Fabric stretch ceilings: reviews, harm and benefits. How harmful can stretch ceilings be for human health? Care for stretch ceilings and are they harmful?

Tensioners ceiling structures are considered a modern and popular finishing option. They fit perfectly into the interior of the premises for various purposes. True, some consumers are hesitant to install them because they do not know whether the suspended ceiling is safe for the health of people, and especially children.

Standardization of materials for canvases

Manufacturers of tension panels ceiling systems claim that their products have been certified and comply current standards and requirements. But only specialists can accurately determine whether they have health disadvantages or not. The fact is that there are generally accepted standards according to which testing of this or that material used in the renovation of premises is carried out.

It should be noted that each person’s body reacts differently to artificial tension fabrics. Some do not have any reaction, while other residents may suffer from allergic diseases, even asthmatic attacks.

Today there are standards developed by scientists who took into account a large number of factors. All manufacturers must comply with ISO international environmental standards regarding the composition of suspended ceilings. When the material for their manufacture meets all these requirements, then it is not hazardous to health.

All commercially available fabrics for arranging tensile structures must have environmental certificates. The same document is shown when performing installation work specialists from companies manufacturing ceiling structures.

Polyvinyl chloride fabrics

There are several types of suspended ceilings. To make them, manufacturers use PVC film or fabric. Each version of ceiling structures has its own characteristics. Today, polyvinyl chloride film is considered the most popular material for this type of finishing.

Canvases made from it are cheaper compared to fabrics. PVC film is characterized by ease of maintenance and ability to withstand a large number of moisture. Even with severe flooding from above, it will retain a significant volume of liquid, preventing it from entering the room.

Harm from suspended ceilings in an apartment only occurs if such paintings are counterfeited by unscrupulous manufacturers. They produce films in violation of the established technological process. Accordingly, the quality of finishing of such components is the lowest.

Manufacturing companies of PVC films for suspended ceilings

The damage caused by stretch ceilings depends on the quality of the film produced by different companies. Almost all products for ceiling coverings are presented on the domestic market by Chinese manufacturers. Most companies produce PVC film in accordance with international standards. But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers from China produce high-quality products.

At one time, films from Europe had high prices, but now Renolit and Pongs have reduced the cost of their products. Previously, their films were smooth and shiny, odorless, but today the quality of such films has changed for the worse.

Signs of high-quality PVC film

It is not easy to determine whether stretch ceilings on sale have health disadvantages, but there are a number of important signs by which you can determine the quality of this product:

  1. A polyvinyl chloride film that is safe for humans after installation either has no odor at all, or it is barely perceptible and completely disappears after a couple of days. After its installation, the room must be thoroughly ventilated. According to doctors, such materials will not harm health.
  2. When, after installation is completed, the canvas has an unpleasant odor chemical substances about 7 days, most likely the film for it is of average quality. It should not be used to create a ceiling structure in a child's room or bedroom. But for the kitchen, hallway or bathroom it is quite suitable.
  3. If the smell does not disappear 2 weeks after installation, the canvas is considered harmful to health.

Hazardous components in polyvinyl chloride films and their harm

Finding out why they are harmful stretch ceiling made of PVC for the well-being of people in the room, it is necessary to understand the impact on their body of components that may be in low-quality film - the smell from it does not disappear for a long time:

  • phenol;
  • cadmium;
  • toluene;
  • chlorine.

The most toxic substance found in this material is phenol, which is banned in many countries. It negatively affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and liver and the condition nervous system. Pulmonary edema, cancer and infertility are even possible. Phenol does not disappear from the room for a long time.

Another dangerous component is cadmium, which is completely eliminated from the body over the course of decades. This chemical element settles in many organs and leads to the formation of cancerous tumors.

PVC film may also contain toluene, which poisons the body and causes headaches, insomnia and chronic fatigue.

As for chlorine, when released into environment it irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

Waterproofness of films

Polyvinyl chloride fabric for tension system capable of holding water. In this case, you need to pay attention to whether the suspended ceiling allows air to pass through. No, the film is airtight. This feature, as many consumers of such products claim, leads to the proliferation of pathogenic organisms in the ceiling.

True, such a drawback cannot be called critical, since it can be eliminated if high-quality ventilation is installed. In its absence, high humidity even without PVC ceiling leads to the appearance of fungus.

Fabric stretch fabrics

Many homeowners are interested in the health benefits and harms of stretch ceilings made of fabric. These materials are polyester fabrics. To give them the required rigidity, they are impregnated with polyurethane. Fabric sheets differ from PVC films in that they allow air to pass through, but their quality and price are higher.

These tension coverings are required to be marked, so it is almost impossible to find a fake. The most popular panels are French Clipso and German Descor.

They do not contain any components harmful to human health. Fabric sheets are odorless and therefore can be installed in premises of any purpose - they are safe for people of any age.

Doctors' opinion about suspended ceilings in bedrooms

Residents spend a lot of time in children's rooms and bedrooms, so quality finishing materials For such rooms there are serious requirements. According to doctors, fabric and film ceiling structures can be installed in these rooms, but they must be of high quality.

These products should be purchased exclusively from time-tested manufacturers. It should be recognized that there is a practice of falsifying certificates confirming quality. For this reason, trust little-known installation companies stretch fabrics must be done with caution, otherwise the finishing result will be poor.

Select material for decoration ceiling Expert advice will help:

  1. In the living room, children's room, office and bedroom, it is advisable to install fabric panels that have an aesthetic appearance and are presented in wide range colors
  2. Film materials are more suitable for wet areas, such as a bathroom or kitchen, since under such operating conditions they can quickly lose their original appearance.
  3. If a low-quality canvas is installed in a house or apartment, it should be urgently dismantled, otherwise the consequences will be the most dire.
Having figured out how to determine whether it is harmful suspended ceiling, you can choose an absolutely safe canvas for interior decoration premises.

Stretch ceiling is a finishing material that is found in almost every second apartment. Its popularity is explained by a lot of advantages: this coating hides defects and unevenness in the ceiling, gives the room a neat and aesthetic appearance, is easy to clean and protects the room from flooding by neighbors above.

However, there is more and more talk about the dangers of suspended ceilings: it is believed that the coating exudes bad smell and releases toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on the health of apartment owners. Is this finishing material really that dangerous? Or is this another myth? Let's figure it out.

Stretch ceilings - are they harmful to health?

Are PVC stretch ceilings dangerous?

PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a synthetic polymer that is widely used in the production of clothing, shoes, children's clothing and household items. This material is used to make plastic dishes, medical supplies, packaging for food and drinks, toys for children and, of course, stretch ceilings.

Counterfeit products

PVC stretch ceiling – a budget option ceiling covering. Its cost does not exceed 700–800 rubles. for 1 m 2. At first glance, it seems that such a widespread material cannot cause harm to health: it is no coincidence that it is used to make dishes and children's things. Indeed, high-quality polyvinyl chloride produced in France or Germany is completely safe. You can safely use it to decorate a bedroom or nursery: it will not affect your health or the well-being of your baby.

1. A company that cares about its reputation always has an officially registered office. 2. Samples must also be present, ranging from catalogs to real examples offered product. 3. There should be everything Required documents and certificates. 4. Be sure to inquire about the existence of a contract. 5. A company that deals with stretch ceilings always provides installation services. 6. The seller must provide services for concluding the contract, as well as perform all necessary measurements.

However, most stores sell cheap Chinese-made products that do not meet European quality standards and are often harmful to health. It is not easy to distinguish a fake from the original: PVC ceiling film does not have its own marking, so when purchasing you have to rely on the information on the packaging. But it is not always reliable.

The note! To purchase high-quality material, ask the seller for certificates confirming the quality of the product and its compliance with European safety standards.

Toxic substances

Poor-quality PVC tension threads contain a lot of toxic components that have a detrimental effect on human health.

Table. Toxic substances contained in low-quality PVC stretch ceilings.

NameShort description

This substance is banned in many countries of the world due to its high toxicity. It has a negative effect on the entire body: it worsens the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver, burns the nasopharynx and leads to pulmonary edema, promotes the development of cancerous tumors and causes infertility.

Once in the body, this heavy metal accumulates in the kidneys, liver, spleen and bone tissue and over time leads to the development of severe diseases. It is cadmium that promotes the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys, interferes with the normal functioning of the excretory system and leads to the rapid growth of cancerous tumors.

This volatile substance enters the human blood through organs respiratory system and poisons the entire body. Owners of low-quality suspended ceilings complain about bad dream, headaches, depression, loss of appetite. The poison also affects the ability to concentrate: it slows down the reaction, impairs memory, and inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system. The organs of vision and hearing are no less affected. This component is especially harmful for pregnant women: expectant mothers who for a long time inhaled toluene vapors have a high risk of giving birth to a baby with pathologies.

Usually this substance is in a bound state and does not affect health human body. However, unscrupulous manufacturers who violate the manufacturing technology of suspended ceilings supply the market with products with high concentrations of chlorine. Chlorine poisoning is accompanied by typical symptoms: damage to the mucous membranes, dry cough, difficulty breathing, and fever. Victims may experience irregular heartbeats and pain in the chest. Chlorine is also a strong carcinogen that provokes the formation of cancerous tumors.

Stretch ceiling Bad quality emit harmful substances almost continuously. This is evidenced by the unpleasant smell that “settles” in your apartment for a long time. Toxic components are especially actively released when heated. If you decide to install a suspended ceiling in a bathroom, kitchen or bathhouse, be prepared for the room to turn into a “gas chamber.”

Poor ventilation

PVC stretch ceilings prevent normal ventilation of the room, making the room airtight and airtight. This means that moisture will accumulate in the room, and the temperature will significantly exceed normal levels. Such conditions are ideal for activating harmful compounds that make up polyvinyl chloride.

The note! If you do not want to breathe a “cocktail” of phenol and toluene, you will have to think through a ventilation system. Otherwise, you will probably be poisoned by the toxic components of PVC: you will feel lethargic and tired, experience depression or insomnia, headaches and suffocation.

Unpleasant smell

After installing the ceiling covering, does an unpleasant chemical smell spread throughout the room? Don’t rush to sound the alarm: just ventilate the room for 1–2 days. If the material is of high quality, the smell will disappear after a couple of days.

But if week after week passes, and the room still “smells”, it’s worth thinking about the safety of the coating:

  1. If the strong odor disappears only after 1–2 weeks, it can be argued that the stretch ceiling material is of poor quality and does not meet safety requirements. This coating cannot be used in rooms where you spend a lot of time: in the living room, bedroom or children's room.
  2. If after 2 weeks the room continues to exude a sweetish chemical aroma, you need to invite craftsmen who will dismantle the ceiling covering. A persistent chemical smell indicates that the suspended ceiling is unsuitable for decorating a living space.

The harm of a strong chemical odor manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • constant headaches;
  • development of allergic rhinitis;
  • depression, lethargy, depression;
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • poor concentration.

If you don’t want to rely on chance, consult with friends or read reviews on the Internet before purchasing a stretch ceiling. This way you will protect yourself from purchasing low-quality and harmful material.

Before purchasing a stretch ceiling, do some research

Allergy to artificial materials

Do not forget that PVC is still an artificial material that cannot be 100% safe. There is always a possibility that the apartment owner will develop an individual intolerance to the components included in the coating. It happens that even the highest quality and most expensive PVC stretch ceiling causes a severe allergic reaction.

The note! If in a room with artificial ceiling trim If you feel unwell, have a runny nose, sneezing and uncontrollable lacrimation, it is better to dismantle the covering. For you, such a ceiling can be deadly: sooner or later it will provoke attacks of suffocation and swelling of the respiratory tract.

Allergic reaction to artificial materials- a good reason to dismantle the suspended ceiling

Are fabric stretch ceilings harmful?

Stretch ceilings made of synthetic fabric impregnated with polyurethane are more expensive than PVC finishing materials. They are less often used in modern apartments not only because of the high cost, but also because of a number of disadvantages. Among them are a small number color options, soiling, less practicality and low strength of the material. However, it is fabric stretch ceilings that are considered an example of safety and environmental friendliness.

Fabric stretch ceilings are an example of safety and environmental friendliness

Unlike PVC coverings, fabric ceilings:

  • do not contain cadmium, toluene, phenol and chlorine;
  • are made of “breathable” materials that allow air to pass freely and do not interfere with room ventilation;
  • do not emit unpleasant odors;
  • less often have inadequate quality.

The note! It is much more difficult to counterfeit a branded stretch ceiling made of fabric than a PVC product, because the manufacturer’s marking is not placed on the packaging, but directly on the material itself and is cut off only before installation.

Before purchasing a fabric ceiling, make sure that the seller has certificates confirming the product’s compliance with European quality standards. The fact is that counterfeit products, which periodically appear on the market, can cause no less harm to health than Chinese PVC ceilings.

The fears of apartment owners are confirmed: suspended ceilings can cause irreparable harm to health. However dangerous properties Only low-quality Chinese products have it. If you contact a trusted company and see for yourself that the certificates are available, the risk of buying harmful coating will be significantly reduced.

Video - Stretch ceilings: are they harmful to health? Expert opinion

This one has design solution There are both fans and opponents: the opinion of doctors about the dangers of suspended ceilings for health is ambiguous. The decisive document is the international certificate ISO 14000. A document confirming its completion is issued on the basis of research chemical composition canvas, which confirms the safety of the product.

Are stretch ceilings harmful in an apartment?

These structures are not always used correctly; for example, the owners do not clean the canvas from dirt and dust, as a result of which harm from suspended ceilings in the apartment is really possible. The film is airtight, and if the room is not ventilated often, the so-called Greenhouse effect, consisting of simultaneous vapor condensation and high humidity. This contributes to the appearance of mold, which is so dangerous for allergy sufferers and children. Fabric options, on the contrary, “breathe”, but are real dust collectors.

Stretch ceilings will not cause harm if properly cared for

Why are suspended ceilings harmful to health?

The danger of suspended ceilings largely depends on the main material used, which can be:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride in the form of a thin polymer film. This moisture-resistant, durable material is the result of the synthesis of chlorine and hydrocarbons of natural origin. In addition, the composition includes various additives (including metal salts in the PVC ceiling).
  2. Fabric made from polyester fibers - polyester or its analogues. To give it strength, it is treated with a special polyurethane-based impregnation. This gives polyester fibers high strength and breathability, but it also increases the tendency of the ceiling surface to accumulate dust.

Expertise on the health hazards of suspended ceilings

Scientific research on suspended ceilings took place in the area of ​​detecting harmful components released by the fabric:

  • unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds– the material was passed through iodine with the addition of copper sulfate (experience has shown that there are no toxic components in the substance);
  • chlorine - a white cheesy precipitate that fell out when heating a test tube with silver nitrate showed that the substance was present in the PVC fabric;
  • phenol - its detection was carried out using a reaction with FeCl 3 (the solution did not turn colored purple, therefore, the amount of the substance corresponds to the norm);
  • toluene - a white precipitate upon interaction with bromine proved that the substance was present in the composition of the fabric.

The results of some analyzes are listed in a table indicating the safe level of chemical components:

Attention! Subject to the manufacturing technology and proper operation, there is no harm to health from suspended ceilings in both fabric options (fabric, polymer).

How to choose an environmentally friendly stretch ceiling

Research results have shown that the quality fabric ceilings slightly higher, and polyester threads are absolutely safe. Thanks to micro holes, this ceiling has a breathable effect. Dust collecting in the micropores of textiles causes harm, but it Negative influence on the human respiratory system can be eliminated by regular cleaning of the ceiling.

There is also special hypoallergenic textiles

But you shouldn’t write off PVC samples either – when normal conditions During operation, all detected substances are in a bound state. They cannot evaporate under normal room temperature and air humidity conditions. The toxic effect is short-term and occurs only during installation - under the influence high temperatures bonds are broken, chemical compounds are released into the air. After about 12-14 days, the ceiling again becomes completely safe.

Fake ceiling products pose serious harm to health due to the possible significant excess of toluene, phenol, formaldehyde, and heavy metal salts. However, such a fake can be recognized immediately - by its pungent smell. Unfortunately, it is not possible to identify this at the time of purchase, and even more so at the stage of ordering a ceiling from the company. Most likely, a sharp, intense odor will manifest itself during heat treatment during the installation process. There are cases where the material was of such poor quality that the craftsmen became ill while performing installation work.

Which suspended ceilings are safe for health?

Consumers call the brands Renolit, Barrisol, and Pongs reliable manufacturers of suspended ceilings. The original products of these companies must have brand markings on the canvas. Today, more and more often on the market you can find Chinese products produced under license from the companies Renolit and Pongs, but they are significantly inferior in quality to authentic German and Belgian films.

Among fabric ceilings the most well-known manufacturers are Descor, Clipso. Their canvases have no odor at all, are safe for children and therefore can be installed in any room.

Doctors' opinions on the health hazards of suspended ceilings

Products must be of high quality - medical opinions agree on this. The absence of possible negative impact must be confirmed by a certificate.

It is worth choosing ceilings only from trusted manufacturers

In a room where a baby is located most of the day, it is not recommended to install suspended ceilings, and PVC sheets are not recommended. the best choice for installation in the bedroom, living room and office. Film samples are more suitable for the bathroom and kitchen. The minimum harm will be caused by canvases that do not emit odor during installation. But in any case, after completing the installation work, the room must be well ventilated.


The opinion of doctors about the dangers of suspended ceilings for health agrees that they are quite harmless to humans. High-quality vinyl films and fabric options can be used in places where people are constantly present. But to do this, you need to order products from trusted companies, paying attention to the manufacturer’s brand and the availability of certificates. You should carefully monitor correct use ceilings - ventilate the room in a timely manner, measure humidity and temperature, remove dust from the canvas.

Stretch ceilings have now become an integral part modern renovation. They give the room a more stylish look, help protect furniture and flooring, easily hide unevenness in the main ceiling. But since the ceiling makes up almost a quarter of our indoor environment, a reasonable question arises: are stretch ceilings harmful to health? This is especially worrying for parents who are decorating children's rooms.

Although tensile structures installed in ancient times in the form of fabric draperies, they became widespread towards the end of the 20th century, when polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film was invented and began to be actively used. This material is the main reason for controversy regarding the effect of stretch ceilings on human health.

In fact, polyvinyl chloride is a plastic that surrounds us everywhere. It is used to make clothes, dishes, pipes, window profiles and many more various items everyday life When the film is stretched onto a profile fixed around the perimeter of the room. The advantages of such structures include:

  • Material strength
  • Waterproof
  • Dustproof (prevents dust from entering from the main ceiling)

Repair work is the bane of any sane person. It is impossible to achieve the ideal, but small parts they are still being finalized to at least get closer to it. However, this is still a rather light version, but when it comes to capital issues, the problems become absolutely gigantic.

Stretch ceiling

Installing such surfaces is a tribute to fashion. It is also, of course, beautiful and quite practical.

But here's the problem: some users claim that they are not entirely hygienic. Here we will examine whether stretch ceilings are harmful, a myth, or what you can do to protect yourself from even a ghostly threat.

Underestimate the danger building materials not worth it. To reduce the cost of production, entrepreneurs can do literally anything. But such businessmen are excellent at hiding their flaws - you can’t undermine them.

Why can they be harmful?

There is a third option - allergy sufferers with weakened immune systems. Such people can become ill in any room. But the answer to the question whether suspended ceilings are harmful to health lies elsewhere. Today, the majority of the population is in full swing with weakening of the immune system. This is due to many factors, which there is no point in discussing here.

But the possibility of harm cannot be denied. Otherwise, you may pay for it with your health - both yours and that of your loved ones.

International standards

All manufacturers, whether they like it or not, comply with ISO environmental safety standards. Such norms are common to everyone, so in most cases there is nothing to fear. So, stretch ceilings: are they harmful or not? At correct selection materials they will not affect the body of their users.

So always check the quality of the products, as well as the reputation of the plant itself. High-quality products may cost you more, but using counterfeit products will be harmful in almost any case.

PVC ceilings

Thin plastic film used almost everywhere, mainly because of its low cost.

Fabric ceilings are quite expensive and difficult to care for. The disadvantage here is that it is generally impossible to recognize high-quality polyvinyl chloride visually.

There are no special markings, and therefore you have to act at your own peril and risk. However, whether they are harmful or not, they should be purchased only from official representatives.

European products have, so to speak, a quality guarantee. This does not depend on the honesty of the manufacturer, but on the size of fines for any violations during the manufacturing process.

So buy film from strange people somewhere on the construction market is not worth it - there is a high probability that they will sell you something of poor quality for the price of real French film.

Manufacturers and labeling

The latter has already been said - it simply does not exist. If we talk about manufacturers, then everything is more complicated. European goods on Russian market practically none - only a few distributors with a limited selection.

The point here is that people are reluctant to buy such ceilings - because of their price, of course, but also because of their small width. Welding a stretch ceiling takes time, which means it costs money.

Chinese brands, which are mainly sold, have a larger width, and, to be honest, they are cheaper. Actually, finding a quality Asian manufacturer is not difficult. The main thing is not to get lost in the mass of unscrupulous people and not to pay attention to “certificates”. The latter, if they talk about the sale of French or German polyvinyl chloride, automatically become invalid.

The question of whether suspended ceilings are harmful to health is irrelevant here. It's a matter of the seller's conscience - there are almost no supplies of ceiling film from Europe. So to come across such models on the market is rather either a miracle or a deception. Calculate the probability of both for yourself.

How to choose a quality PVC ceiling?

So, you will have to buy Chinese film - this is definite and beyond doubt. Are stretch ceilings harmful to health? The facts show that everything depends on production. The composition, working conditions, and also, of course, correct installation. The main way to determine quality is the presence of smell:

  • After installation, the ceiling does not smell at all, or the smell is almost imperceptible, disappearing in a day or two. After airing, no foreign particles remain. This means that operation will be safe.
  • The average quality of the film is determined by the slight chemical smell that stretch ceilings emit. Are they harmful to health in this case? The first days, even a week and a half - yes. Therefore, it is better not to use the premises at this time. In addition, their installation in the bedroom will not be possible at all. the best solution. In the kitchen or hallway - quite.
  • There is a third option. A sticky, sweetish smell - very strong for a non-sensitive nose, even pungent. Is this kind of stretch ceiling harmful to health? Definitely yes. If there is such an odor, then there is phenol in your film. It is very poisonous, so you should not use such ceilings in principle.

Definition of quality

It is impossible to understand whether you are buying a high-quality film before installation.

So, are stretch ceilings harmful to health? Reviews from those who installed them indicate that in the case of high-quality coverage, no negative consequences should be expected. You can take advice from relatives and friends on this matter.

Of course, before renovation, any person is interested in whether suspended ceilings are harmful to health. Reviews on this topic are quite positive. Manufacturers for the most part care about quality, which is reflected in the opinions of buyers. As a negative - most often we're talking about about strong unpleasant odors. The reason for the appearance of the latter was said a little higher.

What can be harmful?

It is not easy to determine whether a suspended ceiling is harmful to health. But such an impact can have the most various reasons. In any case, you will feel discomfort from the unpleasant odor, and if you inhale the fumes for a long time, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. Harmful substances, at least the main ones, there are four:

  • Phenol, which has already been mentioned. It is practically eternal, since it does not decompose, but is eliminated from the body quite quickly. Although this does not prevent him from causing serious damage to internal organs.
  • Cadmium - like any other heavy metal, it settles in the liver, kidneys or bones. Because it provokes the occurrence of cancer.
  • Toluene is dangerous for vision and the nervous system. Inhalation can lead to loss of appetite, lethargy, insomnia, and in the worst case, even blindness.
  • Chlorine - causes severe damage to mucous membranes. It is dangerous due to a constant cough, lung diseases (including oncology), as well as fever and difficulty breathing.

In general, answering the question: “Stretch ceilings - are they harmful to health?”, we can say: definitely yes. But this only applies to low-quality or counterfeit goods. If you purchase high-quality film, then such problems will bypass you.