guaranteed.

You can also watch several videos that will help you insulate your balcony with your own hands.


Insulation of balconies and loggias with mineral wool

Balcony insulation technology with penoplex

Insulation and connection of the balcony

How to insulate a balcony? Choice of insulation

How to insulate a balcony? Step-by-step instruction

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: how and how to insulate it + video

Loggia is several square meters, which can serve as the most for different purposes. To use this room all year round, you need to provide comfortable temperature. Every home craftsman can transform it into a cozy, useful and well-equipped space.

Are you planning to start arranging these additional square meters, but don’t know how to insulate the loggia with your own hands and what materials will be needed for this? We will help you deal with all the issues - our article provides recommendations for choosing insulation and discusses step-by-step instructions for thermal insulation of the walls, ceiling and floor of the loggia.

You should start, of course, with planning. You should decide on functional purpose this small room. If you plan to use it as a warehouse for things that are not very necessary, then insulation does not make much sense. But the loggia can be turned into an office, a small gym, a winter garden, etc.

There are also restrictions. For example, a loggia cannot be used as a kitchen space, i.e. install a stove, a sink for washing dishes, etc. It is also prohibited to install a centralized heating system in this area.

There are a number of other restrictions that may be associated with architectural features And fire safety building. This may be a ban on glazing above a certain floor, on changing the appearance of the building, the height of the fence, etc.

As practice shows, many manage to somehow circumvent these standards and arrange a loggia to their liking. Before starting work, it doesn’t hurt to coordinate your plans with supervisory authorities or prepare for problems to arise after the rework is completed.

Installation of electrical wiring, lighting and heated floors during insulation of the loggia must be thought out in advance so that damage to the heat-insulating material is minimal

But under no circumstances should openings be made in load-bearing wall, only the holes provided for in the original design are permissible. Even a window and door unit removed from the loggia can pose a danger.

To keep the loggia warm, you will need high-quality glazing. It is better to order it from a reliable company. Double-glazed windows will do the job perfectly.

Part of the space will be “eaten up” by a layer of insulation. These centimeters will have to be sacrificed in order to reliably protect the house from the cold. Loggias located on the lower floors are most often insulated from the outside. ABOUT the best materials for external wall insulation we.

From the very beginning, you need to consider options for heating this space.

There are not so many of them, because only suitable for a loggia:

  • electric TP;
  • portable heater.

Considering that the installation area is small, you can spend money on such convenience as a TP. Cable systems easy to install, you can do all the work yourself. Infrared flooring is more difficult to install; it requires an almost perfectly level base, but the cost of electricity during operation will be moderate.

But most simple solution there will be use, especially if the loggia is not used every day, but only from time to time. Installing heated floors will require more expense and effort.

The choice of materials and options for insulating a loggia with your own hands is quite wide.

Among the most popular it is worth noting:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • penofol, etc.

Mineral wool has a low price, but this is almost its only advantage. To lay such material, you will need to first arrange the lathing. Mineral wool is sensitive to moisture; when wet, it loses its beneficial features, so it is not always suitable for a loggia.

You need to provide a place for installation in advance. Usually a niche of a suitable size is made on the wall for these purposes. A temperature sensor placed in a corrugated tube is placed among the turns of the cable TP. It will also need to be connected to the thermostat.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed video tutorial on how to insulate a loggia with your own hands:

Insulation of the loggia floor:

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to insulate a loggia really reliably and quickly. In any case, when executing installation work the technology requirements and manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed. Then the result will fully meet expectations, and the insulation will remain effective for many years.

Are you planning to do your own insulation of the loggia, but do you still have questions after reading our material? Feel free to ask our experts for advice - write questions in the comments block.

By insulating the balcony, we create a buffer zone on the path of cold air into the living spaces, we add a few square meters to create a storage room, or even a small room - but this is only if you connect a heater. In our step by step instructions we will tell you how to properly insulate a balcony with your own hands and what materials are used for this.

Balcony insulation begins with inspection load-bearing structures. To do this, it is advisable to look at the balcony slab from the balcony of the neighbors below: if the beginning of destruction is visible to the naked eye, then you can strengthen the concrete and reinforcement layer as shown in the figure. If you doubt the strength of the slab and the ability to carry an increased load of glazing, insulation, or flooring, it is better to seek an expert examination. Although, as practice shows, balconies can easily withstand increased loads and collapse - this, fortunately, is an extremely rare exception to the rule.

a - concrete is knocked off in damaged areas. b - the surface is cleaned and repair compounds are applied: 1 - contact layer; 2 - anti-corrosion protection; 3 — repair solution; 4 - leveling putty

Before starting work you need to remove old finishing and frames (if any), clean all surfaces from collapsing elements, if necessary, make a small concrete screed or seal the cracks in the slab with concrete mortar.

Insulation work can be divided into:

Outside parapet siding

The easiest way to make the outer cladding of a balcony is vinyl siding.

Outside the parapet is being assembled vertical sheathing so that it forms a single, even area (check with a taut thread). The bars or metal profile of the sheathing are fixed at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. Next, siding guides (closing profile) are installed along the lower and upper perimeter, and the corners are decorated with a special vinyl profile - “outer corner”.

The siding starting strip is attached with its long side to the bottom guide using self-tapping screws. It’s better to start from the side wall - the panel is shorter and less visible from the street - you can practice. Between the siding and the balcony grille you can immediately lay soft mineral wool slabs. A drainage system must be installed at the top of the parapet.

A very short video about the main stages of cladding:

Glazing is a mandatory stage of insulating a balcony. In this case, you can independently make frames from wood, aluminum or steel profiles (corner, profile pipe) and glaze, or you can purchase ready-made double-glazed windows. The first option will be cheaper, but it is more labor-intensive and, most importantly, will only slightly raise the temperature on the balcony in winter. You are unlikely to get sealed windows without the use of double-glazed windows; you will have to insulate them for the winter or not insulate them and leave the balcony basically cold, which will only reduce wind load. So it is better to order ready-made double-glazed windows for glazing.

If the balcony was not glazed and you are not insulating the loggia, then the parapet for installing the frames is most likely missing or insufficient. You can create a retaining wall in the form reinforcement cage with concreting or brick. To lighten the structure, expanded clay can be added to the concrete, reducing the overall load. The top of the parapet must also be reinforced with a metal profile.

If the protective grille of the balcony is strong enough, and the double-glazed windows are single-chamber, aluminum - very light, then they can act as a support wooden boards under the window sill, which are attached to the top of the grille.

If the balcony has a small area, then you can weld a frame on brackets that protrudes beyond concrete slab. At the same time, the window sill will not “eat up” the valuable volume of the balcony. This arrangement of a balcony is called a take-out.

After this, the window sills and frame of the future glazing are installed - without frames and sashes, which will be installed later. To do this, the metal structure is welded to metal profile parapet and supports attached to the balcony slab of the neighbor above. If you live on the top floor, the design will be more complex, since you will have to make a canopy-roof, for example, from corrugated sheets, polycarbonate, etc. At the same time, the racks must be more durable.

After the frame is secured, the upper drains (canopy) are installed and double-glazed windows are installed according to the instructions.

About the features of glazing small balconies without increasing the area, look at the video:

Insulating the balcony from the inside

From the inside, the balcony is insulated from the walls, floor and ceiling. For this, you can use various thermal insulation materials.

Materials for thermal insulation of balconies

The thermal conductivity of building thermal insulation materials varies widely, so it is impossible to clearly state the recommended thickness. For information, see how they differ optimal thicknesses to achieve the same thermal resistance when using popular materials.

The basic requirements for materials also include:

  • long lasting strength;
  • non-hygroscopic;
  • fire safety.

Most often used:

  • mineral or stone wool— fiber insulation;
  • lightweight polystyrene foam and Penoplex (different types of polystyrene foam) - slab materials;
  • polyurethane foam or "Penoflex" - polyurethane foam.

Sometimes a composition of these materials is used.

Fiber insulation is easy to install when it is made in the form of soft slabs or blankets with a foil surface.

Polyurethane foam is applied using special, preferably professional, equipment.

For comparison consumer properties materials, we have summarized their main characteristics in a table.

Stages of insulating a balcony from the inside

Now that the basic properties of thermal insulation building materials we know, we will consider the order of work.

Advice! If lighting or connection of heating devices is expected on the balcony, do the wiring to the lamp, switch and socket in advance, placing the cables in plastic boxes. This way the wiring will be hidden, which is much more attractive than open wiring.

Before work, make sure that dust, small particles of insulation or solution do not pollute the apartment - cover the openings with film.

Floor insulation

Insulation should begin from the floor. First, you should lay a layer of waterproofing on the balcony slab. It can be ordinary polyethylene or foil insulation. At this stage, the waterproofing material can also be fixed to the walls.

To protect against condensation, a layer of vapor barrier is laid on top. If you purchase an embossed film, then you need to lay it with the embossed side up.

The subfloor is completed with plywood 10 mm thick in two layers. It is attached to the joists with self-tapping screws. Instead of plywood, you can use fiberboard or chipboard sheets.

Ceiling insulation

Apply a layer of antiseptic to the cleaned ceiling. For thermal insulation, you can take foil mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Good decision will use penofol - a foam material covered aluminum foil, which is glued to PVA, and nailed on top with lathing to attach the finishing layer of finishing - a set ceiling, plasterboard or siding.

Polystyrene foam can be fixed to the ceiling using polyurethane foam.

Mineral wool is laid on a false ceiling made of plasterboard, which is fixed to a frame made of aluminum profile or a wooden block 40x40 mm.

If required, we fix the lamps.

Wall insulation

Waterproofing has already been completed at the first stage, so a vertical or horizontal timber sheathing is immediately installed on top of it. The distance between the bars is equal to the width thermal insulation material. For walls, it is better to use polystyrene foam or mineral wool boards.

PPS can be glued with special glue or polyurethane foam, making sure to blow out all the joints and cracks with it.

A vapor barrier film is fixed over the insulation.

Finishing work

There are many materials that can be used to decorate a balcony. This includes drywall, which can be plastered or covered with wallpaper, tiles, and vinyl siding, and lining.

Most balconies have stationary or mobile clothes dryers that can rise to the ceiling.

If the space allows, you can install compact furniture or transformable furniture on the balcony: reclining tables and seats, and some lucky owners of wide balconies even equip sleeping area. The window sill can be made wider and turned into a tabletop - for morning coffee or doing business.

If desired, you can install a fan heater on the balcony, which will allow you to use additional space in spring and autumn, or install an electric convector, which will make the balcony all-season for equipping an office or winter garden there.

In conclusion, we invite you to look at photos of designer finishes for the balcony space - for inspiration and a source of ideas.