Snowdrop interesting facts for children. Nickname – “snowdrop”

We, residents of big cities, quite often don’t really know what this or that plant that lives in wildlife. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to walk through the forest, meadows and fields for the purpose of self-education in this area.

But, for example, your Small child Having heard the fairy tale “The Twelve Months,” he may ask you the question: “What does a snowdrop look like?” And you won’t be able to really explain to him, because you’ve never seen this beautiful spring Flower.

What does a snowdrop look like in early spring?

Snowdrops are the harbingers of spring; they appear from under the snow in late February - early March. They begin to bloom in April, but if the weather is warm, then earlier. The snowdrop plant is very delicate, fragile, its flowers are snow-white in color, and the tips of the petals are soft green.

This article has helped many gardeners stop working hard on their plots and still get a bountiful harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get best harvest on his own personal plot For my entire “dacha career”, all I need is to stop toiling away in the garden beds and trust nature. For as long as I can remember, I spent every summer at the dacha. First at my parents' house, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn everything free time spent on planting, weeding, gartering, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, conservation and attempts to preserve the harvest until next year. And so in a circle...

Snowdrops grow up to about 15 cm, their leaves are dark green. Snowdrops are classified as perennial bulbous plants.

Where do snowdrops grow?

Snowdrops grow under trees and bushes. Quite often, not knowing what a snowdrop looks like, it is confused with a plant such as white flower. What distinguishes the snowdrop from it is the number of inner petals with green tips: the snowdrop has three of them, and they are surrounded by three larger white petals.

Unfortunately, snowdrops have long been listed in the Red Book. There are not many of them left, but people continue to pick them instead of preserving this most delicate spring flower. Some species of snowdrops are on the verge of extinction.

And although snowdrops can stand plucked in the water for a very long time, it is still better to admire them in the conditions of their natural growth, and not to destroy this miracle of nature.

Galanthus nivalis L.
Brief information and illustrations

Snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis L. " style="border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-color:#ffcc66;" width="250" height="435">
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Other names: Galanthus.

Diseases and effects: residual effects after polio, myasthenia gravis, myopathy, polyneuritis, radiculitis.

Active substances: galantamine, lycorine, galantine, galantine, galantamidine.

Time to collect and prepare the plant: February - April.

Botanical description of snowdrop white

Snowdrop white is a type species, having similar properties to all representatives of the genus Snowdrop (Galanthus). Genus belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllidaceae). Snowdrop is a perennial plant.

Bulb ovoid or conical, up to 1.5 cm in diameter and 1.5-2 cm long.

Stem(peduncle) cylindrical, 7-12 cm high, ends with one drooping flower.

Leaves grass-like, covered with a blue-green coating, fleshy. There are two separate basal leaves. The leaves appear at the same time as the buds.

Flower snowdrop has 3 protruding petals 12-30 mm long and 3 shorter ones with a green spot in the shape of a horseshoe. Stamens 6.

Fetus- capsule with three valves, oblong seeds.

Snowdrops are pollinated by butterflies, beetles, flies and bees.

Distribution and habitat of the white snowdrop

The snow-white snowdrop is found almost throughout Europe. Very often you can find wild garden forms of snowdrops.

Snowdrop snowdrop grows in floodplain and moist forests, in partial shade and in moist nutrient-rich soil.

The snow-white snowdrop can withstand frost during flowering.

Harvesting snowdrops

The bulbs and leaves of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials.

Chemical composition of white snowdrop

The bulbs and aerial parts of the plant contain alkaloids. Among them, the most important are galantamine, lycorine, and galantine.

Lycorine, galantine and galantamidine were found in the roots of the plant.

Pharmacological properties of white snowdrop

The use of white snowdrop in medicine

Snowdrop and preparations made from it are used for residual effects after polio, myasthenia gravis and myopathy, polyneuritis and radiculitis associated with traumatic lesions of the nervous system.

Substances isolated from snowdrops have been used for several years in medications for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Dosage forms, method of use of snowdrop

Galantamine hydrobromicum (Galanthaminum hydrobromicum). Available in ampoules. The drug belongs to list A. The highest dose is 0.01, the daily dose is 0.02.

Contraindications to the use of white snowdrop

The plant is poisonous due to narwedin, which is contained in the bulbs, and galantamine, which is found in all parts of the snowdrop. Preparations from it should be used only after consultation and as prescribed by a specialist.

Snowdrop poisoning leads to disturbances in the digestive tract.

Contraindications to the use of snowdrop preparations are epilepsy, hyperkinesis, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, bradycardia, intestinal colic.

Other information about snowdrop

In the territory former USSR Currently there are 12 species of snowdrops.

Insects easily recognize white snowdrop flowers even in the snow, since they reflect ultraviolet rays very well.

Another species is well known in the Caucasus - Voronow's snowdrop (Galanthus woronowii Losinsk.), named after the Russian botanist and expert on the flora of the Caucasus Yuri Nikolaevich Voronov. This species is somewhat larger than the white snowdrop and has all its properties.

Snowdrops are the earliest honey plant. They provide nectar to bees from February to April.

Due to their early appearance and beauty, all types of snowdrops are widely cultivated in gardens and household plots.

Snowdrop in history and mythology

According to ancient myth, one day the goddess Flora distributed costumes for the carnival to the flowers, so that each of them could meet the return of Bacchus to dressed up. Snowdrop got it White dress. When the snow wanted to take part in the fun, the snowdrop shared her dress with him. Since then they have become inseparable friends.

In the Druid calendar, the snowdrop belongs to the circle of flowers associated with the festivals of Anthesteria and the lunar month preceding the spring equinox.

Everyone knows whose photo is even in the children's primer. It's small beautiful plant first to come to life after winter. First it produces a couple of leaves, and very soon it blooms with white bells with drooping heads. He is not afraid of winter frosts or snow. And if numerous white bells cover the carpet, it is a sure sign that spring is coming. After all, it is the snowdrop flower that warns us about the approach of warm days.


Scientifically, this plant is called galanthus. It belongs to the genus of perennial herbs from the Amaryllis family, which unites eighteen subspecies. The plant is most common in the Crimea, the Caucasus and the Most species - about sixteen - are found in the Caucasus.

No one names the exact number of varieties of this plant. The snowdrop flower, so beloved by us, the photo of which even children will recognize, is a low herbaceous plant with two linear leaves up to twenty centimeters long. They come out immediately, simultaneously with the flower stalks.

Single, drooping bells have a white perianth consisting of six leaflets. The outer three are elliptical or obovate, while the inner ones are wedge-shaped and have a green spot at the top. Snowdrop is a flower with a pleasant, but very weak scent. It has round, fleshy fruits in the form of a box with three compartments. They contain a few black seeds. The latter have a succulent appendage to attract ants, which take them away and thus spread the plants.

The snowdrop flower has ovoid or conical bulbs, which are a compact group of modified leaves planted on one common base.


The best time to plant this plant is from July to September. If there is a long warm autumn, planting can be extended until early November. Today on the market the snowdrop flower is often sold in bloom, but this is not entirely correct, because as soon as planting material ends up in the ground, its leaves wither and turn yellow, and soon die completely. And although the bulb remains alive, it can be weakened. True, on next year such a plant blooms weakly or does not bloom at all, although it does not die.


Galanthus bulbs do not tolerate drying. They cannot be kept in the air for more than a month, but if it is not possible to plant them in the ground, they should be sprinkled with sawdust or shavings and placed in a plastic bag. Planting bulbs is carried out according to the following rule: they are placed in loose soil at a depth equal to two bulbs, and in heavy soil at a depth equal to one bulb. But in any case, you cannot plant snowdrops deeper than five centimeters.

Snowdrop is a flower that itself regulates the depth of germination of its root system. If it is planted too deeply, it forms a new bulb on the peduncle, but at the required depth.


The first spring flower, the snowdrop loves shaded but sun-warmed places and soil with good drainage. When transplanting wild species, you need to choose a more illuminated area. This culture is winter-hardy, which is not surprising. After all, the first snowdrop is a flower that breaks right out from under the snow. In autumn, galanthus should be covered with a small layer of loose compost.

You need to be careful when feeding this crop. Snowdrops do not tolerate fresh manure, so complex mineral fertilizers are most suitable for them.

These plants are bred for floral decoration of areas. They look very nice in large groups both in rock gardens and in the form of carpets - under bushes and trees in light partial shade. Some landscape designers use snowdrops to create white lawns in the middle of lawns.


The Amaryllidaceae family includes eighteen species. The most common of them is the white snowdrop. His homeland is the forests of the Carpathians. The flower reaches fifteen centimeters in height. This species also includes Viridapisis, which blooms in February, Lutescens, which has an identifying mark - a yellow spot, as well as double Flore Pleno, Pusi Green Tip, Ophelia and many others.

Another species is the Elwes snowdrop, native to Asia. It, unlike previous varieties, is taller - up to twenty-five centimeters. It has bluish-green wide leaves, large spherical. This is the very first snowdrop. Its flower appears in early February. Today, many Elwes hybrids have been bred, which are distinguished by decorativeness and great endurance. The most popular is the Arnott variety with large flowers that have a fragrant aroma.

Other species, such as Galanthus plicatus or Folded, which gave rise to many interesting garden forms, Icarian, which came to us from Greece and today grows beautifully in Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi, as well as snowdrops of Forster, Voronov and many others are widespread in botanical gardens our country.

Uncontrolled collection of these wonderful representatives flora led to the fact that many varieties had to be listed in the Red Book. This means that every year it becomes more and more difficult to meet them in their natural environment.

Home care

These flowers can be grown not only in the yard, but also at home - in a pot or bowl. The snowdrop, which is the first to bloom among all bulbous plants, produces buds in the middle of winter. To do this, it must be taken out of the room.

Because the we're talking about about a very hardy and cold-loving plant that can survive at temperatures up to ten degrees below zero, it is not difficult to guess that it is warm room will die. Therefore, during flowering, you need to keep the snowdrop in a very cold room.

Conditions for growing at home

Two months after planting should be kept in complete darkness. Then he will need to completely exclude direct sunlight.

The optimal temperature for the bulb in the dark is about zero degrees, and during flowering - a maximum of 10 ° C, otherwise the plant will die.

After planting the bulb, the soil should be thoroughly moistened and then left alone, without watering, until the pot is moved to the light. After this, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture by watering twice a week.

Snowdrops cannot be sprayed. Moreover, during flowering they need good ventilation, and when it ends, you need to cut off the wilted heads and let the leaves die naturally. If the plants have been fed, they need to be transplanted into open ground. Otherwise, they will not bloom again in the same pot.

The best species to grow at home is Galantus nivalis - a common snowdrop that blooms from mid-winter to April. Today, unfortunately, you can rarely find this flower in an apartment or even in a garden. And in vain! After all, even when winter still reigns all around, you can be sure that its days are numbered, when from under the snow, crawling through dead wood, a snowdrop flower appears on the site, and when it grows at home in a pot, then the “weather” is good and the mood in the family secured.

SNOWDROP(Galánthus), from the Greek words gala - milk and anthos - flower, i.e. milky flower white. The snowdrop got its Russian name because it appears literally from under the snow, and there are many Ukrainian variants. Prolisok, pіdsnіzhka, white ryast, speed-growing, springberry, i.e. - sunny spring. In the Carpathian region the snowdrop is called Moguryanin, i.e. mighty, strong: after all, it’s still frosty, but he’s so tender, thin, growing right out of the snow.

Snowdrop flowers are a symbol of spring, a symbol of hopes for a happy future. The same is said in Christian legend. When Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it snowed and Eve froze. Then several snowflakes, wanting to console her, turned into flowers. Seeing them, Eva became cheerful and had hope for better times.

There are many legends about the origin of the snowdrop.

A long time ago there lived a brother and sister, they were orphans. The brother worked as a farm laborer and hunted, and his sister took care of the housework; their parents left them a house on the edge of the forest. And then one day, when my brother was not at home, my sister decided to collect more snow to wash the floors. It was the very beginning of spring and there was still a lot of snow in the forest. She took the buckets and went into the forest. But it seemed to her that behind the next tree it would be even cleaner. So, from tree to tree, she climbed deep into the forest. Here the old goblin saw her, riding around his domain on a lame wolf. He grabbed her, threw her over the wolf's back and took her to his den - they say, she will be his mistress. The girl was not at a loss - she pulled a string of beads from river pearls left from her mother and began to mark her path with beads. But they fell into the snow without a trace. She realized that her brother could not find her, and she cried bitterly.

The sun took pity on the orphan’s grief, melted the snow, and in the place where the beads fell, the first spring flowers grew - white snowdrops. It was through them that the brother found his way to the devil’s den.

When the goblin saw him, he screamed and ran away. And the brother and sister returned to their home and began to live more friendly than before.

In turn, bluegrass is often called “sleep-grass” and this is also a mistake, because sleep-grass is a popular name for various herbs, but it also has a botanical name - Shoot, (Pulsatílla), which belongs to the ranunculaceae family. This is an example of how often different plants People give the same names (see about this in the articles: “mint”, “rue”), which, of course, must be taken into account.

So, Ukrainian legends often talk about blueberries.

That was a long time ago. The Ukrainian girl Katrya escaped from Turkish captivity by poisoning the guards with a decoction of hemlock. She was hiding, afraid: she knew that if she was caught, a terrible reprisal awaited her.

The Sultan soon returned from the campaign and, having learned about everything, became furious and ordered the fugitive to be returned, alive or dead. The chase lasted for many days, and yet the Janissaries overtook the girl, and she had nowhere to go. Katrya hugged a bush of last year’s dry grass and prayed: “My mother earth! Don’t let me perish! Don’t let the infidels take me back into captivity again. Better part, earth, and take me to you forever! Death in my homeland is dearer than forced life in a foreign land! “Mother Earth heard that prayer. Suddenly the bare bushes were covered with green leaves and blue flowers, like Katri’s eyes, grew, reminding descendants of the brave Ukrainian girl, about her unquenchable desire for freedom. And they called them blue-eyed snowdrops.

Another legend about blueberries.

In ancient times, there lived in a certain village a gentleman, rich and unkind. And there lived a girl - a beauty with wonderful long braids and beautiful blue eyes. Time passed, she grew up and became even more beautiful. Fell in love nice guy that he worked as a shepherd for a master. The wedding day has arrived. Music, fun. And then the gentleman was driving by. I looked at the girl and was dumbfounded by such beauty. Immediately, on his orders, they seized the guy, put him in chains and threw him into prison, and the girl was taken to the master's chambers.

He wanted to make her his mistress, but she did not submit: her blue eyes looked at the master with contempt and disgust. He couldn’t cope with the girl, couldn’t hold her gaze. He ordered her to be taken to the forest, and then a helpful footman offered to gouge out her eyes for disobedience. This is what the monsters did and wanted to trample them. But then the earth stood up for these blue eyes and hid them. In his anger, the master pulled out a pistol and shot at the girl’s heart. And a miracle happened. As a result of the shot, the master's estate caught fire, the shackled young guy was freed, and the master and the footman turned into a tree stump with a viper. People ran into the forest, they didn’t find the girls, only beautiful ones blue flowers, like a girl's eyes, bloomed in the middle of the clearing.

Some sources say that snowdrops were woven into Ukrainian wreaths, but I could not find more specific instructions on the type or type of wreath. It is logical to assume that girls gladly wove wreaths from the first spring herbs and flowers, especially if matchmaking, a wedding, or some other joyful event took place at that time.

But what the snowdrop has healing properties, has been known since ancient times. It is also used in classical medicine. Preparations from some varieties of snowdrop are used to treat the effects of polio and cerebral palsy. The post-war outbreak of polio, which swept through many countries when there were no effective drugs yet, made these drugs very popular. In sick children, motor functions were fully or partially restored. This is such a fragile little flower, but what power it has!

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