Yellow petunia. New varieties of petunias

It is unpretentious, grows quickly and pleases us with its bright color from the beginning of summer to the first cold weather. Multicolored cascades of petunia grandiflora are the best way give vitality to the cold gray concrete of big cities.

But, despite its unpretentiousness, not all domestic gardeners manage to grow healthy and. In addition, the features of the life activity of the species make their own adjustments to general rules care for this, which directly affects the results of growing the plant. Therefore, before you get this flower, you need to find out what petunia grandiflora is famous for, and what it is.

Characteristics and application of the group

Petunia grandiflora (large-flowered) is a herbaceous plant with a branched stem. The flower belongs to the Solanaceae family. and is a native species of hot tropical forest zones South America.

Did you know?Petunia was discovered by the famous French scientist and naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck. IN Worst Enemies vegetable gardens: a list of the most common in 1793, the flower came to the scientist in the form of a herbarium brought from Uruguay.

The height of the large-flowered petunia is in the range of 20-40 cm, but there are varieties that can reach a height of about 60 cm. The stem can be either erect or creeping or densely branched. Rounded green shoots are formed on it, which are abundantly strewn with hairs. The leaves are entire, different in shape and size, arranged alternately on the flower.

The greatest pride of grandiflora is its large, often solitary flowers with a diameter of about 10-12 cm. They are formed on short stalks, have two perianths and can be simple or double. Their coloring is varied. There are varieties with flowers from a delicate pink hue to a strict purple, with a border or spotted patches. Usually, the flowering period of petunia grandiflora lasts from the beginning of June until the onset of the first cold weather. After flowering on the plant, one can observe the appearance of a fruit-box, from which, after ripening, small seeds are poured.

Large-flowered petunias deservedly occupy one of the first places in terms of prevalence among This was facilitated by the unique ability of this species to adapt to various habitats, from hot tropics to cold northern regions. It arose thanks to the painstaking work of many geneticists to develop new varieties.

Grandflora petunias are an integral part of many flowerbeds, ridges, balconies and Modern varieties have expanded the possible habitat conditions for this flower, which made it possible for petunias to grow in a limited amount of substrate in hanging baskets, containers, planters, etc. But first of all, petunias have chosen a place for themselves on a flower bed, as a successor, or in a mixborder (a flower bed with free borders, consisting of various plants).

Did you know?PPetunia was originally called Nicotinia axillaris. But soon it was transformed intoPetunia axillaris,from the word in the old Brazilian dialect "Petun", which means "tobacco" in translation.


petunias grandiflora known for the abundance of varieties bred over decades. Among the innumerable number of hybrids, only a few varieties are especially attractive to gardeners. Hybrids are popular primarily due to improved aesthetic and physiological characteristics, which makes it possible to cultivate petunia without much difficulty. Let's bring brief description several successful varieties.

Did you know?Modern breeders have managed to develop a petunia variety that can grow at a temperature of -4 ° C. This made it possible to significantly expand the area of ​​cultivation of this flower, and also made it possible to admire the flowering of petunias in temperate climate zone until the start of frost.

: bred by Pan American. The plant shows increased resistance to adverse environmental conditions, including low temperatures. This variety is associated with a series of five hybrids, which are distinguished by their compactness, low stem and excellent compatibility with each other. hybrids are predominantly white, pink, red and purple.

: a compact plant, no more than 40 cm high and a flower diameter of up to 10 cm. The variety includes several hybrids with a variety of flower colors - white, pink, red and light purple. Hybrids begin to bloom early, but the flowering period continues until the first serious drop in temperature. The variety is ideal for planting in open ground, and for planting in a pot.

petunia grandiflora 'Limbo G.P.': a new generation of hybrid petunias from Limbo. Plants are preferably low-growing (up to 20 cm in height), but grow well in the horizontal direction, as a result of which a large area is formed. This feature allows the use of fewer plants per square meter of area in the design. The variety blooms profusely, over a long period. The color range is within shades of pink(coral, salmon). Flowers in diameter do not exceed 12 cm.

Self growing seedlings

The ubiquity of large-flowered petunia has caused a lot of controversy and conflicting reports about how to properly grow this plant from seeds and whether it is worth it at all, because getting high-quality seedlings is a very troublesome process. Summing up all the existing pros and cons, we can say that petunia, although an unpretentious flower, is not an easy task to get out of seedlings of this species. Today we will try to reveal all the secrets of this procedure and present the information so that it is not difficult even for beginners.

Optimal timing

In case you - experienced gardener and you have technical possibility petunia seedlings, sowing seeds for seedlings for their further planting in the open can be done in February. When you don't have that option, the cultivation of sprouts of this flower usually begins closer to spring and warmth, in the second half of March. Strict observance of sowing dates will help to obtain healthy plant suitable for long flowering. In the case of growing a flower for indoor purposes, seeds can be germinated at any time of the year.

Capacity and soil

To obtain seedlings, the soil for sowing must be loose, not dense. It is also worth making sure that it is light and has in its composition required amount nutrients for plant growth. We advise you to prepare the substrate as follows: soddy or leafy soil and rotted soil are mixed in equal parts, a small amount of sand is added to the resulting mixture (up to 20% of the total mass).

An important step is the choice of a container for germination. seed. Germination of petunia seeds does not require huge containers; small dishes or special ones are best suited for this. You can also use plain plastic cups. The main thing is to keep simple, but important rule: to obtain seedlings of petunia grandiflora, the height of the container should be within 10-15 cm.

Sowing seeds

Sowing seeds is carried out as follows:

  • prepared for germination in at least a day, the substrate is stuffed into a special container. The vessel should not be filled completely, to the brim - at this stage, at least 20% of the free space of the total displacement must be left;
  • then the rest of the soil is rubbed through a fine sieve and poured over the main one, with a layer of approximately 1 cm. This is necessary so that the seeds lie evenly, their final germination depends on this;
  • petunia seeds are mixed with a small part of dry sand, after which they are sown on prepared soil in a garden container and leveled;
  • after the seed is placed in the germination container, it must be plentiful and covered with a transparent film or glass.

Important! You need to sow petunia seeds with a margin. Due to the short sunny day at the beginning of spring, their germination decreases several times, therefore it is recommended to double the seeding rate indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Germination conditions

To successfully germinate the seeds of petunia grandiflora, you need ensure a constant temperature of at least +20°C. In case you have unique opportunity provide future seedlings with more high temperature, we advise you to choose a temperature regime of about + 26-28 ° С. Under such conditions, the seeds will germinate in just a few days, but at elevated temperatures it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not lose its moisture, and, if necessary, additional substrate.

seedling care

After about a week, the seeds germinate and a bright green sprout emerges from them. From this point on, seedlings must be provided with light. For this it is best to take the flowerpot closer to the window, to natural light sources. You can use special ones. In this case, it is necessary to provide the sprouts with approximately 12 hours of constant lighting, this will speed up the germination process several times. It is best to provide sprouts scattered light, as they may not withstand direct radiation and dry out (especially for natural light sources).

Also during this period it is necessary to provide high humidity, for this the plants are moistened daily with a hand sprayer. We should not forget that excessive moisture can lead to rotten diseases, so the sprouts must be aired every time condensation appears on the walls of the film or glass.

Seedling hardening

Planting seedlings in a flowerpot or open when reaching the desired size without prior hardening is strictly prohibited. Due to the fact that the plant germinated in conditions of elevated temperature and moisture, a sharp drop in humidity and heat will lead to the death of flowers. Therefore, they must undergo serious hardening. To do this, over several days, you need to gradually reduce the temperature in their habitat to the required level, while it is important to protect the seedlings from sudden changes in heat. It is also necessary to prepare plants for the dry air of our latitude. To do this, the daily airing of the sprouts from a few minutes is gradually increased to several hours, and then the protective barrier is completely removed.

Planting seedlings on the site

After 3-4 true leaves have formed on the seedlings, the petunias are ready for planting and caring for them in the open field. This process is not difficult even for a beginner. However, there are several secrets that will help simplify it, increase the efficiency of rooting seedlings and minimize all risks of damaging plants.

Optimal timing

Planting of petunia seedlings is carried out only when all sharp nighttime drops in temperature are left behind. For this the best period will be the end of May - the beginning of June.

Location selection

Petunias are planted in open areas without and with a sufficient amount sunlight. Loamy or sandy loamy soils with a sufficient level of fertility are best suited for this. In specialized literature, it is usually advised to pre-enrich the soil with additional nutrients with the help of fertilizers of natural origin (or humus). Large-flowered petunias do not tolerate drafts, so you should take care to be behind a hedge or a barrier from other plants.

Process and scheme

The best time to plant is in the evening or on a cloudy day. because active solar radiation can damage delicate petunias. In order not to damage the plant, the germination substrate must be abundantly moistened and softened before removing it. You need to carefully remove the seedling: for this, they take it by the top leaf, pry it with a stick and take it out.

Every gardener is probably familiar with petunia, and there are hardly a couple of flower growers who have not grown it at least once on their plot or balcony. This plant has so many different species that it can satisfy the aesthetic requirements of even the most whimsical gardener. One of the most common types of petunia can safely be called its large-flowered varieties.

Appearance of large-flowered petunias

This type of petunia can boast beautiful flowers 10 - 12 centimeters in diameter. Petunia grandiflora can be terry, simple, funnel-shaped and have a wide variety of colors. Some of the varieties of this species grow in whole levels, while others, on the contrary, are erect. In this case, the former can be safely planted in flower pots or balcony containers, while others can become excellent material for your wild imagination. So, really try and, for sure, you will be able to build a real flower hill on a flower bed, the height of which can sometimes reach 38 centimeters. On average, the height of large-flowered petunias ranges from 20 to 60 centimeters.

Planting and growing large-flowered petunias

Well, since your choice fell on a specific type of plant, then you can take a chance and assume that in general you should be familiar with the basic rules for planting a petunia and some points for caring for it. Petunia grandiflora does not require knowledge of any new secrets - you can easily get by with the "old" ones. The main thing is to observe the timing of sowing seeds (in the event that the selected variety can be grown this way), cuttings (some varieties can only be bred in this way), feeding them, transplanting them into the ground and you can grow bright charming bushes. One point, which, perhaps, is worth paying attention to is the distance between the bushes. From the moment of planting, it should be about one step in the flower bed and a little less if the plants are planted in a container.

Some care secrets

These secrets concern rather not a specific species, but all petunias in general. Observing them, you will certainly be able to enjoy your raging front garden for a long time:

Water the petunias about once a week (except during a period of severe drought), soaking the soil about 10 to 15 centimeters deep. This rule does not apply to "balcony" flowers - you will need to quench their thirst much more often, depending on the drying of the soil.

Fertilizers have a very good effect on flowering, growth and appearance of petunias. Such "events" can be carried out approximately once every two weeks.

Timely removal of rain-beaten or withered buds contributes to the rapid restoration of the plant and the formation of new flowers.

Most famous varieties large-flowered petunia

Of course, it is simply impossible to list all varieties due to their huge number. Every day more and more new hybrids are created, so you only have to follow all these new products in order to buy something for yourself. The most famous petunias of this species:

1. Large-flowered garden petunias:
- daddy F1 Series. This series features hybrids of six stunning colors that, thanks to their dark veining and lighter edges, look incredibly festive.
- picoti F1 Series. These large, early-flowering compact flowers stand out with a wide white border around the edge of the flower.
- Prism F1 Sunshine. These plants are quite powerful, have a height of up to 35 centimeters and large flowers, up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
- Storm F1 Series. These plants are very compact, have large flowers of eight colors.
- Anastasia F1. Excellent compact bushes of purple and velvety shades with a neat white frame will definitely appeal to every grower.
- Fantasy F1. A mixture of beautiful multi-colored flowers with wavy petals will delight you not only with extraordinary beauty, but also with a long flowering period.

2. Large-flowered petunias of the Superbissima and Fimbriata type:
- Jabot series. This variety is perfect for decorating a veranda or south balcony. Its large ruffled flowers in dark blue, pink and purple shades will help you create simply incredible beauty.
- Frillitunia F1 Series. This variety can be found in elegant flowers with a fringed edge in dark pink, white and blue flowers.

3. Petunia terry large-flowered:
- Double Cascade F1 Series. This variety is semi-compact, curls well and pleases with flowers about 2 weeks earlier than its other large-flowered relatives. Buds can be of various shades - from light pink to deep blue.
- Pirouette F1 Series. This large-flowered double petunia has heavily ruffled and indented petals in shades of red, deep pink and purple.
- Sonata F1. This hybrid is presented in only one color - pure white. Its flowers are quite large and slightly corrugated.

Large-flowered petunias, without unnecessary exaggeration, can be called the real pride of any gardener. They are very hardy, easily tolerate weather changes, but at the same time, they often suffer from heavy rainfall, which injure the buds every now and then. However, how can this become an obstacle on the way to creating a bright flowering spot?

Along with this article, they usually read:

To date, there are a huge number of types of petunias. In addition, many hybrids have been bred that delight the eye with bright colors. Bush, creeping, multi-flowered, dwarf - the choice is yours!

Petunias are great for growing as a garden plant. Ease of care, a wide range of colors, a huge selection of shapes make it possible to widely use different kinds petunias for organizing planters and flowerpots, borders and flower beds. Unpretentiousness and a good perception of new conditions after transplantation put the petunia in the lead in the list of annual flowers for the backyard.

Climatic conditions for cultivation can be very different: the plant withstands wet and sunny weather with rates up to 35-40 ° C, and it is normal for coolness. However, the cultivation environment greatly affects the appearance and duration of flowering of this plant. When choosing a pitunia variety, it is important to take into account the type of its growth. Petunias also differ in the shape of the flowers. They are fully terry or with a terry edge, large, miniature, plain, two-tone and fantasy. At the same time, it is definitely impossible to answer which variety of petunias is better. Each gardener chooses according to his taste.

Ampelous petunias form elongated falling branches. With their help, gardeners can create decorative curtains, flowing waterfalls and other bizarre shapes. Petunias look very colorful in flowerpots, ampelous varieties of which are combined with each other, for example, plain and star-shaped. These plants sometimes decorate undersized trees, floristic forms, arbors. Usually, ampelous species are planted in pots, hanging pots or containers. But the option of landing in the ground is possible. In this case, they cover a decent area, covering the bald spots in the flower beds. Alpine slides or the shore of an artificial reservoir, decorated with ampelous petunias, acquire a truly fabulous look. Varieties of ampelous petunia are very diverse, differ in appearance, length of shoots, as well as growth and adaptation to adverse weather conditions. The length of the shoots of the ampelous petunia grown in middle lane and in the Urals, does not exceed 100 cm.

easy wave

Easy Wave is one of the easiest varieties to grow. The colors of the plant are varied: red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, burgundy. It is more considered a semi-ampel petunia, since they form a spherical or domed crown. Most often, the plant is planted in floor planters, but it is also often used in hanging ones. The variety is also planted in open ground. Scourges can reach a length of up to 1 meter. For one plant, you need to take about 8 liters of soil. Variety of shades of the Easy Wave variety Easy Wave flowering is very dense, even the foliage is almost invisible, different colors bloom at the same time. This allows you to create a variety of multi-color compositions. Height - about 35 cm. Prefers the sun, blooms until the start of frost.


Popular all over the world variety series. It grows rapidly, is not afraid of adverse weather conditions. The flowers of the plant are large, have a variety of colors: white, purple, blue, red, purple and others. It grows up to 70 cm. The flower prefers the sun or partial shade. Surfinia is most often planted in hanging planters or floor. Rarely grown directly in open ground. One of the newest varieties of the Surfinia series is the Table Yellow variety. These petunias are perfectly combined with other ampelous forms. The flowers are small, distinguished by yellow veins.

shock wave

The variety is distinguished by the small size of flowers and leaves. The variety is not afraid of rain or wind. It is grown in floor and hanging containers, sometimes in open ground. For cultivation per plant, it is required to take about 8 liters of soil. Colors: white, blue, pink, yellow.

Opera Supreme

This is a Japanese ampelous petunia. Duration daylight hours for this variety is irrelevant. Growing is not particularly difficult. The flowers are small in size. The plant forms lashes up to 1 meter long. Looks great on balconies and in hanging vases. Sometimes grown in open ground. For one plant, you need to take about 8 liters of soil. In order for flowering to be plentiful, regular feeding of the plant and removal of wilted shoots are necessary. The colors are varied: white, blue, pink and others.


This variety is often used to decorate loggias and garden arbors. Petals in buds are painted in rich colors - orange, red, white, pink or blue. In addition, with proper cultivation, the seeds of this variety can also give a mix of shades that looks very original.


This is a real ampel, which is the owner of velvety foliage and the same velvet petals in buds. Most often, this variety is planted in gardens and kitchen gardens, where crops lack pollinators. And this is due to the fact that "Velvet" is considered an excellent honey plant and attracts a huge number of bees. Its inflorescences are very long. The flowering period starts late.

The Snow Queen

This is a hybrid of ampelous petunia. The stems of this variety reach 80 cm in length and luxurious snow-white-foamy flowers appear on them during the flowering period, which also give an incredibly light aroma.


The most common variety is ampelous petunias. It is cultivated by most flower growers, as this plant has a huge range of colors. The length of its branches reaches a record size and can be about one and a half meters. At the same time, the shoots are quite strong and able to withstand strong gusty winds. Produces large flowers with a waxy texture.


A hybrid variety that will enchant you with bright salmon colored flowers. This variety is characterized by veins on the petals, and the diameter of the flower is about 6 cm.

Black velvet

This plant is striking in its beauty. This variety produces incredibly spectacular large inflorescences. Petals in buds have a velvety surface and are painted in deep black. The diameter of the flower can reach 8 cm, and they densely cover a powerful bush, whose height is about 35 cm.

Petunia cascading varieties

For creating floral decor on loggias, in gazebos, on balconies, cascading varieties of petunias are best suited. They have flexible stems, but thicker and not as long as those of pure ampelous forms, and cascading petunias grow at first, stretching upwards, and then begin to hang under their own weight. This species is able to grow fairly large shoots that grow beautifully in all directions. The overgrown bush takes up a lot of space, representing a picturesque thicket. In varieties of cascading petunias, flowers are larger than in ampelous ones. For seed planting, varieties labeled “F1” are recommended, the rest are best propagated by cuttings so as not to encounter unpleasant “surprises” at the time of flowering of the bush.


Plant flowers are large. Most often, Ramblin is grown in floor planters and vases, but the variety looks great in hanging containers, as well as in open ground. For better flowering it is required to take about 10 liters of soil per plant, regularly feed the flower, and remove wilted shoots. The height of the plant does not exceed 30 cm. There are many different colors of the plant: white, pink, red, purple and others. In the photo above, Ramblin with peach flowers.

Mona Lisa

One of the most popular cascading petunias. Differs in long shoots up to 1 meter, a huge number of flowers. The height of the plant reaches 20 cm. The flowers are small. Gioconda loves the light. Flowering early. Flowers are purple, pink, scarlet, orange and others. Gioconda can be grown both in open ground and in hanging flowerpots. Hanging long curly shoots from flowerpots resemble garlands with numerous flowers.


The variety has no analogues among other petunia cultivars. The plant blooms for a long time. Stems are long and strong. The plant grows very quickly, a huge number of small flowers are formed. Blooms until frost. Typhoon is grown in containers as well as in flower beds. In open ground, one plant grows on an area equal to 2 sq.m. The plant loves the sun and regular feeding. The plant quickly recovers after the deterioration of weather conditions in the form of rains and strong winds.

Tidal Wave Silver

This is one of the tallest hybrids of the Wave family, blooming profusely. groundcover with long stems - 100-110 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm have the most diverse color - snow-white, light lilac, purple and red, depending on the variety. This is one of the few creeping species that can grow up to one and a half meters in diameter. Petunia Tidal Wave Silver- an unpretentious species that is grown in various climatic zones.


This cascading petunia belongs to large-flowered varieties with massive, long shoots and very beautiful flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Depending on the variety, the color of flower buds is pink, red, snow-white and purple. Petunia cascade Tornado Parple F1 - one of the most unusual species this group. Characterized rapid growth, vigor and abundant flowering. The shoots are long - 1.5 m. It blooms with bright crimson flowers throughout the summer season and until the very frost. Tornado Parple F1 is characterized by unpretentious care, the ability to easily recover from strong winds and rains.

Double Cascade

Begins to form flowers very early. At the same time, the size of the flowers themselves can reach 13 cm, and the bushes often give shoots with a length of 39-40 cm. Double Cascade needs constant fertilizing with minerals and frequent watering. But its very carnation-like flowers are really worth the effort. This variety feels great both in boxes and in flower beds near a country house.


Refers to supercascade petunias. During the flowering period, it forms a waterfall of bright green leaves and large beautiful flowers which is how it got its name. The size of the flower can be 8 cm in diameter, Niagara shoots can reach half a meter in length.


Very beautiful cascading petunia hybrid with profuse flowering and bright colors. Often used as a groundcover when grown in flower beds and lawns.

Petunia bush varieties

This group is quite diverse and numerous. Here are the most compact plants. All spray petunias bloom with large beautiful flowers, the diameter of which is at least 10 cm. Each flower combines two colors, they are characterized by smooth color transitions, edging. The edges of the flowers have a different shape. To admire the lush flowering of bush petunia, you need to take care of the appropriate care. This type of plant is particularly demanding on soil storage and constant moderate watering. The plant is not resistant enough to diseases, adverse weather can also leave its mark on its development. But, despite such exactingness, this group of plants is very popular, which is associated with a variety of varieties.


This is a variety series of large-flowered bush petunias. It is a plant with numerous large flowers. Height - about 25 cm. Daddy is not afraid of the wind and rainy weather and also drought tolerant. This variety loves the sun. With the help of a plant, flower beds and rabatkas are decorated. Daddy is also grown in balcony and garden containers. Flowers are blue, red, hot pink, white and others.


One of the most popular bush varieties of petunias. Large flowers of this plant have a variety of shades. The petals have a characteristic white edging, which gives them a very smart look. The plant is not afraid of rain. The bushes have a height of about 25 cm. The plant blooms all summer and until the start of frost. Pikoti is grown in balcony boxes, vases and hanging baskets. Also, the plant looks great in flower beds.


A series of large-flowered bush petunias. They will be a wonderful decoration for your home, balcony or garden. Plants are not afraid of rainy and windy weather. The flowers of the plant are large and rounded. Gray rot is not afraid of Storm flowers, so if the summer can be damp, this is a great choice. The bush has a height of about 35 cm. The soil for planting this variety should be rich in nutrients. The variety of shades is not inferior to other varieties, the flowers are removed, purple, pink, white, red. Petunia Storm is often used in landscaping city parks and alleys.


This is a bush annual variety of petunias from Aelita. A comparative new variety will delight even the most experienced flower growers. The plant is not afraid of heat, rain or wind. Plant growth is fast. Flowering is early and very abundant. A huge number of flowers hides the long shoots of the plant. Color height is about 30 cm. Petunia Polaris will be a great decoration for a garden or balcony. It looks great in planters, hanging baskets, as well as on balconies and terraces.


A series of large-flowered petunias, a win-win option, proven over the years. Height 30-35 cm, width 35-40. The flowers are large, wide open with a slightly wavy edge. Plants are strong, resistant to bad weather, grow very well. The good shape of the bush makes the Ultra petunia ideal for planting in large flower beds.


Hybrid large-flowered petunia. Plant, compact, with good branching. Stems 25-40 cm long are decorated with flowers 10-13 cm in diameter, fragrant, red. Abundant, long flowering, unpretentiousness make it possible to use in all types of flower gardening: for decorating borders, decorating balconies, when creating compositions in flower beds, in hanging containers. Perfectly coexists with marigolds, verbena, pelargonium, cineraria, lobelia.


Bright multi-colored mix. Spectacular flowers, trimmed with wavy edges and possessing stunning colors, do not lose their decorative effect for a long time. Particularly attractive with a short growing period, long flowering and endurance, which makes it indispensable for flowerbeds and flowerbeds, as well as for decorating balconies and loggias.

Hit parade

The bush is compact, bushy, with small leaves and very early formation of flowers. Inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter, the color covers the entire spectrum - from blue-violet to pale lilac. Height: bushes up to 25 cm. Used for group plantings, pots, balcony boxes.


Upright, densely branched, compact shrub up to 25 cm in height and up to 45 cm in diameter. The leaves are large, ovate, obtuse, light green, pubescent. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, intensely and brightly colored, pink, with fringed edges. The tube in the pharynx is pink-beige, with dark pink veins, yellowish-whitish outside, pubescent.

Petunia terry varieties

It is impossible to overestimate the advantages of terry petunias. Corrugated, rugged and lush petals, low and compact bushes are calling card this type of petunias. It is difficult to find another such unpretentious and, at the same time, charmingly beautiful plant. Terry petunia stems reach 30 cm in length, it blooms from the first days of summer until frost. The color spectrum of terry petunia flowers varies from boiling white to dark purple. To date, there is a huge mass of the most beautiful hybrid varieties of terry petunias. The best of them are presented below:


This unique flower will become the queen of the summer flower garden! A compact, lushly branched shrub with small leaves forms a sea of ​​​​delightful double flowers. It has a very beautiful appearance. It begins to bloom in early summer and pleases with friendly flowering. Unpretentious and resistant to wind and moisture. This variety of petunias is indispensable in the design of flower beds, balcony boxes, planters, borders and flowerpots.


This hybrid variety petunias with large salmon-colored flowers with densely doubled corrugated petals. This variety can easily be confused with cloves. Plant height up to 40 cm, bush powerful, densely branched, flowering is long and earlier.


This is a hybrid variety, large-flowered, luxurious. The plant is powerful, with thick leaves, branched. In height reaches 27-30 centimeters. Flowering is lush and long, from early June to September. Flowers deep white color, lush-terry. Petunias of this variety are disease resistant. Her beauty attracts attention, it is the prima of any flower garden.

Tumbelina Priscilla

New hybrid variety. The beauty of the soft lavender terry petunia is very exotic, resembling a rose. This variety of petunias has an extraordinary aroma. The bush is very compact, densely dotted with flowers.


This is a series of hybrids with large double flowers with densely indented petals. The color of the flowers is from dark pink to red, 10-15 cm in diameter. It is characterized by powerful bushy stems. During flowering, it is unusually spectacular due to the smooth transition of color from white to deep pink.

Double Cascade

Magnificent double flowers with wavy petals up to 13 cm in diameter, similar in appearance to carnations. The color of the buds is pale pink, pale lavender, lavender with veins, burgundy, dark blue. Bushes 35-38 cm high are densely branched. The peculiarity of this variety is that it blooms a couple of weeks earlier than other varieties of terry petunias.


A hybrid variety with many double-flowered balls on densely branched bushes. The plant grows to a height of up to 35 cm, and the diameter of the bush reaches 30 cm. The flowers are terry graceful from snow-white to scarlet in color. Blooms profusely throughout the summer season. Very unusual and exotic plant.


The low bushes of the Burgundy multi-flowered petunia look especially elegant thanks to the rich burgundy hue of the flowers and the corrugated edges of the petals. The flowers are up to 7 cm in diameter.


Decorative hybrid bright grade. Differs in densely double lilac flowers with a darker center and light shades along the edges. The edge of the petals is almost white.

Tart Bonanza

Bright terry flowers of this series are suitable for flower beds, balcony boxes, hanging planters. Plants 25-30 cm high and about 30-35 cm in diameter. Terry flowers of a wide variety of colors, about 5-6 cm in diameter. Blooms profusely from June to September.

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Petunia is a widespread plant, one of the most beloved by flower growers. The flowers of the plant have a variety of colors and their shades, shapes and sizes.

Breeders have created, and are creating to this day, a huge number of varieties of this crop. A variety of varieties allows you to grow it in flowerpots, in pots, in flower beds, in borders, devices for vertical gardening.

Plants are grown in open ground, planted in floor and hanging pots and vases. With the help of them, they decorate, decorate the alleys, create.

There are the following types of petunias:

  • Ampel;
  • Bush;
  • Cascading.

In the title photo, a representative of a special series of petunias - Sweetunia White Merlot.

Ampelous and for cache-pots

Ampelous petunias are lovers of heat and sun. In this regard, the plant in warm countries is more common than in Russia.

Ampelous petunias are perfect for framing balconies and windows. The shoots of the plant are long and hanging down, growing down. He loves light and sun, grows quickly and is very different. lush bloom. Flowers vary in size. Perfect for planting in flowerpots, vases, including hanging ones.

Ampel varieties

Easy Wave- American variety, is an improved form of the Wave variety. Easy Wave is one of the easiest varieties to grow. The colors of the plant are varied: red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, burgundy. More counts semi-ampel petunia, since they form a spherical or domed crown. Most often, the plant is planted in floor planters, but it is also often used in hanging ones. The variety is also planted in open ground. Scourges can reach a length up to 1 meter. For one plant, you need to take about 8 liters of soil.

Variety of shades of the Easy Wave variety

The flowering of Easy Wave is very dense, even the foliage is almost invisible, different colors bloom at the same time. This allows you to create a variety of multi-color compositions. Height - about 35 cm. Prefers the sun, blooms until the start of frost.

Surfinia- Popular all over the world variety series. It grows rapidly, is not afraid of adverse weather conditions. The flowers of the plant are large, have a variety of colors: white, purple, blue, red, purple and others. It grows up to 70 cm. The flower prefers the sun or partial shade.

Surfinia in a hanging planter

Surfinia is most often planted in hanging planters or floor. Rarely grown directly in open ground. One of the newest varieties of the Surfinia series is the Table Yellow variety. These petunias are perfectly combined with other ampelous forms. The flowers are small, distinguished by yellow veins.

Surfinia Table Yellow

Shock Wave- another ampel variety from the Wave series. Differs in the small size of flowers and leaves. The variety is not afraid of rain or wind. It is grown in floor and hanging containers, sometimes in open ground. For cultivation per plant, it is required to take about 8 liters of soil. Colors: white, blue, pink, yellow.

Petunia Shock Wave in a hanging planter

Opera Supreme- This is a Japanese ampelous petunia. The length of daylight hours for this variety does not matter. Growing is not particularly difficult. The flowers are small in size. The plant forms lashes up to 1 meter long.

Opera Supreme in a floor pot

Looks great on balconies and in hanging vases. Sometimes grown in open ground. For one plant, you need to take about 8 liters of soil. In order for flowering to be plentiful, regular feeding of the plant and removal of wilted shoots are necessary. The colors are varied: white, blue, pink, purple and others.

Bush petunias

Bush petunias are the most common subgroup of this beautiful culture. Colorfulness, variety and many varieties are signs of spray petunias. The flowers are large, richly colored, have a variety of shades.


Daddy- This is a variety series of large-flowered bush petunias. It is a plant with numerous large flowers. Height - about 25 cm. Daddy is not afraid of wind and rainy weather, and is also resistant to drought. This variety loves the sun. With the help of a plant, flower beds and rabatkas are decorated. Daddy is also grown in balcony and garden containers.

Flowers are blue, red, hot pink, white and others.

Picotee (Picotee)- one of the most popular bush varieties of petunias. Large flowers of this plant have a variety of shades. petals have a characteristic white border which gives them a very elegant look. The plant is not afraid of rain. The bushes have a height of about 25 cm. The plant blooms all summer and until the start of frost.

Picoti is grown in balcony boxes, vases and hanging baskets. Also, the plant looks great in flower beds. They decorate the alleys.

Storm- a series of large-flowered bush petunias. They will be a wonderful decoration for your home, balcony or garden. Plants are not afraid of rainy and windy weather. The flowers of the plant are large and rounded. Gray rot is not afraid of Storm flowers, so if the summer can be damp, this is a great choice. The bush has a height of about 35 cm. The soil for planting this variety should be rich in nutrients.

Petunia Storm Lavender

The variety of shades is not inferior to other varieties, the flowers are removed, purple, pink, white, red.

Petunia Storm is often used in landscaping city parks and alleys.

Polaris- this is a bush annual variety of petunias from Aelita. A comparative new variety will delight even the most experienced growers. The plant is not afraid of heat, rain or wind. Plant growth is fast. Flowering is early and very abundant. A huge number of flowers hides the long shoots of the plant. Flower height is about 30 cm.

petunia polaris

Petunia Polaris will be a great decoration for your garden or balcony. It looks great in planters, hanging baskets, as well as on balconies and.


Vegetative plants are those that reproduce exclusively by cuttings. Cuttings are brought to Russia from various countries such as Holland and America.

The root system of these flowers is small. The shoots grow into large colorful caps and look great in floor and hanging planters.

The best varieties

Cardinal is a vegetative variety. The flowers have a rich purple color. The edges of the petals are slightly corrugated. Cardinal begins to bloom early. Flowering continues until frost. Resistant to adverse conditions. Growth is very vigorous, flowering is plentiful.

Papaya differs in improbable plentiful blossoming, leaves are practically not visible. Height is about 20 cm. Numerous orange flowers form a hat. All summer until late autumn pleases the eye with its flowering.

Cascadias Rim differs in simplicity of reproduction and unpretentiousness. The foliage is very dense. Cascadias Rome is characterized by abundant flowering. This decorative culture visually resembles a dense spherical bush.

cascading form

Cascading petunia is an excellent choice for decorating gazebos, balconies and loggias. The shoots of these plants are long and curly. They grow in all directions. A flowering overgrown bush will need a lot of space.

It is best to grow cascading forms in hanging pots. One plant requires about 5 liters of soil.

The best varieties of cascading petunias

Ramblin- a series of cascading petunias native to America. Plant flowers are large. Most often, Ramblin is grown in floor planters and vases, but the variety looks great in hanging containers, as well as in open ground. For better flowering, you need to take about 10 liters of soil per plant, regularly feed the flower, and remove wilted shoots. Plant height does not exceed 30 cm.

There are many different colors of the plant: white, pink, red, purple and others. In the photo above, Ramblin with peach flowers.

Gioconda (Jokonda)- one of the most popular varietal varieties of cascade petunias. Differs in long shoots up to 1 meter, a huge number of flowers. The height of the plant reaches 20 cm. The flowers are small. Gioconda loves the light. Flowering early. Flowers are purple, pink, scarlet, orange and others.

Gioconda can be grown both in open ground and in hanging flowerpots. Hanging long curly shoots from flowerpots resemble garlands with numerous flowers.

Typhoon has no analogues among other petunia cultivars. The plant blooms for a long time. Stems are long and strong. The plant grows very quickly, a huge number of small flowers are formed. Blooms until frost.

Typhoon is grown in containers as well as in flower beds. In open ground, one plant grows on an area equal to 2 sq.m. The plant loves the sun and regular feeding. The plant quickly recovers after worsening weather conditions in the form of rains and strong winds.

The best undersized varieties

Undersized plants are plants whose height does not exceed 30 cm. Low-growing petunias are both terry and cascading.

Terry petunia Valentine is a hybrid. Its height is not more than 30 cm. Double flowers have fringed edges. The color of the buds is dense salmon.

Sort Valentine

Valentin is ideal for growing in flowerbeds and flower beds. The plant blooms from early summer until frost. The flower prefers light, is not afraid of drought. To grow a flower, nutrient soil is required.

Height Pirouette does not exceed 15 cm. The flowers are double and very large. The plant is suitable for planting in flower beds, balcony containers and planters. The flower is demanding on the soil. The soil for growing should be enriched with nutrients.

The flowers are two-colored: red-white, white-purple, white-pink.

Pirouette and Aladdin

Espresso Frappe is a new variety of dwarf petunias. Combines everything best quality Espresso plants. Differs in short stature and compactness. The flowers are large with curly petals. Flower diameter - 10 cm. Flower growth does not exceed 25 cm.

Espresso Frappe

Espresso Frappe is an excellent choice for growing in pots. Due to the short stems, the flowers very effectively rise above the leaves. The flowers are purple, pink, red, burgundy.

undersized Duvet) is distinguished not only by its compactness, but also by the large size of the flowers. They are mainly grown outdoors. During periods of flowering, plants appear as a beautiful flower carpet. The flowers are effectively elevated above the foliage. They have a color: white, pink, red, blue and salmon.

Petunia hybrid Duvet, shade salmon - Salmon.

The height of an adult bush does not exceed 20 cm. The variety is characterized by early flowering. Not afraid of rain and heavy watering. Petunias are ideal for city flower beds, suburban areas and balconies.

For flower beds

Flower growers and landscape designers very often use petunia to create and decorate flower beds. They create mono-flowers from some petunias, they are also combined with other flowers and even shrubs. What varieties are best planted in flower beds?

Tidal Wave- An excellent choice for decorating flower beds. This is one of the tallest petunias. Its height can reach 55 cm. The flowers are medium in size, but their numerous number gives splendor to this petunia. The variety is considered one of the best commercially available. Shoots reach a length of over 1 meter.

Bright flowers with clear veins come in red, white, pink and purple. All colors are very saturated. Resistant to the most adverse weather conditions.

Tidal Wave

Explorer often used by gardeners as a ground cover. This ampelous petunia has the ability to grow strongly. Scourges grow up to 100 cm. Flowering begins in spring and ends in mid-autumn.

This variety loves heat and light, does not tolerate shade, cold and drought. The flowers are medium in size, waxy texture. Colors: red, white, lavender, pink and hot pink, purple.

Sophistry (Sophistica)- relatively new. Differs in rapid growth and development. All petunias bloom at the same time, which is a huge plus for the flower bed. Very good and even growth. One plant has about 10 flowers. The growth of the culture is up to 40 cm. The flowers are large in size and have a bright saturated color. Colors: blue, light pink, yellow-lilac, blueberry, yellow.

Sophistica Blue Morn

Particular attention should be paid to petunias. Sophistry Blackberry (Sophistica Blackberyy). Its flowers have a rich reddish-blackberry color, almost black. The variety pleases with its flowering from May until the beginning of the first frost. For flowerbeds, it is advisable to combine the variety with plants of other colors (white, red, etc.) so that the flowerbed does not look gloomy. In the photo it is very difficult to capture the exact color of the velvet flowers, especially in staged ones, but the photo below more or less truthfully conveys the shade.

Blackberry sophistry


Multiflora are multi-flowered petunias. Varietal varieties and hybrids of multi-flowered petunias are distinguished by an abundance of medium-sized flowers. These plants are resistant to any adverse weather conditions. Single ones are visually similar to flower balls, and in flower beds they resemble a solid flower carpet.

Among the multi-flowered varieties, it is worth highlighting:

Merlin (Merlin)- This is a perennial multi-flowered petunia, but is grown as an annual. The variety is easy to grow. The culture prefers the sun, easily tolerates slight frosts, drought and rain. There are about 17 bud colors. There are not only plain flowers. There are also with veins, and with a border of a different color. This compact petunia with small but numerous flowers is ideal for landscaping verandas and flower beds. It is considered undersized, since the height does not exceed 25 cm.

Merlin Blue Morn

Mambo (Mambo)- undersized annual petunia, belonging to the group of many-flowered (multiflora). This is a very popular culture in floriculture. The color of the buds is varied. Mambo pleases with its abundant flowering all season.

It is used to decorate flower beds, various compositions, and can also be grown at home. It goes well with other flowers: marigolds, coleus, and others.

Mambo red and Mambo Purple

Unpretentious varieties

Petunia is an unpretentious garden culture. Most varieties are undemanding to the soil. They are not afraid of rain and wind. The only thing that all petunias love is warmth. Therefore, it is desirable to grow a flower in sunny places or in partial shade.

The plant is afraid of frost, so for the winter it is brought into a warm room, home or on the veranda. The culture is perennial, but it is very difficult for it to survive the winter in Russia, so we grow it as an annual. It is also possible to grow a beautiful petunia in Siberia, especially since there are varieties that are resistant to slight frosts, but proper care and selection of varieties is necessary.

Picobella (Pikobella)- very easy to grow variety due to its resistance to bad weather. This varietal variety is more tolerant than others of all kinds of adverse weather conditions. However, Picobella cannot stand frost and lack of light. This is a small-flowered culture with numerous flowers of small sizes.

multi-flowered cultivar Snowball will decorate any garden plot or a balcony, without creating much trouble for the owner. Beautiful white flowers will delight with their abundant flowering until frost. This culture is not afraid of rain, wind or drought.


The largest

Plants of the grandiflora group have the largest flowers.

Triumph is a variety of petunias grandiflora. Terry flowers are very large, up to 16 cm in diameter. They grow up to 60 cm. Triumph is grown in a variety of flower beds, on balconies.

Triumph from Aelita.

Large varieties should also include Limbo (Limbo). The diameter of its flowers can reach 12 cm. The culture itself is undersized. This variety is weather resistant. Grown in flower beds, containers, on balconies.

Series of petunias Limbo

Variety Prism also applies to large plants. The flowers have a diameter of 8-10 cm. It is a compact and undersized culture. Flowering is very early. The colors are different. Prism is grown in flowerbeds, discounts.

Petunia from the Prism series, Blackberry Sundae.

In landscape design

The plant is very popular in landscape design. It creates flowerbeds, flower beds, borders, borders. The flower is grown in floor and hanging planters and flowerpots. They also decorate balconies.

The photo below shows a beautiful large-sized city flower bed. This is a monocloom. It consists only of petunias. But they have different colors. Planted in straight vertical lines.

Here, ampelous representatives of this culture are grown in large containers, which are located at different levels. In each of the compositions presented, plants of the same variety and color are used.

In this photo, petunias are planted along the fence. They are all the same variety and the same color. Blooms densely and evenly.

In the photo, the multiflora of the Merlin series. Varieties: blue and pink. Planted in outdoor pots.

This flower bed is not only made of petunias. Bright orange marigolds grow in the center. Around them is a bright pink petunia. And around it is a beautiful coleus.

The photo shows a luxurious multi-level flowerbed of ampelous petunias of different colors and sweet morning glory.

Multi-level flowerbed of stones. At the upper level, petunias of bright pale and pale Pink colour. Yellow, light orange and dark orange grow along the bottom.

Review on video

Colorful packages with seeds are so attractive that you involuntarily wonder if the grown plant will match the promised picture? Review of reliable varieties from the channel "Favorite Garden".

Scientific name: Petunia Atkins Petunia × atkinsiana, a synonym for Petunia hybrida Petunia × hybrida. Nightshade family, genus Petunia. The large-flowered petunia is one of several groups of Petunias hybrida. Very often the name of the hybrid is omitted, leaving the abbreviated Petunia Grandiflora. It must be understood that Grandiflora is not the name of a species or variety, it is a characteristic of the type of flower.

And Grandiflora's flowers are impressive - an average of about 10 cm in diameter, but there are also giant varieties of petunias - they have flowers up to 16 cm in diameter. Of the many petunias, grandiflora has the most wide choose varieties. They differ in shape, pattern, color of flowers. But large-flowered varieties of petunias have one drawback - large flowers suffer more from rain and wind, in bad weather they quickly lose their attractive appearance.

Among Petunia grandiflora there are separate series, here are some of them:

Series 'Daddy' or F1 'Daddy' - medium-sized compact bushes 25-30 cm, early flowering, flowers 7.5-10 cm in diameter, pink to purple, often with darker veins.

Series 'Hulahoop' or F1 'Hulahoop' - medium-sized compact bushes 25-30 cm, early flowering, with flowers 7-8 cm in diameter, the color of the flowers is pink, purple, lilac, blue, blue, but all flowers have a wide white rim around the edges petals.

Series ‘Glorious Mix’ or F1 ‘Glorious Mix’ or F1 double - large-growing terry petunias 30-35 cm bush height. Flowers 8-12 cm in diameter. Mixes of double flowers of one color or two-color are usually sold.

Series ‘Dreams White’ or F1 ‘Dreams White’ - blooms early, flowers 8-12 cm in diameter, white flowers with a green tint in the throat (inside the funnel) and greenish veins.

Petunia frillitunia

Variety of large-flowered petunias. The name from the English frilly - trimmed with frills, ruffles - indicates the shape of the flower, the edges of the petals are fringed.

Lace petunias also have several series, which are distinguished by a variety of colors (there are two-tone ones), the degree of corrugation of the petals and terryness.

Particularly good is Petunia frillituniya ‘Aphrodite’ - rich pink in color, with a spherical shape of a bush, up to 40 cm tall and flowers 8-10 cm in diameter.

Or petunia frillituniya ‘Brazilian Carnival’ - dark purple flowers.

The frillitunia ‘Yaromnerzhe’ is very effective. Her flowers are not the largest, only 6-7 cm in diameter, but the color is amazing: pink and purple spots on a white background. Half of the plants show terry.

Frillithunia ‘Crinoline purple’ - characterized by a rich color - plum color and a strongly fringed edge.

Petunia hybrid

A hybrid petunia was bred a hundred years ago, and since then there has been no limit to the improvement of breeders. The variety of colors and shapes is amazing. But this is not the main thing in petunias - these flowers have become popular due to a wide range of growing temperatures, ease of care and high adaptability.

Not every plant is able to bloom rapidly on open areas blown by winds or along polluted highways. Petunia hybrid grows under any conditions, in flower beds, in hanging planters and flowerpots.

But still, she has certain requirements for culture.

We sow a petunia

The timing of sowing petunias for seedlings is from the end of February to the end of March. But if you really want to, then you can sow a petunia in early April.

You can sow petunia seeds in peat pots and cassettes or plastic yogurt cups, or in wide boxes or bowls. If the place on the windowsill allows, it is better to sow in separate cups, so as not to dive later.

In any container for sowing, except for peat cups, there should be wide drainage holes. At the bottom of the pots, it is also desirable to pour expanded clay drainage. But you can use small pieces of foam.

The soil for petunias should be loose, well pass air and moisture. To do this, we use universal soil or soil for seedlings, but you can prepare it in the fall. garden soil. Be sure to add vermiculite to the soil. Approximately 1 part of vermiculite to 3 parts of the earth.

The acidity of the soil is important - petunias love a slightly acidic pH of 5.8-6.0. They do not grow well in strongly acidic soils (i.e., you can not use the soil for azaleas, rhododendrons and conifers). Petunias grow poorly on alkaline soils - soils with the addition of lime or soil from vegetable greenhouses are not suitable - after application mineral fertilizers they have a high salt content.

If you bought coated petunia seeds (seeds in granules), there are no problems with sowing them - they are large, already processed and you can sow each seed in a separate cup.

Unprepared petunia seeds are small, to sow them evenly we use the traditional method: put a thin layer of snow on the surface of the earth and carefully pour the seeds on it. Black seeds are clearly visible on the surface, can be redistributed with a toothpick if there are more or less seeds somewhere.

The snow will melt and 'pull' the seeds into the ground. They do not need to be specially sprinkled with soil. If you sow seeds without snow, directly into the soil, then you cannot water them, you need to spray the soil from a small spray gun from a distance of 20-25 cm.

Crops should be covered with a bag or a transparent film to maintain high humidity, and put in a warm place. Optimum temperature 22-25°C.

petunia seedling care

Petunia seeds germinate within a week, usually 5-6 days. But care begins from the moment of sowing - our task is to ventilate the greenhouse two or three times a day for 20 minutes, if the soil dries up, moisten it with a spray bottle.

As soon as the seeds germinate, you need to provide them with a lot of light. The film or glass cannot be removed, otherwise the seedlings will die from moving into the drier air of the room. Just gradually open the glass or bag, increasing the ventilation time, 3-4 days after germination, you can remove the film completely.

Petunia seedlings do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, it can be hot on a sunny windowsill. It is impossible to shade the seedlings, otherwise it will stretch. by the most the best option will accustom her to cool air. You need to start taking seedlings to the balcony and slightly open the windows. The optimum temperature for seedlings in the first two to three weeks is 18-20°C.

Most petunia seedlings die at the moment of unfolding the first leaves. In addition to moderate temperatures, they need uniform soil moisture - you can not overmoisten the soil, diseases develop from excessive dampness. It is also impossible to overdry - the seedlings grow intensively and require a lot of moisture. Overdrying of seedlings is usually irreversible, it cannot be watered.

Seedlings of petunias planted in boxes or bowls need to be thinned out if the crop is thick. And you can dive seedlings when two pairs of true leaves are formed. Picking in itself is optional, it is necessary for dense sowing of seeds or sowing in small containers. But in general, it is quite possible not to swoop down on petunias, but to land immediately on permanent place on flower beds or containers.

If you are picking, be sure to place the petunias in a warmer place for a week - at 20-22 ° C. This is necessary so that the roots absorb moisture better, and the seedlings not only take root, but accelerate growth. It is the stimulation of growth that is the meaning of the pick. Shading from the sun will be required for petunias after picking the first 2 days no longer. After a week, petunias can be transferred to cooler conditions of 16-18 ° C.

Planting seedlings of petunias

Before landing on the street - on flower beds, in flowerpots or containers, seedlings must be hardened off. Sometimes decent bushes of petunias grow at flower growers, but at room temperature, ventilation through the window is not enough. Such seedlings when planted in open ground will simply die.

Hardened seedlings are planted in early May, when the threat of frost has passed. Petunias are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm between the bushes. Flowering is expected by the end of May.

It is preferable to plant petunias in well-lit places. Large-flowered petunias are especially demanding in terms of protection from the wind, because large flowers are heavy, giant varieties, in which flowers are about 15-16 cm in diameter, the wind inflates like sails. Therefore, if the site is blown, it may be worth planting petunias in hanging baskets or light flowerpots that can be rearranged from heavy rain and wind under a canopy.

petunias fertilizer

Of course, the abundance of flowers and rapid growth require a large amount of nutrients. Fertilizers such as ‘Agricola for flowering’, ‘Aelita-flower’, ‘Fertika-Lux’ or potassium nitrate are well suited for petunias.

Top dressing should be done every week at half the dose or every two weeks at the full dose, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.