Distance from the gas pipe to the snip structure. Everything about the distance from the gas pipe to other elements and buildings

We bought a plot for the construction of a residential building. The neighbor's gas pipes were laid from the fence at a distance of 30 cm, parallel to the fence, to our site. These pipes are not main pipes. The main pipe is on the other side. The neighbors connected their pipe to it and ran it through our site. At what distance from this pipe can we now build a house? We want it at a distance of 70 cm from the pipe (the house design is already ready). Is it possible to do this?

Experts from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pyatigorsk LLC answer

If the house project is already ready, then you need to coordinate it with the local gas distribution organization and determine the location of connection of the household. It is impossible to answer your question unambiguously, since there is no information available on the type of gas pipeline laying and its pressure.

1. If the gas pipeline is underground: According to SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems, updated version SP 62.13330.2011 Appendix B, the distance from gas pipelines to the foundations of buildings and structures with a nominal diameter of up to 300 mm: - up to 0.005 MPa - 2 meters; - St. 0.005 to 0.3 MPa – 4 meters; - St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa – 7 meters. over 300 mm: - up to 0.005 MPa – 2 meters; - St. 0.005 to 0.3 MPa – 4 meters; - St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa – 7 meters. Also, according to the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 20, 2000 N 878 for gas distribution networks, a security zone is established along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline.

2. If the gas pipeline is above ground: The distance to residential buildings is not standardized. It is only necessary to comply with the conditions for the intersection of the gas pipeline with window and doorways– 0.5 m and below the roof – 0.2 m.

Distance from home to gas pipe(gas pipeline) - the distance necessary for the safety of the structure, which is selected, depending on several components, according to the standards. The installation method, the level of safety of the gas pipeline, the delivery system and the pressure under which the liquid fuel is supplied all play a role. Definition necessary removal from a residential building on the site to the gas pipe is provided for in SNiP 42-01-2002 in relation to the pressure of the supplied raw materials: low, medium or high. The regulatory document entitled “Gas distribution systems” provides the necessary conditions oriented to different situations.

Near the city

To determine the required distance from the gas pipe, after developing a residential building project, citizens of the Russian Federation apply for the appropriate permit (approval) from the local gas distribution organization. For a definite answer, you need to know the type of gas pipeline and what pressure is used when supplying it. If there is no data on the type of laying and the pressure in the pipes, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer.

Gas distribution station

SNiP 42-01-2002 is one of the natural results of the action Federal Law RF “On Technical Regulation” No. 184, adopted in December 2002. In November 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 858, according to which the current sets of rules were developed and approved. This SP was approved at the legislative level in an updated version and was named SP 62.13330.2011.

Registration by Rosstandart made it the source of the standard that is followed when laying and connecting gas pipes to the building.

The most affordable type of fuel has become widespread and has become a publicly available energy resource. Its widespread use has led to the urgent need to develop regulatory documents in which the permitted distances can be found.

Compressor station

Since 2010, SNiP registered by Rosstandart:

  • are legislative documents, compliance with which is mandatory;
  • checked by supervisory organizations designed to ensure the safety of such structures;
  • may be the basis for a decision in a lawsuit;
  • are recognized as a significant reason for imposing an administrative penalty upon violation.

Read also: At what distance from the fence can a bathhouse be built: SNiP norm 2018-2019 in SNT and individual housing construction

SP 62.13330.2011 regulates the distances that must be observed depending on the type of laying of the main gas pipeline or its branches and the pressure of liquid fuel in the pipes.

Near a residential building

If gas is supplied in cylinders, only the prescribed fire safety standards must be observed. More economical and high-volume transport in pipes provides differentiated requirements for different types deliveries and the level of pressure during their implementation.

Connection diagram

Types and levels

The population is supplied with high-calorie gas, the most optimal option for domestic use. The safety level of fuel transported through main pipes is considered higher than its movement and use in cylinders. The laying of pipes for this purpose depends on the terrain and the required operation and is divided into 3 types:

  1. Overhead communications are the least problematic look installation, which is also used in summer cottages due to the absence of the need for expensive work both during the assembly process and when repairs are necessary. It is made only of steel (as regulated in SNiP), but no special strictness is specified in the distance to the building. The only requirement is a two-way security zone around the pipe of at least 2 m.
  2. Underground pipelines, recognized as the most in a safe way installation, with minimal likelihood of damage from external causes. They can be made of polymer or steel pipes, but here the distance is normalized depending on several components.
  3. Internal networks are located inside the building, they must be left in the public domain, and assembly must be made only from steel and copper. There are also standards for internal networks - they are determined by the object of consumption and its installation, taking into account everything that could pose a potential threat of fire or explosion, right down to the chimney.

Table of distance of buildings from the gas pipeline according to SNiP standards

Underground gas pipeline

For underground structures, the distance at which a residential building can be placed during planning and development is dictated by the diameter of the pipe and the pressure under which the gas is supplied.

It is believed that the pressure level of liquid fuel and its supply under high pressure are directly proportional.

The higher the pressure during transportation, the greater the potential danger to a residential structure. That is why the distance from the gas pipe to the house must be strictly observed.

Table of distances from the gas pipeline to buildings

To obtain permission, calculations are made by type of communications:

  • considered low is up to 0.05 kgf/cm2 - supplied for residential, specialized and public buildings;
  • a gas pipeline with medium pressure (from 0.05 kgf/cm2 to 3.0 kgf/cm2) is needed in city boiler houses or in the main line if the city is large;
  • high pressure can be used in industrial facilities or in a separate project, used quite rarely.

External gas pipelines, structures / SNiP 2.04.08-87*

General instructions

4.1. The requirements of this section apply to the design of external gas pipelines from gas distribution stations or gas distribution centers to gas consumers (external walls of buildings and structures).

4.2. Projects of external gas pipelines laid through the territory of settlements should be carried out on topographic plans on the scale provided by GOST 21.610-85. It is allowed to carry out inter-settlement gas pipeline projects on plans M 1:5000 when the route axis is fixed in kind. It is allowed not to draw up longitudinal profiles of sections of a gas pipeline laid in areas with calm terrain, in the absence of intersections of the gas pipeline with natural barriers and various structures.

* Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas to which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

4.3. The laying of external gas pipelines in settlements should be provided for. As a rule, underground in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Aboveground and above-ground installation of external gas pipelines is permitted inside residential areas and courtyards, as well as in other individual sections of the route.
The laying of gas pipelines in relation to the metro should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP*.
On the territory of industrial enterprises, the laying of external gas pipelines should, as a rule, be carried out above ground in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80*.

4.4.* Route selection underground gas pipelines should be carried out taking into account the corrosive activity of soils and the presence of stray currents in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.602-89.

4.5.* Gas ​​pipeline entries into residential buildings must be provided for non-residential premises available for inspection of gas pipelines. In existing residential buildings owned by citizens as personal property, it is allowed to enter a gas pipeline into a residential building where a heating stove is installed, provided that the disconnecting device is located outside the building.
Gas pipeline entries into public buildings should be installed directly in the room where gas appliances are installed, or in corridors.
The placement of disconnecting devices should, as a rule, be provided outside the building.

4.6. Gas pipeline entries into buildings of industrial enterprises and other production buildings should be provided directly into the room where the gas-consuming units are located, or into an adjacent room, provided that these rooms are connected by an open opening. At the same time, the air exchange in adjacent room must be at least three times per hour.

4.7. Gas pipeline entries should not pass through foundations or under the foundations of buildings. It is allowed to cross foundations at the inlet and outlet of hydraulic fracturing gas pipelines.
4.8. Entry of gas pipelines into technical undergrounds and technical corridors and distribution through these premises in residential buildings and public buildings is allowed only when external low-pressure gas pipelines are connected to them in intra-block collectors.

4.9. It is not allowed to enter gas pipelines into basements, elevator rooms, ventilation chambers and shafts, waste bins, transformer substations, switchgears, engine rooms, warehouses, premises related to explosive and explosion fire danger to categories A and B.
4.10. Design solutions for bushings should be made taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 4.18 and 4.19*.

4.11. Connections of steel pipes should be made by welding.
Detachable (flange and threaded) connections should be provided in places where shut-off valves are installed, on condensate collectors and water seals, in places where instrumentation and electrical protection devices are connected.

4.12. It is not allowed to provide detachable connections in the ground on gas pipelines.

Underground gas pipelines

4.13.* The minimum horizontal distances from underground and above-ground (in embankment) gas pipelines to buildings (except for gas distribution centers) and structures should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89*. The indicated distances from the gas fracturing buildings to the incoming and outgoing gas pipelines are not standardized.
It is allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01-89* by up to 50% for gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2), when laying them between buildings and under the arches of buildings, in cramped conditions on certain sections of the route, as well as from gas pipelines with pressure over 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2) to detached non-residential and ancillary buildings.
In these cases, in areas of approach and 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be provided:
the use of seamless or electric-welded pipes that have passed 100% inspection of the factory welded joint non-destructive methods, or electric welded pipes that have not passed such control, but are laid in a case; checking all welded (assembly) joints using non-destructive testing methods.

Distance from the gas pipeline to the outer walls of wells and other underground chambers utility networks should be taken at least 0.3 m. In areas where the clear distance from the gas pipeline to wells and chambers of other underground utility networks is from 0.3 m to the standard distance for this communication, gas pipelines should be laid in compliance with the requirements for laying gas pipelines in cramped conditions.

When laying electric-welded pipes in a case, the latter must extend at least 2 m in each direction from the wall of the well or chamber.
The distances from the gas pipeline to the supports of overhead communication lines, the contact network of trams, trolleybuses and electrified railways should be taken as to the supports of overhead power lines of the corresponding voltage.

The minimum distances from gas pipelines to the heating network of channelless installation with longitudinal drainage should be taken similarly to the channel installation of heating networks.
The minimum clear distances from the gas pipeline to the nearest pipe of a ductless heating network without drainage should be taken as to the water supply. Distances from anchor supports that exceed the dimensions of the heating network pipes should be taken into account taking into account the safety of the latter.

The minimum horizontal distance from the gas pipeline to the pressure sewer can be taken as to the water supply.
The distance from the gas pipeline to the narrow gauge railway tracks should be taken as to the tram tracks according to SNiP 2.07.01-89*.
Distances from gas pipelines to warehouses and enterprises with flammable materials should be taken according to the standards of these enterprises, but not less than the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01-89*.
The minimum horizontal and vertical distances from gas pipelines to main gas and oil pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.05.06-85.
Distances from inter-settlement gas pipelines with a pressure of 0.6 MPa or more to the base of the embankment and the edge of the excavation slope or from the outermost rail at the zero marks of the railways of the general network should be taken at least 50 m. In cramped conditions, in agreement with the relevant railway departments of the Russian Ministry of Railways, a reduction is allowed the specified distance to the values ​​​​given in SNiP 2.07.01-89*, provided that the gas pipeline is laid in this section at a depth of at least 2.0 m, the pipe wall thickness is increased by 2-3 mm more than the calculated one and all welded joints non-destructive testing methods.

4.14. It is allowed to lay two or more gas pipelines in one trench, at the same or different levels (in steps). In this case, the clear distances between gas pipelines should be sufficient for installation and repair of pipelines.

4.15.* The vertical clear distance at the intersection of gas pipelines of all pressures with underground utility networks should be taken at least 0.2 m, with electrical networks - in accordance with the PUE, with cable communication lines and radio broadcast networks - in accordance with VSN 116-87 and VSN 600-81, approved by the USSR Ministry of Communications.

4.16. In places where underground gas pipelines cross heating network channels, communication manifolds, channels for various purposes with a passage above or below the structure being crossed, it is necessary to provide for the laying of a gas pipeline in a case extending 2 m on both sides from the outer walls of the crossed structures, as well as testing by non-destructive testing methods of all welded joints within the intersection and 5 m to the sides from the outer walls of the intersected structures.
At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under protective device.

4.17. The depth of laying gas pipelines should be at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or casing.
In places where traffic is not expected, the depth of gas pipelines can be reduced to 0.6 m.

4.18. The laying of gas pipelines transporting undrained gas must be provided below the zone of seasonal soil freezing with a slope towards the condensate collectors of at least 2 ‰.
Entrances of undrained gas pipelines into buildings and structures must be provided with a slope towards the distribution gas pipeline. If, due to the terrain conditions, the required slope to the gas distribution pipeline cannot be created, it is permissible to lay the gas pipeline with a bend in the profile and install a condensate collector at the lowest point.
The laying of LPG vapor phase gas pipelines should be provided in accordance with the instructions in Section. 9.

4.19.* Gas ​​pipelines where they pass through the outer walls of buildings should be enclosed in cases.
The space between the wall and the case should be carefully sealed to the full thickness of the structure being crossed.
The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

4.20. The laying of gas pipelines in soils containing construction waste and humus should be provided with a foundation made of soft or sandy soil thickness of at least 10 cm (above protruding uneven bases); backfilling with the same soil to the full depth of the trench.
In soils with bearing capacity less than 0.025 MPa (0.25 kgf/cm2), as well as in soils containing construction waste and humus, the bottom of the trench should be strengthened by lining antiseptic wooden beams, concrete beams, installation of a pile foundation or compaction of crushed stone or gravel. In this case, adding soil under the gas pipeline and backfilling it should be done as indicated in the first paragraph of this paragraph.

4.21. In the presence of groundwater measures should be taken to prevent the floating of gas pipelines, if this is confirmed by calculations.

Aboveground and above-ground gas pipelines

4.22.* Aboveground gas pipelines should be laid on free-standing supports, shelves and columns made of non-combustible materials or along the walls of buildings.
In this case, the following installations are permitted:

  • on free-standing supports, columns, overpasses and shelves - gas pipelines of all pressures;
  • along the walls of industrial buildings with premises of categories B, D and D - gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2);
  • on the walls of public buildings and residential buildings of at least III-IIIa degree of fire resistance - gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2);
  • on the walls of public buildings and residential buildings of IV-V degree of fire resistance - low pressure gas pipelines with a nominal pipe diameter, as a rule, no more than 50 mm, and when gas pressure regulators are placed on the external walls and other structures of these buildings - gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa - in areas before they are introduced into the regulators.

The transit laying of gas pipelines is prohibited:

  • along the walls of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools and entertainment enterprises - gas pipelines of all pressures;
  • along the walls of residential buildings - gas pipelines of medium and high pressure.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of all pressures in buildings with walls made of panels with metal cladding and polymer insulation and in buildings of categories A and B.

4.23. Overhead gas pipelines laid on the territory of industrial enterprises and supports for these gas pipelines should be designed taking into account the requirements of SNiP II-89-80* and SNiP 2.09.03-85.

4.24. High-pressure gas pipelines are allowed to be laid along blank walls, above windows and doorways of single-story and above the windows of the upper floors of multi-story industrial buildings with explosion and fire hazard rooms of categories B, D and D and auxiliary buildings interconnected with them, as well as separate boiler house buildings.
IN industrial buildings It is allowed to lay low and medium pressure gas pipelines along the sashes of non-opening windows and for the said gas pipelines to cross light openings filled with glass blocks.

4.25. The distances between gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and other utility networks should be taken in accordance with the requirements for laying gas pipelines indoors (Section 6).

4.26. It is not allowed to provide detachable connections on gas pipelines under window openings and balconies of residential buildings and public buildings of a non-industrial nature.

4.27. Aboveground and above-ground gas pipelines, as well as underground gas pipelines in areas adjacent to the points of entry and exit from the ground, should be designed taking into account longitudinal deformations due to possible temperature effects.

4.28. The height of laying overhead gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80*.
In a free area outside the passage of vehicles and the passage of people, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines on low supports at a height of at least 0.35 m from the ground to the bottom of the pipe.

4.29. Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground should be enclosed in a case. In places where the possibility of mechanical damage to gas pipelines is excluded (impassable part of the territory, etc.). installation of cases is not necessary.

4.30. Gas pipelines transporting undrained gas should be laid with a slope of at least 3 ‰ with installation of condensate removal devices (drain fittings with a shut-off device) at the lowest points. Thermal insulation should be provided for these gas pipelines.

4.31. The laying of LPG gas pipelines should be provided in accordance with the instructions of Section. 9.

4.32. The horizontal clear distances from above-ground gas pipelines laid on supports and above-ground (without embankment) to buildings and structures should be taken no less than the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 6.

4.33. Distance between overhead gas pipelines and other engineering communications above-ground and above-ground installations should be taken into account the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of each of the pipelines.

4.34. Distances between gas pipelines and by air lines power transmission, as well as cables, should be accepted according to the PUE.

4.35.* The distances between the supports of above-ground gas pipelines should be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.12-86.

4.36. It is allowed to provide for laying on free-standing supports, columns, overpasses. Shelves of gas pipelines with pipelines for other purposes in accordance with SNiP II-89-80*.

4.37. Joint laying of gas pipelines with electrical cables and wires, including those intended for servicing gas pipelines (power, for signaling, dispatching, valve control), should be provided in accordance with the instructions of the PUE.

4.38. The laying of gas pipelines on railway and road bridges should be provided in cases where this is allowed by the requirements of SNiP 2.05.03-84*, while the laying of gas pipelines should be carried out in places that exclude the possibility of gas accumulation (in case of leakage) in the bridge structures.

Gas pipeline crossings through water barriers and ravines

4.39. Underwater crossings of gas pipelines through water barriers should be provided on the basis of hydrological, geotechnical and topographic survey data.

4.40. Underwater crossings across rivers should be located on straight, stable stretches with gently sloping, non-eroded river banks with a minimum width of the floodplain. The underwater crossing should be designed, as a rule, perpendicular to the dynamic axis of the flow, avoiding areas composed of rocky soils.

Table 6
Buildings and constructions Clear distance, m, to buildings and structures from overhead gas pipelines laid on supports and ground ones (without embankment)

low pressure medium pressure high pressure category II high pressure category I
Industrial and warehouse buildings with premises of categories A and B 5* 5* 5* 10*
The same categories B, D and D - - - 5
Residential and public buildings I-IIIa degree of fire resistance - - 5 10
The same, IV and V degrees of fire resistance - 5 5 10
Open warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids and warehouses of combustible materials located outside the territory of industrial enterprises 20 20 40 40
Railway and tram tracks (to the nearest rail) 3 3 3 3
Underground utility networks: water supply, sewerage, heating network, telephone sewerage, electrical cable blocks (from the edge of the foundation of the gas pipeline support) 1 1 1 1
Roads (from a curb, the outer edge of a ditch or the bottom of a road embankment) 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Fencing of open switchgear and open substation 10 10 10 10
* For hydraulic fracturing gas pipelines (incoming and outgoing), the distance is not standardized.
Note. The “-” sign means that the distance is not standardized.

4.41. As a rule, underwater crossings of gas pipelines with a width of water barriers at a low-water horizon of 75 m or more should be provided. In two threads with throughput each 0.75 calculated gas consumption.
It is allowed not to provide a second (backup) line of the gas pipeline when laying:
looped gas pipelines, if when the underwater crossing is disconnected, uninterrupted gas supply to consumers is ensured:
dead-end gas pipelines to industrial consumers, if these consumers can switch to another type of fuel for the period of repair of the underwater crossing.

4.42. When crossing water barriers less than 75 m wide by gas pipelines intended for gas supply to consumers that do not allow interruptions in the gas supply, or when the width of the floodplain is more than 500 m at horizon level high waters(GVV) with a 10% probability and duration of flooding by flood waters for more than 20 days, as well as mountain rivers and water barriers with an unstable bottom and banks, it is allowed to lay a second (reserve) line.

4.43. The minimum horizontal distances from bridges to underwater and overwater gas pipelines at places where they cross water barriers should be taken according to Table. 7.

4.44. The wall thickness of pipes for underwater passages should be taken 2 mm more than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm. For gas pipelines with a diameter of less than 250 mm, it is allowed to increase the wall thickness to ensure negative buoyancy of the gas pipeline.

4.45. The boundaries of the underwater transition of the gas pipeline, which determine the length of the transition, should be considered the area limited by the water supply not lower than the 10% supply level. Shut-off valves should be placed outside the boundaries of this site.

4.46. The distances between the axes of parallel gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be at least 30 m.
On non-navigable rivers with a bed that is not subject to erosion, as well as when crossing water barriers within settlements, it is allowed to lay two gas pipelines in one trench. In this case, the clear distance between gas pipelines must be at least 0.5 m.
When laying gas pipelines in floodplain areas, the distance between gas pipelines can be taken the same as for the linear part of the gas pipeline.

4.47. The laying of gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be deepened into the bottom of the crossed water barriers. The design elevation of the top of a ballasted gas pipeline should be taken at 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and floating rivers, 1 m below the predicted bottom profile, determined taking into account possible erosion of the riverbed within 25 years after the completion of construction of the crossing.

Table 7
Horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, m, when laying the gas pipeline
Water obstacles Bridge type above the bridge below the bridge

from the overwater gas pipeline from an underwater gas pipeline from the overwater gas pipeline from an underwater gas pipeline
Shipping freezing All types According to SNiP 2.05.06-85 50 50
Shipping anti-freeze Same 50 50 50 50
Non-navigable freezing Multi-span According to SNiP 2.05.06-85 50 50
Non-navigable anti-freeze Same 20 20 20 20
Non-navigable pressure gas pipelines:

low Single and double span 2 20 2 10
medium and high Same 5 20 5 20

At underwater crossings through non-navigable and non-raftable water barriers, as well as in rocky soils, it is allowed to reduce the depth of laying gas pipelines, but the top of the ballasted gas pipeline in all cases must be below the level of possible erosion of the bottom of the reservoir for the estimated life of the gas pipeline.

4.48.* The width of the trench along the bottom should be taken depending on the methods of its development and the nature of the soil, the regime of the water barrier and the need for a diving survey.
The steepness of the slopes of underwater trenches must be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-42-80.

4.49. Calculation of underwater gas pipelines against floating (for stability) and their ballasting should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.05.06-85.

4.50. For gas pipelines laid in sections of underwater crossings, solutions should be provided to protect the insulation from damage.

4.51. Identification signs of the established types should be provided on both banks of navigable and timber-rafting water barriers. At the border of the underwater crossing, it is necessary to provide for the installation of permanent benchmarks: if the width of the barrier at low-water horizon is up to 75 m - on one bank, with a larger width - on both banks.

4.52. The height of laying the overwater passage of the gas pipeline should be taken (from the bottom of the pipe or span):
when crossing non-navigable, non-floating rivers, ravines and gullies where ice drift is possible. - not less than 0.2 m above the water supply level with a 2% probability and from the highest ice drift horizon, and if there is a grub boat on these rivers - at least 1 m above the water supply level with a 1% probability;
when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - no less than the values ​​​​established by the design standards for underbridge clearances on navigable rivers and the basic requirements for the location of bridges.

Gas pipeline crossings across railways, tramways and roads

4.53.* Intersections of gas pipelines with railway and tram tracks, as well as with highways should be provided, as a rule, at an angle of 90°.
The minimum distance from underground gas pipelines at places where they are crossed by tram and railway lines should be taken as follows:
to bridges, pipes, tunnels and pedestrian bridges and tunnels (with large crowds of people) on railways - 30 m;
to the switches (the beginning of the points, the tail of the crosses, the places where suction cables are connected to the rails) - 3 m for tram tracks and 10 m for railways;
to the contact network supports - 3 m.
Reducing the specified distances is allowed in agreement with the organizations in charge of the crossed structures.
The need to install identification posts (signs) and their design at gas pipeline crossings through the railways of the general network is decided in agreement with the Russian Ministry of Railways.

4.54.* The laying of underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railways and tramways, roads of I, II and III categories, as well as expressways within the city, main streets and roads of general city importance should be provided in steel cases.
The need to install casings on gas pipelines at the intersection of main streets and district roads, freight roads, as well as streets and roads local significance decided by the design organization depending on the intensity of traffic. In this case, it is allowed to provide non-metallic cases that meet the conditions of strength and durability.
The ends of the cases must be sealed. At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under the protective device, and on inter-settlement gas pipelines - an exhaust candle with a sampling device, placed at a distance of at least 50 m from the edge of the roadbed.
In the interpipe space of the case it is allowed to lay an operational communication cable, telemechanics, telephone, electrical protection drain cable intended for servicing the gas supply system.

4.55.* The ends of the case should be brought out at distances, m, not less than:
from the extreme drainage structure of the railway subgrade (ditch, ditch, reserve) - 3;
from the extreme rail of the railway track - 10; and from the path of an industrial enterprise - 3;
from the outermost rail of the tram track - 2;
from the edge of the roadway - 2;
from the edge of the roadway - 3.5.
In all cases, the ends of the cases must be extended beyond the base of the embankment to a distance of at least 2 m.

4.56.* The depth of laying the gas pipeline under railways, tram tracks and roads should be taken depending on the production method construction work and the nature of the soil in order to ensure traffic safety.
The minimum depth of gas pipeline laying to the top of the casing from the base of the rail or the top of the covering at zero marks and notches, and in the presence of an embankment from the base of the embankment should be provided, m:
under the railways of the general network - 2.0 (from the bottom of drainage structures - 1.5), and when performing work using the puncture method - 2.5;
under tram tracks, railways of industrial enterprises and roads:
1.0 - when performing open-pit work;
1.5 - when performing work using the punching method, horizontal drilling or panel penetration:
2.5 - when performing work using the puncture method.
At the same time, at the intersections of railways of the general network, the depth of laying the gas pipeline in areas outside the casing at a distance of 50 m on both sides of the ground should be at least 2.10 m from the surface of the earth to the top of the gas pipeline.
When constructing crossings under the railways of the general network in heaving soils for gas pipelines with the temperature of the transported gas in winter above 5 ° C, their minimum installation depth should be checked to ensure that conditions are met under which the influence of heat release on the uniformity of frost heaving of the soil is excluded. If it is impossible to provide the specified temperature regime replacement must be provided heaving soil or other design solutions.
The thickness of the walls of gas pipeline pipes at crossings through the railways of the general network must be taken 2-3 mm more than the calculated one, and for these sections in all cases a very reinforced type of insulating coating must be provided.

4.57. The height of laying overhead gas pipelines at intersections with electrified and non-electrified railway tracks, tram tracks, highways, and trolleybus contact networks should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80.

Building regulations

    Section 5. Placement of hydraulic fracturing. GRU deployment. Hydraulic fracturing and gas distribution equipment. Placement of combined regulators.

Section 10. Permanently frozen soils. Mining areas. Seismic areas. Areas with heaving, subsiding and swollen soils. At what distance from the fence and other buildings? high voltage line

power transmission and other communications, it is possible to build a home - an issue that requires a priority solution. Failure to comply with standards leads to legal conflicts with neighbors. To avoid such problems, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the legal requirements regarding the placement of residential buildings.

The wall of the house can coincide with the line of the external fence

Fundamentals of legal regulation of the placement of buildings

Not a single regulatory act precisely regulates the issue of distance between buildings. The norms for the position of architectural structures on the site are determined by the local administration. To avoid paying a fine and demolition of the building, you need to contact the architecture committee to familiarize yourself with the accepted standards for the placement of buildings in a given locality.

  1. The issue of planning buildings is regulated by the following standards:
  2. SP 30-102-99. Establishes norms for distances between individual housing construction objects and other extensions. Thus, a residential building must be located at a distance of no less than 6 m from dwellings, garages and outbuildings on the neighboring site.
  3. SP 4.13130.2009. The main document establishing fire safety measures. Maintaining safety distances between buildings is intended to protect buildings from fire and prevent the spread of fire due to their close proximity.
  4. SNiP 30-02-97. Regulates the placement of buildings in gardening associations. In some cases, by decision of the local administration, the standard applies to individual housing construction, private plots and summer cottages.

SNiP 2.07.01-89. Regulates the area related to the general development of a populated area. Unlike previous standards, this regulatory act regulates the placement of buildings on a site from the point of view of local authorities, and not the owner.

Permissible distances between houses on adjacent plots different regions. Take into account the location of the site (in the city or rural areas). The distance is calculated based on the position of the extreme points of the building - balcony, terrace and porch. If the dwelling is connected to a garage close to the neighboring plot, the distance is determined relative to its edge.

Table of minimum distances according to fire safety standards between houses from different materials

The amount of indentation depends on the type of cladding. The following groups of coatings are used for wall cladding:

  1. Non-combustible materials - stone and reinforced concrete. The safest types of cladding, characterized by a low susceptibility to fire. Stone buildings can be located at a distance of at least 6 m from each other. Are the best option for construction on small areas, allowing you to build houses near fences.
  2. Combustible materials – lumber. To avoid a large fire, the distance between wooden buildings must be at least 15 m.

The issue of placement of houses, in the construction of which several materials were used, is being addressed separately. Dwellings with stone walls, but wooden floors, should be placed at a distance of at least 8 m from each other. The same distance is maintained if structures in neighboring areas are built from different groups of materials.

Limiting the distance from the wall of the house to the fence and neighboring buildings

By general rules The distance from the dwelling to the fence according to SNiP must be at least 3 m, and between neighboring houses - at least 6 m. A small, less than a meter, setback of the dwelling from the border of the site is a violation. If a neighbor built his house a meter from the fence, you can safely go to court, even when the normative distance between dwellings is observed.

Minimum distances of objects and buildings to the neighbor’s fence

When planning the future use of the site, it is recommended to draw a diagram of it. The land should be divided into zones, in one of which a residential building will be built, and in the others - a garage and other necessary extensions. According to GOST, buildings must be removed from the fence and the house at the following intervals (m):

  • at least 1 – outbuildings for storing equipment;
  • 6 – from the windows of a neighbor’s house;
  • at least 12 – premises for housing livestock;
  • 6 – summer shower;
  • 8 – toilet and compost pit.

Particular attention is paid to the location of the bathhouse. Smoke from a sauna chimney located close to a neighbor's house causes quarrels with neighbors, who may legally demand that the building be demolished.

To avoid troubles when building a bathhouse, adhere to the following distances:

  • at least 12 m from neighboring structures - for smoky steam rooms;
  • more than 6 m from the fence and the house, at least 4 m from buildings located on the site - for a sauna;
  • at least 12 m from the neighbor’s bathhouse and other wooden buildings.

The garden plot is also subject to zoning. It is necessary to plan the land so that it can be used to build living quarters and the necessary outbuildings. Architectural structures located on the SNT site are erected at a distance of (m) from its boundaries:

  • 4 – greenhouse, pen for birds and livestock;
  • 1 – buildings for storing equipment;
  • 8 – bathhouse, toilet and shower.

It is better to discuss the short distance between the house and the neighbor’s fence with the neighbors

If you want to build a septic tank on your property, it is recommended to obtain the consent of your neighbors. Despite the fact that the construction of a treatment system requires permission only from the local sanitary and epidemiological service, a preliminary discussion and written consent to construction will protect owners from false complaints about “soil flooding and bad smell"from unscrupulous neighbors.

Coordination of the design of the treatment system allows you to avoid situations where a septic tank is mistakenly built close, literally a meter from the drinking water well.

The purifier is placed at a distance of at least 5 m from the home and 3 m from the boundaries of the site. The system should not be located far from a residential building, as this often leads to blockages.

Distance from the house to the object outside the fence

When deciding on the placement of a house on a site, they also take into account the distance of the future building to power lines, gas pipelines, railways and cemeteries. This will protect households from traffic noise and fumes from burial sites, and avoid flooding and subsidence of a private building located on excessively wet soil.

Before power lines

To protect the population from electric shock due to accidental deformation of wires, security zones are established on both sides of power lines. Within these areas, housing construction and the construction of dacha and gardening partnerships are prohibited. If a house does end up within the power line, it is not demolished, but a ban on reconstruction and capital construction is imposed.

The minimum distance from the house to the power line depends on its voltage

Compliance with power line protection zones also ensures the safety of the site electrical network from vibrations that occur during the construction of a house. The safe distance from the fence to power lines is determined based on the voltage level and is:

  • 35 kV – 15 m;
  • 110 kV – 20 m;
  • 220 kV – 25 m;
  • 500 kV – 30 m;
  • 750 kV – 40 m;
  • 1150 kV – 55 m.

To the pond

When dreaming of a house near a river or pond, you need to determine whether the purchased plot is included in the water protection zone - land adjacent to water body with special legal protection. The establishment of a special regime is aimed at preventing pollution, siltation and salinization of the soil, preserving the richness of waters and maintaining the natural biocenosis.

The minimum distance from the house to the river depends on the type of reservoir

Building a house near a pond also carries the risk of its destruction due to its placement on softened soil. When laying the foundation, the width of the water protection zone of a river or sea is taken into account. This territory is determined by the length of the reservoir and is:

  • 10 km – 50 m;
  • up to 50 km – 100 m;
  • over 50 km – 200 m;
  • for the sea - more than 500 m.

To the gas pipe

If there is an external gas pipeline on the site, the distance between it and the house must be at least 2 m. Security distance for underground pipes determined based on the gas supply pressure. Within populated areas, as a rule, the pressure in the gas pipeline does not exceed 0.005 MPa. In this case, the foundation is laid at a distance no closer than 2 m from the gas pipe.

In the village, a distance of 2 m is sufficient to the low-pressure gas pipe

To the road

In different populated areas The distance between the fence and the road varies. In small villages, as a rule, this figure should be at least 3 m. If the local administration has allowed to deviate from the standards, it is still better to build a fence away from the passage. This will not only protect the residents, but also make it easier to access the site.

It is better to stay away from the dust and smells of the road: at least five meters from the fence

When talking about the distance between the fence and the road, the concepts of “road” and “roadway” are distinguished. The first is called a roadbed with a pedestrian zone and a roadside, the optimal distance to which is about 3 m. The second is considered an area for movement Vehicle. If the land plot is located near highways, the distance to the fence should be at least 5 m.

The norm for the distance from a cemetery with an area of ​​more than 20 hectares to a residential building is at least 500 m. If the site is located in a village near a small cemetery, the dwelling should be located at least 300 m away from it. For columbariums, memorial complexes, closed burial places, the permissible the distance to the home is 50 m.

The minimum distance to the cemetery is determined by its size

To the railway

The noise and smell from the railway will not please anyone: we are building a house no closer than 100 m

To protect land owners from train noise, the distance from the private sector to the railway must exceed 100 m. If the railway track is located in a depression, or the carrier company has taken measures to ensure noise protection (installed noise barriers, fences), it is permissible to build a house near the tracks, but not closer than 50 m.