Body development. Physical perfection is the beauty and health of the body

In a strong body there is a strong spirit. This is a fundamental part of self-improvement. A weak body will never have a strong will. Therefore, the process of improving the spirit must begin with the body. To begin with, you can start with small morning workouts. But it is in the morning and evening workouts that negatively affect the mental state and can cause insomnia.

Every other day in the morning, setting aside 40 minutes for training is not difficult, but it will good start day and will give you a boost of vigor and tone. The activity can include push-ups, squats, pull-ups or jogging for any distance. In all training, the most important thing is to be systematic. It is more correct to exercise every day for twenty minutes than once a month, but for 2 hours.

Very important role The hardening of the body plays a role in the formation of the spirit. First of all, it strengthens blood vessels, which will relieve headaches and jumps. blood pressure. Hardening the body should always begin gradually. It is advisable to start by pouring cool water over your feet, gradually rising higher and lowering the temperature of the water. Walking barefoot in the snow can also be a good alternative to a cold shower. A colossal number of nerve endings are concentrated on the legs, the stimulation of which leads to improved functioning of all organs and a general normalization of well-being.

The next step in the formation of the spirit is overcoming oneself. This means that you need to force yourself to do unusual things. For example, getting up early or helping a neighbor with a child. Anything that you haven't had to do before. This good workout strength of spirit and will, since self-compulsion is one of the important traits of the spirit. A special role is played by those activities that were unpleasant or not liked at all. It is in such situations that you will have to spend much more internal strength than in other cases.

The final point of self-improvement can be called overcoming internal fears. This is a difficult and exhausting moment of training, but without it there will be no decent results. You can start with small fears, such as the fear of crowded places. We must try to overcome this fear. If you let fear in, it will be easier to overcome it. Go out into the crowd, try to understand what exactly is so frightening and overcome fear. This method can help you overcome your fear of heights. For example, just by jumping with a parachute. Or overcome the fear of a dark street with a walk through the most beautiful city at night. The only thing that needs to be taken into account on the way to overcoming fears is safety. There is no need to risk the life and health of yourself and those around you.

    XIU SHEN Improving the body/personality, self-improvement. Accepted ch. arr. in Confucianism, the designation of activity aimed at bringing personal qualities into line with the task of maximum self-realization in maintaining social and...

    XIU SHEN (whale, literally cultivation of the body/personality) concept of Chinese philosophy, accepted, ch. O. in Confucianism, a designation for self-improvement. The content of the concept of shen is based on the idea of ​​personality as indivisible when... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    See body/personality improvement... Chinese philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

    Activities that generate new values, ideas, and the person himself as a creator. In modern scientific literature devoted to this problem, there is an obvious desire to study specific types of T. (in science, technology, art), its... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    A special Sanskrit term to designate psychotechnics focused purely on deep transpersonal states of consciousness. The literal translation means “connection, connection,” understood more broadly as “tying together, pairing ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary

    Y; and. [lat. cultura] 1. The totality of achievements of human society in industrial, social and spiritual life. Material k. Spiritual k. Achievements of culture. History of culture. K. of the ancient world. TO. Ancient Rus'. Medieval room 2.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    I Medicine Medicine system scientific knowledge and practical activities, the goals of which are to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the lives of people, prevent and treat human diseases. To accomplish these tasks, M. studies the structure and... ... Medical encyclopedia

    SOUL- [Greek ψυχή], together with the body, forms the composition of a person (see articles Dichotomism, Anthropology), while being an independent principle; The image of man contains the image of God (according to some Church Fathers; according to others, the image of God is contained in everything... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    IN last years new things are being formed in our country and abroad scientific direction"health psychology". This branch of knowledge is a synthesis of psychology and valeology. Valeology is the science of individual human health and... ... Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia

Xiang Tian looked at his tiny body and gasped, the expression on his face exuding obvious dissatisfaction. Over the past year, he's lost count of how often moments from his past life flashed before his eyes. The memories in his mind were so fresh that it seemed as if everything happened just yesterday, as if they were engraved in the depths of his soul... No matter what he did, he could not forget them, but now he understood that in his previous life his name was Jian Chen . Having been reborn, he brought with him the secrets of memory and soul.

He retained all his memories even after reincarnation, thus, just after being born, he already knew how to speak. And from the conversations of the people at his bedside, he had general idea about the family into which he was born. But more importantly, from the conversations he realized that he had been reborn in another world. This was a new world that Jian Chen had never heard of.

The place where Jian Chen lived is "Chang-Yang Mansion". The mansion belonged to one of the four leading families of the city of Luo Er, each family had its own base of power and influence. His father was actually the head of the Chang-Yang clan, and his name was Chang-Yang Ba. His mother's name was Bi Yun Tian, ​​and she was the clan leader's fourth concubine. Although she was not the head wife, she still had a significant amount of power in the family as she held the title of Radiant Saint Master.

Although Jian Chen did not understand what this title meant, he understood that it had a strong impact on his mother's status in the clan. It seems that the title was quite high, so his mother was quite a respected person in the clan. As for Jian Chen himself, he was the fourth young master of the Chang-Yang clan and had a majestic status in the clan.

Jian Chen also had two older brothers and an older sister. The first brother was named Chang-Yang Hu, the sister Chang-Yang Ming Yue, and the second brother Chang-Yang Ke. All four had the same father, but different mothers. Excluding Chang-Yang Hu, Chang-Yang Ming Yue and Chang-Yang Ke met him several times, and both were only a few years older than him.

The father's eldest child was Chang-Yang Ming Yue, who was 4 years old, 3 years older than Jian Chen. Chang-Yang Ke was 2 years older than him. However, besides the four of them, there were still many other children in the family.

At this time, an old lady walked up behind Jian Chen and said in a low voice, “Fourth Young Master, it’s late and your mother is looking for you.”

Jian Chen was immediately brought back to reality. Looking up at the sky, he came to the sudden realization that the sky was getting dark - a clear sign the approaching night. Jian Chen unconsciously stood by the lake all day.

I understand, Chang Bai. I'm already on my way back.

Chang Bai was the housekeeper of the Chang-Yang clan and essentially took care of every single matter within the family. For this reason, her status within the clan was quite high. Although she was just a housekeeper, she was respected as much as the head of the house.

A smile graced Chang Bai's face whenever she looked at Jian Chen with high hopes. At the age of six months, Jian Chen could already walk independently, and at eight months he had already learned to speak. But he didn’t just talk, he could consciously communicate with other people. With just these two achievements, he was already being called a genius, and many were eagerly waiting to see what he would grow up to be.

At night, Jian Chen accompanied his mother Bi Yun Tian to dinner in the dining hall. The dining hall they were in was special, only the Head of the Family of his concubines and children could eat there.

When Bi Yun Tian and Jian Chen arrived at the dining hall, the three beauties were already sitting at the round dining table. Each of them looked twenty years old, and two of them were holding children in their arms. The first child was a boy, the second a girl. The boy is three or four years old. He was the third son of the head of the Chang-Yang Ba clan, the young master of the Chang-Yang clan, Chang-Yang Ke.

The moment Chang-Yang Ke saw Jian Chen, feelings of hostility and hatred blazed in his eyes. It was clear that he was full of intentions to do something, it could be said that he was showing prejudice towards Jian Chen.

All the people in the room could feel the hostility coming from Chang-Yang Ke towards Jian Chen, but none of them paid attention to it. special attention. In their minds, it was just a small matter between children and certainly not something that would be worth the attention of an adult.

The second child was a four or five year old girl with two ponytails. Her light eyes looked at the still hostile Chang-Yang Ke and she laughed. With two dimples that appeared when she laughed, she looked extremely cute. Although she was still a child, it was safe to say that when she grew up, her beauty would rival the gods. This was Chang-Yang Ba's second child, and also Chang-Yang Min Yue's only girl.

Fourth brother, you are here! Come in and sit down! “Seeing Jian Chen, she waved to him, and the smile on her face became even more beautiful.

Jian Chen nodded towards Chang-Yang Min Yue as a greeting and sat down with his mother at the dining table.

Bi Yun Tian said softly to Jian Chen, “Xiang Tian, ​​say hello to your aunts, brothers and sister.”

Having no choice, Jian Chen looked at the spoiled ladies: “Hello Senior Aunt, Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Sister, Second and Third Brother.”

Ever since his mother discovered that he could communicate normally, she enthusiastically taught him basic rules etiquette. With Jian Chen's "go with the flow" mentality, he didn't mind teaching him. This could be beneficial for him in the long run, and even more so in this new world.

When he first arrived in this strange new place, he struggled intensely with his new body. Since he was reincarnated along with old memories, he still felt like Jian Chen. Deep inside his soul, he didn't think that this new life was meant for him, but as time passed, he gradually accepted his new body and life. No matter the reasons, Bi Yun Tian is still his mother. Although it was a mystery how he managed to preserve his memories, because they were about another world. Since they had nothing to do with this new world, Jian Chen decided to hide these memories away, in the farthest part of his mind. It was time to accept your new life and accept everything he received.

All three girls smiled at Jian Chen. One of the golden-robed ladies laughed, “Sister Yun Em, it seems that Xiang Tian is becoming more and more intelligent. Aw... it's getting harder and harder to see him as just a one-year-old child. I am truly jealous that you have such a smart child,” the lady speaking was Chang-Yang Ba’s second wife and Ming Yue-Bai’s mother, Yu Shuang.

Younger sister Yun Er, second sister is right. Every day I raise Xiang Tian with love.

Sitting next to Jian Chen, another one of the 4 ladies had a calm look. She was the third wife - Yu Feng Yan.

Xiang Er is definitely a child genius. To learn to walk at 6 months and talk at 8 months are feats that no child his age can repeat. I find myself wanting to see how much holy energy he will have when he takes the test in 2 years. I sincerely hope that when the time comes, he will give us all a pleasant surprise, - talking woman was much older and seemed much more temperamental than the others. She was the first wife - Jing Long.

The moment Jing Long finished speaking, a deep, manly voice spoke, “I agree. I look forward to Xiang Tian turning three for this pleasant surprise,” the 30-year-old man walked into the dining room, acting like a host. In a white Chang Pao decorated with golden outlines and black hair that reached his shoulders, the man walked in a relaxed atmosphere.


Seeing the man, all seven who were sitting at the table immediately stood up and greeted him one after another. Jian Chen was no exception and exclaimed quietly.

This young man was actually the head of the Chang-Yang clan, Chang-Yang Ba.

Chan-Yan Ba ​​approached dining table and sat down with a gentle smile on his face. With a glance at Jian Chen, he asked, “Xiang Er, do you feel happy still living here?”

Yes! - Jian Chen replied.

Xiang Er, if you feel like you're suffocating in this stuffy old house, don't hesitate to explore the outside and experience it for yourself! - Chang-Yan Ba ​​answered with a smile.

I know father! - Jian Chen replied.

Chang-Yang Ba was overjoyed that Jian Chen was so intelligent and how different he was from any other one-year-old child.

The family dinner was a joyful affair and the food was quickly eaten.

Jian Chen returned to his room alone. Looking at his age, he should sleep in the same room as his mother, but he asked for his own room. Regarding this request, Jian Chen was persistent: he could not be persuaded. It ended with Bi Yun Tian accepting his request.

And so that night, Jian Chen sat cross-legged on his bed, his hands on his knees. The palms of his hands were facing upward, just like his face as he practiced the first principle of the Secret Law of the Sword.

The Secret Law of the Sword was something that Jian Chen had studied throughout his past life. This technique was the most powerful weapon in his arsenal. It was a rare and formidable type of sword cultivation that had deep principles and contained many powerful techniques.

The Secret Law of the Sword was something that Jian Chen stumbled upon when he was still a child. While playing in the mountains, he accidentally fell off a cliff and somehow managed to survive his fall by landing in a pool of water. When he woke up, he found himself trapped in a cave where his only source of food was fish. Afterwards, he discovered a manual about the Secret Law of the Sword and devoted himself to studying it, 10 years later he successfully completed the study. With his mastery, he was able to jump out of the cave and return to the surface.

Jian Chen was a war orphan who was taken in by his grandparents. While he was locked in the cave, ten years passed. When he returned to the village, his grandparents had long since passed away from old age. After honoring their memory, now alone, Jian Chen left the small mountain village to travel the world on his own.

Jian Chen accepted what life gave him in his past world and accepted this new life. With this understanding, he began to improve and hone his body for six months, preparing to regain his powers.

Chapter 4: Further Training

The Secret Law of the Sword was divided into 12 different levels. The first level was body cultivation. A common saying goes that someone who wants to become strong in martial arts must first develop their body. After all martial arts rely on efficient use body, therefore, this is why the first layer of the Secret Law of the Sword relates to the body.

Most martial arts rely on strengthening the body in order to increase physical strength. It was visible to the naked eye how someone strong had developed alone. Some people strengthened their bodies so much that their bones were as strong as steel rods.

As for Jian Chen, this way of training the body would only destroy the body. Thus, he will only be able to show a small part of his potential human body. Although this method increases strength beyond the norm of an ordinary person, at the same time, it causes great harm to the body. The bodies of those who decided to develop only by pumping up muscles have short term services. When people who trained in this way reach old age, the incidence of diseases and disorders in their body will be much higher than that of ordinary people.

There are many traveling martial artists in the world, various sects with their own ways of developing the body, but for Jian Chen, all of their methods were mediocre. These were the wrong paths of development, even the Shaolin way of I Ching Jing was no exception.

TL Note:

Although the principles of the I Ching were good for developing internal strength, it also strengthens the external muscles. However, the method of strengthening the body of the I Ching Jing was still incorrect. It does not strengthen the very essence of a person and is focused only on external forces. It cannot be considered the culmination of the development of the body if it is not aimed at the entire organism as a whole.

The methods described in the Secret Law of the Sword were truly profound and magical. By absorbing the Qi of heaven and earth and then transforming it, it could be connected from the body to the bones. This made it possible to strengthen every organ, and even every single cell in the body could be strengthened to the limit.

The original frailty will be discarded and the body will reach its most optimal state, which will give it many benefits, such as a longer lifespan. When one practiced the higher stages, the material body reached new heights of strength, and as stated in the Secret Law of the Sword: if one could reach the pinnacle of the body's cultivation stages, then one would be able to live as long as heaven and earth existed.

However, this method was associated with own strength. If the Qi was stronger than the physical body, following the Secret Law of the Sword one should use this Qi and combine with the body to become stronger. If the physical body and Qi forces were in balance, then a breakthrough was possible to reach the next level. Only from this cycle was it possible to constantly improve my body without restrictions.

Jian Chen slowly absorbed the world's Qi and circulated it throughout his body. Then, under Jian Chen's control, the Qi will be combined with his cells and organs.

Ever since he arrived in this strange new world, one of the few things that excited Jian Chen was the world of Qi. The World Qi was extremely dense, perhaps more than 100 times denser than the Qi in his previous world.

However, Jian Chen could not understand the difference between the world Qi of this world and the world Qi of his past world. Although both caused the same sensations, Jian Chen slowly discovered that in this world, there was an additional type of energy in the Qi. This small particle of foreign energy was interconnected with the world Qi, as if mixed together, without the ability to be separated.

When he swallowed this new type energy, nothing negative happened. So Jian Chen didn't explicitly try to remove different kinds energy from world Qi. However, he became interested in this matter, thoughts and ideas were swirling in his head, but this new energy was not so simple that it was so easy to understand.

After absorbing a limitless amount of world Qi into his body, Jian Chen could clearly feel every artery and cell in his body becoming stronger. The World Qi that his body took in was like a health tonic. Absorbing the Qi, Jian Chen felt alive. His body was like a giant thirsty tiger that wanted more and more.

Although at the same time, Jian Chen felt a pleasant sensation throughout his body, and felt free from anxiety, when suddenly his feelings carried him away...

In the blink of an eye, almost another year passed. Jian Chen had been in this world for two whole years. During these two years, he did not take a single step outside the Chang-Yang Mansion. Every day everything free time Jian Chen spent time in his room, practicing the first principle of the Secret Law of the Sword - Body Cultivation.

This may have been because the local world Qi was many times denser than the world Qi in his previous world, but within one year, Jian Chen had made significant progress in cultivating his body. Now, it can be said without a doubt that if an ordinary person tried to wound him with a medium sword, then his body would not even be scratched. He trained so hard that even a cut would be difficult to get.

Of course, these were only Jian Chen's thoughts about himself; he himself would not dare to test this on himself.

Over the past year, Jian Chen's body had developed at such a fast pace that it was simply unthinkable. In one year, he has already reached a height of 1.2 meters - abnormal growth for a two-year-old. This made him look 5-6 years old.

Because of this, everyone in the Chang-Yang Mansion was incredibly worried, although many still had great hopes for him. Expecting him to be a genius with unlimited potential. Everyone is waiting until he turns 3 to confirm or disprove their theories.

Regarding the expectations placed on him, Jian Chen could not help and felt helpless. He didn't understand that the reason why his body grew so quickly was due to the practice of the Secret Sword Law.

Although he still accompanied his mother to the dining hall, Jian Chen was able to quietly lock himself in his room every night as usual. Sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees, he closed his eyes and again raised his face to the sky.

But this time, Jian Chen did not cultivate his body; instead, he was thinking. It had already been two years since he arrived in this world, and out of those two years, he had never seen the outside world outside of the Chang-Yang Mansion. He spent most of his days locked up to develop his body. There was still a lot he didn't understand about this world. Jian Chen knew practically nothing about this world, he didn’t even know what the outside world looked like outside the Chang-Yang Mansion.

He knew in his heart that in other people's eyes, he was just a two-year-old boy. A two-year-old boy will typically be happily nurtured by his parents and grow up carefree. However, Jian Chen was not like that.

Thinking on the bed, Jian Chen finally decided that tomorrow morning he would ask his parents for permission to leave the mansion. It was important for him to know and understand what the outside world was like.

After thinking about this, Jian Chen slowly opened his eyes and got up from the bed. Tonight, he will not develop his body by sitting on the bed as usual; instead, he will stand at the central point of his room with his eyes closed.

A pair of mysterious steps began to appear in Jian Chen's mind. Then an image appeared inside Jian Chen's mind. Like a movie reel, the picture never seemed to stop, but all he could see was the white-wearing figure of Chang Pao. It was a young man with a sword in his hands, who quickly walked through the mysterious lands. He walked so fast that to an ordinary person it would be difficult to see him.

This figure was Jian Chen's previous incarnation, and the steps that appeared actually symbolized the Secret Law of the Sword - a truly mysterious image.

As the morning sun came through the crack in the window as he stood in the middle of the room, Jian Chen suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, he moved, his legs moving so quickly, as if he were a phantom. For some time, his legs maintained such a speed that few would be able to repeat this.

Jian Chen's legs moved mysteriously, he walked along a certain trajectory. He moved quickly around the room, and due to the extremely fast pace of his movement, his legs created a small whirlwind.

Even though this state did not last long, Jian Chen did not stop moving, and his face became paler with each passing second. When he stopped, slowly regaining his breath, his legs were shaking.

Jian Chen slowly walked to the window and sat down next to it. He bent his back and massaged his legs with both hands. Just a few moments of practicing the mysterious steps made his legs incredibly weak. After this, he could not use even the smallest amount of strength.

Jian Chen shook his head helplessly, no matter what type of martial arts he practices, the first thing he must do is to achieve a better body condition. Not only for using mysterious steps, because stronger martial arts had much higher requirements. When it came to using the mysterious steps, if you did not have a strong physical constitution and strong Qi, then you would not be able to use them for a long period. Of course, ordinary practitioners could not last as long as he could, and if they did try, they would overexert their body to the point that it could harm it.

After all, gaining strong abilities is not so easy.

Sitting on the bed after the foot massage, he waited until his body returned to its original state before continuing his workout again. Once again, he began to absorb the world's qi and absorb it into his body.

The night passed quickly, and in an instant the sky was filled with the colors of day. And at that moment, he heard a sound coming from outside the room.

Fourth Master, it’s already day, it’s time to get up! - A feminine scream was heard.

Hearing him, Jian Chen slowly opened his eyes and shouted in his childish voice: “I know, Sister Hong Hua, I’m already awake!” With that said, he climbed down from his bed.

At this time, the door opened and two girls of about eighteen years old entered the room. Both carried small trays with large dishes on them. On one tray there was a clean white towel and a basin for washing. The other had another reservoir for rinsing your teeth to prepare yourself for the day ahead.

Chapter 5: Tian Yuan Continent

Sisters Hong Hua, Dong Mei, thank you for your troubles,” thanking both of them, Jian Chen calmly looked at them.

These two maids were maids in the Chang-Yang Clan and were specifically hired to take care of Jian Chen's daily needs. Since Chen Jian was always alone in his room, his mother Bi Yun Tian hired two maids to serve him.

Hearing Jian Chen, the girls laughed sweetly and said: “Fourth Master, in any case, you shouldn’t be so kind.” We just do what we have to do.

That's right, Fourth Master, please refrain from being polite when dealing with us in the future. If the elders hear your appeal to us, then we may be severely punished...” Another maid said.

Don't worry, I wouldn't say that if there was anyone else here.” Jian Chen was extremely smart, and the Chang-Yang Mansion had strict rules regarding status. You can be sure that the girls will not get off lightly if anyone hears this.

After Jian Chen washed his face, he left his room and walked towards his mother's room. The distance between them was not great, about twenty meters.

When he entered, Jian Chen saw his mother placing a mirror on the dressing table. With the help of her two maids, she applied her makeup.

Xiang Er, today you came earlier than usual,” a gentle smile full of love and adoration was visible in his gaze at Jian Chen.

Seeing the expression of love on his mother's face, his heart became softer. In a past life, he lost his parents when he was very young, so he did not know his mother’s love and never experienced it. But after being reborn in this world, he clearly felt it. And so gradually, over time, he began to appreciate these feelings.

Jian Chen walked up to his mother and, patting his stomach, said with an embarrassed laugh, “Your son is hungry!” - He felt slightly hungry after intense training last night.

Then in a moment we will go to the dining room for breakfast,” Bi Yun Tian put gentle hand on Jian Chen's head and laughed.

Yes! - Jian Chen nodded his head, and a satisfied expression appeared on his face. In his heart he secretly enjoyed the loving care his mother gave him.

Mother! After hesitating for a second, Jian Chen opened his mouth again.

Bi Yun Tian looked at him warmly and said: “Xiang Er, if you want to say something, then say it!”

Jian Chen hesitated for a second, recalling his deep thoughts. Looking at his mother again, he said, “Mom, could you please tell your son what the outside world is like?”

Hearing Jian Chen, Bi Yun Tian was clearly shocked by this question.

Xiang Er, is it possible that you are interested in the outside world? - Bi Yun Tian asked in surprise.

I am just curious! - came Jian Chen's answer.

Bi Yun Tian laughed: “Xiang Er, the external world is extremely vast and incredibly complex, the essence of the external world cannot be described in a few words. If you want to know about it, you better go to the library and read some books about our world.” “Even after answering, the mother’s face looked a little helpless.

Mom, then why don't we invite a teacher to teach me to read? - His voice contained some dissatisfaction.

Giggling, Bi Yun Tian said, “Xiang Er, you are only 2 years old. Your mother has never seen or heard of a 2 year old who can read before. Even in the entire Tian Yuan Continent, this had never happened. Honestly, the most early age, when children begin to be taught to read, at about 4-5 years old.”

Bi Yun Tian was speechless, however, a happy smile appeared on her face.

Xiang Er, learning to read is very tedious and boring. You must understand that there are a lot of words. Are you sure that you want to start learning now, this is not something that can be learned quickly.

Yes mom, I'm sure! - Jian Chen nodded his head in confirmation,

Hearing her son's answer, the smile on Bi Yun Tian's face became even more magnificent.

If this is Xiang Er’s request, mom will fully support you,” turning her head, she shouted: “Xiao Liu! Immediately go to Lore City, hire the most prestigious teacher and bring him to the mansion so that he can teach my Xiang Er to read.”

Yes, Mistress! “The maid who was combing Bi Yun Tian’s hair answered respectfully.

Xiang Er, a lot of time has already passed, let's go to the dining hall, let's not force ourselves to endure hunger.

The day passed very quickly, on the second day a teacher hired by the mother arrived at the mansion, and so began learning to read.

From that moment on, Jian Chen spent his days diligently learning to read. Since he retained some psychic fortitude and knowledge from memories of the past. Learning the written language of this new world was not something difficult for him. The combination of a teacher who gave his whole heart and soul to teaching him, as well as his amazing memorization abilities, allowed him to progress easily in his studies. In just three months, he had already mastered most of the basic words and expressions.

Jian Chen's learning speed shocked his teacher. Once Bi Yun Tian found out, she couldn't believe that he had mastered most of the written language in just three months. In the end, she left accepting this fact until Jian Chen passed the test.

This achievement quickly reached the ears of his father Chang-Yan Ba. Because of this, Chang-Yan Ba ​​visited him personally.

Xiang Er, you have been through a lot in such a short period of time, now is the time to get some rest. Since you worked so hard to learn to read several last months“, your father will give you a gift, but I don’t know what you would like to receive,” speaking, Chang-Yang Ba looked down at Jian Chen, and the smile did not leave his face. Having such a brilliant son, he was incredibly proud of himself and cared for Jian Chen much more than other children.

Hearing these words, Jian Chen's eyes sparkled and he thought for only a few seconds before answering.

Father, could you allow your son to go to the library and read some books, so I can gain some experience and learn even more.

Chang-Yang Ba's eyes brightened and he looked at Jian Chen with satisfaction.

Xiang Er is not a problem. You have a heart that wants to improve yourself and your father is proud of it. “I allow you, whenever you want, the library will be free for you,” Chang-Yan Ba ​​answered, laughing loudly.

Thank you father! “Jian Chen’s face radiated happiness.

Being allowed to visit the library was no small achievement, so Jian Chen was truly happy. After all, he understood that the library was not a place where anyone could enter. In order to enter, you must be over 6 years old and be a direct descendant of the head of the Chang-Yang clan. Of course, having received permission from the head of the clan, these requirements could be circumvented.

Soon, having had enough of Jian Chen, Chang-Yan Ba ​​left his son’s room. After his father left, Jian Chen could no longer sit in his room. Leaving the room, he immediately headed towards the library. After persistently learning to read for three months, everything was leading up to the moment when he could enter the library and find information about the outside world. Even if the books were short on details, he could always ask his mother.

But the books should definitely have more information than what his mother could tell. As a result, Jian Chen placed big hopes to information described in books.

Jian Chen had long known the location of the library: it was located in the depths of the estate, in the courtyard of a large pagoda. When he entered the courthouse, he immediately felt the presence of many experts hidden in the shadows and staring at him like vipers.

Jian Chen pretended that he did not feel them and, with his head held high, walked further into the depths. If others find out that he senses the gaze of people from places hidden from him, then many problematic questions will follow. After all, he was two year old child without any knowledge of martial arts.

There were many direct descendants in the Chang-Yang Mansion, but not many of them were heading to the library. Therefore, Jian Chen only saw the guards who guarded this place and almost no other clan members.

Jian Chen quickly reached the door to the tower and stopped, raising his head up, he saw a large sign above the doors. The words "Pavilion of Books" were decoratively written on it, with two guards standing underneath it. When he looked at the guards, he immediately noticed that they were rather weak.

After waiting for the doors to open, Jian Chen walked inside without being hindered by the guards. Without moving, standing on the side, they were as if carved from wood. Even when Jian Chen appeared, the guards did not greet him.

As soon as he entered the tower, his eyes saw a long and narrow corridor. It was day outside, and the light falling down created an unforgettable view. Pearls of the bright moon hanging on the walls of the corridor, emitting light, illuminated the corridor.

The corridor was straight and long before it finally split into two paths. Jian Chen calculated that both paths would diverge in opposite directions and then reunite again.

The fourth master, the head of the clan, said that you have the authority to access the left side of the tower,” a tall figure said in an elderly voice, slowly emerging from the shadows.

Hearing this, Jian Chen turned around, although the light in this part of the tower was dim, he could see appearance figures in the shadows. It was an elderly figure with gray hair and all covered in wrinkles. The clothes were silver Chang Pao, which was devoid of any other colors, even now it gave the impression of an ordinary old man, no one would think that he was more than an ordinary old man.

No matter how much he looked at the old man, he could see nothing but mediocrity. But he should not be underestimated - it was his inner instinct that told him, this old figure was an expert with extraordinary strength. The strongest person he saw coming into this world was his father Chang-Yang Ba, but for Jian Chen it was impossible to compare the sensations he felt from this old man.

Chapter 6: Saint's Test

Although Jian Chen saw real strength the old man that was hidden behind this frail appearance, he remained motionless and did not show it in any way. Showing his gratitude with a silent nod, he stepped towards the old man and headed down the left corridor.

Arriving at the end of the corridor, Jian Chen entered large room and his eyes began to shine. The light in this room was so bright that it could be compared to the light of the sun on a cloudless day. Along the walls there were many neat bookshelves, on which thousands of books rested.

He slowly tilted his head and looked at the ceiling. It was obvious that the reason for this bright light was due to the ceiling. Jian Chen had no idea what material the ceiling was made of, but it gave off a strong glow. Although the light was somewhat intense, it was not irritating to the eyes.

Although the ceiling piqued his curiosity, he did not want to waste time trying to figure it out. Walking over to the bookshelf, he finally picked up a book and began leafing through it.

The book was quite informative even though it was not that thick. It took Jian Chen three hours to read it completely. After reading he finally got some interesting ideas regarding this world.

This continent was called Tan Yuan, and it was quite large. There are many countries and cities here various sizes. The largest cities were known as capitals. Each of these cities extended for many miles, and each capital was ruled by a city ruler. Under the command of the ruler there can be several million soldiers, up to ten.

However, throughout the entire continent there were still only seven capitals and three of the seven were under the control of one strong empire. The strongest empires were: the Karl Empire and the Felicity Empire, each of which controlled two capitals. The first three capitals were under the control of the Holy Empire.

Below the capitals there were royal cities, but they were smaller than the capitals. Almost every state had at least one royal city and each of them had one million soldiers under its command. After the royal cities there were cities of the first class, and they had 800,000 soldiers under their command. Second class cities had 400,000 subordinate soldiers each. Next came villages of varying degrees, which also had their own soldiers, but their number did not exceed 50,000. Even their number and strength vary significantly.

The Tian Yuan Continent was a place where people practice something called "Holy Power". When their holy power reached the tenth layer, based on the ideology of the experts, it would condense into a Holy Weapon. There are several thousand forms of weapons and each one is completely dependent on the ideology of the experts.

As a result, the Holy Weapon is formed from the "Holy Power", once formed, it forms a special bond with the expert. Some people with an outstanding gift can obtain a Holy Weapon with a special attribute. The attributes were classified as earth, wind, water, fire, light and darkness. Among all of them, the attributes of light and darkness were the rarest and extremely powerful.

The light attribute was extremely powerful in healing, and those who had Holy Weapons with the light attribute received the title of "Immortals" of the Tian Yuan Continent. They received this title because during the battle on the battlefield they could easily cure any wound. There was no way to defeat them except by killing them with one blow.

People with the attribute of darkness have an aggressive nature. Although darkness was troublesome, it was still in demand. At night, they could do whatever they wanted, justifying the title of Lords of the Night. The night was under their complete control.

Each of the other four attributes had their own strengths. The amount of their energy depended on own strength owner and determination. Of course, those who had a Holy Weapon with the attribute were far outnumbered, about one in ten, by those who did not. On battlefields it is often much more difficult to fight against people who have the attribute.

The Holy Weapon is considered the strongest. In war it can be called upon to help