Bathroom cabinet sizes: from the narrowest to the widest. Optimal bathroom sink sizes: tips for choosing Bath sink sizes

In order not to encounter an annoying situation when time and money are spent on buying plumbing fixtures, but they just don’t fit in the intended location, you have to determine the size of the bathroom sink before going to the store - this technique will save money and nerves. Do you agree?

Let's figure out how to properly cope with this task by studying the issue in more detail. In the article, we outlined the parameters that you should focus on and provided tips on choosing the optimal sizes of plumbing fixtures and placing the sink in the bathroom.

Beautiful shapes, original ideas in the catalogs of famous manufacturers - all this plunges you into shock when you have to choose a washbasin. Often you want to comply with the latest trends in design, surprise your friends and get maximum comfort during use.

There are only four main criteria to follow when measuring a sink. They play an important role in choosing a product - if you overlook it, then later the product will clearly disappoint.

Among the important parameters are the following:

  • product depth;
  • distance to drain;
  • width;
  • length.

Depth. This is the measurement from the top of the structure to inner surface bowls. It is he who indicates the comfort of further use - you should not take less than 15 cm. Regardless of how attractive the designer’s idea may be.

Distance to drain. The parameter influences whether the product fits well in the space allocated to it, taking into account the location of the communication outlets. Measured from the top of the bowl to the lowest protruding point in the bottom. The measurement is taken on the outside.

Width is the number of centimeters from outside of the device, to the innermost one, which will be in contact with the wall of the room. Here you should focus specifically on measurements taken on top of the product, including the sides.

If you take the width and length indicators along the inner walls of the bowl without taking into account the width of the side, there is a high probability that the chosen option simply will not fit into the niche allocated to it in the bathroom

Length. The measurement should be taken from right to left - from the right wall to the left, including the sides. Otherwise, the sink will protrude far beyond its allocated space.

These are all standard values ​​that the manufacturer indicates in the passport for their product. If you do not want to ask the consultant for an accompanying document, all measurements can be taken using a tape measure. They have to be compared with the parameters characteristic of your bathroom.

How to determine the correct size?

The measurements of a product that is ideal for a particular bathroom depend on the availability of free space - the more space there is, the easier it is to choose the right thing.

Regardless of the size of the room, you should carefully approach the depth of the bowl, because too shallow will be extremely inconvenient.

The distance to the drain hole from the top edge of the washbasin must be at least 15 cm. Otherwise, water splashing when washing hands is guaranteed

The market offers products with lengths from 40 to 70 cm or more. The width of sinks is from 30 to 60 cm or more. Regarding these parameters, for comfortable use you should choose a device that is at least 25 cm in length and width.

Here we're talking about about the size of the bowl - this should not be confused with the overall dimensions of the product, which help determine whether it will fit into the designated opening.

It is more suitable for a compact bath – it is convenient to use and does not take up much space. If you choose a large one that is installed on a hanging tabletop, then besides this design, it’s unlikely that anything else will fit.

Moreover, large-sized wall-mounted solutions require free space - the more space there is, the more elegant the product looks.

If the space is placed closely, the expected effect will not work - there will be a feeling as if the bathroom is cluttered and a lot of unnecessary plumbing has been installed in it.

In a spacious bathroom, it is advisable to install a massive or original sink. It can become the highlight of the interior, which will catch the admiring glances of guests and friends who come to visit.

Unusual sinks on a pedestal can become the central point of the bathroom - attention, admiration and respect are guaranteed to the owner of such a miracle. No one will even think about whether this model is convenient to use

Separately, mention should be made of such a parameter as height - we are talking about the distance from the floor to the top side of the device. This characteristic is important if you buy it on legs or a pedestal. After all, you can’t just shorten all this - you can damage the product due to inexperience.

Therefore, you should be aware that the optimal indicator is from 80 to 96 cm. After all, you will have to wash your hands, wash your face and carry out other hygiene procedures over the sink. This means that a user with his height should be comfortable placing his bent arms under a stream of warm water.

It turns out that the height depends entirely on the height of the family members who are going to buy a new sink for arranging a washbasin.

For mounted models, this option is not relevant when selecting. Here the question of height can only arise when performing installation work.

When installing wall-mounted models, you should always focus on the height of potential users - people with a height of 155-167 cm will find it extremely inconvenient to use an elegant sink suspended 95 cm from the floor

Therefore, it is important, even at the stage of wall cladding, to place marks at the required height so that no decorative elements tiles with voluminous and protruding patterns did not interfere with installing the washbasin close to the wall.

What else influences the choice of product

In addition to size, the buyer’s choice is influenced by a lot of other factors. Among them are functionality, completeness, color, material, shape of the product. Some consumers want a device from a well-known company, while others value original design. They are not interested in convenience, the main thing is that the sink amazes with its originality.

Availability of functional holes

For the average buyer, the functionality of the washbasin is an important criterion. The holes provided during manufacture are responsible for this.

These include:

  • drain;
  • overflow;
  • hole for mixer;
  • slots for fastenings.

If all sinks have a outlet for used water, then not every plumbing manufacturer has provided protection against flooding for the lower neighbors.

It is advisable to choose a model with an overflow - this hole is located on one of the side walls. If the bowl overflows, excess waste liquid will leave it, ending up in the drain, and not on the floor

The decision to purchase a particular device depends entirely on the preferences and dimensions of the bathroom - the larger the latter, the more diverse the range of suitable models.

The material is also important - manufacturers offer both natural and polymer options. Moreover, plastic structures are not much inferior in beauty and functionality to or.

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The presence of a washbasin in the bathroom makes its use more convenient. The sizes of bathroom sinks vary: this point must be clarified with the seller.

Features of choosing a sink

Before purchasing a sink, you need to take certain measurements. To do this, you will need a regular tape measure, with which you can simply measure the bathroom. Based on the data obtained, a drawing is made indicating the location of all items for the bathroom. In addition, the plan must indicate the dimensions of the plumbing fixtures. This will make it possible to determine how much free space will remain in the room, which directly determines the ease of use of the room.

In addition to the anthropometric data of the people living in the apartment, the specifics of the use of the bathroom are also taken into account. So, in order to be able to get as close as possible to the bathtub, there should be a footrest next to it. The same applies to the specifics of placing the device on an additional stand, or hanging from the wall. It is also necessary to take care of the convenience of cleaning, for which it is necessary more space than in normal cases. Armed with all this data, figuring out the appropriate size of the sink for your bathroom is much easier.

Types of shells by size

Used next classification according to the size of washbasins in the bathroom:

  • Mini sinks. Small-sized sinks that are used to equip bathrooms or toilets.
  • Standard. They have the usual parameters and configuration.
  • Combined. Here the paired device is located on a stand. There are also other combinations.
  • Non-standard. Made to order only. Typically used for furnishing bathrooms decorated in a creative style.

When deciding on a bathroom sink, you need to pay attention to its height, depth and width. Too large a washbasin for a bathroom is fraught with cluttering of space, which usually is not very much there. An excessively small sink is also not always the right decision: its shallow depth or width can cause splashes to fly in all directions when washing. As a result, the need to clean the room will arise much more often.

A trip to the store should be prepared: in addition to drawing up a diagram of the bathroom, you need to take a tape measure with you to personally check the sizes of all the options you like. The fact is that the information in the product description is not always correct, and returning a product with inappropriate parameters is quite a troublesome task. This is especially true when it comes to small bathrooms.

Width selection

As experts say, optimal width washbasin in the bathroom - 50-65 cm. Too wide products are not appropriate in ordinary bathrooms, taking up too much space. Especially if only 1-2 people live in the apartment. However, if the bathroom is large, then the sink should be appropriate. This will allow it to fit into the overall design of the room. IN small room it is better to place a compact sink with a width of 30 cm. As a rule, products of this type Traditionally used in offices: such miniature products are installed very rarely at home. They are too inconvenient to use. The width of the product directly affects what the mounting platform for the mixer will be.

IN Lately Double sinks are in high demand. As a rule, large families buy them, which simplifies getting ready for work/school in the morning. Products of this type allow two people to wash and brush their teeth at the same time. The dimensions of sinks in a bathroom of this type should be such that the distance between the centers of the washbasins exceeds 90 cm. Only in this case the use of a double washbasin will not cause inconvenience.

It is extremely important to place the faucets correctly in such models: it is better if they are installed not in the center of each washbasin, but nearby. In this case, the spouts are turned at right angles to the adjacent element. As a result, they will be located at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall.

Depth selection

As practice has shown, washbasins with a depth of 48-61 cm are considered the most convenient. When deciding on this parameter for your sink, you start from middle length hands of family members. To do this, simply extend your hand over the sink. The result is considered normal if the opposite cut of the cup ends in the middle of the palm or opposite the fingers.

The depth of the washbasin bowl is also extremely important: the size of the bathroom washbasin determines whether the water flowing from the faucet will splash. Great solution in this regard, the “tulip” and “half-tulip” models are.


This parameter for the bathroom sink can be set at your discretion. This primarily applies to wall-mounted models, which are attached to the rear wall of the room during installation. Although it is generally accepted that the optimal height for a washbasin is 80-85 cm, in practice many users install the bowl above or below this level.

The dimensions of bathroom sinks with a cabinet are fixed, so these popular models must be purchased very carefully. The fact is that washing machines are often placed under such washbasins, the height of which must be taken into account in advance (read: ""). The aspect of convenience is also important. So, for men, the best height of a cabinet with a sink is considered to be 94-102 cm, for women - 82-93 cm.

Classification of bathroom sinks by width

One of the most important parameters of a washbasin is its width: it is this that affects the depth different models. It should be noted that the depth range of the products on sale is not so wide. The dimensions of a bathroom sink with cabinet, pedestal and other stands are static and cannot be changed. Models with wall mount more diverse in this regard.

What are the different widths of bathroom sinks:

  • 30-40 cm. Minimalist corner models most often have similar dimensions. Such products are usually equipped small bathrooms. If you need to install a hand washing device in a separate toilet, then use this particular washbasin. Such solutions are often found in large families, where the bathroom is often occupied. Miniature sinks are sometimes equipped with wall-mounted cabinets of suitable parameters. The inside of the stand can be folded household chemicals and cleaning equipment. Such stands can be made to order.
  • 50 cm. The most popular option for small and medium-sized bathrooms. They are much more convenient to use than previous models. It is considered the most compact and convenient mounted option of this sink. In cases where the furnishings of the room allow it, you can use a bathroom sink with a cabinet, the dimensions of which are selected individually. Similar models are available for sale in a wide variety. In addition to wall-mounted varieties, built-in, round, asymmetrical, oval and other models are offered.
  • 60 cm. Sinks of this width are usually used in spacious bathrooms and combined bathrooms. If there is enough space, there is always a desire to fill it usefully. Large corner sinks look very nice. They are distinguished by ease of use, with a fairly compact placement.

The height of the cabinet with a bathroom sink should be such that it is enough to accommodate communications. There is also room for several shelves or drawers for household chemicals and other practical things. At the same time, the room will be beautiful and neat. On the other hand, various dirt often accumulates under the cabinet. Wall-mounted sink models are more practical in this regard.

As for products with a width of 90 cm, they are intended for large bathrooms and bathrooms. Only double washbasins surpass them in width. If there is enough space for such large plumbing fixtures, then they try to install it on large cabinets. Some dimensional samples have a width of up to 150 cm.

Exterior design

Among the stylish sanitary ware, there are beautiful designer types of washbasins. Although they look convenient, practice shows the opposite. Before purchasing such a model, it is necessary to carefully measure its parameters. This is not easy to do due to the complex configuration of designer sinks. Only exact dimensions can say something about ease of use. As for fashionable washbasins with ergonomic shapes, their popularity is explained not only by their external beauty. Products of this type are very well suited for small bathrooms. As a standard, they have the shape of an irregular oval with one narrowed end.

It is advisable to buy a bathtub of the appropriate configuration for such a washbasin. This makes it possible to install a narrow area at the end of the sink above an identical area of ​​the bathtub. As a result, space is saved significantly, although the dimensions of the bath and washbasin will be quite decent. This makes them very convenient to use. As for the location of the washbasin above the washing machine, in practice this encounters some obstacles. In this case, the sink has to be raised quite high, which is not always allowed by the standard height of the cabinet with the sink. In addition, it is deep enough for tight installation.

It is advisable to ensure that the side of the sink protrudes beyond the edge of the washing machine. To solve the height problem, a washbasin model with a special wide shelf was released. It can be placed on either side of the bowl, depending on where the washing machine will be installed. The shelf plays the role of a kind of roof under which the household appliance is hidden.

When deciding on the size of a washbasin with a bathroom cabinet, it is important not to forget about children (if there are any in the family). At a young age, children usually cannot reach an “adult” washbasin, and because of this, installing a small height model is impractical from a practical point of view. You'll still have to clean it up in a few years. In such a situation, it is easier to get a small chair or stool so that the baby can climb on it while washing and brushing his teeth. Rubber tips must be installed on the legs of the chair to prevent it from sliding on smooth tiles.

What building codes say

Owners of private homes are given quite a lot of freedom in planning the placement of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom. However, certain standards are still present. As a rule, they are designed to regulate the construction parameters of bathrooms.

  • The dimensions of a bathroom in residential and public buildings are defined as 80x120 cm. The ceiling height is from 250 cm.
  • In bathrooms located inside the attic, the toilet may be installed no closer than 100-110 cm from corner walls. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to send natural needs.
  • When using a swing door, the leaf comes out when opened.
  • The corridor leading to the room can have a height of 210 cm.

The modern design of combined bathrooms, along with traditional plumbing, allows for the installation of objects such as a shower stall, bidet, etc.

  • The space from the bathtub or shower to another element is from 70 cm. As a result, a person receives the necessary freedom of movement.
  • The toilet and bidet should be separated by a space of 25 cm. This will allow you to perform hygiene procedures without interference.
  • The toilet must have a platform in front of it of at least 60 cm. The gap dimensions on both sides are from 25 cm.
  • The front edge of the washbasin and any other fixed objects in the bathroom should be separated by a space of at least 70 cm.

These rules have been drawn up to regulate design throughout the country. They allow you to calculate in advance the dimensions of a bathroom washbasin with and without a cabinet. As for premises intended for disabled people and people with mobility problems, different building regulations apply in these cases. This directly relates to planning and arrangement sanitary facilities where such people will be served.

For public bathrooms used by disabled people, the following standards apply:

  • Width – from 160 cm.
  • Length – from 180 cm.

In places permanent residence for people with various mobility problems, the length of the bathroom is increased to 220 cm if possible. As for combined bathrooms, the requirements for their length and width are identical (minimum 220 cm). For convenience, special handrails are installed inside them. By swing doors the rule does not change - they must open outwards (however, it is better to install a sliding model).

As for the dimensions of the sink with a bathroom cabinet, they must be precisely adjusted. In some cases, it is better not to use such models at all. First of all, this applies to situations where a wheelchair user lives in the house. A wall-mounted washbasin installed at a low height would be more convenient for it. To avoid any problems with the design of the alteration, the project must be drawn up in accordance with these standards.

Bottom line

The main characteristic of a bathroom sink is its size. You need to take the dimensions of the bathroom, anthropometric data of family members and the functions of the washbasin. When placing plumbing fixtures inside the bathroom, current regulations must be taken into account.

Model sizes

When choosing a washbasin, take into account the parameters - width, depth and height. The dimensions of the selected model and the room must match.

Width 30–40 cm

Mini-washbasins are installed to save space. The Santek Animo faience washbasin is produced in Russia. Model dimensions: 40x31x15. Product price: 940 rub. Warranty: 5 years. The washstand is attached to the wall.

Width 50–60 cm

Such plumbing fixtures are convenient to use every day. A compact option is a wall-mounted washbasin. You can purchase a sink with AM.PM Inspire S 60 cabinet. Product dimensions: 59, 6x45, 7x85, 5 cm.

The washstand is made of faience. The furniture finish is glossy. Manufacturer: Germany/Italy. Price: RUR 28,611

Width 60–70 cm

These models have spacious bathrooms. In the category (60–70 cm) you can purchase Vidima Sirius Elegance.

A tabletop with wide wings is mounted to the wall. Product dimensions: 75x41x19. The model is made of faience. Price: RUR 4,732 Plumbing equipment complete with Vidima pedestal.

Optimal sizes

  • 50–70 cm – width (distance along the wall);
  • 40–44 cm – depth (from the wall to the outer edge).

The optimal size is considered to be 70 cm. A small washstand is inconvenient to use. Water splashes remain on the floor and walls. Large washbasins (more than 70 cm) take up extra space in the room.

The depth of the bowl should be 48–61 cm. The dimensions are indicated in the technical data sheet of the sink.

Installation height

The distance from the floor to the top edge of the washbasin is relevant for built-in models. This parameter is taken into account when choosing a sink with a cabinet . Standard height is from 80 cm to 1 m.

Product designs


These sinks are installed using brackets. They are distinguished by shape. The product provides ergonomics and comfort in the bathroom.

Water and sewer pipes can be hidden in the wall. Rectangular and oval wall-hung washbasins are in demand.

Sink sizes: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm.

Small washbasins save space in the bathroom. In this category (40 cm) hanging models are popular:

  1. Santek Forum.
  2. Ideal Standard Connect Cube.
  3. Jacob Delafon Odeon.
  4. Jacob Delafon Formilia Rythmik.
  5. Santek Iris.
  6. Jacob Delafon Reve.
  7. IFO Arret.
  8. Duravit D-Code.

Santek Forum. Manufacturer: Russia. Mounting type: to the wall. Material: faience. Dimensions: 45x28x17. Warranty period: 5 years. Price: 960 rub.

Ideal Standard Connect Cube. Country: Belgium. Parameters: 40x36x16. Attaches to table top and wall. Material: porcelain. Price: 5,340 rub.

Jacob Delafon Odeon. Manufacturer: France. Dimensions: 40x25x10. Warranty: 25 years. Material: porcelain. Mounting type : to Wall. Price: 5,170 rub.

Jacob Delafon Formilia Rythmik. Corner washbasin made in France. Dimensions: 40x30x8. Warranty: 25 years. Material: porcelain. Fastening : to the wall and cabinet. Price: 6,490 rub.

Santek Iris. Manufacturer: Russia. Dimensions: 44x41x15. The corner washbasin is made of faience. Price: 1,070 rub. Mounting type: to the wall.

Jacob Delafon Reve. Country: France. Parameters: 45x28x8. Material: porcelain. Price: 8,020 rub. Mounted to the wall and cabinet.

IFO Arret. Dimensions: 40x33x23. Manufacturer: Sweden/Russia. The washstand is made of porcelain. Price: 1,190 rub. Warranty: 10 years. Mounting type: to the wall.

Corner washbasin Vitra Arkitekt can be purchased for RUB 2,580. Product dimensions: 40x40x15 cm. Country: Türkiye.

A corner washbasin is often selected for a typical bathroom. The size of the room does not allow installing another model.

Or a pole - popular and versatile equipment.


The leg ensures the stability of the structure. The pedestal closes all communications. The model is functional. A structure without a back wall is called a semi-pedestal. Washstand sizes: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm.

Plumbing fixtures with a Santeri Orion pedestal can be purchased for RUR 1,170. Model parameters: 56x41x21. The product is made of sanitary porcelain. Mounting type: to the wall.

The Jika Lyra 60 model costs 1,330 rubles. Product dimensions: 60x49x21 cm. Manufacturer: Czech Republic. The model is made of sanitary faience.


The shape of bathroom sinks can be varied:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • semicircular;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • angular.

Washstand sizes: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm.

A round sink will decorate the bathroom interior. It is functional and easy to install. The disadvantage of such washbasins is the absence of a hole for the sink. To install a round sink use:

  • hanging supports;
  • countertops.

The BelBango Aria-A washstand has dimensions of 50x50x14.5 cm. The product material is porcelain. Manufacturer: Italy/China. Warranty: 25 years. Mounting type: to the tabletop. Price: 4,680 rub.

The Dutch company Clou produces sinks from natural stone. Mounting type: to the table top and to supports. The exclusive collection has different colors, shapes and dimensions.

The round sink is compact and in demand. A bowl made of black Clou marble costs RUR 18,991. Washstand dimensions: 42x42x15 cm.

The Ideal Standard Strada washbasin (45 cm) is installed on top of the countertop. The round bowl is made of porcelain. Dimensions: 42, 5x42, 5x16 cm. Product price: RUB 7,720.

The Hatria Happy Hour faience sink is made in Italy. Product parameters: 47, 5x47, 5x14, 5 cm. The round bowl is mounted to the countertop. The cost of the equipment is 10,450 rubles.

Italian sanitary ware White Stone Cup (42 cm) is available upon request. Mounting type: to the tabletop. The bowl shape is round. The earthenware sink has following parameters: 42x42x19 cm. Warranty: 30 years.

The Villeroy & Boch Loop & Friends product costs RUB 23,450. The shape of the washbasin is round. The overhead model is made of porcelain. Product dimensions: 43x43x16 cm. Type of fastening: to the tabletop. Country: Germany.

Washbasin mounting

There are several installation options:

  • wall;
  • installation;
  • moydodyr;
  • console.

Mounting to the wall saves space, but does not hide the pipes. Some products can be installed in several ways at once. For safe operation for suspended equipment, reliable fastenings are selected. The devices are made from different materials. Bracket Configurations:

  • in the form of the letter “T” (cast iron);
  • frame type ( metal fastenings);
  • in the form of the letters “G” and “T” (steel);
  • wrapping type (steel frame).

The standard length of steel brackets for a bowl is 35 cm. When choosing a mount, take into account the weight of the washbasin.

Installation in a floor cabinet is practical. Pedestals are sold complete with bowls. The leg for the Santek Animo washbasin costs 960 rubles. Parameters: 71x17x15 cm.

Plumbing fixtures are installed in the bathroom in such a way that it remains nearby free place. Between the edges of the washbasin on the right and left is 200 mm, and near the front - 800 mm. It's minimum.

If a double washbasin is installed in the bathroom, the distance between the centers of the bowls should be at least 90 cm.

Furniture with sink

Which model to buy – small or large? It depends on the size of the bathroom. For small rooms fits corner option with a cabinet.

A small model (up to 50 cm) can also be equipped with a wall-hung sink. Such structures cover the pipes and decorate the room.

Plumbing fixtures Runo Bis 40 L – corner washbasin with cabinet. Set parameters: 55x46x85. Bathroom furniture costs 11,820 rubles. The bowl is made of faience. Country Russia. The set is equipped with illuminated mirrors and a shelf. The shape of the sink is semicircular and angular. Furniture is mounted on the floor.

A set with a SanTa City 60 cabinet is suitable for the bathroom. Furniture dimensions: 61.5x47x85 cm. The set is rectangular in shape. The sink is made of faience. Mount the cabinet on the floor. Price: 7,031 rub. Manufacturer: Russia.

A set with an Onika Gamma 60 cabinet costs RUR 6,570. Dimensions of the set: 63x47.7x83 cm. The bowl is made of earthenware. Country Russia.

Wall-hung model with cabinet Roca Victoria Nord 60 visually increases the space of the bathroom. Set parameters: 60x45x56.5 cm. The set is made of moisture-resistant MDF. Bowl material: porcelain. Cost of furniture: 26,710 rub. Country: Spain.

IN spacious room You can purchase a set with the Misty Drey 105 cabinet. Dimensions: 106.1x50.1x80. The furniture was made in Russia. The body is made of MDF. The sink material is faience. Price: 27,053 rub.

A sink in a bathroom is an essential attribute. It is almost impossible to imagine this room without a washbasin.

Let's figure out what you should pay attention to when choosing this piece of plumbing and consider popular options.

Which size should I choose?

The solution to the problem lies on the surface. For a small bathroom, a small sink will do. It will be comfortable to use such a washbasin, because it will not take up much space.

For a large area, a small sink will be inappropriate. It will not fit either in style or in size.

It is worth installing the washbasin in accordance with the space of the room. Some design solutions They suggest installing a double sink. However, it is worth remembering that the distance between them should be at least a meter.

  • Stick to one style for all plumbing fixtures;
  • Choose models with a hole to prevent water overflow;
  • Please note that the installation of the faucet depends on the number of holes in the washbasin;
  • Inspect the item for chips, cracks and other damage;
  • Measure the dimensions in advance;

Console sinks

Hanging sinks in the bathroom are often found. Console models are the simplest, but at the same time popular models.


  • Installing a washbasin will not take much time.
  • Practicality and ease of use;
  • Suitable for small spaces;
  • Space saving. Fastening with consoles allows you to save free space and can be used to place: baskets with laundry, installation of additional shelves.


  • Communication pipes are visible, which spoils the aesthetic appearance.

Furniture washbasins

Vanity cabinet in the bathroom - classic version, which is found in every 3 apartments. It is a one-piece design and can have additional shelves and drawers for things.

Note! White bathroom - 100 photos of cozy and practical design ideas

Installation takes place in a matter of minutes; you just need to connect the sink to the communications.

Overhead and built-in options

A stylish and elegant option is a counter-mounted washbasin; it will suit any design.


  • Variety of forms;
  • No hole for faucet;
  • Mounted on top of a cabinet or tabletop.

Attention. Overhead sinks should be installed only on objects that are resistant to moisture, in order to avoid rapid damage to the product.

A built-in sink in a bathroom is suitable for small spaces.


  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Built into the countertop;
  • Stylish and modern design;
  • Simplicity and reliability. Easy installation and rigid fixation using brackets.
  • Protected from damage due to recessed design.
  • Strength and durability.

Material selection

There are many types of countertops for bathroom sinks. The characteristics of plumbing fixtures will depend on the selected material:

  • Marble;
  • Granite;
  • Steel;
  • Ceramics (porcelain, earthenware);
  • Glass.

Glass sinks are suitable for high-tech style. They are produced from tempered glass, so they differ in strength. And their style gives the interior a unique stylish look.

Steel vanities are a durable option. They will be a great addition to any bathroom. There is a significant drawback: you cannot clean with abrasive powders - it will ruin the surface.

Porcelain sinks are a popular option because they have inexpensive price and excellent design.

Corner bathroom sinks made of earthenware are very ergonomic. They allow you not only to save free space, but also to use it functionally.

How to choose the right mixer?

The faucet for the bathroom sink must be selected correctly, otherwise water may simply splash in different directions and create discomfort for the owners.

  • Decide on the exact purpose of the sink: wash your hands, wash your cat, etc. The height of the faucet will depend on this;
  • Choose a faucet that matches the shape and size of the washbasin (wide, narrow, deep, flat).

The height and length of the mixer will depend on these parameters.

Following our advice, you can safely go to the store.

Below is a gallery of photos of bathroom sinks, where you can choose a suitable design in advance.

Photo of a practical bathroom sink

It is extremely difficult to imagine the interior of a bathroom without a sink. This is a functional element of plumbing designed for daily hygiene procedures. On Russian market, you can find a variety of variations of bathtub sinks, however, in order for the sanitary ware to fit organically into the decor, it is necessary to accurately measure the dimensions of the sink with the area of ​​the bathroom.

What types of sinks are there - time-tested optimal dimensions

It’s quite easy to navigate the markings; if you look through any thematic catalog or price list, you will see an intuitive meaning, for example: 655*490*185 . This means that the width of the washbasin is 655 mm, depth (size to wall) – 490 mm, and the height (depth of the bowl) is 185 mm, as in the following diagram:

There are certain repeatedly tested standards that can be safely used as a guide when choosing plumbing equipment for a person of average anthropometric data.

Standard Bathroom Sinks



In this case, we assume the overall depth of the bowl of the product itself (at what height from the floor to place the sink we will discuss in this article below).

The classic height of a sink is the size 135-150 mm. Obviously, a deep bowl is more convenient, but also minimum value from the range indicated has a right to life.


Depth is the dimension from the end of the sink to the wall. If there are children in the house preschool age or elementary school students, it is better to start from minimum sizes, otherwise the sink will rest against the child’s chest and reaching for the faucet will be inconvenient.

Sets with furniture. Everything has already been thought of for us

The best option for a bathtub are sinks that come complete with a bedside table. These are quite practical products that help save internal space without cluttering the walls with additional shelves for storing personal hygiene items.

Here you can focus on the following parameters:

Cabinet dimensions

"Moidodyr" - a popular and practical solution

Such products seem to be more functional, because as a rule, the set includes not only a sink and a cabinet, but also a mirror with wall cabinets.

For typical bathrooms, the sizes of such products will be standard: 550-650 mm. If the area of ​​the room allows, this parameter can be increased from 70 cm to one meter.

If you plan to install other elements in the bathroom (shower stall, washing machine), this also needs to be taken into account when determining the size of the sink.

Built-in washbasins

Such designs are optimal solution for bathrooms of average and large area. The advantages of built-in sinks are as follows:

    The bowl is built into the countertop, so there is no need for wall mounting.

    The tabletop reliably hides the pipes.

    It is convenient to install washing machines under built-in sinks, saving inner space.

It is important to remember that even wide sinks should not clutter up the interior space and fit organically into the interior.

Overlay ceramics (sink - “bowl”)

Structurally, overhead sinks are similar to built-in models. From distinctive features, we can highlight the nuance that the bowl is simply placed on the tabletop, so it can be easily removed if necessary.

Corner bathroom sinks

Such products are ideal for small rooms, allowing you to significantly save internal space. The following options for corner sinks are available on the market:

    Tulip - the installation kit includes a leg that hides the siphon and drain pipes.

    Hanging - here the drain pipes run inside the wall, so you can place them under the sink washing machine or a laundry basket.

    Built-in - in fact, this is a corner version of “Moidodyr”. Such models take up a little more space than previous options, but this drawback is offset by a mirror and drawers for storing various accessories.

If we talk about sizes, then even for built-in models, external parameters can vary within 350*350 or 700*700 mm.

It is worth noting that among corner models Asymmetrical sinks are in high demand: an elongated surface on one side (see picture above).

Small sink - an elegant solution for a small area

Such solutions are often found in older houses, where bathrooms cannot boast large sizes. In order to comfortably perform hygiene procedures and not clutter up the interior space, small sinks are installed here.

When choosing plumbing fixtures, you can be guided by the following dimensions:

It should be noted that for small bathrooms you can order a sink with custom sizes, but it will cost much more.

Further more! Double sink for a large family

These types of bathroom sinks are considered quite original solution. Installing a double washbasin offers the following benefits:

    Interesting design decoration interior interior. Looks great.

    A practical solution for a large family.

    Demarcation of personal space.

If we talk about sizes, then the minimum distance between the drain holes of the bowls is considered 550 mm. If this parameter is less, using a double washbasin will be inconvenient; if it is more, the savings in internal space will disappear.

Sink pedestal: dimensions and installation

A pedestal sink looks very impressive: while maintaining functionality, the stand helps to disguise the drain pipes. When installing such a structure, it is recommended to follow the dimensions indicated in the diagram.

How to attach to the wall

When performing installation work, the assembled structure is moved into the wall and markings are made with a simple pencil at the fastening points. Then holes are drilled using a drill with a carbide tip and the dowels are driven in. Fastening is done using screws for the sink and pedestal.

By the way, many home craftsmen, for practical reasons, leave the pedestal without fastening - the sink securely fixes the stand. This option provides unobstructed access to the siphon and drain pipes in case of blockage, but this method is not included in standardized recommendations.

Siphon and corrugation for the sink: dimensions

These elements are an integral part of the design when installing the sink. When choosing a siphon, you can focus on the following parameters:

The diameter of the corrugation is selected according to the size of the drain pipe, the length is determined arbitrarily, depending on the distance to the public sewer system.

At what height should a bathroom sink be installed?

This distance should suit all household members and ensure ease of use of plumbing fixtures. We recommend doing it according to the generally accepted standard: 85 centimeters from floor level to the edge of the sink. If the family consists only of adults whose height is above average, this distance can be increased to 900-1000 mm.

It is important to remember that hanging the sink below the 80 centimeter mark is not recommended, even if there are small children in the family. In this case, you can use special stands that will help the child reach the tap.

At what distance should the mirror be?

    The average distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the mirror should be 1.2 m. The value can be changed up or down (slightly) depending on the height of the residents.

    The top edge can be aligned with the door frame. Typically this value is around 2 meters.

    Minimum distance between mirror and sink edge: approx. 200 mm.