Calculation of drywall partitions (gypsum plasterboard): calculator. Calculation of drywall partitions (gypsum plasterboard): calculator Possible replacement of the material. Instead of a suspension with a clamp and suspension rod, a

According to its structure, drywall sheet - rectangular design, consisting of a gypsum core, glued on both sides with cardboard. Drywall belongs to the category of environmentally friendly clean materials, has good operational qualities, thanks to which it is actively used in "dry construction".

The structure of the drywall sheet: 1 - gypsum base, 2 - sheets of drywall.

Thanks to clear geometric dimensions, it is not difficult to calculate the drywall consumption per 1 sq.m. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account its purpose for installation in certain conditions.

Of the total mass of this material, gypsum "gets" 93%, cardboard occupies 6%, another 1% remains for starch and moisture. In construction drywall sheet only cardboard is flammable. And then, due to the lack air gap between cardboard and plaster, the paper does not burn, but smolders. Certain types of sheet have good flexibility; drywall can be soundproofing material subject to the appropriate arrangement of the frame, the correct sealing of the seams with high-quality putty. Consumption building materials when using drywall is associated with its type and technology of application. Today, the products of the two largest manufacturers are mainly used, each of which uses its own marking to indicate the type of material.

Classification according to "Knauf"

  1. GKL. This is a rectangular "piece" of gypsum, pasted over with cardboard on 4 sides.
  2. GKLV. Moisture resistant drywall designed for use in rooms with high humidity. The cardboard used in the production is processed to reduce the possibility of mold, fungi and other similar microorganisms. In order to be able to distinguish moisture-resistant material from the usual one, green cardboard is used for gluing GKLV.
  3. GKLO. This drywall has an increased resistance to impact. high temperatures. It is used where there are high safety requirements in the fire plan.
  4. GKLVO. The material is fire-resistant and at the same time has an increased resistance to moisture penetration.
  5. GVL. Gypsum fiber sheet, which is a pressed non-combustible mixture of crushed paper and gypsum.
  6. GVLV. Drywall with increased resistance to moisture.

The first four types of drywall sheets are actively used in construction during the construction frame partitions, wall cladding, ceiling lining. GKLV can also be used as an additional insulation. The last two types of drywall from the list above are used:

  • in basements where humidity exceeds 70% (for arranging the floor, walls, followed by laying tiles);
  • in sanitary facilities;
  • in utility rooms, storerooms;
  • in attics and attic rooms;
  • in ordinary living quarters.

When calculating the need for drywall, it is necessary to take into account it standard sizes and the height of the room in which the GKL is supposed to be installed. Knauf produces standard sheets:

  • width 1.2; 0.5 m;
  • 2.5 m long;
  • thickness 16, 14, 12, 10 mm.

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Drywall classification according to "Gyproc"

The company produces sheets with a length of 3.6, 3.3, 3, 2.7, 2.6, 2.52, 2.4 m and a width of 1.2, 0.9, 0.6 m. The company's specification in the designation takes into account the special properties of the gypsum board and its thickness:

  • GH13: normal;
  • GNI: moisture resistant;
  • GTS9: waterproof and windproof;
  • GEK13: with increased strength;
  • GF15: flame retardant;
  • GN6: restorative (restoration) or repair.

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Calculation of the total mass of 1m2 plasterboard partitions

It is usually produced not only in order to find out the expected consumption of material, but also to find out the level of load that the structure will create. The following approximate calculation is valid for standard sheets GKL, having a thickness of 12.5 mm and used for sheathing a partition having a metal frame.

  1. The weight of the 1st “square” of a partition up to 5 m high, the frame of which is sheathed on both sides with only one layer of plasterboard, is about 25 kg. When arranging partitions greater height a thicker profile is used, so the weight of 1 sq. m will be higher.
  2. If a partition with a single frame is sheathed with two layers of drywall, then the weight of 1 sq.m at a height of up to 6.5 m will be approximately 45 kg.
  3. When constructing a double frame and sheathing GKL in 2 layers, the weight is 1 sq. m increases to 48 kg.
  4. If it is supposed to build a double frame with space for laying communications, then the mass of 1 sq. m will be 49 kg (with a height of up to 6 m).

When constructing a frame made of wood, the mass of 1 sq. m decreases. But when using wooden bars, the height of the partition usually does not exceed 4 meters. When constructing a structure with one layer of drywall, fixed on both sides, the mass is 1 sq. m will be less than 30 kg. If the frame is sheathed with two layers of plasterboard, then the weight of the 1st "square" will be 50.5 kg. Knowing total mass partitions, you can calculate the load on the floor, which is relevant, for example, when arranging an attic. When preparing drywall for further finishing, any homeowner will be forced to calculate the consumption of other materials, in particular, primers, putties. They are the main finishing material when using drywall.

Online calculator for calculating drywall on the ceiling. Drywall ceiling calculator. Calculation of components for the installation of drywall on the ceiling.

Due to a number of its positive properties, such as good sound and heat insulation, drywall today is in high demand as a material for overhaul premises. Simple and easy to handle given type material is well suited for facing work on wood, brick or foam block.

Handy repair tool

A reasonable calculation of the amount of drywall will help not only to properly manage the money, but also to simplify and speed up the work, as well as significantly improve the quality of the finished object. Drywall ceiling calculator, which is available online, is able to quickly solve any of your repair tasks, immediately providing the best option.

Working with this tool comes down to carrying out simple measurements which even a person who is not versed in repair can cope with, and their introduction into a simple form.

The advantage of remote settlement

Plasterboard ceiling calculation calculator does not require any special skills, easy and understandable for anyone common man who decided to renovate his apartment. Those who have the opportunity to use the calculation can at any time convenient time change the parameters and generate the result by pressing the calculate button.

The vast majority today uses drywall ceiling calculator when solving repair problems. Such a choice is quite justified, since contacting a specialist requires time and money, and with a calculator you get the finished result instantly.

That is why the decision to use such a tool for calculation will be more than correct, accessible to everyone.

erection drywall constructions begins with the design and calculation of the quantity of purchased material. It is easy to find out the number of profiles and GKL, but it is more difficult to determine how much fasteners are needed. Let's find out how to count the number of self-tapping screws per drywall sheet.

What kind of self-tapping screws are used when installing GKL?

For fastening drywall to the frame, screws of different lengths are used:

  • 25 mm - when installing GKL in one layer;
  • 35 mm - when sheathing in two layers.

The type of self-tapping screws is selected based on the material of the frame:

  • the cladding is attached to the profile with metal screws;
  • to a bar - on a tree.

It is easy to distinguish between them: hardware designed to work with metal has a more frequent thread.

Do not use one type of screws instead of another: this will definitely affect the strength of the fastening.

Fastener design provides convenience and quality of work:

  • The hardware is protected from corrosion by a special coating that gives them a black color.
  • The pointed thread helix ensures easy penetration self-tapping screw into the metal profile and securely holds it there in the future.
  • The cone head is recessed into the material and does not interfere with subsequent finishing.
  • A deep cross-shaped slot on it allows you to screw in a self-tapping screw with a conventional screwdriver or a screwdriver.

When using a screwdriver, you need to act carefully: there is a high risk of drowning the screw too deeply and ruining the material. Facilitate the work: due to its design, it limits the screwing depth of the hardware.

Professionals use . They facilitate and speed up the process of installing drywall sheets at times. But the cost of such a tool is high, so it makes no sense to purchase it for a single repair.

Before calculating how many self-tapping screws will go to the structure, it is logical to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for their placement. Here the following nuances are taken into account:

  • The distance between adjacent screws must be more than 10 cm, otherwise, when screwing in, the sheet gypsum will begin to crumble.
  • When leveling walls or installing partitions, a step of 25–35 cm is taken between the attachment points. It is reduced to 15–20 cm if it is planned to cover the surface with heavy material, such as ceramic tiles, in the future.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands: marking, assembly, finishing

  • More hardware goes to the ceiling sheathing, since they are attached more often: the step is 15–20 cm. The rule works here: the thicker and heavier the drywall, the smaller the distance between the attachment points.
  • When installing in two layers, the first one is fastened less often - every 45–60 cm. The screws that fix the second layer are 10 cm longer. When screwed in, they additionally fix the first one. This reduces the consumption of hardware and frees you from unnecessary costs.
  • Quantity necessary points fastening increases during the construction of curved structures. Here the pitch between the screws is chosen so as to fix the desired surface shape.

Calculation of the number of screws

It is produced according to the frame scheme drawn up. It is clear that the number and dimensions of the guides, as well as the jumpers between them, will be individual for each case. General recommendations the following:

  • For walls, the distance between the guides is 40 or 60 cm. This step allows you to place the joints of the sheets on the surface of the profile.

  • The number of horizontal jumpers depends on the dimensions of the room (one sheet of drywall is often not enough in height), as well as on the requirements for structural rigidity (mandatory when erecting partitions, and when leveling walls they can be neglected).
  • For ceiling structures frames are constructed in the form of cells with dimensions of 40 × 40, 40 × 60 or 60 × 60 cm. This structure ensures a minimum of trimming and joining of elements on the profile.
  • 11 self-tapping screws for each post (the sheet is located vertically, its length is 2500 mm, the fastening pitch is 25 mm).
  • Based on 4 racks - 44 screws.
  • Plus 6 - for attaching to the top and bottom horizontal jumper(three for each - it is enough to place one self-tapping screw between adjacent vertical posts).
  • A total of 50 pieces will go to the sheet.

Consumption of self-tapping screws per 1 m2

Table of consumption of fasteners for wall cladding in one layer according to the Knauf system (C 623.1):

For double wall cladding (C 623.2):

For a partition with drywall fastening in one layer (C 111):

For a partition with a two-layer sheathing (C 112):

For false ceiling:

Online self-tapping calculator for a drywall sheet

In order not to do manual calculations or check yourself, it is convenient to use our calculator, which calculates according to the Knauf formula.

The main attribute of almost any repair, especially European-quality repair, are drywall constructions. And this is not surprising. After all, from GKL (GVL) it is currently possible to "blind" practically any partition or ceiling. For example, for a device multi-level ceiling Most often, drywall is used.

In addition, these structures are quickly erected and are relatively inexpensive. True, there is one minus here - a rather large nomenclature. So, if you decide to independently build partitions and a ceiling from plasterboard sheets in your apartment, and at the same time comply with all technology, then you will have to stock up on more than one type of profile and screws. You will also need dowels, reinforcing mesh, putty, primer, suspensions and connecting elements.

All this must be purchased in the required (or with a small margin) quantity for this design. And for this you need to calculate required amount drywall and profile on the ceiling or wall (partition). Therefore, for those who want to build such structures, and was created this page, which shows an example consumption of materials for the most common drywall constructions:

  • ceiling;
  • wall structures;
  • partitions.
D 113. Plasterboard ceiling on a single-level metal frame.
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
2 m 2 1,05
linear m 2,9
linear m perimeter
4. Profile extension 60/110 PC 0,2
5. Single-level double-sided profile connector (crab) PC 1,7
6a. Hanger with clip PC 0,7
6b. Suspension rod PC 0,7
7. Self-tapping screw ТN25 PC 23
8. Ceiling dowel (Anchor Bierbach) PC 0,7
9. Dowel "K" 6/40 PC perimeter*2
10. Reinforcing tape m 1,2
11. Putty "Fugenfüller". kg 0,35
12. Puttying the surface of sheets Multi-finish kg 1,2
13. Primer "Tifengrund l 0,1
5th century Straight hanger for CD profile 60/27 PC 0,7
PC 1,4

D 112. Plasterboard ceiling on a two-level metal frame.
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
1. Plasterboard sheet KNAUF-GKL (GKLV) m 2 1,05
2. Ceiling profile CD 60/27 linear m 3,2
3. Profile extension 60/110 PC 0,6
4. Two-level profile connector 60/60 PC 2,3
5a. Hanger with clip PC 1,3
5 B. Suspension rod PC 1,3
6. Self-tapping screw ТN25 PC 17
7. Ceiling dowel (Anchor Bierbach) PC 1,3
8. Reinforcing tape m 1,2
9. Putty "Fugenfüller". kg 0,35
10. Puttying the surface of sheets Multi-finish kg 1,2
11. Primer "Tifengrund l 0,1
Possible material replacement. Instead of a clamp hanger and a hanger rod, use: *
5th century Detail ES 60/125 for CD profile 60/27 PC 1,3
5g Self-tapping screw LN 9 PC 2,6
* When lowered false ceiling from the base floor no more than 125 mm

Suspended ceiling Knauf - AMF or ARMSTRONG
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
1. AMF plate (Baikal, Filigran) 600x600 mm PC 2.78
2. Cross profile 0.6 m PC 1,5
3. Main profile 3.6 m PC 0,25
4. Cross profile 1.2 m PC 1,5
5a. Suspension spring with clip "Twist" PC 0,69
5 B. Rod with eye PC 0,69
5th century Rod with hook PC 0,69
6. Corner decorative profile 3 m PC perimeter
7. Anchor element PC 0,69
8. Dowel for attaching the PU profile to the wall PC perimeter*2
Wall structures

W 611. Plasterboard cladding with PERLFIX mounting adhesive
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
m 2 1,05
2. Tape for seams m 1,1
3. Putty "Fugenfüller" (Uniflot) kg 0,3
4. Putty Uniflot (without tape) kg 0,3
5. Gypsum mounting glue KNAUF-Perlfix kg 3,5
8. Primer deep universal Knauf-Tifengrund l 0,69
9. Puttying the surface of sheets Multi-finish kg 1,2
W 623. Plasterboard cladding on a frame made of ceiling profile CD60
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
m 2 1,05
2. Ceiling profile CD 60/27 linear m 2
3. Guide profile UD 28/27 linear m 0,8
4. Hanger straight 60/27 (Detail ES) PC 1,32
5. Sealing tape m 0,85
6. Dowel "K" 6/40 PC 2,2
7. Self-tapping screw LN 9 PC 2,7
8a. Self-tapping screw TN 25 PC 1,7
10. Profile extension PC 0,2
11. Reinforcing tape m 1,1
12. Putty "Fugenfüller" ("Unflot") kg 0,3
13. Deep universal primer KNAUF-Tifengrund l 0,1
14. Mineral wool board m 2 1
15. Puttying the surface of sheets Multi-finish kg 1,2
W 625. Plasterboard cladding on CW and UW profile frame, single layer
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
1. Plasterboard sheet KNAUF-GKL(GKLV) (with single-layer sheathing) m 2 1,05
2. Guide profile UW 75/40 (100/40) linear m 1,1
3. Rack profile CW 75/50 (100/50) linear m 2
4. Self-tapping screw TN 25 PC 17
kg 0,45
6. Reinforcing tape linear m 1,1
7. Dowel "K" 6/40 PC 1,6
8. Sealing tape PC 1,2
l 0,1
10. Mineral wool board m 2 1
kg 1,2
Profile used Partition thickness
1-layer sheathing 2-layer skin
UW 50, CW 50 75 mm 100 mm
UW 75, CW 75 100 mm 175 mm
UW 100, CW 100 150 mm 200 mm
W 111. Knauf drywall partition with single-layer sheathing on a metal frame.
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
1. Plasterboard sheet KNAUF-GKL (GKLV) m 2 2,1
linear m 0,7
linear m 2
4. Self-tapping screw TN25 PC 34
5. Putty "Fugenfüller" ("Uniflot") kg 0,9
6. Reinforcing tape linear m 2,2
7. Dowel "K" 6/40 PC 1,5
8. Sealing tape linear m 1,2
9. Primer deep universal Knauf-Tifengrund l 0,2
10. Mineral wool board m 2 1
11. Puttying the surface of sheets Multi-finish kg 1,2
12. Corner profile running meters on demand
W 112. Knauf plasterboard partition with two-layer sheathing on a metal frame.
Name Unit rev. Consumption rate
per 1 m 2
1. Plasterboard sheet KNAUF-GKL(GKLV) sq.m 4,05
2. Guide profile UW 50/40 (75/40, 100/40) linear m 0,7
3. Rack profile CW 50/50 (75/50, 100/50) linear m 2
4a. Self-tapping screw TN25 PC 14
4b. Self-tapping screw TN 35 PC 30
5. Putty "Fugenfüller" ("Uniflot") kg 1,5
6. Reinforcing tape linear m 2,2
7. Dowel "K" 6/40 PC 1,5
8. Sealing tape linear m 1,2
9. Primer deep universal Knauf-Tifengrund l 0,2
10. Mineral wool board m 2 1
11. Puttying the surface of sheets Multi-finish kg 1,2
12. Corner profile linear m on demand