Oral communication about the Egyptian pyramids. Report on the topic: "Egyptian pyramids

Everyone knows how many interesting, sometimes amazing scientific discoveries were made by scientists on ancient Egyptian land. A lot of wonderful finds were given by her tombs and temples. But the greatest miracle of Egypt, which amazed people in ancient times, were the pyramids - these amazing artificial mountains - the tombs of the ancient Egyptian kings.

Huge tombs and pyramids were built, requiring incredible prices and containing priceless treasures, and elaborately embalmed mummies. The splendor of Ancient Egypt lasted over 3 thousand years.

The pyramids were impressive tetrahedral tombs built for the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom. All the faces that formed a semblance of a triangle converged at the top, forming a pointed apex.

Scientists note that during the existence of the Ancient Egyptian kingdom, more than 80 pyramids were built, but only a small part has come down to us. There are three surviving pyramids - these are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin (they also have Egyptian names - Khufu, Khafre and Menkaur). Only the first of this list formally belongs to the legendary seven wonders of the world. However, they are all mysterious and majestic.

The first Egyptian pyramid was built in the desert of Saqqara around 2650 BC. The most imposing pyramids built at Giza over 100 years later had flat sides. The top of each pyramid was probably covered with gold. Inside the pyramids were burial chambers and secret galleries. [Appendix 2] No one really knows why the Egyptians built these pyramid-shaped tombs, but it is possible that they saw them as a stairway to heaven, helping the pharaoh to gain eternal life. Pharaohs were called kings in ancient Egypt. But this is not the only version of the reasons for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

On March 22, 1993, news agencies around the world broadcast sensational news - an unknown German robotic engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink made an outstanding discovery. A remote-controlled robot launched by him explored the Cheops pyramid from the inside. Here is the discovery they made. It turned out that the pyramids have their own reflection in the sky, but rather they themselves are a reflection of the constellation Orion. The pyramids of Giza are the belt of Orion. Thus, according to R. Gantenbrink, the theory of "star correspondence" was confirmed. Thanks to the reference to the stars, high accuracy was achieved in the construction of the pyramids. Why is the construction of the pyramids focused specifically on the constellation of Orion? The Nile was the real ruler of Egypt. The flood of the river began on the day of the summer solstice, which was accompanied by the appearance of Sirius from behind the horizon. The rise of Sirius, in turn, preceded the appearance of Orion. This coincidence gave rise to ideas on which the religious cult is based. After a period of absence of these constellations, a new season of rebirth of life began. That is why Orion was associated with the great god Osiris.

Excellent astronomers lived in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians, as you know, in order to determine the exact time of crops, followed the stars very carefully, compiling star charts and tables. Therefore, the pyramids are oriented strictly along the meridian, their faces look at 4 cardinal points, the entrance is always located on the north side of the structure.

Another interesting theory is the use of the pyramids as a power plant.

You can find several confirmations of this hypothesis, based on the architecture of the pyramid of Cheops. Did it make sense for the ancient Egyptians to build such a grand structure just to honor the memory of the pharaoh? The pyramid is riddled with various shafts and channels throughout its height and extent. It is scientifically proven that these channels are laid in accordance with the maps starry sky. A vertical channel runs along the axial line of the pyramid, which, perhaps, is an energy installation for communication with the Universal Mind or the spirits of ancestors, according to the beliefs of the ancient people. It is interesting that inside the pyramid there are a large number of rooms that have nothing to do with the burial rite. It has not yet been proven whether, in fact, Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) was buried in the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid or still elsewhere.

The mysteries of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt with each new discovery leave everything more questions than answers. The pyramid of Cheops was built on the basis of an older pyramid, the construction time of which is presumably 14 thousand years BC. Its size is so large that it occupies about half the volume of the Great Pyramid. When arranging and painting interior spaces special lamps, possibly electric ones, were used. They were discovered during excavations and still gave off a faint light, despite the thousands of years since they were buried.

There is a hypothesis that the Egyptians received electricity using power plants like the Great Gallery in the pyramid of Cheops. On the faces of the pyramid, scientists have found various images made with the help of grooves. Drawings, if desired, can be seen in reflected light. On the south side of the pyramid, most likely, a portrait of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth, one of the most significant gods in Egyptian mythology, is depicted. Riddles in stone, the secrets of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt will excite the imagination of mankind for a long time, getting their response in books and movies. One can only hope that the technologies of the twenty-first century will still be able to open to people the knowledge that was buried under the thickness of sand and time.

Back in the 10th century, the historian Masudi argued that the Egyptian pyramids of Giza are not only the repository of all the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians on astronomy, art and religion, but also contain "historical and prophetic predictions." In 1865, Robert Menzies suggested that if we take the sacred inch of the Egyptians as a basis and measure the length of the inner chambers of the Egyptian pyramid, then we will find the chronological dates of the most important events of the past and future. Based on the discoveries made by Mr. Varil in 1948-49, Symbolist Egyptologists believe that the architecture of most of the temples of ancient Egypt contains whole line symbols of a philosophical, historical and especially religious nature. In their opinion, the location of the foundations of the colonnades and even the superstructures of the superficial structures of these monuments indicate esoteric knowledge hidden from the layman. In turn, the famous astronomer, director of the Bourges Observatory, Abbot Moret, devoted his life to unraveling the mysteries that the study of ancient Egyptian temples and the pyramid of Cheops in Giza brings to scientists.

The measurements of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops obtained by engineer Davidson were amazing. The diagonal of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops gives its absolutely exact direction along the meridian, and the accuracy of this direction to the theoretical north pole reaches 4 minutes 30 seconds: this is more accurate than the Paris Observatory. In addition, this meridian, passing through the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops, divides the surface of the sea and land into two equal parts, counting America and the Pacific Ocean. Moreover: the latitude passing through the center of the pyramid of Cheops also divides the entire globe into two equal parts, according to the amount of land and water. Thus, for 2500 years BC. The Egyptians knew the exact ratio of the surface of all the continents and it was not by chance that they chose the mouth of the Nile for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids of Giza. When measuring the Cheops pyramid itself, it turned out that the perimeter of the pyramid of Giza, divided by double the height, gives the exact number "Pi", with an accuracy of one hundred thousandth. Interestingly, the sacred measure of the length of Egypt, i.e. the pyramidal inch (coincidentally equal to modern English) is one billionth of the Earth's orbit passed by it in 24 hours. Another linear measure of the pyramid is a cubit, equal to 25 inches, or 635.66 millimeters - this is one ten-millionth of the Earth's polar radius. The sum of the two diagonals of the Egyptian pyramid, expressed in inches, gives the number of years during which the north pole of our earth makes one complete revolution. The volume of the pyramid multiplied by the specific gravity of the stone from which it is made gives the theoretical weight. the globe. The same measure is found again in the chambers of the king when measuring the "sarcophagus". We find its volume in relation to the volume of the globe. This volume, so to speak, the standard of weight, coincides exactly with the weight of one English pound (453.59 g). The archaic units of English measures correspond exactly to the "sacred" units of Ancient Egypt!

pyramid ancient egyptian pharaoh tomb

The great seven wonders of the world - the hanging gardens of Babylon, the lighthouse of Alexandria, the statue of Zeus, the colossus of Rhodes, etc. Everyone knows about them. But only one "miracle" of these seven has survived to this day. It's mysterious Egyptian pyramids which are over 4500 years old.

Location and structural features of the Egyptian pyramids:

The pyramids stand on the territory of the ancient cemetery in Giza, which is on the opposite bank from the (modern capital).

Scientists note that during the existence of the Ancient Egyptian kingdom, more than 80 pyramids were built, but only a small part has come down to us. There are three surviving pyramids - these are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin (they also have Egyptian names - Khufu, Khafre and Menkaur). Only the first of this list formally belongs to the legendary seven. However, they are all mysterious and majestic.

The appearance of these structures is impressive. They stand out clearly against the blue sky and dark yellow sand. You notice them even from afar, before you approach them. For anyone, the giant pyramids cause awe. They seem to be something cosmic, it is hard to believe that a person had anything to do with their construction.

The main pyramid is the Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu). Each side of the base has a length of 233 m. The height of the pyramid is 147 m. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pyramid is more than 50 thousand square meters. Its internal premises occupy a very small volume - no more than 4% of the total area.

Until the middle of the 19th century, the Cheops pyramid was considered the largest structure on our planet. According to Napoleon, stone blocks from the three pyramids of Giza would be enough to surround the entire wall with a height of three meters and a thickness of 30 centimeters.

All sides are almost symmetrical - such accuracy is surprising. The pyramid consists of 2,500,000 huge blocks, each of which weighs at least two tons, the heaviest block weighs 15 tons. The architect of this pyramid is also known - the Egyptian Hemuin.

Many misunderstandings arise from the layout of the inner corridors and the so-called "main royal chamber" with an empty sarcophagus of the Cheops pyramid. As you know, a narrow passage leads outward from this room at an angle - a ventilation duct, and above the chamber there are several empty unloading rooms built in order to reduce the huge stone mass. One of the mysteries, for example, is the location of the main room - it is not located along the central axis, as in all tombs, but is tilted to the side.

Pyramid of Khafre(Khephren) is almost as good as the pyramid of Cheops. It is slightly smaller - 215 m long and 143 wide, but due to the fact that it is located on steeper slopes, it seems larger. Khafre is buried in it - this is the son of Cheops.

Not far from this pyramid is the legendary Great Sphinx, which is also part of the burial complex. The size of the figure is rather big: its height is 20, and its length is 57 meters. The figure carved from a single rock depicts a lying lion with a human head.

Pyramid of Khufuso has come down to our times in good condition compared to other pyramids: it is the only one that has retained lime lining on its top.

Pyramid of Menkaure(Mycerina) is the smallest of the legendary pyramids. It is almost 10 times smaller than the pyramid of Cheops. Its height is only 66.4 meters. The pyramid was intended for the grandson of Cheops.

History of the Egyptian pyramids:

The time of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids dates back to the beginning of the Old Kingdom, which is approximately 2800 - 2250 BC. e.

Almost 5 thousand years ago (28th century BC), the founder of the III dynasty, Pharaoh Djoser, having barely ascended the throne, ordered the construction of his tomb to begin. The construction was entrusted to the architect Imhoten. The innovation that the architect applied in the construction of the tomb for Djoser was that he erected it in the form of six benches placed on top of each other. And each subsequent was less than the previous one. Imhoten created the first step pyramid. Its height was 60 m, length - 120 m, width - 109 m. Unlike the previous tombs, the pyramid of Djoser was built not from wood and brick, but from large limestone blocks. This pyramid is considered the progenitor of the great Pyramids.

The first of the great pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. It is absolutely impossible to imagine that it was built, according to the manuscripts that have come down to us, in just 20 years. Even today, with all modern technology, it is difficult to build such a huge structure, not to mention the fact that the pyramid was erected 4,500 years ago, when no mechanisms were even suspected. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that the people living in the Bronze Age could not build the pyramids, and that ... aliens took part in the creation of these colossal structures. But, according to the official scientific version, the construction of the pyramid is the work of ordinary people. The main builders were almost 100,000 slaves.

Millions of blocks were literally gouged out of the rocks using primitive red copper drills that dulled very quickly from such hard work. Fitting wooden boards under the future stove, they were constantly poured with water. The tree swelled and tore off the stone from the rock. Then the resulting block was carefully polished, giving it the required shape. One has only to marvel at the impeccable result, because, in fact, the work was carried out with completely primitive tools. Having no measuring instruments, as a result, they received a block that was ideal in its proportions and shape. In the vicinity of Aswan, even now there are ruins of ancient quarries, on the territory of which many ready-made blocks were found. As it turned out, this is a marriage that was not used when laying the pyramids.

The processed blocks were transported on boats to the other side of the Nile. Then they were taken along a specially laid road, the construction of which took 10 years and which, according to Herodotus, is only slightly simpler than the construction of the pyramids. The pyramid was erected on a bedrock limestone massif cleared of sand and gravel. Workers dragged them into place using ramps, pulleys and levers, and then pushed them together without any mortar. The stones of the pyramid are so tightly “fitted” that even a knife blade cannot be inserted between them. To raise the blocks, the Egyptians built a sloping mound of brick and stone with an elevation angle of about 15. When the main structure was completed, it resembled a series of steps. As the pyramid was built, the mound was lengthened. Perhaps they also used wooden sleds, on which blocks were dragged up by hundreds of slaves. In some places, traces of these wagons were found.

When the construction was basically completed, the sloping embankment was leveled, and the surface of the pyramid was covered with facing blocks.

Construction ended in 2580 BC. e. Initially, the height of the pyramid was 150 meters, but over time, due to destruction and advancing sands, it became smaller - to today by 10 meters.

There is no doubt that this pyramid was built as a tomb for the pharaoh Cheops. In ancient Egypt, it was customary to build structures for burial long before the death of the one to whom it was intended. The Egyptians believed in an afterlife and carefully prepared for it. They believed that in the event of a person's death, his body should be preserved so that the spirit could continue to live after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with salts and wrapped it in linen sheets. So the body turned into a mummy. Together with the pharaohs, they buried jewels that, according to the ancients, could be useful to him in another world. In addition, along with the ruler, a large number of servants were often buried, who would serve the owner even after death. The pyramids served the pharaohs, according to their religious beliefs, as a ladder by which souls ascended to heaven.

After the construction of the pyramid of Cheops, the cocking of the pyramid of Khafre began. Enormous money was invested in these constructions. The third pyramid was supposed to be no less majestic in design. But Menkaur could not afford the construction of a large pyramid. The country was devastated by the construction of the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre. Hunger has begun. The population, exhausted by overwork, grumbled. But, despite its smaller size, the pyramid of Menkaur still looks unusually beautiful.

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids:

There are absolutely fantastic assumptions about the pyramids. For example, that these are not tombs at all, but something like observatories. Astronomer Richard Proctor claims that the descending corridor could be used to observe the movement of some stars, and the Grand Gallery, open at the top, was used to map the sky. But still, the official version is that the pyramids were built primarily as tombs.

Since the pharaohs were buried along with various valuable things, it is certain that jewelry can be found in them. The search for treasures in the tomb of Cheops does not stop today. There is still a lot of unknown. That is why the ancient pyramids - favorite place for treasure seekers. For a long time, the plundering of the pyramids was considered the main problem. It seems that this problem existed even in the Old Kingdom, so the tombs were designed according to the principle of labyrinths, with secret rooms and doors, baits and traps.

According to the official version, the first time they penetrated the pyramid in 820 AD: the Arab caliph Abdullah Al Manum decided to find the treasures of Khufu. Immediately treasure seekers were faced with the fact that it was completely impossible to find the entrance to the tomb. After a long search, we decided to dig under the pyramid. They soon found themselves in a passage that led down. These digs continued for several months. People were simply in despair - as soon as they entered a corridor, it immediately ended in a blank wall.

The first room they managed to find was what is now known as the "king's room". From it they were able to find a way out into the space at the junction of two corridors and come to the "large gallery", which, in turn, led to the "king's room" - about 11 meters long and 5 wide. Only an empty sarcophagus without a lid was found here. There was nothing else in the room.

Several years of work yielded nothing - no treasure was found. It is most likely that the tomb was plundered long before the arrival of Abdullah Al Manum, but the workers said that this was simply impossible, since all the slabs inside the pyramid were intact, and it was impossible to pass through them. True, in 1638, John Greves discovered a narrow passage in the Grand Gallery, which was littered with debris. It is possible that through this move all the treasures were taken out. But many scientists doubt this, since the passage is very small and a thin person can hardly fit into it.

What happened to Khufu's mummy and his treasure2 No one knows. Diverse investigations have not found any other rooms or passages. However, many people still believe that the main rooms and the treasures hidden there have not yet been found.

The rise of the Egyptian civilization took place approximately 5,000 years ago and lasted for 3,000 years. At this time, the first pyramids appeared, at first imperfect, and then very skillful. In the ancient world, they were considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The Egyptian pyramids keep their riddles to this day. Interesting facts about them are collected in this article.

What were the pyramids for?

Vladyka, wanting to show his greatness and power, built a majestic creation in memory of himself. He filled private rooms and a burial chamber with precious utensils that were supposed to serve him after death.

The history of the creation of the pyramids

Mastaba - this was the name of the first tomb of the king. Mud bricks were used to build low rectangular buildings. The burial itself was underground. This is how the first Egyptian pyramids were created. We have selected interesting facts for children below.

The first "house of eternity" was built by the architect Imhotep for Pharaoh Djoser. He placed several mastabas one on top of the other. The largest was the base, then the mastabas decreased.

So the world's first step pyramid was built, the top of which is directed to the sky. It was a very imposing and monumental structure. They liked it, and soon the kings began to build houses for the afterlife - the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about the world's first pyramid are as follows:

  • A wall was built around it, which has a height of 10 meters. It has 15 inputs. Only one of them is real.
  • Outside, its walls are made of limestone, which has weathered and become uneven over 4.5 thousand years.

  • Inside there are mines and branched corridors in which it is easy to get confused. Of these, they fall first into one, then into another room, and there are more than four hundred of them. In these rooms, the priests performed religious rites. The corridors are very narrow and low. They walk on them, bending their backs. This is done so that only the body of the deceased can be carried. The first eleven shafts are very even, with right angles. All the rest are more primitive.
  • The top of the pyramid is directed towards the North Star.

The rituals of the priests that we know about seem strange to us. Their witnesses are the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about them can be collected endlessly. Here, for example, is what we know about Djoser's burial.

Due to the triangular shape, her head is directed to heaven. Therefore, the soul of the pharaoh easily soared to the gods. But first, his body floated on the river of the underworld in a boat in search of a soul. When the priests believed that the soul had ascended to heaven, they returned the heart to the dead body of the lord, then opened their eyes and mouth so that in the afterlife he could see everything and talk. After that, they proceeded to the sacrificial feast. Oils were poured onto the mummy, thin bandages and diadems were applied. This ritual ended, and the pharaoh was considered resurrected.

Information for schoolchildren

In the ancient world, there were Seven Wonders of the World. They reflected the cultures of different peoples. Among them, ancient people included the pyramids of Egypt. There was even such a statement that everything is afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramids. It's true - no other miracles survived, only the pyramids survived. People have always wondered what these huge structures hide. They searched for treasure in them, and much was plundered, despite the fact that trap systems completely permeated the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about them can be found in numerous books. They are rich in children's libraries. We will bring Interesting Facts about Egyptian pyramids for schoolchildren:

  • Pyramids don't cast shadows when the sun is high. On the day of the winter solstice, the longest shadow falls on the earth. It can be used to measure the height of the pyramid without instruments.
  • Three of them are placed by ancient astronomers and builders in the same way as the belt of the constellation Orion. Today, the stars have shifted a little, and the pyramids do not stand perfectly aligned under the stars. This situation was not accidental. Orion united in the minds of the Egyptians with the god Osiris. He was the ruler of the underworld and ruled over the rebirth of life: the pharaohs must live forever.

  • Pyramids stand not only in North Africa. They are in South and Central America, India and Mexico, Ethiopia and Cambodia, in Somalia. This leads some scholars to think that there was a single civilization in antiquity.

Giant on the Nile

It is difficult to determine the exact number of pyramids. There are about seventy or eighty of them. They lined up on a rocky plateau that separates the valley of the life-giving Nile from the desert, at a distance of one hundred kilometers from Cairo to Illauhan. Almost all of them, with the exception of two, have a geometrically correct shape. We have already mentioned one of them - stepped, the other is located in Dashur and has the shape of a rhombus. But the rest of the pyramids are like two drops of water. They differ only in size. Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) - the largest.

If you describe it in numbers, it will awaken the imagination. Its volume is 2,525,000 cubic meters and its area is 54,000 square meters. More than 1,000 two-room apartments can be accommodated on such a site. The royal palaces of Europe are smaller than it: Versailles in Paris and Buckingham in England, Escorial in Madrid and Winter Palace In Petersburg. Pyramid above the dome over the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome, St. Paul in London, Notre Dame in Paris, St. Vita in Prague. If it were empty inside, a tower would fit in it for space rocket and its launch pad. Are these not interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids?

Guardians of eternity

In ancient Egypt, above all the temples dedicated to the gods, towered the works of architects and builders, who were supposed to glorify the earthly rulers. In architecture, perhaps, there are no more powerful and more concise structures than the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Mykerin. These stone "crystals" boldly triumph over unknowability and the mystery of death. Here are the most interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids:

  • The angle of inclination of the stacked blocks is not too steep. It is only 6 degrees higher than 45°.
  • The four sides of the three main pyramids are strictly oriented to the north, south, west and east.
  • If we put five nine-story houses on top of each other, then we will get the approximate maximum height of the buildings.
  • On average, each block weighs 2,500 kg, but there are also those whose weight exceeds the average by 32 times, which is about eighty tons.
  • The stones fit snugly together without mortar. Their pressure is such that even a piece of paper cannot be squeezed between them.

  • The road that led to the pyramid from the quarry was built for about ten years, and the pyramid itself - about twenty. Therefore, the pharaohs began the construction of the tomb from their youth.

Tomb of Tutankhamen

In 1922, British researchers found the tomb of a young ruler, almost untouched by thieves, in the area of ​​​​the former Thebes.

Immediately, exciting facts about the Egyptian pyramids began to appear, more precisely, about the new sensational one:

  • Tutankhamen died at the age of 19.
  • The causes of death have not yet been established: illness, murder, falling from a chariot.
  • Treasures were found in the pyramid: a golden chariot and a throne, lamps, caskets, vases, writing accessories, golden jewelry, precious stones, ships. On them, the ruler was supposed to sail to the afterlife. Golden masks on three coffins and on a mummy.

Mysterious deaths

Excavations went on for five years, and all this time their participants gradually died. The list of mysterious facts about the Egyptian pyramids included the "curse of the tomb." Assumptions were made about the presence of radioactive elements, poisons, and a harmful fungus in it. Here is the list of the dead:

  • Lord Carnarvon died in 1923.
  • Then Douglas-Reid, who performed the X-ray.
  • A. K. Mace, who opened the burial chamber with Lord Carnarvon, dies.
  • Colonel Aubrey Herbert, Lord Carnarvon's brother, has died.
  • The wife of an Egyptian prince kills her husband right on the excavations.
  • In 1928 the deaths continued. First, the secretary of the archaeologist Carter dies, then his father is thrown out of the window in 1930.
  • In the same year step-brother Carnarvona commits suicide.

Such tragedies, not disclosed to our time, ended the work on the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Long gone are the days when the Egyptian pyramids amazed the observer with their unprecedented grandeur and unsurpassed monumentality. Approximately one thousand three hundred years ago, mankind learned to build more, higher, more massively and faster than the ancient Egyptians did. But still, for four thousand years, leadership in the field of construction was retained by a long-disappeared people...

Who, how and when built the Egyptian pyramids? Interest in the pyramids of Giza has not faded for five millennia in a row. Egyptologists know the answers to most questions.

How and from what the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids - in many cases we only assume, and among the hypotheses promoted there is a lot of outright fantasy. Let's try to understand the history of the Egyptian pyramids without prejudice, mysticism and mock mystery.

How many pyramids are there in Egypt?

The question is far from idle, given the length of the period of construction of the pyramids, the variety of materials used, the features of architecture - and, of course, safety. According to various sources, the total number of Egyptian pyramids reaches 140, but many of them are difficult to identify.

And if the pyramids of Giza are famous for their impressive size, perfect shape and good preservation, the pyramids of other ancient Egyptian tombs were less fortunate. Many of them - due to the fragility of the mud-bricks common at that time or the urgent need for building materials - have collapsed completely or partially, and are more reminiscent of hills than pyramids.

So, in 2013, the American archaeologist Angela Micol, examining photo maps high definition, suggested that several hills on the territory of modern Egypt are nothing more than ancient pyramids, partly eroded under the influence climatic factors partly covered with sand and dust.

Inspired by a tip from across the ocean, Egyptian archaeologists undertook an expedition to the indicated heights. Cautious statements have appeared in the press regarding the fairness of the judgments of the American scientist, however, Angela Mikol's finds have not yet been included in the official register of the Egyptian pyramids - as well as the remains of 17 more pyramids similarly discovered by Sarah Parkak from the University of Birmingham, Alabama.

Mastaba - a modest tomb of the pharaoh

The tradition of building pyramids as pharaoh's tombs was not born suddenly. The burials of the pharaohs of the first dynasty (there are more than 30 dynasties in total) were arranged in relatively small buildings, resembling a cut hill or a tetrahedral pyramid with a cut top and a rectangular base.

The imperfection of the then building technologies forced the Egyptians to create buildings with sloping edges of the outer walls. The intuitive assimilation of the artificial structure of a natural mound of stone ensured the stability of the erected structure no worse than that of a conical pile of fragments of various sizes at the foot of the mountain.

In Arabic Egypt, the first tombs of the pharaohs were called "mastaba", which means "stool" in Arabic.

A bench with a wicker seat created in ancient Egypt. The newcomers Arabs called the bench "mastaba". The same name was attached to the squat tombs, the forerunners of the pyramids.

In terms of architectural appearance, the mastaba repeats a slightly grown ancient Egyptian residential building, and there is not a drop of holiness in a purely utilitarian building. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that every new ruler sought to build his mastaba above any buildings in the area, and most importantly - above the tomb of his predecessor. Delusions of grandeur are so characteristic of leaders!

The logical result of the growth of the mastaba was a geometrically correct pyramid, but it was not possible to achieve the desired shape immediately.

Tomb of Djoser - the first Egyptian pyramid

Thirty kilometers south of Cairo is the village of Saqqara. Saqqara is the resting place of the pharaohs of the III-IV dynasty. Here is the oldest surviving Egyptian pyramid - the Pyramid of Djoser.

Imhotep is a brave innovator

According to information collected by historians, Imhotep, the chief architect of the project, originally planned to build a conventional mastaba. However, the idea of ​​building a multi-tiered tomb seemed to both the architect and the customer to be much more fruitful. Therefore, already in the process of construction, the project was changed. A three-fold superstructure of a smaller mastaba over a larger one resulted in a forty-meter four-tiered pyramid with a rectangular base.

Understanding that raw clay bricks (in the Russian tradition the material is known as "adobe") is not strong enough to create a high-rise structure, Imhotep ordered limestone blocks to be used to build the body of the tomb.

The ingenious technology of building the pyramid of Djoser

for construction was mined in a quarry nearby. The dimensions and shape of the stone blocks were not strictly observed, but they made it possible to make masonry with dressing: three longitudinally oriented blocks were replaced by two transverse ones, and so on. The mass of a single block did not exceed the "carrying capacity" of a strong porter.

A thick clay composition was used as a binder solution, designed not only to hold the blocks together, but to fill the voids. The idea of ​​such a building material could have been suggested to Imhotep by nature itself. The Egyptians traveling around the surrounding world must have come across, formed by mudflows and quickly turning into a dense and durable material.

Clay was dug in the Nile valley, soaked and mixed with some sand (to prevent cracking during the drying process). The wall stone was laid with an inclination inside the building so that the line of the wall deviated from the vertical by 15˚. Thus, the walls of each of the tiers of the tomb formed an angle of 75˚ with the conditional plane of the earth's firmament.

The critical components of the internal structures of the pyramid of Djoser were made of two-ton blocks delivered from afar by water, and coarsely hewn limestone. The cementing gypsum mortar, used by the Egyptians more often than lime, held the elements together only in some places. In particular, the blue tiles in the lining of the interior of the tomb were kept on the walls thanks to gypsum binders.

Imhotep - the deified pioneer of perestroika

Having erected a four-tier pyramid, Imhotep, inspired by the success, proposed not to stop construction and bring the number of tiers to six while simultaneously increasing the total area of ​​the pyramid. For outer cladding The building was supposed to use white limestone from the Tours quarry from the east bank of the Nile.

The consent of the pharaoh was not long in coming. The uninterrupted continuation of work allowed the outstanding architect of Ancient Egypt to increase the height of the pyramid to 62 meters. Having become six-tiered in 2649 BC, the pyramid of Djoser crowned a huge complex of ritual buildings and for a long time became a record building in Egypt and the whole world of that time.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser, built under the leadership of the brilliant Imhotep. Only the pharaoh could climb into the sky on giant steps ...

It is estimated that 850 thousand tons of limestone were spent on the construction of the pyramid of Djoser. According to the unanimous opinion of the builders of our time, there are no technological mysteries in the construction of the first Egyptian pyramid. However, Imhotep's contemporaries treated the outstanding architect with much more reverence. After his death, the architect, engineer and scientist Imhotep was deified, and the Egyptian pyramids, according to the behest of the founder, were built stepwise for a long time.

Pyramids in Giza - the focus of secrets and mysteries

There are quite a lot of stepped and multi-tiered pyramids and pyramids built according to the precepts of the great Imhotep in Egypt. But the Egyptian pyramids are classified as wonders of the world only in the correct tetrahedral shape, and not all, but only those that stand in Giza.

The pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure are the pinnacle of the building art of Ancient Egypt. The conducted studies did not give a clear and reliable picture of the stages and methods of construction. Of the historical documents, the description of Herodotus is considered the most detailed - however, it must be remembered that Herodotus made his notes 2000 years after the construction of the Cheops pyramid ...

Hemiun - the hero of pyramid-building work

The task assigned to Hemiun, a relative of the pharaoh and, concurrently, the chief administrator of the state, was difficult. On a rocky square base it was necessary to build a pyramid of the correct geometric shape and standard aesthetic merit. The construction, of course, had to be higher than the pyramids of the former pharaohs and, preferably, remain unsurpassed in the future.

Hemiun, high-born architect of the Cheops pyramid, an outstanding architect and organizer.

Perhaps the task was set somehow differently - but it does not matter. Hemiun managed to create a pyramid that contained millions of tons of natural stone, rose almost to the sky (147 meters in height), hid several secret rooms, amazed (and amazed) the observer with the perfection of forms and the grandeur of the idea.

The first secret plus the main secret

How the construction was carried out is not described anywhere. Not a single papyrus has been found that does not reveal building technology Hemiun, but even the pyramid of Cheops would simply be mentioned!

This is the first mystery of the main of the Egyptian pyramids. However, there are several clues:

  • a) the researchers were simply unlucky to find the right document;
  • b) there was a ban on documenting and disclosing the methods of erecting the pyramid;
  • c) project documentation was not drawn up, construction records were not carried out - as unnecessary.
Construction was carried out using limestone and granite. Stone blocks were cut down massive and voluminous. How was the transportation and, most importantly, the lifting of multi-ton masonry elements to a multi-meter height carried out? This is the second and most intractable problem of the construction of the pyramid of Cheops.

How was the largest of the Egyptian pyramids built?

Most of the pyramid of Cheops is made of blocks of yellow-gray limestone, a material that is relatively loose, but strong enough. Since the blocks were cut down in different sizes, it would be logical to arrange the stone during the procurement of materials at the construction site so that their largest and heaviest bottoms were spent on the construction of the lower tiers of masonry, and less massive stones were intended for the upper tiers.

The blocks intended for the construction of the pyramid of Cheops were cut from a rock monolith.

The Egyptian builders did just that. The limestone blocks of the pyramid are the smaller, the closer they lie to the top. Which, by the way, refutes the fashionable theory about the construction of a structure from concrete blocks.

Is the concrete idea false?

It is really easier to transport buckets of thick mortar to the upper floors of the construction site, but why change the formwork standard from tier to tier? Artificial building stone, as a rule, has standardized dimensions, while the blocks of the Cheops pyramid are far from standard.

The time factor is also important. The curing of concrete requires a long rest of the cast part. Primary setting is not equivalent to full strength gain. On a freshly cast and already hardened stone, one cannot immediately pile up a multi-ton load like this. It is possible to accelerate the hardening of the casting with organic additives - at least egg white- but then the mountain of the shell will exceed the size of the pyramid. Is such a monument pleasing to the pharaoh?

The production of a binder for making concrete requires high-temperature dehydration of the feedstock - in the case of Ancient Egypt. A certain amount of gypsum mortar, the country's resources allowed to produce painlessly, but not the millions of cubic meters required for a complete transition to artificial building stone! There was simply no such amount of firewood in the state!

Concrete is not only a binding solution, it is also a mineral filler of several fractions. Modern concretes are made from cement mortar, sand and crushed granite. The blocks of the Egyptian pyramids are entirely limestone. You can, of course, imagine how thousands of slaves have been crushing natural limestone for years to get crumbs, thousands more dragging stretchers with limestone chips to a construction site, others carry water in waterskins, and still others trample wet concrete - because without compaction it will turn out to be fragile.

But isn't it easier to carve out of stone ready blocks? Moreover, all qualified mineralogists are unanimous in their assessment of the main material of the Cheops pyramid and consider it to be natural limestone.

However, individual elements of the pyramids could indeed be made of artificial stone. But only not the most responsible and loaded with astronomical masses of overlying materials.

The Granite Mystery of the Pyramid of Cheops

Adepts of secret knowledge talk about the impossibility of manufacturing, processing and delivering granite construction parts without using a tool made of steel and abrasives of a hardness level.

Meanwhile, granite columns, obelisks and other "megaliths" in ancient Egypt were produced without much difficulty. Our French contemporaries have reproduced all the stages of mining and processing of granite, and are quite satisfied with the experience gained.

The following method was used to break off a large workpiece from a natural massif.

  • 1. A low hearth was built along the contour of the proposed clay brick blank.
  • 2. Firewood was loaded into the hearth, a fire was made. Hot coals heated the underlying granite to a shallow depth.
  • 3. Water poured onto the heated granite. The stone cracked.
  • 4. After the removal of bricks, ash and exfoliated rock, the heating zone was subjected to impact treatment with dolerite (dolerite - a variety) hammers. As a result, a groove 10–15 cm deep was formed in the monolithic granite massif.
  • 5. To deepen the contour groove, the operation was repeated.
When mining smaller pieces, holes were drilled using copper tubes and abrasive sand, followed by driving wood plugs into boreholes. Wetting the wood caused the cork to swell. In case of luck, the cleavage plane passed strictly along the drilled holes.

Handmade technique with a rounded dolerite hammer suggests endurance and perseverance of the performer. Hourly (even not too dexterous) beating with dolerite on granite allows you to remove a layer 6-8 mm thick over an area of ​​​​several square decimeters.

The device of the dolerite hammer is extremely unpretentious.

A dolerite concretion split in half served as the main tool for grinding granite. The abundance of dolerite in the eastern regions of Egypt allowed the masters of antiquity to use this hard stone in unlimited quantities.

Lifting weights without a crane

Herodotus writes that the lifting of the stone up was carried out by simple wooden devices type of well crane. The carrying capacity of such devices is sufficient for two-ton loads (the average volume of the limestone block of the Cheops pyramid is 850 - 1000 liters, the limestone density is 2000 kg per cubic meter). But how were the much more massive structural elements installed? In particular, a pyramidion, a monolithic top of a pyramid weighing 15 tons?

Modern inventors talk about the possibility of sheathing a stone product with voluminous wooden structures, bringing the shape of the packaged part closer to the cylinder. Such a container does facilitate transportation, but requires a solid road.

Sloped ramp or spiral road?

How is a waste heap constructed - a cone-shaped dump of waste rock? First, props are installed, an inclined rail track is erected on them. Wagons with loose mass are driven onto the rails and unloaded to the side. As the dump grows, the road lengthens. In the end, an artificial mountain is formed with steep slopes and a long, gentle embankment with rails from a flat sole to the very top.

Inclined ramp to deliver materials directly to the construction site.

Approximately so, the researchers believe, were built and access roads to the Egyptian pyramids. A scalable (7˚-8˚) ramp made of loose materials, compacted and reinforced with imported timber, could really help in the delivery of massive stone blocks to their installation site.

However, the volume earthworks in this case, it turns out to be comparable with the volume of the entire construction, and the pace of work is limited by the frequency of reconstruction of the transport route. The bulk spiral road laid around the pyramid makes it impossible to check the geometry of the edges and faces of the entire structure.

Another thing, suggested the French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin, if a spiral road is laid in the body of the pyramid along its outer edges. On such a road, you can walk like a gentle staircase, dragging limestone blocks up along the way. True, this path is replete with turns at right angles. But if at the places of turns to make open areas with the simplest forklifts, the difficulties will disappear.

In a spiral - to heaven! They say that the architects of the Tower of Babel adopted the experience of building the Egyptian pyramids and likened the design of their high-rise creation to a growing spiral. Yes, only the material let us down and something went wrong with mutual understanding ...

Houdin's hypothesis is flawed in many respects. Nevertheless, turntables in the corners of the building were found, as well as some inclined passages along the perimeter of the pyramid. However, the Egyptian authorities have not yet given permission for a large-scale instrumental study of the historical structure.

Final reconstruction of the process

A generalized reconstructed picture of the construction of the Cheops pyramid looks like this:
  • - the most massive parts of the base of the pyramid and the interior of the tomb were delivered to the place of installation along surface roads and a low bulk ramp;
  • - the blocks that make up the body of the pyramid climbed the spiral scaffolding attached outside;
  • - white limestone top - pyramidion - was installed immediately after the masonry was completed;
  • - facing blocks of white limestone, in cross-section representing a right-angled triangle, were laid from top to bottom, flush with the faces of the pyramidion.

And although the individual details of the construction have not been clarified to the end, the overall picture is quite clear and plausible. However, the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids were not only in the design and construction of cyclopean structures.

"Unsolved" secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

Exploration of the pyramid of Cheops, undertaken by humanity greedy for treasures over the past two thousand years, turned out to be very traumatic for the historical structure. Partly for this reason, and partly because of the high tourist potential, it is very difficult to obtain permission for scientific research in Giza.

As a result, today scientists do not have a complete plan of the cavities and rooms of the Cheops pyramid - which is why assumptions about the purpose of rooms, corridors and channels are based on insufficient information.

This situation gives food for idle thought about the presence of secret treasures under the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx. The yellow press is exaggerating with might and main the idea of ​​the secrecy of samples of ancient knowledge, stored either under the paws of the Sphinx, or under the burial chamber of Khufu, or even deeper.

However, historians and archaeologists do not expect special revelations from hypothetical treasuries. Yes, upon discovery of repositories that have not been plundered in the past, the museum collections of the world will be fairly replenished with works of ancient Egyptian art - but one cannot expect advanced technologies among the surviving artifacts. Alas…

Pyramid - a working device?

The idea that each individual pyramid, and especially the largest and most beautiful pyramid of Cheops, is not just a monument and a tomb, but a kind of tool for interacting with secret forces, has been tormenting mankind for four and a half thousand years.

Echoes of the excitement that arose during the years of perestroika and concerning the miraculous properties of pyramidal structures are still alive. Allegedly, the blades in them are self-sharpening, bacteria are self-destructing, water is self-sanctifying - and in large pyramids, plus, time slows down, organisms become younger and fools grow smarter.

The Pyramid of Cheops is 4600 years old, but is it still working? Isn't it time for the old woman to rest?

Experiments are still ongoing, but the statistics of the results are disappointing. Neither in the pyramids of ancient Egyptian work, nor in their modern counterparts, nothing special happens.

“Besides,” the esotericists object, “that contact is being made with the higher mind!”

The influence of the Egyptian pyramids on the mind

The initiates write: whoever lies in the sarcophagus of the pyramid of Cheops and concentrates, voices are heard, colorful pictures are seen, the complexities of the universe are understood - and the future is still revealed. So Napolen, as he spent the night in a sarcophagus, came out pale, was silent about his experiences, and only in exile on the island of St. Helena hinted that he had a chance to see his own fall ...

True, psychiatrists, having learned about the voices and visions, begin to nervously trample and stroke the bags of medicines. Psychologists also talk about the similarity of individual reactions to darkness, silence and complete solitude. To save money, they say, instead of a sarcophagus, you can lie down in a wooden box with a lid, and instead of an Egyptian pyramid, use any dungeon - even a shallow hole.

The sum of sensations and thoughts that arise in the subjects is typical. In such solitude, every person thinks about the transience of life, the futility of all things and the inevitability of the end. The pyramids are here!

Astronomical factor

The Belgian Robert Buvel, who was born and lived for a long time in Egyptian Alexandria, was not the first person to notice the similarity in the location of the pyramids in Giza and the stars in Orion's Belt. However, he was the first to speak loudly and publicly about the likeness.

The check showed that the coincidence of directions and proportions is very conditional. Defending his point of view, Buvel suggested that the position of the pyramids corresponds to the picture of the starry sky of the time of the third dynasty of the pharaohs.

The development of computer technology has made it possible to restore the position of the stars in the past. A simulated starry sky pattern from 2500 BC turned out to be close to the location of the Giza pyramids, but only approximately ...

Further research led astronomers to the conclusion: the relative position of the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaur (Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin) fully corresponds to the location of Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintak (the stars of the Orion's Belt asterism) in 10500 BC.

Idle thinkers immediately came to the conclusion that the initial marking of the construction site was completed in 10500, and the actual construction was decided to be postponed for 8 thousand years.

Moreover! At the beginning of the beginning, namely, 14 thousand years before the birth of Christ, on the site of the future Giza and all its tombs, there was a pyramid - for all the pyramids, a pyramid, the size of a real mountain! True, the progenitor of the pyramids was monolithic and cracked during the earthquake. It was decided to demolish the hulk, and in its place, after cleaning up the debris, to build a new pyramidal complex.

Who and why made such unexpected decisions, the thinkers do not say.

Numerological heresy of the pyramid of Cheops

Heading to Egypt, Napoleon, as you know, included more than one and a half hundred scientists in the detachment. Having missed the time of transitions, inquisitive scientists pounced on the Egyptian pyramids like a hungry dog ​​on a bone. All available space was subjected to measurements and measurements, including each of the pyramids and the Sphinx.

The data obtained became the subject of scientific discussions that continue to this day. For two hundred years of thinking, especially advanced experts have established a relationship between the linear parameters of the Cheops pyramid and:

  • - the size of the earth and solar system;
  • - the number "pi";
  • - past and future events;
  • - physical constants that determine the balance of interaction of forces in the Universe.
The latest hypothesis, put forward already in the new millennium, says that the proportions of the sum of dark energy, dark matter and visible matter in the Milky Way galaxy and the ratio of natural stone, binder material and voids in the pyramid of Cheops are equal.

Hey psychiatrists!

So, there are no secrets in the Egyptian pyramids?

There are many more secrets in Egyptology. However, the Egyptian pyramids have been studied very thoroughly, although not completely. In the unhurried existence of the pyramids, there are a number of ambiguities that are visible to specialists. For example, did the visible deflection of the Cheops pyramid faces result from an unforeseen deformation of materials or as a result of architectural calculation?

So far, there is no unambiguous picture of the complex of technologies used almost 5,000 years ago. It is not clear why the pyramid of Cheops, the most monumental of all the monuments of Ancient Egypt, is devoid of wall inscriptions and images. There is no certainty in understanding the purpose of the discovered objects, premises, buildings ...

It is important, however, that only those studies of the Egyptian pyramids that are carried out within the framework of materialistic theory become fruitful. The search for the extraordinary forces involved in the creation of the Egyptian pyramids is fantastically fun - and nothing more.

Even modern technologies the engineering accuracy of the ancient constructions of the past peoples who inhabited Egypt is inaccessible. Huge Temples, giant statues, huge pyramids - as if they appeared from Nothing, using some kind of space technology.

Here are some facts that still only ascertain the amazing secrets of the Pyramids:

– In 1978, the Japanese, using the alleged technology of overlay planes, were able to build a Pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, which is 2367 times less than the total geometric volume of the Cheops Pyramid, only for this Pyramid alone would require segments with a total volume of 500,000 m3, with their tenfold use .

- For the construction of the Pyramid, in ancient times, about 50 million people would have been used, although according to experts for 3000 years BC. only 20 million people lived on Earth. How could a state have 2.5 times more people than there were in the whole world and how could they feed themselves?

– In 1930, the Frenchman Bovy designed wooden model Pyramids with a base one yard (91 cm) long and placed a dead cat in it, after orienting the model to the North. A few days later, the cat's corpse was mummified. But until now, mummification is achieved by the most difficult chemicals and technologies.

- The Czech radio engineer K. Drobanu, having oriented the axis of his Pyramid model exactly from North to South and placed a dull razor blade in it, found that it had acquired its former sharpness.

– Hoping to find secret chambers inside the Pyramid of Khafre, Nobel Prize winner A.U. Alvarez in 1969, studying the background of cosmic rays penetrating the ancient colossus, noticed that their trajectories recorded on different days were completely different, which, according to scientists , contrary to all known laws of science.

- The technology for creating Pyramids and underground labyrinths, adits in all the Pyramids is the same, although the difference in their construction is more than 1000 years. And what is surprising - the most Majestic Pyramids were created at the Dawn of Egyptian Civilization. Or maybe at the Sunset of the Past ...?

- All stone blocks, with sharp corners and smooth side surfaces are fitted to each other with millimeter accuracy, and in fact the weight of one block is on average 2.5 tons.

– The height of the Great Pyramid is 146.595 meters. The difference between the sides of the base is only 0.83 mm. Each of the meanings of the pyramid carries information unattainable for the ancient Egyptians, and even in modern units of calculation.

– On the basis of the “Clock of Isis” created, S. Proskuryakov developed systems for constructing graphical-numerical diagrams and, on the basis of mathematical relations, revealed the relationship of the Pyramid with all the physical and mathematical quantities of a cosmic nature known to us.

- The meridian passing through the Pyramid divides the continents and the ocean into two equal parts.

- The perimeter of the base, divided by twice the height, gives the famous number "Pi" - 3.1416.

– The rocks on which the Pyramids are installed are perfectly aligned.

- The Cheops Pyramid is installed in such a place in the desert that it is the center of gravity of the continents.

- In rock adits there is no completeness of walls and ceilings from torches. So the lighting was electric?

– A manuscript is kept in the library at Oxford, in which the Coptic chronicler MAD-UDI states that Egyptian Pharaoh Zurid ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid. But Zurid ruled, according to legend, before the Flood. It was this Pharaoh who ordered the priests to write down and hide the entire amount of wisdom and knowledge known to them and hide it inside the Pyramid.

- According to the memoirs of "Herodotus" - "the father of history", it is said that the Egyptian priests showed him 341 colossal figures of the high priests, from father to son, while still alive, making their sculpture. Herodotus said that the priests assured that before the 341st generation, the GODS still lived among people, this was about 11,350 years ago. And then the Gods did not visit them. The historical age of Egypt is estimated at only 6530 years. What was the civilization before this? Who were the ancestors of the Egyptian priests?

- Recent studies from American NASA satellites that have visited Mars have found on its surface Pyramids and images of human faces-copies of the Sphinx on Earth. The construction of both was based on the same mathematical principles! The only difference is in size. It turns out that the first priests of Egypt, missionaries from Mars?

- According to the location of the 3 Pyramids in Giza, and the Nile coded as the Milky Way, it is assumed, as it were, a visual reflection on the Earth of Sirius in the constellation Big Dog, which corresponds to the assumption that the civilizations of Mars, and then the Earth, were created by aliens from Sirius, who somehow got to us. Presumably, through the information energy encoded in the rays of magnetic radiation from the Stars.

- The creation of the Pyramids of the Fourth Dynasty, which took 22 million tons of stone, involves careful preparation for some kind of global event. The scope of the structures shows that the work was completed in a hundred years and the construction took place according to a certain super-plan. 8 million blocks of rock were laid.

– During the subsequent construction, starting with the grandson of Cheops, the priests paid more attention not to architecture, but to the “magical” properties of “hieroglyphs” - Pyramid texts - that appeared after the 4th dynasty, i.e. suddenly, it began to prevail as if some kind of mission had been completed, and the pyramids were space launch pads for receiving and launching (reincarnation, neomaterialization) of aliens.

- If you look closely, the tops of the Pyramids are deliberately not finished, as they are the tops of the antenna of the emitter - the receiver of some cosmic energy materialized into information, at the light-wave level. Since Energy and information are fundamentally the same, it is quite likely that the ancient priests of Egypt had knowledge of the transformation of Matter at the wave level. After all, there is still no answer to the question why the speed of light is constant, passing from any Star Millions of light years?

– It has been observed that the galleries in the Great Pyramid of Cheops have a relationship of tangent 1 / 2 angles of 26 degrees 34 minutes, which, according to the latest achievements of Genetics, is a combination of two values: 26 degrees is the angle of elevation of the DNA helix, and 34 angstroms is the length of its period. But it is known that genetic code for all organisms on Earth, from a microbe to a Human, it is the same. This means that the foundations of thinking in past Civilizations are similar to ours.

- The number “Pi” is the key to the secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids, but the number “Pi” is directly related to the “Golden Section” by Leonardo da Vinci, “Golden Wurf” by Corbusier, as well as the “Fibonacci Numbers”, which again constitute the Pyramid of the Perfect numbers.

- In ancient times, a stone of a “pyramidal” shape - “PYRAMIDION” - called BENBEN, was installed on the flat, unfinished tip of the Pyramid. It seemed to symbolize the cosmic “CITY OF THE SUN”, from which, as it were, made their way “ Sun rays” - edges.

- Initially, the tops of the pyramids were lined with slabs of gold and semi-precious stones, on which the texts of the entire history of civilizations of past times were carved, but over time they were torn off by barbarians.

– According to the found papyri “Book of the Dead”, according to the wall texts of the tombs, it is determined that the Pyramids were built to perform the ritual of stellar rebirth. It was the written word that, after the 4th dynasty, replaced some kind of super mechanism that had been under construction for more than a hundred years, or maybe just restored, to move in space. It can be assumed that the transfer occurred or there was a failure, an accident, which led to the emergence of magical symbolism of secret knowledge presented ordinary people, as “miracles”, but for the initiates, having encoded, through the mysteries, the knowledge of ancient Civilizations. What is it, self-defense or fear from the future based on the experience of the past?

- After research on a computer, scientists calculated that there is a SIRIUS-B Star near the SIRIUS-A Star, it is not visible to the naked eye. Although there is information about such a Star in the secret knowledge of the Dogon, whose ideas date back to 3200 BC. Sirius-B is, as it were, the “son” of the “father” of Sirius and the “mother” of “Orion”, which is the reincarnation of the “father” into the “son”.

All the facts speak for the fact that the "stellar" pregnancy of "Sirius" is 280 days. The reincarnation of the Pharaoh lasts 280 days, according to legend, 280 days is the pregnancy of a person.

90 days The time of sunset and then the rising of a star in the EAST

12 days (The star passes the meridian line immediately after sunset. The star, as it were, does its work (like a soul) gave birth to the Pharaoh

70 days (Star is in DUAT). Sirius invisible (death) embalming lasted 70 days.

- In modern chronology, there were 31 dynasties of pharaohs in total from 3100 BC. and until 332 BC. In total, the rule of 390 monarchs. After that, Egypt was ruled from 332 BC. and up to the present time another 49 dynasties, which included:

Macedonian Greeks (Ptolemaic period 332-30 BC)

Romans (Roman emperors 30 BC - 641 AD)

Arabs (642 AD - Present).

As you can see: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Arabs keep in their roots the history of secret knowledge about the Pyramids, about the Civilizations of the past, about the Mysteries.

- The Egyptians had a "ROMBOID" - the egg of the world was in the form of an "OCTAHEDRA" (two pyramids docked at the bases): which in Christianity gradually turned into just an egg for Easter, although the paintings on it are still pyramidal in nature.

- Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, resembled a Pyramid in shape.

- Until now, on Easter, symbolic Pyramids are made of cheese.

- The perspective of the picture, the TV screen and the eye that perceives them, isn't this a pyramid?

- When drawing in a two-dimensional three-dimensional space, a Pyramid is drawn “as if” deep into, where the top is the horizon line.

— If we assume that the rays of energy, falling on the inner faces of the Pyramid, will be reflected in them, then we will get some kind of accumulation of internal energy, similar to the concentration of energy in a laser.

- If you take the image of a pyramid from ancient manuscripts, then it is depicted by the letter L - delta, as it is similar to the first letter A in all the alphabets of the world.

- The symbol of the delta, HA - in the YOGA of the ancient Hindus, symbolizes the masculine principle, a conductor of positive energy, symbolizes the Moon.

- Two triangles (deltas with the top up and deltas with the top down) superimposed on each other symbolize HATHA (sign of Vishnu) harmony, balance.

Star of Solomon, Solomon's Seal, Sri Antra Brahmins, six directions of space, a symbol of the fusion of pure spirit and matter. Are these symbols echoes of secret prehistoric knowledge, past civilizations of the Neolithic era, matriarchy and patriarchy.

- The very first and main pose of yogis, the “LOTOS” pose, resembles, first of all, the Pyramid.

- From the pyramid you can add five PLATONIC BODIES.

- Perspective and everything that we perceive visually is based on the principles of pyramidality.

- If you join the tops of the pyramids, you will get a symbolic “Clock of Time”, which, after some time, must be turned over and in a new way, time, as it were, begins to run, well, isn’t it allegorical in relation to the repetition of everything and everything in the world, at certain intervals of time?

- The eye arranged in a pyramid is an echo of the symbolism of the God of the Sun-Ra, in Ancient Egypt, in the Christian religion.

- In meditation, there is a symbol of energy concentration, when the fingers are crossed in the form of a triangle-pyramid.

- According to the ideas of the Ancients (according to Blavatsky H.P.), people belong to the fifth race, which is like the top of the four previous races - the foundations:

1 race - Giants (from another star of Sirius or the planet Mars).

2 race - A mixture with earthly creatures.

3 race - Hermaphrodites are bisexual.

4 race - Atlantis (inhabitants of Atlantis)

5th race - our humanity.

6 race - i.e. the top of the pyramid, it will supposedly be radically opposite to the Human race - it will be technotronic, where biorobots will be in the foreground, with their own new criteria.

7th race - i.e. a pyramidal crystal consisting of two pyramids docked at the bases is the most important symbol explaining the entire principle of the Universe. This is the final phase of Civilizations, after it everything must start over, i.e. first turning into NOTHING, and then from NOTHING and will appear.

- According to the ancient Mysteries - repositories of ancient knowledge, the motto of the ancient sages - Adepts, occultists is: "As from above, then from below." The ancestor of the occultists was HERMES - the Egyptian God, thrice great, who transmitted secret knowledge priests, through the art of Magic. The symbol of his teaching was TRANSMEGIST - a crystal resembling an OCTAHEDR (two pyramids docked at the bases).

- The crystal lattice of DIAMOND, the hardest crystal on earth, even in degrees of inclination of the faces is completely similar to the pyramidal crystal of two pyramids.

- During the floods of the Nile, thousands of years ago, the dazzlingly bright Pyramids were reflected in the sky-blue water, and each of them was an image of a double mountain symbolizing: a reflection of the upper world, where the Pyramids directed, in the lower one. And when the Nile changed its course, artificial lakes were created around the Pyramids for a long time, performing the same function of a mirror. If we imagine the truncated top of the Pyramid as an emitter of informational energy accumulated inside, then it is obvious that the Pyramid looks like a segment concentrating the reflected energy from the "thicket" - a plate - a lake around the Pyramid, focusing it in space. Something like a hyperbolic antenna. Nostradamus wrote that the mirror (just like the Mages) is one of the main Attributes (along with the tripod, also a kind of Pyramid) of Magic, with the help of which he traveled in time and space. Those. it can be assumed that the pyramids were stations for travelers - priests - aliens, in the past, present and future.

- In ancient times, dualism was displayed in all cultures, this is especially noticeable in the pyramidal crystal, where the pyramid with its top up symbolizes good, and down - evil. For all peoples, a tree was considered a symbol of duality - called the "WORLD TREE", remember the Christmas tree for the New Year, doesn't it resemble the Pyramid? Man, animal plant, etc. everything is dual. It's like a worldwide insurance code, a duplication of the same thing. In Biochemistry, this phenomenon is called CHIRALITY (like a reflection in a mirror where left changes to right). Water molecules can be represented as a bipyramid (a pyramidal crystal, where important corner points, the corners of the base of the pyramids, correspond to the atoms of only four elements):

1-H-hydrogen 2-C-carbon 3-O-oxygen 4-Ni-nitrogen

– The Maya depicted double worlds with the help of two stepped Pyramids connected by bases:


(daytime sun)


home of the gods



dwelling of the dead


(night sun)

- The ancient civilization of the Egyptians distinguished between the worlds of the gods and the dead, surrounding the world of the living. And just like Maya, they proved the duality and unity of the worlds with the help of the Sun:



Heavenly world of light


Realm of the dead, world of darkness



- A pile (like a pyramid), made of stone, tsebnya, is capable of producing water from the air, even in the desert, i.e. In contact with stones, the vapor cools, condenses and turns into a liquid. Drops are formed flowing down, giving rise to a water skating rink. Even Herodotus wrote about two Pyramids standing waist-deep in water, which were about 180 m high?

- It is known from crystallography that any crystal tends to energy balance, i.e. any unfinished form of a crystal sooner or later self-repairs. If we consider the pyramid, then the side faces in area more ground, in order to restore symmetry, it needs to “grow” down another pyramid, i.e. the form from open should become closed, but this will be a bipyramid (pyramidal crystal0.

- In the cards of a tambourine - a rhombus means WISDOM, respectively: Pike-POWER (arrow-target), WORMS (symbol of love, heart), CROSSBOW (symbol of faith, shamrock, Christianity).

- Pyramids, as later in the church, were not built anywhere. They were located above deep faults earth's crust. It is over these places that anomalous zones are most often encountered, UFOs appear, and some miraculous phenomena appear. The Great Pyramids are located in the zone of the grandiose East African Rift, which gave rise to the Red and Dead Seas, as well as the Nile River, the largest in the world.

- A pyramid is a large copy of a certain crystal, like any crystal it has its own closed energy grid, if it is broken, then energy will be released, maybe that's why the crystal of the pyramids was made unfinished (top) and the crystal became an antenna for ejection or absorption of energy. To which the ancients added the energy of human emotions, reason, prayers, which, in the whirlwind flow of Nature and the thoughts of a person, a people, mix and, as it were, create a common unison. Here you have the Magic of the relationship between NATURE and MAN. Pyramids are some kind of psychotronic generators, where the energy of the Pyramid affects a person at the level of consciousness and those biological processes occurring in his body at the cellular level.

- Pyramids are "TIME MACHINES", where time slows down - top up and accelerates - top down. Of natural formations, the largest time machine is the Earth itself. In its northern hemisphere, as in a pyramid with the top up, time slows down, and in southern hemisphere- is accelerating. For this reason, the main part of the continental massifs is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and depressions filled with water are concentrated in the southern hemisphere.

I think, dear reader, the above facts have interested you, but this is only the beginning of an amazing journey into the WORLD OF PYRAMIDALITY. In subsequent chapters, we will consider the pyramidality of the World and the Universe, the pyramidality of Philosophy and Truth, the pyramidality of Politics and Economics, the pyramidality of Nature and Man, the pyramidality of Will and Success.


Video archive on the topic of the secret Egyptian pyramids

Selected Egyptian Pyramid Exploration Videos

Pyramid Revelations. Research that changed the world!

The Forbidden Past of Mankind

Detailed study of the pyramid of Cheops

Mystery of the Egyptian pyramids

Secret territories #57: PYRAMIDS. HERITAGE OF THE GODS.

The mystery of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids is revealed! Video on RuTube

Seven Wonders of the World

Forbidden History Topics: The Secrets of the Seven Pyramids (Episode 1)

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The power of the Pyramid and its possibilities...

Pyramids. funnel of time

The whole truth about UFOs: The pyramids were built by aliens.

Secrets of the Pyramids, Pyramids America, Egypt, China, Mexico, Russia

Mummies of white blue-eyed giants and pyramids in China