(Thuja occidentalis) and its varieties. Types of thuja: a complete list with pictures Thuja in the form of a book

Let's consider 14 winter-hardy varieties of western thuja for central Russia. Western thuja (Thuja occidentalis) is an evergreen tree or shrub from the cypress family, has many decorative forms that are used both for creating hedges and for single and group plantings.

Thuja varieties often used to create hedges:

Thuja occidentalis Brabant(Thuja occidentalis Brabant)

Brabant is a tree, 4-5 meters high and with a crown diameter of up to 1.5 meters. The crown is columnar. The needles are green, turning brown in the winter months. A fast-growing variety with an annual growth of 30-35 cm in height and 15 centimeters in width. Very frost-resistant.

It tolerates shearing well and is undemanding to growing conditions.

Thuja Brabant can grow both in sunny and slightly shaded places. The tree feels better in places protected from the wind.

Blooms in spring, April-May. After flowering, brown, egg-shaped cones are formed. small sizes(from 0.8 to 1.2 cm), which fully ripen by autumn.

Thuja Brabant does not tolerate long thaws with temperature changes very well, as this can cause early sap flow.

Grows especially well in fertile, moist soil. Growing on dry and poor soils will lead to the further appearance of sparse branches with faded needles and abundant fruiting.

Planted in a mixture of turf/leaf soil (2 parts), peat (1 part) and sand (1 part). When planting, you can add 0.5 kg of nitroammophoska per adult plant. On very wet soils, drainage up to 20 cm.

Container plants must be thoroughly watered before planting. The root collar should be at ground level when planting.

Watering of plants is carried out after planting weekly for a month, 10 liters per plant. After watering twice a week, 15-20 liters per plant.

Loosening is used taking into account the superficial root system, loosening no deeper than 10 cm. Mulching with the addition of peat or wood chips is recommended. Layer up to 7 cm. Dry shoots are easily removed in spring.

Newly planted plants must be covered during the first winter. This will help protect their vulnerable needles from winter and spring sunburn. Shelter is made using spruce branches or craft paper.

The variety is widely used for creating hedges, creating the effect of a “solid green wall”; planting frequency should be 0.5-0.7 m per row. To create a dense green wall, it is recommended to prune twice per season (in March and August). If you systematically trim the shoots at the top and side shoots, you can ensure that the hedge remains 0.4 m wide and 2 m high.

(Thuja occidentalis Smaragd)

Smaragd is a tree up to 4-4.5 meters high, with a pronounced conical shape and a very dense structure. The needles are dark green, rich in color, and do not change color in winter.

The growth rate is low.

The variety prefers highly fertile soil and regular watering.

In a “hedge” it does not close in the upper part, therefore it is used to conditionally delimit the garden space. Good as a tapeworm when planted alone.

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd has obvious differences from its “brothers” - it grows slowly in height and width, due to which it does not require frequent cutting.

Prefers fertile, moist soils without stagnant water. Does not tolerate drought well. In dry times, watering is necessary. Light-loving, but can grow in partial shade.

Tolerates haircuts well. In winter it practically does not fade.

Winter hardiness is high, but for planting it is better to choose areas protected from the winds. It is advisable to protect young plants from early spring sunburn by covering them with covering material or burlap.

Smaragd is suitable for creating a free-growing hedge in the “southern landscape” style (planting step 0.5-0.6 m).

Used for both single and group plantings.

Suitable for container growing and creating various forms through topiary trimming, row, alley plantings and as an accent in tree and shrub compositions. This variety looks great in regular style gardens.

(Thuja occidentalis Columna)

Columna is a tree with a narrow columnar crown up to 6-7 meters high and up to 1.3 meters in diameter. The crown structure is dense, compact, with short, horizontally extending dense shoots. The needles are scaly. The color of the needles is dark green, almost unchanged in winter.

Grows quickly, up to 20 cm per year. Undemanding to soils. Winter hardiness is high.

Suitable for creating hedges in the “Mediterranean” style, and as a single solo plant, reminiscent of Crimean cypress trees in its silhouette.

Undemanding to soil conditions, but better development reaches average moisture on moderately fertile soils. Does not tolerate drought well. For planting, it is better to choose semi-shaded areas.

It tolerates haircuts well, formative pruning is carried out as necessary.

In the first two years after planting, it is advisable to cover young plants with material for the winter to avoid early spring sunburn.

The columnar variety of thuja western Columna is often used for tall (up to 4 m in height) formed and free-growing hedges (planting spacing in a row is 0.5-0.7 m).

It is also used for single, group and alley plantings, as an accent in tree and shrub compositions and for container growing. Suitable for gardens in a regular style.

Can be used for topiary cutting.

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup(Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup)

Holmstrup is a tree up to 3-3.5 meters high with a crown diameter of up to 1 meter, with a columnar crown. The structure of the needles is very dense “curly”. Does not change color in winter.

The homeland of the thuja is Denmark, 1951.

Undemanding to soil, frost-resistant, tolerates shearing well.

The variety is suitable for “lazy gardeners”. The growth rate is very low. The annual growth is 12 cm in height and 4 cm in width. It grows to its final height in about 20-40 years. Hedges can be pruned once every two years.

Prefers sunny places, can grow in partial shade. Grows better in moist soil, tolerates stagnant moisture, and tolerates some dryness.

The soil is preferably loose and fertile.

2-3 years after planting a seedling on permanent place protect from early spring burns, it is better to cover the trunk circle in the fall with spruce branches, which will repel field mice.

Can be used for single plantings and rockeries.

For hedges, the distance in a row between plants should be 0.7 m.

Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata(Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata)

Fastigiata is a thuja with a columnar crown shape, with shoots tightly pressed to the trunk. The needles are from light green to dark green. Reaches a height of up to 6 meters in central Russia.

Annual growth up to 30 cm. The needles are soft, dark green with a strong characteristic odor.

Tolerates haircuts well. Almost does not change color in winter. Winter-hardy.

The shape resembles a cypress. The bumps are inconspicuous, brown.

Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata prefers a sunny location and fertile, moderately moist loamy soil.

When planting in a wetland, care should be taken to create a good drainage system.

Thuja seedlings need shading from late winter and early spring sun rays using burlap.

To create conditions for better plant survival, it is recommended to mulch the tree trunk circle with mowed grass, which will improve the soil structure. In late autumn, the mulch should be replaced with spruce branches to prevent field mice from appearing.

Thuja occidentalis Fastigata is well suited for creating tall hedges that reliably cover the area and do not take up much space.

Western thuja varieties for single and group plantings:

Thuja occidentalis Sunkist(Thuja occidentalis Sunkist)

Sunkist is a large, dense shrub or small coniferous tree. Height 3-5 m, crown diameter 1-2 m. The crown is conical with densely branched branches, slightly ruffled.

Originally from Canada.

The needles of young plants are bright golden yellow, changing to lemon yellow with age, and bronze in winter.

It grows slowly, at the age of 10 years it reaches 2 m in height.

It is undemanding to soil conditions, light-loving, and tolerates pruning well. Frost-resistant.

Prefers moist, fertile soils. It does not tolerate drought well; after a long dry period, in the absence of regular watering and under other unfavorable conditions, it can enter the phase of mass seeding, which leads to loss of decorativeness.

Photophilous. It can grow in partial shade, but the color of the needles fades and may take on a green tint. For planting, it is advisable to select areas protected from the wind.

It tolerates pruning well, crown shaping is carried out as needed.

To protect against early spring burns in the first year after planting, it is advisable to cover the plants with covering material for the winter.

One of the most brightly colored varieties of western thuja for planting as part of colorful tree and shrub compositions, for container growing and single planting.

Can be used to create a brightly formed hedge (if single row planting distance between plants is 0.5-0.6 m).

Suitable for creating various geometric shapes by topiary haircut.

Thuja occidentalis Wagneri(Thuja occidentalis Wagneri)

Thuja Wagneri is a tree up to 3.5 m high and up to 1.5 m wide. With a pronounced ovoid dense crown and numerous thin, vertically located shoots, slightly drooping at the ends.

The needles are gray-green, acquiring a copper tint in winter. The growth rate is average.

Demanding about soil conditions, prefers fertile, sufficiently moist soils. Grows better on open places. Photophilous.

The variety holds its crown shape well, so formative pruning is carried out only when necessary.

To prevent damage to the crown under the weight of snow, at the beginning of winter it is advisable to loosely tie the shoots together. Frost resistance is high.

A variety with an original crown shape, the best use for which is solitary planting. It can also be used in single, group and alley plantings, in tree and shrub compositions and for container growing.

(Thuja occidentalis Cloth of Gold)

Claude of Gold is a low shrub up to 2 meters high, up to 1.2 m wide. The crown is elongated-ovate or dense conical. The needles are tender, of two types - needle-shaped and scaly, from lemon-yellow to yellow-orange color, takes on a copper tint in winter.

It grows slowly.

It is demanding regarding soil conditions, prefers light, well-drained, moderately fertile soils with an alkaline reaction. Does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging.

Photophilous. It can grow in partial shade, but the color of the needles becomes less expressive.

To maintain the shape of the crown, moderate trimming can be done, no more than 1/3 of the shoot.

It is frost-resistant; in the first year after planting, it is advisable to protect the plant from burns for the winter; in subsequent years it does not require shelter.

A variety with an interesting crown shape, color and structure of needles, used as a tapeworm, in single and group plantings, as a color accent in tree and shrub compositions, suitable for rocky and heather gardens.

(Thuja occidentalis Globosa)

Thuja western Globoza is a spherical shrub with a height and diameter of up to 2 m.

The needles are scale-like, light green in spring, green in summer and gray-green or brownish in winter. The shoots are straight and flat, raised up, densely located, overlapping, evenly growing to the sides.

The needles are shiny green, gray-green or brownish in winter.

Growth is slow, by ten years the crown diameter reaches 1 m, by twenty – 1.5 m.

The crown is dense. Anti-aging pruning should be done every two years.

Winter-hardy, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant. Requires fertile, moist soils.

It does not tolerate dry air well and needs more frequent watering than other types of thuja.

To save to winter period from breaking by snow cover, it is recommended to tie the crown or make a frame, especially for young plants.

Used to create low hedges, borders, single and group plantings. Effectively dominates rock gardens and rocky hills.

It is also used for landscaping roofs and balconies, and for growing in containers.

Thuja occidentalis Woodwardy(Thuja occidentalis Woodwardii)

Woodwardie is a variety with a height of 1.5 - 2.0 m, width - up to 2 m. The shape of the crown is dense, spherical, and wide-round in old age. The shoots are straight and flat. The needles are dark green in summer and winter and do not change color.

At 10 years of age, the spherical crown reaches 0.4 m in height and width

The place of origin of Woodwardie is unknown; the time of its introduction into culture was before 1923.

It is winter-hardy, but in severe winters the ends of annual shoots freeze. Suitable for rocky gardens and lawn plantings.

The fruits are small brown.

Demanding on soil fertility and moisture. responds well to spring feeding, the color of the needles improves. For planting, you should choose sunny areas or partial shade.

After planting in a permanent place, the tree trunk circle should be mulched with mowed grass or peat.

Thuja Woodwardi, like other evergreens, may suffer from late winter and early spring sunlight in the first year or two after planting. Therefore, the seedling must be covered with burlap. The burlap should be removed after the snow cover melts, in the evening hours, preferably in cloudy weather.

Thuja Woodwardi is used to create landscape compositions of trees and shrubs with contrasting foliage colors and different architecture.

Planting in mixborders, as well as as a solo plant in open areas and on the sides of paths. Looks good when breaking up a monotonous row of fences.

Thuja occidentalis Stolvik(Thuja occidentalis Stolwijk)

Stolvik is a shrub up to 1.5 m high. The shape of the crown is hemispherical, the lower part is dense, the upper part is sparse with several trunks. The needles are green, young growths are yellow-white.

At 10 years of age, the height of the plant reaches 1 m.

The variety was obtained by propagation in a Dutch nursery in 1986.

Winter-hardy variety, propagates well from cuttings.

Needs fertile and moist soils. The variety prefers a sunny location, becoming loose in the shade. It does not tolerate dry air well, so on hot days you should water the plant at the root, and use sprinkling in the evening.

Seedlings of this variety are usually planted low, so they overwinter under the snow and do not suffer from spring sunburn.

Can be formed. To give the crown higher density You can apply spring shortening of shoots.

Suitable for replanting in mixed borders and tree and shrub compositions, as the variety creates the effect of “lush” in the composition. Recommended for rock gardens, Japanese gardens, compositions. Can act as a tapeworm in an open place.

Should not be planted in a hedge due to the thinned top.

(Thuja occidentalis Danica)

Danica is a low shrub up to 60 cm high and up to 1 m in diameter. The crown is spherical. The shoots are short, densely spaced. The needles are thick, soft, light green, shiny, slightly bronze in winter.

It grows slowly. Annual growth in height is no more than 5 cm. Reaches maximum height and width at approximately 15 years of age

From a young age it retains an almost perfect spherical shape. Propagated exclusively by cuttings.

Thuja western Danica, from the cypress family, was bred in Denmark in 1948, from where it came to us.

Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. It is used in compositions, rock gardens, to create borders, ideal for landscaping small areas.

The location that suits the plant best is sun and partial shade. Winter-hardy for central Russia, almost never suffers from spring sunburn, because winters under the snow.

Drought-resistant, but prefers moist, fertile loams. Needs to good lighting, so it is better to plant it in the sun or partial shade. On shady areas Thuja Danika loses its shape, becomes loose and “shaggy”. Thuja also does not like temperature fluctuations, which causes drying out.

Fertile, moist loamy soils are preferable for it. The area for planting thuja should be protected from the wind. In case of proximity groundwater you will need crushed stone drainage. The soil mixture should consist of turf or leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. When planting, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers.

Danica is used to create decorative groups and landscape compositions, in which it is most often a solo plant. Plants with a columnar and ovoid crown shape are planted next to it to create a balanced triangle according to the rules of the “golden ratio”. It is also used to make borders and planted as a tapeworm.

Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe(Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe)

Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe is a rounded shrub up to 1 m high and up to 1 m in diameter. The color of the needles is golden yellow. The yellow tips of the shoots, which get a lot of sun, completely cover the plant; inside the ball the foliage is bright green.

In autumn the needles acquire a copper tint, and in spring they turn golden again.

It grows slowly. It has a small increase of 8-10 cm per year, and reaches a maximum diameter of 1-1.2 m in twenty years.

Quite winter hardy.

It does not need a haircut, but in the spring it may require sanitary pruning.

Among gardeners, this variety is called “yellow spherical thuja” or “yellow ball”.

It prefers light loamy soils, so moderate doses of organic and mineral fertilizers should be added to the planting mixture, and after planting, the tree trunk circle should be mulched with mowed grass or peat.

In late autumn, the mulch should be replaced with spruce branches to prevent mice from nesting in the hay, which can damage or even destroy the seedling.

Thuja Golden Globe does not tolerate dry air well, so in the hot months of the year it needs regular watering and sprinkling.

If the plant becomes loose due to age or long cloudy weather, you need to shorten the shoots. A small trim will stimulate the growth of new shoots and make the crown thicker.

It acquires its golden color only in sunny areas or in partial shade. In the shade, the needles become light green, and the crown is loose and sparse. Resistant to smoke and gases.

Golden Globe is suitable for creating colorful landscape compositions using pebbles or wood chips. Due to its small growth, it looks great in rockeries, rock gardens and on retaining walls.

Thuja occidentalis Joseri(Thuja occidentalis Hoseri)

Thuja western Hoseri is a low-growing variety with a spherical crown with a diameter of up to 0.6 m. The needles are scale-like, thick, richly dark green, in winter gray-green with a bronze tint.

It grows very slowly, 4-5 cm per year. In adulthood, the ball becomes flattened.

The variety is demanding on soil fertility and moisture, and is quite winter-hardy. Prefers moderately fertile and moist soils.

Drought-resistant, but responds to watering in the hot season good growth and a wonderful view.

It does not suffer from spring sun rays, because... winters under the snow. For the first time after landing in open ground requires increased attention and good care. For better survival, you can mulch the tree trunk circle with mowed grass or peat. In the fall, the mulch should be replaced with spruce branches. Spruce thorns will scare away field mice, which can destroy the plant.

Shade-tolerant, but grows best in sunny or semi-shaded areas. Keeps the shape of the crown well and does not need cutting.

Low-growing spherical shrub for small gardens, tree and shrub compositions, rock gardens and compositions mixed with perennials. Suitable for creating borders and container growing.

Materials taken from the site www.vparnike.ru

On garden plots, in parks, near administrative and office buildings you can see thuja - ornamental plant with graceful carved branches. We'll tell you about it.

These coniferous trees and shrubs are close relatives of the proud ones. Most types of thuja are evergreen, but there are also other shades: golden, blue, light green. The crown of the plants is quite dense, and the needles (very fragrant) are scaly. It is located crosswise. Among the branches, small cones are almost invisible, usually having a greenish color. The reddish-brown bark is smooth.

Types and varieties

There are two varieties of thuja: western and eastern. The latter is from East Asia. It loves warmth and light very much, so it is grown here only as indoor plants. They clean the indoor air well. Western thuja came to Europe in 1540 from North American and Canadian forests. The plant is frost-resistant and tolerates the domestic climate well. It is often used for landscaping - it is not too troublesome and not very expensive.

The shape distinguishes between spherical and cone-shaped varieties. western thuja– there are more than 120 of them. The crowns are symmetrical and easy to shape. In height there are both small (dwarf varieties no more than 30 centimeters) and large twelve-meter trees. With age, the pyramidal shape of the crown transforms into an ovoid shape. Plants live for a long time - a century, or even twice as long.

Globular varieties

There are many variations of thuja with round shape crowns One of them, Danika, will be discussed in the article. They are well suited for decorating a rock garden, creating a hedge, or being included in picturesque flower and wood compositions. Five-year or seven-year-old trees can be planted in a permanent habitat. They are propagated by cuttings.

Partial shade and fertile loams are favorable for all species. Groundwater is undesirable. If they are close, then drainage is needed - 20 cm. Soil mixture - two parts of earth with the addition of one part each of sand and peat. Plus mineral fertilizer. Plant only with a clod of soil! We place the root neck at ground level - certainly not higher or lower. For the first month, 10 liters of water are poured under each tree weekly (in summer or when it is very dry - twice as often). When leaving, loosening is good.


This miniature spherical variety of thuja received the name Danica because it appeared in Denmark in the middle of the last century. The plant is only 60 cm tall and with a crown volume of one meter and has soft green needles (brownish-green in winter). The needles, thin, silky, stretch upward.

Danika increases in height slowly - in one year from 4 to 5 cm. And the crown circumference increases even less - about 3 or 4 cm. Maximum dimensions purchases a tree that is 15 years old. For propagation, the cuttings method is used. You can take seedlings, which, when planted, are placed at a distance of 40 cm to 3 m.

You need to choose places without strong winds, not in deep shade. Partial shade or sun (not scorching) - great option. The hole is deepened from 60 cm to a meter - depending on the size root system. In the spring, organic matter, saltpeter, and ash are added. In winter, it is advisable to cover young plants.

This variety is most often used for beautiful borders.. The crown is malleable, and real works of art can be made from it. Animals, for example, or castle walls. Danica combines very well with ovoid and conical trees, forming magnificent compositions that correspond to the “golden ratio”.

In the nursery, plants with a height of 25 to 40 cm will cost from 900 rubles to 3.2 thousand rubles.


This variety (Brabant) grows quickly. It adds 15 cm in the volume of the conical branched crown per year, and 40 cm in height. In our latitudes, mature trees are usually not taller than 4 or 5 m. The branches beautifully fall to the ground, and the needles do not lose their green color even in winter .

The variety is hardy and undemanding to any soil, but it will look freshest on loam soils that are characterized by fertility. Otherwise the branches will thin out and the foliage will turn pale. As in too thick shade. And the scorching sun is not suitable for Brabant - in this case it will be difficult in the winter cold. But partial shade is what you need. Landing ( better in spring) we make a hole up to a meter deep (in wet and heavy soils we arrange drainage). Nitroammofoska will not be superfluous - half a kilogram for one tree (adult). When planting an alley of trees of this variety, maintain a row spacing of 6 to 8 m, and plant seedlings at a distance of 3 to 4 m from each other.

Young plants are protected from cold by wrapping them in thick paper or burlap in the first and second year. And also cover it with spruce branches. And after 2 or 3 years (not earlier) you can start pruning, giving the desired shape. If we want to get a dense wall, then we trim the trees a couple of times a season. And there is no need to be zealous - cut off a third of the shoot, no more.

This variety is good for framing garden plots and private houses. Trees can be planted in the form of an alley. Near public building or office plants will delight with greenery all year round.

In the nursery, seedlings of this species (height from 100 to 175 cm) will cost from 1.3 to 1.8 thousand rubles.


Smaragd is very reminiscent of cypress in its grace, slenderness, narrow pyramidal crown (quite dense, up to 2 m in diameter). Trees grow up to 3–5 m, delighting with emerald green needles, which do not lose their freshness even in winter. Slow annual growth (up to 10 cm upward, and half as wide) is a distinctive feature of the variety. Smaragd lives up to 150 years.

The variety responds well to soils containing lime. Propagation - by cuttings or seeds, planting - in spring or summer. Plant with a clod of soil in the sun or light shade, water weekly. Loosen carefully, no deeper than 10 cm - the roots are close. The plant does not tolerate the dry season well - spraying is necessary at this time. In the first winter they cover. A protective layer of mulch of 5–8 cm will protect the roots. Pruning is done every 2 or 3 years.

The variety is suitable for creating garden compositions, and individual trees are attractive. They are good as a container culture and as a living green fence. They also have medicinal benefits - they clean and ionize the air.

In the nursery, plants of this species (height from 100 to 250 cm) will cost from 700 rubles to 15 thousand rubles.

Propagation by cuttings - planting thuja in open ground

The elementary method is using cuttings. Even in a jar of water they take root beautifully. Cuttings are made in the autumn, when the shoots are strong and powerful. If you decide to use this method, do not fill the container with too much water. Let it be only at the bottom, otherwise the roots may rot. And put a few branches there - no more than three pieces.

If you want to get more strong plants, then it is better to plant the cuttings in a greenhouse. Take shoots with woody bark that are 2 or 3 years old. You can take a young shoot 50 cm long with a piece of “heel” (wood from the trunk). This result is obtained by abruptly cutting off a branch.

Where we plant thuja, we need to achieve a humidity of 70 percent. To do this, you need to purchase a humidifier or constantly spray water. There should be a lot of light, so we make the walls and roof of the greenhouse transparent. You can also use backlighting. The soil is usual for thuja (soil, peat, sand).

The cuttings (with the needles removed at the bottom) need to lie in water for a couple of hours, and after that they are treated with potassium permanganate and dug into the grooves, deepening them by 2–3 cm. Then we spray them regularly and wait for new shoots to appear. Then you need to harden the plants by taking them out of the greenhouse into the air. In November, we cover the seedlings well and send them to winter.

Growing seeds and caring for a tree at home

This method takes longer, but has considerable benefits. For example, to make a living green fence, you can’t buy enough plants – it will be expensive. And if you plant the seeds, then in 3-4 years you can get seedlings yourself. And in any quantities. The first year will give an increase of only 7 cm, but the second – already 50!

To plant seeds, you need to prepare them correctly. This is done in August-September, while the cones are not yet open. They are cut off and placed in one layer on a spread oilcloth where it is dry and warm. When they open, you can take the seeds and plant them. This must be done immediately, otherwise after 3 months the germination rate will decrease.

In the fall, we either sow a bed on the site or plant the seeds in a box. One part sand, 4 parts peat and 2 parts earth - best option. Then we draw grooves every 5 or 6 cm, and put the seeds in them. Sprinkle 1 cm of earthen mixture on top. The top of the box should rise 2 or 3 cm above its level. We tamp it down and moisten it a little.

We place the box in an area under a tree and wait for winter to end. As soon as the earth warms up to 10–15 degrees, the seeds will begin to germinate. A couple of weeks will pass and the shoots will appear. These seedlings do not yet have scales, but needles. Only after 2 or 3 months will the needles be the same as those of an adult tree.

Twice a month we fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer. And then we leave it again for the winter. In the first autumn, you can plant it in the garden bed after 30 cm for growing (a school). Add ash, humus and nitroammophoska.

For more information on how to plant thuja, watch the video:

Growing thuja is not too difficult. The seedlings are not afraid of either Russian cold or dry summers. You can grow a tree either from cuttings or from seeds fallen from collected cones.


  • bright greenery will delight you in all seasons of the year;
  • the trees will live for a very long time, without requiring special care;
  • the healing and pleasant pine aroma will purify the air and improve health;
  • A thuja hedge, skillfully decorated, can become a source of pride.

Very interesting and instructive. And I did this, at the beginning of July I simply tore off a soft branch of a new growth. It should have three internodes from last year. Then you need to choose a place for planting that is warm and sunny. Then we water the planting site well and clear our stem by 5cm from the lower branches and that’s it... plant it! Oh, I just love these trees!

We have the same thuja growing in our dacha. We planted it in a row, like a living green fence. They propagated from cuttings begged from neighbors. It turned out very beautiful, green and fresh air. And it protects from prying eyes!

How many times have I tried to take cuttings - it’s useless! I tried it in water, and in soil, and in sand, covering it with a transparent bag on top (all this in the apartment), and I tried it in the garden. It seems that they last a month, then another, and they all die. Having pulled the cutting out of the sand, you find that the roots It’s not close there and never was. That’s why I’m always surprised when I read that everyone does it this way simply and easily, and doubts creep in about the veracity of such reviews...

The cutting must be taken with roots from an adult thuja, usually the lowest branches near the roots already have roots, they can grow on their own, but without roots it’s like a cut flower, it will stand in water and wither.

Why do owners of private estates love thuja so much? It’s just that she’s always “dressy” and “takes care of her shape.” This evergreen tree (shrub) belongs to the noble cypress family and is practically not capricious, unlike its closest relatives.

But for the safe relocation of the thuja to your site, you should still carefully read the important requirements for its maintenance. Almost all types of thuja love cozy, windless places, sun and tolerate partial shade, do not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, but love sprinkling, especially during dry periods.

And the thuja crown is also afraid of sunburn, which is easy to get on clear frosty days of winter and early spring, as well as in the July heat.

Therefore, for the first five years of life, young individuals are covered with geotextiles for the winter, and in the hot season they are generously pollinated with water from a sprinkler with a fine dispersion nozzle (creating a fog effect).

The natural element of thuja is a humid and warm climate. However, even in our area it feels quite comfortable, the main thing is to choose the right place and soil composition for it.

All varieties of western thuja are most suitable for the climatic zone of the European part of the continent - it is frost-resistant.

As for longevity, in their homeland thujas live up to 100 years and some of them grow up to 20 m in height. In the harsh conditions of our climate, life expectancy is reduced to 50 years, and growth is limited to a maximum of seven meters. However, this is quite enough to become a decoration for your garden.

It is most appropriate to plant thujas on the south side of buildings and fences, where they will be protected from shading and cold winds.

The tree itself has a beautiful, regular-shaped crown, but the thuja can be trimmed. This is done to thicken the crown, to create clear contours in hedges and topiary forms.


I won’t even try to introduce you to all the types and varieties of thuja; I will focus only on the most stable and, at the same time, highly decorative ones.

Thuja occidentalis(Thuja occidentalis) and its varieties.

  • Habitat: forest zone of North America.
  • Flowering period: April May.
  • Color spectrum:under natural conditions, the needles are juicy green, varietal varieties from yellow to bluish.
  • Height:at home up to 20 m, here we have an order of magnitude lower
  • Growing conditions: clayey and without prolonged stagnation of water, sunny places, possibly with shading.
  • Peculiarities:the most resistant to frost and drought in comparison with its relatives.

"Danika"- self-forming evergreen balls that do not require cutting. A “plant and forget” variety. It grows slowly, at an advanced age the crown diameter is no more than 1 m. Ideal in green and simple mixed borders, great for creating shaped border hedges.

"Wagnery" - ideal variety for areas with cold climates, the most frost-resistant of all thujas, the crown is compact, and therefore does not particularly suffer from heavy snowfalls.

Maximum height - 3.5 m, and 1.5 m in diameter.

Variety "Columna" It has a columnar crown that is almost flat from the base to the top, creating bright evergreen verticals in the garden. Ideal for creating high (more than 3m) hedges.

Thuja "Emerald" It has emerald-colored needles, so it is a welcome guest in any corner of the garden. A medium-sized variety with a pyramidal crown, best for creating topiary forms.

"Fastigiata"- a variety of German selection, the tallest, in our climate it can reach 7-8 m.

Annual growth is up to 30 cm. The shape of the crown is pyramidal: wide at the bottom and pointed at the top. With artificial thickening by regular pruning, you can get beautiful trees with a crown in the form of an arrowhead.

"Filiformis"- a charming “waterfall” of their living green threads. It grows very slowly: by the age of ten it forms a ball no more than 1 m in diameter.

"Golden Taffet" I note because of the unusual properties of the needles. It is also a dwarf variety with a spherical crown, but in summer it is bright yellow, turns brown by autumn, and by frost the tips of the branches can acquire an orange tint. In order for the plants to appear in all their glory, well-lit, sunny places are chosen for this variety.

"Mr Bowling Ball"- the shape is already clear from the name, but there is one more nuance - the silvery color of the needles. Will create an excellent contrast in coniferous mixes and other plantings.

Thuja folded, giant (Thuja plicata ), another name is red cedar.

  • Habitat: Pacific coast of Canada, USA, southern Alaska.
  • Flowering period: May.
  • Color spectrum:In nature it is dark green, but in varieties it has color variations.
  • Height:at home in a humid climate it reaches a height of 75 m.
  • Growing conditions: moist, fertile, drained soils, shade-tolerant, wind-resistant, requires shelter for the winter.
  • Peculiarities:evergreen tree, shrub, lives 500-800 years, crown shape is pyramidal, columnar, weeping.

"Cancan"- a low variety with a pyramidal crown. It is interesting in the landscape for its “unkemptness”.

It differs from other thujas in the chaotic direction of the outer branches (like the skirt of a performer of the dance of the same name). In our climate it does not grow more than 3 m. In winter it requires shelter from snow accumulation.

Thuja "Vipcord" Doesn't look like a conifer at all. Long green “threads” form a bizarre spherical shape. A slow-growing variety that is easy to care for, if you don’t forget to cover it for the winter.

An excellent partner for coniferous and simply “green” mixes, it looks great against the background of stones in rockeries. Does not grow more than 1 m in height and diameter.


All thujas suffer from spring burns, so they are covered with geotextiles at a young age.

At the same time, a thuja planted in the shade will have a loose and unpresentable crown.

The soil under the plants in the spring is loosened to a depth of 10 cm, and then covered with a thick layer of mulch from wood chips(not bark). If the tree trunk soil is not mulched, then the loosening procedure is repeated every spring.

And also, translated from Greek, thuja is the tree of life...


Considering the varietal diversity, talking about any special use of thuja in ornamental garden no need to. This is a beautiful plant that also takes well to pruning.

It is appropriate everywhere: along fences, instead of them, in any corner of the site, near the water, among stones, at the porch of a house, under windows, and goes well with other trees and herbaceous perennials. Therefore, we just look at the photo of the thuja in the landscape.


Since thuja has an almost constant color, be it green, bluish or yellowish, and a static shape throughout the season, it can be combined with almost any plant.

Evergreen thujas of various heights and shapes have long been actively used in landscape design. Thanks to its dense crown, needles that persist throughout the year and sufficient unpretentiousness, a thuja hedge is one of the most popular uses of the plant.

Which varieties of thuja are best for hedges?

Planting evergreen shrubs along the border of the site will protect the territory not only from access to prying and indiscreet glances, but also from gusts of wind, dust, polluted air from the road and even noise. On the site itself, thuja will help to delimit functional zones; low-growing varieties will become the basis for borders. Perennial universal, the main thing is to choose the right varieties and organize planting.

Which thujas are best for hedges? The number of varieties of this evergreen plant today amounts to dozens. Climatic conditions in Russia are varied. If in the southern regions gardeners can focus only on the decorative properties of thuja, then in the middle zone and to the north it is important to remember the frost resistance of the future hedge. Most often, for a living fence, the choice falls on two varieties: Brabant and.

Thuja Brabant hedge

One of the most winter-hardy varieties is (T. occidentalis Brabant) with a crown in the shape of a wide column with a diameter of about one and a half meters and a height of up to 5 meters. Like all related plants, this variety, beloved by landscapers, tolerates being in both the sun and transparent shade. In addition, the shrub is undemanding to soil composition, easily tolerates pruning and can for a long time get by with almost no maintenance.

For a hedge, Thuja Brabant is an excellent choice. However, do not forget about characteristic feature plants. Arborvitae needles do not remain green all year round. IN winter time it takes on a brownish-brown tint, but does not crumble, maintaining the opacity of the hedge. In spring, early awakening shrubs may suffer from drying out and sunburn.

In the spring, after cutting, the crown is actively restored. Typically, coniferous crops used in landscape design do not produce large annual growth. However, there are exceptions. Variety Brabant – fast growing thuja for a hedge, increasing in height up to 35 and width by 15 cm during the growing season.

If large shrubs lack of nutrition or moisture, thuja gradually loses its brightness of color. One sign of nutritional deficiency is the appearance of numerous light brown bumps.

Hedge made from thuja of this variety is a solid wall that can withstand cutting perfectly and retains its given shape. When planting evergreen shrubs, future growth is taken into account. An interval of 50 to 70 cm is made between the seedlings in the trench.

Maintenance pruning is carried out twice a year. In early spring, before the growth points begin to awaken, the thuja is cut for the first time, then the procedure is repeated in August. Typically, thuja is chosen for planting at the age of 3–4 years. If you don’t hesitate with pruning and treat it carefully, you can grow a living 2-meter wall no more than half a meter thick.

Thuja hedge Smaragd

Thujas of different varieties differ not only in appearance. The Smaragd variety (T. occidentalis Smaragd) is no less popular than Brabant. This is the same large plant, up to 4–5 meters high, but with a conical crown and needles that never lose their green tint.

A rare feature for thuja makes the variety in demand not only as a tool for hedges. A magnificent shrub that is rarely subjected to winter drying out:

  • grows very slowly;
  • does not require frequent haircuts;
  • looks great both as part of a living wall and solo.

The lower part of the thuja Smaragd has high density, is a rich green color and maintains a flat surface with minimal pruning. Due to the natural conical shape of the crown top part the hedge retains its natural outline. This feature comes in handy when we're talking about about the fence on the border of the site. The jagged edge is more difficult to overcome for both humans and animals.

Before planting thujas for a hedge, they dig a trench about 50–60 cm wide and deep. The density of the green fence depends on the interval between the bushes. The average gap for planting is half a meter.

It’s good if thuja seedlings have a closed root system. In this case, they easily take root, and hedges from them can be planted not only in the spring.

For a thuja hedge, sufficient nutrition and regular watering are important. Drought causes the needles to turn pale, the already slow growth stops, and young shoots dry out. Plants do not tolerate stagnant moisture and the proximity of groundwater. Therefore, in the risk zone in the planting trench, it is useful to make a drainage layer about 20 cm thick.

Thuja varieties for hedges

The choice is not limited to the plants described above. An equally impressive wall of greenery can be created by planting thuja Columna along the border of the property. A perennial plant up to 7 meters high with a dense cylindrical crown with a diameter of up to 130 cm. Like Smaragd, the shrub does not change the color of its needles, but has a high growth rate and increases in size by 20 cm per year.

Thuja Holmstrup, up to three meters high, has a unique crown, which from the outside appears curly or corrugated. A dense column with a diameter of about a meter tolerates winter cold well, is unpretentious and does not change color throughout the year. When asked by a beginner: “Which thuja is best for a hedge?”, you can safely point to this variety. A plant with a small annual growth needs to be trimmed once every two years.

The Canadian thuja variety Sunkist has a height of 3 to 5 meters. The crown in the shape of a wide cone with a diameter of 1–2 meters stands out due to the beautiful color of the golden needles, which become brownish-bronze in the winter.

What varieties of thuja are best for a small hedge? The choice of plants for creating borders is quite large. Particularly popular are species with a naturally compact crown, which are more winter-hardy than tall plants and do not require frequent labor-intensive pruning. An example is Thuja Danika, no more than 60 cm in height.

Video about planting a hedge of thuja occidentalis

Thuja is an evergreen plant from the cypress family, which can develop over fifty or even a hundred years. Almost all types of thuja are winter-hardy. Many varieties surprise with their color palette, for example, you can find thujas as blue color, and yellowish tint. Some are bushes, while others soar three meters into the air. There are even those that grow close to the ground, in the form of small lush balls, they are called dwarf trees. All types are similar to each other, and at the same time unique. Instructions for growing cotoneaster here:

Thuja, description and characteristics

Thuja feels comfortable both in damp space and in dry soil. The structure of the branches and needles of the tree resembles a thick cobweb. The juicy needles are directed vertically upward, some of the “paws” are a scaly structure.

It is worth noting the fact that the health of the tree can be judged by the condition of the “jewelry” needles. If the needles are juicy, full of moisture and match the color of the tree crown, then the plant is healthy, but if, when touched, the branches are dry and have an unusual yellowish, and sometimes brownish tint, then most likely the plant lacks moisture or minerals.

Thuja is a plant that must be protected from the wind. For the first few years, young trees require shelter for the winter.

When growing thuja at home, it is necessary to attach special importance to the container in which the thuja grows. With each new transplant, the pot should increase one and a half times.

Thuja has many beneficial properties. For example, from the cones of some varieties you can make decoctions that relieve headaches. Tree needles can also be brewed; teas of this type can have an effect on psychological condition person. Thus, tea made from thuja needles has a calming effect.

Types and varieties of thuja with photos

On the market today garden plants The following varieties of garden cultivated thuja are presented in Russia:

  1. Varieties of folded thuja:

  2. Western thuja varieties:
    • thuja occidentalis golden globe
    • The cute ball in the flower garden is Thuja occidentalis golden globe

    • Thuja occidentalis columna
    • thuja occidentalis teddy
    • Thuja occidentalis globeosa
    • Thuja occidentalis holmstrup
    • thuja occidentalis yellow ribbon
    • Light colors in the column - thuja occidentalis yellow ribbon

    • Thuja occidentalis golden taffet
    • Thuja occidentalis aureospicata
    • Almost like a Christmas tree - Thuja occidentalis aureospicata

    • Thuja occidentalis Miki
  3. “geometric” varieties of thuja:
  4. and others:
    • thuja orientalis aurea nana
    • Unusual shape - Thuja orientalis aurea nana

    • thuja heather
    • Thuja Sunkist
    • Bright fresh in the garden - thuja sunkist

    • Thuja Reingold
    • thuja woodwardy
    • Another spherical thuja - Thuja woodwardi

    • golden thuja
    • thuja hoseri
    • Thuja Wagner
    • Thuja spiralis
    • dwarf thuja
    • thuja teeny tim
    • Worthy resident alpine slide— thuja teeny tim

    • Thuja filiformis
    • Thuja filiformis - green cascade on the lawn

    • thuja blue
    • thuja little giant
    • Thuja fastigiata
    • thuja cancan
    • thuja europa gold
    • Thuja Miriam
    • thuja little champion
    • thuja little jam
    • Thuja edas 801 - an excellent remedy for adenoids
    • Medicine is made from thuja oil - Thuja Edas 801

  5. Even the most experienced gardener will be able to choose for himself exactly the variety that will delight him for a long time. for long years. Read more and what types there are.

    Photo of thuja in landscape design

    Thanks to the chic variety of species and varieties, thuja will fit perfectly into the design of any space.

    For example, landscape designers use thuja as a hedge, use it to frame compositions, to add liveliness stone garden, as well as for creating alpine slides.

    Variations design solutions The uses of thuja are so varied that it would be difficult to describe even half of them.

    Price of thuja seedlings and seeds

    Thuja is an integral resident of garden plots. Its diversity is so great that you can choose a specimen that is ideal for any composition, from a garden near a private house to flowerbed areas near the administration. The cost of seedlings, cuttings and seeds varies depending on the variety and stage of development. An adult grown plant will cost several times more than a young seedling. If we talk about the general price category for seeds, then this ranges from 150 to 700 rubles. When it comes to seedlings and cuttings, the cost of one copy can reach 25 thousand rubles.

    Where to buy thuja?