Supply valves. Supply valve for plastic windows: how to choose and install a ventilation valve Supply valves for windows

The spread of plastic windows has solved the problem of drafts. But it was soon discovered that they had a serious drawback - excessive tightness. The solution in this case is the use of special ventilation devices.


Supply valve on plastic windows- This is a product that completely compensates for the impermeability of a double-glazed window. Opening the windows a little does not allow for the necessary ventilation. Factories produce millions, even tens of millions of valves every year. If they are selected and installed correctly, receipt fresh air guaranteed even with tightly locked doors. On Russian market valves have been around since the late 1990s, but their importance is underestimated by many people.

There is an absurd myth that valves were invented solely to generate additional income for manufacturers.

In reality, a similar design was invented back in the 19th century. At that time, they were already coming up with solutions for supplying air through supply ducts, with the flow directed as close as possible to the ceiling. This made it possible to avoid drafts. In addition, already at the stage of mass housing construction in the second half of the twentieth century, equipping apartments with systems that provided fresh air continued.

The developers of this technology knew for sure that widely used wooden windows were replete with cracks, and still continued their experiments. Contrary to another myth, it is not always possible to replace valves with the skillful use of “combs” and slot ventilation. These approaches are a good complement to each other, especially since you can get fresh air mass even in situations where you cannot open the window. It will not be possible to open it slightly in winter if there is a bed nearby, or when it is very noisy outside. Additional motives are protection from thieves, safety of children and pets on the upper floors.

Kinds A wide variety of plastic windows, the specifics of individual buildings and areas, features and the use of ventilation systems lead to a significant range of valves. To adjust the air flow, a number of models use a manual method. Depending on the designers' intentions, laces can sometimes be used (in the same way as for controlling blinds). This is important because the valve itself is often located quite high. There are versions that are equipped with electric motors.

Typically, the leftmost position of the regulator opens ventilation duct 100% Accordingly, the right position corresponds to its complete closure. Difficulties may be associated with selecting a suitable intermediate regime; choosing it without the help of professionals is very difficult. Automated systems They can be quite expensive, but the fees for them are completely reasonable. Saving thermal energy during the cold period compensates for all investments.

The automatic type of ventilation allows you to track whether there are people in the room, and the ventilation intensity is adjusted accordingly. Such adjustment is made using sensors; depending on the type, they are adjusted to humidity or atmospheric pressure. The system that measures pressure is equipped with a curtain with an overhead suspension. This curtain goes up or down according to the pressure of the air flow, that is, there is no need to use a barometer. Pressure meters are often made using nylon tapes.

The bottom line is that nylon contracts under the influence of moisture, and therefore the air passage gradually increases. Speaking about the division of valves, it should be noted that they belong to one of three groups:

  • slotted;
  • overhead;
  • folded category.

Slit products are able to maintain optimal supply of fresh air. It goes through a channel 17-40 cm wide and 1.2-1.6 cm high. To prevent the penetration of harmful insects and dust particles, an inlet cover is used. It can additionally stop rainwater from entering the house. The hole on the back side of the hood (inside the building) is equipped with a control system.

Slot valves can be installed in the upper lobes of the valves or in horizontal dividing profiles. The advantage of such products is increased throughput and ease of fastening. If we talk about the rebated look exhaust system installed on PVC windows, its important advantages are low cost and simplicity. To allow air to pass through, narrow, small slits made in the vestibule are used. The seam block has improved noise protection characteristics.

In addition, such structures are very easy to install. Insufficient air passage turns out to be a serious weakness. Therefore, folding equipment is not used in large rooms. If they try to put it there, it will only create a lot of problems. According to the developers (and according to consumer estimates), the overhead climate control unit has the highest throughput capacity.

Its disadvantage is quite serious - such equipment cannot be installed on an already used double-glazed window. It is imperative to prepare the site in advance. In addition, overhead units contribute to the penetration of street noise inside. They don't hold heat well. The general conclusion of experts is that such blocks are not suitable for home use.

There is another option constructive solution– supply valve in the form of a handle. This option allows you to avoid violating the design concept of the window. It provides a natural mode of air penetration, which is extremely valuable in the off-season and cold season. Combining the valve with an exhaust apparatus allows you to stabilize the microclimate. Valves in the form of a handle belong to the direct-flow format, and therefore the appearance of condensation in the room is excluded.

Since there is no condensation, the window will not fog up even on the coldest winter day. Valves must be equipped with internal air filters. Their purpose is to prevent contamination of premises with dust particles. These filtration units are supposed to be replaced every 6 months. An important option is micro-ventilation, which helps reduce the need to open windows.

Operating principle

Almost all window ventilation products can operate without any energy sources. It is enough to use the difference in air pressure in the house and in the open space. But for such a system to solve its problem effectively, the trim must have a decent level. Its optimal value is from 10 Pa. There is no need to independently calculate all pressure parameters, you need to focus only on 3 main criteria:

  • full operation of the ventilation system of the house;
  • heating the air outside to a maximum of 5 degrees Celsius;
  • the ability to move air from one room to another in the required volume.

The last parameter is ensured by the fact that the gap in the intermediate doors is at least 20 mm. Due to the objective principles of its operation, the supply valve does not cope well with ventilation if the days are hot. Each design is designed for a specific temperature range. Deviation from established norms immediately entails negative consequences. Products with a filter can protect against the harmful effects of polluted air.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

Domestic valves supplied under the brand "Window Filters", are rated very highly by consumers.

Their advantages are:

  • excellent noise resistance;
  • ability to perform well in the cold;
  • dust removal;
  • protection from insects;
  • reliability during installation.

If we talk about products AirBox, which has already been discussed, the advantages are also obvious - the ability to install with your own hands and soft price. Aereco products allow you to adjust the air flow automatically, effortlessly. Regarding designs from "Domventa", they must be placed directly above the battery. Such blocks perfectly contain noise, stop insects, and can be harmoniously combined with the design of the building.

Regarding blocks KIV-125, then they can be either Finnish or Chinese in origin. The structures supplied from Finland are superior to their Asian counterparts with increased thickness and strength. The density of the insulating material also increases. The inner heads are white and dark, respectively. Constructions Vallox also done on the banks Baltic Sea. The company claims that its products fully meet modern requirements. It is characterized by recovery at the level of 75%. These devices are distinguished by their dependence on electrical energy (which is greatly saved). Dust is filtered, and fine particles are also kept out.

The company supplies external type valves with auxiliary heating and humidity detection. During the production process, a leak test is performed. The electronics can be controlled via a smartphone. If necessary, it can be easily supplemented with devices that measure the level of carbon dioxide in the room. Technical description products says that with their help, even in a small space, it is possible to ensure the receipt of clean air and the removal of dirty air mass, without disturbing the roof and ceilings.

Not only the function of removing bad odors and preventing mold contamination is supported. The air in the room becomes drier and gets rid of the characteristic mustiness. The occurrence of drafts is completely eliminated. The inlet channels are equipped with protective filters that 100% stop contamination not only by dust, but also by plant pollen. Therefore, we can conclude that the Finnish complex completely solves the problem.

An equally high-quality product is supplied from Germany. Valves are a convincing example of this. Marley. Their developers tried to provide maximum cover from pollen. For this purpose, an insulating coating of a special brand of foam rubber is formed. Additionally, such a layer prevents the penetration of noise and inhibits the spread of condensation. The cold does not pass into the house, and the heat does not randomly escape outside. The outlet block is designed for walls with a thickness of 25-58 cm.

The manufacturer guarantees:

  • smooth (stepless) adjustment of air supply;
  • reliable thermal insulation of the inner part of the channel;
  • combination of elegance and simplicity;
  • the ability to compensate for major installation errors by rotating the hood.

How to choose?

Valves for ventilation of plastic windows can be made from:

  • wood;
  • become;
  • plastics.

The cheapest designs cannot regulate the air supply. The only thing they are capable of is reducing the impact of strong winds. It is very important to determine how efficiently the systems operate. The recommended inflow rate per resident is 30 cubic meters. m in 60 minutes. As for the noise absorption level, it should be the same as that of the plastic bags themselves.

Seam and slot designs are optimal for self-assembly. The disadvantage of overlay elements is visual visibility; if you want to mount a hidden block, you need to choose other designs. Aereco versions differ in the method of air flow. The adjustment can be made in an oblique or straight direction. This company has also managed to provide excellent functionality. Its designs can stabilize the humidity in the room thanks to a special function.

In terms of efficiency, domestically produced Air-Box systems differ. In addition, they install well and are not too expensive. Products from Russian companies are gradually entering the market. Among them, Mabitek products are best suited. The most widely used polymer windows have noise protection of 30-35 dB. The valve should have a similar level of protection.

It is important to consider that for winter use you will have to carefully select the design according to:

  • basic material;
  • air flow characteristics;
  • differences between external and room temperatures.

In order for the valve to perform its task well, so that it does not become covered with ice, it is required to be equipped with high-quality thermal protection. Additionally, the use of a “thermal break” is required. This gap is formed from a special kind of plastic placed inside the valve. If it is difficult to give preference to manual or automated adjustment, you should choose valves with mixed settings. Designs that are not at all suitable for adjustment should be immediately rejected, because the need for it is very great.

"Air-Box" from "Mabitek" is distinguished by increased versatility and suitability for installation on bags of any design. If necessary, it is placed in folds, that is, completely invisible from the outside. The design of the “Standard” series involves dividing the valve into two parts. Outdoor unit

located below, and internal - at the top. The action is ensured by rarefaction of the air; the system will not be able to operate if the exhaust ventilation ducts are not functioning properly.

The manufacturer supplies valves with improved acoustic properties. This family is called “Comfort”. Similar products can be selected for a specific type of installation. The classic approach involves indispensable milling of the window profile. All “comfortable” products are manually adjusted. Valves with a micro-ventilation option allow you to deliver 5-7 cubic meters into the room in an hour. m of air.

  • Their advantages are:
  • protection from hot summer air;
  • ventilation without cooling the room during the winter months;
  • exclusion of drafts;
  • long-term operation;
  • stable air exchange without careful adjustments;

The weaknesses of systems operating in micro-ventilation mode are the accumulation of dust on the surface of the mechanism and the penetration of noise through inexpensive products. It is easier to install devices outside than inside. In addition, working from the outside allows you not to rely on automation, but to set the mode yourself. It is important to find out whether metal parts are sufficiently protected from the formation of an ice layer. Compared to all these characteristics, price parameters are not significant.

In addition to the already mentioned manufacturers of window supply valves, the German brand Siegenia attracts attention. The quality of its products generally satisfies consumers, but there are only a few models that do not reduce the flow of light. A very wide offer of valves is characteristic of the Rehau concern. Moreover, the differences also concern their configuration, and everything works automatically. Reliable, environmentally friendly plastic is used to create the structures.

Part of the ventilation slats contains many chambers. Depending on the current need for fresh air, they open a certain number of holes. But such a solution, with all its seductive simplicity, brings into the rooms, along with fresh air currents, also all the extraneous noise. You can choose this design only if the windows overlook quiet areas of the area. Or in a situation where noise coming from outside will not have a serious negative impact.

Otherwise, you need to choose designs that are regulated by a stable pressure drop. An example of such a product is “Climamat”, which provides regulation of the amount of incoming air and humidity in the room. The device is suitable for full monitoring of the microclimate, for its deep stabilization. Unlike Siegenia analogues, their size is relatively small and there is no need to violate the properties of the window. The system operates silently and filters the incoming air, guaranteed to eliminate drafts. You can purchase a similar valve for any type of window profile. He will also be able to withstand all possible loads.

Even if well-designed and carefully selected valves from leading manufacturers are installed, you will still need to ventilate the room periodically. As with the purchase of other building materials and components, it is equally undesirable to make a choice of valves only according to very affordable price. But there is no point in trying to buy the most expensive product - almost always such expenses are wasted.


Installing a supply valve with your own hands or with the help of professional installers is possible only in two ways. In the first case, they try to install it when the double-glazed window is completely replaced. The new package should be smaller in size than the old product, since the border of the frame and the slope will be equipped with a valve. The labor intensity of the work is very high, and costs rise sharply. And at the same time, the flux of solar rays is significantly reduced.

According to the second scheme, installation takes place in the window frame. Total installation time is limited to ½ hour. First you need to select a suitable installation position.

There are three ways:

  • on top of the frame;
  • on top of a separate sash;
  • at the intersection of windows with main walls (as mentioned above, this is allowed strictly simultaneously with the installation of the package).

When the point is determined, the device is applied, the sash is opened and closed. At the same time, make sure that the valve does not press against the slope. Once the positions for fastening have been outlined, you need to take a utility knife and make cuts on the side. The insulation material installed during installation of the package must be replaced with a different insulation material. Next, the film located on the valve bodies must be removed, then the products are attached using self-tapping screws.

If the delivery kit includes auxiliary seals, they must be inserted into the gaps of the fasteners. On the opposite side (relative to the valve), the old seal must be cut out. To replace it, use the one included in the kit. It's not too difficult to do this kind of work. But it is important to take into account the features of each design and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Often, high-quality, flawless installation is only possible in large-scale production conditions. Attempting to install individual valves yourself or inviting specialists does not help matters much. They most often drill the profile several dozen times, practically rendering it unusable. The holes that appear are covered with a valve, and nothing can be seen from the outside. But the reliability of such a design, service life and performance do not withstand even a shadow of criticism.

Therefore, it is much better to buy something that is mounted without inserting into the profile. In addition, such elements are often cheaper and are secured with a screwdriver. And manufacturers provide clear, detailed instructions that make it possible to almost completely eliminate the occurrence of errors. Let's look at do-it-yourself work using the example of installing affordable valves.

First of all, you should prepare working space, freeing it from unnecessary elements. Next, prepare sharply sharpened stationery knives and screwdrivers. Having opened the window, try on the valve on the surface of the frame in the right place. Now you need to cut the sealing rubber with the orientation towards the outer edges of the valve. The part of the elastic band marked with cuts must be removed carefully so as not to break or tear anything. At points where the work plan provides for fastening self-tapping screws, it is necessary to insert embedded-type fastening dowels.

Now it is necessary to integrate a pair of sealing products exactly between the fastening positions. Having done this, change the rubber frame seal in the right place to the one that is included in the ventilation kit. All that remains is to enjoy the result of your work. All necessary manipulations are completed in 15 minutes. If there are any subtleties or nuances, they are always indicated in the accompanying documentation.

But it is necessary to mention a few more points that are also typical for any model passed through walls. The outer parts of the air intakes must be covered with visors. They block water and various precipitation from seeping into the house. Compact telescopic channels are combined with the housings and secured with a special sleeve. Most valves are mounted in upper parts valves

Methods of regulation

Micro-ventilation of plastic windows is configured as follows. First, open the sash and remove a certain part of the seal. A knife is used for this purpose. After gluing the gasket included in the delivery set, install 3 plugs. The mechanism is adjusted using a special screwdriver, which is needed to adjust the hinges. If the frost is severe, it is strictly forbidden to close the inflow valve completely. To remove dust clogging the external visor, use a vacuum cleaner. The body itself is cleaned with a damp cloth, both procedures are carried out 2 times a year. Do not clean the valve with synthetic products. If renovations are being carried out indoors, the product must be protected from dust contamination.

When choosing an operating mode, you need to focus on an air speed of 15 cm per second. If the valve closes completely in cold weather, this cannot be tolerated. You will have to seal the external gap that allows air to pass through. Minor extraneous noise should not be perceived as something negative. This is an inevitable companion to the normal operation of the device, especially with overhead structures.

When selecting a valve, the performance range must be assessed based on the current pressure. It is not at all guaranteed that air flow through a valve designed for 15 cc. m per hour at 10 Pa will be higher than through a device designed for 12 m3 at 5 Pa. For stable operation of vent valves in summer period it is required to use an artificial hood supplemented with fans. Must be sealed entrance doors from the side of the street or entrance. The presence of other sources of cold air will devalue the entire system.

They have quite a few advantages over their wooden predecessors. But they also have some disadvantages. For example, perfect tightness saved the home from drafts, but at the same time the microclimate changed for the worse.

A ventilation valve for a plastic window will help get rid of this and other problems.

Is it really necessary?

The loose fit of the wooden window parts generated constant drafts. And if in the summer this made me happy, in the winter it caused inconvenience. The older generation remembers how they had to caulk cracks in the fall. But at the same time, the home had an ideal microclimate, there was no stale air. For the same reason, ordinary wooden windows do not sweat, but plastic ones often “cry”, which leads to the rapid formation of mold.

Don’t forget about the factors of normal life:

Drying washed clothes in the apartment;

Human breathing produces carbon dioxide


Emission of steam, heating of oils during cooking, etc.

These factors can significantly damage plastic double-glazed windows. Experts recommend ventilating a room with such windows 1.5-2 hours a day at any time of the year.

Solid advantages

According to manufacturers, a ventilation valve for a plastic window is an ideal device. It does not reduce the amount of incoming light, does not cause drafts, maintains air exchange, creates a constant flow of fresh air, without at the same time cooling the temperature in the room and without impairing one of the highly valued properties of plastic double-glazed windows - sound insulation.

In addition, a constant flow of air keeps the indoor microclimate at a comfortable level, while ventilation causes the temperature to constantly jump.

Design features

The narrow oblong plastic part is a ventilation valve for a plastic window. The openings from which the air taken from the street comes out are directed upwards. Thanks to this, there are no drafts and the air temperature in the room remains constant.

Valves from almost all manufacturers have several operating options. Adjustment is necessary to set a certain air exchange mode. There are usually two reasons: the difference in humidity and temperature in the home and outside.

Ways to regulate air flow

There are two types of vent settings:

Manual. For this purpose, some models have a cord (like a blind), since the valve is usually located quite high. For other devices, adjustment takes place via a slider. As a rule, its leftmost position completely opens the valve curtain, while the right position blocks the air flow. Therefore, how to close the ventilation valve on a plastic window with manual settings usually does not raise any questions. The only inconvenience is that it is quite difficult to choose the right mode yourself.

Automatic. This option is ideal, but you will have to pay extra for it. However, the expenses are justified. For example, saving heat in winter. In the absence of residents, the humidity in the room decreases and the device reduces the flow of fresh air. The operation of automatic adjustment is based on sensors that measure either humidity inside and outside, or pressure.

If the automatic option is based on pressure measurement, then the system works as follows. A curtain with an upper suspension rises or falls depending on the air flow (wind) pressing on it. If the ventilation valve for a plastic window is equipped with a pressure sensor, which is made of nylon tapes, then the adjustment will be carried out by increasing or decreasing the cross-section of the throughput hole. The system is simple: the more humid the air in the room, the wider the valve is open.

Types of valves

There are only three types of ventilation valves on the market:

  1. Slit valves. Provide sufficient air flow. It enters through an opening, the width of which ranges from 170 to 400 mm, and the height from 12 to 16 mm. On the street side, the hole is closed by an inlet block. It reliably protects the gap from insects, large particles of dust blown by the wind, and from rain. From the side of the room, the hole is closed by a control block. This supply valve for plastic windows is placed in the upper part of the sash or in the horizontal dividing profile. The advantages of this type of device are high throughput and ease of mounting, which does not require dismantling.
  2. Seam valves. A cheap and simple ventilation valve for installed plastic windows. Seam valves supply air into the room through small narrow cutouts in the vestibule. The undoubted advantages are installation, which takes place without much effort, and the preservation of sound insulation. A small minus is low bandwidth, which is why for large rooms rebated valves are not suitable.
  3. Overhead valves. A similar ventilation valve for plastic windows (reviews from numerous customers confirm this) has the highest throughput. But the overhead option cannot be used on already installed double-glazed windows. You need to prepare a place for it in advance.

There is quite a large selection of products available in stores and markets. the lineup products of this type. They differ in installation methods, volume of air passed through and other characteristics. The main disadvantage of using overhead valves is significant losses in the sound and heat insulation characteristics of double-glazed windows. Therefore, experts do not recommend using them at home.

For those who do not want to spoil the window design, the designers suggested perfect solution. This is a ventilation valve handle for plastic windows. The advantages are significant:

The device is designed to provide natural air flow, which is especially important in the off-season and cold season;

The valve, in combination with the exhaust system, restores the microclimate of the room, eliminating excess moisture;

The handle valve for double-glazed windows is a direct-flow design, so the flow of cold air entering the room does not create condensation, which allows the window not to freeze at low temperatures;

An air filter is built into the valve, which prevents dust from entering the living space. It needs to be replaced every six months.

How to choose

A ventilation valve for plastic windows (price starts from 200 rubles) is selected according to several criteria. They start with the material. It can be metal, wood or plastic. Another important aspect is adjusting the air supply hole. The line of inexpensive models does not have this function. They only provide for restricting the air flow in strong winds.

Attention should also be paid to the efficiency of the device. As noted in user reviews, it is necessary to start from the number of people living in the room. It is believed that an air flow of 30 m3/h is required per adult family member.

The noise-absorbing characteristics of the selected valve should be close to the corresponding characteristics of the installed double-glazed windows.

If you have to install it yourself, it is better to choose rebated or slotted valves.

There are no other special nuances. All that remains is to compare prices, find out brands and study the quality of the goods offered.


The most popular devices are the brands Aereco, Air-Box (Comfort, Comfort-S) and Regel-Air.

Aereco models have different air flow rates. Both oblique and straight direction can be adjusted. They also differ in great functionality. In addition to their main responsibilities, Aereco, for example, normalizes the level of humidity in a living space. The hygrocontrol function is responsible for this.

Air-Box is a leading manufacturer of ventilation valves. Devices from this manufacturer have the best efficiency parameters and are easy to install. They are also compact and relatively cheap.

Ventilation valves from domestic manufacturers are also available for sale. For example, the Mabitek company released a line of these devices.

Installation of a ventilation valve on plastic windows

There are only two options. The first is global. Complete glass replacement. Moreover, the new one should be a little smaller, because a valve will appear at the junction of the frame and slopes. In addition to high costs, there is another disadvantage - the luminous flux is significantly reduced.

The second option is installation in a window frame. The work lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Step-by-step instruction

The device can be mounted in the following ways:

On any sash from above;

On the frame;

At the junction of the window and the wall (only possible when installing a double-glazed window).

The easiest installation option involves the following steps:

  1. Determine where to install the valve.
  2. Apply the device, then open and close the door. The valve should not rest against the slope.
  3. Having outlined the mounting locations for the device, we make side cuts with a utility knife.
  4. We remove the insulation that was laid when installing the double-glazed window and insert the fastening seal.
  5. Remove from the device body protective film and fasten it with self-tapping screws to the prepared place.
  6. We insert the additional seals included in the kit between the fasteners.
  7. Against installed product cut out the old seal and insert the one supplied with the valve.

Installing ventilation valves on plastic windows is not particularly difficult.


The supply valve for plastic windows has some operating features. It is strictly forbidden to wet or wash it. It is also not recommended to disassemble it. You can use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. In case of general cleaning, construction or finishing work, the device must be sealed (for example, with special tape).

Clean the valve at least twice a year.

Before the winter cold, it is necessary to properly insulate the valve. Special attention devote to its internal part. If the device body is metal, then a plastic thermal break must be installed between the external and internal parts.

The modern construction industry has developed sealed plastic windows, which are widely used. But, in tandem with natural ventilation, plastic double-glazed windows work differently. When using the built-in macro- and micro-ventilation modes, either the required volume of air is not provided, or a real draft is created. And when the plastic windows are closed, the hood does not work at all and stuffiness appears. The ventilation valve for plastic windows was an excellent solution to the problem. Without violating the tightness of window structures, the valves are capable of not only providing ventilation of the room when the windows are completely closed, but also.

Advantages of using ventilation valves:

  1. Creation of microclimate parameters necessary for human health.
  2. Increasing the service life of premises due to the removal of excess moisture and prevention of formation, especially in kitchens, balconies and loggias.
  3. Heat savings due to controlled air flow.
  4. Security: the likelihood of intruders entering is reduced, because ventilation occurs with the windows closed.
  5. Ease of use.

Types of ventilation valves

Criteria for choosing window ventilation valves

In order for the operation of the supply ventilation valve on plastic windows to be effective, the multifunctionality of this device is necessary. To determine the class of ventilation valves, there are the following most important characteristics:

  • Ensuring the required air exchange parameters: the valve must operate for an influx of outside air equal to at least 30 m3/hour (per 1 person).
  • Ensuring the required noise level: for standard plastic windows this indicator is set at 30-35 dB.
  • Features of winter operation: this indicator depends on the valve material, the difference between external and internal temperatures, and air flow parameters. For efficient work ventilation valve and preventing its icing, it is important to maintain high-quality thermal insulation of the valve structure and the use of a so-called “thermal break” made of plastic between the outer and inner surface its metal body.
  • Control method: it is possible to install supply valves for plastic windows with automatic, manual and mixed regulation(tandem of the two previous types).
  • Valve location: exists window and wall installation option. When mounted on a wall, the costs of punching holes in the enclosing structures of the room and disturbing the exterior of the facade by the appearance of foreign elements increase significantly. The window option is more economical, simple and invisible.
  • Method of installation of the structure: installation in an existing plastic double-glazed window or by replacing the double-glazed window with a new one and reducing its size.

Advice: You should not consider valves that are not equipped with the ability to regulate, since the need to change the air flow is dictated by practice.

Most popular designs

Aereco window ventilation valves

The French development of the Aereco company has found wide application in Russia. The supply ventilation valve is equipped with the ability to regulate by means of a sensor consisting of several polyamide plates, which, when expanded, drive the opening mechanism. Installation can be carried out both in grooves cut in the window block and on the wall of the room.

A special feature of Aereco valves is the removal of the humidity sensor from the valve, which provides a real reflection of the air parameters in the room. The advantages include the absence of the need for any types of energy, laying of air ducts and silent operation. The Aereco line of ventilation valves for plastic windows includes several modifications that differ in the degree of regulation and noise performance.

Air-Box window ventilation systems

The Russian company Mabitek decided to keep up with its foreign colleagues and developed truly universal Air-Box window ventilation valves, which can be installed on window units of any design. Its undoubted advantage is the ability to install it in the rebate of the window block, which makes the valve invisible.

The standard version (Air-Box Standard) involves the installation of two parts of the valve: the lower external one, which takes air from the street, and the upper one, which supplies a flow of fresh air into the room. The principle of operation of the valve is based on creating a vacuum in the room with the windows closed and ventilation running, under the influence of which the valve petals open and a constant air exchange of about 6 m3/hour is created.

Important: Forced ventilation on plastic windows will effectively cope with its task only with properly functioning exhaust ventilation.

This brand also produces a range of noise dampers labeled the Comfort series. They differ in the choice of installation options. Typical installation involves milling window profile, while the millless one can be done independently by removing the seal, and it will only take 10-15 minutes of time. These valves are intended to be manually adjusted. The Comfort S modification is designed specifically for fixed window structures and involves through drilling of the window block, so direct ventilation is possible.

All Air-Box valves are leaders due to their reasonable cost, efficient operation, relatively small dimensions and simple installation technology.

And about the various options for films for window tinting on this page.

Valve installation

Professionals use two options for installing ventilation valves. The first involves dismantling the old double-glazed window and installing a new one with reduced dimensions. In this case, the gap formed between the window opening and the block is occupied by the valve itself. This method has significant disadvantages: increased costs required to order and install a new window unit, and a reduction in the area of ​​translucent structures.

The ventilation valve for plastic windows, the installation of which is carried out according to the second option, is mounted in the place of the frame. Convenience this method The owners of premises in which sealed plastic double-glazed windows have already been installed will appreciate it. All manipulations to install the valve will take no more than half an hour.

The video demonstrates the installation process of the Air-Box slot valve.

Methods of regulation

Depending on the design of the valve mechanism, the flow of supply air on plastic windows with ventilation can be adjusted or have constant parameters. Optimal conditions The internal microclimate of the room will be helped by creating a valve with the ability to regulate, which can be either manual or automatic. The latter type of regulation is more comfortable and carried out based on the readings of the hygroregulation sensor, which monitors the air humidity value in the room. Regulation occurs by changing the cross-section of the air passage channel in several modes, up to complete closure. The maximum cross section corresponds to highest value humidity. This type regulation allows to reduce heat loss, since ventilation occurs only when there are people in the room and the air humidity increases. When the room is empty and the humidity drops, the valve closes completely.

Choice manual method settings accompanies the need to constantly think about what time to ventilate b, what is the sequence of ventilation of the premises and the opening time of the valve required for ventilation. Manual adjustment can only limit the air flow in gusty winds. This setting is rougher and can lead to drafts in the room.

Care and maintenance

Another integral advantage of ventilation valves for windows is the ease of maintenance. For its comfortable operation, it is enough to clean its surface from dirt only once a year; this is all about maintenance.

Distinctive feature metal-plastic windows– the ability to retain heat in a residential building. They effectively prevent the penetration of sound, cold, and moisture. At the same time, these solutions do not provide inner space sufficient fresh air. Only the right decision– install a supply valve on plastic windows. What kind of products are these, and what is their purpose?

Are air supply devices necessary at all?

Plastic windows have a lot of obvious advantages. They were appreciated not only by the owners of city apartments, but also of country cottages. But with all its “advantages” visually beautiful solutions de facto worsen the microclimate of housing. Installing supply valves on PVC windows is the most affordable and easiest way to normalize temperature and humidity conditions, leveling the risk of mold and mildew.

So, what is this device and how does it work? The supply valve for plastic windows is a small solution that is usually installed in the top sash of the frame. It is located in a strictly horizontal position, due to which the exhaust function is realized. A small valve not only eliminates the likelihood of condensation forming in the frame, but also helps maintain a comfortable microclimate.

It is advisable to use supply valves on windows for a number of reasons:

  • during its operation, any heat losses are eliminated, the level of sound insulation is maintained at the original level;
  • unlike traditional ventilation, drafts do not occur;
  • the window opening does not change in any way from the point of view of light penetration;
  • the product can be easily installed, no problems arise during operation;
  • The operation of the device can be adjusted at your own discretion.

Why are supply valves needed?

Design features and nuances of operation

Proper installation of a supply valve on a plastic window is possible only if you have a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of operation of this device. During the installation process, a section with rubber seal, moreover, both at the sash and at the frame. It is replaced with an additional layer of sealant and a supply device, to which the role of passive ventilation is delegated.

Solutions installed in this way allow you to divert warm air outside and take fresh oxygen into the room. This is achieved due to the pressure difference. The system operates provided that the temperature outside the window is not lower than +5°C. In sultry heat, ventilation products are activated thanks to forced exhaust.

The valve for a plastic window includes a number of elements:

  • external air intake structure(can only be mounted with outside frames). Above the product itself there must certainly be a visor that prevents moisture and atmospheric residues from penetrating inside;
  • compact telescopic channel– a small element combined with the window casing and secured with a special sleeve;
  • inner fragment located inside the room. From a structural point of view, this is one of the most complex elements system, which includes: a control mechanism (to adjust the air flow), a filtration grille and an outlet nozzle.

Construction device

There are a number of conditions necessary for effective work in plastic windows:

  • functioning of the main house ventilation duct;
  • the presence of natural air exchange (small gaps in the floor, in interior doors);
  • tightness of the entrance door;
  • outside the window the temperature is not lower than +5°C.

Be sure to watch the video on how the air supply device works.

The program “Miracle of Technology” on NTV, about Aereco supply valves

There is a wide range of exhaust solutions for PVC windows on sale. As for the differences between specific models, they are usually considered according to a number of criteria.

Types of supply devices

Depending on the prevailing design material:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

According to the fresh air intake method indoors:

  • Overhead solutions. A ventilation valve for plastic windows characterized by high efficiency. Its key feature is the need to “adjust” the design of the frame and glass unit to the exhaust device. Such products cannot be built into finished window. The main scope of application is warehouse facilities and industrial complexes.
  • Supply and slot structures. Air intake is carried out through a 16 cm slot. There is a special control unit inside the room, and an inlet unit outside, which prevents the penetration of insects, small particles and precipitation. There is no need to dismantle the window for installation. The product has fairly high performance.
  • Seam products. One of the most affordable types of windows. Fresh oxygen is supplied through small cutouts located in the vestibule. The solutions are distinguished by good sound insulation, low throughput and ease of installation.

By type of control:

  • manual;
  • automatic.

note! Original designs in the form of a valve-handle are in great demand. This product replaces the traditional window handle and at the same time does not violate appearance the opening itself.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a ventilation valve

Let’s take a closer look at the nuances of installing the valve yourself. This event does not require any specialized skills, and the entire process lasts up to 40-60 minutes.

To install a supply valve on windows with your own hands, you should prepare:

  • sample;
  • medium length screwdriver;
  • complete valve;
  • stationery knife.

All of the listed elements necessary for the installation of small products are included in the standard delivery set. The length of the valve does not exceed 35 cm. In addition to it, you will need 2 seals, the length of each of which is at least 16 cm, as well as an additional segment of 35 cm. To fix the structure, special fasteners with self-tapping screws are used.

Stage 1 . Localization of the installation site. Window supply valves are usually placed in the upper part of the sash. Experts recommend marking a place in the middle of the structure, and then attaching a template to it and tracing it around.

Stage 2 . Seal recess. In the designated area, the standard sealant must be removed. It is not fixed too tightly and if you make small cuts with a stationery knife, the rubber product can be removed absolutely freely.

Stage 3 . Installation of dowel clamps. It is necessary to insert 3 dowels into the free groove. Their main purpose is to secure the valve body to the base of the leaf. One dowel is placed exactly in the middle, and the remaining 2 are placed at the edges.

Stage 4 . Installing a ventilation device on a window. To make work more convenient, we recommend that you first apply double-sided mounting tape to the surface of the sash. The valve is located in the most preferred position.

Stage 5 . Fixing the valve on window sash . The ventilation product must be attached to the profile structure using self-tapping screws (don’t forget about dowels). This will allow you to securely fasten the product.

Stage 7 . Removing the old frame seal. To ventilation device To function properly, it needs to provide a supply of clean air. For this purpose, experts strongly recommend abandoning the standard seal, replacing it with the one that comes with the valve. Opposite the fixed valve, a segment is marked, the total length of which must be at least 35 cm. We dismantle the old seal and then replace it with a new one.

The frame seal looks like the one shown in the image below. If you take a narrower seal, then a small gap will form between the sash and the base of the frame, through which fresh oxygen is taken. The window will remain operational.

At this point, the installation process is considered complete. At your own discretion, you can adjust the flow of oxygen using a small slider. In the right position, the curtain will be fully open, therefore, the air flow will be maximum.

The device discussed in our article is a useful and necessary solution for every home, which allows you to significantly improve the microclimate of your home. Installation work If desired, you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. Installation features depend on the configuration, design and specific valve model.

IN Lately Plastic windows are increasingly being used in various areas of construction of buildings and structures. Thanks to most of their advantages, these structures can be used in both residential and industrial construction. They protect well from heat and cold, prevent the penetration of noise and various odors, as well as harmful insects. But there is also a huge drawback, which is the obstruction of air from entering the room.

It can be noted here that this is not entirely a disadvantage of plastic. It can be noted that these particular structures are not provided for houses that were built in past centuries.

Ventilation and plastic: compatible or not?

Why in modern world Haven’t figured out a way to effectively ventilate windows yet? Here we need to understand the question more. Here everything was based on the presence of a hood in the kitchen and bathroom, as well as ventilation through the door and window slits. This technique was invented a long time ago and has already met the expectations of the inventors.

And now you can look at this invention from the perspective of arranging new plastic windows. When the structure goes through the installation process, all cracks and gaps are sealed, thereby creating humidity in the room. This disrupts natural air exchange due to air not entering the room. Indoors at home or it becomes stuffy, humid and discomfort begins. Here a process can begin, which will consist of the following: all the air will not leave the room, but will remain there constantly, and also all the smells from the neighboring apartments will be felt completely by you.

Here we can highlight other problems that arise during operation. Due to the constant closing of windows, condensation may form inside the structure, which will prevent the normal use of materials. It is best to keep the windows on the micro-ventilation function to prevent the glass from fogging up.

Plastic window ventilation mode

Of course, you can get rid of such problems with simple ventilation using several built-in modes. Also, when purchasing, you should consider the number of cameras. If there is a cold temperature, it is better to buy multi-chamber windows, which will retain heat much better. Of course, you will have to overpay for quality, but the result will not keep you waiting.

Combining ventilation and windows

Is it possible to combine ventilation and windows? The answer is simple - you can. There are quite a few options for the device. There are quite a few combinations, some of which are:

  • with a window;
  • with self-ventilation;
  • with comb;
  • with ventilation valve;

Drilling a hole to install the ventilation valve

Ventilation valve on the room side

And from the street side

Windows with a window

A fairly common method of ventilation, which is used quite for a long time. It provides for the supply of air under the ceiling in the room, which is then mixed with room air, thereby forming a cool and clean product. This prevents the appearance of drafts or condensation in the window.

The disadvantages of this design are the rather high cost and complexity of the design, which increases the weight of the materials. It is worth noting here that when the design becomes more complex, a large amount of light flux is lost, which makes the room quite dark. This is not always good.

Plastic windows with self-ventilation

Self-ventilated windows are the best option for installation in all buildings. They can find application in both civil and industrial construction. This option consists in the fact that the designs use profiles with holes at the top and bottom of the frame. The holes are located in the upper inner and lower outer parts. Air masses passing through the lower part are heated, and already heated air enters the room.

The principle works very well, but has some limitations. Such structures cannot be installed on upper floors due to insufficient air supply. Due to this deficiency in many systems, ventilation valves for windows have recently become widespread.

Windows with combs

These windows are the most widespread today. With this device, the windows have a built-in regulator that allows you to either open the window completely or open it in several modes.

This mechanism is very inexpensive, but gives quite good results. The comb makes it possible to regulate all incoming masses and leave the window in an intermediate position mode.

Ventilation valve in windows

For normal operation, such a device must combine several functions for full operation. If such laws are observed, the entire room will be constantly ventilated, which will ensure normal temperature conditions. It should be noted here that such a valve has several varieties, which are called classes. The classes are very different from each other and have different ways installation

To put the valve in window frame you can either replace the entire glass unit, or replace the part that is responsible for ventilation. There are also some disadvantages, which include increased cost and weight of the structure. Such operations are carried out in less than an hour, but guarantee a fairly good result.

Next, you need to decide on the control mode. Here, as in any design, both automatic and manual modes can be used. These options have their differences, which are as follows. Using a manual one, you can regulate the ventilation, thereby placing it where it is needed. Partial ventilation is applicable here, which allows these processes to be carried out only where it is required. As for automatic control, then everything is very simple. The mechanism built into the windows itself regulates the required temperature and, if necessary, adds air masses at the desired temperature. However, there is a third option, which combines all the advantages and removes many of the disadvantages of the two previous modes. This is a mixed mode. It allows you to customize any mode whenever it is convenient.

Operation in winter

This may cause problems of its own, which include the appearance of condensation. But such a disadvantage is impossible to predict. It will be different in every case. This consequence will depend on the temperature of the outside air, the material of the walls, and the intimacy of the windows themselves.

Climate valve

When operating in winter, it is worth noting that under any circumstances the premises should be ventilated at least 2 times a week. This will ensure fairly durable use of the structures and protect them from condensation.


When considering this issue, you need to remember that it is better to hire good specialists, which will qualitatively install this structure.

If installed incorrectly, all sorts of difficulties subsequently arise, which sometimes lead to rotting. large quantities moisture. This can lead to rather dire results and money will be thrown away.

Window ventilator installation

Very important . How to arrange it correctly - read in a separate article.