From which part of the room should you start wallpapering? Where to start wallpapering - a simple question with big consequences

Having decided to carry out repairs yourself, you need to provide appropriate preparation, both theoretical and practical. It is important to familiarize yourself with the principles of wallpapering, find out where to start gluing wallpaper, how to choose the right texture and shades. After all, in order to achieve the highest quality results, you must approach the organization with all responsibility. decorative finishing and planning the interior of the room.

What do novice builders need to know?

Many years ago, in Soviet times, the wallpaper was simply glued overlapping. The main secret of this method was the presence of a specialized unpatterned strip on one side of the material. The next layer was glued onto this strip.

Pasting was carried out only from the window. This was done so that the transitions with the stripe would not be noticeable. But most often they were noticeable, although not as much as if they were glued from a different point.

Now you can start gluing wallpaper from anywhere. However, most people follow tradition, starting the decoration from the window. It is known that the main task when decorating walls with wallpaper is clarity of lines and beauty, so it is worth starting with a line that defines a strict vertical. The role of such a vertical can be:

  • doors;
  • window;
  • corners.

Alternatively, you can simply draw a line that is perpendicular to the floor. To do this, use a level.

Before you start gluing wallpaper, you need to prepare the necessary tools:

  • ruler, tape measure, calculator and pencil for marking and measuring;
  • roller, scraper and spatula for removing wallpaper;
  • wallpaper knife, scissors and cutter for cutting strips;
  • clean floor or big table, brush and bucket for treating the surface with glue;
  • plumb line, stepladder, hammer, spirit level and nails for leveling and gluing;
  • sponge and rag for cleaning.

It is important to prepare the room correctly. First of all, you need to turn off the power to the sockets and then remove the covers. It is necessary to glue wallpaper over the holes for sockets. The slits are made after the glue has dried. It is recommended to approach the doors from both sides. In this case, the canvas applied to the door must be cut to the height of the frame vertically. It is then secured to the wall by cutting off a protrusion that is fitted to the top of the frame. To make it easier to trim the bottom and top edges, you should use a triangular ruler.

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The first canvas must be glued tightly to the landmark, and then move forward step by step until the circle (more precisely, a rectangle) is closed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the angle of incidence sun rays from the window, because otherwise the joints will stand out strongly, spoiling the impression.

Sometimes the door frame becomes a starting point. It is believed that apartments are most often changed interior doors, so their angles become the smoothest. The doors have an ideal vertical level (during repairs, it is the door level that is most often checked and leveled), so there is no need to measure the jamb with a level.

The point of starting to glue wallpaper from such an ideal vertical line is that, starting from it, you can continue the gluing cycle further. It turns out that each strip conveys a complete vertical, so you need to glue the walls in a circle.

It is known that it is now difficult to find a perfectly flat corner in an apartment. Soviet construction is to blame for this, so you should definitely check the corners with building level. It's worth measuring the angle ratio before deciding whether to use a similar angle as a guide.

The more important question is where to start wallpapering in the corner. You cannot glue one sheet of paper in the corner, because it may come off or wrinkles will appear on it. It is recommended to overlap several adjacent sheets. This will take more time, but the result will be more reliable and of higher quality.

If the wallpaper has a geometric or other large pattern, then there is a possibility that if it is pasted in a closed circle, at the start and finish points (the first and last stripes), the patterns will not match at all. And the reason for this is not the patterns themselves, but the position of the wallpaper. Over time, the vertical is lost, and the wallpaper begins to deviate more and more with each subsequent wall.

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What should you consider when choosing wallpaper?

Before gluing wallpaper, you need to learn about all its features. The determining factor during selection is the condition of the walls and the purpose of the premises. For rooms with normal humidity and smooth walls, almost any Decoration Materials. Whereas for rooms with high humidity or hallways, washable wallpaper is better.

Non-woven ones perfectly hide minor irregularities, do not shrink too much, and are very easy to work with, because the glue just needs to be applied to the wall. But you should pay special attention to the corners, because you need to properly glue the wallpaper in these places to avoid the formation of wrinkles.

Embossed materials will also help hide minor unevenness in the walls. Wallpaper with large cells, a dense pattern or fiberglass is well suited for these purposes.

Anyone who wants to decorate their interior in folk or oriental style, as well as lovers of environmentally friendly and expensive materials It is worth paying attention to natural wallpaper. Most often these are bamboo products that fit perfectly into different interiors and are considered the best assistant for the Japanese style.

There are also liquid wallpapers. This is a very original coating, suitable for any room. It is applied as simple plaster onto the base, and then the layer should become soft, like fabric.

Acrylic wallpaper is similar to vinyl covering. They differ only in the coating layer applied to the paper. You can glue this type of wallpaper in the most different rooms, because they are not afraid of moisture and mechanical stress. They differ from vinyl in thickness, which is several millimeters smaller. This must be taken into account if different materials will be combined in the interior.

It is important to remember that mold occurs precisely in the corners: although many people start gluing wallpaper from there, first of all it is necessary to treat the corners with fungicides.

For those who decide to hang the wallpaper themselves, several questions immediately arise: how to start gluing the wallpaper, when can you open the windows after gluing, first lay the laminate, and then glue the wallpaper, or vice versa? After all, you really want to hang the wallpaper perfectly so that it is smooth and free of bubbles. How to properly prepare the walls and glue the wallpaper? Answers to the most popular questions about wallpapering and some tips for carrying out repairs can be found in this article.

After choosing and purchasing wallpaper, you need to prepare the walls. First you need to remove the old wallpaper. If high-quality glue was used during their installation, the work will take longer. Wallpaper can be wetted before use; you can also use a spatula or knife.

After removing the wallpaper, you must remove old plaster. It is possible that from some places it will fall off on its own.

All holes must be filled and primed. It is imperative to prime uneven walls, otherwise the wallpaper will dry unevenly, bubbles will form, and the wallpaper may even fall off and not stick at all.

In general, the entire preparatory stage consists of leveling the surface. The end result should be clean and flat wall, on which you can stick wallpaper. All holes, debris, and dirt must be removed. After the walls are completely dry, you can start gluing wallpaper. To do this, you need to dilute the glue, make markings and begin carefully gluing the material. You need to distribute the glue evenly using brushes or a roller.

When can you open windows after wallpapering and why?

When gluing wallpaper, you need to close all windows and doors to avoid drafts.

After the wallpaper is hung, do not open windows and doors for 48 hours.

Draft is the biggest danger for newly hung wallpaper. Due to temperature changes and drafts, the wallpaper falls off, so the best solution If you want to make repairs in the summer, in the warm season the wallpaper will dry faster without bubbles.

During and after wallpapering, windows should be closed and left in that position. If you open the windows, the wallpaper will dry unevenly; in some places the wallpaper will already be dry, and in others it will remain damp. This difference in drying leads to distortion of the material. You need to open the windows after the material has completely dried, this takes at least a day, but the time depends on some factors: temperature, air humidity. If the wallpaper is glued in the cold season, then it is better to wait two days after gluing and under no circumstances open the windows, which will lead to a temperature difference.

The drying process of the wallpaper should be slow and even; do not use an air conditioner, fan or heater while the wallpaper is drying. In addition to the windows, you also need to close the doors; after the wallpaper is pasted, you need to close the windows and doors tightly and do not enter the room for 1-2 days.

About where to start gluing wallpaper in a room

Where to start gluing wallpaper? It depends on the gluing method and the thickness of the wallpaper.

Currently the market building materials offers customers a huge range of different wallpapers:

  • Paper wallpaper;
  • Vinyl wallpapers;
  • Non-woven wallpaper.

Wallpaper involves seams between the sheets during gluing. This means that you can start gluing wallpaper from anywhere in the room. However, many people have retained the habit of starting to glue wallpaper from the window, because it is convenient.

Often the window is also used as a vertical line, which allows you to achieve straight lines.

The same straight line can be considered a door or a corner of a room. By the way, more and more often, professionals advise starting from the corner of the room, but, unfortunately, not all rooms have even corners. If you want to save money on leveling corners, then you should start gluing wallpaper from a vertical line drawn on the wall using a level that goes to the corner. You still need to check the vertical so that the corner does not “move out”. The joints will be noticeable due to the thickness of the wallpaper, so you can basically start gluing the material from any part of the room.

Paper wallpaper remains quite in demand. Moreover, their price is the lowest. But how to glue them correctly so that the result pleases you? Some tips for you:

How to glue wallpaper: from the window or to the window

Previously, it was very important to choose the right direction when wallpapering. Thick wallpaper covered each other and cast a shadow at the joint, so people glued the wallpaper away from the window so that the light fell on the edge of the top sheet and did not create a shadow. In the opposite situation, if you glue the wallpaper towards the window, then top sheet cast a shadow and wide floors were visible.

When gluing overlapping wallpaper, you need to start from the light source. When gluing wallpaper end-to-end, you should start gluing from the least visible place in the room.

In the latter option, the joints will be less noticeable, but at the end there may be too large a piece of wallpaper that will have to be trimmed, and the pattern may not match the rest of the room. Therefore, it is better to start and finish gluing wallpaper in in an inconspicuous place, for example behind a wall or other furniture.

If you start gluing wallpaper from a corner, you will need to devote a lot of time to correctly joining the wallpaper. If you glue the wallpaper yourself, then it is better to step back a few centimeters from the corner and start gluing the wallpaper.

Professionals work in different ways; some first glue wallpaper and then lay laminate and vice versa. If the repair is carried out independently, then professionals advise first installing what it leaves behind. a large number of garbage.

If you first glue the wallpaper and then lay the laminate, then:

  1. When wallpapering, various debris can ruin the laminate, so you need to prepare the floors in advance and then glue the wallpaper.
  2. Some types of laminate are sensitive to wallpaper glue, so the coating may deteriorate after wallpapering.
  3. Before wallpapering, the laminate must be covered with a special film to prevent damage to the coating. It should be remembered that the film can slide off due to any furniture, so you need to carefully monitor the safety of the coating.

Experts say that the first thing you need to do is put up wallpaper, and then lay down linoleum.

In this case, the sequence of work should be as follows:

  1. Prepare the surface on which the wallpaper will be glued.
  2. Markings are made, glue is diluted, wallpaper is tried on.
  3. Wallpaper is pasted on the required side.
  4. After the wallpaper has dried, you need to start installing the laminate, and then attach the baseboard.

Still, this sequence is the best; in this case, a perfectly even coating of both wallpaper and floor is created. However, various circumstances must be taken into account during repair work, so the owners themselves must look at the situation and make a decision.

Wallpapering a wall (video)

In conclusion, it should be noted that you can paste wallpaper yourself, you just need to follow some rules, select the right materials and carefully carry out renovation work. After wallpapering, you should not open windows and doors to prevent drafts and temperature changes that will affect the final quality of the wallpaper. Should I glue laminate or wallpaper first? The choice depends on the circumstances, but it is better to stick the wallpaper first. In any case, you need to do everything slowly and carefully, then the wallpaper will not bubble and will last a long time.

When doing finishing work, you need to pay special attention preparatory stage. Sometimes the quality of the created surface and its service life depend on it. Considering this, the question of where to start gluing wallpaper is very common among builders.

Preparatory stages

To begin with, it is necessary to say that this article will not talk about how. It will touch upon the issue of preparing directly for finishing coating and how to perform all the necessary operations with your own hands, without resorting to the services of professionals.

Also, you should not consider the installation process itself, since it can be different for each type of wallpaper.

Selection of materials

  • First of all, you need to decide what type you are going to use.. The fact is that the installation instructions for certain types differ from each other.

  • Non-woven wallpaper can be used on surfaces with certain defects. Also, some manufacturers use them as a base, although the price of the final product increases greatly.
  • Paper materials are less practical, so very often the guide that tells you where to start gluing wallpaper recommends using them only if you have an almost perfectly flat surface.

  • Special attention must be paid to the glue. The fact is that each type of material requires a strictly defined composition. That is why the manual, which talks about how to properly start gluing wallpaper, recommends purchasing it from the coating manufacturer or provided that the required type is indicated on its packaging.

It is also worth paying attention to the primer.
IN Lately New mixtures began to go on sale, which were specially developed for such installation.


  • When answering the question about which side to start gluing wallpaper from, professional craftsmen recommend starting work from the corner. The fact is that this is the most difficult section, and having mastered it, the rest will be much easier.

  • To begin with, experts advise preparing a plumb line, the rope of which is sprinkled with blue. This will allow you not only to immediately measure the vertical, but also to transfer it to the wall. Taking this into account, many manuals that tell you how to start gluing wallpaper advise you to simply purchase a painting cord.
  • It is very difficult to overestimate such a tool, since it greatly facilitates the process of marking and saves a lot of time, and sometimes nerves. Moreover, the price of such a product is very low and will not lead to large expenses.

  • For conventional installation a few vertical lines are enough. If you need to combine various wallpapers, a guide explaining how to start wallpapering, recommends transferring all the proposed joints to the surface, even if there are too many of them. This will greatly facilitate subsequent work.

It is worth applying markings only taking into account the level or plumb line.
Otherwise, you may end up with skew or gaps when joining.


  • When answering the question about which wall to start gluing wallpaper from, professional craftsmen recommend doing this work on the surface farthest from the door, so that ideal shapes without scraps are obtained there. Therefore, the priming process also needs to start from there.
  • Apply the material to the surface using. In this case, the number of layers should be such as to saturate the wall completely.

  • It is worth noting that it is necessary to begin work only after the surface is completely dry.. This usually requires at least four hours.
  • Next, the manual, which tells you where to start gluing wallpaper, recommends preparing a little glue, which is applied to the surface in a thin layer. This will also increase adhesion and bond strength.
  • After this, you can begin the main stage of work., in accordance with the characteristics of the selected material.


By watching the video in this article you can get additional information on how to prepare for this species installation and what is needed for this. Also, having read the article presented above, one should conclude that the correct attitude to this stage of work will guarantee quality and good appearance final product.

The question - where to start gluing wallpaper, in a particular room - is a sensitive one and, often, this is where the whole process begins further work. Information about where to start can be key, because knowing some key points How to properly cover the walls in a room, you can be completely confident in the final result.

Important: The wallpapering process was much simpler 30 years ago. Rolls in those days had a special indication, a small strip without a pattern. It was needed in order to overlap. Since the canvases were then made of paper, the overlap was not particularly noticeable, and all the work done on gluing as a whole looked neat and quite unobtrusive, and the wallpaper at the junction never peeled off.

When gluing with an overlap, the work was always done starting from the window. This made it possible to hide the overlap as much as possible. This transition from strip to strip was still visible, but less noticeable if the owners started working from the window pane.

Today paper wallpaper used in rooms much less often. The leading roles went to vinyl and non-woven fabric. These materials are thicker and overlap is unacceptable. Therefore, such canvases must be glued joint to joint. The process is, of course, more painstaking, but the result the owners get is worth it. Therefore, in order to quickly cope with the repair yourself, you need to figure out where to start gluing modern-type wallpaper.

Preparing the walls

If the wallpaper has already been purchased, the owners have figured out the design and material of the canvases, then half the work is already done. However, there is still a lot of painstaking work ahead. Hanging wallpaper does not mean thinning the glue and installing strips on bare walls. The surface must be prepared. No other way.

You should start by removing the old coating. Usually this only causes pleasant emotions and a feeling of parting with the old, boring design. But it is necessary to remove the old coating according to some unspoken rules:

  • You need to remove the canvas very carefully so as not to damage the wall itself. This is possible if the wallpaper was applied “conscientiously.” It’s hardly worth arming yourself with a small iron spatula or, in the old fashioned way, a small knife. This usually leaves nicks on the wall that will need to be filled with putty.
  • If the wallpaper persistently does not want to leave the walls, you can soak it with warm water and a soft sponge. After this procedure, you need to leave the canvas for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards you can start withdrawing.
  • However, there is more difficult case. Some newer types of wallpaper, so-called “washable” wallpapers, are coated with a waterproof film. This coating is extremely difficult to remove and no amount of soaking will help it. It is in this case that the only way to deal with old coating, it is correct to use an iron spatula. You need to act carefully, first pry up the wallpaper, and then gradually peel it off, touching the surface of the wall itself as little as possible.
  • After removing the wallpaper from the wall, you need to start removing the plaster, which is not held securely. You can remove it with a brush or a small iron spatula. All resulting unevenness and dents in the walls must be puttied and waited for them to dry.
  • To prevent the walls from being dusty and crumbling, the coating must be well primed with 2-3 layers of primer. If you don’t have the funds for a professional-type primer, you can make do with improvised means. You can make the mixture yourself. It is enough to use two glasses of PVA glue per bucket of water at room temperature.

The point of preparing the surface is to make the cavity on which the wallpaper will be glued as smooth, even and reliable as possible.

Important: Before gluing the canvases, the vertical surface must be inspected and cleaned with a regular rag. You need to remove dust, cobwebs, protruding particles, and sharp specks from the walls. Thus, the adhesion of the glue and the evenness of the canvases will be optimal, and the procedure itself is carried out very quickly.

If all steps have been followed, you can begin preparation. glue mixture and applying it to the wallpaper. It is important to let the glue sit and thicken as required.

Where to start gluing?

Where to start gluing wallpaper is a question that needs to be resolved even before pasting begins. Today, many modern builders recommend basing this issue on the type of lighting in the room.

Important: The method of pasting wallpaper from the window has become irrelevant. Since wallpaper is no longer glued overlapping, now the location of the window from the beginning of the canvas is not so important.

Today there are several basic options for where to start gluing canvases. Let's consider 4 main options:

  • From the door.
    Strict adherence to verticality is what is really important in aesthetic and practical terms when covering a room. To simplify this task, you can start gluing from door jamb or window trap. The main thing is to stick the first canvas correctly and strictly vertically. It is this canvas that will set the course of all the remaining canvases.
  • From the corner.
    This option is not always suitable. It can only be used if the corners in the room are perfectly even, which is very rare. That is why it is not recommended to use the option of gluing from the corner if the owners are not sure how equal the angles are.
  • From several lines.
    This method is necessary in cases where the room has big window. Then pasting occurs in different sides from this landmark. To make the panels less expressive, join them correctly over the door or windows.
  • From a major landmark.
    If the room has unusual shapes, has many windows, passages and other elements different sizes, then pasting should begin from the largest structural element of the room.

Keeping it vertical

Maintaining verticality when covering a room starting from the corner is almost impossible. The only option in which you can achieve an ideal vertical is absolutely even angles. Since this type of corners is almost never found in homes, be it an apartment or a private house, it is worth solving the problem in a consistent way.

In order to get an ideal vertical line throughout the room and without displacement, you should start wallpapering from the corner on each wall separately. Thus, the last piece of each wall should overlap the next wall by 3-4 cm. It is correct if the next wall starts with wallpaper, which will overlap the remaining 3-4 cm. This will allow each wall to start with a new, more even vertical.

This secret will allow you to join the wallpaper unnoticed and will also maintain a high aesthetic component. This rule does not apply to any wallpaper, speaking about the material. The overlap procedure can only be done if paper sheets are chosen for the walls. But what to do if vertical surfaces are decorated with vinyl or non-woven fabrics? In this case, the overlap on the next wall is still made, but it must be cut off very carefully using a stationery knife. These types of wallpaper should be glued exclusively overlapping.

Rules for gluing

Before you start, you need to remove all the furniture from the room, and then you can start repairing, the main thing is to do it sequentially:

  1. Cover the floor with oilcloth.
  2. Remove old wall covering.
  3. Remove all nails, screws and other protrusions from the walls.
  4. Fill all wall defects with putty.
  5. Prime surfaces correctly.

Now you can start gluing, armed with everything you need. Speaking about available tools, it is worth mentioning what should always be nearby during repairs:

  • Container for preparing the adhesive mixture.
  • Putty knife.
  • Brush.
  • Foam or rubber roller.
  • Plumb.
  • Scissors.
  • Rags.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil and ruler.

You may need additional tools for your repairs; their selection and preparation should be done based on your own convenience.

Having decided to carry out the work of wallpapering a room yourself, it is important not only to plan future interior, choose the shades, texture and type of wallpaper, you also need to know the rules of gluing and, in particular, understand how to properly start gluing wallpaper so that the resulting result pleases the eye for many years.

Preparing the premises

Before wallpapering, you need to prepare the ceiling, floor and walls for work. First of all, ventilate the room and lock the windows tightly. Remove all electrical appliances, remove furniture and turn off electricity.

Clean the surface to be pasted from the old coating, putty (if required) and prime. Based on the experience of professionals, preference should be given to primers deep penetration, and apply the final primer with wallpaper glue.

Protect the floor with plastic film, plastic or paper. Before you start pasting, you need to prepare a place for marking and cutting wallpaper, and also make sure that you have all the necessary equipment.

Having made a calculation taking into account the wallpaper allowance of 10 cm and comparing the pattern, you can cut the rolls into separate fragments. The glue is diluted according to the instructions 30 minutes before starting work.

Where to start gluing wallpaper and why

You need to focus on the location of the main light source in the room. For this reason, it would be correct to start pasting from the window, or rather, from the corner closest to it. Each room has a door and a window. Almost all sources indicate that it is worth starting pasting from the corners near the light openings, but, unfortunately, the information is not presented correctly.

The second most important guideline is the furniture, that is, its location. Special attention given to a bed or sofa. This approach allows you to identify the most visible areas of the walls.

Example of a room with furniture and a window:

This is the most good example, since there is only one visible angle and it can be considered the main one. This is where the pasting will begin. When you change the location of the sofa and TV with each other, the base angle will also change. In this case, pasting will begin from the right corner relative to the window, since it will always fall into the field of view.

So why start from the corner near the window? The thing is that this is one of the main requirements when carrying out finishing works. Moreover, this applies not only to wallpaper, but also to laminate, paint, etc. The direction from the light opening allows you to hide visual imperfections and joints. Regardless of how well the pasting was done and how perfectly the seams are hidden, when looking at the wallpaper at an angle from the first canvas to the next one, the junction of the canvases will be more noticeable.

It is also worth remembering that the canvases diverge during the drying process. Therefore, we cannot talk about ideal docking in principle. In this case, it is recommended to make a small overlap on the less visible side. This way you can avoid unexpected gaps.

That's all you need to know about windows, corners and furniture. Now it’s time to look at the layout of the canvases and identify the role of the door using the example of a standard room.

How to properly glue wallpaper from a window: step-by-step layout

Below is a schematic drawing demonstrating the order of pasting walls:

The following points deserve special attention:

  1. Door. Upon entering the room, we see a certain part of the room located between the corners. The direction of the area is marked with blue lines, which are a guideline from which to start gluing the wallpaper.
  2. Sofa (seating area). The main field of view in the diagram is shown by red lines.
  3. The angle where the red and blue lines meet is the starting point. It is from this that we begin pasting 1.1-1.N, as well as 2.1-2N. Next we move on to 3.1-3.N.
  4. Wall with a door. On in this example the divergence of the blue and red lines is visible. Therefore, the beginning can be any side. When choosing direction 4.1-4.N, the wallpaper fragments will converge in the corner near the door.