Planets in houses. sixth house Pluto rules the 12th house and stands at 6

>> Pluto in the 6th house

Personalities born in Pluto in the 6th house, great individualists, although they are always ready to help others.

They have a penchant for healing, diet therapy and conventional medicine. They believe that they have a special mission on earth, which can only be achieved by serving people, bringing them personal well-being. With the negative influence of Pluto, health suffers greatly. If energy is used incorrectly, then the person begins to constantly mope and walks in the hospital from one office to another. When you suppress your own passions, instincts and desires, harmful habits are formed, which are subsequently difficult to eradicate.

Communication with a person with Pluto in the 6th house

They need Special attention pay attention to health, which means proper nutrition, hygiene and positive thinking. They have enormous healing potential, so they often become self-taught doctors. To recover, they need to change their lifestyle rather than use stronger drugs. They are overcome infectious diseases, and they self-medicate responsibly and persistently.

Character of a person with Pluto in the 6th house

These people are arrogant and idealistic towards colleagues, superiors and subordinates. They can influence working conditions and work methods. Professional failures increase internal insecurity. Unscrupulous attitude towards work promises problems with the law. Only a responsible and conscientious approach to implementation job responsibilities brings authority and profit. They need to choose their subordinates very carefully, because a lot depends on them.

These people need to pay as much attention as possible to their lifestyle, monitor their performance and sort out their personal goals. Their inner voice gives them many clues, but they need to listen to it more often, even in the case unusual advice. It is very important for them to adhere to those beliefs that are characterized by persistence. Such people make excellent astrologers and parapsychologists. A very important aspect for them is self-expression and self-affirmation.

Feb 18

The 6th house of the horoscope shows small animals, our “servants”, illnesses and difficult periods in life (hardships, misfortunes, difficulties in general). And planets in the 6th house are greatly weakened and can even cause certain diseases.

Sun in 6th house

In this house the Sun is greatly weakened. For this reason, it is very difficult to be a leader or show your emotions clearly. It can cause heart problems and reduce vitality.

Working out the Sun in the 6th house of the horoscope

Do not strive to become a leader; it is better to follow specific instructions on what and how to do.

Mercury in the 6th house

May cause minor hand injuries. Gives excessive mental stimulation - it is difficult to calm down and relax. In the negative, you always have a thousand thoughts and tasks spinning in your head, and it always seems like you don’t have time to do something or have forgotten something.

Working on Mercury in the 6th house

You can work on such Mercury if you get a parrot and start teaching it to speak. Also, the negative impact of Mercury in the 6th house of the horoscope will reduce useful conversations without empty chatter and gossip. Learn to speak to people in a dry and informative way.

Venus in the 6th house

In astrology, Venus is called a minor benefactor, so she does not give strong negativity. The illnesses are mild, more malaise if the native shows excesses in food and entertainment.

With this position, a person, as a rule, loves pets and is happy to have docile and beautiful pets.

Mars in the 6th house

Usually causes various inflammations, diseases are acute with high temperature. In general, the native constantly has to expend a lot of energy on arguments. Such people are constantly “burning” things at work and in life.

Study of Mars in the 6th house of the horoscope

To neutralize the negative impact of Mars, you can choose a job where there is interaction with metal (for example, weaving metal bracelets, and for men, you can do forging).

You can also get a fighting dog, which requires a lot of training and walking.

Jupiter in the 6th house

Here Jupiter traditionally creates a risk for liver and pancreas diseases. It is important for such a person to maintain moderation in food and alcohol throughout his life, otherwise illnesses will immediately manifest themselves.

How to work Jupiter in the 6th house

In addition to moderation in alcohol consumption and fatty foods, it is recommended to have an elite breed of pet.

Saturn in the 6th house

Gives its owner weak bones and joints, problems with skin and teeth. Also, Saturn in the 6th house of the horoscope speaks of resilience, if you like, immunity against periods of deprivation. Where ordinary people give up, a person with Saturn in the 6th house passes the tests with dignity.

in the 6th house

To reduce the influence of Saturn in the 6th house on health, you can get special pets, for example, spiders, which you cannot simply pick up and play with.

Uranus in the 6th house

People with this placement of Uranus face sudden difficulties. And then periods of deprivation also suddenly end without any prerequisites. A person's life turns into an unexpected change of white and black stripes.

A typical illness of Uranus is nervous exhaustion, which can easily occur if you try to search stable work in a reliable company.

Study of Uranus in the 6th house

A good study of Uranus will be the purchase of ultra-modern gadgets to make your life easier, and work in the IT field. You can also get yourself a particularly exotic animal, such as an African pygmy hedgehog or sugar glider.

Neptune in the 6th house

At a low level, Neptune can cause errors in diagnoses and tests, and difficult to diagnose diseases. The native may feel constant ailments for which doctors cannot find out the cause.

Study of Neptune in the 6th house of the horoscope

Perfect for a person with this position seasonal work away from home. Good success can be achieved in tourism, art and cinema.

Pluto in the 6th house

Pluto, as a superior planet, in the 6th house can have dire consequences. It is this that can cause the most severe illnesses in humans, requiring surgical intervention.

To avoid such a scenario, it is vital for a person to become a leader in a powerful structure, so that security forces or a large crowd of people obey him. This could be a position in a large corporation with a strong ideology, in law enforcement agencies.

To sum it up, a person must give career growth and increasing the number of subordinates with all your will and energy.

Of course, this is far from a complete picture of the analysis of the 6th house of the horoscope. To fully interpret this section of the map, you will also need

  • Position of the ruler of the 6th house in other houses (to know the sources of injuries, illnesses and periods of failure);
  • Reception of the planets and the ruler of the 6th house, in order to see where the energy of illness will fall or what exactly the period of failure will affect;
  • Connecting the top of the 6th house with the fixed stars to see exactly what scenarios will manifest themselves during difficult periods of your life.

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When transiting Pluto is in your sixth house, your attitude towards work and daily responsibilities will become more serious. You will have an increasing need to control or influence your work, and this need may extend into your work environment. As a result, you will become involved in power struggles with those who work for or with you. Since this period is quite long, it is not surprising that your work and responsibilities may change, replaced by new tasks that are associated with Pluto, including work related to reconstruction and repair, animal husbandry, death, conservation and distribution of resources, research and developments and investigations. Whatever your job, you will have to deal with issues related to your desire to serve others. If your job does not involve services, there may be conditions in which others need your help and advice. Another area of ​​significant change involves your behavior and attitudes towards health and fitness. If you have habitually neglected your health, you are likely to face the consequences in the form of gradually progressive physical ailments. Even if in the past you have not bad habits and now you have nothing to complain about, during this period you should pay closer attention to your own body, apply a suitable diet, engage in physical exercise, and do not forget about preventive measures and medical examinations. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of Pluto through the 6th house of the horoscope

Pluto's transit through the 6th house often indicates a change of job and even profession. This is not a job change when a person is looking for a place where he will be more comfortable and financially advantaged. When Pluto enters the 6th house, a person begins to realize that he is categorically dissatisfied with everything related to his type of activity, work environment, salary, etc. He is trying to find an area of ​​activity that would be more consistent with his needs and abilities. Although often a person does not realize what prompted him to change his job or profession, he simply obeys his subconscious impulses. Natural forces intervene in a person’s life and he feels autumn leaf, driven by the wind. For example, a person loses his job due to the liquidation of an enterprise, the introduction of new technologies in which some professions become unnecessary, or this is a consequence of changes in the state (change of political system) or other circumstances beyond the will of the person. Although changes of a different kind are possible, for example, a person goes to work in government agencies, secret work, organizes his own business, etc. If there are no such radical changes, then this position may mean a period of important, responsible or hard work that requires enormous stress and full effort. In some cases, Pluto, passing through this field, can “give” a responsible post, a new promising direction of activity.

Pluto always brings additional energy within the house in which it is located, this energy must be used, otherwise it will begin to undermine a person from the inside, which can seriously affect health. In general, at this time a person can significantly reconsider his attitude towards health, for example, he will begin to healthy image life, having established for yourself the correct diet and complex physical exercise. If a person has health problems, in the absence of negative aspects, he can turn to a healer. During the period transit Pluto in the 6th house the largest percentage of so-called “miraculous healings” is observed. If a person concentrates on his problem, includes will and faith in healing, then success is almost guaranteed. It has long been known that people die not so much from the disease, but from the fear of it. Pluto helps overcome this fear and turns on additional reserves of the body. Often, while a person is taking care of his own health, the powers of a healer awaken in him.

Negative aspects bring serious problems at work. A person can be “loaded” with an additional amount of work that he is not able to complete. Or a person, doing hard, thankless work, does not receive adequate remuneration for it. The work environment may become unbearable, the person may fall out of favor or be blamed for a breakdown production process. Or there will be a change of power at the enterprise and those undesirable will be forced to leave. Possible industrial injuries, accidents in the workplace, explosions, sabotage, sabotage, blackmail related to production matters, threats. Often health problems, the manifestation of hidden diseases, occupational diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, nervous exhaustion, mental breakdowns. The disease can lead to disability, a newly acquired disease can cause death (check with Radix).

Depending on the quality of its aspects with other planets and elements of the horoscope, it indicates whether an individual is on the right path, whether he leads a healthy lifestyle or not. He also points to difficult relationships with subordinates. Pluto in the 6th house greatly enhances perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance and patience, but people with such Pluto are not at all alien to such traits as aggressiveness, a tendency to coercion and even violence. It also greatly sharpens intuition, especially regarding the purpose of life and activity. People with such Pluto can safely follow the advice of their inner voice, even if it suggests something completely unusual.

In fact, Pluto in the 6th house forces its wards to serve others, their people and even all of humanity. To do this, he reveals the abilities of a doctor in a person, forces him to study traditional medicine. Often people with Pluto in the 6th house become healers, professionals in the field occult sciences, astrology, magic, parapsychology and others. Most often, these people intuitively find the field of activity that is predetermined by fate.

Career, health, pets

The native’s health is often good, strong immunity allows him to survive epidemics, disasters and natural disasters, but after 40 years it is advisable to have it checked regularly.

The karmic task is to fill the mind with light, throw away resentment, anger, remove long-standing heartache forgiveness practices. Conventional medications often do not bring relief; the native gravitates toward healing and energy practices.

It is important to work with Pluto in the 6th house, choosing a professional direction that appeals to him:

  • geology, archeology, history;
  • medicine – surgery, radiology and gynecology;
  • military and financial affairs, construction;
  • nuclear physics.

It is undesirable for the native to have small pets: cats, hamsters, small breed dogs; they take on his karmic sins and illnesses, dying after a year or two or almost immediately for unknown reasons. This does not apply to large pets - fighting dogs or exotics in the form of crocodiles, jaguars, pythons, which can harm the owner himself when squaring Mars.

Influence of zodiac signs

The key to professional success for a person with Pluto in the 6th house is a philosophical attitude towards failure and the ability to quickly switch to another type of activity, get a second education or move to a new job. The planet creates obstacles and difficulties in one's career until the native reaches the highest destiny of the soul. Events are largely influenced by the zodiac sign of the 6th field of the horoscope:

1. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius- born leaders and bosses, lower positions are contraindicated for them - they cannot stand being pushed around. They are prone to aggression and are quick-tempered with subordinates, but strive for fair trial and leadership. An incredible supply of energy allows you to materialize your dreams and earn millions. They are implemented in business and creative professions as directors, producers, recording studio owners, directors of private schools, chief doctors, and military personnel.

2. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn- devoted comrades who deify their boss, but often suffer from his authority. They can work for pennies for the benefit of the cause if they are captivated by the leader’s personality, but they often prefer a stable salary in a bank, healthcare, or government agencies, unwittingly contributing to changes and the destruction of the foundations of their activities by the state of the planet. They will succeed in folk healing, yoga, and martial arts.

3. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces– they “eat” themselves from the inside with strong experiences, but if desired, they are miraculously healed when medicine is powerless. They have the gift of a psychic and the ability to attract money even into a hopeless business project. They cannot work carelessly; the slightest mistake will cause problems in the future. Negative energy must be relieved through sports and eastern health practices. Insidious colleagues can greatly ruin your life. Purpose in medicine, law, astrology, literature.

4. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius– know how to get along with others and get away with it muddy water gossip and traps of spiteful critics. Relief of irritation and nervous feelings is relieved spring cleaning and keeping diaries. These are professional reporters and writers who solve personal psychosomatic problems through the misadventures of the heroes they write about. They excel as teachers, detectives, archaeologists, and nuclear scientists. Beautiful appearance structuring internal state, helping you feel like a winner in difficult situations.

Important aspects

Harmonious aspects of Pluto in the 6th house show an area where professional success is easily achieved: with Mercury - journalism, commerce, with the Moon - healing gifts, medicine, with the Sun and Jupiter - show business, politics, with Venus - diplomacy, art. A trine with Uranus portends good luck in pedagogy, sexology, and management of mass consciousness.

Negative aspects symbolize diseases: with Saturn - weak immunity, susceptibility to viruses, painful old age, with Mars - injuries and difficulties in surgical operations, with Uranus - nervous disorders and the danger of getting hurt in a crowd, with Venus - female problems in the pelvic area. It is necessary to harden yourself from childhood, monitor safety and play sports in order to work out the negative aspects.

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We got acquainted with the energy of Pluto in the previous one. We learned how this energy manifests itself in the first three astrological houses, and in this article we will learn how Pluto manifests itself in the 4th, 5th, and 6th astrological house.

Pluto in the 4th house

The energy of influence, transformation, change falls on the themes of the 4th house: family, housing, parents' house. For example, in a house, due to frequent repairs or rearrangements of furniture, strange things and crises can occur, since Pluto carries the symbolism of the 8th house: fires, robberies, black real estate, etc. Naturally, in order to draw such conclusions, it is necessary to weigh the sum of indicators for such an event, and Pluto itself does not produce the event of black realtors or a fire.

Also, this position of Pluto may indicate sudden moves, forced emigration (read what emigration looks like in a natal chart here), early care from the life of one of the parents (directional Pluto is often marked on the 4-10 axis both on the death of parents and grandparents).

Pluto in the 4th house in a woman can tell that one of the parents carries the energies of Pluto, from where the atmosphere of the parental home could be somewhat oppressive, heavy, for example, I often notice this situation in the charts of military children, this also applies to men with Pluto in the 4th house.

Taking apart karmic layer This position, we can say that in the family there were people involved in magic, witchcraft, and the occult.

Also, this situation may indicate a difficult childhood, life in plutonic conditions, for example, in a communal dormitory, next to asocial elements: a cemetery, a prison...

Pluto in the 5th house

From the free basics course natal astrology we learned that the 5th astrological house corresponds to the following areas of human life: business, creativity, hobbies, recreation, sex, children's topics, so Pluto's energy will be distributed among these topics. Look, psychologically Pluto creates the effect of obsessing over something; in the 5th house a person can become fixated on a creative state, on the topic of sex and satisfying one’s desires, on the topic of excitement (fiery lion house), complete control of a loved one, a child.

Pluto in the 5th house in a woman can serve as an indication of problems with childbirth, the difficulty of conception, and with multiple indications in the charts of temporary reversals - the threat of miscarriage. It’s not so rare to come across cards of mothers who hyper-control both their children and their husbands.

Pluto feels good on stage when you need to laugh, in business when the game is worth the candle and you need to take risks, in any activity where you need to take risks. A good compensatory measure for Pluto in the 5th house is to consciously create risks in your life, for example, install virtual casino or poker on mobile phone and you can play without investing real money, Pluto will work.

I consider retrograde Pluto in the 5th house as direct, without the “r” index. Since the higher planets are in this phase for half a year.

Transiting Pluto in the 5th house can indicate the following events: growth in personal popularity, changes in hobbies and hobbies, romantic events, problems with children/childbirth. Be sure to look at other forecasting methods to form final conclusions.

Pluto in the 6th house

The energy of concentration and work “for wear and tear” goes to the sphere of the 6th house, and this is: routine, work, health, pets. Now let's try to figure it out.

Pluto in the 6th house for a man can go into overdrive at work, and the person can subjugate the team, role of manager/supervisor, so be subordinate. In the case when a person is a subordinate, Pluto is realized in pressure from superiors and in strong control over a person, this could be, for example, areas of internal government bodies, financially responsible ones, etc. This also applies to the female chart.

On the topic of health, Pluto can serve as an indication of serious illnesses such as cancer, injuries with surgery on the body, with other indications of Pluto in the 6th house natal chart.

Transit Pluto in the 6th house of the natal chart indicates the following events: failure at work, layoffs, deterioration in the health of both relatives and personal health. always double-check your conclusions by synthesizing instructions with other forecasting methods (directions, solar panels, transits).

And that is not all!

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