Comparison of insulation materials. Thermal insulation materials made of glass wool - a review of the best brands of insulation. What is better than Ursa or Knauf

The topic of modern thermal insulation materials, both imported and domestically produced, continues to interest readers, because thanks to these materials it is possible not only to reduce home heating costs, but also to significantly reduce the cost of building construction. A leading specialist advises.

What are the advantages of URSA and Izover heat insulators?

I had to work with Russian mineral wool. Despite the special protective suit and respirator, particles of material got onto the body and into the lungs, causing very unpleasant sensations. People who constantly worked with her often received dangerous occupational diseases. Another drawback is that this heat insulator collapses quite quickly in the wall and sags, resulting in top part The walls lose their thermal insulation, while in the lower part it deteriorates significantly. Thermal insulation materials, which we offer, are completely environmentally friendly and even pleasant to the touch, durable, have better insulating properties and, finally, are cheaper than those made in Kstovo or Vyksa.

- Is there any difference between URSA and Izover?

If it exists, it is very conditional. Both materials are fiberglass, both have the same technical characteristics, even appearance they are so similar that not every specialist will be able to distinguish them when unpacked. By the way, their packaging is the same - shrink film, which reduces the transport volume by up to 35 percent of the working volume, which allows three cubic meter packages of this heat insulator to be placed in ordinary Zhiguli cars.

But we bring Izover from Finland, and URSA is manufactured in the city of Chudovo, Novgorod region. Many consumers prefer imported material (it is a little more expensive), although the Germans, the owners of the Chudovsky plant, strictly ensure that the material produced here is no different from that produced in their homeland or at the concern’s factories in other countries of the world. Another question is that the capacity of the Chudovsky plant is not enough for the whole of Russia and very often people are simply forced to use imports... - Where are these heat-insulating materials used and what are their varieties? - They differ among themselves in hardness - from M-15 to P-75 (the stiffer the material, the more suitable for the wall greater height it can be laid, but that makes it more expensive), in thickness - from 50 to 140 mm. Polyethylene film, foil or kraft paper may be applied to one or both sides of the material. Since they are classified as non-flammable and have excellent thermal insulation properties (their thermal conductivity coefficient is only 0.04-0.05 kcal/mhC, which means that 18 cm of heat insulation protects the house from the cold in the same way as a two-meter brickwork), are environmentally friendly, they can be used for thermal insulation and roofs, and interfloor ceilings, and external walls, and floors, and basements, and internal partitions, and heat pipes. In short, they are universal. Moreover, such materials are very convenient to work with. Install interior partition- place between a wooden beam or metal profile, on which plasterboard or GVP is attached, an insulating board of medium rigidity with a thickness of only 50 millimeters. Such a partition will provide better heat and noise insulation than one laid out with one and a half bricks. But it doesn’t need to be plastered. The labor costs for its construction are incomparably less. Due to its light weight, it can be placed almost anywhere, and the cost of the materials themselves is lower...

This is probably the main advantage of modern thermal insulation materials:

security best quality at a lower cost. For example, when building a boundary wall, you can make it out of brick. Or you can use it to build only the inner, load-bearing part of the wall with a thickness of only 175 mm (half a brick), attach an 80-120 mm layer of heat insulation to it and lay it with any facade material(besser blocks, facing brick, siding, boards). The price will be much cheaper, but the comfort of housing and its heat protection will be better. And there is no need to be afraid of these building structures- this is how they build in many countries of the world, where they live much better than in Russia. I have come across more economical solutions. It is used as a load-bearing part of the structure wooden beam, between which a heat insulator is attached, the inner part of the wall is sheathed with GVP, and the outer part is lined with tongue and groove. Externally, such houses resemble garden ones, but they are warm and comfortable.

You talked about the advantages of the URSA and Izover materials, but did not mention anything about their disadvantages.

Flaws? Perhaps only one. They don't like moisture. When ingested, they partially lose their properties. Therefore, they cannot be wetted, and condensation should not accumulate on them inside building structures. For this purpose, special ventilated structures have been developed or polyethylene film is used as vapor barriers, aluminium foil or kraft paper.

Keepers of warmth and silence

One of the most important criteria for the quality of mineral wool is its environmental Safety. Defining safety factors The following points are considered:

  • Length and diameter of mineral fibers;
  • Quality and chemical composition binder;
  • Availability of environmental certificates from the manufacturer.

The best mineral wool manufacturers

Only brands with a proven reputation deserve consumer trust. Among them, it is worth paying attention to the brands:

  • Rockwool
  • Paroc
  • Isover
  • Knauf
  • Beltep

7 leaders of narrow and broad specialization are fighting for buyers by advertising their products. In contrast, “ExpertTsen” will try to give an impartial assessment of the thermal insulation material and rank the types of mineral wool based on their safety, construction advantages, taking into account the average price tag and reviews of real customers.

Rockwool - stone wool without disadvantages


Despite its Danish roots, Rockwool has many factories in Russia, which allows the company to offer a range of European quality, but without unnecessary price hikes. The high quality of this mineral wool is confirmed by builders who consistently choose products from the Danish brand when carrying out work.

Rockwool mineral wool is enhanced performance:

  • fire safety - Rockwool fibers can withstand up to 1000 degrees with standard data of 600 degrees Celsius;
  • absorption of sound and vibration, which is why the material is chosen to create noise barriers and to increase the acoustic comfort of rooms;
  • environmental friendliness - Rockwool has an EcoMaterial Green certificate, although it has long been known that many do not like mineral wool, attributing to it properties that are dangerous for environment, human life and health;
  • durability without deformation and destruction;
  • thermal insulation.

We are, of course, talking about real Rockwool; purchasing from unreliable suppliers does not guarantee the above-mentioned quality.

Reviews: “Rockwool light butts mineral wool is the best - it holds its dimensions perfectly and does not fray.”

“The house was saved in a fire only thanks to the presence of Rockwool slabs in the ceiling - it does not burn, does not shrink, and does not form dangerous voids at high temperatures.”

Paroc mineral wool - excellent quality, but high price


Having opened any construction forum, in the topic “thermal insulation” you immediately come across the brand name Parok. Its basalt mineral wool firmly occupies a leading place in the user ratings, and there are many reasons for this. After all, Paroc means the same product quality regardless of the location of the plant, and best characteristics according to all the main indicators of mineral wool.

Paroc's main focus is on energy efficiency. Basalt wool The park allows you to:

  • save energy, including heat;
  • not to provide negative influence on ecology;
  • protect from noise and dust;
  • ensure fire safety.

This manufacturer realizes all the advantages of stone wool, there are practically no fakes, but flaw still present - high price.

Reviews: “Paroc mineral wool is my favorite! This is what I’m planning for the roof of my house.”

Isover - high quality mineral wool to choose from


The manufacturer offers two solutions: glass wool and stone wool. This is a big plus when choosing thermal insulation, since both of these materials are usually in demand in the construction of a particular facility. Izover has an excellent reputation in Russia and offers thermal insulation only with environmental quality certificates. Continuous implementation modern technologies make it possible to improve the characteristics of manufactured products and reduce the cost. The latest “new product” from Isover is the release of mineral wool with high strength and elasticity, without dust and with a minimum of “prickliness”. In terms of quality, products under this brand are unlikely to compare with more expensive competitors, but in terms of price/quality ratio mineral wool Isover is one of the best.

Builder reviews: “Isover mineral wool is cheaper and better quality than many other insulation materials, so I use it for large volumes.”

Knauf produces everything!


Knauf is a manufacturer that has proven more than once that it can provide the construction market with the best offers. Thermal insulation is no exception. Knauf offers good quality mineral wool based on basalt fiber, as well as glass fiber composition. The first option is widely used for technical insulation, in construction and in the production of complex equipment. Fiberglass insulation is produced for specialized purposes ( HEATKnauf), as confirmed by its names:

  • HEAT stove;
  • WARM roofing;
  • Acoustic partition;

Most of the mineral wool sold by the manufacturer belongs to the series Knauf Insulation. There are no toxic phenol-formaldehyde resins used in the production of this product. The Knauf Insulation and TEPLOKnauf thermal insulation lines are intended for the construction of residential buildings by individuals and construction organizations.

Flaw: high price

Reviews: “You rarely hear a bad word about Knauf. This means that the material is truly excellent.”

Ursa - a new generation of mineral wool


For a long time, the Ursa brand was known for its fiberglass products. But technology does not stand still, and today the company offers the market PureOne- new generation mineral wool made from natural and naturally renewable components, interconnected with an acrylic-containing binder.

The effectiveness of PureOne in terms of heat and sound insulation is very high, there are almost no complaints about other characteristics. The material has a bright white color, does not chip, does not crumble, and does not deform.

In addition to PureOne, Ursa also offers a standard range of glass wool, with all their disadvantages and advantages. The cost of products does not differ from analogues of other companies.

Builder reviews: “PureOne is the best mineral wool, with 1.5 times the elasticity and stiffness of traditional fiberglass insulators.”

“A friend who has been working on the construction of dachas for many years said: take Ursa insulation, you won’t regret it - it keeps you warm, it’s easy to work with, and it doesn’t burn. I insulated the attic at the dacha, then I itched for a week, but the house is now warm.” .

IZOVOL mineral wool is the best choice for walls and roofs


Izovol is another type of basalt wool that is in high demand and is used for thermal insulation of walls, roofs and ventilated facades. Has excellent physical-mechanical and performance characteristics. It is non-flammable, has standard density indicators for the material, so it can crumble during operation, causing some discomfort.

It does not have a high price; all thermal insulation is available for sale and is in demand by construction organizations. The most popular line of materials recommended for carrying out work on insulation of pitched roofs roofing roofs and attic rooms.

The topic of modern thermal insulation materials, both imported and domestically produced, continues to interest readers, because thanks to these materials it is possible not only to reduce home heating costs, but also to significantly reduce the cost of building construction. A leading specialist advises.

I had to work with Russian mineral wool. Despite the special protective suit and respirator, particles of material got onto the body and into the lungs, causing very unpleasant sensations. People who constantly worked with her often received dangerous occupational diseases. Another drawback is that this heat insulator quickly deteriorates in the wall and sags, as a result of which the upper part of the wall loses its thermal insulation, while in the lower part it deteriorates significantly. The thermal insulation materials that we offer are completely environmentally friendly and even pleasant to the touch, durable, have better insulating properties and, finally, are cheaper than those made in Kstovo or Vyksa.

— Is there any difference between “URSA” and “Isover”?

- If it exists, it is very conditional. Both materials are fiberglass, both have the same technical characteristics, even their appearance is so similar that not every specialist will be able to distinguish them when unpacked. By the way, their packaging is the same - shrink film, which reduces the transport volume by up to 35 percent of the working volume, which allows you to place three cubic meter packages of this heat insulator in a regular Zhiguli.

But we bring Izover from Finland, and URSA is manufactured in the city of Chudovo, Novgorod region. Many consumers prefer imported material (it is a little more expensive), although the Germans, the owners of the Chudovsky plant, strictly ensure that the material produced here is no different from that produced in their homeland or at the concern’s factories in other countries of the world. Another question is that the capacity of the Chudovsky plant is not enough for the whole of Russia and very often people are simply forced to use imports... - Where are these heat-insulating materials used and what are their varieties? — They differ among themselves in rigidity - from M-15 to P-75 (the stiffer the material, the higher the wall it can be installed in, but the more expensive it is), in thickness - from 50 to 140 mm. Polyethylene film, foil or kraft paper may be applied to one or both sides of the material. Since they are classified as non-flammable and have excellent thermal insulation properties (their thermal conductivity coefficient is only 0.04-0.05 kcal/mhS, which means that 18 cm of heat insulation protects the house from the cold in the same way as two-meter brickwork), they are environmentally safe, then they can be used for thermal insulation of roofs, and interfloor ceilings, and external walls, and floors, and basements, and internal partitions, and heat pipelines. In short, they are universal. Moreover, such materials are very convenient to work with. When installing an interior partition, place an insulating board of medium hardness, only 50 millimeters thick, between the wooden beam or metal profile on which the plasterboard or gypsum board is attached. Such a partition will provide better heat and noise insulation than one laid out with one and a half bricks. But it doesn’t need to be plastered. The labor costs for its construction are incomparably less. Due to its light weight, it can be placed almost anywhere, and the cost of the materials themselves is lower...

This is probably the main advantage of modern thermal insulation materials:

providing better quality at lower cost. For example, when building a boundary wall, you can make it out of brick. Or you can use it to build only the internal, load-bearing part of a wall with a thickness of only 175 mm (half a brick), attach an 80-120 mm layer of thermal insulation to it and lay it with any facade material (Besser blocks, facing bricks, siding, boards). The price will be much cheaper, but the comfort of housing and its heat protection will be better. And there is no need to be afraid of these building structures - this is how they are built in many countries of the world, where they live much better than in Russia. I have come across more economical solutions. A wooden beam is used as a load-bearing part of the structure, between which a heat insulator is attached, the inner part of the wall is sheathed with GVP, and the outer part is lined with tongue and groove. Externally, such houses resemble garden ones, but they are warm and comfortable.

— You talked about the advantages of the URSA and Izover materials, but did not mention anything about their disadvantages.

- Flaws? Perhaps only one. They don't like moisture. When ingested, they partially lose their properties. Therefore, they cannot be wetted, and condensation should not accumulate on them inside building structures. For this purpose, special ventilated structures have been developed or polyethylene film, aluminum foil or kraft paper are used as vapor barriers.

At the end of March, a round table dedicated to security issues was held at the Independent Press Center in Moscow building materials. A new construction season is beginning, which can bring people not only the joy of a housewarming, but also the bitterness of serious illnesses. Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. "IN Lately A large number of people are starting to turn to hospitals in whose homes the major renovation with allergy symptoms, bronchial asthma or bronchitis,” said one of the event participants Dmitry Vinogradov, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, pulmonologist of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov. All participants round table agreed that one of the main causes of diseases respiratory system is “respirable” dust caused by asbestos and mineral wool.

Fortunately, asbestos is rarely used in construction and renovation today. But mineral wool is everywhere. Mineral wool is used for insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, loggias, attics, and also as sound insulation. Mineral wool can be foil-coated, in the form of sandwich panels, cords, cylinders or mats, and is sold in the form of rolls and slabs.

Installation and fastening of mineral wool (including using glue) is carried out both indoors and outdoors. In Russia, there are quite a lot of factories that have established the production of mineral wool, in particular, a similar enterprise operates in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region.

You can buy mineral wool at any hardware store. The price of mineral wool depends on weight, density, composition, thermal conductivity. Naturally, the cost of mineral wool is also affected by the brand of the manufacturer, the most common of which are rockwool, ursa, isover, knauf, technonikol.

Which mineral wool is better? The round table participants unanimously declared: none. Unfortunately, today few people know that mineral wool is a very dangerous, poisonous and insidious insulation material. Sergey Fateev (construction portal SNRP.RU) said that the smallest particles of mineral wool fibers inhaled by a person cause serious harm to the body - even cancer. Moreover, the phenol-formaldehyde resins used in this insulation as a binding material pose a huge danger. These substances release free phenol and formaldehyde, which can provoke inflammation of the skin, mucous membranes and even nervous disorders.

"IN Western countries in the production of mineral wool, much more harmless substances are used, for example, limestone, while in Russia, to save money, they use slag from the metallurgical industry,” said Sergey Fateev. And representatives of the environmental organization “Green Wave” stated that they intend to study modern brands of mineral wool for their safety for people and natural environment, and demand that officials impose a ban on harmful materials.

According to some round table participants, the widespread use of mineral wool is very reminiscent of the story with the so-called “phenolic” houses. In the late 1960s - early 70s, high-rise buildings began to be built throughout our country, adding phenol-formaldehyde resins (now used in mineral wool) to concrete.

A huge scandal erupted in the late 80s when it became known how toxic these residential buildings had become.

The inhabitants of these houses suffered from chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular and digestive systems, liver, kidneys, and eyes. Among residents of “phenolic” houses, statistics reveal an increased number of deaths from cancer.

Is it possible for history to repeat itself? It is quite possible, the participants think. Mineral wool today is built into many residential and office buildings, including private buildings. Toxic dust emitting phenols and formaldehydes, plus rodents who carry the infection and love such an environment - all these factors cannot but affect people's health. Chemical components in the air are absorbed and accumulate in the human body, leading to decreased performance, fatigue, decreased concentration, and with prolonged exposure - to malignant neoplasms.

The construction season is just beginning, so people ordering construction or renovation work, care must be taken in advance to ensure that their housing and work premises meet all environmental standards. But if fate has placed a person in a building whose walls, floors or ceilings are insulated with mineral wool, then it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and wet cleaning, the round table participants are sure. This can reduce exposure to toxic dust and reduce the concentration of chemical components in the air.

Visitor comments

Alexander (guest),

Insulation made from mineral wool or fiberglass is very harmful. Firstly, the fibers from which these insulations are made are very fragile. Therefore, even with a slight load, they break.

Isover or Knauf

Secondly, the fibers of these insulation are connected to each other with glue or resin (they release phenol) and under the influence of the natural environment (temperature changes), the insulation made of fiberglass or basalt is destroyed, that is, the fibers fall off, and this, as a consequence, leads to the formation dust harmful to the human body.

Environmentally friendly insulation (the entire line: flax, jute, organic), you can view it here:

ORIENT211 (guest),

1) Mineral wool mats made of basalt fiber used as insulation do not contain binding components. Therefore, no chemical substances. And they can be a source of health hazards only due to dust. However, this mineral dust cannot always penetrate into the indoor air.
2) Mineral wool boards are available not only with a synthetic binder that releases phenol, but also with starch or bitumen.
3) The video shows that the rats are dying, but it is not certain that it is because of the mineral wool. In addition, it is not clear why there were so many rats in this house. They don’t eat mineral wool, so they found something edible from their owners. This means that the owners did not take good care of their food.

Comparison of roof insulation materials “Knauf Cottage” and “Ecover”

Knauf and Ecover are well-known brands of roofing insulation among Russian builders. Since we ourselves use these insulation materials, we confidently recommend them to our clients. In this article we will tell you how the products of these brands differ.

Glass wool and basalt wool


The main characteristic of insulation is thermal conductivity - both types are almost the same. So, with any properly installed insulation, the house will have a comfortable temperature.

Insulation boards made from both materials are cut with a knife.

Although both mineral components are environmentally friendly, when working with insulation use a mask and gloves. Breathing dust that flies from stoves is harmful to the lungs.


The main difference between insulation is in the materials. “Knauf” is glass wool, and “Ecover” is stone, or basalt, wool..

Glass wool is made from broken glass and sand. The raw materials are melted in a furnace, turned into thin fibers, which then form a slab.

Basalt wool is made from a natural resource - gabbro-basalt rocks. For Ecover, raw materials are mined in the Urals, in the city of Asbest. The stone is also melted in the furnace.

What's better? Isover Rockwool Ursa Heat Knauf

The fibers are bound with phenol-formaldehyde resins - despite the scary name, they are safe.

Advantages of Ecover basalt wool:

  • Mineral fibers are located in basalt slabs chaotic, which is why stone wool is stronger than glass wool.
  • “Ecover” insulation requires moisture protection, but when wet it does not lose its thermal insulation properties.
  • Basalt wool is hard, so it does not sag under its own weight and small loads, and does not shrink over time. It has served for 50 years without any complaints.
  • Basalt wool has a higher melting point: 600-700 degrees versus 450 for glass wool. Therefore, stone wool is more resistant to high temperatures- for example, in a bathhouse, and not flammable.
  • Basalt wool is used for plaster and screeds - it does not deform.

Cons of "Ecover"

  • Basalt wool takes up a lot of space during transportation, which is partly why it costs more.
  • During installation, the slabs hardly crumple, so the fibers fall off and dust forms.

Advantages of Knauf glass wool

  • Glass wool is flexible and soft, so it is convenient to transport and place on uneven surfaces.
  • Glass wool better insulates a room from street noise.
  • Glass wool is lighter than basalt wool, so it puts less strain on the structure and the builder’s hands.
  • To produce glass wool, an acrylic binding agent is used, which is more environmentally friendly than phenol-formaldehyde.

Cons of "Knauf"

  • Since this insulation is made of glass, it ripples a little during operation. Be sure to follow safety precautions - work only with gloves!
  • Glass wool fibers are parallel to each other, so glass wool is not as strong, and over time it shrinks a little.


Basalt wool is more expensive than glass wool, so first of all, consider your budget. Basalt wool lasts longer and does not shrink, while glass wool does not load the frame and is laid on uneven surfaces.

We hope this comparison helped you make an informed decision and buy roof insulation that would be better suited for your case.

May your home always be warm,SibProfile team

1. Roof insulation - how to choose?

2. Manufacturer Rockwool

3. Manufacturer Knauf

If you want to create a recreation room in the attic or decide to update the material, then be sure to ask yourself the question - which insulation is better for the roof? (read also: “Choosing insulation for the roof - which is better and more practical”)

In our article and we'll talk about the choice of such material. After all, manufacturers offer a fairly large assortment of goods, varying in type and variety. And to do right choice, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, for example, the density of the insulation for the roof.

The roof has long become synonymous with the warmth, reliability and comfort of a home.

For this reason, you should be very careful when choosing roofing insulation.

A reasonable question arises: why insulate the roof, since you can do without it? But no! After all, as you know, warm air always points upward.

And if the roof itself is cold and uninsulated, then air currents will go into the atmosphere. At correct operation roofs - warm air will linger in the room. For this reason, if you have not properly insulated your roof, you will spend significantly more money on gas or electricity to heat your home. Today, such expenses really seem unnecessary.

There are two types of attic roof spaces:

Let's consider the difference in their insulation.

Residential attic spaces require insulation of not only the roof slopes, but also part of the ceiling, and even the side walls.

Non-residential - insulation of floors separating the attic and the house. In this case, the thickness of the roof insulation will differ.

Roof insulation - how to choose?

Before purchasing insulation, read the information about the materials used and the manufacturer. Study the characteristics of the thermal insulator you choose. But the most important thing is to calculate the insulation for the roof. This is important in order not to buy too much.

Consideration of principles when choosing insulation

The only thing I would like to note is the choice of material, depending on the type of roof (flat or pitched). The remaining criteria are the same for everyone.

So, eight criteria:

  1. Life time. If the insulation is of high quality, then it long time retains its thermal insulation properties.
  2. Specific gravity. It is affected by the density of the insulation, which is measured in kg/m3. The material should not be too heavy, otherwise it will make the entire structure heavier. And this threatens with dangerous consequences.
  3. Shape stability. When purchasing material, pay attention to the technical specifications. Especially regarding the length of time the insulation retains its geometric parameters. In other words, it determines reliability.
  4. Flammability. It is recommended to give preference to non-flammable and self-extinguishing materials.
  5. Cold resistance. A relevant criterion, especially for the northern regions.
  6. Humidity. There are materials whose thermal conductivity deteriorates with increasing humidity - this is not a plus.
  7. Soundproofing. If the roof covering is made using noisy material, then the insulation must have soundproofing properties.
  8. Environmentally friendly. The insulation should not have an odor or be toxic.

Installation of rockwool insulation, watch the video:

So, let's move on to the types of insulation themselves.

Types of roof insulation:

  • Foamed expanded polystyrene – belongs to the class of foam plastics, consists of gases that fill the material. Typically used for insulation flat roofs. The service life is about 50 years. Significantly more effective than mineral wool because it has a light weight.
  • Polyurethane foam – used for insulation work on the roof or attic. Belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics. It has low thermal conductivity and is light weight. The material is not susceptible to moisture and vapors, and also has a long service life.
  • Stone wool , the slabs of which consist of mineral wool. The material retains heat well and is not exposed to fire. Stone wool has low moisture absorption and is resistant to rodents and microorganisms.
  • Glass wool – made from glass production waste and boasts good thermal insulation characteristics.

The most popular are stone slabs. After all, they are suitable for insulating both pitched and flat roofs. If we talk about manufacturers, I would like to note: “Rockwool” and “Knauf”.

Manufacturer Rockwool

Danish rockwool insulation for roofing occupies a leading place in Russian market sales Today there are three directions of the company, but we will focus only on insulation for flat roofs.

Rockwool - roofing insulation

It consists of mineral wool slabs made of basalt rock. Area of ​​application: multilayer structures. The task is thermal insulation of flat roofs.

It is also possible to use cement-free roofing screed material. However, not all products of this brand can effectively insulate a roof. After all, the range is represented by universal and special plates.


  • Rockwool Roof Butts designates the bottom layer with the letter H, the top layer with the letter B, and the universal one has no letter designation.
  • Rockwool Cut-to-falls Roof Slab and Rockwool Underlay Roof Slab are used as the bottom layer in a multilayer structure.

    Advice : In places where there is no required roof slope, Cut-to-falls Roof Slab is usually used.

  • Rockwool TF-Board is used in single-layer or top-layer constructions. You can use the material as insulation against condensation in a roof with corrugated sheets.
  • Hardrock 50/100/120/180 – slabs have different thickness. They are used for both single ply roofs and top ball. The advantages include waterproof and water-repellent properties.

All products of the above company have good characteristics and service life. They are easy to use during installation, thanks to zero coefficients of linear expansion and shrinkage.

Manufacturer Knauf

Thermal insulation products of the Knauf company are widely popular in the world. Enterprises are located in hundreds of countries in Europe, Asia and North America. The company's products are suitable for pitched roof, walls, floors and building facades.

The insulation material is glass wool, which has increased elasticity and promotes a tight fit of the insulation to the wall.

The material freely passes steam through itself, however, the optimal climatic conditions in room.

Basalt wool is a material made from fibers of metallurgical slag and silicate melts.

Positive properties of insulation: good sound and thermal insulation, as well as fire resistance.

The material is sold in the form of rolls and slabs. All products are famous for their quality, for a long time service, ease of installation, and environmentally friendly use.

Let us repeat that when choosing TechnoNIKOL roof insulation, pay attention to thermal insulation. It should be suitable for your particular type of roof.

Be sure to take into account all factors, such as: type of roof, region of residence, insulating material for the roof, etc. At the same time, we must not forget that a wide range of measures should be carried out, in particular, calculating the thickness of the roof insulation.

All necessary information can be found on the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern insulation materials. We debunk marketing myths.

For example, photo and video materials on insulation various types roofs Be sure to visit the websites of the manufacturers Rockwool and Knauf. There you can quickly select and order rockwool roofing insulation.

If you feel in doubt about what to choose: isover roof insulation or basalt roof insulation, then contact a specialist. They will help produce everything thermal insulation work in short time.

Thermal conductivity is an important characteristic of building materials. The modern consumer prefers a product with the best performance characteristics, namely a popular brand.

It is difficult to find a good manufacturer, especially when there are so many products from different companies on the domestic market that it is difficult to understand where the product is of high quality and where it is not.

The main characteristics of mineral wool that you should pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Thermal conductivity.
  2. Density of wool.
  3. Water-repellent properties.
  4. Chemical protection.
  5. Thickness of building material.

Cost is the first thing buyers pay attention to when choosing insulation, but it is worth knowing that the price from different suppliers will vary greatly, since some offer installation work and their own delivery right away.

When choosing good insulation attention should be paid to the list of material properties. The more distinctive characteristics, all the better. By comparing the capabilities and cost of building materials, you can choose the best option for yourself.

The following companies have become clear leaders in the production of thermal insulation:

  1. Rockwool.
  2. The mineral wool produced by the company is actively used in many areas. The brand's mineral wool is made exclusively from basalt.
  3. Izover.
  4. Leader among manufacturers of thermal insulation.
  5. The company produces thermal insulation using a special environmentally friendly technology.

Engaged in the production and sale of various building materials, including those related to thermal insulation. TechnoNIKOL. Manufacturer of high-quality insulation.

Among the leading companies, it is worth noting two, which will be discussed further. Which is better: Ursa or Knauf, whose products cope better with the thermal insulation of premises. Thermal conductivity is one of the most important characteristics for any insulation, therefore, the lower it is, the smaller the layer applied to the walls, floor, roof and other structures will be.


  1. trademark
  2. Knauf is distinguished by fairly high performance characteristics and environmental friendliness. Their product is completely harmless to others. Unlike similar insulation materials, the Knauf brand does not use phenol-formaldehyde resins, since they contain many different harmful substances.
  3. The most significant performance properties:

It insulates the room well from extraneous noise. Mold and other formations do not form on the material. Fireproof. If a fire occurs, the mineral wool will resist further spread of fire. URSA produces thermal insulation materials that effectively insulate walls, floors and roofs, as well as ventilation ducts

and other communication networks. Such thermal insulation absorbs noise well and has a long service life. IN different areas(industrial and private) the excellent characteristics of mineral wool from the manufacturer URSA determined the popularity of the product. Ursa fiberglass is distinguished by its elastic and. strong fibers

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