Oat decoction for weight loss recipe. Effective oat recipes for weight loss

Oats- miraculous medicine, which everyone knows about, but for some reason is so often ignored. The oat decoction contains the most beneficial features and is truly considered a folk healer.

In addition to medical purposes, oats help to get rid of extra pounds without causing damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Let's figure out how to properly cook the decoction, how best to use it and what its effectiveness is.

Composition and properties

The composition and beneficial properties of oat decoction are as follows:

  1. Oats consist of 60% starch, 9% fat and 14% protein. In addition to the main composition, 100 grams of oats contains a daily dose of vitamins K, A, group B, as well as fluorine, silicon, iron, copper. Vitamins help strengthen the nail plate and hair, increase skin elasticity, and give it youth and beauty.
  2. Oat decoction normalizes the functioning of the nervous and digestive system and converts carbohydrates into glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. Indispensable in the diet for people suffering from diabetes.
  3. Actively fighting with bladder problems. Helps remove small stones.
  4. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  5. Oats improve motor skills digestive tract, helps relieve constipation.
  6. Helps get rid of depression.
  7. Oat decoction - An excellent antipyretic with an active diaphoretic effect.
  8. Cleanses the liver and helps her recover after prolonged exercise.
  9. Improves performance immune system, soothes coughs and is often used in cases with diffuse changes in the thyroid gland.
  10. Normalizes arterial pressure.
  11. Phosphorus and magnesium strengthens the heart muscles.

Indications for use

Oat decoction is relevant in the following cases:

  • with pancreatitis.
  • with exacerbation of gastritis.
  • with high blood sugar.
  • for kidney diseases.
  • under severe stress.
  • for eczema and diathesis.
  • with cholecystitis.
  • for weight loss;

Also, it is often used for flu, severe cough, bronchitis, hepatitis, edema, small gallstones, and cystitis. As for external use, oat decoction will be useful for joint pain, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and arthritis.

How it helps in the fight against excess weight

The effectiveness of the decoction for weight loss has been repeatedly proven, so you can use it without fear. Often, they use the principle of a mono-diet, eating only oats, or gradually introducing a decoction of the plant into their diet. The results of losing weight are truly amazing, the main thing is to follow all the rules.

As for monodients, you should expect results within 2 weeks, because excess weight will disappear before our eyes. Thus, you can lose weight by 5-7 kg.

When using a decoction, the result will be less rapid, but not so traumatic for the body and psychological state. Of course, while taking the decoction, you will need to carefully review your daily diet. , combine foods correctly and split portions.

How to brew correctly


  1. To prepare an effective oat decoction, you need to take 2 cups of fresh oat grains, which are poured into 250 ml cold water and insist in an enamel container for 11-12 hours.
  2. You need to wait until the grains swell, then add 100 milliliters of water and put on low heat, where it cooks for about 1.5 hours.
  3. Be sure to follow so that the water does not boil away and the grains do not burn. Before use, cool the oats and bring them to a boil again, maintaining the consistency of jelly.

You need to drink the decoction slowly half an hour before meals. This recipe is relevant for weight loss and for general strengthening purposes. If there is a need to use it for medicinal purposes, then other recipes are relevant.

To strengthen the immune system:

For 1 tablespoon of grains you will need 2 cups of water. The mixture must be simmered for 1 hour over low heat. The broth is cooled, filtered and used 3 times a day, half a glass.

To treat influenza in children:

To treat flu with oats, take 1 liter of water, 1 glass of oats, 1 liter of milk and 3 tablespoons of honey (in the absence of allergic reactions).

The grains are thoroughly washed and poured into an enamel pan, filled with water. Place on fire and cook until liquid jelly forms, add milk and boil further. When the broth has cooled, honey is added to it and given to children as an additional drink. The medicine is prepared every day, as it can quickly spoil.

For liver treatment:

Take 150 grams of unrefined grains, add 1.5 liters of water and place a silver object in the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil and take out the silver. The broth is kept on low heat for about 15 minutes, then removed and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Strain and drink 100 ml 30 minutes before meals for 15 days.


Despite undeniable advantages and all the usefulness of the product, the decoction also has its contraindications. First of all, this concerns individual intolerance.

In general, oats are very useful and do not require additional consultation, but people with:

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Vomiting after reception.
  3. Cardiovascular failure during the period of exacerbation.
  4. Increased stomach acidity.
  5. Gallbladder diseases. For removal of gallstones and large stones, since oats have choleretic properties.

If in doubt, it is better to refuse this type of treatment.


  1. When taken regularly, the drink promotes the production of interferon during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases. The functioning of the immune system improves.
  2. Reduces temperature and removes excess moisture.
  3. Cleanses the liver ducts and, making her work more productive.
  4. Purifies blood and removes harmful toxins.
  5. Works as an enveloping, choleretic, restorative, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and decongestant agent.

What results and over what period of time can be achieved:

  1. If we're talking about about losing weight, then you should expect results within 2 weeks. It all depends on the accompanying diet. With a balanced diet - from 5 to 10 kg.
  2. If the decoction is used as a liver cleanser, then you need to use it for at least 15 days.
  3. For gastritis and pancreatitis, the drink should be drunk at least 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Nutritionists believe that with any diet it is useful to include oats in the diet, which improves digestion and helps cleanse the body of toxins. It has a beneficial effect on the liver and removes stagnant bile. The most useful are whole grains that require long-term processing. Cereals also provide benefits, but they lack many substances necessary for the body. Let's take a closer look at the qualities through which oats are used for weight loss, and how to prepare dishes from it.

Fat burning properties of oats

The healing properties of oats are determined by its components:

  • vitamins (groups B, E, H, PP);
  • elements (phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium);
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • fibers;
  • amino acids.

The beneficial substances of this cereal allow you to normalize the condition of the intestines, satisfy the feeling of hunger, and therefore it is considered an indispensable product. He helps:

  1. Replenish the body with components important for its functioning.
  2. Provide the energy you need with a minimum amount of calories.
  3. Reduce the need for additional snacks.
  4. Restore fat and carbohydrate metabolism, speed up vital processes.
  5. Adjust system pressure.
  6. Get rid of constipation.
  7. Remove excess liquid.
  8. Normalize hormonal levels.

There are 2 ways to use oats for weight loss. The first is considered radical and involves a mono-diet, while the second is more gentle, using dishes and a decoction of plant grains and a reasonable reduction in fatty and sweet foods.

Recipes for oat decoction and porridge

The most beneficial recipes for weight loss are those that use whole grains.

For the decoction, you need to pour 1 glass of cereal into 1 liter of water and leave for 12 hours. Then cook it over low heat for 1.5 hours. After cooling and straining, grind the oats using a blender and mix it with the liquid part of the broth. Take 250 ml on an empty stomach 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks. This product contains all the beneficial ingredients and can be used regardless of the level of acidity in the stomach.

The porridge is prepared a little differently. You should sort out the oats and pour in the required amount. hot water in a ratio of 1:3. This mixture should be kept for 12 hours and then simmered over low heat in a thick-walled pan. After boiling, the porridge should simply simmer for 40 minutes. You can eat the finished dish with milk, butter, add salt and pieces of fruit to taste.

Other recipes for cooking oats for weight loss

Oats for weight loss can be prepared in another way:

  1. Infusion. Prepares in just 20 minutes. Using a blender, the oats are crushed and mixed with water in equal proportions (one glass each). After this, add another 1.5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a pinch of cinnamon. The mixture should be left in the refrigerator overnight and consumed in the morning after straining. When dieting, it is best to use the infusion instead of breakfast, every day for a month.
  2. Another infusion recipe is more suitable for use on a strict diet. For cooking, take 2 tbsp. grains per 0.5 liters of boiling water, and the mixture is poured into a thermos. After 10 hours, strain and take 1 glass per day on an empty stomach.
  3. Oat jelly. For 3 parts water you need to cook 1 part grains, add a little salt and a piece of bread made from rye flour. Keep in a warm place for 48 hours to ferment. After this, strain, grind the cereal and add it to the liquid part. After this, wait a few more hours. A film forms on the surface, which serves as a leaven. You can prepare a new portion from it. The drink is obtained by mixing 1 glass of milk and the resulting product and bringing to a boil. Add salt, butter, honey, sugar to taste.
  4. Sprouted oats are even more beneficial. To prepare it, take 1 cup of the product and add 3 cups of water. You can obtain raw materials by placing the grain in damp gauze for several days. After pouring water, the mixture should be put on fire and simmered slowly for 2 hours. It is recommended to cool and strain the product before use. Drink 40 minutes before meals.

Oatmeal diet for weight loss

With a strict oatmeal diet, cereal dishes will be the main product for two weeks. During this time, the body is completely cleansed of toxins, but at the same time it will not suffer from a lack of necessary substances. If desired, you can add some fruits, vegetables and dietary meat to your diet for variety.

Main meals include only oatmeal 3 times a day. The serving should not exceed a volume of 250-300 ml. For dinner, you should consume the product no later than 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. At the same time, to facilitate the elimination of toxic and ballast metabolic products, you need to drink a lot of liquid in the form of water and green tea without sugar.

It is best to combine diet with physical activity - do gymnastics, yoga, swimming every day. You can take daily walks or join a gym.

Oat grain is rightfully considered a leader in the content of useful elements. Oats for weight loss - this topic deserves the most careful study. We bring to your attention several interesting dietary recipes based on this healthy cereal.

Useful properties of oats

Oats are used for weight loss due to their high concentration nutrients. Cereal replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals that occurs when diet is limited. Grain-based drinks are ideal for people losing weight. They contain a minimum of calories, but at the same time fill the stomach and suppress hunger. Mucus envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, which is the prevention of gastric diseases. Oats have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. The healthy grain cleanses the body, lowers blood sugar levels, and removes bad cholesterol.

How to cook oats for weight loss?

To treat obesity, you can use a decoction and infusion of oats, as well as well-fermented oat kvass.

Oat decoction

How to brew oats for weight loss? First of all, you will have to purchase whole grains - they are the ones that contain the most beneficial elements. Wash the oats (200 g), brew with boiling water (1 l), for a couple of minutes, close the lid and let it brew. After 30 minutes, strain the broth, pour into a clean jar, and place in the refrigerator.

Another option for preparing a decoction involves preparing the grains. Rinse them and fill them with water (2 tbsp. grains per 1 tbsp. water). After 12 hours, add a little more water (it should cover the grains). Cook the oats for 1.5 hours, adding water periodically. After this time, grind the mass with a blender. Cook the mixture for a few minutes and turn off.

Oat infusion

Pour 100 g of washed oat grains into a liter of cold boiled water, leave for 12 hours, then strain and put the liquid in the refrigerator. This infusion helps control blood sugar levels.

There is another option for preparing the infusion: put ground oat grains (2 tbsp) in a thermos, pour boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for 12 hours.

Kvass from oats

2 tbsp. rinse the oats, put them in a jar, fill with boiled cold water(4 tbsp.), sweetened with sugar (4 tbsp. is enough). After 4 days, drain the first kvass (it does not have a pleasant taste). Refill the jar with sweetened water. After 4 days, you can drain the kvass and drink it. Don't forget to add a new portion of the drink using the starter (1 portion of oats can be used up to 10 times).

How to drink oats for weight loss?

Any of the proposed drinks should be consumed for a long period of time (30-60 days or more). You need to drink it 1 tbsp. before meals (about 30 minutes before meals). The only exception is a thick decoction - its norm should be reduced by half. In order for drinks to have the desired effect on the body, you need to drink them slowly, holding each portion in your mouth. At first, the drink may not taste very pleasant to you, but over time you will be able to appreciate it.


Oats can be used for weight loss by almost everyone - the grain rarely causes an allergic reaction (although this possibility should not be ruled out). It is not recommended to use oats for renal and cardiovascular failure. It is contraindicated in people who have had their gallbladder removed.

Initially, oats were considered a weed, then they began to be used as livestock feed. It was only at the beginning of the seventeenth century that settlers from Scotland brought it to North America, where it became one of the main foodstuffs.

Cereal is widely used in diet for various diseases, in cosmetology, weight loss diets and even in gerontology to rejuvenate the body.

Oat decoction for weight loss contains many bioactive components that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, which leads to the stabilization of metabolic processes in the body.

Oats contain components that are very valuable for the body, such as vitamins E, B6, B1, zinc, minerals - phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and sulfur. It also contains thiamine, healthy fats and a large number of soluble plant fiber, which is especially valuable for good intestinal function. Thanks to this, cereal is considered an irreplaceable product in dietetics.

Oats can be consumed both in grain form and in the form of flakes or oatmeal. But the most useful, of course, is the whole grain, since it contains three parts of the kernel - endosperm, germ and bran.

During the grain cleaning process, the bran and germ are removed, leaving only the endosperm. The problem is that without the bran and germ, the grain loses twenty-five percent of its protein along with many nutrients. Therefore, it is most useful to consume cereal not polished, but in the form of whole grains.

Useful properties of oats

Reduces cholesterol levels
The cereal is rich in amino acids and therefore can reduce cholesterol and improve the breakdown of fats. Two servings of oatmeal per day or half a glass of whole grains have been shown to lower cholesterol by 23%.

Use for diabetes
The soluble fiber found in oats slows digestion and thus increases blood sugar more quickly. long time. Some diabetics who ate a diet high in soluble fiber and consumed oats reduced their dose of diabetes medications.

Migraine prevention
The magnesium contained in whole grain oats will benefit people suffering from migraines and high blood pressure, and will also help with PMS.

Good for allergy sufferers
Oats do not contain gluten, so they are recommended for allergy sufferers.

Cleanses the body of toxins and wastes
Oats contain amino acids that help the liver produce lecithin, which is necessary to normalize metabolic processes, and also helps cleanse the walls of arteries from fatty deposits called sclerotic plaques, dissolving them.

Improves digestion
Cereals and oatmeal can improve the flow of bile and prevent constipation.

Low in calories
Oats are a low-calorie product, and this can serve well when losing weight.

As an anti-inflammatory
Used as a diet for rheumatoid pain, relieving inflammation. Oat flakes, in the form of porridge, are useful for gastrointestinal diseases.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
The beta-glucan fiber found in oats helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

The benefits of oats for weight loss

Oats are considered natural source vitality and energy. If you include it in your daily diet, weight loss will occur in a natural way, without exhausting diets and fasting.

The secret of losing weight with oats lies in its natural properties:

Source of complex carbohydrates
And, as you know, complex carbohydrates can provide a slow release of energy throughout the day, reducing cravings for sweets and snacks, with a quick release of energy, which will undoubtedly help with weight loss.

Low calorie
Oats contain a large amount of fiber, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed and increase the period of time between meals, helps prevent constipation, improves intestinal metabolism, which promotes weight loss. And since it is also low in calories, this makes it an excellent choice for those who are watching their figure.

Low glycemic index
This means that after eating oats, blood sugar levels do not increase and cravings for sweets decrease.

Source of fiber
Whole grain oats are a fantastic source of fiber, helping to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract, prevent constipation, and improve digestion and metabolism.

Normalizes fat metabolism
A decoction and infusion obtained from oat grains can normalize fat metabolism in the body, thereby speeding up fat burning and the loss of extra pounds. Read below on how to prepare oat decoction.

Recipes for preparing oat decoctions

Oat infusion for weight loss

Water - 2 liters
Whole grain oats - 1 cup
Honey - 1 tea. lie
Cinnamon – 1 stick

Place the oats in a blender, add one glass of water and blend everything. Then add the remaining water to this mixture, add honey and cinnamon. After stirring well, let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning we strain, and thus get an infusion, which we drink one glass half an hour before each meal.

It is a good diuretic, preventing accumulation excess liquid in the body, removes toxins.

By drinking the infusion before meals, we receive almost all the nutrients needed by the body and, thanks to this, eliminate the feeling of hunger, preventing overeating.

The course of using the decoction is up to a month. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

Oat infusion to strengthen the body and improve blood counts

Purified water - 5 glasses
Oats - 1 cup

Pour water over the oat grains and boil over very low heat for 30 minutes. Then we pour everything into a container, close it tightly, wrap it up and leave it to brew for twelve hours. After this, strain and add boiled water to the original volume.

Oat infusion for weight loss and gastrointestinal diseases

Ground oats - 2 tbsp. lie
Boiling water - 0.5 liters

Wash the whole oat grain, dry it on a napkin and grind it in a coffee grinder. Place in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for about three hours. Take 150 ml on an empty stomach.

Oat decoction for weight loss

Oats - 1 cup
Purified water - 1 liter

This decoction is quite easy to prepare. In the evening, we wash the cereal, fill it with water and leave until the morning.

In the morning, bring it all to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about an hour and a half. Then remove the broth from the heat and let it cool. After this, mix everything in a blender, bring to a boil and let it brew for about forty minutes. That's it, the broth is ready.

You should drink oat decoction three times a day, an hour before meals.

A decoction of sprouted oat grains for weight loss

Sprouted oats - 1 cup
Water - 3 glasses

To prepare it, you need to put unhulled oats in wet gauze and leave for several days until they sprout.

Then add water to the sprouted oats, bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for about two hours. Cool the prepared broth and strain.

It should be drunk on an empty stomach, about forty minutes before meals for two weeks.

For greater effectiveness, decoctions and infusions for weight loss should also include low-calorie diets, while excluding fatty, sweet and baked goods from the diet.

Oatmeal decoction for body rejuvenation

Purified water - 3 liters
Unshelled oats - 3 cups

Place the cereal in this amount of water, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then we pour it all into a thermos and leave it to steep for a day. Strain, add 1 spoon. honey and bring to a boil again.

We take 100 ml. in 20 minutes before meals. You can add a little lemon juice.

Cleansing oat smoothie

It is prepared by adding various freshly squeezed juices to oatmeal broth, proportion 1:1. For taste, you can add a little lemon juice and 1 teaspoon. honey

You can also make jelly with oats. It has a very wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects.

Oatmeal jelly is used for weight loss, treating dysbacteriosis, increasing immunity, cleansing the body of toxins, is an excellent biostimulant and slows down the natural aging process.

Recipes for making oatmeal jelly

Recipe No. 1

Serum with homemade milk- 1 liter
Oat flakes – 250 g
Salt, sugar - to taste

Soak the flakes in the whey and put them in a warm place for a day. In this case, you need to stir this mixture periodically.

The next day, the flakes will ferment and you will get a mass similar to pancake dough. Then we take gauze, folded in three and filter this mass.

Pour the resulting liquid into a container, add a little salt and sugar, mix well. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring regularly so that no lumps form.

Cook until the consistency resembles puree. Then remove from heat and let cool. Final stage- put it in the refrigerator. That's it - the jelly is ready to eat. Drink three times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 2

Oatmeal or cereal - 1.5 cups
Boiled water - 2 liters
Kefir – 70 g

Oat grains are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They also contain B vitamins and microelements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, chromium, zinc, manganese and iodine. The amino acids contained in oats are similar in composition to human muscle proteins, making them easily digestible and helping to strengthen work nervous system and also help in treatment infectious diseases. In addition, when taking a decoction of oats, the blood sugar level decreases, the secretion of gastric juice decreases, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves and fat metabolism is normalized.

Oats for weight loss

Oat decoction is an excellent remedy for helping you get rid of extra pounds, especially if you combine it with proper nutrition and regular physical activity.

To prepare an oat decoction, add 1 cup of oatmeal, but not flakes, to 1 liter of water and let steep for 12 hours. After this, bring the liquid to a boil and cook for about 1.5 hours. Strain the cooled solution, puree the oats in a blender, mix with the broth, bring to a boil and leave to steep for another 30 minutes. Take 1 glass of oat decoction for weight loss 1 hour before meals 3 times a day. Course – 2-4 weeks. Store oatmeal in the refrigerator.

Oat decoction can be prepared according to another recipe. To do this, pour 1 cup of washed cereal, 3 tablespoons of lingonberry leaves and 2 tablespoons of birch buds into a saucepan. Fill everything with 4 liters of water and leave to infuse. Pour 1 cup of water into another pan, add 1 cup of chopped rose hips, bring to a boil and add 2 tablespoons of knotweed. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes with the lid closed, then let it sit for about 1 hour. Now strain both liquids (oat infusion and rose hip decoction), combine, bring to a boil and pour into clean bottles. Take the product 30-40 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. Course - 10 days. This decoction helps not only in the fight against excess weight, but also perfectly cleanses the liver.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal broth

There are no serious contraindications to the use of oatmeal broth. People suffering from renal and cardiovascular failure, a removed gallbladder, as well as individual intolerance to the product should refuse this method of losing weight.