Exercises for the development of speech in 2-year-old children. How to develop adult speech with exercises

A child’s speech is an indicator of his mental development. The more clearly and accurately he pronounces syllables and words, the faster those around him respond to his requests. Active lexicon helps to better understand the world, quickly assimilate social norms, develop memory and thinking. Psychologists do not recommend leaving this process to chance: parents should help the child master speech skills. Initially, children learn to speak by imitation. But if you work on the development of speech in children from 1 to 2 years old, the process can be significantly accelerated.

Speech development is an important milestone in the mental development of children 1-2 years old. It is important for parents to help children master speech skills by creating favorable conditions for the development of the child.

Norms of speech development in children 1-2 years old

For a child of 1 year of age, it is typical to master the following skills:

  • repetition of open syllables. For example, a 1-year-old child cannot pronounce the word “no,” but reproduces it as “ne.” Or he says “yes”, “that”, etc.;
  • ability to repeat sounds and syllables: pronounces sounds characteristic of animals - “av-av”, “mau”, “ko-ko”;
  • expresses emotions with intonation;
  • denotes objects and actions with syllables;
  • perceives the names of objects, can point to them, understand what adults are talking about.

It is important not only what and how children 1-2 years old pronounce, but also the ability to remember the names of objects and their purpose.

What does speech development depend on?

The development of a child’s speech depends on many factors: characteristics physical development, emotional connection with parents.

The development of a child’s speech depends on 4 factors, including anatomical, physiological, emotional and social components:

  1. Emotional connection with parents: for children early age The presence of mother and father, grandparents, is important. Security, predictability, understanding and respect for needs are all favorable conditions for general development, including a conversational component.
  2. Satisfying the need to communicate with parents. First, nonverbal communication skills are formed - facial expressions, gestures, body movements, and then comes verbalization. Therefore, not only games are important for the development of speech - an emotional response to crying, fun, hugs, addressing the baby, calling him by name - all these are prerequisites for the child to begin learning to speak at 1 year.
  3. . There is a direct connection between the development of the speech centers of the brain and fine motor skills of the hands. Knowing this physiological feature, you can start the development of conversational skills through finger games and tactile palm analyzers.
  4. Formation of the speech apparatus: the correct anatomical structure of the tongue, palate, larynx and vocal cords are important prerequisites for the development of speech in children of the first years of life. Sometimes the delay in speaking skills is associated with incorrect positioning of the frenulum of the tongue: it is larger than necessary, and it does not reach the palate. In such cases, an incision of the frenulum is made under stationary conditions. The development of the circular muscles of the mouth and cheeks is also taken into account. With one-year-old children, you need to do more than just repeat sounds - it is important to teach how to drink from a straw, blow soap bubbles and rubber balls.

Only harmonious combination These four components guarantee the timely development of speech in children from 1 to 2 years old. Therefore, classes should include a complex different games taking into account the characteristics of a baby one year and older.

How to develop a child's speech

When developing a child’s speech, it is important to take into account his age characteristics, as well as the individual psychological factors that influence him.

Before starting to develop speech in a child aged 1 year, parents must take into account 3 important rules:

  • exercises must be selected so that they correspond age characteristics And mental development each baby individually. One child at 1 year and 10 months may not be able to do what is easy for another at 1 year and 5 months. Complex games will only do harm: the baby will lose interest in them or, even worse, will then resist everything related to such tasks;
  • taking into account the zone of proximal development: we teach to speak one- and two-syllable words after the baby has begun to pronounce closed and open syllables. We move on to phrases after learning to denote an object or action in words. A common mistake parents make is to maintain a conversation with syllables when simple words are not yet possible;
  • understanding the mental characteristics of children between one and three years: unstable attention lasting up to 10 minutes is normal for children of this age. Neural connections are just being formed in the brain, and overload with educational games will lead to undesirable consequences. This can be either a headache, which the baby cannot yet talk about, but expresses it by crying, or a persistent rejection of developmental activities. Five to ten minutes is how long a developmental exercise should last according to age.

It is important for parents to remember that all children have different rates of development and the goal should not be for a child to speak in phrases at one and a half years old, but to systematically master speaking skills.

Not every mother has the opportunity to systematically prepare for classes, learn jokes, and learn finger games. Training that combines both prepared exercises and those that occur naturally for a child at 1 year and 3 months or at 2 years will be effective.

Daily Exercises: 6 Simple Exercises

Daily simple exercises will help your child actively develop speech skills. It is enough to devote 15-20 minutes a day to classes.

  1. Teach your child to express emotions with sounds: surprised “oh” and “wow”, dissatisfied “ah-ya-yay”, disappointed “eh” - all this will help him intuitively understand the function of speech.
  2. Sing together or practice adjusting your voice pitch in another way. If your baby imitates well, you can make calls to each other during household chores, constantly raising the pitch of the sound afterwards. He will quickly grasp the meaning of the game. This is especially interesting for children while playing with hair or when adults are in another room. The baby will understand that the pitch of the sound indicates desire, distance.
  3. Say the names of objects, but only when they are in the field children's attention. Until two or three years old, children understand what they are talking about if they see them - visual and effective thinking. During feeding, we talk about a plate, a spoon, and name what the child is pointing at. When bathing, we list what the little one plays with. It is also important to communicate with a one and a half year old child about what is to come: the ritual of going to bed is called “sleep”, dressing for a walk on the street is called “walking”.
  4. Ask to blow on a toy spinner with blades, offer to blow up a dandelion. Also, let's drink from a straw more often - this helps develop the articulatory apparatus. Please note that there is a difference between drinking through a pacifier and a straw: in the first case, the baby does not need to work with his lips and cheeks to make the liquid flow - it flows by gravity. But drinking juice through a straw is more difficult - you need to suck it in. This is why specialists breastfeeding they say that children on breastfeeding begin to speak earlier - the muscles of the lips and cheeks are prepared and the skill of putting the tongue to the roof of the mouth has been developed.
  5. Offer objects with different textures for play: wet and dry cereals, wet Stuffed Toys, bulk materials (under supervision). It is especially interesting for children to pick out interesting items from the sorter.
  6. Encourage play with older children. Observe how they communicate with each other: the speech of a 1-year-old child does not yet allow him to express something understandable to a 3-year-old child, so the second provokes the first to search different forms expressions of what is desired. Playing children can be offered fun activities to interact with: jointly building a pyramid, making Easter cakes, taking turns rolling a car.

What is important for parents is not so much the knowledge of how to teach a child to speak in terms of methodology, but rather the desire. Over 3-5 months, the development of speaking skills will advance only with an approach based on a careful and patient attitude towards the baby’s mistakes and trials.

Games to develop speaking skills

Use speech therapy exercises and games aimed at developing speech skills.

There are many speech therapy studies on how to develop a child’s speech in the period of 1-2 years. Here are a few of the most accessible ones:

  • For children from 1 year to 1 and 3 months: games with toys in the form of animals. Offer to feed them, but first the animal, for example, a dog, must ask to eat - “av-av”, etc. During this period, it is important that the baby actively imitates - repeats sounds and syllables.
  • For babies from 1 year and 3 months to 1 year and 6 months: games of building towers, rolling cars, loading the body. You need to name objects and actions. This will help your baby learn to distinguish processes from names.
  • Children from one and a half to two years old, for example, at 1 year and 10 months, need to expand their vocabulary: explain the objects in the picture, and then ask them to find the same one among the toys or in the room.

Before you teach a child to speak, you need to determine his level of understanding. If a conceptual component has been formed - it knows the meaning of words, but does not say them, then the parent’s task is to encourage speaking. To do this, it is not necessary to delve into psychology and speech therapy: observation and close contact with the baby - The best way understand your child.

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Comprehension oratory- a difficult and painstaking process. Since ancient times, people have sought to learn the art of speaking in front of a crowd. Centuries later, we still want to capture the audience's attention, although now we use modern methods.

website carefully selected several effective practices from Elvira Sarabyan’s book “Learn to speak so that you are heard.”

1. Articulation of sounds “Ш - Ж”

  • Ball is heat, yours is important, a joke is creepy, wide is fat, to live is to sew.
  • The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, spinning. The leather reins fit into the collar.

2. Articulation of sounds “K - G, X”

  • Swing - gazelle, count - goal, bone - guest, code - year, whip - bend, club - stupid, Kesha - Gesha.
  • A slanting goat walks with a goat. The crab made a rake for the crab, gave the rake to the crab: rake the gravel, crab!

3. Practicing the sound “C”

  • Heron - saber, click - juice, goal - mudflow, color - light, circus - cheese, street - fox.
  • Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself. The heron wasted away, the heron was drying up.

4. Say first slowly, then faster:

Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, ktsch, kzhda, kzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, kshte, kshtu, kshto.

5. Say first slowly, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, cheer up, transplantation, supersonic, disheveled, counter-breakthrough, point of explosion, Protestantism, excite, over-anxious, get into the barrel, department, fire hose, orbit, philosophize, monster, much to snore.

6. Training the pronunciation of consonants:

  • To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to tours, to Gala, to Katya, to Kyiv, to the end, to the city, distant, to get involved, to give, to kindle, an outlet, to live out, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, to restore, to confirm, push away.
  • Top - up, leading - introduction, push - push away, hold - support, drag - pull away, water - introduction, litter - quarrel.

7. Practicing combinations of sounds in the form of a game:

  • Hammer the nails: Gbdu! Gbdo! Gbde! Gbdy! Gbda! Gbdi! Gbde!
  • Imitate a horse's stomp: Bird! Ptko! Bird! Birds! Ptke! Birds!
  • Throw imaginary plates to your partner: Kchku! Kchko! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

8. Say the phrases first slowly, then quickly:

At that hour a blackbird was singing here. There was hail here that year. The oak was old. Everyone loved Peter. Instantly the club is full. The moss hid the mushroom. Grandfather has become old. Your guest took the cane. Wave splash - sparkle splash! Jump a hundred miles.

9. Practicing sounds:

  • Buy a pile of peaks, buy a pile of peaks. Buy a pile of fluff, buy a pile of fluff.
  • A sorcerer was doing magic in a stable with the wise men.
  • Rhododendrons from the arboretum were given by parents.
  • Brit Klim is brother, Brit Gleb is brother, brother Ignat is bearded.
  • Karl put onions on the chest, Klara stole onions from the chest.
  • The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; a bell is poured out, but not in a bell-like manner. The bell needs to be re-capped, re-caulked, the bell needs to be re-bellied, re-bellied.
  • The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.
  • The nervous constitutionalist was found assimilated in Constantinople.
  • A quarter of a pea without a wormhole.
  • Jasper in suede became mossy.

10. Repeat slowly and then quickly difficult words:

  • (H, w) - to the person who used it
  • (K) - small-caliber
  • (P, v) - publish
  • (P, p) - indirect subsidizing
  • (P, t, s) - territorial integrity
  • (R, t) - illustrated
  • (P, v) - reverb
  • (S, f) - means
  • (H, v) - four hundred dollar
  • (H, f, r) - phantasmagorical

Now many mothers are working with their babies to develop motor skills, memory, attention, and perception. But many people forget about speech. The proposed complex is universal: it will help children who do not have speech problems develop beautiful, clear speech. And for those who have problems with sound pronunciation, exercises will help them speak correctly faster. The exercises are not at all difficult, you just need to familiarize yourself with them in advance and figure out how to motivate your baby. Perhaps these will be corresponding pictures or a fairy tale made up on the fly.

The first five exercises make up a complex of articulatory gymnastics; they are best performed sequentially one after another, 3-5 times each. At first, it is advisable to do this in front of a mirror so that the baby can control and evaluate himself.

1. Exercise “Window”

Open your mouth wide and hold it in this position until the count of 5. Close your mouth.

2. Exercise “Fence”

Part your lips in a smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of 5.

3. Exercise “Clock”

Smile, open your mouth, move your tongue either to the left or to the right corner of your mouth.

4. Exercise “Knead the dough”

Smile, open your mouth, slap your tongue with your lips, saying: “five-five-five.” Then bite your tongue with your teeth, saying: “ta-ta-ta.”

5. Exercise “Horse”

Smile, open your mouth wide, click your tongue loudly, as if imitating the clopping of a horse’s hooves.

The following five exercises help develop vocal strength, speech breathing and phonemic awareness (necessary for distinguishing sounds and correctly perceiving the speech of other people by ear). After performing articulatory gymnastics, you can choose one of these exercises, or several, and play.

6. Game "Echo"

Stand with your child facing each other. Throw him a ball and say a combination of vowel sounds loudly. For example: “ay”, “ua”, “io”, etc. The child’s task is to catch the ball and repeat the same combination, only quietly. Then you need to change with the baby. He pronounces the syllables loudly, and you pronounce them quietly.

7. Game "Steamboat"

Invite your child to honk like a big steamer, then like a small steamer. Like a steamship that sails far and near. At the same time, say “doo-doo” with to varying degrees volume and strength of voice.

8. Clap When You Hear It Game

Goal: development phonemic hearing, the ability to clearly perceive what is heard and differentiate sounds that are similar in sound.

We explain to the child that he will have to clap his hands when he hears a certain sound. For example: the sound "m". Then the adult pronounces a series of sounds, where “m” alternates with others. For example: “m”, “v”, “n”, “l”, etc. And monitors the correct completion of the task by the child. In the future, you can complicate this exercise and learn to isolate the desired sound, first in syllables, and then in words.

9. Game "Football"

Goal: development of speech breathing.

On the table we construct from improvised means ( matchboxes, children's cubes) similarity football goal. We roll several small balls out of cotton wool - these will be balls. We invite the child to blow on the ball and score goals into the goal. At the same time, make sure that when exhaling he does not inflate his cheeks.

10. Proverbs, pure sayings, tongue twisters

Just pick the ones you like, practice them with your child and repeat them periodically. Their role in speech development is very great. It is not for nothing that actors, announcers, and TV presenters constantly practice the art of speaking tongue twisters.

To diversify speech games, to make them more rich and interesting, I recommend purchasing special manuals. IN Lately They are produced in large quantities and you can choose the one that you like and suits you.
For example:
– “Lessons of a speech therapist” Kosinova E.M.;
– “Album on speech development for the little ones. Learning to speak beautifully and correctly” Novikovskaya O.A.;
– “Album on speech development for the little ones” Batyaeva S.V.;
– “Album on speech development” by V.S. Volodin;
– “Speech therapy games for children” Gavrilova A.S., Shanina S.A., Rashchupkina S.Yu.

Ekaterina Petunina

Clear and correct speech is an important component for the formation of a full-fledged personality. After all, a man with a wonderful developed speech is not afraid of communication, and also expresses his own thoughts and desires clearly for the people around him. Fuzzy speech often causes a person to develop a large number of complexes and complicates the process of communication and its self-realization.

It should be noted that correct speech of a preschooler is main indicator his readiness to learn At school. If a child has certain speech defects, then in the future this can lead to academic failure, problems communicating with peers and the formation of insecurity. own strength. Thus, modern parents should start off take care of speech development your child from a very early age. Speech therapists and speech pathologists warn parents that speech impairments in a child will not disappear spontaneously as he grows and develops. If you have identified a delay in speech development or a speech defect in your child, you should immediately seek help from specialists. Indeed, over time, these speech problems can worsen and turn into persistent disorders.

Of particular importance for the development of a child’s speech is communication with parents and joint systematic activities with them. For speech development classes to be effective, parents must know the main stages of child speech development.

Stages of speech development in a preschooler

Experts note the following stages of speech development in preschool children:

  1. 3-4 years. In this age range, the baby names the shape, color, size and quality of the object. Uses generalizing words: furniture, clothes, tools, vegetables, etc. While looking at a picture or object, he answers the adult’s questions in monosyllables. Can, together with parents, make up 3-4 descriptive sentences based on the illustration. The baby actively retells his favorite fairy tales.
  2. 4-5 years. In the process of communication, the child uses adjectives that denote the properties of objects, verbs that characterize labor actions, as well as nouns. He can easily navigate the location of objects, the time of day, and also perfectly describes the mood of people. During this period, the baby improves communication skills through dialogue, and also actively asks and answers questions. The child already knows how to retell short stories and compose story picture short stories.
  3. 5-6 years. Children in this age range use all parts of speech in the correct form and with exact meaning. In addition, the child coherently and consistently retells literary works small volumes, and also composes small stories on his own. Can easily communicate with adults, asking questions on the topic and answering them correctly.
  4. 6-7 years. This age period is characterized by a rich vocabulary, as well as the use of antonyms and synonyms in the process of communication. The child develops a culture of verbal communication. He can independently and expressively convey the content of the piece he heard. In addition, the child can easily compose a coherent story of a creative nature from a picture or a series of pictures.

It should be noted that these stages speech development are conditional and are not taken into account individual characteristics every baby.

If you have identified certain speech formation problems in your child, then systematic classes will help correct the situation.

Activities for the development of speech in preschoolers: game

Every parent must be sure to find time for your child and V easy game form conduct short classes for speech development. Teachers recommend pursuing the following goals during the lesson:

  • form and replenish the child’s vocabulary, develop his logical thinking;
  • help master the skills of coherent speech and teach how to build sentences;
  • correct the sound side of speech in close connection with development sound analysis words and the formation of phonemic hearing.

It is best to carry out activities with a child in a playful way.

We offer options for games with your baby that will help develop your child’s speech more actively:

Games with different words

This selection of entertaining games will help your child develop speech, teach him to compare and analyze, and will also contribute to the development of attention and memory. In addition, in the future the baby will be able to independently describe and characterize external signs various items.

“Choosing adjectives”

This game is very popular among children, regardless of age category. The essence of the game is that parents show the child a toy or picture, and he must name maximum amount signs characterizing this object. For example, “fox” is red, cunning, fast, beautiful, etc. It is recommended to complicate the game over time. The child must match the original adjective with actual nouns. For example: “red” - tomato, poppy, rose, apple, etc.

"Who's doing what"

This game helps to enrich your vocabulary with verbs. For the lesson you need to prepare thematic cards. Next, the parent shows the child the card and asks the question: “What can you do with it?” or “Why is this necessary?” It is recommended to complicate the game over time by adding facial expressions and gestures. For example. Children must name the type of activity based on certain actions of an adult.

"Object and its actions"

The game promotes the intensive development of the child’s speech. Its meaning is that the baby is asked to identify objects that perform certain actions. For example: “What and who flies?” - bird, plane, fly, snowflake, fluff, etc.

Games on the theme: “What is it like”

This category of games is effective method speech development in children of any age category. At the initial stage, the lesson will require certain playing materials: dummies of vegetables, a shell, a pine cone, a piece of fabric, a piece of fur, etc.

d. In the future, only words can be used for the game. The rules of the game are that the child answers questions, justifying his own answer. For example: “What does a dry leaf or piece of fur look like?” Next, parents ask additional questions: “Why?”, “With what?”. Variations of this game a large number of. Let's look at the most popular of them.

"Letters and numbers"

This game wonderfully develops speech, imaginative thinking, imagination and the ability to concentrate attention on the necessary object. For this lesson you will need images of letters and numbers, which are on separate large sheets of paper. The child is asked to first look at one letter or number, and then name the objects and phenomena that these images resemble. In addition, the baby can draw his own associations or come up with a story about the object he saw. Further, the number of children's associations per object should gradually increase.

“Complete the picture”

The meaning of this game is as follows: the child is asked to look at some unfinished drawing drawn on a landscape sheet. geometric figure and ask you to complete the drawing at your own discretion necessary elements to the figure. In the next lesson, you can increase the number of shapes or lines in the drawing.

"Give your reasons"

This game is used in classes for speech development with preschoolers aged 5-7 years. For the lesson you will need subject cards of various subjects. It is best to play this game with a small group of children. The presenter selects one subject card and, without showing it to anyone, examines the image. Next, the child asks the game participants a series of questions: “What does it look like?”, “What color is it?” etc. Each child must offer their own answer. After this, the presenter opens the inverted image and invites the players to “defend” their versions with the help of arguments.

This game wonderfully develops speech, and also develops the ability to correctly construct sentences, draw conclusions, and teaches the skills to prove one’s own point of view with the help of specific facts.

Game on the theme: “Who is where from where”

This game effectively develops a child’s speech skills, teaches how to identify relationships and general patterns between objects. To do this, you need to prepare thematic cards and familiarize the child with them. For example, if you show your child pictures of animals, then pay attention to their external characteristics, habitat and the ability to adapt to it. Birds use wings, fish use fins, etc.

A lesson for speech development is carried out as follows: the child is shown images of the sea and forest; for these habitats, he needs to select and distribute pictures with various animals, justifying his own actions. Next, show the child a part of an animal: tail, paws, ears, and invite him to identify this animal and its habitat.

After the arguments, the child is shown a complete picture of this animal, and he formulates a conclusion about the correctness of his own arguments.

Game on the theme “Avalanche of words”

“I put in the basket...”

The adult begins the game with the following phrase: “I put a pear in the basket.” The kid repeats this sentence and adds his own version: “I put a pear and a peach in the basket.” The next player adds his own variation, repeating the previous phrase.

For older children, it is recommended to add words starting with the same letter: “I put pineapple, apricot, avocado in the basket...”. In addition, you can play by keeping the sequence of letters in the alphabet: “I put an orange, an eggplant, a grape in the basket...”. For clarity, there should be a poster in front of the child with images of the letters of the alphabet.

"Endless story"

This game is aimed not only at remembering words and their sequence, But and maintaining the meaning of the sentence. Any word is selected for the game and other words are added to it, which form short story. New words can be placed in any part of the sentence. For example: choose the word - flower. One child comes up with the beginning of a story - a flower has grown. Another child continues - a flower grew in the clearing. The third baby - grew up in a clearing beautiful flower etc.

All activities for speech development, which are conducted in a playful way, are varied and creative in nature. Thanks to games, a child’s speech culture is formed, speech activity and communication skills are stimulated.

The baby also learns to pronounce words correctly and clearly place emphasis on them.

In order for classes for the development of speech in preschoolers to be effective and bring maximum benefit, parents must monitor the child’s mood, not suppress his emotions and take into account his speech capabilities. Adults should not think that after a few games the baby will begin to use the correct forms of words at the morphological, syntactic and grammatical level in the process of communication. This process is gradual and requires some time.

Activities for the development of speech in preschoolers: tongue twisters, children's poems, riddles

For development, activation of the speech apparatus child and getting rid of “porridge in the mouth” is recommended in classes pronounce tongue twisters. Parents should initially read the tongue twister to the child slowly and pronounce each sound clearly. Next, offer to say it with you, and then ask them to tell the tongue twister on their own.

Don't scold your child if he doesn't succeed. Turn your lesson into an exciting game so that your child wants to repeat the tongue twister many times. Opt for simple, short and easy-to-pronounce tongue twisters.

For example: Our bear has big cones in his bag or the Gray cat is sitting on the window. Over time, you can learn tongue twisters that are more difficult to pronounce.

In addition, to develop speech, read children's poems and riddles to your child more often, which broaden his horizons and help develop thinking, attention, and memory.

Classes for the development of speech in preschoolers: breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics

One of the main conditions beautiful and correct speech from a person is a relaxed articulation with a smooth, long exhalation. In children with various speech defects, breathing is arrhythmic and shallow. Speech therapists recommend parents fulfill with the child systematically simple breathing exercises, which will contribute to the formation of a long exhalation and, as a result, the correct development of speech.

For example, you can do exercise "Snowfall". To do this, you need to roll up small lumps of cotton wool and place them on the child’s palm. Next, invite your child to blow the cotton wool off his palm like a snowflake. Then place a ball of cotton wool under your child's nose and ask him to blow upward.

For development correct breathing perfect exercise “Storm in a teacup”. To do this, prepare a glass of water and a straw for cocktails. The child should place one end of the tube in the center of the wide part of the tongue, and the other end in a glass of water. Then the baby begins to blow through the tube, making a real storm. Parents need to supervise this process so that the child’s cheeks do not puff out and the lips remain motionless.

It should be noted that the author breathing exercises is a famous teacher and vocalist A.N. Strelnikova. Her original technique not only restores breathing, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.

Also popular for speech development in preschoolers articulatory gymnastics aimed at main muscular organ of speech - tongue. Gymnastics for the tongue is simply necessary, since promotes formation correct sound pronunciation. After all, defects in sound pronunciation violate emotional and mental the child’s balance, and also negatively affect full communication with peers.

Articulation gymnastics performed in front of a mirror so that the child can see the movements own language. The duration of the lesson should not be longer 10 minutes a day. However, do not ask your child to do a large number of exercises at once. Suitable for one lesson 2-3 exercises. Don't be upset if your child fails to repeat the exercise after you. Be calm, consistent and patient with your baby and he will definitely succeed. Do articulation exercises in a playful way.

Positive emotions from the lesson will help the child learn new exercises faster.

Speech therapists and teachers use to develop speech in preschoolers finger gymnastics , promoting active development fine motor skills hands And, respectively, speeches The child has. The essence of this gymnastics is that a child with his parents recites short poems, accompanying their specific finger movements. These exercises are important for the child, as they improve the coordinated functioning of speech centers, promote the development of attention, memory and imagination, and also increase the flexibility of the fingers.

Thus, modern speech therapy and pedagogy offer parents a wide selection of varied activities for speech development preschoolers. Play with your child systematically, do not criticize him for incorrect answers, and be sure to support him on an emotional level.