Rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment. Organization of the operation of engineering equipment of hotels Rules for the operation of hotels and their equipment

The whole range of works on the operation of the building premises and hotel equipment can be combined into 4 key groups: Maintenance of the hotel building and facilities; Sanitary maintenance of the hotel premises and the surrounding area; Security utilities; Repair of premises and reconstruction of buildings and structures of the hotel. Maintenance is a set of works and measures to maintain in good condition all elements of the building and facilities of the hotel, as well as ensuring compliance with the parameters of these...

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Lecture 2 Managing the operation of the building of the hotel complex.

Any hotel complex – it is not just a service business, it is, first of all property,which requires correct operation and management.

The whole complex of works for the operation of the building,hotel rooms and equipment can be combined into 4 key groups:

  1. Maintenance of the building and facilities of the hotel;
  2. Sanitary maintenance of the hotel premises and the surrounding area;
  3. Provision of public services;
  4. Repair of premises and reconstruction of buildings and structures of the hotel.

Maintenanceis a set of works and measures to maintain in good condition all elements of the building and facilities of the hotel,as well as ensuring that the parameters of these elements meet the requirements of performance standards.

The complex of measures for the maintenance of the hotel building may include the following works:

  • Periodic Inspection structures and engineering equipment of hotel facilities,as well as external communications;
  • Carrying out technical supervision and assessment of the technical condition of the structure and communications;
  • Adjustment technical systems and fixing minor damageensuring continuity of service for guests;
  • Works on preparation for seasonal operation spring-summer, and autumn-winter;

Maintenance planning involves the implementation of following works:

  • Refinement and update project documentation buildings and communications,its examination for existing and proposed technical and performance characteristics building elements and equipment;
  • Determination of requirements and indicators for the level of quality,to be achieved as a result of the implementation of measures to technical operation ;
  • Drawing up a list of maintenance and current repairs inside and outside the hotel;
  • Conducting an assessment of the frequency of work performance and the volume of their resource support,and matching needs and opportunities.

The procedure for organizing and conducting complex activities for the maintenance of the hotel building:

  1. Planning and analysis of measures for technical operation;
  2. Organization and maintenance of the hotel building;
  3. Control and evaluation of the effectiveness of activities;

Sanitary content.Represents the cleaning of guest rooms and public areas.This function is one of the most important in the hotel operation system,as well as rather complicated in terms of implementation due to big amount premises requiring daily cleaning and the constant need to coordinate information about the status of guest rooms with the accommodation service

Provision of hotel services. Represents the resource planning process,ensuring the normal functioning of the hotel,as well as checking the level of resource provision.

Cost planningcan be implemented:

  • Using aggregated indicators of resource expenditures,normalized per unit volume or area,according to the type of building and specifications ;
  • Calculation of costs or by the power of consumers of resources,available on site,or using calculation models and standards;

Renovation of premises and structures of the hotel.During the maintenance of a hotel building, not only its physical deterioration is assessed,but also its functional obsolescence.Depending on the condition of the premises and on the level of compliance of the parameters of its elements with the standards,accepted in the hotel industry,renovation and reconstruction works are planned.

The whole set of repair or reconstruction works can be grouped into two main blocks:

  • Scheduled preventive maintenance work those. work and activities for current and major repairs at regular intervals in order to maintain the operating parameters of the hotel during normative term service taking into account physical wear and tear;
  • Repair work to improve the technical and economic characteristics of the hotel to prevent or eliminate obsolescence of the building in order to increase the efficiency of its use;

To the works of a planned preventive nature, to a greater extent include current repairs.

Current repair ensures the prevention of premature wear of structures,finishing and engineering equipment,as well as the elimination of minor damage and malfunctions.According to the types of work performed, current repairs are distinguished:

  • Current preventive maintenance
  • Current emergency repairs
  • emergency repair
  • Security and maintenance repair

To repair work to improve the technical and economic characteristics of the hotel, usually, including overhaul(clause) Major overhaul consists of replacing andrecovery separate parts or entire structuresas well as engineering and technical equipment of the building in connection with the physical,obsolescence and destruction.

There are the following types overhaul:

  • Complex overhaul
  • Selective overhaul

Technical documentation.

The technical documentation is the main basis for planning,organization and analysis of the effectiveness of the operation of the hotel building.The technical documentation of the hotel building includes technical documentation for long-term storage, they include:

  • site plan to scale 1:1000 - 1:2000 with residential buildings and structures,located on it;
  • design estimates andexecutive drawings for the hotel building;
  • hotel building acceptance certificates from construction organizations;
  • technical condition certificates hotel buildings for transfer to the owner;
  • water supply network diagrams, sewer, central heating, heat, gas, electricity supply, etc.;
  • boiler business passports, boiler books;
  • lift passports;
  • technical passports for each building, construction and land plot ;
  • executive drawings of ground loops(for buildings, grounded) .

Technical documentation for long-term storage should be adjusted as the technical condition changes,revaluation of fixed assets,overhaul or reconstruction, etc.

Included in the documentationreplaced due to the expiration of its validity, includes:

  • estimates, descriptions of works for current and major repairs;
  • certificates of technical inspections;
  • application logs;
  • electrical resistance measurement protocols;
  • ventilation measurement protocols.

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1. Basic provisions
General instructions
Hospitality management
The procedure for accepting the hotel industry
Hotel Inspection System
Repair and improvement of the hotel fund
Organization of the operation of the hotel fund
2. Operation building structures and hotel premises
Foundations and basement walls
Windows and doors
Special measures for the technical operation of the building
Protection wooden structures from destruction by smoke mushrooms and wood-destroying insects
Elimination of dampness in operated buildings
Eliminate noise in buildings
Preparing hotels for winter
Operation of residential and auxiliary premises of hotels
Residential and utility rooms
Attic space
Cellars and technical undergrounds
3. Rules for the operation of engineering equipment of hotels
Central heating
Hot water supply
Air conditioning
Water supply and sewerage
Internal gutters from the roofs
Gas supply
Garbage and dust removal
electrical equipment
Elevators and lifts
Radio and television
Means of automation, dispatching and engineering equipment, communications and instrumentation
Dispatching service
The main ways to save heat and electrical energy
Inventory and its contents
4. Rules for the operation of the territory adjacent to the hotel, and the implementation of sanitary and hygienic measures
Technical maintenance, cleaning, sanitary cleaning, landscaping
Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the hotel
5. Rules for safety, labor protection and fire safety in the operation of hotels
Safety and labor protection regulations
Fire Safety Rules
Appendix 1. The act of acceptance and delivery of the hotel industry when changing the director or chief engineer (engineer) of the hotel (hotel branch)
Appendix 2. Terms of troubleshooting when performing unscheduled maintenance of certain parts of hotel buildings and their equipment
Appendix 3. Ventilation and air conditioning systems in hotel rooms
Appendix 4. The lowest illumination of hotel premises
Appendix 5 Permissible levels sound and sound pressure and their corrections
Appendix 6. Recommendations for sealing window casings in hotel buildings
Annex 7. Improving the sustainability of operation and data on the control of water consumption in the water supply systems of hotels
Annex 8. Operational modes of operation of air-thermal curtains and air heating in hotels
Annex 9
Appendix 10. Recommendations for decorative landscaping of hotels
Appendix 11. Forms of logs and a checklist for registering safety briefings
Annex 12
Annex 13. Individual evacuation plan
Annex 14. Norms of primary fire extinguishing equipment
Appendix 15
Appendix 16. Depreciation rates for fixed assets National economy USSR
Appendix 17. Normative average service life of public buildings, their structural elements of decoration and engineering equipment




by order of the Ministry

housing and communal

economy of the RSFSR
















Protection of wooden structures from destruction by house mushrooms and wood-destroying insects

Elimination of dampness in operated buildings

Eliminate noise in buildings

Preparing hotels for winter


Residential and utility rooms


Attic space

Cellars and technical undergrounds 1























APPENDIX 1 Acceptance certificate of the hotel or hotel industry when changing the director or chief engineer (engineer) of the hotel (hotel branch)

APPENDIX 2 Terms of troubleshooting when performing unscheduled maintenance of certain parts of hotel buildings and their equipment

APPENDIX 3 Ventilation and air conditioning systems in hotel rooms

APPENDIX 4 The lowest illumination of hotel premises

ANNEX 5 Permissible sound and sound pressure levels and their corrections

APPENDIX 7 Improving sustainability and data on water management in hotel water systems

APPENDIX 8 Operating modes of air-thermal curtains and air heating in hotels

APPENDIX 11 Forms of logs and checklist for registration of safety briefing

APPENDIX 12 List of professions of hotel workers associated with the performance of high-risk work, subject to annual training and testing of safety knowledge at enterprises (organizations) of the MZHKH RSFSR system

APPENDIX 13 Individual evacuation plan

APPENDIX 14 Norms of primary fire extinguishing means

APPENDIX 15 Requirements for the maintenance of fire-technical equipment and fire-fighting automation systems

APPENDIX 16 Depreciation rates for fixed assets of the national economy of the USSR

APPENDIX 17 Normative average service life of public buildings, their structural elements of decoration and engineering equipment

Rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment / Minzhilkomkhoz RSFSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985.

The main provisions on the technical operation of premises, building structures and engineering equipment of hotels, as well as instructions on the maintenance of the territory, safety, labor protection and fire safety in the operation of hotels are given.

For employees involved in the technical operation, maintenance and repair of hotels.

Developed by AKH them. K.D. Pamfilov of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR (candidates of technical sciences E.M. Arievich, E.I. Afanasyeva, A.S. Vladychin, engineer V.E. Likhachev) with the participation of GUPKO MZHKH RSFSR (engineer M.A. Kuzmina), Administration high-rise buildings and hotels of the Moscow City Executive Committee (engineer S.L. Mininberg), TsNIIEP of engineering equipment of Gosgrazhdanstroy (candidate of technical sciences A.N. Dobromyslov, engineer A.A. Shamulyunov), MIIT of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences K .M. Cheremisov).

With the introduction of these Rules, the “Rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment”, M: Stroyizdat, 1976, become invalid.

Editors - eng. R.B. Velsky (Minzhilkomkhoz of the RSFSR), Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.M. Arievich, engineer V.E. Likhachev (AKH named after K.D. Pamfilov of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR), engineer. S.L. Mininberg (Department of high-rise buildings and hotels of the Moscow City Executive Committee).


1.1. The task of the technical operation of the hotel fund is to ensure the good condition of structures, parts of buildings and engineering equipment of hotels for their uninterrupted operation within the normative service life, timely implementation of scheduled preventive repairs, ensuring proper improvement and sanitary condition of the building and the area adjacent to it.

The technical operation of the hotel fund includes Maintenance and all types of repairs.

The costs of maintaining and repairing hotels should be planned within the established standards, taking into account their technical condition (see Appendices 16, 17).

1.2. The rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment are mandatory for all organizations of the executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies, ministries, departments, enterprises, institutions that manage the hotel stock on the territory of the RSFSR.

1.3. Knowledge and observance of these Rules in practice is mandatory for all employees involved in the technical operation and repair of hotel buildings and their engineering equipment.

The managers responsible for the technical operation of hotels are obliged to ensure the study and verification of knowledge of the rules and regulations of higher organizations and local Soviets of People's Deputies on the technical operation of the hotel fund by employees who are subordinate to them.

1.4. The rules are required to study and pass exams on them, the following categories of engineering and technical workers:

a) heads of departments of housing and communal services of the territory (region) of city executive committees and ministries of housing and communal services public utilities ASSR, engineering and technical workers of communal enterprises, responsible for organizing the technical operation of the hotel stock, planning and economic activities of hotels;

b) chiefs, chief engineers (engineers) of hotel associations, engineering and technical workers involved in organizing the technical operation of the hotel fund, planning and accounting for the economic activities of the hotel industry;

c) chiefs, chief engineers (engineers) and technicians of departments of ministries, departments, enterprises, organizations, institutions involved in the technical operation of the hotel fund.

Engineering and technical workers in charge of the operation of engineering equipment, maintenance of hotel buildings, adjacent territories, engineering and technical workers of specialized organizations for the operation and repair of the hotel industry, as well as all workers must study and pass exams under these Rules to the extent of their specialties.

1.5. Acceptance of examinations for working and newly employed engineering and technical workers, and workers in the scope of these Rules, as well as special instructions related to the operation of the hotel fund, is carried out by a qualification commission, the composition of which is established by order of the head of the hotel or a higher organization.

New recruits must pass exams within three months. An employee who has passed the exams is issued a certificate.

Employees of the hotel industry after certain periods, regulated by the relevant instructions for the specialty, must take repeated exams, and according to these Rules - after 2 years.

1.6. Administrations, associations of hotels, public utilities that have a hotel fund in areas with special conditions (with subsiding soils, mine workings, seismic effects and permafrost) must perform the following work:

on monitoring the technical condition of buildings and engineering equipment during their operation;

to prevent and eliminate damage to buildings from the action of subsidence during soaking of subsiding soils, collapse of the roof of mine workings, thawing of permafrost soils and the action of seismic forces;

to eliminate the consequences of damage that has already occurred in the zones of influence of these impacts in accordance with the "Rules and. norms of technical operation of the housing stock” (M., Stroyizdat, 1974).

1.7. For violation of these Rules, the perpetrators are held accountable in the prescribed manner.

1.8. Responsibility for the implementation of these Rules rests with the heads of operating organizations 1).

1) Offices, associations of the hotel industry, combines of public utilities, as well as hotels, hereinafter referred to as "Operating organizations".


1.9. The hotel fund is subordinate to the executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies.

1.10. The hotel (departmental) fund of enterprises, organizations and institutions is subordinate to them.

1.11. Hotels in their activities are guided by the rules, regulations, instructions, orders and circulars developed and approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR. The Ministry examines the technical documentation for the construction and reconstruction of hotels (except Moscow and Leningrad), ensures the allocation of funds for materials and equipment, and provides technical assistance in the operation of hotels.

To manage the work of the hotel industry of the RSFSR, as part of the Main Directorate of Communal Services Enterprises (GUPKO) of the Ministry, a “Department of the hotel industry” was created, which exercises control over issues related to the operation of the hotel fund, and a “Department of design, construction and new equipment”, which is entrusted with improvement of design, construction and introduction of new equipment in the hotel industry.

Notes: 1. The organization of the reception, accommodation and service of citizens in hotels located in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them is regulated by the norms and regulations common to all hotels. Payment for the use of places in these hotels is increased by 30%.

2. When receiving foreign tourists in communal hotels, one should be guided by the rules for receiving and servicing foreign tourists in hotels, motels and campsites on the territory of the USSR of the State Committee for Foreign Tourism under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

1.12. The executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies and their communal bodies exercise control over the technical operation of the hotel fund of local Soviets, as well as other enterprises, institutions and organizations located in. their subordination.

1.13. The management of the operation of hotels of local Soviets is carried out depending on local conditions: by the Office of high-rise buildings and hotels of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Moscow), the Office of Hotels of the Leningrad City Executive Committee (Leningrad), associations ( production associations) hotel industry of cities, regions and republics, combines of communal enterprises (district centers and workers' settlements), industrial trusts under the departments of housing and communal services of regional executive committees and ministries of housing and communal services of autonomous republics.

Administrations, associations (together with the municipal housing and communal services) and combines control the volume of capital repairs and improvement of hotels, contribute to the provision of these works with project documentation, supervise and control the technical operation of hotels.

Administrations, associations of the hotel industry and combines of communal enterprises develop organizational and technical measures for the introduction of new technology and the scientific organization of labor in the hotel industry, ensure the development, manufacture and implementation of new equipment, mechanisms, inventory and control the implementation of organizational and technical activities by hotels, organize control over economic activity hotels, participate in the work of training personnel, organize social competition.

The combine of communal enterprises unites, in addition to enterprises and organizations of communal services and external improvement, also hotels and is their legal entity. He carries out general leadership and takes measures to improve work, keeps quantitative and qualitative records of the existing hotel stock, reviews and approves quarterly and annual plans.

1.14. The technical operation of hotels is carried out by service personnel and the staff of hotel workers with the involvement of relevant specialized organizations on a contractual basis.

1.15. The hotel management scheme is built depending on its capacity, category and composition: premises and equipment. If the hotel has several buildings, management is carried out by the joint directorate, and in each individual building there is a head of the building (branch) of the hotel, who provides general management and is a financially responsible person.

The states of administrative and managerial and service personnel are completed in accordance with the current standard states and standards. The director of the hotel in his activities is guided by the "Regulations on the work of the director of the hotel", the model charter of the hotel and documents of higher organizations, and the hotel staff - standard job descriptions for each category of workers.


Acceptance into operation of newly built hotel buildings

1.16. Acceptance for operation of hotel complexes and individual buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the head of SNiP on the main provisions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction facilities.

1.17. When accepting hotels for operation, it is necessary to appoint a responsible representative of the operating organization to participate in the work of the State Acceptance Commission.

1.18. Before the acceptance into operation of the hotel, engineers and technicians must be appointed at least a month in advance and service personnel at least two weeks in advance.

At least two weeks before the commissioning of the hotel, employees of the relevant maintenance services are required to study the documentation for the construction of buildings and check the quality of the work performed.

To adjust the engineering equipment, the operating organization concludes an agreement with a specialized organization and pays after the entire scope of adjustment work has been completed, which must be completed before the hotel is put into operation.

1.19. Hotels put into operation must comply with the project and the requirements of the head of SNiP on hotel design standards.

The representative of the operating organization should pay attention to the quality of construction and installation works; reliability of connections of sanitary, electrical networks and other elements of engineering equipment; availability of access to the most vulnerable parts of structures and equipment for inspection and repair; action efficiency drainage systems and waterproofing of the buried parts of the building, intra-yard drains, the quality of landscaping, especially filling the sinuses of foundations and arranging a blind area around the building; for the availability of as-built documentation, including for the hidden structures of the building and for all types of engineering equipment.

1.20. Engineering equipment: water supply, sewerage; hot water supply, central heating, ventilation, air conditioning system, low-voltage devices (television, radio, alarm, chasification, telephone installation), gas supply, electrical equipment, elevators and garbage chutes are tested in working condition in accordance with clause 1.30.

Acceptance of newly built pools and laundries at hotels should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of baths and laundries" (M., Stroyizdat, 1979).

1.21. At the request of the operating organization, the working commission or the State Commission, before the hotel is accepted for operation, additional tests of individual structures and engineering equipment may be carried out in order to determine their performance.

1.22. Deficiencies discovered by the working commission as a result of inspection or instrumental testing are eliminated by the contractor within the time limits set by the commission.

The working commission with the participation of the operating organization prepares a consolidated conclusion on the readiness of individual facilities for acceptance into operation by the State Acceptance Commission as a whole.

1.23. Commissioning of hotels with imperfections is not allowed, with the exception of landscaping works, which, if necessary, can be postponed to the next boarding period.

1.24. The operating organization accepts the newly commissioned hotel on its balance sheet and is responsible for its operation after the approval of the act of the State Commission.

The technical documentation for the constructed hotel and the approved act of the State Acceptance Commission for the acceptance of the hotel into operation must be transferred in one copy to the operating organization. The specified documentation is stored in operating organizations with strict reporting documents.

Note. The size of the premises of the accepted building should be determined on the basis of the inventory plan drawn up by the Bureau of Technical Inventory.

Acceptance into operation of capitally renovated hotels

1.25. Capitally renovated hotels can be put into operation after the completion of all the work provided for by the project and estimates for the repair of the building as a whole or its individual parts, as well as work on the improvement of the site and the connection of all internal communications to existing external networks.

Acceptance of work with imperfections or letters of guarantee for the elimination of imperfections is not allowed (with the exception of works on the improvement of yard plots that cannot be performed in winter time); in this case, the work in progress must be completed in the coming autumn or spring.

1.26. Acceptance for operation of capitally renovated hotels (regardless of departmental affiliation), as well as after their reconstruction, is carried out by the State Acceptance Commission, consisting of responsible representatives: Gosarchstroykontrolya bodies, operating organization, contractor, design organization, State Fire Supervision, State Sanitary Inspectorate, Gosgortekhnadzor, executive committees of local Councils of People's Deputies and other interested organizations.

1.27. Prior to the convocation of the State Acceptance Commission, a working commission is appointed under the chairmanship of the responsible representative of the customer, head or chief engineer of the operating organization, consisting of managers technical services, representatives of contracting and subcontracting organizations, as well as employees who carry out technical and architectural supervision in the process of overhaul or reconstruction of the hotel.

The working commission is appointed after receiving a written notification from the contractor about the readiness of the facility for commissioning.

Based on the results of the work, an act of the working commission is drawn up.

1.28. The State Commission for the Acceptance of a Renovated Hotel is convened by the chairman of the commission on the basis of a certificate from the chairman of the working commission on the elimination of defects and shortcomings noted in the act of the working commission.

1.29. The State Acceptance Commission must receive from the contractor the documents for acceptance of the building listed in the "Technical guidelines for the production and acceptance of general construction and special works during the overhaul of residential and public buildings" (M., Stroyizdat, 1976).

1.30. Tests of engineering equipment (see clause 1.20) are carried out before the preliminary acceptance of the hotel by the working commission in working condition in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Instructions given in clause 1.29. The quality of the execution of the work provided for by the overhaul is checked, including thermal insulation and identification painting in accordance with GOST 14202-69.

Based on the tests, an appropriate act is drawn up. In the absence of defects, a preliminary assessment of the repair and recommendations for the acceptance of engineering equipment into operation are given.

If defects are found, the repair is considered incomplete until they are eliminated.

The final assessment of the quality of the overhaul of equipment or systems is given after their operation under load for one month.

1.31. Acceptance by the State Acceptance Commission of completed work on the repair of the hotel begins with familiarization with the technical documentation for the building being repaired, with acts of acceptance of hidden work, repair or installation of new engineering systems and equipment (central heating, plumbing, sewerage, elevators, gas equipment, ventilation, etc.) and a work log. After reviewing the documentation, the State Acceptance Commission inspects the work performed in kind and, if necessary, performs an opening or testing of structures.

1.32. When accepting a capitally repaired building for operation, it is necessary to pay attention to:

compliance of the work performed with the approved technical documentation; the quality of these works;

protection of buildings and its individual parts and structures from atmospheric, ground and operational moisture;

reliability of engineering equipment;

completion of works on landscaping and landscaping of the site, provision of drainage surface water from the building.

1.33. Acceptance of completed work is documented by an act drawn up in triplicate, of which the first with the relevant annexes is stored in the operating organization, the second - in the contracting organization and the third - in the parent organization. When carrying out acceptance by the State Commission with the participation of Gosarchstroykontrolya, the third copy of the act remains with him.

Based on the data of the acceptance certificate, the operating organization makes the appropriate notes in technical certificate for a hotel and a land plot, indicating the scope of work performed and their cost.

1.34. The as-built technical documentation for the overhaul of the hotel in one copy must be transferred to the operating organization and stored along with the documents of strict accountability.

After the overhaul, before the start of operation of the hotel, its technical inventory must be carried out.

Acceptance of the hotel industry when changing management

1.35. When appointing or changing the director, chief engineer (engineer), head of the hotel building, an inspection and verification of the technical condition of the hotel, as well as landscaping elements that are on the balance sheet of the operating organization, are carried out.

The nature and procedure for inspecting each building, its parts, equipment and landscaping elements of the site adjacent to the hotel, when transferring the economy from one official to another, the same is established as during the next inspection (clauses 1.40-1.50).

1.36. The commission for the acceptance of the hotel includes:

representative of a higher organization (chairman);

newly appointed official;

an official released from work;

chairman of the trade union organization;

chief accountant (accountant) of the hotel.

When accepting individual buildings of the hotel, the chairman of the commission is the head or chief engineer of the hotel, the members of the commission are the above persons.

1.37. The composition of the technical documentation for the transfer of the hotel industry from one manager to another includes:

act of the State Commission (with all annexes) on the acceptance into operation of the hotel building, engineering networks and equipment;

site plan with buildings and structures marked on it located on the territory of the hotel (building);

floor by floor: plans and sections of buildings and structures;

drawings of yard and internal networks of water supply, sewerage, central heating, heat, gas, and electricity, etc.;

passport of the boiler industry, boiler books;

passports for elevators;

projects, estimates, lists of defects for production repair work, acts of acceptance of completed repairs and other documents for the repair of buildings;

technical passports for the hotel and land plots.

1.38. In the absence of the technical documentation specified in clause 1.37, the new official is obliged to take measures to obtain, restore or draw up the missing documents.

1.39. The act of acceptance of the hotel industry from one official to another (see Appendix 1) is approved by the head of the higher organization no later than ten days from the moment it was drawn up.

Attic space
Cellars and technical undergrounds
APPENDIX 1 Acceptance certificate of the hotel or hotel industry when changing the director or chief engineer (engineer) of the hotel (hotel branch)
APPENDIX 2 Terms of troubleshooting when performing unscheduled maintenance of certain parts of hotel buildings and their equipment
APPENDIX 3 Ventilation and air conditioning systems in hotel rooms
APPENDIX 4 The lowest illumination of hotel premises
ANNEX 5 Permissible sound and sound pressure levels and their corrections
APPENDIX 6 Recommendations for sealing window casings in hotel buildings
APPENDIX 7 Improving sustainability and data on water management in hotel water systems
APPENDIX 8 Operating modes of air-thermal curtains and air heating in hotels
APPENDIX 9 Recommendations for organizing a rater system for recording the condition of hotel equipment and structures
APPENDIX 10 Recommendations for decorative landscaping of hotels
APPENDIX 11 Forms of logs and checklist for registration of safety briefing
APPENDIX 12 List of professions of hotel workers associated with the performance of high-risk work, subject to annual training and testing of safety knowledge at enterprises (organizations) of the MZHKH RSFSR system
APPENDIX 13 Individual evacuation plan
APPENDIX 14 Norms of primary fire extinguishing means
APPENDIX 15 Requirements for the maintenance of fire-technical equipment and fire-fighting automation systems
APPENDIX 16 Depreciation rates for fixed assets of the national economy of the USSR
APPENDIX 17 Normative average service life of public buildings, their structural elements of decoration and engineering equipment

Drawing up a plan-scheme of a resort hotel

Development of the layout of the building of the hotel enterprise

Drawing up a presentation "Scheme of residential floors of famous hotels in the world"

Topic 1.3. Technical operation of hotel enterprises

The procedure for commissioning buildings and structures

All objects of tourist establishments are accepted into operation, subject to the performance of the work provided for by the design and estimate documentation, and the possibility of their normal functioning.

Upon completion of the construction (reconstruction) of buildings, they are accepted by the working, State and departmental commissions.

General contractor in writing announces completion of work. The customer creates a working commission within five days. It consists of representatives of the customer, the general contractor, subcontractors, design organization, sanitary supervision authorities, fire supervision inspection and other organizations. The task of the working commission is to determine the readiness for operation of buildings or a complex.

The commission checks the finished facilities with all the necessary networks and equipment, compares them with the project, compares the actual costs according to the documents. The general contractor must submit all Required documents: a set of drawings and estimates, acts of intermediate acceptance of critical structures, acts of testing water supply networks, sewerage, hot water supply, heating and other equipment.

The working commission determines the deadlines for eliminating defects, transfers all documentation to the customer.

The State Commission includes representatives of the Architectural Committee, the Inspectorate of the State Sanitary and Fire Supervision, representatives of road organizations, a bank that finances construction may be included.

The State Commission reviews the acts and documents submitted by the customer, establishes the compliance of the facility and project documentation, checks the quality of work and the readiness of the facility for commissioning in accordance with the rules and regulations of technical operation and safety.

residential and public buildings can be put into operation only if the sanitary, electrical, energy and other devices provided for by the project (elevators, gas supply, etc.) are in operation.

The State Commission draws up an act of acceptance of the object into operation. When the act is signed by the chairman of the State Commission, the object is considered put into operation and is accepted on the balance sheet of the tourist institution as part of its fixed assets. After the State Acceptance, the financing of objects ends and there should be no unfinished work, with the exception of landscaping work, which can be postponed to the next planting period (spring or autumn). At the same time, the object accepted for operation is not ready to receive tourists until the staff of service personnel is selected and food, fuel, necessary soft and hard equipment, furniture, etc. are brought in. This happens during the pre-launch period.

The opening of the constructed complexes or individual objects is allowed only after verification by a special acceptance departmental commission of technical and economic readiness to serve tourists. During the pre-launch period, the departmental commission monitors the timeliness of the work.

Building life

The ability of a building to maintain strength and stability for a long time is called durability. The durability of a building depends on the quality of construction and the materials used, as well as on the operating conditions. According to the service life of the building is divided into three groups:

Over 100 years;

50 to 100 years;

From 20 to 50 years old.

Buildings erected for a service life of less than 20 years are not standardized for durability (for example, temporary structures).

Over time, buildings and structures lose their original qualities and value. There is physical and moral deterioration.

Physical deterioration is the loss of strength, stability over time by a building, a decrease in water and air permeability, thermal, soundproofing and other properties.

Physical wear is affected by:

Natural factor - the impact of the external environment;

The quality of construction and installation works and materials during construction and repair;

Compliance with the rules and regulations of operation;

Quality and timeliness of current and major repairs;

Use of the building for its intended purpose;

The period the building was in operation.

Subject to the rules and regulations for the operation of the building, timely implementation quality repair the intensity of physical wear decreases and physical wear occurs more normally, which should correspond to the normative average service life of the building.

The period during which the building must fully meet its purpose and can be operated (without violating the terms of service for the people living in it (with the exception of the time of reconstruction or major repairs) is called the normative average service life of the building.

The normative service life of the building as a whole and its main structural elements (foundations, walls, ceilings) coincide. Minor structural elements(roofs, stairs, floors, windows, doors, partitions) can wear out twice or thrice, so they have shorter service lives. Therefore, it is necessary to know the service life of structural elements, parts of the building and engineering equipment in order to timely carry out the necessary repairs, maintain them in good condition, preventing premature wear.

The period from the moment of state acceptance of the building at the end of construction to the moment when its operation is impossible due to dilapidation or is not feasible for economic reasons is called the actual service life. The actual service life may not coincide with the standard, because it depends:

From the quality of work on site selection, taking into account the conditions of the climatic zone;

Operating conditions (compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions in the premises, the sanitary condition of the premises);

The quality of the materials construction works;

Compliance with the norms and rules of technical operation (current repairs).

According to the service life and technical condition of the structures, the percentage of physical deterioration of the building is determined. If the percentage of wear exceeds 80%, then the condition of the building can be recognized as emergency. The object is subject to write-off with subsequent disassembly and exclusion from the balance sheet.

Over time, buildings, structures and equipment age not only physically, but also mentally. Obsolescence lies in the non-compliance of buildings, structures and engineering equipment with modern requirements. It depends on the state of scientific and technological progress in construction and industry, modern requirements of technical aesthetics and the period of operation. Obsolescence is characterized by the degree of comfort, convenience and rationality, the compliance of the building with its purpose.

Physical wear and tear is eliminated by performing all technical maintenance measures, including major repairs, during which worn parts of structures and parts of the building are replaced. Obsolescence can be partially eliminated during a major overhaul, and completely only during a reconstruction.

3. System of preventive maintenance

The effectiveness of the organization of services in tourist establishments depends directly on the technical condition of fixed assets. According to the technical condition of buildings and structures, it is determined how rationally they are used, whether the necessary measures are taken correctly to prevent premature wear and tear, emergency conditions.

Each tourist establishment undergoes technical certification. Each object on the balance sheet has a passport. The more complete and thorough the passport is, the easier it is to plan and implement maintenance activities. All changes are made to the passport according to the technical condition of fixed assets, since these passports are used when carrying out maintenance activities and resolving issues of reconstruction and perspective development tourist establishment.

The "Recommendations on the organization of the technical operation of buildings and structures of tourist institutions" determines that the task of the technical operation of buildings and structures is to ensure their uninterrupted operation within the normative service life, to ensure the improvement and sanitary and technical condition of buildings and structures and adjacent areas .

Technical operation reflects a complex of organizational and technical measures.

The set of organizational and technical measures for the supervision and maintenance of fixed assets, the periodic implementation of all types of repairs (current, capital) according to pre-planned plans in order to prevent wear and tear, prevent accidents and maintain fixed assets in constant operational readiness is called the system of preventive maintenance of fixed assets .

IN this system includes:

Monitoring the safety of buildings, structures and equipment;

Technical inspections;

Compliance with the rules and regulations of operation;

Supervision over the safety of buildings, structures and equipment is carried out by the deputy director for the economic or technical part, the chief engineer.

Technical inspections. Rules and regulations establish three types of technical inspections:

General inspection (00);

Partial inspection (40);

Extraordinary inspection (VO).

General inspection is carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn. In the spring, when all parts of the buildings are freed from snow and become available for review, all structures are inspected. A general inspection is carried out in the following sequence: the adjacent territory, external inputs, external communication networks, foundation and basement walls, external walls (including balconies, loggias, bay windows, architectural details), then a floor-by-floor inspection of the premises is carried out. As a result of the spring general inspection, the technical condition of the building as a whole is determined:

Identify defects and malfunctions related to current repairs, draw up an inventory of work (or urgently eliminate some defects);

Determine the objects to be overhauled in a year, draw up an inventory of work;

Compile an inventory of works on the improvement of the territory and the devices located on it (sports fields, attractions, etc.);

Prepare an inventory of work to prepare the building for the heating season.

Based on the work descriptions, an action plan is drawn up and design estimates are ordered. The plan indicates the list of planned work, the timing of their implementation, the method of implementation and the person responsible for the implementation. The form for filling out the action plan for the operation of the building and equipment of the hotel is presented in Table. 1.7.

Table 1.7

Action plan for the operation of the hotel building and equipment

Autumn inspection of buildings is carried out before the onset of the heating season before the formation of snow cover, which makes inspection difficult. By this time, current repairs should be completed to prepare the building for operation in winter conditions. The entire range of work to prepare for the autumn-winter season must be completed 15 days before the start of the heating season. Defects that are of a threatening nature are eliminated immediately, and those that violate the normal operation of buildings and the integrity of structures - within one to five days.

During a partial inspection, the condition of individual elements and parts (foundation, roofing, plumbing) is checked. A partial inspection is carried out in the following cases:

If urgent measures are not taken to eliminate the causes of deformations leading to the destruction of individual structures or the failure of the building as a whole;

In the operation of equipment that, to ensure trouble-free operation, must be checked more often than during a general inspection.

An extraordinary inspection is carried out urgently no later than one or two days after a natural disaster (heavy showers, snowfalls, hurricane winds, etc.). Urgent measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences.

Repair. The repair included in the system of preventive maintenance is divided into current and capital.

Current repair consists in systematic and timely work carried out to protect structural elements and parts of buildings, structures and engineering equipment from premature wear through preventive measures to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions.

The current repair does not change the physical state of the material of the structure, however, untimely work causes additional costs for major repairs and leads to a reduction in the service life of the building. For example, if minor damage to the roof is not repaired in time, this will lead to leakage on attic floor, moisturizing the entire structure with all subsequent changes in its strength and reducing the service life.

Current repairs are divided into two types:

Unforeseen, identified during the operation of the building and carried out urgently (1 - 5 days);

Planned preventive, planned in terms of volume and execution time.

In case of unforeseen current repairs, work is carried out to eliminate minor defects and damages that cannot be foreseen in advance - they occur during operation (for example, broken glass). Unforeseen current repairs are identified during regular daily inspections of buildings, cleaning of premises by maintenance personnel, and general inspections. The work is carried out by full-time personnel, and in some cases - with the involvement of workers of other specialties. All hotels should have a log of defects and malfunctions indicating in them the responsible persons and the timing of the work.

Scheduled preventive maintenance is aimed at eliminating premature wear of structures, building parts and equipment and is characterized by a large amount of work compared to unforeseen maintenance (for example, painting and repairing floors, ceilings, facades). The need for this type of maintenance is determined during various inspections. Such work in short term cannot be completed because the facility is in operation. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance an inventory of work and an estimate, materials and set possible deadlines for repairs, without violating the mode of servicing tourists.

Overhaul - essential part systems of preventive maintenance of fixed assets. A major overhaul is considered such a repair, in which worn structures and parts are replaced with more durable and economical ones, which improve the operational capabilities of the repaired objects.

Major repairs are of two types:

Comprehensive overhaul - repairs covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, including internal water supply, sewerage, heating, electrical equipment. This is the main type of overhaul, in which worn-out structural elements, finishes, engineering equipment are simultaneously restored and the degree of improvement and comfort is increased. Comprehensive overhaul includes:

re-equipment of auxiliary premises for residential, including re-equipment attic floors;

arrangement of auxiliary premises;

replacement of worn-out structures (except walls) with new ones made of modern durable materials;

equipment of buildings with all types of engineering improvement with connection to existing networks, replacement of intra-quarter and yard engineering networks;

installation of elevators, garbage chutes, pneumatic waste disposal systems, antennas, electronic locks;

restoration of inactive elevators;

improvement of territories (paving, asphalting, landscaping, arrangement of small forms and household sites).

The determining factor in the appointment of a comprehensive overhaul is the technical condition of the main walls and foundations. If the physical wear and tear of the walls and foundation is 25 and 35%, respectively, and in general for the building - 60%, then it is advisable to carry out a comprehensive overhaul. For the period of complex repairs, tourist services are terminated;

Selective overhaul is a repair in which individual structural elements, parts of a building or engineering equipment are repaired (replaced). In this case, it can be stopping (when the functional activity of the building stops) or non-stop.

For the implementation of a major overhaul, design estimates and a plan for a major overhaul should be developed. During its implementation, quality control of repair and construction work and acceptance control should be carried out. Acceptance of the object is carried out by the acceptance committee, which draws up an acceptance report.