The suns do not fade and are preserved. Why do some people tan while others instantly burn?

Without a doubt summer is best time of the year. This is a great opportunity not only to relax and have a great time, but also to get a wonderful tan. A tan– it’s always beautiful and fashionable, but it’s not always safe.

Get sunburned during summer vacation- a familiar story for many. Sunburn, even if they do not reach the blistering stage, they are still very harmful to the skin and the general condition of the body. To don't get burned in the sun this year, stick to a number of simple, but very useful tips which I will be happy to share with you

The most important thing is not to burn out on the first day. It takes 7-8 long days for the skin to get used to the sun, provided that a certain portion of solar energy hits clean, uncovered areas of the body every day. Therefore, if you decide that showing off with white legs and belly is ugly, then we can assure you that showing off to the general public your burnt legs and stomach are not only unsightly, but also very painful.

The ideal time for tanning in direct sunlight is from 7:00 to 10:00 in the morning and from 17:00 to 20:00 in the evening.

By the way, sunbathe in the dawn and sunset raysThe best way get even beautiful tan, which will be cast in gold.

Residence in the sun during the daytime will never give the effect of a “gentle tan” and will most likely burn the top layer of skin, which will lead to pain and an increase in body temperature.

Tanning in the shade It is best taken at midday, when the sun's energy is especially strong. This is a good way to achieve a pleasant skin color without being exposed to open sunlight, but it is worth remembering that in such a situation the tan will never have a golden or bronze hue - rather, the color will be beige or light brown and dull.

1. The most important thing: the first sunbathing sessions should not last more than 20 minutes. And if you are one of the fast-burning representatives of I-II according to Fitzpatrick - and haven’t sunbathed yet this year - even less.

2. If you are taking medications, consult your doctor before sunbathing. Some medications can increase the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, provoke photodermatosis or the appearance of hyperpigmentation. In particular, ibuprofen and some other antipyretics and pain relievers, antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, and herbal remedies based on St. John's wort can have a photosensitizing effect.

3. Apply sunscreen 20-25 minutes before going outside: The chemical filters included in most new generation cosmetics do not begin to act immediately.

4. Keep in mind that daytime face creams with SPF are often not suitable for the beach. Firstly, because SPF 6-15, which most of them have, is not enough for the beach. Secondly, the filters included in their composition can only protect against UVB rays, while on the beach protection from both types of ultraviolet waves - UVA and UVB - is required.

Read more about the most important rules skin care before and after tanning, how to tan properly and choose sunscreen cosmetics, the program experts will tell you "In the shape of".

5. Don’t forget: a tan obtained with the help of “auto-bronzant” does not protect against sunburn. Unlike a regular tan obtained in a solarium or on the beach, self-tanning does not cause the formation of melanin in skin cells - a pigment that not only gives the skin a brownish tint, but also weakens the effect of ultraviolet radiation.

6. Don't skimp on the sun protective equipment Oh: apply them in sufficient quantities (at least 20 ml should be used on the face and body in one “session”) and renew the protection every 2-3 hours: after a couple of hours, sun filters lose up to 50% of their “working ability,” and if we use a lot swim or play sports - and more.

Protective moisturizer Protective Daily Moisturizer SPF 30+, Ultraceuticals with broad-spectrum physical and chemical filters and antioxidants that slow down skin aging - green tea extract and vitamin E

Waterproof sunscreen for face Expert Sun Aging Protection Cream, Shiseido with moisturizing and anti-aging effect with broad-spectrum filters and Profense CELTM complex, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and age spots

Sunscreen for sensitive skin very high protection level SPF 50+ (PPD 42) Anthelios XL 50+, La Roche-Posay, free of perfumes and parabens

High protection nourishing sunscreen cream Advance UV Defense SPF 30, SkinCeuticals with Mexoryl SX and XL sun filters, alpha-tocopherol and plant antioxidants

Tanning milk with high level protection "Maxi-Spray" SPF 30 Protectyl Vegetal Maxi Spray, Yves Rocher with formulawater- andsweat-resistant

Protective anti-aging skin cream for face and body with a high degree of protection Intelligence Soleil SPF 50, Dr. Pierre Ricaud with Acti-Liss formula for moisturizing, nourishing, preventing skin aging and the formation of age spots

Sun protection stick Targeted Protection Stick SPF 35, Clinique for sensitive skin areas with a water- and sweat-resistant formula, antioxidants and skin softening ingredients

Sun protection stick Super Stick Solaire SPF 30, Sisley for sensitive areas of facial skin with camellia oil, mango and shea butters

7. Another very important nuance, which everyone remembers, but when they get to the beach, they usually forget: do not sunbathe from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., when the sun is most active and sunburn You can get it in literally 5-10 minutes. In addition, as dermatologists never tire of repeating, the sun at this time is also especially harmful, so the best option It won't be easy to move under an umbrella. In general, go indoors or at least under wide canopy. And keep in mind that in near-equator latitudes, “hour X,” when it’s very easy to burn, comes earlier: starting from 10 a.m., the sun is mercilessly hot (by the way, at the same time, at the same time, the risk of getting a heat stroke increases).

8. Remember: you can get sunburned even in the shade or on a cloudy day, but in water you get sunburned faster. Even when the sky is overcast, the Earth's surface reaches about 40% solar radiation. In addition, light sand and water perfectly reflect ultraviolet rays - and the amount of “irradiation” that the skin is exposed to increases.

Natalia Gaydash

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the aesthetic medicine clinic “TriActive”

Owners should be especially careful with the sun large quantity moles and fair skin that burns easily in the sun. Not all moles degenerate into melanoma, but close monitoring is necessary for each nevus, as well as for any skin tumor in general. It is necessary to undergo diagnostics (screening) every year and it is better to do this before traveling to hot and sunny countries.

9. Keep in mind that the back, face, décolleté and shoulders burn faster. therefore, it is worth applying products with a higher SPF to these areas (on the face, the nose and ears burn most quickly). Also after water procedures You should put a hat on your head and a pareo over your shoulders or put on a light beach tunic: this will additionally protect your skin from the direct sun.

10. If you suddenly don’t have sunscreen on hand, and there’s no way to buy it, olive oil will help out. It has a small sun protection factor, approximately SPF 2-4 (shea, sesame, avocado and jojoba oils act in a similar way). However, if the skin has not yet tanned and is far from the skin tone of sultry beauties who never burn in the sun, representatives of phototype IV like Penelope Cruz or Selma Hayek, It's better to stay in the shade: natural sun filters do not provide long-term and sufficient protection on the beach.

Everyone's favorite and long-awaited season of holidays, sea, sandy beaches, delicious fruits and sunbathing has begun. Everyone wants to bask in the sun, and no matter where: on white sandy beach on the shore of the azure sea or on the green lawn at the dacha. But does everyone know how to sunbathe properly so as not to peel off the next day after spending a sleepless night in moisturizer? Regardless of where you decide to get a tan, read our tips! ;)

Despite what the sun has on us useful action(increases serotonin levels, stimulates vitamin productionD, strengthens the immune system), however, it also has disadvantages: the risk of getting a burn, aging prematurely or getting skin cancer. But all the disadvantages can be reduced to zero by observing simple rules sunbathing.

Rule 1: Don't forget the sunscreen

It would seem that everyone knows about this. However, how do you choose one that will truly protect your skin? Different creams provide different levels of protection, which is indicated by an index SPF

The effectiveness of resisting UV radiation of skin treated with cream depends on the level of SPF (sun protection factor). For example, if your cream has an SPF-20 index, you can receive a dose of ultraviolet radiation without harm to your health 20 times more than without using a protective agent. SPF protects the skin only from group B UV rays, which are dangerous to our health.

SPF on sunscreen packages usually ranges from 2 to 50. To know which level is right for you, it is important to determine your skin type. Don't be scared, it's very simple. Scientists identify 6 phototypes, read the descriptions and look for matches:

Phototype 1: people with blond hair, light skin and light eyes. Representatives of this type most often get sunburned. It is recommended to stay in the sun for no more than 15 minutes without protection; creams with SPF-30 or higher are suitable.

Phototype 2: people with light brown or red hair, gray eyes and fair skin, often with freckles. Recommended time in the sun: 20 - 30 minutes; creams with SPF-20, and then - at least SPF-10.

Phototype 3: people with dark hair, brown eyes, dark skin. Recommended time in the sun: up to 40 minutes without additional protection. To prevent burns while tanning, you should use creams with SPF-15 only when you arrive on vacation, and SPF-6 after three to four days.

Phototype 4: brunettes with dark eyes and dark skin. Such people most often do not suffer from sun rays, but for prevention it is better to use cream with SPF-8.

Phototypes 5 and 6: people with very dark (even black) skin. They can spend a lot of time in the sun without protection and get by only with moisturizers.

Have you determined your phototype? Great! However, it is important to know the rules for applying sunscreen:

1. Apply 20 minutes before sunbathing.

2. Do not forget to reapply the cream according to the instructions.

Rule 2: tan gradually

If only it were so simple: spend a few hours in the sun and immediately get the desired tan for the whole year! But don't even dream about it. As practice shows, adherents of this method most often suffer from negative consequences of sunburn.

The dark pigment that gives our skin its dark color is called melanin. But besides giving skin color, it has another important function- he is defense mechanism, which protects the skin from UV rays! Melanin creates a peculiar protective barrier, scattering dangerous UVB rays. This is why it is important to accumulate melanin gradually: sunbathe on the first day for 10-15 minutes before lunch, and 15-20 after. For a positive effect, add 10 minutes every day, preventing your skin from turning red in the sun.

Rule 3: Prepare your skin for tanning

Before sunbathing, it is important to cleanse the skin of impurities and dead cells. This will make it easier for her to accumulate melanin. This can be done using soft scrubs, a washcloth or an exfoliating glove. But don't overdo it. It is enough to cleanse the skin in this way once a week or a week and a half.

Rule 4: Don't be in the sun in the middle of the day

The more direct sunlight hits the skin, the more ultraviolet radiation it receives. Maximum radiation occurs between 10:00 and 16:00. If you value the health of your skin and body as a whole, it is better not to be exposed to the sun at this time. Go outside at this time in light clothes with long sleeves.

It is safest to sunbathe before 10 am and in the evening after 4 pm.

Rule 5: Protect your body from the inside

Don't worry, you don't need sunscreen for this. To achieve this, there are products that help reduce the negative effects of UV rays due to their high antioxidant content. So, what are these products:

  • fatty fish that are rich in omega-3: mackerel, tuna, salmon, salmon.
  • red and orange vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, peppers, oranges, apricots
  • any types of cabbage: broccoli, collards, cauliflower
  • teas: green and black

In addition, there are products that, on the contrary, can enhance Negative influence sun on the skin. For example, yogurt, cheese or whole milk.

Rule 6: know when to stop

The fact is that there is no point in sunbathing all day, since the body stops producing melanin after 2-3 hours of exposure to the sun. So 4-5 hours in the sun will not give you a chocolate or bronze tan, but will only increase the risk of skin damage.

Rule 7: take care of your skin after sunbathing

If you want to maintain your tan for longer for a long time, do not forget to moisturize your skin after sunbathing. This is important to do because the body treats excess melanin as a warning sign that the skin is damaged. That is why he strives to quickly get rid of the top tanned layer, making it drier. This made it easier for the body to get rid of damaged cells and exfoliate them.

Use moisturizing creams and lotions and hold off on scrubs and rough washcloths.

Well, here are the basic rules that will provide you with a perfect tan!

We wish you a pleasant stay,

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