Lilac planting and care pruning. Timely planting of lilacs and proper care will give a good result.

Building a barn with your own hands so that it could contain a huge livestock is an almost impossible task. Here you have to use special equipment. But to build a house in which 5-10 animals would fit, everyone can do it.

Today, even on farms, they are trying to equip small cowsheds, in which no more than 20 heads could be kept. This is due to a number of factors. Firstly, such premises are easier to build. If we calculate the construction costs for the construction of several small premises and the costs of building a barn designed for 80-100 cows, then the first option is economically more profitable.

Secondly, in small rooms it is easier to maintain cleanliness and order. Yes, and repairing such barns is much easier. It is also easier to organize climatic conditions acceptable for keeping cattle here. And this affects the milk and meat productivity of cows and bulls.

Thirdly, setting up small spaces the most rational use of the territory.

barn construction

The construction of cowsheds requires a competent approach. First of all, you need to create a construction plan, draw a diagram of the future barn. Before creating a construction plan, you need to consider a number of points, the main of which are the geography of the area and the climate. It will also not be superfluous to find out what new products have appeared on the building materials market, and consult a specialist from which it is best to build agricultural premises.

So, the preparatory stage includes:

  • creating a building plan;
  • creation of a detailed project (taking into account sanitary and hygienic standards for buildings of this type);
  • choice of territory;
  • financial calculations.

If all the points are completed, you can proceed directly to the construction.

Construction Materials

In addition to those materials that are needed to equip the main structural elements (floors, walls, roof, windows, etc.), specific building materials will be needed (for arranging a stall, feeders, etc.). It is also worth taking into account the fact that even with a small livestock, cows will give birth, so you need a delivery room.

If we are talking about about a mini-farm, it is advisable to equip a room in the barn in which milk will be stored, a room for storing feed and collecting manure. It will not be superfluous to equip a room for storing equipment used to clean the room. And, of course, an integral part of any livestock building is a boiler room, the arrangement of which can be neglected only if you plan to keep frost-resistant cattle breeds. However, such breeds of cows can be kept in the open.

Site preparation

There are two ways to build a barn with your own hands: using a frameless or frame technology construction. It is advisable to give preference to the frame. So it is easier to properly equip the ventilation system, communications and lighting. It is also worth noting that frame structures are cheaper than frameless ones.

Construction begins with site preparation. To do this, mark the site on which construction will be carried out and remove the entire fertile layer of soil. This is done in order to provide a more solid foundation for the building. Then crushed stone of the middle fraction is laid on the site. If it's about frame construction, then there is no need to pour the foundation. But this only applies to frame buildings.

Construction of the main elements

After arranging the gravel pad, the frame is mounted. A square is laid on the gravel, which is the supporting structure. Then, mount the poles. Connections between structural elements are made by welding. If we are talking about a barn for 10 heads, then the central pillars should be about 3.5 m high, and the side ones should be a meter shorter.

The roof is built from wooden beams and covered with slate. This is the most a budget option. But, if finances allow, more modern materials can be used. Although, as practice shows, in terms of wear resistance, slate is in no way inferior to modern coatings. The support for the roof are the pillars of the frame structure.

On next step concrete floor. For the arrangement of walls, light materials are chosen. Since they did not deal with the arrangement of the foundation, the construction will not withstand heavy walls.

When choosing materials for walls, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region. If the winters are cold or the room will be equipped with a boiler room, it is worth choosing modern materials that are light and warm. If the winters are warm, then you can do ordinary boards, which are easy to mount with your own hands.

Arrangement of a cowshed

The final stage of construction is the arrangement of the premises. You need to make the room as comfortable as possible. Otherwise, the indicators of milk and meat productivity will not be the best.

Communication systems

You need to start with lighting and ventilation systems. The electrification of the premises should be carried out by a specialist or a person with experience in this field. Before you start wiring, you need to make a drawing of all communications. Then, according to the drawing, lay the cable. If you think that the wiring and other communications are within your power, then at least the design should be entrusted to a specialist. Not a single video or photo will give an understanding of how to properly organize the wiring, especially if the room contains a boiler room.

If we are talking about a small number of goals (3-4), then you can get by natural light by arranging windows at a height of at least 1 m from the floor.


Next, equip the stall. Each cow should have its own feeder. Ideally, you can equip a separate drinker for each stall. The length and depth of the feeder should be approximately 70 and 80 cm, respectively. As for the width, it varies between 40-50 cm. The wall of the feeder, which is located closer to the stall, should be 25-30 cm shorter than the opposite wall. This will make it easier for the animal to eat. In general, the feeder should contain about 5-6 kg of dry grass.

Cattle in barns are kept on a leash. Pegs, at the ends of which there is a ring for attaching to the chain, are hammered directly near the feeder. A chain is threaded through the ring, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The width of the stall should be at least 1.1 m, length - 2.1 m. But these figures are rather arbitrary. In addition, the amount of space required for keeping cows and bulls is different. If a cow should account for 20 square meters. m, then for one bull it is enough to take 10 square meters. m.

There are large breeds of cows, and there are small ones, so before arranging the stall, it is advisable to decide on what breed of cows you will keep and find out what their dimensions are. The size of the stall should allow the cow to lie down.

To arrange the boundaries between the stalls, you can use any available materials: hollow pipes, boards, stone, reinforcement, logs, etc. The choice of material is determined by the size of the barn. They can be made stationary or mobile. Well-equipped stalls are suitable for both tethered and loose cattle housing. To decide which method of keeping is acceptable for you, you can see photos of ready-made barns with stalls different type. It is also worth taking into account that the installation of a stall for tethered housing is a more labor-intensive process.

Specific moments

It is advisable to equip the barn with a waste channel. To do this, the floor in the stall is raised above the common floor by about 40-50 cm. Or you can initially make recesses at the right distance when arranging the floor. In this way, manure removal will become an easy task, and keeping animals clean will be much easier.

To prevent cattle from freezing in winter, concrete floors are covered with straw, sawdust or straw cutting. This bedding should be changed every few days or as needed. Alternatively, the floors can be made of burnt bricks. But, you need to calculate the cost of construction, since brick floors will definitely cost a lot.

You can reduce the cost of the construction process using adobe. This construction material can be cooked at home. We need only 3 components: clay, straw and sand. But in order for the building to have a long period of operation, you need to mix the composition correctly. You can see how to work with this building material in a photo or video.


A cowshed is a typical room that is quite simple to build at home. Today there is metal constructions which speed up the construction process. But before you start building a barn, you need to decide how many heads you will keep, how much space you have for construction, and how much money you have.

If we talk about a barn for ten cows, then the price of construction work will be low, but as a result, you can open a small business. And the size of such a building will be small. But when preparing a site for construction, it should be noted that it is advisable to build structures of this type at some distance from residential buildings (15, and preferably 20 m).

A cowshed for 20 heads is a convenient and low-budget option available to any novice farmer whose specialization is dairy production. Modern technologies and modernization of the livestock industry Agriculture allowed not only to significantly increase the profitability of farming, but also to qualitatively optimize all its components. So, in order to increase the profitability of cattle breeding, it is very important to optimize and reorganize the entire economic process. In this sense, building a barn with your own hands is a very cost-effective and alternative option.

Application area

Nowadays, farm building has long moved away from large-scale facilities designed for thousands of livestock. When building cowsheds with their own hands, today they are increasingly resorting to new building methods that allow you to create mini-complexes with the most favorable climatic atmosphere of the room, observing all necessary conditions zoohygiene and keeping of cattle. This approach to "dairy" farming ensures the continuity of production and minimum flow labor resources.

Industrial project of new agricultural architectural forms- this is an excellent alternative to outdated buildings of the stall and hangar type of sheds, giving consistently high rates of profitability for the cow business. But it’s not enough just to build a structure. The construction of a cowshed must be preceded by a building construction plan, including the geographical and climatic features of the region, the specifics of the building material and the amount of financial investment.

Only with the right calculations and the construction of a barn structure, cattle can be provided with the most natural and psychologically comfortable living environment. Which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on the performance of animals. Therefore, the design of such a room must always be developed taking into account the number of herds, methods of feeding cattle and its general content.

The most demanded today are small cowsheds in individual animal husbandry. Although large farms do not neglect them. After all, such small forms make it possible to effectively organize and locate the economy throughout the entire territory of collective farm lands.

How to build a house for cows?

Every farmer knows that cow breeding begins with the construction of a dwelling specialized for them, the quality of which directly affects the health of animals and their level of productivity. It is worth noting that the construction of a cowshed is a very responsible and time-consuming process, which includes a lot of mandatory architectural and hygienic rules and regulations. So, for example, there are a number of basic principles regarding the construction of a barn with your own hands:

  • building plan;
  • creation of a functional project;
  • site selection;
  • careful development of the enterprise budget;
  • actual construction of the barn.

In addition, the arrangement of the interior of the structure must clearly comply with all sanitary instructions and have a suitable size and microclimate of the space, sufficient ventilation and temperature regime atmosphere. Keeping the barn clean is also a rule.

But whatever the plan and design of the farm for cattle, one cannot do without the traditional set of premises necessary for it. So, a barn for 10 cows must certainly contain:

  • stall sections;
  • "stern kitchen";
  • manure collection rooms;
  • playpen or playground;
  • maternity;
  • boiler room for heating the building;
  • storage units for milked milk;
  • inventory.

As for do-it-yourself farm building technologies, today there are two of them - frame and frameless. The latter method is less attractive due to the lack of natural window ventilation in the building design. And here frame type construction allows you to equip the barn in accordance with the individual preferences of the farmer and the inclusion in the construction of all necessary systems life support of the structure - ventilation, lighting, communications and other things.

The material base for the construction of a cowshed is very extensive and allows it to be used as a traditional construction raw materials in the form of bricks and wood, as well as modern ultra-light complete ready-made metal structures. It is frame trusses in Lately most popular and in demand. They are easy to install, quick to assemble and affordable.

Barn equipment

The functionality of the farm is influenced by many factors - this is the design of the barn building itself, and its size, and, of course, the material and technical equipment. The latter is of paramount importance in the organization effective work cow breeding process. It is the use of high-tech equipment that can significantly facilitate the work of the farm, reduce costs labor resource and ensure the most comfortable existence of livestock. Therefore, the choice and purchase of equipment should be a non-impulsive decision, but a carefully thought-out and responsible step.

The main action, before you go to the store for equipment, is to compile a list of the necessary devices. So, the list of indispensable technological equipment for barns must include:

  • combiboxes or feeders;
  • drinkers;
  • separating stalls;
  • stall runs;
  • milk conveying and milking systems;
  • manure removal device;
  • communication devices;
  • lighting system.

In addition, when buying a certain type of farm equipment, the type of cattle keeping plays a paramount role. For example, if cows are bred loosely, then their stall space may be small in size, since it is only a recreation area for them. Things will be quite different in the case of stall keeping of livestock. Here, the dimensions and configuration of the structures should in no way hinder the movements of the animal or cause him any discomfort.

A typical equipment layout looks like this:

  • arrangement of stall sections in several rows;
  • the presence of passages between the blocks;
  • equipping each stall with an individual feeder, drinker, tie-down device and waste drain;
  • fastening on the stall structure of the milk pipeline and the milking machine.

The entire system of farm premises and its technical equipment must be organized and structured as rationally as possible.

In order to build a cowshed that meets all modern requirements and standards, it is necessary not only to strictly observe the order and conditions of each of the stages of the construction process, but also to have a sufficient financial base. Of course, in order to save money, you can build a farm with your own hands. However, ordering the construction of a barn from a specialized turnkey company will allow the building to be erected in as soon as possible and at a very reasonable price, only about 1,340,000 rubles.

If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you can start with barn buildings. This is very profitable, because cows give tasty and valuable milk, which is always and everywhere in demand. But even people who do not intend to do business, but live in private homes or spend a lot of time on summer cottages, interested in building a cowshed. Undoubtedly, many people love fresh cow's milk. Therefore, not lazy summer residents and site owners are thinking about getting a cow, for which it is necessary to build special “mansions”, because in order to get high-quality milk, you need to properly care for the cow.

Do-it-yourself cowshed construction

Many advantages have barn construction"from scratch", because in this case you will build the structure you want. True, for this you will have to invest in the purchase of the necessary building materials.

Features of the construction of a cowshed.

IN European countries ah they build cowsheds that are most suitable for Russian conditions. They are a two-story building: the first floor occupies stall for cows, and on the second there is a hayloft. This will save space.

But even such convenient structures have their drawbacks, the main of which is the high fire hazard of such structures, since dry hay burns well.

What requirements must a barn meet?

Before starting the construction of a barn, some preparatory steps are necessary.

  1. Beginners who encounter farming for the first time should find out all the information about the structure of this building.
  2. You need to choose a place where the mini-farm will be built.
  3. A cowshed project is underway.
  4. The cost of the future cowshed is calculated.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that adult cows and bulls, as well as small calves, will be inside the premises - there should be enough space for everyone. Regardless of how many cattle you decide to raise, the first step is to design a suitable barn.

Necessary norms and requirements for the barn.

The cowshed should consist of:

  1. stall for animals;
  2. stall dividers;
  3. fodder table;
  4. maternity ward;
  5. milk washing department;
  6. technological passage;
  7. near-farm manure storage;
  8. cup autodrinker;
  9. manure channel;
  10. manure canal.

Necessary place for placing livestock in the barn

What size should be at the premises of the barn is quickly calculated by experts. A novice inexperienced in farming may think that this is very difficult. But it's not. Self-calculations are available to everyone, you just need to know the parameters of a standard barn:

  1. Length - 6 meters;
  2. Width - 4 meters;
  3. Height - 2.5 meters;
  4. Each adult animal needs 20 cubic meters of area;
  5. A calf needs 10 cubic meters.

Part of the housing for keeping a calf or several calves is fenced off from the part in which adult cows and bulls live.

Minimum required dimensions barn.

When designing home barns, do not forget that it is necessary to allocate a place in which equipment and animal feed will be stored.

It is clear that a large number of livestock will require a barn. bigger size. Therefore, the cost of such a structure will be quite large. Therefore, before buying a ready-made barn, calculate the amount that will be spent if you make a livestock building with your own hands - it will turn out to be much cheaper.

Building materials for the construction of a cowshed

Various materials can be used to build a barn. Most often, these structures are erected by owners of farms from:


This building material is made by hand right on the site. For its manufacture, a mixture prepared from:

  1. clay;
  2. straw;
  3. sand.

Red brick

This building material has great advantages:

  1. high strength;
  2. frost resistance;
  3. universality;
  4. fire resistance;
  5. long service life.

If you will be keep cattle V brick room, behind winter period the weight indicators of animals will not decrease, which is not excluded if they are kept in cold rooms.

cinder blocks

Cinder blocks are a special type of building stone. Cement binds various fillers. Artificial wall stone has positive characteristics:

  1. ability not to shrink;
  2. does not crumble;
  3. foundation material - cinder blocks, quite durable;
  4. is an available material.

The shell rock is popular due to its low cost. In addition, the building material has the following advantages:

  1. beautiful structure;
  2. light weight;
  3. ease of use.

The use of shell blocks.

Construction of a barn foundation

For the barn, you need to equip a solid foundation that can withstand heavy loads. solid foundation will avoid the need for repair of the premises in the first year of operation.

The foundation, built of brick or rubble, will not crack under the weight of the walls and roof. The foundation cannot be made without formwork, for which brick or rubble are fastened with cement or concrete mortar.

IN hard ground the foundation should be deepened by half a meter. For the base, high-quality waterproofing is required, which is most often used as roofing felt or roofing material. Some builders make a layer of asphalt, on top of which a blind area is made.

We build walls for the barn

It is necessary that internal walls barns were dry warm. If the walls are built from adobe bricks, the cowshed will be relatively inexpensive. Such a room is quite suitable for wintering 200 animals.

It is necessary to overlay the walls with ordinary brick from below. During design work you need to take into account various nuances, among which is a frosty winter. The building, the walls of which are made of brick, will be warm and will reliably protect animals from icy winds and frosts.

It is best to retain heat in rooms one and a half bricks. In addition, the internal walls of the cowshed are plastered and whitewashed. Sun rays reflected off the white walls, making the room brighter and warmer.

Barn walls can be built by combining two types of building materials:

  1. burnt brick;
  2. shell rock.

Porous building materials provide warmth to the room, so cows will overwinter well in such a barn.

We equip the floors in the barn

During the construction of a barn for 100 heads of cattle, a floor covering is used - a flooring that has a waterproof surface. Manure is easily removed from a flat floor surface. The floor covering must be carefully insulated for the winter so that cows do not develop mastitis and other diseases.

The best material for floors in a room where animals are kept is wood. Of course, the tree is distinguished by its fragility, but this does not detract from its merits. Wood lasts a maximum of four years, as it is prone to rot. After this period, it is required to re-lay the wooden floors in the barn.

Most often, the floors in the barn are made of concrete or cement. These materials are very cold, animals freeze on them, so in winter time year they need to make dry bedding from:

  1. sawdust;
  2. straw cutting;
  3. straw.

To prevent animals from freezing, such bedding must be regularly replaced with fresh ones.

good option floor covering fired bricks are considered in the barn, which are warmer than cement or, and have greater durability than wood. The service life of a brick coating is at least ten years.

We equip the drain in the barn

If you have a large farm (at least 200 heads of cattle), by properly equipping the drain, you get a guarantee that the urine and feces of animals will not accumulate in the barn. To organize the flow, it is necessary to lay the floors at an angle, and at the end of the room to build a special groove.

Timely removal of waste significantly reduces the amount of harmful substances that accumulate in the barn. A special chute is used to drain manure into the sewer pipe.

We build a roof for a barn

At the design stage of the barn, it is necessary to determine what materials will be used roofing. TO inexpensive options coatings include:

  1. slate;
  2. tiles.

The gable roof is certainly insulated. Attic space useful to the owner for storing hay. The barn must be regularly ventilated. To do this, you can use a specially equipped raised visor. The roof is able to protect the barn from the adverse effects of climatic conditions.

We build stalls in the barn

Stalls are places where animals are fed. They should be equipped in such a way that cows and bulls feel comfortable. Each animal must have its own stall - roomy, so that the feed is placed in such an amount that is necessary to completely saturate the cow.

If the volume of the feeder is at least 8 kilograms, hay with straw is placed in them. You can build a feeder with your own hands. standard sizes the following are considered:

  1. Height - 65 cm;
  2. Width - 80 cm;
  3. Length - 1-1.3 meters.

Feeding troughs are most often made of boards and bricks.

Leaving the cow in the stall, it is necessary to tie it with a special soft and durable rope, maximum length which is one and a half meters.

If you properly equip the stall, the animals, being in it, will be calm and feel free.

Arrangement of windows in the barn

As noted above, the barn should be bright and comfortable. To provide good lighting rooms, it is necessary that the windows are on the eastern or southern walls. Winter colds and frosts are easier to bear if the sun shines through the windows, which does not allow the animals to overcool.

Height window openings should be approximately one meter from the floor surface. It is necessary to wash the glass regularly, because the sun's rays do not pass through dirty glass into the room.

Do-it-yourself building a cattle shed will be much cheaper than buying a ready-made barn or inviting qualified builders to equip it.

However, for do-it-yourself construction work, it is necessary a large number of time is a disadvantage. But the result will be a solid, warm and cozy barn.

As it became clear from the above, the conditions of animals, as well as the quality of feed, have a direct impact on the performance of cows.

In order for the cowshed to serve faithfully long years do everything necessary requirements during construction, follow the rules for arranging interior spaces, insulate walls and floors.

Follow the rules of zoological hygiene to obtain healthy offspring and products that are beneficial to human health. Keep an eye on the health of animals, do not allow them to freeze in cold and frosty winters. The food must be of good quality.

To increase the number of livestock, it is necessary that the barn is always warm and clean. In a properly equipped barn, it is easy to put things in order.

Profit from breeding cattle depends, among other things, on the conditions in which the animals are kept. A clean, bright, dry and well-ventilated room has a positive effect on cows' milk production. In this article we will tell you how to make a barn with your own hands.

Many novice cattle breeders believe that it is almost impossible to build a decent building for keeping cattle with their own hands. However, this task is not difficult to cope with, you just need to first familiarize yourself with the generally accepted requirements for the construction of a barn.

If it is planned to build a barn on the territory of a farm where there are already rooms for other domestic animals, then a new building can be organized in close proximity to them. At the same time, it is important to take into account the remoteness of the barn from the residential building. The optimal distance should be at least 15 m.

Avoid swampy areas, drafts and high humidity. Next to the barn, you should consider arranging a paddock for walking cattle.

An ideal barn should be spacious so that the animals can freely accommodate there, not only standing, but also lying down, as well as warm, dry and bright. Do not forget to think over and equip a cow stall, which can be made from metal pipes with a diameter of at least 5-6 cm.

Necessary materials and tools

Next preparatory stage there will be a choice of materials and tools that will be useful in the process. Today, turnkey prefabricated structures are very popular. Companies providing this service conclude a standard contract with the client, which specifies all the requirements for the construction, the timing of the work and the cost.

However, most farms are located in small villages where people are used to doing everything with their own hands. It is best to make a barn out of wood. Some pastoralists, not wanting to waste their time working with wood, prefer more modern materials, among which burnt or adobe brick, shell rock, cinder blocks, aerated concrete and limestone slabs. The roof is covered with slate, and the bedding for cattle is made of roofing material, which does not absorb moisture.

Also during construction, sand, cement and clay will be needed. Don't forget to cook necessary tools and equipment: level, stake, shovels, different diameter and the depth of the container, self-tapping screws, nails, rope, hammer, etc.

Dimensions and project of the room

One of milestones building a cowshed is a project. A well-designed and thought-out construction plan will help to equip a cattle shed as quickly and correctly as possible. It will be difficult for a simple farmer to independently draw up a drawing of a future barn. In order to avoid mistakes, which can then negatively affect the conditions for keeping animals, it is better to use the services of specialists who are professionally involved in the design of residential and outbuildings.

In the process of discussing and drawing up a scheme for a future barn, all the requirements and wishes of the farmer are taken into account, as well as the size of the area required for one animal. Therefore, we recommend that you think in advance how the cows will be kept in the stalls - tethered or loose.

Step-by-step instruction

We have already familiarized ourselves with the main stages of the construction of a barn. To understand how to make a barn for cows as comfortable and convenient as possible, you need to remember that the conditions of detention directly depend on internal arrangement barn. So, let's try to figure out what should be the perfect barn for cows.

Floor and walls

As we have already said, you can build a barn from various materials. However, inside the wall it is necessary to sheathe wood, providing good thermal insulation during the winter season. As experienced cattle breeders note, then the walls should be whitewashed.

How to make a floor in a barn, you ask? The construction of the floor depends on the weather and climatic conditions of a certain region. For the southern regions, a concrete-filled floor is suitable, on top of which sawdust and straw are poured.

It is best to fill the floor with concrete, install bars or logs on top and make wood flooring. Such a design is considered durable, the tree will have time to dry out due to the air chamber between the concrete and the boards.

Roof and ventilation

For commercial buildings small size fit shed roof, but for more spacious sheds - gable. The roof is covered with ordinary slate, while the ceiling is made of reed slabs plastered with clay.

Milk yield indicators depend on the indoor microclimate. The more comfortable the cows feel in the barn, the higher the milk production. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the equipment of the ventilation system. Metal or polypropylene pipes are used as ventilation shafts.


One of the important stages of the internal arrangement of the barn is the manufacture of a stall. It is better to build a stall from mobile structures or cages from metal pipes in order to be able to quickly change its dimensions if necessary. Optimal Width is 1.25 m, and the length is about 2.6 m.


Cleanliness in the barn is the key to good health and excellent health of cattle. Most often, straw with the addition of dry peat is used as bedding. You can also buy special mats or rubber mats that will need to be dried periodically.


When making feeders, consider the characteristics of a particular breed, the cow must have Free access to the stern. You will need several feeders: for dry food, for wet mixers and drinkers for clean drinking water.

manure storage

The manure storage is one of the main and necessary buildings for keeping cattle. When designing automatic or mechanical manure removal devices, keep in mind that an adult cow produces about 12 tons of manure in one year. Depending on the climatic features of the region, a manure storage facility of a closed or open type is equipped.

Care and hygiene

Animals not only need good content, but also proper care. It is equally important to pay enough attention to the lighting of the room. In winter, daylight hours are short, so you should carefully consider the electric lighting system. Fresh air, light, a balanced diet, the availability of personal space for each cow - the key to high milk productivity.

Video "Keeping a cow in the village"

From this video you will learn how to keep a cow in the village and what a cowshed should be.

The introduced food embargo on the products of European countries aroused interest in agriculture. Some farms have increased the area under crops and the number of livestock. Residents of the private sector are not far behind them. In many ways, the success of livestock farming depends on the conditions in which the animals are kept.

State regulation of the private life of cattle

Ministry of Agriculture R.F. published order No. 551 dated 13.12.2016 "On the approval of veterinary rules for keeping cattle for the purpose of its reproduction, cultivation and sale." The owner of one or two cows can give up on the requirements listed in the order. However, farmers who plan to sell their products are forced to bring barns for bulls in the appropriate form. After all, they will have to go through more than one visit by Rosselkhoznadzor employees. However, losses can be minimized if you build a barn with your own hands, and this is quite realistic.

The design of the future barn for cows is determined based on the direction of the farm. Cattle are bred for the purpose of obtaining milk or meat. Again, the way young animals appear is also taken into account - natural or buying on the side.

The second important parameter is the location of the barn. Here, the presence or absence of access roads is taken into account, but also the level ground water, wind rose, remoteness from residential buildings. On these two points and guided, choosing for cows.

The maximum number of animals on our farm does not exceed ten. For such a herd, a barn can be built independently. However, if you plan to increase the number of livestock, then use the services of builders with experience in the construction of such buildings. In any case, there are nuances that are obvious to professionals and unknown to beginners. Ignoring them can lead to sad consequences. Starting from diseases and ending with the death of animals.

The area of ​​the future cowshed is affected by the method of keeping livestock. If cows and bulls are not planned to be tied, then 6 m 2 is enough for one animal. This method is called unattached. However, among farmers, keeping cows in stalls (tethered method) is more popular. A separate living space for a cow is organized in accordance with the following standards:

  • An adult cow needs a box with an area of ​​​​2.2 to 2.7 m 2;
  • For a cow and a calf, a stall of at least 3 m 2 will be required;
  • One calf is enough 1.5 m 2;
  • An adult bull will have to provide a box of at least 1.75 m 2.

Boxing for one adult cow should be an area of ​​​​2.2 m 2

Grown up calves are kept, as a rule, without a leash in a common paddock. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is calculated as follows: age up to 1 year - 4 m 2, older - 4.5 m 2. Animals feel comfortable with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters. But it is not worth relying solely on the data presented. Dimensions may vary depending on the breed being bred.

When planning to build a barn for bulls and cows, consider the comfort, safety of people. Such measures include the remoteness of outbuildings from residential premises and water sources. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, housing for animals is built at least 20 meters from wells and wells.

Building materials for a barn - what is good, what is bad

So, the theory is left behind, we proceed directly to the construction. In the construction of premises for cattle, traditional materials are used:

  • brick;
  • cinder blocks;
  • sibit or aerated concrete;
  • wood.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the prices for brick, sibit or aerated concrete are quite high. But you still need to be able to work with them, otherwise you will have to hire masons, and their services are not cheap. Slag concrete often contains toxic substances that adversely affect the health of animals.

We build a barn for a cow with our own hands and at our own expense, therefore, we need to minimize possible costs. Of course, it is not easy to create a barn project for 10 heads from scratch with your own hands. Therefore, we take as a basis the drawings given in the framework of this article.

As you can see, in addition to the stalls for cows, there are rooms for storing inventory. In large livestock farms, technological rooms are added to the design of cowsheds: a milk-draining room, a machine room, a washing room, etc. In our case, there is no need for them. By and large, the construction of a small barn comes down to arranging the foundation, erecting walls, covering the ceiling and roof, and equipping stalls.

How does the construction of a barn for cows begin and end?

For the construction of utility and utility rooms, a lot of building materials are used. However, for our purposes it is better to use wood. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. 1. Economic. No need to turn to third-party specialists - a novice master can work with a tree. As a rule, in most regions of the country, wood is cheaper than other building materials;
  2. 2. Practical. Buildings built of brick, sibit and their analogues, not to mention prefabricated structures, need additional heating. IN wooden structures enough heat from animals;
  3. 3. Ecological. The cows feel most comfortable.

Any construction starts with a foundation. The barn is no exception. Based on the sanitary norms And practical advice farmers, we need to prepare the foundation for a building with an area of ​​​​100 m 2. Considering that we are building housing for cattle from wood, which does not differ in weight, we can get by with a strip foundation.

Wooden walls are mounted on the flooded base. The best option, this is a log house made of logs or timber. However, in the southern regions there are many similar structures, built from thick five-centimeter boards. But such building material can not be used in all regions of the country. Pay attention to such building material as timber 100 * 150 mm. Of course, it will cost more than a log, but labor costs will be many times less. A log house made of timber can be folded within a few days and it is easier to finish such a building from the inside. Yes, interior spaces the barn will need to be plastered and whitewashed - this will serve as additional protection for animals from harmful bacteria.

Height unheated premises for keeping cattle rarely exceeds 2.5 meters - this reduces heat loss.

Floors. As already mentioned, laying wooden floors is impractical - they will be saturated with ammonia and fail within a few years. Alternatively, you can pour a concrete floor. This coating will last for decades. But there is also a minus - concrete floors accumulate cold, which can lead to animal illness. Another way to equip the floor in a barn is to lay it out with burnt bricks. True, there is no need to talk about savings in this case. In our barn, we will fill the floor with concrete, and in the future we will use bedding made of straw, shavings or sawdust. This will prevent cows from developing colds and mastitis.

Roof. For outbuildings, single-pitched or are used. In our case, we will have to build a roof with two slopes. It is explained simply. The barn area is 100 sq. meters, if you put a roof with one slope - excessive snow load will reduce its service life. In addition, it allows you to organize a place in the attic for storing dry feed (hayloft).

Air, light, proper nutrition - the key to high milk yield

Lighting is not a whim, but a necessity. As studies by veterinarians show, in winter, with a 16-hour light day, cows give 8-10% more milk. In fact, they eat more. Of course, for the electrification of the barn, it is better to invite a professional electrician. However, if the room is not supposed to use energy-intensive mechanisms, you can stretch the line from the home shield (preferably underground). But when it is planned to install devices that consume a large amount of electricity (electric mill, separator, etc.) in the back rooms of the barn, it is better to install a separate electric meter and then lead the lighting of the barn from it. Yes, such a connection scheme will cost more - you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment and paying for the services of electricians, but do not forget that 70% of fires in Russia are due to wiring.

Even the timely removal of waste products from cows does not guarantee a healthy indoor atmosphere. Together with high humidity, this causes the appearance of harmful bacteria. Fresh air for cows is no less important than for people. Therefore, it is necessary to equip and ventilation.

There are two types ventilation systems: forced and natural. We do not need to buy a complete air handling unit- we will manage with the creation of ventilation shafts from polypropylene or metal pipes. Holes are cut in the walls of the barn to allow air to enter the room. surplus warm air rise and are removed through pipes placed in the ceiling. Ideally, both inlet and outlet openings are covered with protective grilles and deflectors.