Bite by a bumblebee, what to do with the location of the bite. What to do if bitten by a bumblebee: useful tips

When a bumblebee bites, poison is injected into the human body through a hollow sting. This causes itching, burning, and pain in the affected area. Many people experience serious complications in the form of allergic or toxicological reactions. Therefore, first aid must be provided. What to do after a bite?

Classification of insects: which bumblebee can bite

The bumblebee is a profusely hairy and large bee. In Europe, there are 53 species of insects, which differ from each other in color and size. In addition, they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Queens.
  2. Working insects.
  3. Drones.

Only a queen or a working bumblebee can sting. But these insects use their sting only for self-defense.

The most common types of European bumblebees are the following:

  1. Earthy. The largest bumblebee (up to 28 mm in length), the body is dominated by yellow with transverse stripes. The apex of the abdomen is white.
  2. Purple carpenter bumblebee. The length reaches up to 30 mm, the body is black and blue. The head and chest have a metallic sheen.
  3. Stone. It reaches 27 mm in length, the body is covered with black hairs. The tip of the abdomen is red.
  4. Garden. Its length is from 16 to 24 mm. The body has alternating areas of white, black and yellow flowers.

Common species: purple carpenter bumblebee, ground bumblebee, stone bumblebee, garden bumblebee - photo gallery

The body of the stone bumblebee is covered with black hairs
The garden bumblebee has areas of white, black and yellow on its body.
Zemlyanoy is the largest bumblebee
The purple carpenter bumblebee has a black and blue body.

Why are bites dangerous, including during pregnancy?

When bitten, poison is injected into the human body. In addition to itching, burning, swelling and redness, severe allergies or anaphylactic shock may occur, which in some cases can be fatal.

Numerous bites that occur simultaneously or in a short period of time are especially dangerous. accumulated in large volume poison, leads to disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Bumblebee bites are especially dangerous for the fair sex during pregnancy and lactation. In the body of a woman carrying a child, some changes occur that increase susceptibility to the effects of various irritants. Also, the bites of these insects can have unpleasant consequences for people taking certain medications (from the list of beta blockers).

If a person stung by an insect already has a certain type of allergy, then the possibility of developing a negative reaction increases significantly. Very often children suffer from this, since they the immune system not yet strong enough.

Bite to the head, arm, leg, lips and other parts of the body

When bitten in the area of ​​the cheeks, ear, neck, nose, eyes, as well as lips or tongue, the proper functioning of these organs is disrupted. A complication arises in the form of severe swelling, possibly even suffocation, in which it is often necessary to cut the front wall of the throat.

A bite of the limbs is considered the most harmless if the poison does not enter the bloodstream.

Symptoms: pain, itching, swelling, skin rash and others

The local reaction manifests itself within the first minutes in the form of burning, itching and pain. Next, swelling occurs and the skin begins to redden.

Such bite symptoms do not require specific therapy and disappear within 2–4 days. An allergic reaction develops within a few minutes, but passes within a few hours. Depending on the intensity, the following appear:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness of the whole body.
  2. Difficulty breathing, chills, increased heart rate.
  3. Skin rashes.
  4. Temperature increase.

Joint pain and cramps, as well as loss of consciousness, signal the onset of anaphylactic shock, requiring urgent hospitalization.

Signs of toxic poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • weakness;
  • loose stool.

These symptoms appear only with multiple bites.

Providing first aid: do you need to remove the sting, how to treat it and how to numb the bite site

To prevent serious complications, it is important to provide first aid to the victim. You need to do the following:

If the emergency measures taken do not improve the person’s condition, then a doctor should be called.

If a child under 3 years of age was injured and the bite was in the face or throat, swelling and difficulty breathing may occur. Only a specialist must provide assistance to the victim.

What not to do with a bumblebee bite: harm from alcoholic drinks, hot baths, sleeping pills

  • combing and rubbing the bite site can infect the wound and spread the poison to all tissues of the body;
  • drink alcohol to neutralize the poison, and also take hot baths. These actions contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which will significantly speed up the process of spreading poison throughout the body;
  • Cool the bite site with water from a pond and rub with earth. This can lead to infection;
  • take sleeping pills, which only increase the toxic effects of the poison.

How to treat insect bites: home and pharmacy remedies

In most cases, bumblebee bites can be safely cured on your own using recipes from traditional healers. Compresses from:

  1. Crushed fresh plantain leaves, which are applied to the problem area every 2 hours. Dandelion leaves will also work.
  2. Onion pulp or its juice.
  3. Vodka, lemon juice.
  4. Slices of raw potatoes, apples, tomatoes.
  5. Frozen milk cubes, which can only be applied for 10 minutes.

You can use antiallergic ointments:

  1. Psilo-balm quickly eliminates redness, swelling and skin itching.
  2. Vitaon relieves itching, pain, inflammation, and is also used for lotions.
  3. Gold Star (ointment) is highly effective both in repelling insects and in treating their bites. Quickly relieves itching and eliminates inflammation.

It happens that even with competent assistance, the next day there remains discomfort, swelling, and health worsens. In this case, you must contact a medical facility.

Homeopathy to eliminate the consequences of a bite

When treating bites, they resort to homeopathy. Relieves discomfort Apis, which is designed to reduce the reaction to poison, eliminate blisters and sharp pain. It is taken orally, but drops can be used to treat bite sites. Additionally, it is recommended to use the drug Urtica urens. Ledum will help when the affected tissues turn pale and cold.

Medicinal and folk remedies for the treatment of bites - photo gallery

Plantain is used to relieve itching
Grated potatoes relieve skin swelling and redness
Psilo-balm is an antiallergic drug for topical use.
Golden star quickly relieves inflammation and itching
Vitaon is a wound healing, analgesic (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent

Medical care: when a person needs hospitalization

It is necessary to seek help from specialists under the following circumstances:

If the pain intensifies, chills and swelling do not go away, and pus appears in the area of ​​the bite, then this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body.

Hospitalization will be required for shortness of breath, pain in the chest, wheezing, inability to speak and swallow, and signs of infection. To determine the diagnosis, in addition to a visual examination, a functional test will be carried out. respiratory system and myocardial function.

What to do if you are bitten by an insect - video

Precautionary measures

Bumblebees don't bite people for no reason. These are peaceful insects. They attack only when harm is caused to them, as well as when defending their nest. But for preventive purposes it is advisable:

  • do not walk on the grass without shoes, so as not to step on a bumblebee;
  • You should not use perfume outdoors, its smell attracts insects;
  • do not leave the premises without a hat;
  • When working in the garden, wear long sleeves and gloves;
  • put on the windows Mosquito nets;
  • do not eat sweet fruits on the street near flower beds.

You cannot drive away or catch bumblebees. This will only provoke them to attack. It is better to purchase insect repellent spray when going outdoors.

Every person needs to know how to provide first aid for insect bites. If there are no signs of a severe allergic or toxicological reaction, then you can cope on your own. But if complications occur, immediate hospitalization is required.

Bumblebees generally do not pose a threat to humans. Only a sense of danger can force a bumblebee to bite a person; it can only sting for the purpose of self-defense. The sting with which the bumblebee injects poison, as a rule, does not remain in the skin, since it does not have serrations. A small amount of toxic substance may provoke a specific allergic type reaction. A bumblebee bite is characterized by itching, redness, thickening, and pain on the affected area of ​​the skin. Therefore, it is important to become familiar with how to react correctly and what actions to take to minimize negative consequences in such cases.

Types of bumblebees and their bites

The bumblebee, a member of the Hymenoptera family, is considered a large bee and there are about 50 species in Europe alone. They differ from each other in size, shape, color, and ability to bite. They are divided into 3 groups:

  • Queen Bumble Bees;
  • Working bumblebees;
  • Drones.

Of these three groups, drones are the safest for humans because they do not have a sting. Only female royal or working bumblebees can bite.

The most common European bumblebee species are:

  • Purple bumblebee - has a black color with violet-blue wings. This is one of the most large species insect ethicist They are not aggressive, but the consequences of a blue bumblebee bite can be quite painful.
  • Stone bumblebee. It is distinguished by a scarlet belly against the background of a dark body. Lives between stones in large quantities.
  • Earth bumblebee. It is black in color with yellow hairs on the chest. It has a sting, but only bites when it senses danger. Lives in ground burrows and nests.
  • Garden bumblebee. It is black and yellow in color and lives in trees and stumps. This is the smallest species, the insect's height is about 20 mm.

Does a bumblebee have a sting?

The structure of the bumblebee's body is special in that the sting is present only in females of a certain species. Since the structure of the sting does not allow it to catch on the skin, after a bite the insect cannot leave the sting on the victim’s body.

After the bite has been made, a portion of poison is sprayed from the sting, the components of which can provoke a specific reaction in a person.

Interesting! Since the insect does not lose its sting after an attack, it does not die and continues to lead its usual way of life.

Why is a bumblebee dangerous?

At first glance, an unexpected incident in the form of an insect bite should not cause panic or strong negative consequences. There may be slight redness, thickening, or burning at the site of the bite. This outcome awaits those who do not have a predisposition to allergic reactions. If a person has a tendency to individual intolerance to serotonin (one of the toxic components of the poison), then the consequences can be much more dire. An allergic reaction can cause swelling of the mucous membranes, nausea, dizziness, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

People with weak immune systems (pregnant women, children) are especially at risk. In addition, if the bite of a carpenter bumblebee occurs in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes, or tongue, then the consequences can be extremely dangerous to the health of the victim. After a bite, severe swelling of the mucous membranes appears, and the functioning of the affected areas is disrupted. Severe consequences such as suffocation are extremely rare.

Multiple bites in a short period of time are also dangerous. The concentration of the poison may cause a toxic reaction and adversely affect performance nervous system. The least dangerous thing for a person is a bumblebee bite on the arm or leg, especially if the blood vessels were not affected.

Does a bumblebee sting people and why?

If a person does not intend to harm insects, does not try to destroy their hive or remove the family’s reserves, then there is no need to be afraid of a negative reaction from bumblebees. They will not attack or sting until they sense danger. If it is not possible to avoid the company of these insects, then it is better not to provoke them into self-defense and calmly react to the appearance of a bumblebee in the viewing area.

There are provoking factors and signs that cause fear in representatives of Hymenoptera and may be the reason for their attack. These include strong odors of perfume, alcohol, as well as fast, sudden movements.

Symptoms and appearance of the bite

If a person is bitten by a bumblebee, then the body’s reaction to the external stimulus will not take long to occur. When a bumblebee bites, the sting does not remain in the skin, but the dose of toxic substance received from it still gives the body an alarm signal. By the way the bite site looks, you can determine whether it is an allergic or non-allergic type of reaction. Quite often, a change in the color of the skin occurs in the affected area, a lump appears, which can cause pain and other unpleasant sensations (itching, burning). A non-allergic type reaction may last several days and disappear over time.

If the human body is prone to an allergic reaction to the components of the poison, then the consequences of a bumblebee bite will be of a different nature.

Symptoms of a bite during an allergic reaction:

  • Redness, rash, and blisters all over the body;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Heat.

If a bumblebee stings the eye, head, or lip, then there is severe swelling of the tissues and disruption of the affected organs, which can cause fainting and convulsions.

Complications and consequences

Serious consequences from a one-time bumblebee bite can occur if a person has an individual intolerance to some components of the poisonous substance or a very weak immune system. In this case, after a bumblebee bite, a sharp reaction of the body is observed in a matter of minutes. This may include chills, fever, dizziness, swelling of the whole body, and convulsions.

If there has been repeated administration of a toxic substance to insects over a short period of time, the toxic reaction is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and irregular heart rhythm. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock is possible. Therefore, to avoid serious consequences, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for help.

What to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee - first aid

If a person is bitten by a bumblebee, first aid must be provided immediately, which can be done at home. Moreover, if there is no reaction of an allergic (toxic) type and dangerous areas of the skin have not been touched, then you can do without going to medical institutions.

First aid to be provided for a bumblebee bite:

  • Remove the remaining sting. It should not be entirely in the victim's body, but there are exceptions when its broken part remains on the affected area of ​​​​the skin. In this case, you need to remove it with sterile tweezers.
  • Treat the wound. The bite site is washed with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic to disinfect the wound.
  • Cold compress. Applying cold objects will help relieve the victim of pain and relieve swelling.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. It will help to quickly remove the components of the bumblebee toxic substance from the body.

If a specific allergic type reaction is detected in the victim, then additionally you need to take antiallergic drugs, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Damage to the mucous membranes (mouth, throat, cheeks, neck) can cause breathing problems, including asphyxia. In this case, you should immediately contact the hospital to coordinate further actions with your doctor.

How to treat a bumblebee bite?

Correct and timely treatment for a bumblebee bite reduces the occurrence of complications and helps the body quickly get rid of the toxic substance. The victim can be treated using folk remedies, as well as various medicinal and homeopathic preparations.

To treat the wound, antiseptic agents in the form of alcohol, iodine, and hydrogen peroxide are used. Among the antiallergic medications, Suprastin, Kestin, Erius help well. Local treatment can be prescribed in the form of ointments Fenistil, Levomekol, Advantan, Psilo-balm, gold star. Among homeopathic remedies, the drug Apis Mellifica is used, which relieves the symptoms of a bite and prevents the occurrence of complications.

When is a doctor needed?

If you are bitten by a bumblebee, you should contact a medical facility in the following cases:

  • Repeated administration of bumblebee venom in a short period of time;
  • Insect damage to a person with a weak immune system or prone to allergies;
  • Damage to dangerous areas of the skin (eyes, nose, head, mouth);
  • Complications after a bite in the form of infection in the wound and the formation of pustules.

How to numb the bite site?

To quickly numb the bite site, you need to apply a cold compress to the affected area. If the pain does not subside after time, you can use medications local action in the form of ointments, gels. At home, the effect of the poison can be partially reduced with the juice of sour apples and lemon. Acid helps neutralize the effects of toxic substances.

How to relieve swelling and itching?

To reduce swelling after a bumblebee bite, you need to anoint the wound with hydrocortisone ointment or Advantan, Rescuer, Diprospan. Before removing swelling with medicines, you can try home remedies. In such cases, aloe and cucumber juice are used. Homeopathic medicines Apis and Ledum also help in the fight against swelling and itching from a bumblebee bite.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods in the fight against bumblebee bites are also effective when applied in a timely manner. Compresses from:

  • dandelion or plantain leaves;
  • chopped onions or their juice;
  • lemon juice, apple;
  • raw potatoes, tomatoes;
  • water-soda solution.

Relieves symptoms after a bite by rubbing the affected area of ​​skin with a cooled banana olive oil or frozen milk cubes. Treating the bite site with herbal decoctions also relieves symptoms and speeds up the wound healing process. Dried chamomile and calendula flowers and basil are used for decoctions. Lotions are made from an alcoholic infusion of calendula.

Bites during pregnancy and children

Bumblebee bites that strike a pregnant woman are especially dangerous. Because the protective functions If the body is not able to fully fight the toxic substance, complications may arise that are dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Individual intolerance to the components of bumblebee venom, an allergic reaction of the mother or dangerous place bite can cause pregnancy complications, bleeding, and premature birth.

Young children and people with chronic diseases are also at risk. In such cases, the immune system cannot fight external pathogens, and severe consequences often occur. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time to prevent the development of complications.

What is contraindicated to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee?

In case of a bumblebee bite, it is prohibited:

  • rubbing and scratching the affected area, as the wound may become infected;
  • take hot baths and alcohol, since under such conditions the toxic substance will disperse throughout the body faster;
  • use non-sterile means for compresses, due to the possibility of infection of the bite site;
  • use sleeping pills, which will increase the toxic effect of the toxic substance.


To avoid a possible aggressive bumblebee attack, you need to familiarize yourself with the precautions. These peace-loving insects will not attack just like that, which means that in order to protect yourself, you do not need to provoke them to attack. For preventive purposes it is recommended:

  • refuse to walk barefoot on the ground or grass;
  • do not use strong perfume odors while in the forest, in a park, in a country house, near a river;
  • in places where they are crowded, wear a hat, as well as clothing covering your arms and legs;
  • use protective mosquito nets on windows;
  • do not drive them away with sudden movements, it is better not to move when they approach;
  • When staying in nature for a long time, it is better to use special products that repel insects.

Representatives of the Hymenoptera family do not pose danger to people and can easily fly past if they do not sense danger. If a provoking factor did occur, then the bumblebee can sting and spray a dose of poison into the human body. Proper and timely assistance will help quickly remove the negative consequences of a bumblebee bite, and the victim will only get away with a slight fright.

Attacks by stinging insects are in most cases painful, sometimes ending in disaster for humans. A bumblebee sting poses a danger of developing an acute allergic reaction. The substance injected through the sting has a toxic effect, so it is recommended to avoid contact with insects, and in case of a sting, undergo an examination by a specialist.

Types of bumblebees and their bites

They belong to the family of wild true bees and are hymenopteran insects. They differ from other varieties in that the female’s hind tibia are shiny on top and slightly depressed. Long hairs growing along the edges of the paws form a kind of nectar basket. The abdominal sclerotized part is not flattened at the edges, and the abdomen itself is without a fold. In this place, instead of a stinger, the male has highly chitinized dark-colored generative organs.

On a note! The sting of the purple carpenter bumblebee is very painful and may be accompanied by severe allergies, intoxication, central nervous system damage, and breathing problems.

Does a bumblebee have a sting?

The uterus and female workers have a protective organ, protecting the home from various dangers. In males, generative organs are located in this place. The stinging organ is externally different from that of a bee; it lacks serrations and protrusions. For this reason, after a bite, the bumblebee does not leave a sting and can repeat the blow. Adults not only defend themselves, but also attack first if they see a threat to themselves or the family nest.

The bite is painful and causes severe discomfort. In a single case, unpleasant consequences are rare and occur with a tendency to allergies. Symptoms intensify with repeated stings. At the same time, a bumblebee bite is dangerous due to a more pronounced human reaction to the poison. It is difficult for the body to cope with multiple attacks, since a high concentration of a toxic substance causes disruption of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

If you are hit by a stinger in the neck, head, especially the tongue or eye, you must consult a doctor, since serious consequences can occur if you are individually intolerant to the poisonous secretion. Pregnant women and children are more vulnerable to attacks. You should especially beware of the bite of the carpenter bumblebee. The toxic substances of its poison act more pronouncedly and cause depression of the nervous system. A stinger strike to the neck or head can be fatal.

Does a bumblebee sting people and why?

The insect is considered the most peaceful compared to bees, hornets and wasps. It attacks humans and animals only for the purpose of self-defense. Main hallmark bumblebee bite - there is no sting in the wound. After it stings, the insect does not die; it can repeat the attack if you try to catch or kill it. You can’t touch it, otherwise your relatives will fly to your aid, and multiple injections of poison pose a serious health hazard.

Symptoms and appearance of the bite

Immediately after the attack, the person feels acute pain, after some time it is joined by itching and burning. You should not scratch or press on the affected area if you are bitten by a bumblebee, this will cause the poison to spread to adjacent tissues and increase the discomfort. The pain is more pronounced if the insect stings the eye or lip.

What does a bumblebee bite look like:

  • a small reddish dot is noticeable at the puncture site;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • slight compaction;
  • sometimes the swelling around the wound is lighter than the surrounding skin.

When a bumblebee bites, there should be no other symptoms other than a local reaction. On day 2, the affected skin surface may increase. Swelling and discomfort are observed for 1-5 days, if the eyelid or area around the eye is affected - up to 8 days. It takes a long time when an insect stings your head.

An allergy rarely develops to a primary bumblebee bite; it is more typical for repeated incidents. The reaction appears within 30 minutes, sometimes delayed for a couple of days. Symptoms include swelling and itching of the entire body, rashes on the skin, difficulty breathing, and rapid heartbeat. The toxic effect of bumblebee venom causes nausea, vomiting, loose stools, dizziness, chills, and fever.

Multiple bumblebee bites and a severe allergic reaction are dangerous due to the appearance of convulsions, impairment or loss of consciousness, and decreased blood pressure, development of Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance, because such conditions can be fatal.

Complications and consequences

Usually the unpleasant sensations pass fairly quickly. Multiple bites, which can cause complications and serious consequences from a bumblebee bite, should be from 10 for an adult, and from 5 for a child at the same time. In this case, the amount of poison is several times greater, toxic poisoning will be noticeable, and the risk of allergies increases.

Complications after a bumblebee bite can occur in:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • old people;
  • persons prone to allergic reactions;
  • with neurological and cardiovascular diseases.

On a note! Repeated insect bites are more dangerous because after the first one, the human body has developed antibodies, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

What to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee - first aid

It is important to know what to do at home to avoid unwanted consequences. It is necessary to inspect the affected area; if it was a bumblebee that bit, there should be no sting in the wound. Treat the puncture site with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, miramistin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. To stop the spread of poisonous secretions, apply ice or soaked in cold water handkerchief for 10-15 minutes.

Some of the poison will be absorbed by a wet piece of refined sugar. Proper first aid for a bumblebee bite will eliminate possible complications. For several hours after the incident, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the victim. Bed rest and plenty of fluids are recommended - water, tea, decoction, fruit juice, compote.

How to treat a bumblebee bite?

In most cases, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own within a few days. A doctor's examination and medication are not required. If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should take an antihistamine. In case of multiple bites, it is recommended to additionally take any available home medicine cabinet adsorbent – ​​activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta, polysorb, lacto-filtrum.

Application of antimicrobial ointment levomekol will help prevent the inflammatory process. The rest of the therapy is symptomatic. If the temperature rises to 38.5°C or higher, you should take an antipyretic drug - Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuklin. Intoxication will be reduced by drinking plenty of fluids, and for headaches, take any available analgesic.

If the reaction is severe, before the ambulance arrives, the victim should be helped to lie on his back, placing a small cushion of a towel or clothing under his ankles, raise his legs, loosen the collar if necessary, and unfasten the belt. Turn your head to the side so that your tongue or vomit does not block your breathing if you lose consciousness. Cardiac arrest requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It is necessary to inspect the things, perhaps the person has a card with him indicating the actions for allergies and the necessary medications. People who are registered with an allergist and are prone to severe allergic reactions have similar things. Dexamethasone and adrenaline are used to relieve an attack of anaphylactic shock. Medicines administered by intramuscular injection into the buttock, front of the thigh or back of the shoulder in a ratio of 1:0.5 ampoule.

When is a doctor needed?

After a bumblebee bite, a threat to a person’s health or life appears immediately, after several hours, sometimes days. An absolute reason to seek medical help is multiple stings, an insect attack on the neck or head, or a severe allergic reaction. If signs of intoxication appear, consultation with a specialist is also recommended, since the condition may worsen sharply. Hospitalization is required for hoarse breathing, pain in the sternum, shortness of breath, and loss of consciousness.

How to numb the bite site?

After a bumblebee attack, severe acute pain appears. In most cases, a cold compress reduces it, then it is gradually replaced by itching and burning. If it doesn’t go away for a long time, you need to use pharmaceutical medications or traditional medicine prescriptions.

Help to numb the bite site:

  • Levomekol;
  • Menovazin;
  • balm Zvezdochka;
  • Vitaon (Karavaev balm);
  • soda slurry;
  • garlic.

How to relieve swelling and itching?

Similar symptoms are characteristic of a local allergic reaction. To prevent deterioration of health due to allergies, it is recommended to take Dexamethasone, Zodak, Zyrtec, Erius, Tavegil. If discomfort concerns only the bite site, you need to anoint with Fenistil, Psilo-balm, Advantan, Akriderm, Hydrocortisone ointment. Pharmacy medications help both relieve swelling and reduce redness, inflammation, and rashes on the skin. If necessary, treatment may be supplemented folk remedies based on natural raw materials.

Traditional methods

To neutralize bumblebee secretions, you can apply a slice of fresh apple, tomato, garlic, lemon, potato or cucumber to the bite site. Apply crushed onions, dandelion, aloe, plantain or parsley leaves as a compress. Lotions with a decoction of tansy, chamomile, basil or calendula help reduce or completely remove unpleasant symptoms. Every 2-3 hours, the wound after a bite can be wiped with a piece of banana or a cube of frozen milk.

Bites during pregnancy and children

A blow from a bumblebee sting is especially dangerous for young children. The baby’s body is not yet able to resist toxic substances as well as an adult’s. Children are more prone to allergic reactions; to develop severe intoxication, they only need a smaller dose of toxic secretion.

If a bumblebee bites a pregnant woman, the consequences can be serious, including spontaneous miscarriage. The risk group consists of people allergic to honey. In any case, after a bumblebee bite, the child should be shown to a pediatrician, and the pregnant woman should go to an antenatal clinic.

On a note! The insect poses a serious danger only if there is individual intolerance and special sensitivity, but know necessary actions in case of possible complications it is necessary.

What is contraindicated to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee?

Following simple recommendations will help you avoid complications and unpleasant consequences:

  1. The affected area should not be scratched, rubbed, or squeezed.
  2. The attacked insect does not need to be pursued or tried to be killed.
  3. It is prohibited to visit a bathhouse or sauna, warm up the affected area, drink alcohol, or use alcohol-containing drugs or sleeping pills for 7-10 days after the incident.
  4. Do not apply water from open reservoirs, soil, clay, dirty, untreated leaves of medicinal plants to the wound.
  5. If you experience general malaise, allergies or signs of intoxication, contact a medical facility.
  6. Take antipyretic drugs only at temperatures above 38.5°C.


An attack can be avoided if you do not touch, do not approach the insect and its home, and avoid them in every possible way. If a bumblebee lands on a person, you should not drive it away or touch it with your hands. It is not recommended to walk barefoot in places where ground bumblebees could make a home for themselves. Sharp, impetuous movements and a loud cry will cause the bumblebee to defend itself and sting. He is attracted to bright colored clothes, perfume compositions, the smell of alcohol. In summer it is not advisable to eat outside. The insect loves sweets and can fly to the smell of fruits, ice cream, and carbonated drinks. Mosquito nets on windows and mesh curtains in doorways. When planning an outdoor holiday, it is recommended to take a first aid kit, making sure that you have antihistamines.

The reaction to a bumblebee bite can be varied and expressed with varying intensity. For many adults, a single sting does not pose a serious danger, but the first medical care the victim must be provided. Persons at risk should show Special attention signs of complications, consult a doctor if possible.

Everyone knows that bees sting. But not everyone knows whether a bumblebee bites or not and whether its bite is dangerous for humans. This insect can sting if provoked.

About bumblebees and bumblebee venom

A bumblebee is a sessile-bellied insect from the bee family. There are about 300 types of these insects on the planet. They are not afraid of the cold and can quickly warm up their bodies to 40°C, which gives them the opportunity to be the first to begin collecting nectar in the morning, when it is still cool and the bees are inactive.

Bumblebees are yellow and black in color, often with stripes. There are insects with orange or red stripes, and there are individuals that are simply black.

Large bumblebee nests consist of 150-200 insects. They can choose old stumps, cracks in the ground, abandoned mouse holes as nests, and also build dwellings on sandy cliffs. It is difficult to find a bumblebee nest - the insects hide it well.

The sting of a bumblebee is devoid of serrations and rarely remains in the body of the victim, which is different from the sting of a bee.

Inside, the bumblebee's stinger is hollow, like a needle in a syringe. Through it, during a bite, an insect injects a microscopic portion of poison, causing pain, itching and irritation.

Bumblebee venom is a protein mixture, which is why the insect bite causes an allergic reaction in many people. Bumblebee venom contains serotonin, which lowers blood pressure, which can result in shock.

However, this is strictly personal. Most people survive an insect bite without problems. If a bumblebee bites you for the first time, then most likely there will be no allergic reaction, because the body does not have antibodies to this poison. They often appear with subsequent bites. Typically, an allergic reaction makes itself felt in the first half hour from the moment of the bite and is accompanied by itching, redness and swelling of the entire body, vomiting, nausea or diarrhea, and signs of suffocation may appear.

Later, fever, convulsions, chills, joint pain, and fainting may be added to the above symptoms. Such symptoms require immediate hospitalization, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Simultaneous bites from a large number of insects pose a great danger. A toxic reaction may develop, causing complications in the functioning of the heart and central nervous system.

Wasps, bumblebees and bees pose a particular danger to people with allergies, as well as to pregnant women and young children.

Their potential for an allergic reaction to insect bites increases many times over.

Apply ice to the bite site - this will slow down the spread of poison throughout the body
  1. If the sting remains in the body, you need to pull it out with treated tweezers. There is no need to try to squeeze it out with your fingers, so as not to infect the victim.
  2. The wound should be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vinegar, or cotton wool soaked in one of the listed products.
  3. Apply a piece of ice or a cold compress to the bite site, especially if it is around the eyes or other sensitive area. Cold will relieve swelling, reduce pain and slow down the absorption of poison. To extract the poison, you need to apply a piece of sugar moistened with water to the damaged area.
  4. The victim should be given a drink big amount liquids, mainly hot tea with sugar. If the victim does not get better, or symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, then you should immediately call a doctor.

Treatment of insect bites at home

In most cases, a bumblebee bite can be safely treated at home. For example, you can put it on the injured area fresh leaf plantain or parsley and replace it with a new one every 2 hours.

You can apply a chopped onion, apple, raw potato to the damaged area, or chop 2 cloves of garlic, mix with honey and attach this mixture to the bite. The bandage must be changed twice a day.

Lemon juice and a compress made from it will also help.

You can also dilute with water until a slurry forms. baking soda and apply to the affected area or prepare a solution of soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water), soak cotton wool in it and apply for a quarter of an hour.

Grind the activated carbon, add water until a paste forms, place it on the bite site and cover with film to prevent rapid drying.

If there is no activated carbon, apply validol moistened with water to the damaged area. You can also use medications, for example, Fenistil gel, which successfully relieves irritation. The damage should be lubricated with gel 3 times a day. The medicine begins to act immediately after application. If you are bitten by insects, you should not drink alcohol, as this leads to increased swelling.

Often people unwittingly provoke insects by waving their hands, trying to drive them away. This behavior, as well as the smell of perfume, alcohol, fried meat only attract and irritate bumblebees.

When should you go to the hospital?

  1. If several bumblebees or bees were bitten at the same time.
  2. When a child or elderly person is injured.
  3. If the bite occurs in the eyeball or mucous membrane of the mouth.
  4. When previous insect bites caused an allergic reaction.
  5. There are symptoms of infection: severe chills, swelling, pain, and the bite site becomes purulent.

When a bumblebee bites, it is less painful than a bee or wasp sting because its venom is not as dangerous as that of a bee or wasp. In addition, a wasp can bite several times.

Conclusion on the topic

Knowing that bumblebees bite, do not provoke these insects. Try to avoid the places where their nests are located. Where present in large quantities bees, bumblebees or wasps, it is undesirable to eat sweets, watermelons, melons, and drink sweet drinks.

Although bumblebees bite, there is no need to destroy them, because they pollinate plants well, and their honey contains protein, sucrose, many minerals and is very healthy.