Perfume and the character of a woman. What does the scent of the woman you love tell a man?

Gone are the days when women We used the same perfume every day. On dressing table Modern ladies have five or six different bottles of perfume, which they use depending on their mood, seasons and situation. The role changes - the aroma of the perfume changes. Today you can choose many varieties of fragrance, depending on the character of the woman herself. To buy the perfume that best suits you for every occasion, first determine your character type.

1. If you are the one woman, which great importance imparts to clothes and makeup, and your character is soft and feminine, then it is best for you to choose perfume with a floral-fruity aroma. Your perfume must contain notes of orchid, rose, jasmine, musk, sandalwood combined with fresh fruity scents of watermelon, melon, peach, grapes and apples. Your scent should emphasize your nobility and sentimentality. The smell of your perfume should suggest that you are a woman who loves warmth, tranquility, joy and comfort in her home. Flowers and jewelry are your favorite gifts.

2. You always know what you want from life and easily achieve your goal. You have a strong and harmonious character. People around you feel your strength and activity, which attracts them to you and makes you live an active life. Such gloomy thoughts as: “Why was I born into this world?”, “How bad it is to be a woman!” never cross your mind. When choosing clothes and cosmetics, you give preference to high-quality and durable items. Your scent is a perfume with sweet floral-mossy scents. This is the scent of patchouli, cinnamon, black violet, sandalwood and pepper.
Interspersed with these aromas into the scent of your body will create a captivating and magical image of a self-sufficient woman, which is what modern men are looking for.

3. Do you prefer peace and security?. An active life consisting of stress and anxiety is not for you. You have a permanent, stable salary that is enough to live on and you are happy with it. Your motto: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” You love simple and inexpensive things. You have hobbies, you are elegant, educated and good looking. Your perfume should contain base notes nutmeg, vanilla, amber and dipteryx aromatics.

4. You are not a fan of communication and noisy companies, it is difficult for you to trust your secrets even to close people. Loneliness is a kind of medicine for you that you need to achieve peace of mind and harmony in life. You feel happy and successful, regardless of whether there is a person close to you or not. Any encroachment on your individuality and invasion of privacy deeply outrages you. Your scents are citrusy, fresh and floral. The base notes of your perfume resemble the scent of orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, fresh mountain air, lily, hydrangea and wildflowers.

5. You prefer healthy image life and spend a lot of time playing sports. Your most comfortable clothes are jeans and sneakers. Natural makeup is closest to you, you have little cosmetics and you do not chase fashion. The best vacation for you is going out into nature with friends or family. Your sporty look and style will be perfectly emphasized by sea and herbal aromas. Base notes should resemble the aroma of seaweed, air after rain, tea rose, peony and magnolia.

Based on your scent People around you form an opinion about you, so cosmetologists do not recommend using strangers, as they can ruin the whole impression of you. For example, if you put on perfume:
- with a citrus aroma, then you will be mistaken for an old maid or a perfectionist - a person who strives for perfection.
- with a fruity aroma, they will think that you are a fan of noisy companies with an unpredictable character.

With a marine aroma, you will be given the impression of a person prone to thinking and worrying.
- with an oriental aroma, they will think that you want to stand out from the crowd and show off your education.

With a floral aroma, you will be mistaken for a sociable and hospitable host.
- with the aroma of moss, fresh grass and leaves, you will resemble a person who loves nature and watches his figure.
- with a culinary aroma you will be perceived as a person who is very puzzled by his appearance and sex.

Men are often captivated by the scent of the woman they love.

There are many stories on the Internet about how a woman’s scent made a man turn around and look after her. This is how acquaintances were made, and sometimes men fell in love with their wives again if they felt that she smelled of new perfume.

But a woman’s perfume is not only part of her charm, but also an indicator of character, attitude to life and love.

So the choice of scent can not only tell you what she likes, but also some of her character traits and attitude towards life.

Character traits of a woman based on her favorite perfume

Sweet fruit and berry aromas with pronounced notes of strawberry, raspberry, red berries or black currant, reminiscent of the smells of shampoos or candies, are often chosen by young, optimistic and slightly flighty women, often very young and inexperienced.

Their state of mind resembles falling in love, but very often they themselves do not know what they want, therefore, on the one hand, they rejoice at new experiences in love and meetings with their loved one, and on the other hand, they can change their attitude and plans, but then return to them again. Therefore, you should not expect reliability and stability from a beauty who prefers such scents.

Michelle Gener for 'Escada Cherry in the Air'

Juicy fruity aromas with delicate notes of peach, apricot, mango and others exotic fruits , often chosen by sensual and vulnerable women. Their experiences are not always visible on the surface, but they are often embodied in poems, songs or in the woman’s way of dressing, so you should not be surprised that she was offended by you, but remained silent.

Such women usually remember grievances for a long time and may unexpectedly leave you just because it seems to them that you no longer love them. Therefore, give her flowers and gifts more often, and also do not skimp on attention and affection.

Languid, powdery scents appeal to capricious and demanding women.. They greatly value luxury, sophistication and sophistication, as well as the beauty of gifts, dates and impressions. Therefore, a gift for her should not only be beautiful, but also special. Such women are often carried away bright men with good taste, as well as those who appreciate beautiful life. Therefore, such a lady will not be a match for everyone.

Refreshing citrus scents appeal to sociable and bright girls who value friendship more than love. They are not demanding in courtship, but are not always ready for great love, much less for marriage, so their gentleman should become not only a true friend for her, but also a romantic and not rush things. Then her heart will be open to you.

Delicate floral scents are often liked by romantic but slightly cold girls who did not open their hearts to love. They are often very sensual and loyal, but they cannot always open up right away due to the strict rules that they come up with for themselves. Therefore, a man should take his time, show tenderness and patience towards them, and also be romantic, then such a woman will most likely choose him.

Well, rich oriental aromas with notes of sweet jasmine, vanilla and spices appeal to reserved and very sensual women, who are often demanding and do not open their hearts to everyone. They are usually very mysterious and cannot always be solved immediately complex world their souls, but they have a lot of sensuality and passion. In addition, they are distinguished by devotion in love, but only when they truly love.

Woody aromas with notes of cedar, vetiver or intoxicating sandalwood are chosen by girls leading an active lifestyle, with a decisive and strong character, who love bright, intense extreme sensations. Traditionally, woody scents were considered masculine and perfumers did not use them when composing “feminine” compositions. Today, woody scents are used in women's fragrances in harmonious melodies with fruity, citrus, fresh and floral notes and delight business and self-confident ladies.


Many men, trying to find out a woman’s character, begin to conduct various experiments and study her from all sides. But not always, the shape of the nose and the style of clothing can reveal the true face of the chosen one. But after taking one breath and feeling the notes of her perfume, you can accurately determine the character by the aroma of the perfume. Today we will try to describe all the scents of perfumes, and you read carefully and try to determine which scent you like best or what scents your significant other uses. I hope that in the further description someone will recognize their beloved girl, and someone will immediately recognize themselves.


Fragrances Lovers of such fragrances believe that their mission is to decorate and diversify the life of their man. But this fact does not make them housewives. They strive to be financially independent and free. Ladies with an oriental scent are impulsive. Sometimes they weigh everything, analyze, accept correct solution and under the influence of emotions they suddenly do the opposite. But such women have a well-developed intuition, but they listen to it very rarely; they simply do not have enough time for it. Such a lady sometimes consciously ignores her man, especially if she doesn’t like something in his behavior. They don’t like to be left alone; alone they feel sad and bored. And the most important thing for such a woman is that there are always a couple of close people nearby who can be trusted with all the most intimate things.


perfume Lovers of floral scents are accustomed to completing everything, and until any task is done well, they will feel internal discomfort. Flower ladies have a slightly anxious character and are easily vulnerable. This is probably due to the fact that they are used to planning everything and going according to a strictly planned plan. Very often they ask their men the question “Where are you?”, which irritates the entire male generation. By their behavior they create total control not only over their lives, but also over the lives of their family and friends.


Fragrances Fans of perfumes with a woody scent are self-centered ladies who do not want to blend in with the crowd and are worried about the imperfections of the world. There are a lot of thoughtful details in their appearance that are not striking, but give a woman self-confidence and inner peace. For example, her finger may be wearing a ring that seems modest at first glance. But if you look closely, you can see that on the inside there are several amazing diamonds. Very often such ladies try to assert themselves at the expense of others. Some people place a big bet on a successful career. Others simply try to successfully marry with a “fat wallet.” But not one representative of the stronger sex will be able to fully understand such a woman and predict her future actions.

Perfume with the aroma of freshness

Almost all young ladies with the scent of freshness are optimists. With their appearance and cheerfulness, everything and everyone becomes brighter. But among them there are also individuals who are simply trying, with the help of freshness, to simply add the positive they lack into their lives. And among lovers of sea scents, there are very often workaholics who can withstand any emergency. They can find mutual language with everyone, as they are unusually diplomatic and patient. Such women always look at the world with a smile and are not above self-irony. And their charisma makes every man turn around. They have a lot of friends and a wide range of interests.

Fruit and berry aromas

Lovers of such fragrances love to play with men and fortune. They often pout, act capricious, make eyes, and flirt. These women constantly feel their feminine essence and never stop flirting. They are eccentric, fickle, impulsive, they ignore other people's words and do everything only in their own way. And they are not able to make serious decisions; it is easier to shift the responsibility to their chosen one. Ladies of this nature live for their own pleasure and do not strive for power. Whenever a problem arises in life, they don't even try to solve it. They just pretend to be boring and turn their attention to other pleasures in life. Most of them believe in damage and the evil eye, constantly read horoscopes and do not communicate with losers.

Powdery perfume

Women with a powdery scent are vulnerable, sophisticated, sophisticated and unpredictable. They like to raise their voices, but despite this, they are diplomatic and polite. Although if the diplomatic approach fails, they can achieve what they want with a scandal. How longer man communicates with such a woman, the more he realizes that he knows nothing about her. Ladies of this type do not like to show off themselves and almost never show all their cards. To appreciate all her advantages, a man must be a true esthete. Moreover, such women need constant comfort and psychological protection.

Chypre fragrances

Ladies who choose chypre fragrances love good quality things. They always know the answer to any question and know what they want to get out of life. This fact helps them easily cope with all life's problems. They do not regret what they did not have time to do, but sometimes they begin to regret what they have already done. They usually look younger than their age. Deep down, such ladies believe in luck, but rely only on their own strength. They are positive, assertive and very energetic. Sometimes men have a very difficult time with them, because such representatives of the fairer sex are accustomed to trying on every problem. Here are the main perfume aromas.


They meet, of course, by their clothes - but when the interlocutor approaches within arm's length, not only her makeup and other details, but also the notes of her perfume can tell about her inner content and worldview. Perhaps in the descriptions of the following groups of fragrances you will recognize your companion, an acquaintance, or maybe the readers will see themselves between the lines!


These could be the smells of summer rain, ozone, a boat trip or ocean breeze, mountain air, eucalyptus, lemon, lime, tea leaves, and so on. These are very democratic scents, and are popular not only in women's, but also in men's perfume lines - as “unisex”. Ingredients are created either synthetically or using “cold” natural extracts.

These fragrances are chosen by charismatic optimists (and optimists) with big amount friends and interests, looking at the world with a smile and prone to self-irony. But they are often preferred by people who are just trying to become optimists - in order to add such “scarce” positivity to their lives. Fans of specifically marine scents are very diplomatic, concentrated and patient, to the point of being workaholic.


These scents are often preferred by young ladies with a penchant for perfectionism. They are sensitive, easily wounded, sometimes somewhat anxious and sometimes rush to extremes. They like to plan their lives and create the illusion of total control over events, which sometimes irritates their loved ones. It is important to understand that this is only a protective factor behind which hides a subtle and gentle nature that needs the care of a loved one and his constant emotional support.

Eastern spicy

The main ingredients of oriental perfumery are musk, amber, sandalwood and patchouli. Not everyone knows where these familiar things come from, so a little excursion. Musk is a secretion product that tantalizes the sense of smell seminal glands male musk deer, and is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Sandalwood- of course, a velvety-deep aroma of sandalwood, somewhat reminiscent of a pink flair. Ambergris- this is generally a product of the vital activity of sperm whales, for the sake of which these animals were once practically exterminated, so in our time this substance with a sweetish-balsamic, warm and very erotic aroma is produced synthetically. well and patchouli is a small thorny shrub whose leaves contain essential oil with a sweet, tart, intoxicating aroma. Spicy aromas include cinnamon, anise, vanilla and all other perfume wonders. The famous Japanese designer Kenzo Takada calls oriental fragrances “the hanging bridge of dreams” - for their very tangible and real sensuality and attractive power, but at the same time ephemeral and inaccessible promising temptation.


The name comes from “Chypre” - or Cyprus in French (that was the name of the first perfume of this family). Chypre fragrances have a clean and bold aroma, reminiscent of the smells of a pine grove on a warm sunny day, moss-covered forest glades, grass and flowers.

Lovers of chypre fragrances value quality above all else and give preference to high-quality items. They know exactly what they want from life, they live for today - therefore they easily cope with any difficulties. Often such ladies look much younger than their years - they are energetic, independent, full of strength, think positively, do not let themselves get bored and believe in luck.


Warm, soft and cozy - these perfumes are very sexy on women, and on men they emphasize individuality (it is the stronger half who often resort to using woody scents). Common components of such perfumes are cedar, vetiver (with “bitterness”), rosewood, juniper, birch bark (with “smoke”), etc.

Ladies who prefer woody scents never blend in with the crowd - although they do not try to attract undue attention. They are distinguished by thoughtfulness of details, sense of style and taste. They value material wealth, often enter into arranged marriages and strive for high positions. But even with her loved one, she retains a mystery within herself - and the more you try to understand her, the less chance you have of predicting her actions.

Fruit and berry

Of course, citrus fruits are also fruits, but they are more often classified as fresh aromas, and here we will talk about sweet “juicy” aromas - peach, raspberry, mango, melon, etc.

Ladies who prefer such summer perfumes are passionate, charming young ladies. They love to flirt with men, can be playfully capricious, and are always invariably feminine - in any environment and situation. Fans flock to lovers of fruit and berry scents like butterflies to light, and turn around after them. “Fruit ladies” are often characterized by eccentricity, impulsiveness and inconstancy - but they do not succumb to the influence of others, preferring to do everything their own way. They also don’t like bearing responsibility for global decisions, and they will gladly shift it onto the shoulders of a loved one, thereby ceding “official power.” However, in fact, these young ladies only benefit - they live for their own pleasure, and are not very interested in other people's problems. You rarely see fruit and berry fans in the company of losers - just like any gemstone, they need a decent frame.


Spicy, soft, sweet and slightly “stuffy” notes of powdery aromas are used very carefully in the art of perfumery - too many of these components could easily turn a masterpiece into a vulgar cologne. But with a skillful approach, it is powdery shades that give completeness to the image of their fans.

These are refined and ambiguous natures, calm and slightly mysterious. Such young ladies are full of diplomatic talents, extremely polite and value psychological comfort. “Powdery Lady” in an elegant cloud of aroma can only be appreciated by a sophisticated esthete.

They meet, of course, by their clothes - but when the interlocutor approaches within arm’s length, not only her makeup and other details, but also the notes of her perfume can tell about her inner content and worldview. Perhaps in the descriptions of the following groups of fragrances you will recognize your companion, an acquaintance, or maybe our readers will see themselves between the lines!

Fruit and berry

Of course, citrus fruits are also fruits, but they are more often classified as fresh aromas, and here we will talk about sweet “juicy” aromas - peach, raspberry, mango, melon, etc. Ladies who prefer such summer perfumes are passionate, charming young ladies. They love to flirt with men, can be playfully capricious, and are always invariably feminine - in any environment and situation. Fans flock to lovers of fruit and berry scents like butterflies to light, and turn around after them. “Fruit ladies” are often characterized by eccentricity, impulsiveness and inconstancy - but they do not succumb to the influence of others, preferring to do everything their own way. They also don’t like bearing responsibility for global decisions, and they will gladly shift it onto the shoulders of a loved one, thereby ceding “official power.” However, in reality, these young ladies only benefit - they live for their own pleasure, and are not very interested in other people's problems. You rarely see fruit and berry fans in the company of losers - like any precious stone, they need a decent setting.


These can be the smells of summer rain, ozone, a boat trip or ocean breeze, mountain air, eucalyptus, lemon, lime, tea leaves, mint, mown grass, and so on. These are very democratic scents, and are popular not only in women's, but also in men's perfume lines - as “unisex”. Ingredients are created either synthetically or using “cold” natural extracts. These fragrances are chosen by charismatic optimists (and optimists) with a lot of friends and interests, looking at the world with a smile and prone to self-irony. But they are often preferred by people who are just trying to become optimists - in order to add such “scarce” positivity to their lives. Fans of specifically marine scents are very diplomatic, concentrated and patient, to the point of being workaholic.


These scents are often preferred by young ladies with a penchant for perfectionism. They are sensitive, easily wounded, sometimes somewhat anxious and sometimes rush to extremes. They like to plan their lives and create the illusion of total control over events, which sometimes irritates their loved ones. It is important to understand that this is only a protective factor behind which hides a subtle and gentle nature that needs the care of a loved one and his constant emotional support.

Eastern spicy

The main ingredients of oriental perfumery are musk, amber, sandalwood and patchouli. Not everyone knows where these familiar things come from, so a little excursion. Musk is a tantalizing secretion of the testicular glands of the male musk deer, and is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Sandalwood - of course, a velvety-deep aroma of sandalwood, somewhat reminiscent of a pink flair. Ambergris is generally a product of the vital activity of sperm whales, for the sake of which these animals were once practically exterminated, so in our time this substance with a sweetish-balsamic, warm and very erotic aroma is produced synthetically. Well, patchouli is a small thorny shrub whose leaves contain essential oil with a sweet, tart, intoxicating aroma. Spicy aromas include cinnamon, anise, vanilla and all other perfume wonders. The famous Japanese designer Kenzo Takada calls oriental fragrances “the hanging bridge of dreams” - for their very tangible and real sensuality and attractive power, but at the same time ephemeral and inaccessible promising temptation.


The name comes from “Chypre” - or Cyprus in French (that was the name of the first perfume of this family). Chypre fragrances have a clean and bold aroma, reminiscent of the smells of a pine grove on a warm sunny day, moss-covered forest glades, grass and flowers. Lovers of chypre fragrances value quality above all else and give preference to high-quality items. They know exactly what they want from life, they live for today - therefore they easily cope with any difficulties. Often such ladies look much younger than their years - they are energetic, independent, full of strength, think positively, do not let themselves get bored and believe in luck.


Warm, soft and cozy - on women these perfumes are very sexy, and on men they emphasize individuality (it is the stronger half who often resort to using woody scents). Common components of such perfumes are cedar, vetiver (with “bitterness”), rosewood, juniper, birch bark (with “smoke”), etc. Ladies who prefer woody scents never blend in with the crowd - although they do not try to attract undue attention. They are distinguished by thoughtfulness of details, sense of style and taste. They value material wealth, often enter into arranged marriages and strive for high positions. But even with her loved one, she retains a mystery within herself - and the more you try to understand her, the less chance you have of predicting her actions.


Spicy, soft, sweet and slightly “stuffy” notes of powdery aromas are used very carefully in the art of perfumery - too many of these components could easily turn a masterpiece into a vulgar cologne. But with a skillful approach, it is powdery shades that give completeness to the image of their fans. These are refined and ambiguous natures, calm and slightly mysterious. Such young ladies are full of diplomatic talents, extremely polite and value psychological comfort. “Powdery Lady” in an elegant cloud of aroma can only be appreciated by a sophisticated esthete.