Guidelines for quality control of construction and installation works. Operational quality control Map of operational control of brickwork walls

Regulatory documents regulating the quality of construction and installation works, building materials, products and structures
Methods of testing and quality control of building materials, products and structures during construction and installation work
Part 1. Construction work
A. Earthworks
1. Development of excavations (trenches) for structures
2. Development of pits using excavators
3. Development of trenches for pipelines in non-rocky soils
4. Postback
5. Vertical layout
6. Construction of embankments
B. Construction of foundations
7. Installation of strip foundation blocks
8. Installation of wall blocks in the underground part of buildings
9. Installation of glass-type foundation blocks
10. Device pile foundations
11. Arrangement of prefabricated grillages
12. Installation of monolithic grillages
13. Installation of horizontal waterproofing of foundations made of cement mortars
IN. Concrete works
14. Installation of inventory formwork
15. Reinforcement work
16. Styling concrete mixtures
17. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls
18. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns
19. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations
G. Stone work
20. Wall masonry
21. Laying partitions
22. Laying pillars
D. Installation work
23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns one-story buildings
24. Installation of precast concrete columns multi-storey buildings
25. Installation reinforced concrete crossbars, beams, trusses
26. Installation of floor slabs and coverings
27. Installation flights of stairs and sites
28. Installation of balcony slabs and lintels
29. Installation of external wall panels frame buildings
30. Installation of panels, blocks load-bearing walls buildings
31. Installation of volumetric blocks of elevator shafts
32. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete ventilation blocks
33. Installation of volumetric blocks
34. Installation of sanitary cabins
35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions
36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and slabs
37. Installation of frame-sheathing partitions
38. Installation of walls from sandwich panels and sheet assembly
39. Welding installation connections reinforced concrete structures
40. Anti-corrosion protection of steel embedded products
41. Sealing joints
42. Caulking joints and seams
43. Construction of a garbage chute
E. Roofing and insulation work
44. Preparation of foundations and underlying insulation and roofing elements
45. Thermal insulation device from bulk materials
46. ​​Installation of thermal insulation from slabs
47. Insulation device from roll materials
48. Insulation device made of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
49. Roofing from rolled materials
50. Roofing from piece materials
51. Construction of a roof made of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
52. Installation of a metal roof
G. Carpentry work
53. Installation of window blocks
54. Installation of door blocks
55. Construction of mezzanines, cabinets
H. Floor installation
56. Preparation of soil foundations for floors
57. Construction of a concrete underlying layer, screeds
58. Floor soundproofing device
59. Installation of glued floor waterproofing
60. Device bitumen waterproofing gender
61. Installation of monolithic coatings
62. Installation of floors from ceramic tiles
63. Installation of mosaic floors
64. Installation of floors from polymer materials
65. Laying joists in floors on floor slabs
66. Laying logs on posts on the ground base
67. Installation of plank floors
68. Construction of floors from piece parquet
69. Installation of floors from panel parquet
I. Finishing work
70. Plastering works (simple plaster)
71. Plastering works (improved plaster)
72. Plastering works (high-quality plaster)
73. Plastering works (coverings from sheets of dry gypsum plaster)
74. Painting works(painting with water-based compositions)
75. Painting work (painting with waterless compounds)
76. Cladding work
77. Wallpaper work
78. Glass work (glazing of bindings)
79. Glass work (installation of glass blocks and glass panels)
80. Installation of fiberglass fencing
81. Finishing (cladding) walls with panels, sheets with factory finishing
82. Montage suspended ceilings in building interiors
K. Improvement
83. Drainage device
84. Construction of a blind area made of concrete and asphalt concrete
85. Construction of sidewalks and paths from slabs
86. Construction of crushed stone base and asphalt concrete pavement
Part 2. Repair and construction work
1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations
2. Laying prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs floors during reconstruction brick buildings
3. Construction of monolithic sections in floors
4. Installation of floor slabs according to metal beams
5. Gain brick pillars and piers
6. Installation of metal jumpers
7. Installation of stairs on metal stringers
8. Device rafter system made of wooden elements
9. Plaster repair
10. Repair of plastering of building facades
11. Painting facades
12. Installation of molded parts of facades
13. Installation of drainpipes
Part 3. Installation work
1. Making holes and grooves for laying pipelines
2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines
3. Installation of pressure pipelines from asbestos-cement pipes
4. Installation of internal cold and hot water supply pipelines
5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete non-pressure pipelines
6. Installation of sewer pipelines from ceramic pipes
7. System installation internal sewerage and drainage
8. Installation of water fittings
9. Installation of bathtub and washbasin
10. Installation of sanitary fixtures
11. Installation of an internal heating system
12. Installation metal air ducts
13. Electric lighting device
14. Arrangement of round reinforced concrete wells
15. Installation of heating main cameras
16. Installation of non-passable channels
17. Insulation of heating pipelines

Technological control consists of checking the compliance of characteristics, modes and other indicators technological process established requirements. A type of technological control is operational control. At operational control product quality checks compliance with specific regulatory requirements, implemented during the execution of the next technological operation. Its purpose is to detect and eliminate defects in the process of manufacturing products or constructing buildings and structures. Performer operational control is production personnel (workers, foremen, foremen). This type of control is considered as labor quality control.

During operational control the following is checked:

Hidden parameters of the product, control of which is subsequently impossible or difficult ( reinforcement cages and so on.);

Compliance with the execution technology specified in work production projects construction processes;

Compliance of the work performed with working drawings, construction codes and work regulations and standards;

Stability of parameters of products included in the control range finished products;

Product parameters depending on quality and condition technological equipment and technological process (thickness of the protective layer of concrete, location of embedded parts, curvature and non-straightness of the surface).

Operational control is carried out according to special operational quality control schemes (OSQC) for all construction and installation processes, attached to technological maps or maps of labor processes. SOKK is a project document that defines the performers, composition, method and time of quality control of construction processes for operations. It is developed based on requirements regulatory documents And state standards. It lists specific operations and indicates the requirements of the standard (or building codes) that are observed when performing this operation, and also provides a description of the tool with which operational control is carried out. The card also indicates who specifically carries out control (worker, foreman, foreman, technical control department, etc.).

Operational control should be carried out after the completion of production operations or construction processes and ensure the timely identification of defects and the causes of their occurrence, as well as

timely adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

Operational control should be carried out by work producers and foremen, and self-control - by work performers. Construction laboratories and geodetic services should also be involved in operational control. The main working documents for operational quality control should be operational control schemes developed as part of work projects.

The operational control scheme must contain:

  1. design sketches indicating permissible deviations in dimensions and required measurement accuracy, as well as information on the required quality characteristics of materials;
  2. a list of operations or processes, the quality of which must be checked by the work performer (foreman);
  3. a list of operations or processes controlled with the participation of the construction laboratory and geodetic service;
  4. a list of hidden works that are subject to inspection and the drawing up of a report;
  5. requirements of building codes and regulations, and, where necessary, the main characteristics of the quality of the material (structure);
  6. data on the composition of the control established on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents and working drawings, indicating what needs to be checked;
  7. instructions on the method of monitoring performed operations;
  8. timing of control.

Operational control is entrusted to foremen and foremen, and its organization is entrusted to chief engineers of construction and installation organizations.

7. Acceptance control.

Acceptance control finished products are carried out at the final stage of the technological process. The number of parameters checked must meet the requirements of standards and building codes. Internal inspection control is carried out according to a schedule approved by the management of the enterprise, usually at least once a quarter. Acceptance control should be carried out to check and assess the quality of completed construction of enterprises, buildings and structures or their parts, as well as hidden work and individual critical structures. All hidden work is subject to acceptance with the drawing up of inspection reports. An inspection report for hidden work must be drawn up for a completed process carried out by an independent department of performers. Drawing up inspection reports for hidden work in cases where subsequent work must begin after a long break should be carried out immediately before subsequent work is carried out. Individual critical structures, as they are ready, are subject to acceptance during the construction process with the preparation of an interim acceptance certificate for these structures. The list of critical structures subject to intermediate acceptance is established by the project.

In addition to production control in construction and installation organizations (input, operational, acceptance) the quality of construction is monitored by state and departmental control and supervision bodies, acting on the basis of special provisions on them (fire, sanitary, mining, etc.). Construction organizations must develop organizational, technical and economic measures aimed at ensuring construction quality control. These activities should, in parity, include the creation of construction laboratories, geodetic services, advanced training and skill of performers. At all stages of construction, in order to check the effectiveness of previously performed production controls, selectively carry out inspection control. It is carried out by special services, if they are part of the construction organization, or by commissions specially created for this purpose. According to the results production and inspection quality control Construction and installation work develops measures to eliminate identified defects, taking into account the requirements of designer's supervision design organizations and government oversight bodies.

11.9.1 During production processes and operations, operational controls are carried out in order to identify defects that may be hidden if the process or operation continues, and to take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 With operational control, the person carrying out construction checks:

Compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed with the technological and regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations;

Compliance with the technological regimes established technological maps and regulations;

Compliance of quality indicators of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations.

11.9.2 During the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect safety, must be carried out object, but in accordance with the adopted technology become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, as well as completed building structures and plots utility networks, the elimination of defects identified by inspection is impossible without dismantling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of utility networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervision bodies, designer’s supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts may participate in these control procedures. The contractor notifies the other participants of the timing of these procedures no later than three working days in advance.

11.9.3 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of design and regulatory documentation, are documented in certificates of inspection of hidden work ( Appendix M ). The developer (customer) may require a re-inspection after eliminating the identified defects.

11.9.4 To the procedure for assessing the conformity of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the work performer must submit inspection reports of all hidden works included in these structures, geodetic as-built diagrams, as well as test reports for structures in cases provided for in the design documentation and (or) construction contract. The developer (customer) can check the accuracy of the as-built geodetic schemes presented by the contractor. For this purpose, the performer of the work must preserve the alignment axes and installation guidelines fixed in kind until the completion of acceptance.

The results of acceptance of individual structures must be documented in acceptance certificates for critical structures ( Appendix H ).

11.9.5 Tests of sections of utility networks and installed utility equipment are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are documented in acceptance certificates for critical structures (Appendix H).

11.9.6 If defects in work, structures, or sections of utility networks are discovered as a result of stage-by-stage acceptance, the corresponding acts must be drawn up only after the identified defects have been eliminated.

In cases where subsequent work must begin after a break of more than 6 months from the completion of phased acceptance, before resuming work, these procedures should be repeated with the execution of the relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places for performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, forms for recording results, the procedure for making decisions when identifying non-compliance with established requirements must comply with the requirements of design, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 The person carrying out the construction appoints with his administrative documents the responsible executors for performing operational control, documenting its results and eliminating defects identified by the control.

The results of operational control must be documented in special work logs.