We create a wooden table with our own hands. It’s easy to make a table with your own hands How to make a chic table

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It seems like people lived without coffee tables and can continue to live. But if you look at the thing from a different angle, it turns out that the interior becomes more perfect and complete, and the thing turns out to be very comfortable. I talked on the phone and put my mobile phone on the table. I read a book - it’s convenient to leave it on the table so that I can return to reading soon. Do I need to go and buy the product?

How more complex design, the more difficulties await you in your work

To create a table, take into account your physical and financial capabilities, availability necessary materials and tools, skills in handling them and free time.

How to prepare your own drawings with dimensions for a coffee table

Even those people who did not study drawing at school are faced with the need to work from drawings. To make some models, a drawing may not be required, but for a do-it-yourself wooden coffee table you cannot do without it.

To create your own drawing, arm yourself with a large sheet of paper, a pencil, a ruler and a tape measure. The dimensions of the future product are measured using a tape measure; it should fit smoothly into the allotted space in the room.

All dimensions are recorded and transferred to paper using a ruler. All parts are cut out according to the drawings. Don’t forget to include the thickness of the legs and table top in the drawing.

What materials can a coffee table be made from?

Let's decide what kind of model should be in the room. There are different options, and each has its own nuances.

In any case, it will not be superfluous to prepare a hacksaw, hammer, scissors, pliers, fasteners, carpentry or furniture glue, screws and nails.

Related article:

DIY wooden furniture: for the garden, children's room, kitchen, bathhouse, garden, gazebo; How to restore pieces of furniture, useful tips and recommendations from experts - read in our publication.


The tabletop determines not only the appearance of the product, but also the decor of the room. It is not at all necessary to make a standard rectangular or square tabletop; its shape can be unique. Also, the type of countertop serves as a determining factor for which style the product will suit.

It’s more difficult to work with glass without skills; if you don’t have any, it’s better to turn to a professional.

Legs for coffee table

The legs must be strong and be able to easily support not only the weight of the tabletop, but also the objects placed on top. The type of legs matches the style of the tabletop.

Advice! You can take the legs from old furniture, cleaning them and processing them.

Related article:

: photo best ideas. What can be made from pallets for an apartment, office and cottage; rules for selecting and processing pallets; Master classes on making a table, sofa, bench, armchair and shelving - read our publication.

Making your own wooden coffee table

How do you want something like this made of wood? coffee table just like in the photo! If the desire to have a thing made of wood is strong, then there is no point in stopping yourself: arm yourself with tools, study articles on wood processing and teak, and “full speed ahead”!

Country style table made from a wooden barrel

The DIY coffee table made of wood and barrels looks amazing in the photo. Country style is not as simple as it seems, with such a table it is something sophisticated.

Making your own coffee table from chipboard

Relatively inexpensive material, A ready product looks modern and stylish.

Let's try to make a table step by step:

  1. Creating a drawing.
  2. Preparation of material and tools.
  3. Working with a jigsaw - all the parts are transferred to a sheet of chipboard and cut out.
  4. The legs are attached to the back of the tabletop lying on the floor using furniture corners.
  5. All edges of the chipboard are glued with a matching furniture edge.

The more complex the drawing, the more attention is needed in the work.

How to make a coffee table from laminated chipboard

A coffee table made of plywood is made in a short time. Advice for inexperienced craftsmen: cutting of all parts can be ordered at a building materials store. Based on the sheet thickness of 18 mm, we order 800×800 mm - tabletop, 460×100 mm - four slats, 700×500 mm - shelf, 700×500 mm - two bottoms, four plastic corners, eight confirmations and 3.5× self-tapping screws 16 mm (16 pieces should be enough). All elements must be covered with melamine edge.

Let's move on to the assembly:

  1. According to the drawing, we cut out the required shape of the shelf with a jigsaw. Be sure to use a wood carving saw with fine pitches.
  2. We screw the vertical strips to the tabletop using corners and self-tapping screws.
  3. In the middle of the slats you need to install a shelf on the confirmations. To screw them in, we pre-drill the holes with a 4.5 mm drill. Also, the confirmations need to be screwed to the bottom.
  4. All conspicuous confirmations are covered with stubs.
Advice! If desired, this table can be mounted on wheeled supports.

Making a glass table with your own hands

For lovers of everything airy and spacious, a glass model is suitable. If you don’t have the skills to handle glass, it’s better to choose a table without unnecessary details.


  1. Drawing a drawing and making a cardboard pattern based on it.
  2. Cutting glass according to pattern.
  3. Sanding the edge with sandpaper or a drill at low speed.

The tabletop assembly diagram is shown in the photo below.

You can add a glass tabletop to a table made from car disks, barrels, wood, saw cuts, and pallets.

Making your own coffee table from scrap materials

A favorite topic for many creative people is how to use available materials for practical use. Products made from tires are especially popular - they are convenient to install in dachas and verandas, and from suitcases that have served their time as travelers.

Tire table

There are different ideas on how to use tires as a table. The good news is that such products are durable, original and take minimal time to manufacture.

Here small instructions on creating a garden furniture set with a small table at the head.

IllustrationDescription of action
Prepare 11 tires of the same diameter. We take two tires on the chair and connect them using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. For the table we take three tires.
We cut out 4 circles from plywood (pressed shavings) slightly larger than the inner diameter of the tire, and one large circle for the table top.
The result is a cute garden set.

Suitcase table

Do you happen to have an old suitcase? How wonderful!

So, what is needed for such a rapid transformation? Four stable legs of any type - the main thing is that they are combined with the final decor option and easily support the product. Legs can be bought on Avito or torn off from an old one unnecessary furniture, made on a lathe. You can use white enamel for painting, as it is easy to decorate. But, in general, the color can be any, even gilding. If the exterior of the suitcase is perfectly preserved, then you don’t have to paint it. If desired, you also need PVA glue, decoupage napkins, brushes, sandpaper, gold or silver acrylic.

First, paint the base and let it dry. All irregularities are sanded and a second layer of enamel is applied. Now we paint the legs and, as soon as they are dry, glue them to the base with furniture glue. That's all the work! We turn the table over and admire the result of our labor.

How to make your own coffee table with additional elements

If the hostess loves rearrangements, or the table must be moved, as additional element Wheel supports are attached to the legs. It is very comfortable. If the table is small, then it can be served for tea in the kitchen and rolled into the living room. Another additional and functional element is the drawers. It turns out that the table becomes doubly more comfortable.

Table on wheels

To create a coffee table on wheels with your own hands, you need ready-made wheel supports. A small photo gallery of tables on wheels: they don’t have to be small, large metal or plastic wheels look even more interesting!

The wheels are attached to the legs when the supports themselves are already attached to the tabletop.

Table with drawers

There can be from one to three or four drawers, it depends on the table model.

To assemble a simple box, you need 4 small chipboard panels, wood glue, guides, and self-tapping screws.

After securing all the guides, check the smoothness and accuracy of movement. Then we assemble the box and simply insert it into the guides.

Do-it-yourself restoration of a coffee table: photos of interesting ideas

DIY coffee table decor is limited by the imagination of the creator. Any fantasy can be realized with effort. The decor must be selected to match the style of the room, otherwise dissonance will make the item unnecessary. But if you don’t want to make a new coffee table with your own hands? Then you need to find out how to restore the old one.

Decoupage is an interesting technique using PVA glue and beautiful napkins. If you want to make decoupage look antique, then use crackle varnish.

The photo below is the answer to the question of how to update a coffee table with your own hands.

If the furniture needs updating due to its condition, then the first step is to turn the table over onto the tabletop and check the fastening of the support legs. If something needs to be corrected, there is no point in delaying it - the furniture will continue to deteriorate faster. You can simply repaint the table, sand it and try painting it.

PVA is applied to the tabletop and scraps are laid. At first the leaves may lie unevenly, but as they dry they will level out. Finally, the product is varnished.


For starters, for the amateur self-made furniture, you should learn how to create a stool, since it is the easiest. And then it’s time to study the issue of creating a table.

Table designs vary, however, the simple version is very similar to the process of creating a stool.

A simple table for use in the country or during a picnic can be assembled in just a few hours. To do this you will need a hacksaw, hammer or drill.

However, a table based on a similar approach can be made for a living space. Since it is able to perfectly replace the current very great option, purchased at a retail outlet or furniture store.

The process of creating a table yourself is interesting on the other hand, because with its help the author has freedom of creative expression. It can be presented as a noticeable element of the interior of the room.

Creators of handmade amateur furniture are called carpenters for a reason. The usual definitions like: sofa holders or bedside tables, or maybe cabinets, do not apply to them.

Having gained experience in this area, over time it will be possible to create exclusive types of tables with advanced characteristics.

Now let's consider the issue of creating wood-based tables yourself.

Wood is clean and affordable, and is not as difficult to process as other materials. It conveys the maximum energy of the aesthetic filling of the style of the living room.

Due to its properties, it is lenient towards the mistakes of beginners in the field of independent furniture creation. However, thinner versions of the tables will require an advanced level of craftsmanship.

To begin with, having learned to work with wooden things, then it will be easier to use glass, plastic or even metal as a material.

Selection of tools and work space

To independently create tables or other wooden furniture elements, you need to use only non-residential premises.

This is due to the specifics of working with wood. It leads to the formation of large amounts of dust, shavings and other waste.

And the process of tinting or creating protection for a material based on stain can create dangerous emissions into the air. Actually, nitro varnishes can also be dangerous.

Because of this, for a personal carpentry workshop you will have to take care of ventilation of the room. Experts advise creating artificial ventilation premises.

Many people use a garage for this, however, production waste can pollute or damage the car, so this is not the best option.

Carpentry tools include modern and traditional types

For the most part, to begin with, you can limit yourself to a simple carpentry tool, however, later you may need modern versions in the form of:

  • A rotating version of the miter box, which helps to create cuts based on two planes, adhering to the required size.

  • This tool will open all your beneficial features, primarily with a bow saw. This pair is considered universal; it can be useful for many jobs.

  • Manual version of universal electric jigsaw, featuring a tilting shoe that helps create cuts based on the required angle in relation to the vertical plane.

  • Disc version of the sander. It will help beginners complete wood surface treatment in about 5-15 minutes. An experienced carpenter and some sandpaper can do the same job in about an hour.

And there is also a regular belt sander for grooves with recessed areas, which is distinguished by a protruding version of the working part.

Such tools are distinguished by their price and narrow specialization of work, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to rent them for a short period of time.

The most the best specialists, using various grinding machines can even create the effect artificial aging wood, however, is a very difficult job for beginners.

Which tree is best?

For creating wooden table Any wood that is moderately resistant to decay will work well, however, you should refrain from soft versions like poplar, willow, ailanthus wood, aspen and even alder.

Of the domestic types of wood, it is best to use:

  • soft options in the form of pine, fir, cedar, horse chestnut, plane tree, juniper or spruce.

  • solid in the form of ideal oak, beech, maple, walnut or ash, larch, suitable for many works, as well as fruit species represented by apple, plum, pear, apricot and quince. And also elm and rowan should be included here.

  • fairly hard species based on acacia, yew, stone birch, dogwood and boxwood.


I would like to decorate a table and probably all types of furniture created with my own hands with an artistic version of painting, and not with ordinary stripes.

However, over time, the design may deteriorate; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to rub the paint into the depths of the wood before the varnishing process. This can be done using the technique of glazing. We are talking about layer-by-layer rubbing of the paints used.

Photos of tables with your own hands

A table with your own hands can easily be made even by a home craftsman who does not have any accumulated experience in carpentry. Of course, this will become possible if the design of the table is quite simple and understandable.

For example, it is not always possible to find a suitable ready-made table model for a kitchen that is extremely small in size. Purchasing custom-made solid wood furniture is quite expensive. Therefore, sometimes you have to take up the tools and construct your own “work” yourself, starting from the specific dimensions of the place where you plan to install the table.

In addition, there is often a desire to express one’s Creative skills in dacha conditions, especially since there is always a desire to beautifully arrange a veranda or gazebo suburban area. If you have it on hand suitable materials and tools, then you can either sit down to draw up a drawing of the future table, or use finished project and then get to work.

To figure out which type of table you can build with your own hands, it is advisable to consider several options for this piece of furniture.

Tools for work

Before starting work, you need to prepare the appropriate tools that will be required to make any wooden table. The amount of material for each model will be different.

You can use regular, traditional hand tools, which carpenters have always worked with. This list usually includes:

  1. A plane used to level wood and cut parts to the required size.
  2. Chisels for sampling various holes and grooves, removing small protrusions.
  3. Saws different sizes and modifications that are used to cut thick boards or make small cuts.
  4. Pencil, tape measure, corner and ruler.
  5. Screwdriver Set.
  6. Clamps for temporary fixation of glued parts.
  7. Sandpaper for sanding.

Many of the tools can be replaced with more modern and convenient devices:

  • An electric jigsaw will do all the work that the various saws mentioned above were previously used for.

Rating of jigsaws
  • A sanding machine will help make surfaces smooth and polish them to a shine, eliminating the very tedious procedure of manual sandpaper.

  • Milling machine with a set of cutters. This device will help to round sharp corners, will drill figured grooves for furniture hinges, and if you need it and have some experience, then you can use it to decorate the table with a relief pattern.
  • will significantly speed up the work, since you won’t have to spend several minutes tightening each screw. In addition, during certain operations it is possible to install one of the milling cutters or ordinary drills into it, for example, in order to process an edge or make a perfectly even large or small hole (groove).
  • The construction level will help make the product even and neat, as it will show all possible irregularities and distortions.

To prevent the finished furniture from being “crooked”, the assembly is controlled by level

An easy-to-make table for a summer cottage

Make a similar one country table- everyone can do it

Necessary materials

For such a country house, having a tabletop size of 1680×850 mm, you will not need too much a large number of wooden blanks. You need to prepare the following:

  1. Beam, cross-section - 750×100×50 mm - 4 pcs. (table legs).
  2. Self-tapping screws, bolts and possibly metal corners.
  3. Wood glue.
  4. Board size:
  • 1680×100×25 mm – 4 pcs. (longitudinal frame elements);
  • 850×100×25 mm – 2 pcs. (transverse frame parts);
  • 1580×100×25 mm – 2 pcs. (cladding boards for the side elements of the frame);
  • 950×100×25 mm – 17 pcs. (boards for tabletops).

All wooden elements must be treated with compounds and have a prepared smooth surface. If you plan to “darken” the wood, then it is covered with stain, and to reveal the textured pattern, carefully go over the top grinder. Fine-grit sandpaper will remove the stained, raised parts of the wood grain so that they become lighter than the depressions.

Installation of a garden table

When all the parts for the frame are prepared, you can proceed to assembly.

Frame or “box” of the table
  • The first step is the details of the tabletop frame - four longitudinal boards measuring 1680×100×25 mm and two end boards 850×100×25 mm, laid out on big table or on the floor. The location of the internal and external boards is marked on the end boards. Using a ruler, based on the drawing, the required distances are measured and marked with a pencil. It is imperative to accurately mark the width of the longitudinal board at the junction with the end board, especially if the connection will be made using the tie-in method.

The elements can be connected in different ways:

Connection with "quarter" selection and using metal corners

- using a steel angle - this is the simplest and reliable way;

- the insertion method is more the hard way, since it requires precise dimensions not only in the width and length of the connecting elements, but also in the depth of the board;

Several types of tongue-and-groove connections

- “groove-tenon”, shown in the second figure a), b), c), d) and e) such a connection is also quite difficult for novice craftsmen with no experience;

- connection with dowels is shown in fragment e) - this method also requires perfect accuracy when marking and drilling holes in the parts to be connected.

  • All connections are usually made using glue. The only exception is the fastening of parts end-to-end with a metal corner.
  • The frame must have perfectly aligned right angles, so after connecting all the elements, you need to carry out control using a construction angle and measuring and comparing the lengths of the diagonals.
  • If parts are secured with glue, they must be fixed in clamps and left until it dries completely, otherwise they will not be connected securely.

  • When the glue dries and the frame acquires a certain rigidity, facing boards measuring 1580 × 100 × 25 mm are attached to the outer longitudinal sides. The place of their attachment also needs to be marked, since there should be a distance along their edges for mounting the legs. The facing boards are also glued and fixed with self-tapping screws, the heads of which should be recessed into the wood by 1.5 ÷ 2.0 mm.

  • The next stage is the transverse cladding of the tabletop with boards 950×100×25 mm. The place where they are attached must also first be marked, starting from the middle of the frame, since they must be installed at a distance of 5 mm from each other. The protrusion of the tabletop above the frame should be 25 mm on all four sides.
  • Next, each of the boards is fixed in four places to the longitudinal elements of the table “box,” and the outer boards are also attached to the end sides. In order for the heads of the self-tapping screws to be recessed, recesses with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled into the boards to a depth of 2–3 mm, then, in the center of these recesses, through holes are drilled with a drill of a smaller diameter (usually 3 mm), into which the self-tapping screws will be screwed. To avoid cracking of the boards when installation work, through holes must be drilled.

  • After that, to the edges longitudinal boards legs made of timber with a cross-section of 750×100×50 mm are fixed; they must exactly match the width of the tabletop.

The next step is installing the legs
  • The legs can be secured to the frame with self-tapping screws, but it is better to fix each of them with two bolts, placing them diagonally at the connection point. Through holes are drilled for the bolts, and the nuts are tightened on them from inside the frame using a wrench.
  • The final stage of manufacturing is sealing the heads of the screws with a mixture made from carpentry or epoxy glue and sawdust. Use this homemade putty to fill the recesses above the caps and level them well. After the glue has dried, the entire tabletop, and especially the areas covered with “plugs” of glue, must be sanded well.

  • After this, the table can be varnished or painted water based. After waiting for the decorative or protective layer to dry, the product can be installed in dacha gazebo, on the veranda or terrace in the recreation area.

If desired, it would be easy to make a bench to go along with the table.

Small folding table for the kitchen

This small folding table is perfect for a small kitchen or a very small room.

  1. Its design is designed in such a way that the tabletop cannot fold on its own if the table leg is accidentally touched, so the table is quite safe for installation in a children's room.
  2. The presence of a spacious double-sided bedside table will allow you to store various small items and small toys in it.
  3. The table is equipped with a tabletop of sufficient size so that the child can do homework while sitting at it.
  4. In addition, there is room on the tabletop for a laptop or books necessary for study.
  5. If necessary, this small table It can easily replace an ironing board if you lay a soft cloth on its surface.

Considering all of the above, the table can be called multifunctional, despite its very compact size.

Find out how, and also check out several models with detailed instructions, in a special article on our portal.

Necessary materials and parts for a folding table

To assemble such a convenient piece of furniture, you need to prepare all the parts that make it up. Scroll necessary preparations is given in the table below, and how to make them will be described and shown below:

Diagram of the table with the numbers of assembly parts marked (the illustration is clickable - click to enlarge)
Part number on the drawingthe name of detailQuantity, pcs.Part size, mmMaterial of manufacture, thickness, mm
1 Folding part of the table top.1 600×600
2 Fixed table top of the cabinet.1 600×475Multilayer plywood 25 mm thick
3 2 530×30
4 2 120×30Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
5 The upper end part of the groove that limits the movement of the leg.1 122×30Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
6 Groove element for leg movement on a folding table top.2 530×20Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
7 A groove element for the movement of the leg on the tabletop of the cabinet.2 120×20Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
8 The lower end part of the groove that limits the movement of the leg.1 122×20Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
9 Side walls of the table cabinet.2 720×520MDF 19 mm
10 Horizontal parts of the cabinet forming shelves.3 520×312MDF 19 mm
11 Bottom vertical part internal partition cabinets.1 418×312MDF 19 mm
12 The upper vertical part of the inner partition of the cabinet.1 312×184MDF 19 mm
13 The middle horizontal part of the cabinet.1 310×250MDF 19 mm
14 Cabinet door.1 477×346MDF 19 mm
15 Cabinet shelf.1 310×250MDF 19 mm
16 Cabinet drawer front panel.1 346×209MDF 19 mm
17 The front panel of the drawer (located behind the front panel).1 418×312MDF 19 mm
18 Drawer side panels.2 341×250MDF 19 mm
19 Back panel of the drawer.1 272×120MDF 19 mm
20 Drawer bottom panel.1 341×272MDF 19 mm
Handles for drawers and cabinet doors.2 Ø 30 mmWood
Upper leg element.1 80×80×18Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
Mobile table leg.1 Ø top 55, bottom 30, height 702Wood
Furniture hinges for connecting two parts of the tabletop.2 Ø 50 mmMetal
Furniture door hinges.2 The size depends on the shape.Metal
Bottom end panels covering the gap under the cabinet.2 20×300×5Plywood 5 mm

The drawings show a drawing of a table that can be relied upon in the process of manufacturing and assembling elements into a single structure.

Main dimensions of the table (illustration is clickable - click to enlarge)
Individual table components – drawer and a guide channel for moving the leg (the illustration is clickable - click to enlarge)

To manufacture all the parts listed in the table, you will need modern electric tools who are able to bring workpieces to professional perfection.

Find out how to do it with a photo and description in a special article on our portal.

Installation of a folding table-cabinet

You should start making a table with its most important and largest part - the tabletop. Since the table is folding, this element will consist of two parts - stationary and “mobile”, that is, one that can be folded down if necessary. When folded, this table can easily serve as a regular compact cabinet.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed

The first step is to cut out blanks for the tabletop, measuring 600×600 and 600×475 mm, from plywood 25 mm thick, using a jigsaw or circular saw.

Next, markings are made on the larger panel - a semicircle is drawn, since the front of the table should be rounded.
In order to achieve the correct shape of a semicircle, you can use a large construction compass, or make one yourself - from a nail, pencil and rope.

Then, along the marked line, the tabletop is rounded.
This can be done using a jigsaw or circular saw, installing the appropriate compass attachment on it.

Next, a cutter of the desired configuration is installed on the milling machine, which will make the edges of the tabletop smooth, or, if desired, even or rounded.

The semicircular part of the panel is processed with a milling cutter, leaving the side that will join the second part of the tabletop flat.
Then its edges are processed in the same way.

The next step is to place the two processed parts of the tabletop on a flat table at a distance of 5 mm from each other.
Markings are made for installing furniture hinges. They must be placed at a distance of 100-120 mm from the edge of the tabletop.
Furniture hinges can have different shapes, so they should be laid in the marked place and outlined with a simple pencil.
Then, using a router, special shaped grooves are made in the plywood, the depth of which should be equal to the thickness of the furniture hinges.
The hinges are fixed into the finished holes using self-tapping screws.

After connecting the two parts of the tabletop with hinges, in the middle of the panels, markings are made on their lower side to secure the parts that will form a closed channel for the movement of the moving table leg.
The guides should be fixed at a distance of 30 mm from the junction of the two parts of the tabletop.
For the manufacture of parts, plywood with a thickness of 18 mm is taken. Then, 10 elements are cut out of it and processed with a milling cutter: 530×30 mm in size - 2 pieces, 530×20 mm - 2 pieces, 120×30 mm - 2 pieces, 122×30 mm - 1 piece, 120× 20 mm - 2 pcs., 122×20 mm - 1 pc.
It is important to remember here that long slats should have 45˚ cuts on one edge, and short elements on both sides, so that when joined, they form a right angle. In addition, the upper long and short parts, fixed on top of the lower rails of the guides, are cut off from the ends, also at an angle of 45˚. These cuts are necessary so that their angles do not interfere with the movement of the leg along the formed channel.
Then, the parts are glued with wood glue to the marked area of ​​the rounded, and then to the rectangular part of the tabletop. First, the longest slats measuring 530×20 mm are fixed with glue and then screwed with self-tapping screws; then a piece of 122×20 mm covers the channel.
On top of the long and short fixed slats, second ones are glued, having the same length, but greater width; they are also additionally screwed with self-tapping screws. Thus, an even channel is formed between the tabletop and the top rail, along which the leg will move.
It is very important to calculate the location of the places where the screws are screwed in so that the top ones do not collide with those that secure the bottom slats.
Four parts are fastened to the rectangular part of the tabletop in the same way.
All elements must be processed until smooth and perfectly evenly fastened to each other, otherwise the leg will bump into obstacles and jam when moving.

The leg is usually made on a lathe. If it is not there, then you can order it from a master or purchase it ready-made.
As a last resort, you can make it square by processing the timber of the required height until smooth.
Then, using a dowel and glue, a square plywood guide plate measuring 80x80x18 mm is attached to the upper end of the leg using a dowel and glue.

Next, after the glue has dried, the leg can be installed in the channel intended for it and tested for its free movement, without jamming.
If necessary, minor adjustments and modifications can be made.

The finished tabletop is painted or coated with water-based varnish - if the goal is to preserve textured pattern plywood.
After this, the finished tabletop is put aside and proceed to the manufacture of the cabinet.

The elements of the cabinet do not have complex configurations, therefore, to make them, it is enough to accurately transfer the dimensions of the parts indicated in the table on an MDF panel or thick plywood and carefully cut them out using a jigsaw or saw.
After the parts are made, their end parts must be processed smoothly with a milling cutter, otherwise they will look sloppy.

If you plan to cover the visible end parts of the cabinet parts with a special laminated edge tape, then this process is carried out using a regular iron.
The tape on its inner side has a layer of glue, which heats up under the influence of heat and ensures reliable fixation of the edge on the surface of the end parts of the MDF panels.

The next step in the cabinet door panel is to make shaped grooves into which furniture hinges will be installed and secured.
The holes are made in the same way as in the countertop using a milling cutter, but in this case the milling cutter can also be installed in a screwdriver, since MDF has a lower density than plywood and is easier to process without chipping the material.
The hinges should be placed at a distance of 100 mm from the edges of the door - before starting drilling, it is necessary to carry out careful markings.
A similar procedure is carried out with the wall of the cabinet on which the door will be attached.
Then the walls and doors are joined together to check the correct installation and to mark holes for the screws.

In addition to the hinges, you can immediately screw the prepared handle to the door.
To do this, step back 50 mm from the edge of the panel and find a convenient height position, mark a point through which a through hole is drilled to secure the handle.

All manufactured parts of the cabinet are painted with paint of the selected color using a roller and brush.
Paint will not only make the product aesthetically attractive, but will also protect the material from negative influence specific kitchen humid environment.

Next, you can proceed to assembling the bedside table.
Professionals carry out this process using special tools, but they can be easily replaced with improvised devices. For example, you can carry out the assembly on a flat table, and for ease of installation of the cabinet, it is additionally installed on flat bars.
Mutual fastening of parts can be done using wooden dowels, metal furniture corners or self-tapping screws - the latter option is the simplest, but also the most unreliable. In addition, the screw heads will have to be masked with various compounds after assembly.
The assembly process proceeds as follows:
- The bottom panel is placed on the stands.
- One of the side panels is leveled on it and using a construction corner, and its location is marked with a pencil.
-The location of the fastening parts is immediately marked on the horizontal and vertical panels.
- Exactly the same procedure is carried out with the second side and dividing middle wall.
- Then holes are drilled at the marked points on the bottom and the end sides of the side panels for installing dowels.
- After this, before gluing the parts together, locations for installing shelves are determined on the side walls. Then, shelf support brackets are mounted in the marked places, for which holes are also drilled.
- Next, dowels coated with glue are installed in the holes drilled in the bottom, and the side walls are put on their upper, protruding part.
- Fixed shelves-lintels are mounted in the same way, simultaneously with the side walls.

Before continuing work, you need to make sure that the glue is in assembled structure dried well.
To make the cabinet stand more rigidly, it is laid on its side and pressed with clamps while it dries.

While the glue dries, you can start assembling the drawer.
Since it will be completely assembled from MDF, the installation of the box can also be carried out using dowels.
The sides are attached to the bottom of the box, and a line is drawn along them with a pencil, and then marks are made of the places where the dowels will be installed.
Then, the sidewalls are removed, and at the marked places, holes are drilled in their end for installing fasteners. The same is done on the bottom panel.
Next, the dowels are coated with glue and carefully inserted into the holes, connecting the sides to the bottom.

The sidewalls are screwed together using self-tapping screws, the heads of which are recommended to be recessed into the wood, and the holes to be sealed with a mixture of epoxy glue and sawdust.
Another mounting option could be furniture corners, which are screwed from the inside to the sidewalls with self-tapping screws. Each side will require two corners.

When assembling the box, it is necessary to control the evenness of its corners using a construction angle and changing the diagonals, otherwise a skew may occur.

If you plan to install metal roller guides for easy movement of the drawer, then first, the location of their attachment is determined on the sides of the drawers and on the inner walls of the cabinet.
To do this, using a pencil and a ruler, draw a line along which the guides will be fixed.

Next, a front panel is installed to the front of the drawer. It is screwed from the inside of the box, through pre-marked and drilled holes.
In addition to self-tapping screws, it is recommended to use glue to fasten the panel: it is applied to the front panel, and then the front panel is pressed against it, and they are tightened with four or five self-tapping screws.
After the glue has dried in the center façade panel a hole is drilled through which the handle is screwed.

Finally, the long-awaited moment comes - connecting the cabinet and the countertop.
It is recommended to first glue the stationary part of the tabletop to the surface of the cabinet, and then secure it with screws that are screwed in from the inside of the lower cabinets.
But first, the tabletop needs to be positioned correctly. Part of the channel located on the permanently installed tabletop panel should rest against the side of the cabinet - it will serve as a stopper for the movement of the leg towards the table.
The tabletop should extend beyond the edges of the cabinet on the drawer side by 50 mm, open shelves by 30 mm, and on the leg side by 120 mm.

Having secured the tabletop, they proceed to the final installation and screwing the bedside table door onto the screws.
Then the drawer is inserted, and the shelves are installed on the shelf supports.

When closed, the table is compact, so it does not take up much space and looks quite aesthetically pleasing.
If desired, you can choose other colors to decorate it, which will better harmonize with the interior of a particular room.

When open, the table also does not take up much space and fits perfectly into one of the corners of the room.
Thanks to its “light” design, it does not weigh down the interior, and the shape of the tabletop makes it safe for children. Therefore, this table option can be considered ideal for small apartments with small kitchens and rooms.

If there is a need to save money, or you simply have a great desire to express yourself in carpentry, then you should not put off making your own. Moreover, the assembly will become not only an interesting and useful activity, but also very enjoyable, especially at the moment when the work is successfully completed.

For those who are confident in their abilities, we offer another interesting option for a round table, which can easily serve both at home and on the site.

Video: example of assembling a round table

And one more idea for a kitchen table, which, if not true, would also be within the power of a skilled owner to implement:

Video: lightweight kitchen table with collapsible design

A DIY kitchen table is both an opportunity to save money and a way to provide the kitchen with unique furniture that fits perfectly into the existing space. However, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions and shape of the future structure.

How to make a wooden dining table

A table made of solid wood is beautiful, natural and, as a rule, expensive. But you don’t have to buy such a table, because you can make it yourself with no less quality and for much less money.

So, to make a dining table with your own hands you will need:

  1. 4 things. baluster legs for the table, 73 cm high and not too thin;
  2. For countertops: 4 dry edged wooden boards 1 m long (for a table 60 cm wide);

  1. For the frame: 2 boards 80 cm long and 2 boards 40 cm long.

Prepare your tools: plane, grinder or grinder, jigsaw for cutting boards, circular saw, drill (with 8 mm drill bit), screwdriver, sandpaper, self-tapping screws (30 mm), wood glue, dowels, clamps (preferably). And, of course, a pencil, tape measure, gloves and safety glasses will come in handy.

For finishing The table will need varnish, stain or paint along with a primer. First we'll make the tabletop. To do this, you need to adjust all 4 boards as accurately as possible to the same length - 100 cm. If your boards were not sawn on a sawmill, then they also need to be trimmed in width and thickness. Then they need to be carefully sanded with a plane. The better you sand the wood, the smoother the countertop will be. Finish the edges well so that the boards fit together as tightly as possible.

We will connect the boards not with screws and nails, but with glue and dowels (chops). To do this, we make identical marks on the edges of all boards in increments of 10-15 cm and drill holes for the dowels with an 8 mm drill. Then we sand the edges and apply wood glue to them and into the holes made. Now we drive the chopsticks treated with the same glue into the holes and connect all 4 bars one by one. We remove excess glue on the surface with sandpaper and sand it, as well as all edges, with a plane. At this stage, you can go over the countertop with a metal sponge to give the wood texture.

So, the tabletop is ready. Now you need to fasten the legs and make a base for it.

To do this, you need to evenly fasten the balusters with short transverse boards with glue and screws. The glue dries for at least 12 hours.

We attach the legs to the long crossbars and drill holes in them in order to install the tabletop later.

After the glue in the frame has dried, you can begin installing the tabletop on it (frame).

If you want to make the table longer and wider, then you need to strengthen the table with two additional cross bars, as shown in the photo.

So, the table is almost ready, all that remains is to treat it with varnish or stain, or paint it after priming it.

What color should I paint the table? Based on personal preferences and the color of the rest of the furniture. Below is the most versatile option - the table top and legs are covered with stain.

You can see the main mistakes in staining wood with your own hands in this video.

If you like gloss, then the surface of the table can be covered with stain, and on top - with varnish (example in the photo below), or simply coated with varnish.

You can paint the legs White color, and cover the tabletop with stain to get a design like the one in the next photo.

How to make a kitchen table from chipboard

A DIY kitchen table made of laminated chipboard is a practical and budget solution. These countertops are covered decorative plastic, stable against abrasion. IN standard version The dimensions of the tabletop sheet are 3000x600x36(26) mm, but today it is not difficult to purchase a sheet of chipboard cut to the required dimensions or negotiate at a furniture workshop to sell suitable trim.

You will also need:

  • Connecting and end strips;
  • End edges;
  • Ties.

Even if you purchase a countertop of suitable dimensions, you will need to additionally process the ends - this will make the result more attractive and also protect the base from moisture. For these purposes, you can use a special furniture edging based on polyvinyl chloride or glue an edge tape. The option with edging is considered more practical for dining table and suitable for DIYers.

For a kitchen table you will also need appropriate supports - you can buy legs separately or give preference to a ready-made base. It all depends on which option your drawings provide. The most common option is round legs D = 60 mm and height 71 cm. They can be collapsible, height adjustable, and also vary in design - matte, painted, shiny.

In our case, these will be chrome-plated shiny rod legs with a diameter of 60 mm, as well as a tabletop made of white laminated chipboard with a thickness of 36 mm and a white plastic mortise T-shaped edging with girths matched to it.

So, how to make a dining table with a chipboard top:

  1. Markings are applied to the material according to the drawing. The corners must have a radius of 60 mm or more.

  1. The tabletop is shaped using a jigsaw.

You should use a saw with reversible teeth, otherwise the plastic coating may chip. First, the corner of the chipboard is cut with a jigsaw with a margin of 2 mm, and then it is finally rounded with a grinding machine.

  1. The groove for the furniture edging is milled.

  1. The edging is getting stuffed. Before this, the ends of the product must be coated with silicone sealant. The sealant is placed both in the edging and on the top edge of the tabletop. A rubber mallet is used to fill the edging. After which the excess sealant is removed.

  1. The legs are attached. To do this, markings are made with a pencil on the back side of the tabletop. In most cases, the legs are placed 100 mm from the edge.

To fasten the holders, self-tapping screws with a countersunk head about 20 mm long are used. After this, the legs are put on the holders and secured with a hex key - that’s it, yours new table ready.

How to correctly determine the dimensions

Using the principles described above, you can make tables larger or smaller in length and width. How to choose the optimal size for your family?

If we're talking about O standard kitchen dimensions from 6 to 8 squares, then the drawings will show a typical design with a height of 750 mm and a perimeter of 800 * 500 ... 1200 * 600 mm.

A DIY dining table should be designed for a certain number of people. Usually it corresponds to the number of residents - 3-9, but a couple of free places are still added for guests. For large companies a good solution would be.

Calculations are carried out as follows: multiply the number of people by 60 (“working” perimeter per person). As for the width of the tabletop, here we follow the recommendations of experts - its optimal values– from 800 to 1100 mm. Narrow tables are difficult to serve, and wide tables are uncomfortable for those sitting.

If you decide to do kitchen table oval (round) with your own hands, you will have to calculate the circumference - diameter * 3.14.

Form selection rules

The shape of the kitchen table plays a significant role in the perception of space. Universal design - rectangle or square with right angles. It is balanced and can be installed close to the wall or in the center of the room, saving space.

Oval models are also quite comfortable and beautiful, but they are not very spacious - the largest product will accommodate no more than 8 people. In addition, they require large areas - more than 8 square meters. meters, because you can’t put them against the wall.

It can also be called a universal and traditional option, suitable for both very and large kitchen. But it has less capacity than a rectangular table.

The best option is rectangular table with rounded corners. We have already described above how to make just such a table from chipboard with your own hands.

Rules for caring for furniture

After the dining table is made, you will need to take care of the long service life of the product.

Thus, furniture made of wood, polished and varnished, needs careful care, as it can be easily scratched. In addition, there may be traces from contact with hot water. For basic wood care, a universal polishing compound is selected.

If we are talking about a countertop made of MDF or chipboard with a plastic coating, then caring for it is not difficult and involves regular washing with detergents.

Do not forget that kitchen furniture needs to be moved away from heating devices and from the walls bordering the street. Direct sunlight will also be harmful to wooden furniture.

Of course, today everyone has the opportunity to buy any furniture in the store, including a table. But why not make it yourself, with your own hands?

It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In addition, you have the opportunity to make a table that will fit perfectly in size and appearance to the interior of your kitchen or other room.

In addition, hand-made furniture is not only saving money, but also a reason for pride, since not every man knows how to make something these days.

What types of tables are there?

If you decide to make boards yourself, then you need to figure out what types of tables there are and decide what exactly you need.

The simplest is a regular table with four legs, a table top and a frame. Making it will not be difficult even for those who are not experienced in woodworking.

If you are experienced enough in this matter, you can make the dining table round or oval, decorate it with carvings, paintings, or burn designs and patterns onto the surface.

More difficult option is made of boards. In essence, this is the same ordinary table, but quite thick and long crossbars are attached to its legs, on which seat boards are laid on top. This is how we get a table with benches on both sides. Such furniture is well suited both for the kitchen and for installation in the courtyard of a private house or cottage.

If there is only free space in the room in the corner, make corner table, which will fit perfectly into this unoccupied space. It may not be as comfortable to dine at as at a classic table, but you can put a TV, microwave or kettle on it - there will be enough space there.

Another interesting option could be a window sill table.

In essence, this is the same window sill, but significantly expanded and adapted, for example, for a comfortable workplace for a schoolchild.

The advantage of this solution is that the table will be well lit most of the day.

There is also a downside: sitting at such a table in winter, your feet will have to rest against very warm, even hot battery heating, which is not very convenient.

Materials and tools

Buying everything you need to make a table with your own hands is quite simple and will not be difficult or costly. The main material for the dining table is wood, or more precisely:

  • Boards from 25 to 50 millimeters thick, 100–150 millimeters wide, quite long.
    The thicker the material for the tabletop, frame and legs, the heavier, but at the same time the more durable they will be.
    Choose boards from good wood, without any defects.
  • Beam. It is necessary for making table legs, so choose fairly thick and strong samples. The timber can be replaced with the same boards, if you arrange them in the letter “L”, or use purchased aluminum table legs. You can also use balusters (curly carved wooden posts that support the railings on some stairs) as legs.
  • Sheets of chipboard or plywood, which can be used as countertop materials. Choose samples that are thick and strong enough to withstand daily abuse.

As with materials, And Do-it-yourself tools and fasteners are easy to obtain; most homes have them. If something is missing, you can buy it at the nearest hardware store.

  • pencil, corner, roulette and ruler;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw on wood;
  • screwdriver with a set of attachments and drill;
  • plane, if it is necessary to pre-treat the boards from unevenness and defects;
  • kit self-tapping screws, furniture bolts and nuts;
  • sandpaper or Sander;
  • varnish or stain, roller or tassel for processing the finished table.

Attention! When working with a jigsaw, always remember the safety rules and keep small children or pets away!

Simple kitchen table made of planks

First we need to make a tabletop.
There are several options here:

  • Cut out the required size piece from a sheet of chipboard or plywood using a jigsaw;
  • Laying a few is enough wide boards and subsequently secure them to the frame;
  • Take a large number of relatively narrow boards, place them side up and glue them together using wood glue.
    The result is a fairly thick, heavy and durable tabletop.

Stages of work

Step 1. Assembling from boards table top.

Step 2. We make a frame from boards or their wooden bars. It can be made equal in size to the tabletop or with a slight indentation, approximately 2–2.5 centimeters on each side of the table. Having fastened the parts of the frame with screws, use them to connect the frame to the tabletop.

Step 3. After we With We put the frame and tabletop together, half of the table is already ready. All that remains is to make his legs. If you use timber for this, drill two holes in it for furniture bolts. Moreover, they can be made either on one side, one above the other, or on two different ones for more secure fastening to the frame.

Important! Carefully check the length of the table legs; they should not differ from each other. Otherwise, the table will not stand level and wobble. If you do not want it to spoil the floor material, attach rubber “boots” to the bottom of the legs.

Then make similar holes in the table frame and fasten the legs and frame with bolts and nuts. The legs can also be secured from above using screws, but over time this fastening may become loose.

If you want to make table legs from boards, fold two boards in an "L" shape on the outer or internal corner frames and secure them using the same furniture bolts or screws.

To prevent the legs from becoming loose, connect the folded boards together in the lower and middle parts using screws or nails.

That's all, simple and reliable, made by yourself, ready!

Advice: Before you start, do simple drawing, preferably from several sides. Constantly check the dimensions of the parts. Some parts of the same size can be cut out at the same time if you secure the boards or beams with clamps.

Pallet table

Wooden pallets are widely used in shops and warehouses as pallets for goods.

If you wish, you can get a few pieces for free and use them as a basis for making an original and unusual kitchen table.

If at least on one side the surface of the pallet is solid, then you no longer need to make a tabletop, it is ready.

You just need to process it and, if desired, round the corners.

Note! Since the pallets were originally intended for warehouses, no one sands and cleans them. Therefore, before making a table out of them, carefully sand them and remove all burrs. Irregularities and defects in the boards can be hidden using putty.

Stages of work

Step 1. Most pallets are open and there is quite a lot of space between the boards. distance, due to which the surface of the pallet can be used as table top not very convenient. There are two ways to solve this problem: either make boards appropriate size and secure with their screws between the pallet boards, or install a sheet on top plywood or chipboard.

Step 2. As for ordinary table, table legs from pallets can be made from timber or boards. The best thing fasten them with quite thick and strong pallet timber using nails, screws or furniture bolts.

To prevent the legs from becoming loose, connect them together with crossbars.