Rhododendron care. Tips for the care and planting of rhododendron

Rhododendron - the king of flowers - is famous for the brightness of colors and pomp of forms. It grows as a shrub or small tree. There are almost 1300 species of this plant and more than 12 thousand varieties. The literary name of the deciduous type of flower is azalea, and the evergreen is rhododendron. In the wild, the plant is common in the mountains in southeast Asia. More than half of the representatives of this genus are concentrated there. Rhododendron has been used since ancient times traditional medicine- relieves fatigue, pain in the legs, head, helps with indigestion.

The leaves of the rhododendron are leathery, various shapes And colors. The flowers form corymbose or umbellate inflorescences with curved stamens. The color varies from white to dark purple. The flowering period is April-June, flowers reappear in autumn. Such a shrub is a real find for a landscape designer. They make chic hedges from it, decorate gardens, select combinations that are contrasting in height and color. Popular plant varieties are Daurian, Japanese, Kamchatka, Canadian, short-fruited, pointed, small-leaved rhododendron.

Japanese rhododendron deserves special attention. It is a deciduous shrub with a high degree of branching and thin oblong leaves (up to 10 cm long). Grows in height up to 2 meters. The flowers are orange-red with a large spot, collected in 6 or 12 pieces. The crown is formed wide, sprawling. It looks like a small lush flowering green Tree- a wonderful decoration of the garden or park.

Rhododendron - cultivation. How to please him

The plant loves partial shade, does not tolerate drought, deep shade, direct sunlight, stagnant water. The soil needs rich in humus, loose, acidic, well-drained. It is undesirable to plant deciduous and evergreen rhododendrons nearby.

Rhododendron - cultivation: care features

The main care is top dressing, watering and circular near-stem weeding. You can not fertilize mountain and dwarf plant species, in extreme cases, you can use organic matter. Top dressing is carried out until mid-July, since later fertilization leads to freezing of untimely grown shoots in winter period. Dry dead branches and inflorescences must be constantly removed. On dry days, the plant needs to be watered several times a day. It is desirable to water the shrub with water acidified with organic acid at the rate of 3 g per 10 liters. Pruning for crown formation is done immediately after flowering. For the winter, heat-loving varieties should be protected with an air-permeable shelter.

Rhododendron - cultivation: propagation methods

The plant can be planted in two ways:

1. Seeds.

Seeds are planted in March in boxes under glass, maintaining a temperature of + 20˚С. Depending on the variety, seedlings appear on the 7-20th day. Three weeks later In warm summer time flower pots are taken out Fresh air. Plant transplantation in open ground carried out a year later in the warm period (May-June), so that the bushes get stronger and can withstand frost.

2. Vegetative propagation- grafting, layering, dividing bushes, cuttings.

For cuttings take partially lignified shoots. They do not root well, so spraying with stimulating drugs is recommended. You can share only lush bushes with overgrown shoots. Transplantation is done in spring and autumn.

Rhododendron - cultivation: diseases and pests

Most often, the plant suffers from:

Spider mite;

root rot;

Rust, spotting;

Timely spraying with special means helps to cope with all problems.

Rhododendrons - Growing: Emerging Issues

1. shriveled leaves - insufficient watering, heat, the light is too bright.

2. Blooms quickly - dry air, direct sunlight.

3. Yellowing of leaves - hard water, dampness.

4. Weak growth - unsuitable soil.

Rhododendron is not indoor plant. For growing, it requires certain conditions - cool and humid air, a sufficient amount of light. Their survival rate in the apartment is 50%. Buy this plant if you can provide it with all the conditions for growth.

author Ziborova E.Yu., photo Repnitsky N.Ya.

Rhododendrons have long been grown in English gardens. Admiring the beauty of a wonderful profusely flowering bush, admiring gardeners put the rhododendron on the same level as the rose and therefore often called it " alpine rose". In Russia, they began to cultivate rhododendrons to decorate the garden only from the end of the 18th century.

best time planting rhododendron is considered spring; the bush should be planted in the garden either before the start of growth, or at the very beginning of the spring awakening of the plant. Before buying a rhododendron you like, you definitely need to find out what species it belongs to and what are the characteristics of this species, what are its care requirements. This information will help you avoid further disappointment and is essential for right choice location of the bush in the garden.
Beginning gardeners are recommended rhododendrons: Ledebour, Canadian, Japanese, yellow, Schlippenbach, Kevtebinsky, short-fruited, largest, Vazeya, etc. Rhododendrons are suitable for rock garden: Canadian, dense, golden, rusty, Kamchatka, etc.

Rhododendrons different types due to their biological characteristics, the need for crown lighting, soil and air moisture, different winter hardiness is different - you need to focus on these data when buying a plant and when choosing a place to plant a bush in a garden (it should be similar to natural environment habitat of this species).
The larger the leaves of rhododendrons, the more humidity they need and the more protection from wind and drafts they need. Various garden structures and hedges protect rhododendrons from drying wind and drafts.

Some hardy deciduous rhododendrons grow well in areas completely open to the sun (yellow, Japanese, Kamchatka, etc.). But most often, rhododendrons are planted in scattered penumbra - so that there is open sky, but nearby sparse trees or buildings covered the bushes from the midday heat. Rhododendrons like cool (morning and evening) sun. In low light, light-loving species of rhododendrons grow and bloom worse.

It is undesirable that trees with a superficial root system grow next to rhododendrons - competing with roots, they will deprive less powerful rhododendrons of soil moisture and nutrition.
The hardiest rhododendrons are relatively unpretentious natural species, and among them are particularly winter-hardy, which successfully grow in middle lane and in very cold regions without shelter for the winter. Breeders also bred frost-resistant varieties evergreen rhododendrons designed for regions with cold winters; they withstand frosts down to -35 degrees. Low winter-hardy species of rhododendrons definitely need shelter for the winter.

Rhododendrons are placed in the garden singly or in groups, planting them on slopes and along paths, on lawns, in rockeries, in garden compositions. When planting several bushes nearby, it is recommended to maintain a distance: between tall rhododendrons - about 2 m, between medium-sized species - about 1.5 m, between undersized ones - 0.5-0.7 m.

Rhododendrons love loose, well-drained soil with an acid reaction (pH 4.0-5.5), rich in humus. Large-flowered species of rhododendrons require the greatest acidity of the soil. Alkaline or neutral substrates inhibit the growth of these plants; lime, dolomite and ash are completely unsuitable for rhododendrons. This feature of plants must also be taken into account, choosing for them only those fertilizers that do not change the acidity of the soil.
The root system of rhododendrons is compact and superficial. Therefore, when planting a rhododendron bush in a dense clay soil a wide (up to a meter), but shallow (up to half a meter) pit is prepared for it, on the bottom of which drainage is poured (pebbles, crushed granite, broken red brick, fragments of slate, etc.) with a layer of about 10 cm. The following materials are not suitable as drainage for rhododendrons (due to their calcium content): white brick. Drainage can be omitted only on non-flooding and well-drained sandy soils.

When planting a rhododendron, the planting hole is filled with any acidic or slightly acidic fertile substrate available. The composition of the substrate may include: high-moor peat, leafy soil from under broad-leaved trees, heather soil, rotted pine and spruce needles, a mixture of peat compost with sand, a mixture of high-moor peat and coniferous litter. Experts advise the following substrate options for rhododendrons:
- leafy ground, high-moor peat, litter coniferous trees in proportion (3:2:1);
- heather, leaf earth, coarse sand (3:1:1);
- sod land, sphagnum peat, coarse sand (1:4:1).
Various other combinations of the components of the acidic fertile substrate necessary for the rhododendron are also used. A few large aged sawdust can be poured into the substrate; it would be nice to mix pieces of broken red brick into it to preserve moisture.

It is also recommended to add 30-50 g of special fertilizer for rhododendrons or any complex fertilizer to the planting pit (the presence of calcium in it is undesirable, and without chlorine!).
Before planting, a dry root ball of rhododendron is briefly immersed in water (until air stops being released) to saturate with moisture. Bare roots during planting are carefully straightened and evenly distributed in the planting hole, pressed to the ground to ensure better contact.

Rhododendrons tolerate transplantation well, but when planting, you must make sure that the root neck is not buried. For this purpose, they even specially raise the neck above the ground (about 2 cm above the soil level), taking into account the further subsidence of the substrate, and the soil around the roots is well compacted during planting. Unpretentious and winter-hardy rhododendrons are recommended to be planted on a small (10-15 cm) mound - this provides the best conditions for the roots to breathe.

A hole with sides is made around the planted rhododendron bush and it is shed abundantly so that the soil comes into contact with the roots of the plant as quickly and densely as possible. After water has been absorbed, the substrate is poured into the hole in the places where it settles. When planting a rhododendron in garden soil with a neutral reaction, additional watering with a solution of magnesium sulfate is necessary; it is also recommended to regularly apply potassium phosphate.

The space around the planted bush must be mulched (mulch layer - 5-8 cm) to retain moisture in the soil, to protect the roots from overheating and from possible damage, to provide the plant with organic nutrients, to prevent weed growth and soil erosion by water. At the same time, the base of the plant (root collar) should not be covered with mulch - you need to step back a little from it. It is better to mulch the near-stem space around the rhododendron bush with finely chopped tree bark (but not from willow and poplar). Also, as mulch, gardeners use high-moor peat, coniferous litter, moss, a dry semi-rotted leaf (preferably oak, but not from maple, chestnut and other broad-leaved trees), rotted cow dung; sawdust is not recommended.

For the first time after planting, you need to shade the rooting rhododendron bushes from the sun and spray them more often with water, especially in hot weather.

In the absence of rain, the planted rhododendron requires regular watering. Neither the drying of the earth nor the stagnation of moisture in the root zone should be allowed - this is equally undesirable for the rhododendron and leads to its death. In case of heavy rains, in case of accumulation of water near the bush, it is necessary to urgently take measures to drain it. It is better to water the rhododendron with soft water from a nearby natural reservoir, or with specially softened water (by infusing high-moor peat in hard water), or settled water.
Since the root system of the rhododendron is superficial, it is impossible to dig up and loosen its near-stem circle in order to avoid damage to the roots.

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The rhododendron plant is represented by a wide variety of species - it can be a shrub, a semi-shrub and even a tree. Their dimensions can be quite different: from small, creeping shrubs to tree-like varieties growing up to 30 meters in height. There are representatives with leaves falling for the winter and evergreen specimens. This genus also includes indoor azalea. The distribution area is also very extensive: from Asia to North America.

Applies given plant to the Heather family. The flowers that adorn the rhododendron shrub are tiny or very large, up to 20 cm in diameter. Color pleases with a variety of shades. Petals most often fold into a pipe, forming funnel-shaped flowers, collected in lush inflorescences. In beauty, they are not inferior to the queen of flowers - the rose. The leaves also vary greatly in shape and arrangement on the stem.

Types and varieties of culture

pink rhododendron tree

Pink rhododendron has incredible beauty: planting and caring for it does not cause any problems. This species has become one of the most favorite among gardeners. It is often referred to as rosewood, as it can reach two to three meters in height and is generously decorated with bright, pink-purple flowers that form beautiful inflorescences of 5-9 pieces that exude a wonderful aroma. It grows slowly, during the year the shoots grow only 5-8 cm. It sheds foliage for the winter, winters well, tolerates frosts down to -30 ° C.

Varieties of pink rhododendron

Beautiful pink-colored rhododendron Amoena planting and caring for which will allow you to get a whole cloud of pink flowers, is characterized by the fact that it belongs to the evergreen varieties. An equally remarkable variety from this category is the Pierce American Beauty rhododendron: planting and caring for which does not differ from standard approaches to the content of other members of the genus.

This shrub grows up to 1.8 m, and in breadth it will grow up to 3 meters. During flowering, it is covered with raspberry-pink balls of inflorescences, in which you can count up to 18 beautiful, bell-shaped flowers. The diameter of each of them is about 7 cm, in shape they resemble a wide funnel. The upper petals are decorated with dark brown dots. The bush blooms for a long time and plentifully, for 20 days delighting the soul with its magnificence.

Rules for planting rhododendron at their summer cottage

To care for rhododendron gave good results, it is necessary to approach with all responsibility the choice of a site for its placement.

Properly carried out planting of rhododendron and caring for it in the future, in compliance with simple rules, will ensure the lush flowering of the shrub. Russian climatic conditions not suitable for all types of plants. Therefore, you should choose cold-resistant varieties suitable for temperate latitudes. There are a great many of them, and some of them have been mentioned above.

Site selection and neighbors

It all starts with the selection of a site in the garden, where long years bushes will grow. Here you need to take into account several points. Firstly, the roots of the plant spread almost at the very surface of the earth. Therefore, the garden rhododendron is demanding of its neighbors: planting and caring for it include a mandatory item - a careful selection of the environment. It depends on this whether the shrub will develop normally, whether it will not burn out, as well as the quality of its flowering.

Which neighbors are best?

It is categorically contraindicated to plant rhododendron next to trees with superficial roots - spruce, linden. It is not recommended to place shrubs near birch, maple, aspen, chestnut. They will not leave a chance for the rhododendron to receive water and nutrients in full. It is best to plant it next to a pine or oak, as their rhizomes go deep underground. You can plant seedlings in the vicinity of fruit trees, but in such a way that they are not in constant shadow from the crown.

Choosing a suitable site

Regarding the choice of site, it must be reliably protected from the wind and the scorching sun. It is advisable to protect the branches of the plant from aggressive influences. sun rays summer afternoons and afternoons. You can plant a plant next to a fence or wall of a house facing north or northeast. No matter how strange it may seem, but it is these cardinal points - the best choice for rhododendron.

Why north or northeast?

The fact is that the plant has a property that everyone who is going to plant it needs to know about, so as not to ask the question later: why does the rhododendron not bloom, and its leaves burn? The bush forms buds in late summer and during autumn. They produce the most beautiful flowers in spring. During last days winters - the first spring days, the kidneys, under the influence of the bright sun, begin to actively lose moisture. With sunny February and March, they may become completely dehydrated.

Before the roots wake up (and this will happen no earlier than April), the embryos of future buds may completely lose their ability to bloom. For the same reason, the foliage burns. Therefore, it is very important to protect the shrub from the early, active exposure to the sun's rays in the spring. Otherwise, it will be possible not to wait for flowering from the bush, or it will bloom its flowers - bluebells only on the north side.

Planting rules

It is best to plant rhododendrons in spring period. The root system of the bush does not differ in large dimensions, so it will be necessary to prepare a hole for it, 0.5 m deep, with a diameter of 0.7-0.8 m. If it is planned to plant several bushes, then, depending on the variety, it is necessary to leave a distance of 0.8-2 m so that the plants do not overlap each other with a crown in the future.

Plants of this genus love watering, but do not live in permanently waterlogged soil. This must be taken into account and lay out drainage at the bottom of the dug hole. Its layer should be about 18 cm. After that, the soil is laid, consisting of peat, deciduous forest land and coniferous litter. All components are taken in a ratio of 2:3:1 and thoroughly mixed. A bush is planted in the prepared hole. Its neck should not go deep into the ground, it should rise a few centimeters above the ground level. The soil surrounding the planted bush needs to be pressed down a little and watered thoroughly.

Features of care in the open field

The rhododendron will not require much work and effort from the gardener: planting and care in the open field involves a classic set of techniques.

The most important of them is top dressing, since the root system is very close to the soil surface and cannot get nutrients from the deep bowels of the earth. Ash should immediately be excluded from the list of suitable dressings for the plant. It lowers the acidity of the soil, due to which the foliage on the bushes may turn yellow. What is the best fertilizer for rhododendrons?

Regular plant nutrition

Speaking about how to feed the rhododendron, you should first of all pay attention to the incompletely rotted coniferous soil, similar to peat with the remains of pine needles. It will not only even out the acidity of the soil, give useful substances to the plant, but also act as a mulching agent. You can also use ordinary peat, which, like coniferous humus, must be laid out around the shrub, trying not to sprinkle the outlet from which the branches grow. From industrial preparations, to nourish the vital forces of plants, granular top dressing "Kemira-universal" or any liquid mineral fertilizers appropriate for this species.

Rules for watering and irrigating crops

The plant loves watering, it is especially important to ensure that the soil around the bush does not dry out in the first year of life. Ordinary tap water is not suitable for rhododendron. Its composition is too heavy for him. It is better to use rain or river water, as it is softer. From time to time, the irrigation liquid is acidified with the help of preparations that can be purchased at specialized stores. However, if top dressing is used, made specifically for rhododendrons, and constant mulching with coniferous humus is carried out, it is not necessary to acidify the soil.

Spraying and loosening the bush

Rhododendrons prefer moist air. It has been noticed that more lush inflorescences open where there are water bodies nearby. If such "natural moisturizers" are not available, then once every 7 days it is necessary to spray the plant. Water requirements remain the same as for irrigation. It is better to spray the plants in the morning or evening hours, when there is no scorching sun. The earth near the shrub does not loosen, because nearby, superficial roots can be damaged. It is better to carefully remove weeds by hand, so as not to hurt root system shrub.

Propagation of a rhododendron plant

There are several ways to propagate rhododendron. Before propagating rhododendron, it is necessary to determine the purpose of breeding. If the grower plans to get a new plant that completely matches the original variety, then the bush should be propagated vegetatively using layering or cuttings. When breeding wild varieties of shrubs, you can use the seeds of the mother plant.

Breeding using seeds

In the spring, seeds are planted in separate containers or containers with soil. The soil is prepared from two components - peat and sand. They are taken in equal proportions. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds, they are simply scattered over the surface of the substrate and crushed with a small amount. river sand. Then the earth is watered in boxes. Tap water should be slightly acidified with oxalic acid. It is bred in a minimal amount - only 3-4 grams per ten-liter bucket. The boxes are wrapped in foil and placed in heat.

Seedling care in spring and summer

After 20 days - 1 month, the first shoots of seedlings will appear. The film is removed, and the boxes are placed in a cool room (t- + 8 ° С - + 12 ° С). Watering is done in pallets. When the soil mixture is completely saturated, the water from the pallets is drained. For the summer, containers with young seedlings are taken out into the fresh air, placing them out of direct sunlight. For the first time, seedlings dive in June. At the same time, they are placed, retreating 1.5 cm from the previous sprout.

Seedling care in winter

For the winter period, they are brought into the house and arrange wintering for them at t- + 18 ° С. At this time, they need additional illumination with fluorescent lamps. Light day for normal seedling growth lasts at least 16 hours a day. At the end of winter, the plants dive for the second time. Now the distance between the seedlings should expand to 3-4 cm. After three years, the shoots move to permanent place growth.

Cuttings of rhododendron at home

When cuttings, flowering will come the very next year. Cuttings are cut from stems that are half lignified. Their length is 5-8 cm, the lower edge is cut obliquely. The foliage located below is cut off, and 2-3 leaves on top are not removed. Seedlings are placed in containers with a mixture of sand and peat (equal proportions), or from three parts of sawdust of tree species and 1 part of river sand. At the same time, they are not buried directly, but at an angle, the angle of which should be within 30 ° C. The earth around them is a little tamped and a polyethylene shelter is built.

The temperature during rooting should be about +24 ° C. Do not forget about additional lighting and maintaining good humidity. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into boxes with a soil mixture of peat and coniferous litter (2: 1) and kept at a temperature of + 8 ° C - + 12 ° C until spring. 14 days after transplanting into boxes, they are fertilized with urea (solution concentration -2%). With the onset of stable spring heat, the finished seedlings are planted in the ground.

Indoor rhododendron: why is the azalea whimsical?

The azalea flower is sometimes called the indoor rhododendron: planting and caring for it at home often fails, as all the conditions necessary for it are not met. In most cases, it grows in mountainous areas, which determines its love for humid and cool air and acidic soil. In apartment conditions, it is difficult to find a room with t + 10 ° С -15 ° С, where azaleas will be comfortable. Besides being dry warm air destructive to the flower in itself, it also causes some diseases of the domestic rhododendron, such as, for example, spider mite. Therefore, choosing this capricious flower, you must immediately make sure that the plant lives "with convenience", otherwise all efforts will be reduced to zero.

Any garden turns into a fairy tale when rhododendrons bloom in it, because this spectacle cannot be called ordinary. But in order for these plants to feel comfortable in your garden, and even please lush bloom, you need to follow the rules of care and know the little secrets of growing them.

Types and varieties of rhododendrons

Rhododendrons are flowering shrubs(there are also trees) with falling, wintering or evergreen leaves. Plants with evergreen leaves may not shed their leaves for three to six years, overwintering leaves remain for one year, and on deciduous varieties, leaves remain from spring to autumn.

Rhododendron - beautiful shrub with evergreen leaves

Rhododendrons have a variety of leaf shapes: spear-shaped, ellipsoid, round. Flowers of plants are collected in corymbose inflorescences, which are also characterized by different forms, colors and sizes. The mountain forests of China and Japan, the Far East are places where rhododendrons are found in nature.

Rhododendrons of deciduous species are most adapted to the Russian climate: Lemon Lights, Mandarin Lights and Northern Hi-Lights, which bloom at the end of May - June. Winter-hardy evergreen rhododendrons Haaga, Peter Tigerstedt, Mauritz and Mikkeii feel good here. I would especially like to note the most hardy plants of the Finnish selection, which cannot be said about the varieties from Holland.

The conditions for growing rhododendrons are different, they need different lighting, air and soil humidity, winter temperature conditions. Strong drafts and cold winds are afraid of plants with large leaves they need high humidity. Therefore, they should be planted near the southern or eastern wall of the house in corners protected from the wind, next to trees and shrubs or a blank fence.

Species rhododendrons

Rhododendron hybrids love the cool sun (morning or evening), slightly diffused light. Therefore, it is better to plant them under the openwork crowns of trees, which transmit enough light. This will ensure the comfortable existence of rhododendrons and protect them at the same time from the scorching sun at lunchtime.

Rhododendron Care

When planting rhododendrons in a permanent place, remember that although they are moisture-loving, they do not endure stagnation at all. surface water. Hollows and depressions, where, in addition to moisture, cold air also accumulates, are not suitable for planting these plants.

Rhododendron - growing tips:

The most suitable soil for rhododendrons is coarse fibrous peat, which can be replaced with coniferous earth, needles or crushed tree bark. Sand should be no more than 10% of the total composition soil mixture, and leaf land - 30%. On calcareous soils do not even try to grow rhododendrons, they are not suitable.

Even before planting, we immerse the container with the plant in a container of water so that the clod of earth is well moistened. landing pit is prepared in advance, a complex of fertilizers necessary for rhododendrons must be added to it. The plant must be planted so that the root neck is at the surface level of the soil. A small roller should be built around the plant so that watering is convenient, which is leveled after a few weeks, leaving a small depression.

Young rhododendrons should be fed carefully, from 2-3 years of age. If the fertilizer mixture is prepared independently, then remember that calcium carbonate should not be included in its composition. Water for irrigation should have a pH of 4-5 units; at a higher rate, alkalization of the soil begins, which leads to nitrogen deficiency in plants, yellowing of the leaves, their fall and, ultimately, the death of the bush.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to acidify the irrigation water by adding concentrated sulfuric acid (1 ml per 10 l of water), or organic acid: oxalic, acetic or citric acid (3-4 g per 10 l of water). It is good to water with rainwater or water settled in the sun. Rhododendrons do not like drought, they need watering regularly from spring to autumn.

The soil around the bushes does not need to be loosened, since the roots of rhododendrons are located near the earthen surface and can be damaged, so it is better to mulch with peat, and do weeding by hand. Remove dried inflorescences in a timely manner, and the plants will receive the strength to develop new shoots and form many flower buds. This is especially necessary for young bushes, which grow well in width and height.

It is not necessary to prune rhododendrons, if only you want to give the bush a standard and spherical shape, then you need to carry out forming pruning after flowering. Even the most winter-hardy varieties are best covered for the winter, and young plants are a must. Shelter is made with spruce branches or covering material.

Reproduction of rhododendrons

Rhododendrons propagate in two ways: layering and cuttings. When propagating by layering, you need to make a shallow incision on the branch closest to the ground, bend the branch to the ground and lay it in a specially prepared groove. Next, we fix it with wire and sprinkle it with peat, the earth in this place should be constantly moistened and in the fall the roots will appear at the branch. A young plant should be separated from the mother bush next spring and transplanted to a permanent place.

Blooming rhododendrons:

In the second case, you need to cut cuttings (10-15 cm) in June-July, removing lower leaves. Soak them for a day in a solution of any root formation stimulator, and then plant them in a well-moistened mixture of earth (coniferous earth, sand, peat) under a film. After 3-4 weeks, the root system should develop.

Garden design and rhododendrons

garden in Japanese style it is hard to imagine without these magical plants, in it they are indispensable companions of exotic maples, various conifers, bamboo, creating among the discreet colors inherent in the traditional Japanese garden, bright accent.

Rhododendrons look great next to others ornamental shrubs: spirea, keria, hydrangea. The combination of rhododendrons with heathers, erics is classic, since they need the same conditions for successful flowering and growth. Rhododendrons are good both as tapeworms on the lawn and in mixborders, where, in addition to mixed plants, conifers are always present.

These shrubs are great when in bloom. At the beginning of the 19th century, the gardens of Russia for the first time began to decorate rhododendrons. Varieties, outdoor cultivation, planting, care, reproduction: we cultivate rhododendrons according to all the rules.

Description of rhododendron: varieties and varieties

The genus of rhododendrons is quite extensive - more than 1,000 species, which include diverse varieties of this wonderful plant. natural area distribution of rhododendrons is limited Eastern countries: China, Japan, Korea, Himalayas; some varieties of the plant are found in the Caucasus, in North America, northern Africa and Australia. On European territory, two varieties of rhododendron grow in the mountainous regions of Germany.

Rhododendron - magnificent plant with a long flowering period

The culture belongs to flowering deciduous or evergreen shrubs heather family. The branches of the plant may have a smooth bark or pubescence. Leathery, dark green small ovate leaves sometimes have pubescence. Flowers are bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, simple and double. The color of the petals varies depending on the variety: white, pink, lilac, red, purple. Modern varieties of rhododendron have a yellow and orange color. Numerous small seeds ripen in boxes.

Rhododendrons, the most suitable for cultivation in Russia, are limited to 26 species belonging to three groups of plants.

  • Evergreens are tall shrubs that do not shed dark leathery foliage even in winter. Large flowers painted in different colors and tone. Growing evergreen rhododendrons in the open field requires compliance with a number of necessary rules: plants are placed in places with scattered shadow; the soil for them should include a large amount of peat.

Rhododendron evergreen

Tip: It is important to choose the right neighborhood for evergreen species of rhododendron, especially when decorating territories in landscape design. It can be all types of conifers, heather, ferns grown in the open field.

  • Intermediate (semi-evergreen) - low shrubs that winter well under a layer of snow. The plant is characterized compact form, a huge number of flowers during the flowering period. In winter, the main part of the leathery leaves falls off, only a whorl of leaves remains at the ends of the branches, from the center of which new foliage grows.

semi-evergreen rhododendron

  • Deciduous - rhododendrons of this group are most adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate. Growing these plants is not difficult, and the plants themselves do not need to specially adapt in the winter. Flowering in spring, repeated in autumn.

Rhododendron deciduous, grade "Fireworks"

Planting a plant

Rhododendron: planting and caring for plants in compliance with agrotechnical rules - transplanting plants in spring and autumn is allowed. In autumn - in any of the three months, in spring - in warm, settled weather, when the soil is no longer frozen (usually April or May).

The choice of a place for planting a plant must be carried out with great care. Planting rhododendrons should be protected from the prevailing wind and direct sunlight. It is important that the bush is available for viewing, then decorative look plants during the flowering period will decorate the territory and delight the eye.

Tip: before planting a plant from a container in open ground, it should be thoroughly saturated with water.

A landing pit for rhododendron bushes is prepared based on the actual size of the root system, and should be 2 times larger in volume. Natural soil should be removed completely. For planting a plant, it is required to prepare a special earthen consisting in equal parts of heather land; peat; garden soil or leaf humus; rotted manure; needles (pine).

It is very important to plant the plant correctly, then it will quickly take root.

The prepared pit is filled with a mixture, a place is prepared in it for planting a rhododendron bush, which must be placed strictly vertically. The soil around the root system of the plant must be tightly compressed - the formation of voids and "pockets" in the planting soil is not allowed. At high level ground water, it is necessary to provide for laying a special drainage layer at the bottom of the pit. The top layer of soil after planting should be mulched with peat chips.

Rhododendron: proper watering

Watering of the planted plant is carried out at the time of planting - plentiful, sufficient to moisten the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm. Subsequent watering of the rhododendron should be done with soft, acidified water, with complete soil moisture.

Tip: When planting a plant with buds, it is necessary to remove most of them.

plant care

A transplanted plant requires attention and careful care. In addition to regular abundant watering, rhododendron requires spraying on the foliage, especially when planted in late spring. The soil needs to be mulched to retain sufficient moisture. When mulching, you should choose options that increase the acidity of the soil.

The plant needs regular watering.

The root system of rhododendrons consists of delicate, thin hairs, similar to tangled hair, so loosening the soil, especially deep soil, should be excluded from flower care measures. Weeds growing near the plant must be removed periodically.

The appearance of the plant will immediately report a lack or excess of water - the leaves of the rhododendron will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Watering is required to be carried out in sufficient quantities, but without overflow, this is one of the main rules for caring for a crop.

To provide proper care for rhododendron, it is important to carry out timely pruning of overgrown bushes. Places of cuts to prevent infection of the plant are smeared with paint or garden pitch.

Bushes need to be trimmed periodically

Compliance with simple requirements for caring for a plant will allow you to grow a wonderful flowering bush.

Fertilizer and top dressing of rhododendron

In the first year, transplanted plants already require careful fertilization, which is applied in highly diluted form, in small portions. The plant itself will signal the need for fertilizer: it will stop growing, shed its leaves or the leaves will change color, the formation of flower buds will stop.

Organic fertilizer for feeding rhododendron bushes - semi-decomposed manure that needs to be infused in water. Top dressing is carried out aqueous solution manure. To increase the formation of flower buds, as well as to prolong the flowering period, granular superphosphate, or double superphosphate, is used, which is scattered on the moist soil under the plants. Useful for the plant and fertilizing with microelements - fertilizers are applied in the form of watering or spraying the green mass of the bush. Intensively fertilize the bushes until the end of August.

Rhododendron before flowering

Reproduction of rhododendron

Growing a rhododendron involves propagating the plant by layering and seeds, dividing the bush, grafting, and cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds- a great way to get plants with improved traits. Sowing is carried out from the end of December to the end of March. The second period suitable for seed propagation of rhododendrons is the end of November.

Sowing seeds is carried out in shallow bowls or boxes filled with a nutrient mixture of peat, sand, coniferous and soddy soil, taken in equal proportions. Seeds are pre-soaked for a day. Sowing is carried out on the top layer of soil, without embedding deep into the ground. Sowing is moistened by spraying. It is required to provide seedlings with 12-hour illumination with fluorescent lamps. The timing of seed germination depends on the variety. The first flowering of seedlings is possible in 3-4 years.

Rhododendron seeds

This method has its advantages, but with seed propagation of rhododendrons, it takes up to 5-6 years to obtain full-fledged plants.

New plants can be obtained faster with vegetative methods of crop propagation: cuttings, division of the bush, rooting of cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Fulfillment of the requirements for agricultural technology of rhododendrons guarantees excellent growth and development of plants. However, repeated overmoistening or overdrying of the soil, alkaline reaction of the soil, sunburn leaves, can provoke a surge in crop diseases.

Plants can be damaged by blotches, rust and chlorosis. Measures to combat diseases - improving the conditions of plant maintenance, the use of special means to combat diseases. Often diseases of rhododendrons are caused by pathogenic fungi: gray rot, fusarium, late blight.

Spotting - a fungal disease of rhododendron

Pests that damage rhododendrons: slugs and snails that eat young leaves and buds. The collection of these pests is done manually. In addition, the plant is harmed by: bugs (rhododendron), spider mites, mealybugs, weevils, scale insects, rhododendron fly. Getting rid of pests is not difficult with the use of systemic insecticides.

Rhododendron: combination with other plants

Planting plants in combination with conifers and a group of heathers has a positive effect on the development of rhododendrons. In this case, you should remember the height of the rhododendron bush. Low cultivars should be located away from the dense shade of mature trees, but avoiding direct sunlight.

Blooming rhododendron perfectly sets off coniferous plants

An excellent combination is observed when shade-loving ferns and hosts are located next to the rhododendrons.

In landscape design, rhododendron is an indispensable attribute for planting in partial shade. The huge advantages of the plant are its long and very decorative flowering. Rhododendrons are widely used in the design of heather gardens, as an addition to planting pine groves. The plant looks great in mono plantings.

Rhododendron in landscape design

Low-growing varieties of rhododendrons are planted near alpine slides, in mixborders and decorative flower beds.

Planting a garden rhododendron: video

Types of rhododendron: photo