Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in open ground can be done by everyone. What is the best way to sow marigolds - in open ground or for seedlings? Sowing marigolds in open ground in spring


Many novice flower growers ask the question: When is it better to plant these flowers as seedlings and seeds in open ground, right away? permanent place. In this article we will try to answer this question and also touch upon basic rules growing marigolds.

Marigolds are considered one of the most popular flowers found in gardens and gardens. summer cottages Russia. These flowers are also very often planted in city flower beds. Marigolds are also called Tagetes. Tagetes - Latin name, according to legend, this was the name of the grandson of the god of heaven and light, Jupiter. Today there are a little more than 30 varieties of marigolds.

IN wildlife Marigolds are most common in America.

Marigolds have straight stems. The length can vary - up to 1 meter, depending on the variety.

They bloom with single buds. Flowers can be of various colors - yellow, orange, red. They may feel smooth or terry to the touch.

The flowers do not have a special smell, but the leaves have a very specific smell. Flowering is very long - from the beginning of June until the first frost.

A little about growing.

Marigold seedlings

When growing marigolds, you can go in two ways - plant seedlings or plant the seeds directly in open ground. Each of these methods has its own advantages. If you plant through seedlings, the marigolds will bloom much faster. If you plant the seeds immediately in a permanent place, the flowering will last longer.

When grown through seedlings, in the future it will be much more convenient to plant in flower beds. When planting seeds in flower beds, the plants will then have to be thinned out; the seeds of marigolds are very small.

Before planting in a permanent place, you must choose appropriate place. A sunny location is best.

Marigolds look very beautiful along the edges of flower beds or paths.

Marigolds are very easy to care for. They grow quickly and are resistant to drought and cold. However, they do not tolerate transplantation well.

When to plant marigold seeds for seedlings?

Of course, you can plant directly in open ground. But then you will have to forget about early plantings. Plant seedlings may die at sub-zero temperatures. If you want to receive early flowering, then you need to plant only through seedlings.

Marigolds are planted as seedlings from mid-March to mid-April, depending on the variety. By planting at this time, you will get flowering by the beginning of June.

The soil for planting seedlings should be loose and rich in nutrients. You can plant in any container - from boxes to pots. Seedlings should be grown at home at a temperature of 17-22 degrees.

When to plant marigold seeds in open ground?

Photo: Low-growing marigolds

Late planting can be done immediately in a permanent place. You can plant marigolds with seeds in open ground from the end of May to the end of June. The first shoots appear 5-10 days after sowing. Plants begin to bloom in early - late July.

Did you know that the pungent aroma of marigolds repels many pests?

Now you know when to plant marigolds as seedlings and seeds in open ground. Good luck to you in this matter!

Video about sowing marigolds:

Probably everyone has heard about such unusual flowers as marigolds; they are popularly called “Chernobrivtsy”. They are extremely common and can be found in almost every flowerbed in the city. Marigolds are flowers that are famous for their unusual beauty and specific aroma that repel many pests.

These flowers are widely used by florists to decorate bouquets; they decorate facades and walls. They are used to decorate loggias, balconies, and verandas. They easily take root in flower beds, vegetable gardens, and flower beds. Many designers use marigolds to decorate landscapes and summer cottages.

Growing technology

Marigolds are very picky flowers. They do not require special care; planting them is quite simple and easy. This flower is able to survive in any soil, loves sunlight and moderate watering.

Very often, gardeners plant Chernobrivtsi between beds and near greenhouses. Due to its specific smell, the plant can repel harmful insects. Flowers grow without problems in flower beds, front gardens, pots, as well as small pots, decorating the walls of houses and loggias.

All varieties of this flower can be sown directly in open ground. You can buy them at any flower shop, and with annual propagation you can really get by with the number of seeds that will remain after the plant has flowered and matured. However, it is worth remembering that by planting seeds of the same plant from year to year, the flowers may lose their original variety and subsequently change.

There are two ways to grow marigolds:

  1. Plant pre-grown seedlings.
  2. Sow the seeds directly into the ground.

Which method to choose depends on several factors:

  • when do plants need to bloom?
  • duration of flowering;
  • required quantity;
  • weather factors.

When to plant marigold seedlings in open ground is a controversial question. First of all, it is necessary that the frost period has passed, since the flowers will not tolerate temperatures below 5 degrees. If the region has a mild climate, then the plant can be planted from mid-April to early June.

If you decide to simplify your work and sow marigold seeds in open ground, then the main thing is that the frosts have already ended and the earth has been warmed up. In general, Chernobrivtsev seeds are frost-resistant, but they will not germinate in the cold and will “sit” until the soil warms up.

After sowing the seeds, the first shoots should appear in three to four weeks.

Chernobrivtsy must be sown as follows:

  1. We make an even furrow up to 5 cm deep.
  2. The distance between flowers should be at least 15 cm.
  3. Using a rake, cover the seeds with soil.
  4. Water the beds.

This is where the peculiarities of sowing marigolds end. When doing this work, it is necessary to ensure that the flower bed is in a well-lit area, with minimal shadow.

To grow flowers without seedlings, you need to put the seeds in a shallow container and cover with a damp cloth rolled up in several layers. Place the container in cellophane and place it in a warm, sunny place for a couple of days (a windowsill is ideal). During this time, the seeds will swell and the skin will crack. This will mean that they are ready to sprout.

Before placing the seeds in the soil, it is slightly moistened and furrows about 5 cm deep are made. The seeds are sown using the square-cluster method, which means that the gap between the bushes should be about 20 cm square. After germination, the plant is thinned out, removing weak shoots and leaving strong ones.

Very lazy gardeners can limit themselves to simply sowing seeds without any soil preparation. As mentioned above, marigolds are so picky that they can grow on ordinary black soil. Chernobrivtsy will grow and bloom even without special care, however, the most minimal watering should still be provided to the flowers. Without water, no plant can survive.

If you want your front garden to be full of bright colors in June beautiful flowers, seedlings must be prepared in advance. Sowing flowers can begin from the end of February, and it can last until mid-April.

If you want to get a stunning wild flower, then in the fall you can take care of the soil in which you will sow the seeds. For useful soil mix peat, soil, humus and sand. It can also be used already ready-made substrates, which are sold in all flower shops.

If you want to learn in more detail about the process of sowing marigolds, we suggest watching a special training video on the Internet.

Marigolds, Chernobrivtsy, lights - this is what people call tagetes. The culture is distinguished by its rapid growth and ease of care, and therefore enjoys considerable popularity. About when to sow marigolds for seedlings and how to do it correctly, we'll talk in the article.

The sizes of the inflorescences of this culture, as well as the shape, vary. The same applies to colors - Tagetes flowers can be either brown-red or lemon. Another feature of marigolds is that they can be grown both in flower beds and in containers; in addition, they can be used to “cover” the bare areas that remain after the bulbous plants flower.

But marigolds can not only decorate the garden. The fact is that they contain phytoncides – beneficial substances that inhibit pathogenic fungi and repel pests(even those that live in the ground). For example, tagetes is planted to protect against weevils, and cabbage is planted to repel white grass.

More marigolds are planted:

  • from fusarium (together with asters);
  • from nematodes (next to clematics and phloxes);
  • for subsequent use as a spice or medicinal crop.

Which marigolds to choose?

Seven types of marigolds were introduced into culture, those that are most popular among gardeners are shown in the table below.

Table. Popular types of marigolds.

Name, photoShort description

A compact crop with weak branching, but a straight and strong stem. Large, densely double inflorescences different colors– from dark orange to cream. All varieties of this group can be of two types - chrysanthemum and carnation.

Spreading plants with thin shoots and relatively small (about 4-9 cm in diameter) inflorescences. The height varies between 20-90 cm. Also note that the inflorescences can be one- or two-color. These varieties are also divided according to the degree of terry into terry and simple.

Marigold thin-leaved

Small spherical plants 20-40 cm wide/height. A large number of thin shoots. As for the inflorescences, they are small (no more than 2 cm in diameter), orange or yellow.

Prices for marigolds

marigold seeds

Timing for planting marigold seedlings

Marigolds reproduce by seeds. The latter can be sown in the ground when the frosts are over, and then, after thinning, the plants can be planted more freely. There is another option - to plant marigolds as flowering seedlings immediately after the end of frost. As a rule, about 40-50 days pass from the first shoots to the beginning of flowering (more exact dates depend on the specific variety), which means optimal time sowing of marigolds is the beginning of April.

Note! It is very important that the soil for sowing is extremely loose and fertile. Here is one of possible options soil mixture: 1 part compost (can be replaced with humus), 2 parts peat and 1⁄2 part washed river sand.

Video - How to harvest marigold seeds

Step-by-step instructions for sowing marigolds for seedlings

First you need to do some preparatory activities. The main enemy of marigold seedlings is the black leg, from which the seedlings often die. To avoid such troubles, the container with the soil mixture is spilled with a fungicide solution even before planting (you can use, for example, Fitosporin-M) or, alternatively, a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The most top scores demonstrates steaming pre-sifted soil for 60 minutes in a steamer. Thanks to this, not only fungal spores will be destroyed, but also weed seeds.

After preparation, follow the instructions below.

Step one. First of all, you need to slightly compact the prepared soil in the container, and then make grooves about 1 cm deep. It is important that the soil mixture is slightly moist.

Step two. Next, you need to distribute the seed along these grooves. This can be done conveniently using a small piece of white paper (like the image below). If there are only a few seeds, they can be spread out along the grooves using tweezers. If there are several varieties, it is recommended to take care of labels with names.

Step three. The seeds need to be sprinkled with the same soil mixture in a layer of about 1 cm. If the thickness is less, then at the first shoots the seed coat will remain on the cotyledon leaves. The seedlings will not get rid of the peel, which is why their subsequent development will be difficult.

Step four. Sprinkled crops should be moistened. Moreover, this must be done especially carefully so that the earth does not wash away and the seeds do not end up on the surface.

Step five. After this, the crops need to be covered with a transparent lid or film - this way the soil will always remain moist. The container with the crops must be moved to a warm and bright place. At temperatures within +15-20°C, the first shoots will appear within a week.

Note! The temperature here is very important, because if it drops below +15°C, the seeds will not germinate well. If it is above +25°C, then they most likely will not sprout at all.

Step six. When the first shoots appear, the seedlings must be ventilated every day, since it is during this period that the black leg is especially dangerous for the seedlings. But if signs of the disease are still detected, the lodging plants should be immediately removed along with earthen clods, and the remaining holes should be sprinkled with fresh soil mixture. Then it is recommended to water the crops again with a fungicide solution.

Step seven. When all the shoots appear together, the cover must be removed completely. As for watering, it should be done only after the soil in the container is completely dry; You also need to ensure that moisture does not accumulate in the pan. Every 14 days, marigolds should be fed with a special seedling fertilizer (such as Mortar, Agricola).

Step eight. When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, you can start picking.

How to plant marigold seedlings?

When planting, seedlings can be buried down to the lower oblong-shaped leaves (also known as cotyledons), but they should not touch the soil.

For picking seedlings, a simple one can be used. By the way, you can even pick flowering marigold seedlings, and it is not necessary to preserve the root balls. However, it is most convenient to grow it in cassettes. The soil mixture may have the same composition as when sowing, but there is no need to sift it. But you need to add complex mineral fertilizer (1 tablespoon per 5 liters) and wood ash (half a glass for the same volume of mixture). For uniform distribution fertilizers, the soil needs to be mixed thoroughly.

Next, the mixture needs to be poured into cassettes, slightly compacted and depressions made in it of such a size that the roots of the seedlings can fit freely there. If the roots are too long, they can be slightly shortened. During diving, seedlings should be buried 10 mm.

The harvested seedlings should be carefully watered. When the soil settles, it can be added from above. In the future, you need to water regularly - after each drying of the soil mixture. Here is one of the main rules for growing marigolds: it is better to underfill than overwater. Remember this.

Planting marigolds in open ground

About 14 days before transplanting, you can begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to natural conditions. But it should be remembered that marigolds can die even with the slightest frost, and therefore planting in the ground is possible only when the threat of cold weather has passed. For example, for middle zone it's the beginning of June.

Note! The area of ​​land chosen for planting should be well lit. Yes, marigolds develop well in partial shade, but they bloom much worse in such conditions.

Step one. The soil does not have to be fertile, it just needs to be loose and well-permeable to moisture and air. If the soil is heavy and clayey, it can be improved with peat and sand.

Before planting, the soil should be dug up using a shovel, and then nitroammophoska (or other complete mineral fertilizer) should be added. Approximate consumption – 30 g per 1 m². Then all that remains is to incorporate the fertilizer into the soil by digging again.

  • 40x40 cm (for tall varieties/hybrids);
  • 30x30 cm (for medium ones);
  • 20x20 cm (for short people).

Also note that recommended planting distances are often indicated by the manufacturer on the seed bags. Therefore, they (the bags) must be preserved, and the marigolds must be provided with stickers with the names of the varieties. As for the depth of the holes, it should be such that the stems can be buried by about 1-2 cm when planting. Root systems must be placed in the finished holes.

Step three. After this, the voids remaining around the root systems must be thoroughly filled and lightly compacted.

Step four. The final stage is watering the seedlings planted in open ground. You can water on the leaves, since marigolds are not afraid of this (as well as rain).

Concerning further care, then it consists in maintaining soil looseness. If mineral fertilizers were applied to the soil, then one or two fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers throughout the season will be quite enough. By the way, thanks to these elements, the flowering of marigolds will be more magnificent. And if there is too much nitrogen in the soil, the plants will grow greatly, which, of course, will be to the detriment of the formation of new buds.

Prices for nitroammophoska


Diseases and pests of Tagetes

Marigolds have quite a lot of “enemies”, not only the black leg mentioned above. Let's get acquainted with pests and diseases in more detail.

Table. Pests and diseases of marigolds.

Name, photoDescription of how to fight

As a rule, it affects young shoots. The main signs of the disease are light spots at the bottom of the stems, which darken and rot over time. Soon constrictions form on the stems, causing the marigolds to wither and die. We have already considered the prevention of blackleg - this is treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide. If the disease does appear, the affected sprouts should be removed and watering should be reduced. You can additionally sprinkle soil around healthy plants perlite or wood ash. If all else fails, replant the marigolds in fresh soil.

Already observed in open ground and manifest themselves in the form of slower growth, yellowing of foliage and stems. If nothing is done, the plants will die. To avoid disease, you need to make sure that the soil on the site is loose; You should also avoid stagnation of water and perform weeding periodically. Fresh manure cannot be used for fertilizing.

Since the flower is sensitive to frost, early boarding It is not recommended to put it into the ground. Transplantation of a ready-made planting material carried out as a standard in May-June after frosts on the soil have passed.

Is it possible to replant during the flowering period?

Is it possible to replant during the flowering period? Flowering plants can be replanted during the period when the buds are formed, the main thing is to follow simple rules: do not thicken the planting, there should be a distance between plants for ventilation. Marigolds are herbaceous flowering plants , shaped like small bushes with a strong and rather thick stem and equally strong branches. Seedlings should have a well-formed root system and 3-4 green, healthy leaves.


Marigolds will grow well and delight you with color in nutritious, loamy, neutral acid soils. If marigolds are grown on poor soils, then regular feeding is necessary, which should be carried out during the growing season - 2-3 times during the summer (about how to feed marigolds for abundant flowering, read).

For these flowers, it is important that the soil is airy and loose, and also allows water to pass through well. They do not like dark and damp places. The soil for planting should be dug up and mineral fertilizer applied., it will also not be superfluous if you add expanded clay or other small stones into the hole prepared for planting to ensure good drainage.

Details about the features of caring for marigolds and design rules beautiful flower bed, you can find out.


ATTENTION: When growing on a balcony, the pot is provided with good drainage of about 3 cm: pebbles, expanded clay or small stones. They take the land for garden plants and mix it with peat or wood shavings.

All this is necessary for the earthen lump to breathe. When planting, remember that marigolds, or another name for them - Chernobrivtsy, are a bush, so it makes no sense to plant many bushes in one pot; do not allow the plantings to become too dense: the risk of rot increases greatly.

Read about the features of growing marigolds in pots or boxes at home.

Start time for gardening

Marigolds are propagated in two ways:

  • sowing seeds in open ground;
  • planting prepared seedlings.

Spring-summer season

Occurs in June, when the temperature of the top layer of soil (about 5 cm) reaches 15-20 °C. The planting depth is from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. If sowing is late and is carried out in soil unsaturated with moisture, then it should be increased to 7 cm.

If you are interested in earlier flowering, then the sowing of marigold seeds for seedlings occurs in April, while the planting of already grown plants in a permanent place is carried out in May (read about how to grow marigold seedlings yourself and when and how they are sown). If there is a possibility of frost, simply cover the newly planted seedlings with covering material. As practice shows, plants after such greenhouses are stronger.

Some marigold varieties have more early dates beginning of flowering. For example, rejected marigolds, or “French” marigolds (T. patula), they gained their popularity for their compact appearance, which is suitable for decorating balconies and more. short term before flowering begins, on average about 60 days from the moment the seeds are sowed.

ADVICE: Planting should be done after all night frosts have passed. Marigolds do not like frost, especially young plants.


Look at the photo to see how beautiful marigolds look when planted in a flower bed.

Is it possible to sow in August?

Transfer to decorative purposes possible in pots or boxes; for open ground it is important to take into account the climatic features of the area (early soil frosts). It is not advisable to sow seeds in open ground in August..

Before winter

Now let's talk about sowing marigolds before winter. There are subtleties here. Growing in regions with milder climates gives good results according to germination. But since the flower is heat-loving and does not tolerate frost, and also does not like excess moisture, the experiment on planting before winter in conditions northern latitudes may become rather unsuccessful. But our florist is not looking for easy ways; let’s try to formulate the basic rules for preparing for sowing marigold seeds before winter.

To begin with, let us clearly define for ourselves that The place for planting marigolds must be prepared in the fall, preferably in September or, in the case of a long autumn, in early October, cut furrows and grooves in the garden bed. Make sure that it is not in a low place; a place with a slight slope is ideal.

The soil should not be dense; if this is the case, then it is necessary to add peat, tree bark, humus or sand in equal proportions and good loosening (digging). Further, seeds should be planted only in well-frozen soil. Because a sudden thaw, which will bring with it excess moisture into the soil, will destroy your seeds; they will simply rot.

It’s a good idea to prepare the soil for the top filling in advance and leave it in a warm room. After planting the seeds and filling them with soil, it would be useful to cover them with a layer of leaves or thin wood chips about 10 centimeters, and to prevent the wind from scattering them around the area, cover the top with any net for bushes.

IMPORTANT: Please also note that when planting before winter, you need to take 1.5-2 times more seeds than in the spring-summer period. By observing this small set of requirements, you can get a blooming meadow of marigolds from hardened seeds earlier than your neighbors.

Marigolds need constant watering for several weeks after planting. But do not overdo it, since the plant is susceptible to a number of diseases caused by excessive waterlogging: gray rot, black leg and bacterial diseases.

  1. loosening(air access to the roots and exclusion of weed pressure);
  2. watering(moderate, although marigold easily survives drought, the plant may look wilted, but after watering the leaves gain strength);
  3. feeding(mineral fertilizers).

Marigolds can and even need to be pruned, as this will allow the formation of a beautiful flowering bush; to do this, you just need to pinch a couple of lower branches. After the marigolds have begun to bloom, do not leave the wilted inflorescences, but break them off, this will contribute to more lush flowering and the formation of new inflorescences.

If you decide, then leave a few dried plants, and after complete drying, collect seeds from them. Marigolds have good seed retention until spring.

Do not forget that all marigolds are hybrids; flowers from the seeds will grow differently than the parent plants. Having bought the seeds once, you don’t have to think about buying new ones (unless you want to try a new variety), the germination rate of marigold is high, it will be enough for you to collect the seeds from your already grown plants.

If there is a flower so widespread throughout the world, it is the sunny one. Purchase seeds and, subject to simple rules planting, you will see this piece of sun in your garden.

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Marigolds are favorite and popular flowers, often used to decorate parks, lawns, and flower beds, and they are equally popular both in urban spaces and in private areas. They owe their particular popularity to their bright carpet blooms and unpretentiousness.

They also have good properties repel pests and pathogenic fungi due to the content of phytoncides - a special complex of antimicrobial substances.

They love to use marigolds as medicine– they are infused and used as a diuretic, bactericidal, and anti-cold agent.

Even a novice gardener can grow marigolds, planting and caring for which is not too difficult. However, they also require certain knowledge on how to plant and grow them correctly.

How and when to plant marigolds. Choosing a landing site

Before you start planting a plant, you should choose a suitable place for it. Light soil with a neutral environment is suitable for flowers. It’s worth choosing for a flower bed open place, light partial shade is allowed, since in full shade these plants will not bloom and will stretch too tall.

Marigolds reproduce by seeds. That's why next step After choosing a site, you should choose planting material, which, by the way, you can collect yourself in fabric bags and store them all winter.

It is best to take seeds that are no more than two years old; older ones will not provide good germination. You can plant the seeds in the ground dry, but it is worth remembering that these plants can survive drought and light shade, but do not tolerate frost at all. If the soil temperature drops below 1 degree below zero, the seeds are guaranteed to die. Therefore, planting marigolds would be optimal. And if you prepare seedlings in a greenhouse, they will be the strongest.

Marigold seedlings growing and transplanting

If we talk about when to sow marigolds for seedlings, then the optimal period would be March-April, and more specifically, then Lunar calendar planting for 2016, marigolds are planted:

in March for seedlings, in a greenhouse or on a windowsill: 14, 17, 18, 22;

in April: from April 8 to April 29 on the Waxing Moon;

in May, best time when to plant marigolds in open ground or in a flowerbed with seeds - from 11 to 21, also during the waxing moon.

Then by June the marigolds will bloom well in a lush carpet, because germination allows not only to protect the flowers from frost, but also to achieve a good density of seedlings.

Preparing the seeds for planting and sowing them in boxes

  • You can soak the seeds in water, or you can soak them in soil, poured into a box on top of a layer of drainage.
  • You need to sow the seeds in the soil in furrows to a depth of about a centimeter.
  • The top of the grooves should be sprinkled with a mixture of earth and sand.
  • It is better to make the soil loose and water it not too often - about once every few days.
  • Needs to be supported optimal temperature near the ground - it should not be below 20 degrees.
  • Ensuring is important good lighting– only if it is present will the flowers be brightly and intensely colored.
  • When shoots with true leaves appear, they can be plucked (pinch off the tip of the root to form more side shoots) and transplant into larger boxes or balcony containers, flowerpots for

In May, you can begin to harden young plants by exposing them to open air. You should start with a short time, gradually increasing it. Before planting, you can leave the seedlings in the air overnight.

At the end of May, when it is already possible to plant marigolds, the seedlings are transferred to open ground:

  • The seedlings are planted in specially prepared holes.
  • The plant may not survive transplantation very well, so it is better to keep a ball of earth around the roots or grow seedlings directly in special cassettes.

Choose the day carefully - it is better if it is cloudy; the bright sun on the first day of life of flowers in the open ground can ruin them. The size of the hole depends on the variety of marigold - from 20 square meters. cm for low-growing plants up to 40 sq. cm for tall varieties. By the way, ready-made seedlings can be easily found in specialized gardening centers or flower markets, where they will also tell you how and when to plant marigolds in your region.

Growing marigolds from seeds

Marigolds sprout beautifully even without seedlings, directly from seeds. The only disadvantage of this method will be their late flowering - a month later than those planted from seedlings. If you are preparing dry seeds for planting, you need to know when to sow marigolds. It is better to do this only in early June, when the risk of frost is minimal.

You can dig up and fertilize the soil in advance mineral fertilizer. In a couple of weeks, early shoots will appear above the ground, and in a month and a half, flowers will appear. To speed up the germination of marigolds from seeds, cover the flowerbed with polyethylene, especially in cold spring.

After planting, it is important to properly care for the plant, following only a few simple rules. It is better not to subject marigolds to prolonged drought, otherwise the flowers may be small, but you should not overwater them either - root system it will just rot.

Low temperatures will kill the plant, while too high temperatures will limit its flowering. About a month after flowering appears, you can collect your own seeds in order to next year you had marigolds ready to sow for seedlings.

Marigolds make up many floral arrangements for decorating weddings, homes and dining tables. They are characterized by their durability; bouquets with marigolds will last a long time and decorate the interior.