Political sphere, its categories and institutions.

With the social division of labor, the formation of private property, and the formation of classes, a special sphere of public life appears - the sphere of politics.

Word " policy" is of Greek origin and means the art of government. This sphere covers the relationships between classes, nations, other social groups and communities, the central point of which is the problem of conquest, retention and use of state power, i.e. attitude towards state power. Since these relations are built through certain institutions and organizations, the system of institutions (institutions) that regulate relations between social communities in order to preserve the social structure in the interests of the ruling class and society as a whole constitutes the political sphere (political system). This includes the state and its bodies, political parties, public organizations and movements, and political organizations.

In modern literature, there is a broader understanding of this area, which includes political consciousness, political relations, political institutions and organizations and political action.

The emergence of the political sphere, its development and functioning are determined by certain reasons. The deepest roots of the emergence of various organizations are associated with the material and production activities of people. It is the collective material-objective activity that social work required the coordination of joint efforts and the development of management principles.

Another objective factor in the appearance political organizations in society there is a need to regulate relations between social communities and within them, since these communities need certain social institutions to realize their interests, protect their own integrity, and establish relationships with other communities.

Hence, political sphere– one of the subsystems of society, ensuring the integration of all elements of society, its existence as an integral organism.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of some elements of this sphere.

Historically, the first and most important political institution, the core of the political system, is the state. As a political organization, it is not only the first in time of its emergence, but also the only one that is characteristic of all stages of history, appearing in different forms and changing its content, functions, etc.

In the history of philosophical thought, there have been various theories explaining the origin of the state. The very first were theocratic theories, according to which the state arises by virtue of divine institution. These theories received special development in the era of feudalism.

But already in antiquity, concepts of the state appeared, trying to find it natural basis. So, Greek philosopher Plato, identifying “society” and “state,” considered the emergence of the latter as an expression of the natural needs inherent in people. By the emergence of these needs, he explained the emergence of classes: workers, warrior-guards and rulers-philosophers, whose highest virtue is wisdom.

His follower Aristotle, distinguishing to a greater extent between the concepts of state and society, considered the state as the highest form of communication between people, the true goal of which is universal order.

Particularly popular was the theory of “social contract”, proposed by the English philosopher T. Hobbes and developed by the French educator J.J. Rousseau. According to T. Hobbes, the initial natural state of society - “a war of all against all” - is replaced sooner or later by virtue of a social contract with civil society. Fear for their lives in conditions where “man is a wolf to man” forces people to create state power and submit to it.

J.J. Rousseau put forward the idea that the emergence of the state was caused by the emergence of private ownership of the means of production, as well as property and social inequality. The state was an invention of the rich to keep the poor under control, while, according to Rousseau, it should serve order. If a state abuses power, using it to the detriment of the people, it must be replaced by another state that regularly fulfills its duties. Hegel held similar views to these views, seeing the beginning of the state in violence.

According to modern ideas, the state is a historical phenomenon. The prerequisites for its occurrence can be found already in primitive society in the form of power from the top of the tribal nobility, which performed administrative functions. This power was based on traditions, the moral authority of elders representing general interests. But the division of society into classes and the associated complication of social life necessarily required the creation of a special body regulating the various functions of society.

On the one hand, the ruling classes needed special strength to keep the exploited classes in obedience; Such a force was the state, which arose as an organization of political power of the economically dominant class. On the other hand, the state is a body that manages the affairs of the entire society; it arises from the objective need to regulate social relations in the interests of all social groups. Consequently, the emergence of the state is due to two main reasons:

1) intra-societal contradictions associated with the division of society into opposing classes;

2) social needs in carrying out common affairs, maintaining order, and management.

In other words, the state has a dual nature, which is manifested in the two approaches discussed earlier (formational and civilizational), and it would be wrong to reduce the essence of the state exclusively to violence and suppression of the exploited, which was especially evident in Marxism.

In order to more fully reveal the specifics of the state as a formational and civilizational institution, it is necessary to analyze its features and functions.

The following main features of the state can be distinguished:

The presence of a special layer of people involved in management, i.e., an apparatus of officials, collecting taxes, issuing laws;

Public power, i.e. bodies of political coercion (army, police, court, prisons, intelligence, etc.);

Territorial division society into separate cells government controlled, with the help of which state power covers the entire population of the country with its influence.

These signs, taken together, make it possible to determine whether a given public entity is a state.

Except the state important place in the political sphere of society belongs to parties. Their social basis are classes. Parties reflect in their activities the position of a class in society, its fundamental interests, the entire system of its relations with other classes and organizations.

Parties may express the interests not of the entire class as a whole, but of some part of it, but for these parties the definition of their essence remains the same.

When comparing parties with the state, it should be borne in mind that in the state the expression of class interests is carried out to some extent disguised, in the party the expression of class interests is more direct. Therefore, under certain conditions, the party can express class interests more deeply and act as the most important political institution of the class.

However, at present, class lines between parties are blurred; different social strata may be represented in them. Given these changes, a party can be defined as an organization that unites citizens on the basis of common political interests and goals. Parties differ from other associations in that their goal is to gain power and they clearly express a certain ideology.

The political system also includes public organizations and movements that unite representatives of social groups and strata based on their interests, which, unlike parties, do not aim to participate in the activities of government bodies, but to protect individuals, small groups, and minorities from the central government. At the same time, they raise important issues (environmental, health problems, etc.) and thereby put the concept of government decisions under control. These movements (labor, trade union, environmental, etc.) are an important part of the political life of modern society, turning, according to sociologists, into the decisive driving force of its development.

Let us dwell on the classification of states as essential element political sphere.

History knows many states. To understand this diversity and classify them, the categories “type” and “form” of the state are used.

The type of state reveals its formational meaning and is determined by which class (or classes) it serves, and therefore, ultimately, by the economic basis of a given society. Therefore, we can distinguish three main types of exploitative state: slave, feudal, bourgeois. The same type of state can exist in different forms.

The form of the state is a method of organization, as well as techniques and methods for exercising power. The form of the state is expressed:

Form of government (indicates who has supreme power in the country); There are two types of government: monarchy and republic;

Form of government: divided into unitary (single state entity), federation (union of legally relatively independent state entities - states, lands, etc.), confederation (state-legal associations);

The political regime, i.e., the system of methods for exercising state power, the real state of democratic rights and freedoms, the attitude of state authorities to the legal foundations of their activities.

From the point of view of the political regime, states can represent:

a) democracy;

b) dictatorship;

Let's give brief description these types of regimes.

Democracy is a method of exercising state power, which is based on the following principles: recognition of the will of the majority as the source of power, establishment and observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, their equality, the ability to manage the processes of public life, election of the main government bodies, the rule of law, separation of powers, multi-party system. Democracy is a historical phenomenon. There is no democracy in general, but there are specific forms of it, determined by the specifics of the socio-political life of society (slave, feudal, bourgeois democracy). So, the analysis shows the ambiguity of the concept of “form” of the state. This conclusion has not only scientific value, since the question of the form of the state is one of the most important issues of real politics. At the same time, the categories “type” and “form” of a state allow one to correctly navigate when assessing a particular state and aim at identifying its essence and development trends caused by formational and civilizational changes.

  • 7. Atomistic teaching of Leucippus and Democritus.
  • 8. Sophists. Ethical rationalism of Socrates.
  • 9.Philosophy of Plato.
  • 10. Philosophy of Aristotle.
  • 11. Hellenistic stage of ancient philosophy (Epicureanism, Stoicism, Neoplatonism).
  • 12.Features, stages of development and main problems of the philosophy of the Middle Ages.
  • 13.Philosophy of St. Augustine.
  • 14. Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.
  • 15.Characteristic features and main directions of philosophy of the Renaissance.
  • 16. New European philosophy: teachings f. Bacon and R. Descartes.
  • 17.Philosophical thought of the Enlightenment: mechanistic materialism and atheism.
  • 18.Philosophy and. Kant.
  • 19. Philosophy of Mr. V.F. Hegel.
  • 20. Anthropological materialism and atheism l. Feuerbach.
  • 21. Basic principles of the philosophy of Marxism.
  • 22. Formation of irrationalistic philosophy: a. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche.
  • 23. The philosophy of positivism and its evolution.
  • 24. The philosophy of existentialism and its varieties (M. Heidegger, Sartre, etc.).
  • 25.Philosophy of postmodernism.
  • 26. Formation of Russian philosophy: Mr. Skovoroda, M.V. Lomonosov, A.N. Radishchev.
  • 27. Anthropological and religious orientation of the philosophical teachings of F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy.
  • 28. Philosophy V.S. Solovyova.
  • 29. Justification of the national idea and the future of society in Russian philosophical thought of the 20th century. (S. L. Frank, N. A. Berdyaev).
  • 30. Philosophy of Russian cosmism. The main problems of cosmoanthropocentrism (N. Fedorov, K. Tsiolkovsky, V. Vernadsky).
  • 31. Ontology as a philosophical doctrine of being. Basic forms of being
  • 32.Category of matter in ontology. Development of ideas about matter; modern scientific and philosophical picture of the world.
  • 33.The essence of movement, space and time as characteristics of being; their qualitative specificity and interrelation.
  • 34.Dialectics is a philosophical doctrine about the development and universal connections of being. Historical forms of dialectics and its alternatives.
  • 35. Consciousness: origin, essence, structure. Consciousness, activity, thinking and language.
  • 36. Epistemology as a philosophical theory of knowledge.
  • 37. Cognition as a process and activity. The problem of the subject and object of knowledge.
  • 38.Structure and patterns of the cognition process. Explanation and understanding.
  • 39.Cognition and creativity. Rational and irrational sides of cognition.
  • 40. The theory of knowledge about the achievement of truth. Modern concept of truth and its alternative.
  • 41. Scientific knowledge, its essence and specificity. Dynamics of scientific knowledge.
  • 42. Philosophy of technology.
  • 43.Basic levels of scientific research.
  • 44. Philosophical analysis of society as a special type of reality: history and modernity.
  • 45.Philosophy of history: specificity of formational and civilizational approaches to world history.
  • 46. ​​Subjects and driving forces of social development.
  • 47.Culture and civilization: problems of correlation.
  • 48. Material and production sphere of public life.
  • 49. Social sphere of public life.
  • 50.Political sphere of public life.
  • Political sphere
  • 51. The spiritual sphere of public life.
  • 52. Social consciousness as a philosophical problem.
  • 53.Philosophical anthropology as a complex doctrine of man.
  • 54. The problem of the essence of man in the history of philosophy.
  • 55. Anthropo-, socio- and cultural genesis about the most important factors in the formation and development of man.
  • 56. The concepts of “person”, “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”.
  • 57.Values ​​of human existence. Freedom and responsibility of the individual. Meaning of life.
  • 58.Philosophical problems of aesthetics.
  • 59.Global problems of our time, their social and philosophical analysis.
  • 60. Philosophy of post-industrial society.
  • 50.Political sphere of public life.

    In a social system, not only social subjects are identified as parts, but also other entities - spheres of society's life. Society is complex system specially organized human life activity. Like any other complex system, society consists of subsystems, the most important of which are called spheres of public life.

    Sphere of social life- a certain set of stable relations between social actors.

    Spheres of public life are large, stable, relatively independent subsystems of human activity.

    Each area includes:

    certain types of human activities (for example, educational, political, religious);

    social institutions (such as family, school, parties, church);

    established relationships between people (i.e., connections that arose in the process of human activity, for example, relations of exchange and distribution in economic sphere).

    Traditionally, there are four main spheres of public life:

    social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.)

    economic (productive forces, production relations)

    political (state, parties, socio-political movements)

    spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

    It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in different relationships with each other, connected with someone, isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of social life are not geometric spaces where people live different people, but the relationships of the same people in connection with different aspects of their lives.

    Graphically, the spheres of public life are presented in Fig. 1.2. The central place of man is symbolic - he is inscribed in all spheres of society.

    Political sphere

    The political sphere is one of the most important areas of public life.

    Political sphere- these are relations between people, associated primarily with power, which ensure joint security.

    The Greek word politike (from polis - state, city), appearing in the works of ancient thinkers, was originally used to denote the art of government. Having retained this meaning as one of the central ones, the modern term “politics” is now used to express social activities, which are centered on the problems of acquiring, using and maintaining power. The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

    political organizations and institutions- social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc.;

    political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;

    political communications - relationships, connections and forms of interaction between participants political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;

    political culture and ideology- political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

    Needs and interests shape the specific political goals of social groups. On this target basis, political parties arise, social movements, power state institutions that carry out specific political activities. The interaction of large social groups with each other and government institutions constitutes the communicative subsystem of the political sphere. This interaction is streamlined different standards, customs and traditions. Reflection and awareness of these relations form the cultural-ideological subsystem of the political sphere.

    Let us dwell on the characteristics of some political institutions: the state, political parties, professional organizations. At the same time, let us make a reservation that our goal is not a detailed description of these institutions, but the desire to capture their features as elements of the political sphere.

    State. The state is the most ancient and developed political institution.

    Let's consider some features of the state as a political institution of society.

    First of all, it should be emphasized that the state is an institution of public power, that it has certain power functions that extend to the entire society. In principle, this most important feature of the state is understandable based on its role in the system of social relations, which was discussed above. Power is “the real ability to exercise one’s will in social life, imposing it. if necessary, to other persons; political power as one of the most important manifestations of power is characterized by the real ability of a given class, group and individual to carry out their will, expressed in politics and legal norms.”

    1 Burlatsky F. M. Lenin, state, politics. M., 1970. P. 83.

    The system of state power includes certain structural components, thanks to which it functions precisely as political power. Firstly, this is a special apparatus of political management. This is an association of people professionally engaged in political and administrative activities. These people are connected in a certain way, management functions are distributed between them. There are and operate their own principles for organizing the work of this apparatus, its connections with other organizations and social groups.

    Secondly, the ideological program of political power. We have already written about this program a little higher. This is a declaration of the goal, the task of the activity of a given political institution, the justification of these goals, the assessment of modern reality, the task of transforming it, etc. This ideological program permeates all the activities of a political institution, serving as its ideological basis. At the same time, it represents a powerful means of political management of society. The entire experience of the modern state-political machine of society testifies to the great importance this spiritual and ideological support of state activity plays.

    Thirdly, this is a legal system. The state issues laws that regulate the most diverse aspects of social life, public relations and are binding on everyone. Lawmaking is an important instrument for the exercise of political power of a certain class.

    Fourthly, the system of political power also includes material support. After all, it is clear that in society no power can function if it does not rely on material force. This force is a whole set of bodies of material coercion. This should also include the tax system and government debts that provide the monetary and financial base for government activities.

    And finally, fifthly, the system of political power includes the territorial division of society into separate cells of government. With the help of division, state power covers the entire population of the country with its influence.

    Of course, all these components of state power exist and operate not in parallel or independently of each other, but in a complex unity. The interaction of these factors ensures the functioning of such a political institution of society as the state

    Social science

    Lesson 46 (10th grade)

    Subject: "Political sphere and political institutions."

    Lesson type : lesson of learning new material.

    Target: introduce the forms of manifestation of influence: strength, power and authority. The formation of power as a political institution of society. Separation of powers. Power relations and social hierarchy. The struggle for power.

    Know, what forms of manifestation of influence exist in society.

    Be able to: explain what power is and its types; analyze specific life situations related to the struggle for power

    Epigraph: “Politics is not an exact science».

    Otto von Bismarck.

    Lesson plan:

    I. Org. moment.

      Checking D/z.

    *- What does the concept of “politics” mean?

    *- List what political subjects you know? (people, state, individuals, social groups, political organizations, political elites).

    *- Name three degrees of individuals’ involvement in political activity. (“by chance”; “part-time”; professional politicians who live “for politics” or “at the expense” of politics).

    Individual assignments are checked during the lesson.

    D/s: 1) Write down the definition of the concept of “state”, the characteristics of the state and the functions of the state.

    ***Prepare a report on forms of government

    2) Write down the definition of the concept “party”, “political party”.

    *** Prepare a report on the types of party systems.

      Working on new material.

    1. Political sphere.

    POLITICAL SPHERE - This is one of the four spheres of social life that you know. It includes various shapes political activity; relationships between people that arise in the process of this activity; organizations and institutions that are created to implement political goals and objectives; the political consciousness of people, which guides their activities in the field of politics.

    2. Political institutions.

    POLITICAL INSTITUTE - this is a stable type of social interaction that regulates certain relations of political power in society.

    The reproduction of political relations is ensured thanks to:

    Standards governing the nature of interaction;

    Sanctions that prevent deviations from normative patterns of behavior;

    Perception of the existing institutional order as familiar.




    Institute of Parliamentarism

    Regulates relations related to the creation of basic legal norms and the representation of the interests of various social groups in the state.

    Executive institutions

    Carry out executive and administrative activities to manage all socially significant aspects of the life of the state.

    Institute of Public Service

    Regulates the professional activities of people belonging to a special status group.

    Institute of the head of state

    Regulates relations in society that allow the head of state to speak on behalf of all citizens, to be the supreme arbiter in disputes, to guarantee the integrity of the country and respect for the constitutional rights of citizens.

    Institute of Judicial Procedure

    They regulate the relationships that develop when resolving conflicts in society.

    Citizenship Institute

    Defines the mutual obligations of the state and citizen.

    Institute of Electoral Law

    Regulates the procedure for holding elections to legislative bodies at various levels, as well as elections of the head of state.

    Institute of Political Parties

    It streamlines the relationships that develop during the creation of political organizations and their further interaction.

    Political institutions:

    - state (the state includes the institution of the president, the institutions of legislative, executive and judicial power, the institution of elections, etc.);

    - political parties (usually a party expresses and protects the interests of a certain social community);

    Main goals political party is:

    Formation of public opinion;

    Political education and upbringing of citizens;

    Expressing the opinions of citizens on any issues of public life;

    Nomination of candidates for elections to legislative bodies of state power and representative bodies local government.

    Political relations- these are the relationships and interactions that arise between people in the process of political activity. It's relationships social communities and personalities in the sphere of power, politics, management.

    Political relations are associated with the distribution of power, rights and powers in society, with the delimitation of the jurisdiction of the center and localities.

    3. State.

    STATE - the main political institution of society, managing it and protecting its socio-economic structure.

    Main features of the state:

    - power (control bodies and suppression bodies); - law (right);

    - territory (with population); - sovereignty (external – independence, internal – supremacy of power).

    Main functions (tasks) of the state:





    Law enforcement;

    Organization of the economy.

    FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE - these are the main, socially significant areas of its activity, which express the essence of the state and correspond to the main tasks of a certain historical stage in the development of society.

    By object of influence differentiate internal And external functions of the state. Internal functions of the state are divided into functions according to areas of activity and functions according to areas of life.





    Redistribution function

    The state collects taxes and fees, forms the state budget, and allocates funds for social needs and economic programs.

    Maintaining social peace in society

    Only the state is endowed with the legal right to judge people, punish offenders, reconcile opponents, and act as an arbiter.

    Rule-making function

    The state forms a single normative space, regulates people's behavior, limiting the types of actions that can cause harm to society.

    Organizational-normalizing function

    The state unites and coordinates the efforts of citizens to solve problems facing society.

    Internal functions of the state by spheres of life :

    The basis of law and order, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens;

    Legalized implementation of coercion in relation to various social groups and individuals;

    Ensuring democracy and state sovereignty;

    Development of economic and pricing policies, formation of the state budget and control over its expenditure, establishment of a taxation system, management of state-owned enterprises;

    Creation of a system of social protection of citizens, healthcare systems, education, pensions, etc.;

    Protection, restoration and improvement natural conditions;

    Propaganda of certain ideas and values ​​using public funds mass media, educating the younger generation in the spirit of official ideology.

    EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE - these are the main directions of activity of a given state, which are manifested in its relations with other states and international organizations.

    The external functions of the state include :

    Protection from external threats - construction armed forces, conducting defensive wars, creating counterintelligence, border troops, etc.;

    Economic cooperation with other states and international organizations, participation in the work of various international organizations, military-political blocs and alliances.

    By the nature of the impact on social relations functions of the state are divided into protective And regulatory .

    Security functions - this is the activity of the state aimed at ensuring the protection of all existing rights and freedoms of citizens, protection from external threats and protection environment.

    Regulatory functions - this is the activity of the state aimed at developing existing social relations in the economic sphere, at developing relations of a given state with other states and international organizations.

    The state carries out its functions using legal And organizational forms .

    Legal forms include :

    law-making form- development and adoption of legal norms, publication of normative legal acts;

    enforcement form- taking measures to implement legal norms, issuing individual acts of application of these norms;

    law enforcement uniform- control over compliance and execution of legal norms, application of forced pestilence to their violators.

    Organizational forms include :

    organizational and regulatory form- current activities to ensure the functioning of public authorities, related to the preparation of draft documents, organization of elections, etc.;

    organizational and economic form- operational and technical economic work related to accounting, statistics, supply, etc.;

    organizational and ideological form- everyday ideological work related to the explanation of newly issued regulations and the formation of public opinion.

    Main bodies of state power:

    parliaments. Their main function is to pass laws;

    executive agencies. Perform executive and administrative functions;

    judiciary. Administer justice;

    prosecutor's office. Supervise the implementation of laws: by executive authorities and judicial authorities, officials and citizens.


    The presence of a special public authority, separated from society and not coinciding with it;

    State power is exercised by a special layer of people professionally engaged in management, who are specially organized for this purpose and have the material means for the systematic, professional implementation of their functions;

    Collection of mandatory payments.

    Signs that distinguish the state from other political subjects:

    - Sovereignty – the sovereignty of the state within the country and its independence in the international arena.

    Sovereignty is characterized supremacy And independence .

    Supremacy means the ability of the state to independently resolve the most important issues in the life of society, to establish and ensure a unified legal order.

    Independence characterizes the independence of a given state in relations with other states.

    Monopoly on lawmaking is the exclusive right of the state to issue laws and other regulations that are binding on all citizens.

    FORM OF THE STATE - these are the ways of organization, structure and methods of exercising state power that express its essence.

    The form of the state includes: form of government, form of territorial government And political regime.

    FORM OF GOVERNMENT - This is a way of organizing the highest bodies of state power and their interaction with each other, as well as with the population.

    FORM OF GOVERNMENT - this is the organization of the highest bodies of the state and the procedure for their formation.

    FORM OF TERRITORIAL-STATE STRUCTURE - this is a way of the national and administrative-territorial structure of the state, reflecting the nature of the relationship between its components, as well as between central and local authorities.

    POLITICAL REGIME - These are political and legal means and methods of exercising state power that express its content and character.

    By form of government all states are divided intomonarchy And republics .

    MONARCHY - a form of government in which power is fully or partially concentrated in the hands of the monarch - the sole head of state.

    Limited (constitutional)

    Unlimited (absolute)

    Theocratic (secular and spiritual power in one person)

    Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, UAE

    Dualistic or dualistic (monarch and parliament rule)

    Vatican, Saudi Arabia, Brunei

    Parliamentary (the monarch reigns but does not rule)


    Jordan, Morocco

    Malaysia, UAE

    Sweden, Denmark, UK, Belgium, Japan, Norway, Spain


    Comparison lines




    1. Belonging to the legislative branch

    To the monarch

    Divided between monarch and parliament


    2. Exercises executive power


    Formally - the monarch, in fact - the government

    3. Appointment of the head of government


    Formally - a monarch, but taking into account parliamentary elections

    4. Government responsibility

    Before the monarch

    Before Parliament

    5. Right to dissolve parliament


    Monarch's (unlimited)

    From the monarch (on the recommendation of the government)

    6. Law veto of the monarch on decisions of parliament

    Absolute veto

    7. Extraordinary decree legislation of the monarch

    Unlimited (the decree of the monarch has the force of law)

    Only during the period between parliamentary sessions

    Provided but not used

    8. Modern countries

    Saudi Arabia, Oman

    Jordan, Kuwait

    UK, Japan, Spain

    MONARCHY - a form of government in which power is fully or partially concentrated in the hands of the monarch - the sole head of state.

    Signs of a monarchy:

    Indefinite lifelong power of the monarch;

    Legal independence and irresponsibility of the monarch;

    Hereditary order of transfer of power. Forms of monarchy:

    Early feudal;




    EARLY FEUDAL MONARCHY - This is a form of monarchy common during the Middle Ages, which is characterized by the fragmentation of the territory, the weakness of the central authority and the power of the monarch, and the fragility of state formations.

    ABSOLUTE MONARCHY - This is a form of monarchy in which the power of the monarch is legally and actually unlimited by anyone or anything.

    Dualistic Monarchy - this is a form of monarchy, which is a transitional form from an absolute monarchy to a parliamentary one, state power is dual in nature, the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution, but the monarch formally and actually has extensive powers of power. Dualism lies in the fact that the monarch primarily expresses the interests of the feudal lords, and the parliament represents the interests of the bourgeoisie and other segments of the population.

    The main types of absolute monarchy are : despotism, theocracy, class monarchy, absolutism, enlightened absolutism.

    THEOCRACY - a form of monarchy in which the highest political and spiritual power in the state is concentrated in the hands of the clergy, and the head of the Church is at the same time the secular head of state (Vatican).

    PARLIAMENTARY MONARCHY - a form of monarchy in which the monarch's power is limited in the legislative sphere by parliament and in the executive sphere by the government. Most modern monarchies are parliamentary.

    REPUBLIC - a form of government in which power is exercised by elected bodies elected by the population for a specified period.



    USA, Poland, Brazil, Finland, Portugal, Argentina

    France, Greece, Russia, Austria


    Germany, Italy, India, Hungary


    Comparison lines


    Semi-presidential (mixed)


    1. Procedure for electing the president

    Elected at a meeting of parliament

    2. Procedure for forming a government

    The President forms the government under some parliamentary control

    The government is formed by the president from the leaders of the party that wins the parliamentary elections and must receive a vote of confidence from parliament

    The government is formed by parliament from the leaders of the party that wins the elections

    3. Government responsibility

    Before the President. Parliament cannot express a vote of no confidence in the government

    Double responsibility to parliament. The President is not responsible for the actions of the government. A parliamentary vote of no confidence in the government is impossible

    In front of parliament. Parliament can introduce a vote of no confidence in the government as a whole or one of its members, which entails the resignation of the government

    4. The president has the right to dissolve parliament


    The President has the right to dissolve parliament

    5. Having the post of Prime Minister


    There is a post of prime minister

    6. Scope of powers of the president

    Powers of the President: he is not only the head of state, but also the head of the executive branch

    The President is the head of state. Powers to exercise executive power are divided between the president and the government

    Presidential powers are nominal; he performs any actions on the recommendation of the government, which is responsible for them

    7. Modern states

    USA, Latin American countries

    France, Russia, Austria

    Italy, India, Germany, Switzerland

    REPUBLIC - a form of government in which power is exercised by elected bodies elected by the population for a specified period.

    Signs of a republic:

    The people are recognized as the source of power;

    Collegial (collective) principle of decision-making;

    All higher authorities government authorities are elected by citizens or formed by parliament (the principle of election);

    State authorities are elected for a certain period, after which they resign their powers (the principle of removability);

    Supreme power is based on the principle of separation of powers, a clear delineation of their powers;

    Officials and government bodies are responsible for their actions (principle of responsibility).

    Basic forms of a modern republic:




    PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC - a form of republic in which the state is headed by a president who is elected by popular vote and has the powers of head of state, head of government and chief executive (for example, the United States).

    Signs of a presidential republic:

    The president forms the government with some control from parliament;

    The government is responsible only to the president;

    Parliament has no right to express no confidence in the government;

    The President does not have the right to dissolve parliament.

    PARLIAMENTARY REPUBLIC - a form of republic in which the state is headed by an elected executive; the government is formed by parliament and reports for its activities to it, and not to the head of state (for example, Italy, Germany, India).

    Signs of a parliamentary republic:

    The head of state is elected at a meeting of parliament;

    The head of state can dissolve parliament on the recommendation of the government;

    The government is formed from the leaders of the party that wins the elections;

    The prime minister of the government heads the executive branch of the country;

    The government is responsible to parliament;

    Parliament can pass a vote of no confidence in both the entire government and its individual members;

    The head of state takes any political action only on the recommendation of the government.

    MIXED REPUBLIC - a form of republic that combines the features of parliamentary and presidential republics (for example, France, Russia).

    Signs of a mixed republic:

    The government is formed by the president based on the results of parliamentary elections;

    The government must receive a vote of confidence from the highest representative body;

    The government is headed by the prime minister;

    The government is responsible to parliament and to the president;

    The president's powers to exercise executive power are limited by the government.

    Differences between parliamentary and presidential republics




    The president (head of state) is elected and controlled by the people

    The president (head of state) is elected by the population

    Head of government - president

    The head of government is the prime minister (key role in governance)

    Head of government - prime minister

    The government is formed by parliament

    The government is appointed by the president

    The government is responsible to the president

    The government is responsible to parliament

    4. Political parties and associations.

    THE CONSIGNMENT – the most active and organized part of a class or layer, expressing and protecting its interests.

    POLITICAL PARTY - an organization of a group of people seeking political power or participation in the exercise of government power.



    Party apparatus

    Ordinary members (party masses)

    Party supporters

    POLITICAL PARTY - it is a stable organization that strives to participate in the exercise of government power and unites people with common ideological and political views.

    Functions of political parties:

    Participation in election campaigns;

    Development of ideological concepts and introduction of political values ​​into mass consciousness;

    Protecting the interests of various social groups;

    Participation in the formation of the political elite and political leaders;

    Organization of people to solve certain problems. Political parties are classified according to the following criteria:

    According to the internal structure;

    In relation to the ruling regime;

    By the nature of the ideological doctrine;

    By place in the political system;

    By the nature of political actions.

    Depending on the nature of the ideological doctrine expressed in program documents and statements, The following political parties are distinguished::



    Social Democratic;


    Christian Democratic;

    Nationally oriented.

    Depending on the internal structure differentiate :

    - career political parties . There is no system of mass membership in the party, party activities are limited to election campaigns, and all work is carried out by professional activists. Such parties exist mainly through donations and voluntary contributions;

    - mass (ideological) political parties . A system of mass party membership is used, all party members work on a permanent basis;

    - centralized political parties . The system of mass party membership is combined with strict discipline, requiring each party member to perform certain functions.

    PARTY SYSTEMS is a set of relations between political parties operating in the country.


    Bipartisan (binary)

    Two and a half ("two plus")

    Multi-party (multi-party)

    Power is exercised by one party

    One of the two big parties is in power

    Next to the two traditional parties, a third is in power

    Several influential parties are vying for power and collecting significant numbers of votes

    USSR, Cuba, India, Japan, China, North Korea

    USA (Democrats and Republicans), UK (Labour and Conservatives)

    Germany: CDU/CSU + FDP,

    SPD + FDP

    France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Sweden

    Political Party(from Lat. ragz - part) - one of the most important institutions of the political system of society. There are several approaches to defining the concept of a party.

    IN XIX - early XX centuries a party, as a rule, was understood as an association, a group of supporters of an ideology who achieve the realization of their goals through politics.

    Marxism understands a party as the most active part of a class or social stratum, expressing its political interests.

    In political science of the 20th century. a party is defined as an institution of the political system of society.

    Political Party - This is a specialized, organizationally ordered group that unites active adherents of certain goals, ideas, leaders, and serves to fight for political power.

    Signs of a party: the presence of a program in which the goals and strategies of the party are formulated; the presence of a charter containing the most important norms of internal party life; presence of governing bodies and party functionaries;

    the presence of an organizational structure in the center and an extensive network of primary local organizations; participation in the struggle for political power; fixed membership (although this is not a mandatory feature).

    The history of political parties in the modern sense of the word begins in the 18th - 19th centuries, when, in the conditions of the formation of bourgeois democracy, the need arose to attract broad sections of society to participate in government.

    Initially, political parties were created by combining parliamentary factions with committees to support local candidates. Now parties also arise as a result of the transformation of non-party structures (trade unions, religious, industrial societies, clubs). Quite often they are created by popular and influential politicians for their own candidacies. Mass parties formed “from below” as a result of the formation of spontaneous social movements have become a special type of political parties. Among the functions of political parties are:

    1) political - mastery of state power in order to implement one’s program;

    2) the function of social representation - the expression in political life of the interests of some social stratum or the desire to create a strong support for oneself in society;

    3) the function of social integration - reconciling the interests of various social groups, achieving consensus in society;

    4) the function of political recruitment - training and promotion of personnel for various political institutions;

    5) ideological - development of party ideology and program;

    6) electoral - organization and participation in election campaigns;

    7) recruitment of new members to the party and their political education.

    The consignment- one of the most important institutions of civil society, providing its connection with the state.

    There are several classifications of political parties according to different criteria:

    1) depending on the method of communication with voters and the organization of internal life, parties are divided into cadre and mass. Personnel parties are small, amorphous organizations consisting of authoritative political figures, in which there is no institution of fixed membership, membership fees, or a proven admission mechanism. The organizational structure of such parties is extremely simple, their center is in parliamentary factions. Mass parties have a complex organizational structure, are numerous, and their main source of financing is membership fees. Such parties are governed by central bodies that do not coincide with parliamentary factions;

    2) depending on the degree of participation in the exercise of political power, parties are divided into ruling and opposition. The latter can be both legal (their activities are permitted by the state, they are officially registered) and illegal (prohibited by the state, operating underground);

    3) according to the sustainability of their existence, political parties are divided into stable and unstable;

    4) by the nature of membership, political parties can be open (with free membership of representatives of various social strata) and closed (with a large number of formal requirements for candidates for party membership and a complex admission mechanism);

    5) according to the nature of their goals and in relation to the existing socio-political system, parties are divided into revolutionary (they advocate a radical and violent transformation of the existing social order), reformist (advocate gradual changes in existing orders), conservative (advocate preserving the foundations of the previous system or such transformations that adapt it to changing realities without any major shocks) and reactionary (advocate the restoration of old, outdated social structures);

    6) according to their place in the political spectrum of society, parties can be divided into left-wing (advocate for the interests of workers, socialization of production, creating the foundations of a socialist society), right-wing (defending the inviolability of private property, the foundations of the bourgeois order, strong state power) and centrist (trying to reconcile extreme interests in politics).

    The totality of all parties existing and operating in the country is called the party system.

    One of the signs of a democratic regime is multipartyism, which means the existence and legal activity of two or more parties in the state. At the same time, only two parties can actually take part in the exercise of power (the Republican and Democratic parties in the USA and the Conservative and Labor parties in the UK). Such systems are called two-party, which, however, does not exclude the free functioning and participation in political life of other parties (for example, communist ones).

    In the Constitution Russian Federation Political diversity and multi-party system are recognized (Article 13). All public associations have equal rights. Currently, there are dozens of political parties operating in our country, but it is not yet possible to talk about the stability of the party system. Many parties lack a real social base, do not have an extensive network of primary organizations, and have extremely small numbers. On the other hand, the interests of not all social groups are represented by the relevant parties.

    In 2001, after many years of discussions, it was adopted the federal law"About political parties." In this legal act, a political party is considered as a public association created for the purpose of participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in the political life of society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in state authorities and local governments. The minimum number of members of a political party is 50 thousand people (the party must have regional branches in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). The creation and activities of political parties whose goals or actions are aimed at violently changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed and paramilitary formations, inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred is prohibited. The creation of political parties based on professional, racial, national or religious affiliation is not permitted. Structural divisions of political parties are formed and operate only on a territorial basis (their formation and activity in government bodies, the Armed Forces, in state and non-state organizations, in educational institutions is not allowed).

    Political parties are created freely, without permission from government bodies, but they can fully carry out their activities (including how legal entities) only from the moment of state registration.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 can be members of a political party. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have no right to be members of a political party.

    The most important factor in the development of the party system of the Russian Federation is the election of half of the deputies of the State Duma and at least half of the members of the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to the proportional system (based on party lists). At the end of 2004, the President of the Russian Federation introduced a bill to the State Duma providing for the elimination of single-mandate constituencies and the election of all State Duma deputies using a proportional system. This should help intensify party building, strengthen the party system, increase the role of parties in the life of the state and society, and increase the effectiveness of parties’ work with the population.

    5. Work on the documentI. A. Ilyin “Essentials of legal consciousness.”

    **- Read the document pp. 227 – 228 and answer the questions about it.

    IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

    *- What can you say about the political sphere?

    *- What are the main political institutions?

    *- Task 3 p. 229.

    *- What is political power?

    *- How does political power differ from other types of power?

      Summing up the lesson.

      D/z§20, task 4 (written)

    “Parliamentary lessons at school” - System of government bodies in the Russian Federation. Valeev Razil Ismagilovich. Composition of the State Council. Who is a deputy? Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. D. A. Medvedev. Parliamentary lessons. Results of a sociological survey. "Where laws are born." Republican forum of history and social studies teachers.

    “Strength and authority” - Power. One day Confucius was passing near the mountain. Object of power. Social science. Presentation on the topic: “Power” Social studies grades 6-9. Subject of power. Components of power. Power resources: Sources of power. 2. Conflict in South Ossetia. There are no cruel authorities here,” the woman answered. Authority. Once upon a time, my father-in-law died from the claws of a tiger.

    “The principle of separation of powers” ​​- Dominance of the executive power. Having checks and balances. Smaller government size. Drawing. Separation of powers. Society can make a rule. Comparison of systems of government. The cost of running the government. Government term. Parliamentary systems. Accountability of branches of government.

    “Appeal to power” - Intangible resources of power. Contracts. Reports. Invitations. Documentation. Forms of work with authorities. Preparatory stage. Conclusions. What does this give to the organization? Why trustees come to the organization. Business game. Thanksgiving letters. Letters of appeal. Appeals to the authorities, preparation of documentation.

    “Legitimacy of power” - Politics. Methods of political power. Power and its bearers. President of Georgia. Charismatic dominance. Types of domination. Niccolo Machiavelli. Ideological type of legitimation. Legality of power. Basic interpretations of power. Imperious power. Levels of legitimation of power. Legitimization. Rational (legal) domination.