Food industry. Disinfection in the food industry Methods for sanitizing warehouses and premises

It is possible to arrange disinsection and deratization in a warehouse, because not only microorganisms can harm such a room. The danger comes from rodents and insects, which are often unexpected guests of modern food and industrial warehouses. Pest extermination is carried out with high-quality preparations of class 4 low-hazard substances. The ECO-STOLITSA company carries out treatment with substances that in no way negatively affect warm-blooded creatures. Such drugs are not dangerous for humans and animals.

Disinfection of warehouses

Specialized sanitization or disinfection storage facilities has recently become a procedure regulated by law. The purpose of warehouse disinfection is to destroy bacteria and viruses, as well as microorganisms and insects. As a rule, preliminary disinfection of warehouses allows you to save on fumigation and significantly improve the safety of goods. It is especially important to fumigate the premises before placing food products, such as vegetables and fruits, in it.

Sanitation methods

Professional disinfection of warehouses can be carried out using several methods - chemical or physical. As physical methods ozone-enriching UV lamps are used to destroy microbes. Chemical methods include the use of equipment for gas and steam treatment (cold/hot fog generators), sterilization of room surfaces using safe disinfectants. Typically, the interaction of two methods gives best results processing.

Sequence of actions for disinfection

Disinfection of any premises is an event carried out in strict compliance with the work algorithm. Standard disinfection of warehouse premises includes the following steps:

  • Preliminary processing
  • Mechanical treatment (removal of dirt, dust, mold)
  • Direct disinfection treatment

Before sanitizing, you must take care to protect the equipment, for example, cover it with plastic wrap. Choose chemical drug Based on the characteristics of the products you are going to store, give preference to safe and effective products.

If you don’t understand the issue well, call a professional service; its specialists will quickly find a method that is convenient for the specifics of your premises to destroy the infection. Disinfection of warehouses is a popular service among modern SES, as it is in demand among representatives of all business sectors.

How to save food in an infected warehouse?

If food products or valuable goods are stored in a warehouse contaminated with mold, insects or rodents, you may soon face such unpleasant consequences - loss of presentation, damage to goods by insects. Therapeutic disinfection of warehouses can save you from the development of these problems.

Prevention (continuous monitoring, inspection of the condition of the premises) and the involvement of professionals if there are problems with its sanitary and epidemiological condition - ready-made solution, which can significantly increase the status and competitiveness of your products and avoid conflicts with dissatisfied customers.

Most trade-related businesses have their own warehouses or rent real estate specifically for food storage. Absolutely all storage areas are classified according to more than a dozen parameters. Some of them play a significant role when disinfestation of warehouse premises is carried out. The most important when choosing means and methods of warehouse processing are:

Type of ownership

Own premises, commercial, rented, state or municipal. This aspect is more concerned with legal formalities, such as preparing the necessary accompanying papers for reporting to government supervisory authorities and maintaining the company’s internal document flow.

Product type

Are food products, raw materials, supplies, components, containers, leftovers and waste, tools, etc. stored? If goods cannot be temporarily removed from the premises during the work, then disinfestation of the warehouse is carried out taking into account the type of product. The food warehouse and garbage warehouse will use different insecticides and operating methods.

Storage mode

Heated or unheated hangar, refrigerator with fixed temperature and humidity conditions. Using these parameters, it is easy to determine how comfortable living conditions can be for insects and rodents.

Technical equipment

Are mechanized, non-mechanized, automated or automatic systems. During professional cleaning, not only the walls, floor and ceiling are exposed, but also all the furniture and equipment currently in the room. Some conveyors, machines and equipment must be removed or protected from exposure to chemicals in advance, or other measures must be taken to limit exposure to chemicals.

By type of structure

Open, under a canopy, closed, multi-storey, single-storey, high-rise under one roof, with railway, road or waterways entrance. The area of ​​the room affects the total cost of processing. Some products are more effective in enclosed spaces, others in outdoors, their choice depends on this. The presence of special conditions, such as a berth for merchant ships, may also make additional adjustments to the disinsection, deratization and disinfection plan.

Before starting treatment, professional sanitary and epidemiological teams always conduct a thorough preliminary inspection of buildings and structures in order to take into account all the features of the areas and thereby ensure the best result.

Disinsection of warehouses

Not without reason, many enterprises prefer to carry out comprehensive sanitary measures. Of course, this only applies to planned situations. According to Russian legislation, there is a certain interval at which enterprises are required to carry out preventive treatments. Disinsection of warehouses, deratization, deodorization and disinfection are separate procedures, for each of which a separate document is issued. Having a deep understanding of logistics processes and knowing the storage standards for each type of product, you will be able to determine in advance which types of cleaning are your priority.

An integrated approach also helps to neutralize potential harmful influences earlier stages of professional cleaning of the premises. For example, if you poison cockroaches and rats, then remove traces of their vital activity and stay, destroy mold, carry out antibacterial treatment and, as a final touch, order final deodorization, then you get an almost sterile warehouse, ready for people to continue their comfortable work and completely unattractive to pests.

Any contamination in barns, storerooms, warehouses, workshops and terminals is closely related to each other. The emergence of problems in one area always leads to the emergence of similar ones in another. Cockroaches, rats, mice, microbes, fungi and bacteria form stable ecosystems, gradually spreading throughout the controlled territory. To get rid of the entire network of pests at once, approach the problem globally. In addition, it can be cheaper than carrying out individual procedures, since discounts are sometimes provided for multi-phase work. Concluding a service agreement with a sanitary service for a period of a year or more will also help reduce the price for each cleaning operation with a warehouse.

Any pests always leave traces of their activity. Excrement, chitinous plates, integument and fur always catch the eye if the problem has already begun to reach critical proportions. The development of a virus in any living organism is always easier and safer to either try to prevent or stop at initial stages. If your business is also considered an organism within which an infection begins to spread, then this operating principle will be relevant for it as well. Failure to comply with sanitary standards promises not only a decrease in demand for your product and, as a result, financial losses, but also problems with epidemiological state control authorities, receiving large fines and even forced closure of the business. Regular preventive professional processing and timely submission of reports will help save time, money and nerves, and will also create a positive reputation among clients and customers, which will ultimately allow you to earn significantly more.

To maintain proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in enterprises Food Industry effective way destruction and suppression of the development of foreign microorganisms is disinfection.

Disinfection(disinfection) is the destruction of saprophytic microorganisms in environmental objects - pests of a given production that cause damage to raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, as well as pathogenic microorganisms - causative agents of food infections and food poisoning. Disinfection of equipment, inventory, containers, production and household premises of food enterprises is preventive measure to prevent contamination of products by microorganisms. It is carried out systematically in accordance with established sanitary requirements for every industry. This is the so-called current, or preventive, disinfection.

In addition, on food enterprises it is possible to carry out emergency disinfection according to epidemiological indications: if food poisoning is suspected, in case of infectious diseases among personnel, upon receipt of infected raw materials, semi-finished products, containers, etc.

Depending on the type of active agent, disinfection methods can be physical or chemical. TO physical means disinfection include: quartz and ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound, action high temperatures(burning, calcination, boiling, scalding of dishes, containers and equipment, treatment with live steam).

TO chemicals disinfection applies a large number of chemical substances with antimicrobial action.

Effect of antimicrobial chemicals on microorganisms. In addition to nutritional chemicals that have a positive effect on microorganisms, there are a number of chemicals that inhibit or completely stop their growth. Chemicals cause either microbicidal(death of microorganisms), or microbostatic effect(they stop their growth, but after removing this substance, growth resumes again). The nature of the action (microbicidal or microbostatic) depends on the dose of the substance, the time of its exposure, as well as temperature and pH. Small doses of antimicrobial substances often stimulate the development of microorganisms. As temperature increases, the toxicity of many antimicrobial substances generally increases. Temperature affects not only the activity of the chemical itself, but also microorganisms. At temperatures exceeding the maximum for a given microorganism, even small doses of such substances cause their death. The pH of the environment has a similar effect.

The same microorganism exhibits different degrees of resistance to different antimicrobial substances. The same substance may have different effects on different kinds microorganisms - some cause rapid death, others stop their development, and others may have no effect at all. This depends on the presence of spores and capsules that are resistant to chemicals. Antimicrobial substances have a much stronger effect on vegetative cells than on spores.

From inorganic substances salts have a strong antimicrobial effect heavy metals(mercury, copper, silver), oxidizing agents - chlorine, ozone, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, potassium permanganate), alkalis and acids ( sodium hydroxide, sulfurous, hydrofluoric, boric acid),
some gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, coal
acid gas). Substances of organic nature (alcohols, phenols,
aldehydes, especially formaldehyde) also have detrimental effects
beneficial effect on microorganisms. The mechanism of the destructive
the action of antimicrobial substances is different and depends on their
chemical nature. For example, alcohols and ethers dissolve
CPM lipids, as a result of which they easily penetrate the cell
and interact with its various components,
which disrupts the normal functioning of the cell. Salts
■heavy metals, formaldehyde cause rapid coagulation
cytoplasmic proteins, phenols - inactivation of respiratory pheres
ments, acids and alkalis - hydrolysis of proteins. Chlorine and ozone,
having a strong oxidizing effect, also
enzymes are titrated. Antimicrobial chemicals used
used as disinfectants and antiseptics
! 1 Disinfectants substances cause rapid (within minutes) death of bacteria; they are more active in environments poor in organic matter, destroying not only vegetative cells, but also spores. They do not cause the emergence of resistant forms of microorganisms. Microbicidal action antiseptics, unlike disinfectants, it manifests itself through Zchi more. The greatest activity occurs in environments containing organic matter. Antiseptics destroy only vegetative cells and cause the formation of resistant forms of microorganisms.

Antimicrobial substances such as phenols, chloramine, and formalin in high concentrations (2-5%) are disinfectants, but their solutions, diluted 100-1000 times, can be used as antiseptics. Many antiseptics are used as preservatives food products(sulphurous, benzoic, sorbic acids, juglone, plumbagin w etc.).

Disinfectants in the food industry are used, as a rule, to treat the working surfaces of equipment and other technological equipment, equipment, containers, utensils and premises. In the food industry, you can only use drugs that do not have a toxic effect on the human body and are odorless and tasteless. In addition, they must have an antimicrobial effect at a minimum concentration, dissolve in water and be effective over a short period of action. Great importance also has their shelf life. The preparations should not have a destructive effect on the material of the equipment, they should be cheap and easy to transport.

To treat equipment at food industry enterprises, chlorine-containing substances are mainly used, the disinfecting effect of which is due to the release of active chlorine. Typically, solutions containing 150-200 mg of active chlorine per liter are used for disinfection. The most vulnerable areas in terms of bacterial contamination are treated with solutions containing 400 mg of active chlorine per liter. The duration of equipment processing must be at least 15 minutes. Inorganic chlorine-containing disinfectants include: bleach, anti-formin (a mixture of bleach, soda ash and caustic soda), sodium hypochlorite; to organic - chloramine B g new synthetic drugs (dichlorodimethylhydantoin) and complex combinations of new chlorine active compounds with surfactants (for example, sulfochloranthin, which simultaneously has a wetting, washing and high antimicrobial effect). Formalin is also used as a disinfectant ( water solution formaldehyde), lime milk, soda ash and caustic soda.

Organic synthetic disinfectants - the so-called quaternary ammonium compounds - have high antimicrobial activity in small doses. Their advantage over existing antimicrobial agents is that they are highly soluble in water, odorless, tasteless, low toxic to the human body, do not cause corrosion of metals, and do not irritate the skin of personnel’s hands. Among the domestic drugs in this group are cetozol and catamine-AB. The mechanism of action of this class of compounds on microorganisms is not yet entirely clear. It is believed that they damage the cell wall of bacteria, resulting in a sharp increase in cell permeability, denaturation of proteins, inactivation of enzyme systems and lysis (dissolution) of microorganisms.

Many gaseous substances (formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide and p-propiolactone) have a strong bactericidal effect.

When using disinfectants to treat equipment, the following must be observed: general rules: use them only after thorough mechanical washing of the equipment; disinfectant solutions must be freshly prepared; After disinfection, all treated equipment and communications are thoroughly washed until the disinfectant is completely* removed.

Drinking water, as well as water industrial use usually disinfected in a variety of ways - with the help of strong oxidizing agents (large amounts of water - chlorine, small amounts - chlorine compounds, iodine, heavy metal ions) , by ozonation, irradiation with ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 200-295 nm, treatment with gamma radiation, ultrasound.

For air disinfection, chlorine-containing preparations and triethylene glycol are most often used in the form of their evaporation or aerosols. These disinfectants reduce the total number of microorganisms in the air by more than 90%. Good results for air disinfection in production workshops and refrigeration chambers gives ozonation and] ultraviolet irradiation. Periodic use of physical (ventilation, filtration) and chemical methods| disinfection, cleaning and disinfection of air and their combination with wet cleaning premises can significantly reduce bacterial contamination of the air in industrial and domestic premises.

Food production must be kept perfectly clean. Cleaning must be done regularly and the choice of chemicals must be taken as seriously as possible. We suggest you consider professional products for disinfection of the food industry from the manufacturer "CHIMITEKS". They are designed to provide protection against harmful bacteria and create ideal cleanliness for comfortable and safe work.

Here you will find equipment for premises for the production and processing of meat and fish products. The preparations are suitable for cleaning confectionery shops and other workshops. We have also developed acidic detergent compositions that differ increased efficiency with the correct ratio of substances in the solution.

Product advantages

  • creating ideal sanitary conditions for food production;
  • quick elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • microbiological purity is ensured;
  • the opportunity to buy both a concentrate and a ready-made solution (dilution in the required ratio);
  • compliance with all quality standards, there are supporting certificates;
  • low prices: you can buy it profitably detergents for the food industry with a complex order;
  • absolute safety of chemicals.

Ordering cleaning products from CHIMITEX

Detergents and disinfectants for the food industry are sold regularly. We offer to make a comprehensive order of drugs that will ensure complete cleanliness in both production and other premises. To do this, you just need to leave a request for a call back. You can also send your orders and questions by email. We will advise you, help you choose the right funds for your tasks and save your budget!

The safety of any food production is the key to business prosperity. It is for the production of food products that state regulatory authorities impose the most requirements in terms of sanitary and epidemiological standards. Compliance with them is the key to the health of all plant workers and end consumers of the product. If customers are systematically poisoned en masse with food or drinks of a certain brand, then in the end such a company will incur significant losses. Numerous complaints to Rospotrebnadzor can lead to the fact that the enterprise will simply be closed or fined a disproportionately large amount. Sanitary standards The details vary somewhat depending on the specifics of each area of ​​production, but the essence of any cleaning process does not change and necessarily includes the following points:

    Pest control



    Sterilization (in some cases)

    Daily cleaning of all premises and equipment

    Filling out and submitting reporting documentation on the conduct and results of all the above procedures

It is logical to do disinfection after eliminating rats, mice, cockroaches, moths and thorough cleaning. Some people mistakenly believe that killing bacteria and removing visible dirt are the same thing. There is no doubt that they are related, but even if you have brought all surfaces to a shine, this does not mean that there are no germs left on them. The human eye cannot see pathogenic microorganisms, so their number can only be determined using special instruments. In order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, you need to use special chemicals.

Disinfectants for the food industry

Acceptable disinfectants for use in the food industry are contained in the list of Appendix No. 1 to the rules for the use of detergents and antimicrobial agents in the food production industry. The edition of SP includes the following names:

    Chlortab (Eslana LLC, Russia)

    Sokren (Bode Chemie GmbH & Co., Germany, declared: A.K.HAASE, Germany)

    Nika-2 (“Genix”, Yoshkar-Ola)

    Veltonen (JSC "Velt", Orenburg)

    Septabik (“ABIC”, Israel)

    Aquatabs (“Medentek LTD”, Ireland)

    Fogucid (Pharm plant, Usolye-Sibirskoye)

    Msta (TYPE A) (Triad LLP, Torzhok, Tver region)

    TRN5225 Terralin (“Schulke and Mayer”, Germany)

    MD-1 (VNIMI, Moscow)

    Sanifect-128 (“Liqua-Tech Industries Inc.”, USA, supplier “LLP” Natural source»)


    Belen (Plastpolymer JSC, Russia)

    PVK (JSC Sintez, Moscow, NIIPTiD)

    Bromosept 50% solution (ABIC, Israel)

    Silva-Dez (IJSC "Movek", Estonia, representative in Russia "Firm Phobos S")

    Precept (“Johnson-Johnson Medical”, USA stated: “Johnson-Johnson”, Russia)

    Neutral Anolyte ANK (VNIMI, Moscow)

    Perform (Schulke and Mayer, Germany)

    Microbak Forte (Bode Chemie GmbH & Co., Germany, declared: A.K. HAASE, Germany)

    Sanifekt-128 (Liqua-Tech Industries Inc., USA, stated: Excort JSC, Moscow)

    MJ-1 and MJ-2 (Plastpolymer JSC, Russia)

    Tepsichlor 70A (PFH Pettens Chemistry, France, declared: RASTER LTD, Yekaterinburg)

    Damisept (JSC DAMI, stated: JSC Process-Service, Russia)

    Biskar (Plastpolymer JSC, Russia)

    Katamin AB

    Septodor (Dorvet LTD, Israel)

    Katril-D (VNIMI, Moscow)

  • Alaminol (SSC RF "NIOPIK", Moscow, NIID GKSEN RF, Moscow)

All these antimicrobial and disinfectants are considered optimal for food production. The enterprise may use other means at its discretion, except those recommended in the list above, but they must pass state registration and the procedure for issuing a certificate of conformity in the GOST standard system.

Any chemicals for disinfecting enterprises are divided into neutral, acidic and alkaline. Each type is suitable for different situations and has its purpose. Hygienic treatment of the skin of personnel, cleaning of the catering area and equipment, disinfection of transportation means, equipment, administrative and utility premises require products specially designed for this. In addition, some essences are intended for use in a specific area of ​​production, for example, only in the dairy or exclusively in the meat industry.

Consult with a professional sanitation professional before using any product in food production. An error in choice, hasty conclusions or a thoughtless desire to save money can play a cruel joke on you and lead to serious consequences both for you personally and for the consumers of your products. Professional sanitary service specialists will always advise you on all issues of concern absolutely free of charge and, if necessary, offer expert assistance that will protect you from losses and contribute to the prosperity and development of your business.