Writer Sergei Georgiev has a birthday! Fairy tale sunny bunny read St. George's house of the sunny bunny summary.

Georgiev S. House of the Sunny Bunny: funny stories/ S. Georgiev; artist G. Yasinsky. – M.: Bustard, 2001. – 128 p.: ill.

Sergei Georgiev was lucky: right next door to him lives a boy, Sanka, about whom you can write funny stories. After all, as soon as Sanka wakes up, miracles begin to happen: a pink pig appears in the bathroom, pouring soda on himself from the shower, the sofa, with the help of an ordinary broom, turns into an airplane with a propeller, a puddle in the yard comes to visit, and on a dark evening a sunny bunny frolics around grandfather’s office...



Grandmother washed the dishes after breakfast. Sanka left the room, solemnly holding a large unfolded sheet of paper in front of him. Tobik trotted after Sanka, cheerfully wagging his tail. - Look, grandma! - said Sanka. - Our Tobik drew this! This is his drawing! On a sheet of paper one could see something similar to a large iron.

“This is a ship,” Sanka explained. - Tobik drew a ship!

Well really? - Grandma was surprised. - Our Tobik is a dog after all! And did he draw this himself?

Tobik turned his head a little and was carefully looking at something in the corner, as if they weren’t talking about him.

Yes, of course, I helped him a little... - Sanka admitted. - So, a little bit... I held a pencil in his paw...

Where to find the story of Sergei Georgiev, the house of the sunny hare, I searched all over Google. parapr and got the best answer

Answer from Valery Myakishev[guru]
Georgiev, House of the Sunny Hare, download.
Source: Yandex.

Answer from Abba[newbie]
You need to download it and here is Irina Linkova’s review. Some adults pretend to love children, while others, on the contrary, have to hold back. Otherwise, they would probably have grabbed all the children in their arms, hugged them tightly, and would have only told them all sorts of things. sweet words. But this is impossible, because there is life all around, and not some kind of semolina. And there is no need to lisp and come up with all sorts of “childish” words like “ray” - “bunny” if you need to directly and firmly tell younger people the whole truth about a real sunny hare.
These are stories. Very small. Short ones. For young children who are either going to school or have just gone there.
Refined aesthetes need not worry. When, literally on the first page, they find a pig taking a shower with Buratino soda in the bathroom, or encounter a grandmother who is catching naughty pancakes with a net, sophisticated aesthetes may be upset because the fantasy is too straightforward. Aesthetes cannot understand: if, for example, you go out into the yard, and there, in a puddle, the sun freezes - what to do? That is, of course, the puddle freezes, but the sun is “cold to reflect like that.” We do it simply: we quickly go to grandma, take a hot kettle, water the gray asphalt and the cold puddle becomes warm. And if an experienced grandfather asks sadly: “For how long?” - we answer him...
Sergei Georgievich Georgiev only later became a children's writer, but began as a candidate of philosophical sciences. So he knows the answer.
Irina Linkova

Answer from Proslav Kantsial[newbie]
Here is my content (approximately) Even adults like to fool around and, taking a mirror, make sunbeams dance on the wall. Our classroom is flooded with sun in the morning. Even if you don’t pick up mirrors, sunbeams will still jump on the walls of the classroom. The sun's rays reflect from the glass of the portraits hanging on the wall, bookcases and simply from various shiny objects. One day we decided to use the sunbeam to our advantage. There was a math test coming up. The guys and I agreed to come to class with mirrors. If someone has difficulty completing a task during a test, he will quietly pull out a mirror and make a sunbeam dance on the ceiling and wall. Then we will all have to release our sunbeams into the wild and thereby distract the teacher’s attention in order to help the “drowning man.” All the days before the test were sunny. It seemed that our plan was easy to implement. But by the beginning of the test the sky was overcast. It was as if the weather had decided to punish us. Not a single ray of light came into the classroom during the entire lesson. The bell rang, we passed test papers to the teacher. It was clear from the faces of the friends that not everyone had completed the task. When we returned home, the sun was shining brightly again. It was reflected in spring puddles and streams, in the glass of houses. It seemed like take out the mirror and catch Sun rays as much as you like. But for some reason I didn’t want to do this.

Please let me go for a walk,” Ray asked the Sun one day. “I’ve never been on earth before or seen people up close.”

“Okay,” said the Sun, “I will turn you into a Sunny Bunny and you will visit one of the people’s houses.” But you must remember that the Sun among people is a symbol of light, goodness and peace. And you will be my messenger. And that’s why I want the day you spend among people not to be in vain. Before I let you go, I want to make you promise that you will do three good deeds.

“Okay,” said Luchik. – I will definitely do three good deeds. And, transformed into a Sunny Bunny, he ended up in one of the houses.

The first thing Sunny Bunny saw there was a sleeping girl. He walked down the wall onto the bed, ran over the blanket and stopped at her face. The girl opened her eyes, looked at her watch and exclaimed:

“It’s so good that the Sun came into the room, otherwise I would certainly be late for school.” “And, leaving the bed, the girl began to quickly get dressed.

“I’ve already done one good deed,” Sunny Bunny happily noted to himself.

He got down from the bed to the floor, quickly ran along the path, easily climbed onto the sideboard and, sitting comfortably on the box with buttons, began to look around with interest in search of an object for further good deeds.

“Oh,” he suddenly heard someone’s heavy sigh next to him. Sunny Bunny looked first to the left, then to the right and saw a porcelain vase next to him.

- Are you the one who sighed so heavily? – he politely addressed the vase.

“Yes,” the vase answered sadly. “All winter I’ve been collecting dust on this sideboard and there’s no one to wipe the dust off me.”

“Well, I’ll try to help you,” said the Sunny Bunny, after thinking a little, and moved from the box to the vase.

The hostess entered the room. A brightly lit but dusty vase immediately caught her eye. When the hostess left the room and returned again with a damp cloth, Sunny Bunny thought joyfully.

- Here is the second good deed.

Before lunch, Sunny Bunny did not have the opportunity to perform his last good deed. In order not to waste time, he moved from the room to the kitchen and there he stood anxiously in place.

In the kitchen, Sunny Bunny saw a small fluffy kitten. The kitten was hanging on one end of the tablecloth and climbing up. With each of his movements, the tablecloth slid down more and more, and with it the tea set menacingly moved to the edge of the table. Another minute or two and disaster would have happened. Sunny Bunny realized that there was no one to prevent Sunny Bunny.

Quickly deciding what to do, Sunny Bunny jumped from the floor straight onto the kitten’s nose. The kitten closed its eyes, snorted and jumped onto the floor. Sunny Bunny sighed with relief, thinking about the saved set:

- This is the third good deed. It's time to go home.

Sunny Bunny moved from the kitchen to the room, jumped onto the windowsill and was about to leave this house through open window, when suddenly I heard someone’s plaintive buzzing. I listened. The buzzing came from behind the sideboard, the darkest corner in the room. Without hesitation, he quickly ran across the ceiling and, looking behind the sideboard, saw a spider sitting in its web. A fly fluttered convulsively next to him.

“It’s so good that you looked here,” the fly turned to the Sunny Bunny, delighted. “Of course, I understand that you are no longer able to help me, but you can save others who are just as careless as me.” Please stay here for a while. Flies love light, and they will certainly fly here and see that they are in danger of dying here.

Sunny Bunny, without hesitation, agreed to the fly’s offer and stayed. Less than three minutes had passed when two flies flew behind the sideboard. They immediately saw the spider and flew away.

“Now they will tell everyone that an evil spider lives here,” said the captive fly, looking sadly after the flies that had flown away.

When the Sunny Bunny flew back to the Sun and turned into a Ray again, he said:

- It's my fault…

- What is your fault? – the Sun smiled.

- Instead of the promised three actions, I performed four.

“That’s good,” said the Sun. – The more we do good deeds, the more beautiful the world around us becomes. And this is certainly good. Tomorrow you will fly to people again. And if this time you do not three or four, but five or six good deeds, then it will only be better.

“Tomorrow I will try to do much more than I did today,” said Luchik. “I saw it today and realized how good it is when it’s good.”

And you, dear guys, have probably already noticed that when on a sunny day sunbeams appear on the walls of your rooms, your mood noticeably rises and you certainly have a desire to do something nice for someone.

Mikhail Malyshev

Sergei Georgiev is one of my favorite writers. A witty, perky, never discouraged person who, like no one else, knows how to read his own funny stories. And his stories are mostly short, but succinct. Remember how Chekhov said: “Brevity is the sister of talent”? This is about him, about Georgiev.
There are many of his books in our house. These are my favorites:

"Christmas Trees: Field Marshal Pulkin" (M: Drofa, 2001).
The Munchausen cause is alive and well! 56 funny stories about a brave field marshal who is able to solve any problem and resolve any misunderstanding on the battlefield or during the calm period between battles. No matter what unpleasant thing happens, the Russian soldier knows that now “Yolki-palki!” will be heard, the great Russian Field Marshal Pulkin will appear and turn any tricky situation into a feat.
Color illustrations were made by E. Nitylkina. Pulkin and Co. are drawn masterfully, with humor, matching Georgiev’s prose:

Sergei Georgievich is a great friend of the Children's Book Shop, so some of our books have autographs:

There is also a two-volume book about Pulkin on sale from the Veche publishing house, also with illustrations by E. Netylkina, however, there are only 40 stories, and the format is a bit small - pocket-sized. But nevertheless, I highly recommend:

In Ozone:

"House of the Sunny Bunny" (M: Drofa, 2001). The collection includes stories about Sanka. Color illustrations by G. Yasinsky.

Currently on the market there is a book with stories about the little fidget and dreamer Sanka with lovely illustrations by E. Borodacheva (IDM):
In Ozone:

In Rid.ru: Best friend, author Sergey Georgiev. Buy the book Best Friend in the online bookstore Read.ru

"King Hugo II"(M: Drofa, 2002). Amazing stories about the wise King Hugo II, short, rather not even stories, but anecdotes (read for yourself, you can see it in the photo). The book was illustrated by V. Tsikota.

And another wonderful book of jokes, this time about dragons - "Dragons Among Us" (M: Bustard, 2002). And again drawings by Valery Tsikota. And again I recommend reading a fairy tale called “762 Heads” (it’s on two double-page spreads):

» Books for preschoolers (4-6 years old) » Books for preschoolers (4-6 years old) » A4 size books» House of the Sunny Hare: Funny Stories (art. Yasinsky G.I.)

Georgiev S.G., House of the Sunny Hare: Funny Stories (art. Yasinsky G.I.)

Bustard, 2001, 128 pp., 5-7107-3880-8, 264*202*14 mm., circulation: 7000
Barto A.L.

Poems by the Russian poetess, beloved by all children. For preschool age.

Barto A.L.

Our book contains tiny poems for tiny readers and poems for those going to school. Let your child's introduction to poetry begin with the poems of Agnia Barto. For preschool age.

A book with cut-out three-dimensional color illustrations that move when the book is opened. Literary and artistic publication for adults to read to children.

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