How much water to drink. We calculate water drainage using meter readings: formula and example How to calculate water consumption by meter

Dear users! Please note that if the water meter verification date is missing or late, you must provide meter verification reports to your management organization. If the package of documents has already been transferred to the management organization, and the opportunity to enter testimony has not been resumed, we recommend contacting the Center for Public Services.

The service allows you to transmit water meter readings, find out the dates of meter verification and view the archive of transmitted readings.

When you first access the electronic service, you need to submit initial readings from water meters at the Public Services Center in your area.

It is recommended to transmit hot and cold water consumption readings from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the next month, otherwise they will be taken into account in the next billing period.

  • Who can apply for the service


  • Cost of service and payment procedure

    For free

  • List of required information

    • Payer code (payer code can be found in the right top corner on the receipt of the Unified Payment Document intended for payment of housing utilities)
    • Apartment number
    • Water consumption readings (water consumption units in cubic meters (m3))
    The fields for entering meter readings have the following restrictions:
    • You cannot enter readings if you have a new meter installed. In this case, you need to contact the State Property Management Committee of your area / management organization servicing your home to transfer documentation and make initial statements
    • You cannot submit readings if you have not submitted readings through the Portal in the last 3 months. To resume the possibility of transmitting testimony, you must contact the State Public Institution of the IS/MFC of your area
    • It is possible to miss the transmission of readings, but not more than 2 months. Indications for missed months will be taken into account in the next billing period
    • Indications entered outside the recommended period (from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the next month inclusive) are not taken into account when calculating accruals for the current period. In this case, the readings are taken into account in the next billing period
    • You cannot enter readings less than the verification readings (you can see the verification readings under the “?” sign opposite the meter name)
    • You cannot enter readings less than the previous reading.
    • You can only enter numbers and separator(period or comma), up to seven whole characters and three decimal places
    • The entered reading should not be several times higher than the standard (water consumption standard per person is 11.68 m3/month: 6.935 m3/month – cold water, 4.745 m3/month – hot water)

Users of water services are required to pay their own costs on a monthly basis. To do this, you need to provide information from the water meter to the Unified Information and Calculation Center (IRC). You can transmit meter readings in any way convenient for you. For example:

  • The most common way to pay for water among the population is to call the EIRC. The dispatcher should be informed of your full name, address, personal account number and the values ​​themselves.
  • You can also submit information from the device through the “State Services” mobile application or, if you live in the city of Moscow, “Moscow Housing and Communal Services”. Each of the services transfers the entered data to the EIRC.
  • You have the right to personally visit the EIRC, the office of the management company or the district engineering service, where residents leave forms with testimony in a special box.

According to the data received on the consumption of hot and cold water for the past month, the employees of the settlement center determine the amount of money to be paid and mail a receipt to the residents. The timing depends on the Managing Organization itself and the region of residence.

Under no circumstances should you interfere proper operation counter, try to slow it down. If these violations are detected during the verification of the device, a fine will be imposed on the resident.

How to properly take readings in an apartment?

First of all, you should find out which meter corresponds to cold water and which one corresponds to hot water. If the device has a blue marking, then it is installed on cold water. If it's red, then it's hot. But if both counters are red, then they are determined in 2 ways:

  • How are the counters located relative to each other? According to the standard, the water meter for cold water should be located below the hot one. This is due to the fact that cold water is supplied from the risers from below, and hot water from above. However, this rule does not apply to new buildings.
  • To determine the meter, regardless of its location, you should open the hot or cold water tap and record which device’s readings began to change.

The counters have 8 rotating cells with numbers displayed on them. These are the counter values ​​that you need. The last 3 cells with red numbers are liters of water used. The first 5 cells with black numbers refer to cubic meters.

When you transfer water meter values ​​to the EIRC, you The numbers in the first 5 cells should be taken into account. If you have recently installed a meter and have not yet taken readings from it, then you resort to this principle.

For example, in the first month of using the device, your cell output was 00012256. This means that in a month you used 12 cubic meters. The next month you act differently. In order to make a payment, you need to calculate how water is consumed for the second month; to do this, you need to subtract the previous ones from the current meter values ​​(00024356 – 00012256 = 12 cubic meters).

What are the payment methods (offline and online)?

In order to find out how much you should pay for water supply, you only need water meter readings, a calculator, as well as knowledge of the tariff - the price of hot or cold water.

Depending on the region, authorities set different tariffs for water supply. Moreover, the tariff for hot water is always higher than the tariff for cold water.

The calculation of the monetary amount is carried out according to a simple scheme - the volume of water used is multiplied by the price for water.

There are several ways to pay for water services. They are divided into 2 categories:

  • Offline:
    1. About a third of the population prefers to personally visit Sberbank or post office branches. If you choose this method, then you need to have a receipt with the testimony in your hands, which you give to the branch employee. After payment, you will receive a second receipt and checks confirming the information.

      It is advisable to keep payment receipts for 2-3 years.

    2. You can use the services of any other commercial banks. However, you should be aware that they, in turn, charge an additional commission.
    3. Payment terminals and ATMs also require personal presence. Select the desired service from the menu, indicate the organization, payment period and pay the amount in cash or it will be debited from your card. Upon completion of the payment, you will also be given a check.
  • Online:
    1. If you are a client of Sberbank, you can use the Sberbank-Online service, which is also available as a mobile application.
    2. The management companies themselves create a system of personal user accounts on their official websites, through which you can submit your testimony and immediately pay the tax.
    3. It may be more convenient for you to pay with funds other than bank cards and electronic wallets, and from a phone account. Visit the site mobile operator or open its mobile application, select the desired option, indicate your personal account and pay. Read about how to pay for water via the Internet using a personal account.

How to calculate how much you need to pay per month for housing and communal services in 2019?

Hot water supply

In order to find out how much you should pay for hot water supply, use the following formula:

P gv = V gv * T xv + q cr * T cr Where:

  • P gv- monthly payment for hot water;
  • V Guards- amount spent per month hot water according to water meter values;
  • T xv— tariff for cold water supply;
  • q cr— the cost of the utility resource that went into heating cold water to a certain temperature;
  • T cr— the cost of a utility resource.
  1. the volume of hot water consumed (V gw) is 4 m 3 ;
  2. the price for cold water in the Tkhv region is 30.5 rubles. for 1 m 3;
  3. costs (q cr) - 0.049 Gcal per 1 m 3;
  4. cost per resource (T cr) - 2358.19 rub. for 1 Gcal.

First, let's calculate what the costs q cr were, that is, how much heat was spent on heating 4 m 3.

Let's multiply the amount of hot water consumed by the thermal energy standard 4 m 3 x 0.049 Gcal = 0.196 Gcal (the amount of thermal energy used to heat the hot water supply).

Now we substitute all the values ​​into the formula: 4m 3 x 30.5 rubles. + 0.196 Gcal x 2358.19 rub. = 695.96 rub.

Cold water supply

To pay by meter for cold water, its consumption is calculated using a formula such as:

P xv = V xv * T xv, Where:

  • P xv- amount of payment for cold water per month;
  • V xv— the amount of cold water consumed per month according to the water meter values;
  • T xv— tariff for cold water supply in your region.

V xv for you is 7 m 3, and the price for cold water in your region is 30.5 rubles.

Therefore, 7 m 3 x 30.5 = 213.5 rubles.

How to calculate general house needs?

In addition to the readings from your individual metering devices, the receipt for water supply includes the volume of water used for general household needs. These are the services provided by the management company that are already used for the maintenance of entrances, basements, attics and surrounding areas.

P gv(single) = V gv(single) * T xv + q cr * V gv(single) * T cr where V gv(one), the amount of hot water consumed per month for one residential premises.

Let's make the calculation: 0.8 m 3 x 30.5 + 0.049 x 0.8 m 3 x 2358.19 = 116.8 rubles.

Water meters allow property residents to save both their own money and water resources. Now you have access to calculation formulas and methods of paying for water supply services by meter. This means that you can control and keep track of your expenses yourself.

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Many people, due to inexperience, get confused when it comes to reading water meters, due to objective reasons, because until recently these meters were not so popular.

With the help of the experience gained in the future you will have less problems taking into account the amount of water consumed and related calculations.

First, you need to decide which of the risers of the water supply system with hot water, and which with the cold one, so that during the measurement and reading of readings you do not confuse the readings of these meters and make an incorrect payment for water.

Usually the hot water riser is located higher than the cold one. When you have figured this out, you can start reading.

On the front panel of the meter there is an indicator with displayed water consumption, a circular scale of water flow, an indicator of water movement and a meter model.

It is worth paying attention to the water consumption indicator; it usually consists of 8 digits, the first 5 are marked in black, and the last 3 in red.

Red indicates water consumption in liters, you are unlikely to need it, pay attention to the black indicator numbers, they display water consumption in cubic meters, so they are used to take readings and pay.

Suppose you installed a new meter and the number of hours in a month is 00013780, this means that in a month you have used 13 cubic meters and 780 liters of water. When accounting and paying, you can, for convenience, round this value to 14 cubic meters and pay your water bill using exactly this amount .

How to count water using a meter

In order not to make a mistake and correctly calculate the amount of water for which you need to pay, follow the following rule.

Let's say in the first month of using the meter you used 17 cubic meters. m. 200 l. water next month the meter shows a value of 28 cubic meters. m., simply subtract the amount of water that you used at the end of last month from the total consumption at the time of water accounting, it turns out 28-17 = 11, you used 11 cubic meters of water per month. Liters can be rounded for ease of calculation.

Always carefully monitor the meter readings; if you notice that the readings diverge from the values ​​they should be, then it’s time to look for a leak. Check if taps or batteries are leaking.

Payment for water by meter

Payment to the plant is made at payment points in your city, the calculation is made according to a simple scheme, the amount of water consumed is multiplied by the price for hot or cold water.

Payment is usually made at the end of the month. If you have not paid your water bill, you will be charged based on the average water you consumed per month, let's assume that last month you used 10 cubic meters. m.

Cold water and 12 cu. m. hot, accordingly, in case of non-payment, you will be billed in this amount for the current month.

The housing and communal services receipt, among other things, includes an item on payment for water drainage. It includes not only the sewage system, but also the water that flows into the drain holes of the bathtub and sink. Water disposal is calculated using special formulas. The calculation method depends on whether you have water meters.

There is a clear formulation of this service. It is enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. This is a set of procedures that is needed to remove wastewater from apartments household look through the connecting network. The process of removing and filtering water has several stages. When a meter is installed, the indicator is calculated based on the water used and the regional tariff. Every citizen-consumer must pay for sewerage.

In other words, water disposal is the purification of water and disposal by discharge into the sewer. Draining water when washing your face, after a shower, or from the dishwasher is all water drainage.

Water disposal is regulated on the basis of the following documents:

  • Law on water supply and sanitation (dated 07.12.2011 N 416-FZ)
  • Official decrees and orders at local and regional level;
  • Internal provisions of city water utilities.

How is this item shown on receipts?

Many people believe that water resource includes only drainage into the sewerage system. In reality, the service includes withdrawal of the water resource after use and delivery to treatment facilities, its filtering and so on.

If we talk about the monthly display of consumption, then if IPU is installed, the item is called - cold water supply (cold water supply) and hot water supply (hot water supply). If there is no IPU in the apartment, then the calculation is carried out based on the standards at the local level. This will appear on the receipt as follows:

  • Cold water supply at OI MKD - consumption of cold water in the house;
  • DHW t/n at OI MKD – hot water (volume);
  • DHW heating at OI MKD - hot water (heat).

How to calculate water drainage using a meter: formula and example

SV = (DHW + cold water) x TV, where

NE – total amount to pay;
DHW – monthly consumption of hot water, based on the readings of the IPU, m 3;
Cold water consumption - monthly consumption of cold water according to the meter, m 3;
TV – regional tariff.

This calculation is regulated by the Government Decree “On the procedure and conditions for citizens to pay for housing and utilities.” The regional tariff for each subject of the Russian Federation is individual.

For example, let’s calculate the cost of the service in Moscow. The local regional tariff (TV) is 21.90 rubles/m 3 . The monthly consumption indicator according to the meter is 10 cubic meters of cold water and 5 cubic meters of hot water. The total consumption of hot and cold water supply is 15 m3.

Substitute into the formula known values, we get:

(5 + 10) x 21.90 = 328.5 rubles.

The owner must repay such an account by the 20th of the next month.

If your sewer payment is late, the city water utility will issue a fine. If repayment of the debt is delayed, the organization will consider that its rights have been violated. Penalties will be accrued daily.

In case of any controversial situations, you must immediately contact the Management Company for clarification. For example, if after an independent calculation it turns out that the resulting amount is less than that calculated by the city water utility. There have often been cases when employees of the Criminal Code took advantage of the inattention of conscientious citizens and entered increased testimony.

How is the fee calculated if there is no meter: example

When there is no meter, the amount on the receipt increases. Thus, monthly consumption will be calculated based on regional standards. There is no need to explain that government standards significantly exceed actual water consumption.

The calculation is made using the formula:

Regional standard * number of registered people in residential premises * tariff.

For example, in Moscow the regional standard is 11.68 m 3 per person per month. It is calculated based on the standard for hot water - 4.745 m 3 and cold - 6.935 m 3.

Registered citizens – 2.

The regional sewerage tariff in Moscow is 21.90 rubles/m3.

Fee calculation: 11.68 * 2 * 21.90 = 511,584 rubles.

The owner will have to pay this amount if he does not have an IPU installed. After submitting the data, the payment center checks the correctness of the calculated indicator and issues a payment order. A payment slip with the estimated amount will arrive in the new month.


It must be remembered that owners of residential real estate in apartment buildings They pay not only for their own consumption, but also for general household consumption. This is the case if the house has a collective metering device (KPU). Then the payment will be calculated based on the overall indicator of each apartment. If the total readings are less than the consumption readings of the entire house, the difference is distributed among all residents of the house.

If a high-rise building does not have communal meters, residents do not have to pay the difference. This is reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 334 of April 16, 2013. We should expect a review of this order, because this decision has been submitted for consideration.

By the same decree, the Government of the Russian Federation abolishes the fixed indicator of the general needs of a home. Therefore, it should not be reflected in the payment. If this happens, then the owner has every right to file a complaint against the management company and demand a recalculation. In this case, the readings from the IPU should be taken as a basis. However, this is only if this clause is not specified in the service agreement. Therefore, you must first study the concluded document.

When paying for housing and communal services, owners are charged a commission of 2-3%. The Government issued such a resolution in 2009.

Every decent owner pays utility bills monthly and has the right to count on quality services. If, in his opinion, water drainage services are performed poorly or do not suit the tenant, he has the right to demand a recalculation.

To do this, it is necessary to collect supporting documents that prove the fact of poor quality services. All facts of this kind must be recorded. If this is not done, it will be difficult to prove anything.

If a water leak occurs, the owner is responsible. According to the law, it is he who is responsible for the serviceability of his property. However, when the leak occurred due to the fault of the utility companies, the water bill will be paid by the housing and communal services. Especially when the system is working properly or the housing is new. If the payment arrived without taking this fact into account, there is every reason to write a complaint to the housing and communal services and demand a recalculation.

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Not so long ago they began to come into use apartment meters hot and cold water. These simple devices are designed to protect consumers from inflated bills for water consumption. Flow meters show the values ​​of wasted water in cubes. Using these data, it is not difficult to calculate the amount of payment per month, but you need to know which numbers are responsible for what.

Types of water meters

Now, probably, there is none apartment building, in which there are not at least general house flow meters for hot and cold water. And in some new buildings, water meters are installed directly in the apartments. To begin with, it is important to understand the fundamental difference between common house appliances and apartment appliances.

General house meters take into account the water consumption of the entire house, including non-residential premises(shops, hairdressers, etc.) and expenses for wet cleaning entrances. In-apartment meters show the volume of water spent in each apartment. Both are painted in corresponding colors: red for hot water and blue for cold.

Numbers on the device

A seal is installed on each device by an employee of the management organization. He also records the first readings, usually 8 zeros. This first data will be necessary in order to be able to easily read water from the meter in the future.

On front side The device has 8 windows with numbers: first black, then red. Because in one cubic meter water contains 1 thousand liters, then by analogy with electricity meters, the black numbers are cubes, and the last three (as after the decimal point) are liters. The main settlements with regulatory organizations are carried out in cubes.

To transfer the readings to the management organization, the consumer is provided with a payment receipt form. The following columns are filled in: readings at the beginning of the billing period and final data in the form of 5 digits. Some samples also have a “Difference” line and a written tariff, so you can immediately calculate the cost.

It is not necessary to bring payment receipts to the management company. Testimony can be transmitted in several other ways:

  • by telephone to the housing and communal services call center operator;
  • SMS to short number assigned to the management company;
  • via the Internet, using online services of banks and other payment systems.

Amount to be paid

To calculate the monthly fee using the meter, you don’t even need a calculator (in the example, the cost per unit is taken conditionally, you need to check the tariff with the regulatory organization), it is important to take the readings correctly. For example, at the end of the previous month the device shows 00015680. This means that 15 cubic meters and 680 liters were spent. When transmitting readings, liters must be rounded to cubes according to the standard mathematical rule. The final figure should be reflected in the sample payment receipt.

The second digit must be removed at the end of the current month, for example 00027351, which corresponds to 27 cubic meters and 351 liters of water consumed. To obtain calculated data, the previous ones are subtracted from the rounded readings of the current month: 27−16 = 9 cubic meters. Next, multiply the difference in values ​​by the current regional tariff: 9 cubic meters. * 30 rub. = 270 rubles.

This example does not take into account expenses for general household needs. The management company lists them as a separate line on the receipt. They represent a fixed amount or are calculated based on the difference in the information submitted and the readings of common house meters.

When water meters first appeared, many were afraid of the cost of the devices themselves, however, installed flow meters significantly reduce the cost of consumed resources. The payment according to the standard, which is approximately 6 cubic meters of cold and 3 hot cubic meters per month and does not change depending on the time of year, turns out to be significantly higher if the family spends the entire summer at the dacha and the apartment is empty.

In addition, there are a number of tricks that will help reduce costs even more:

If there are no leaks, but suspicions of excessive water consumption remain, then it is worth checking the correct operation of the device itself. To do this you will need a 10-15 liter bucket. The procedure is as follows:

  • make sure that all taps in the house are closed;
  • write down or remember the readings on the meter in liters (last three red digits);
  • collect 2-3 buckets, pour into the sewer;
  • compare instrument readings.

Depending on the volume of the container, the meter should show from 20 to 45 liters. If the readings differ to a large extent, it is necessary to call a specialist to carry out a verification, the results of which will reveal the need to repair or replace the metering device.

To install a new meter, you will need the services of a plumber. The company that produced the device must have a license, and the water meter itself must have a technical passport. Only after the device is sealed by a specialist and registered can it be considered ready for use.

Payment Methods

It is not difficult to calculate from the meter how much to pay for water, and with the expansion of mobile and Internet services, the question of where to pay for housing and communal services becomes completely irrelevant. Particular care is required when paying via the Internet or telephone, when the testimony and details of the organization are entered into the appropriate fields.

Third-party systems may charge a commission from 0.8 to 5% depending on the size of the payment and the rules of the service or established minimum amount. You can pay for the calculated cubes of water by using Sberbank Online or setting up the Autopayment service in personal account. The financial institution has set a commission of 1%(or at least 10 rubles).

In addition to online services and mobile applications, which are available to almost all banks, payments can be made through specialized systems such as “System City”. Some telecom operators, for example Beeline and MTS, also offer the transfer of funds from the client to the supplier. But only those who own a SIM card of the corresponding mobile operator. In addition, the list of management companies that can be settled in this way is very limited.

Pay for hot and cold water supply services without commission through PayQR. QR codes have appeared recently, so not all management companies have them printed on receipts, but no commission (provided that the homeowner uses the appropriate application) will be charged.

Another option is to transfer fees using the government services portal. The portal itself is not a payment system, but only acts as a third party between the client and the management company, therefore it warns that a certain contribution may be withheld by the financial institution. As a rule, payment through the bank with which the management company has an agreement is made without additional fees.

Each client is obliged to pay regularly and in full for water according to the meter. Which option to choose and where to pay depends on personal preferences. Late or incomplete payment may result in the management organization going to court with subsequent collection of the debt, as well as penalties.