Do-it-yourself installation of ventilated facades. Technology of installation of ventilated facades Design of curtain facades

TO hinged ventilated facade, consisting of an aluminum subsystem and a set of rectangular decorative segments, has attracted the attention of most design and construction organizations. The ventilated suspended façade as a method for improving the energy efficiency of buildings was discovered more than 20 years ago. During this period, manufacturers of facade components have developed dozens of techniques for using technologies in aggressive environmental conditions.

Finishing methods

Decorative finishing is a method of shaping architectural style. On decorative layer assign several utilitarian functions. Exactly external cladding must:

  • determine the price of a ventilation façade;
  • provide reliable protection walls from adverse effects;
  • visually decorate an inconspicuous, at first glance, structure.

To create a clear understanding of the benefits different types finishing, it is necessary to consider each of them separately.

Porcelain tile cladding

Artificial material. For the production of ceramic granite the following are used:

  • a mixture of two types of clay;
  • dyes;
  • a product of sifting milky-white quartz and rock-forming minerals from the silicate class.

The resulting raw materials are used to form tiles, which are pressed on hydraulic presses and fired in specialized ovens at a temperature of about 1300 °C.

Porcelain tiles have a strong, durable structure. The slabs are used in construction, decoration of buildings, and for interior finishing work.

Composite panels

The composite is quite flexible, allowing you to create rounded corners and curved shapes. The structure of the panel itself is a heterogeneous product with many layers. Technology for the production of panels from different materials involves the preparation of aluminum and components (straightened aluminum undergoes chemical synthesis), painting, priming, heat bonding and pressing. The process of joining metal, polymers and mineral materials, is carried out under the influence of high temperatures.

Composite panels - visually stylish and modern way arrangement of the outer layer of walls. Their surface does not contain an electrifying component, and therefore dirt and dust are washed off during the first precipitation. The panels are resistant to corrosion, wind and ice loads, and are not afraid of sudden temperature fluctuations. Purposes of use:

  • design of architectural elements of houses;
  • restoration of buildings;
  • arrangement of billboards.

Natural or artificial stone

Facades from natural stone considered the most practical. NVF made of stone - the same multi-layer system, including insulation, wind protective membrane, frame base, finishing layer.

By technical specifications The ventilated stone facade complies with the standards for the design of buildings for any purpose. Cladding made of granite, sandstone, and other rocks is used to make a structure:

  • unique;
  • "dear";
  • with high status.

Fiber cement panels

Fiber cement-based slabs with textured paint coating- a striking example of high-quality design of the exterior of an object. Structure and chemical composition fiber cement allows you to install a decorative layer regardless of the time of year, climate, or air temperature.

Fiber cement parts perform a heat-saving, decorative function. The material is durable, not exposed to flame, and does not corrode over time. Mounted horizontally, longitudinally.

Facade cassettes

Facade decorations, called metal cassettes, are flat metal parts with edges curved inward along the perimeter. The manufacturing process of metal cassettes involves the use of composites or thin metal (brass, aluminum, copper) sheets, with or without a protective coating.

The use of galvanized metal cassettes in tandem with a galvanized subsystem allows you to decorate the facade with inexpensive materials. Steel cassettes are lightweight, non-flammable, easy to repair, and do not allow sound to pass through.

Technical data

Ventilated facades occupy a large segment of the building materials market. The ventilation façade design has several advantages:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Of the finishing materials developed for decorating the facades of buildings, only those that do not support combustion are used; Heat retention. Due to the properties of the insulation, internal space
  • the structure remains at a comfortable temperature for humans; Natural sound insulation.
  • The function of protecting against the penetration of extraneous noise into the building is performed by a layer of thermal insulation; No condensation. Air gap between the wall and decorative coating prevents steam from forming. Because of this, moisture is removed from the insulation, leaving it dry
  • m;Saving money when preparing walls.
  • Corrosion resistance. Panels containing anti-corrosion materials protect load-bearing walls from changes in air temperatures and chemical influences from the outside;
  • Implementation of any design idea. A large selection of textures, colors, shapes, types of finishes allows you to play with shadows and combine colors;
  • Minimum weight of the substructure. The NVF system is lightweight and easy to install. Work on construction sites is carried out even in the winter months.

Types and characteristic qualities of insulation

  1. Mineral wool (stone wool).

    Mineral wool is called thermal insulationyator created from molten rock minerals. Advantages of insulation material:

    • universal application;
    • good insulating qualities;
    • good technical characteristics.

    The disadvantages of insulation include the appearance of a “cold bridge” (technological joints), a relatively high price, and the formation of mineral dust.
    Characteristics stone wool:

      • Withstands temperatures without destruction - 1000 degrees;
      • Shrinkage 5%;

    • Density - from 30 to 100 kg/m³;
  2. Cotton wool with a basalt component.
    • thermal conductivity - from 0.032 to 0.048 W/mK;
    • density - 30-100 kg/m3;
    • does not burn.


    • does not tolerate moisture well;
    • price.

  3. The thermal insulator produced by chemical means - extruded polystyrene foam - has a mass positive qualities:

    • high insulating qualities;
    • ability to repel moisture;
    • resistance to chemical environments;
    • does not shrink, does not deform.

    Disadvantages include flammability and toxicity of combustion products. It is also necessary to use an adhesive for installation.

    • closed pores no more than 0.2 mm;
    • thermal conductivity - 028 - 0.03 W/mK.

    The material can withstand more than 1000 freezing cycles!

  4. Glass wool.

    An inexpensive and often commercially available insulation is glass wool, a traditional insulation material, both in private homes and industrial premises. The disadvantages are the fragility of the fibers, harmful dust. Glass wool is made from waste glass.


    • thermal conductivity - 0.039-0.047 W/mK;
    • sound absorption - 35 to 40 dB;
    • density - 11-25 kg meter cubic.

Area of ​​use of the design

Ventilated facades can increasingly be found as decorative design the following construction projects:

  • Private housing construction. Building materials for organizing ventilation facades are environmentally friendly, provide everyday comfort and safety for the residents of the house. Hanging systems are widely used in multi-storey housing construction. Simple installation allows you to periodically update the architectural image multi-story building, ensure its fire safety;
  • Commercial housing construction. During construction from scratch and restoration of commercial buildings, ventilated facades solve many problems;
  • Industrial engineering. For cladding of objects industrial use increased demands are being made. A multi-layer ventilated façade neutralizes noise and vibrations;
  • Design of structures of an architectural and planning organization. Device versatility hanging system allows you to design structures and fences adjacent to buildings. Building materials for facades give small architectural forms modern look, increase the service life.

Types and options of subsystems (structures)

A subsystem for ventilated facades is a set of mounting devices used for reliable fastening panels to the walls of the building. The mounting system consists of guide profile segments used for fastening the decorative layer, brackets and additional fastening elements(anchors, dowels, rivets, clips, clasps, self-tapping screws).

Vertical subsystem

A vertical subsystem is used for the horizontal layout of the material selected for facing work. The fixation method is often used for cladding buildings and structures with facade panels, siding, and profiled sheets. In this version of the subsystem, anchor corners of different heights are used, which depends on the required thickness of the decor used for insulation. Along with this, cold-formed corners of the required height are also used in order to neutralize distortions and unevenness of the structure.

Vertical-horizontal subsystem

To arrange the sheathing, horizontal and vertical guide profiles are used. The vertical-horizontal system increases the rigidity of the structure due to the uniform distribution of the weight of the facing layer.

The main technological difference between one subsystem and another is the direction and location of the profiles, which is set based on the dimensions and characteristic differences in the material used for facing work. A horizontal, vertical or cross method is used to form cells. The best result is obtained by combining vertical and horizontal guides. This is how slabs made of any materials are secured.

There are several options for such subsystems: aluminum, steel and galvanized. The main task of the ventilation façade is to insulate the building while simultaneously performing a decorative function. Steel, galvanized, and aluminum subsystems can also cope with this. Each option has pros and cons.

Subsystems made of aluminum


  • due to their lighter weight compared to metal subsystems, they are used in high-rise construction;
  • minimal load on the load-bearing walls of the building (buildings with a 20-30 year lifespan can be clad);
  • resistant to UV radiation, humidity and climatic conditions of the area;
  • easy to use.


  • have a low melting point, which has a negative effect on the degree fire safety.

Subsystems made of galvanized steel


  • least expensive option;
  • easy to install, effectively mask the unevenness of the load-bearing walls of the building;
  • used for stone cladding natural origin, porcelain tiles and fiber cement panels, as well as cassettes made of metal and matching materials;
  • have for a long time use (over 50 years);
  • environmentally friendly, highly durable, and non-flammable.


  • are susceptible to corrosion, but by painting and applying a layer of polymers this problem can be partially solved.

Subsystems made of stainless alloys


  • resistant to frost and temperature changes;
  • can be successfully used for high-rise construction (carried out at a height exceeding 50 m);
  • environmentally friendly, resistant to corrosion;
  • durable in use (the service life of such subsystems is more than 70 years);
  • have maximum rate fire safety compared to others.


  • high price.

Stainless steel is chosen for the installation of the ventilation facade subsystem. The steel profile is not subject to rotting, and the time of use of steel subsystems is commensurate with the service life of the building.

Mounting device

During the design of the façade of a building, it is necessary to systematically monitor the quality of work performed on site. The sequence of installation of ventilated facades looks like this:

  • Installation of brackets. Cantilever support parts are attached to dowels or anchor bolts. The type of fastener is chosen taking into account the configuration and weight of the structure. Experienced installers additionally install paronite or plastic gaskets between the building wall and the metal, which eliminates the risk of a thermal bridge;
  • Laying insulation. Next stage installation of the external part of the building involves fixing thermal insulation. For fastening, mushroom-shaped dowels and composite flexible connections are used. A membrane is installed on top of the thermal insulation. Some types of modern insulation are equipped with film protection in production;
  • Fastening the guides. Frame base consisting of vertical racks And horizontal jumpers, is built after observing the gap parameters. The frame elements are connected with cylindrical rods. The configuration of the threshold between the guides depends on the decor parameters;
  • Installation cladding panels. The air gap between the cladding varies in size. Its value depends on the design and design of the object. The panels are installed on mounting slides, metal brackets, and corners.

Construction cost per m2

Section 1. Design and preparatory work
Item no. Name Unit Change
1.1 Carrying out testing work load-bearing capacity walls (pull-out anchor), static calculation of the load on the building set 0,00
1.2 Geodetic works, formation of facade diagrams m2 25,00
1.3 Design work, preparation of a detailed design for the installation of a ventilated facade m2 65,00
Total for section 1, including VAT 18%: 90,00
Section 2. Materials of illegal armed groups
Item no. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measurement, ₽.
2.1 ESTIMA porcelain tiles, taking into account cutting costs of 6% m2 730,00
2.2 Substructure kit made of galvanized steel (vertical design). m2 740,00
2.3 Rockwool VentiButts insulation boards H 100 mm. (Expense coefficient 1.06) m2 406,00
2.4 Insulation boards Pen-roll Techno Nicole 100 mm. (top layer, flow coefficient 1.06) m2 238,00
2.5 Facade dowel for fastening 100 mm insulation boards. PC 6,90
2.6 Facade dowel for fastening insulation boards, pen-roll Techno Nicole 100 mm PC 6,90
2.7 Window frames (reflections and slopes) made of galvanized steel 0.5 mm, painted according to the RAL catalog m.p. 310,00
2,10 Parapet covers made of galvanized steel 0.7 mm, up to 900 mm in size, painted according to RAL m.p. 780,00
2,11 Substructure for parapet covers (set with fasteners) m.p. 280,00
2,12 Delivery of materials to the site (%) %
Total for section 2, including VAT 18%: 2114,00
Section 3. Scaffolding means, Consumables for the execution of work
Item no. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measurement, ₽.
3.1. Rental of construction cradles ZLP-630 months 180 000,00
3.2 Depreciation of manual equipment m2 60,00
Total for section 3, including VAT 18%: 180 060,00
Section 4. Installation work
Item no. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measurement, ₽.
4.1 Installation and dismantling of construction cradles m2 80,00
4.2 Marking, installation of brackets m2 210,00
4.3 Installation of insulation boards m2 290,00
4.4 Installation and adjustment of system guides m2 430,00
4.5 Installation of window frames (window sills and slopes made of galvanized steel). m.p. 280,00
4.7 Adjustment and installation of porcelain stoneware slabs m2 510,00
4.8 Installation of parapet covers on the subsystem m.p. 680,00
Total for section 4, including VAT 18%: 1520,00
TOTAL PER m2 (without slopes): 3 957,36
TOTAL per m2, taking into account slopes and ebbs: 4 247,07

A ventilated facade is a method of cladding a building, with the help of which an outer ventilated layer is arranged, which consists of insulation, an air gap, and decorative cladding material. The entire structure is mounted on a metal frame, which can be made of galvanized, stainless steel or aluminum. The frame itself is mounted on a monolithic wall.

Due to the gap that is maintained between the insulation and decorative finishing, the façade is fully ventilated and ventilated. As a result, excess moisture that can accumulate on the surface of the walls is removed. And the insulation layer helps to significantly save heating costs. The construction market offers more choice decorative materials, with which you can decorate the façade of an object:

  • Granite slabs
  • Glass panels
  • Metal cassettes
  • Aluminum panels
  • Wooden plank
  • Fiber cement panels or siding
  • Facing brick
  • HPL panels

Advantages of using ventilated facade systems:

  • Wide range of design solutions for decorative finishing
  • Good thermal and sound insulation
  • Quick installation
  • Long service life
  • High weather resistance

Preparing the walls of the house

The first and most important step is preparing the surface, that is, the walls of the building. The process includes several main points:

  • Needs to be removed old plaster, or the one that crumbles. Restore a completely deleted layer.
  • If stone or brick masonry is destroyed, it must also be restored.
  • When constructing a new building, all work must be completely completed.
  • Installation of windows, doors, circular blind area.
  • Fixing all types of communications on the wall.
  • It is important to place gas pipes beyond the future elevation of the surface of the suspended ventilated system.
  • Marking places for air conditioners.

Ventilated façade installation technology

After the walls have been prepared, it is necessary to make markings along which the brackets and sheathing will be installed. For this you can use special beacons. After marking, the brackets are attached; for this, corrosion-resistant anchors are required.

The brackets are placed through a thermal pad, and their position is established using an aluminum washer. It helps increase the strength of the entire assembly as a whole. After the bracket has been installed in place, the anchor cap should be painted over to prevent corrosion.

When installing brackets, you should take into account the possibility of wall obstructions. In this case, you will have to change some of the brackets to longer ones, otherwise the ventilated facade will sag. In such a situation, it is necessary to calculate the load that will be distributed along the length of the new bracket. The second option for correcting blockages in walls is to use sliding brackets, in which the extension of the support zone is adjusted in length.

Video instructions for the installation technology of a ventilated facade.

Installation of insulation and steam and wind protection

Slabs are most often used to create an insulating layer. mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam. Mineral wool has excellent characteristics: it does not allow moisture to pass through, has a low level of thermal conductivity, retains its shape, does not ignite and prevents the spread of fire. Expanded polystyrene, in turn, prevents the penetration of moisture, is non-flammable, and also has a low level of thermal conductivity, so it is most often used to finish the basement of an object, since this is where a large amount of water gets.

Mineral wool mats are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. For ventilated facades, mats are most often used, as they are easy to attach. Extruded polystyrene foam has special grooves so that the panels are assembled into a single sheet, which provides an additional level of protection.

Mats and slabs are attached directly to the wall using trellis dowels or anchors, the core of which is made of steel. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall. And the mats hold the wide heads of anchors or dowels. To secure the mats in places where the brackets are already installed, slots are made in them.

Next, a special membrane is attached to the insulation layer, which protects from wind and moisture. The film is connected to each other with a special adhesive tape. Installation is carried out using a mechanical stapler.

Fastening horizontal profiles

To determine the horizon, you must use a hydraulic level. Markers should be checked every 4 meters to avoid distortion of the horizon. The guide (L-shaped) is attached to the bracket using four rivets in the grooves of the previously installed brackets. The sheathing is attached after maintaining the ventilation gap.

Fastening vertical profiles

The U-shaped guide is attached vertically (perpendicular to the L-shaped guide) through self-tapping screws or rivets. A Z-shape is used as an intermediate guide.

Finishing of the ventilated facade with porcelain tiles and metal cassettes

Porcelain stoneware façade installation technology

Finishing work can be carried out in two ways: with a visible seam and seamless connection of porcelain stoneware slabs. Installation of a structure with a visible seam is cheaper and simpler. For fastening, special screws, clamps, rivets, and self-tapping screws are used. The slabs are installed through special gaskets on a T-shaped profile, which is subsequently painted to match the color of the stone in order to disguise it.

The seamless method is more expensive and complex. This is done in 4 main ways:

  • Pin mounting
  • Using glue
  • Mechanical method: on the back side of the slab, a dowel is inserted into the anchor hole
  • Combined method: glue + dowels.

Read more about the advantages, design and fastening of porcelain tiles.

Fastening metal cassettes

Visible installation is carried out using special rivets. They are fixed on vertical guides. Cassettes are installed from bottom to top, from left to right. Seamless method: An initial profile is attached along the lower edge of the building, then the cassettes are “assembled” groove into groove.

Decorative finishing external walls is one of the methods for creating individual style. But the finishing, in addition to the aesthetic part, also has a functional purpose. When choosing a ventilated façade among all exterior cladding options, you can solve both problems in a comprehensive manner. Create an attractive image of your home and protect it from the influence of the external environment and all factors that affect the material of the main wall of the house.

The main feature of this façade finishing technology is the elimination of moisture accumulation from the outer surface of the load-bearing wall in order to protect the structure from exposure to moisture and the consequences of its accumulation. It is achieved by attaching the facing part at a certain distance from the insulation, where the result is an air gap. Thanks to this layer in the insulation moisture will not accumulate, which reduces the overall effectiveness of building insulation measures.

The design of such a ventilation facade is a system of assembled parts, forming a kind of sandwich that is installed on the wall in a certain order. But the main condition remains the presence of an air gap.

Such a technical sandwich may consist of the following parts:

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity and demand for facades of this type can be explained by the following factors:

  • Simplicity and ease of assembly.
  • A wide range of various decorative finishes.
  • Light weight structure that does not affect the load-bearing wall.
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year and in different climatic conditions.
  • Long service life. It lasts at least 60 years, without requiring any repair work for the entire period. Such work is possible only with the provision of some physical impact or a gust of wind.
  • Easy to maintain. To keep the cladding clean, just rinse it with a hose with water.

Pros during operation:

The materials used during installation have high fire resistance and fire safety parameters. The most weak point In this regard, there will be insulation, but products made on the basis of mineral wool will compensate for this shortcoming.

This type of activity must be performed by an authorized project organization, whose specialists will be able to take into account all the customer's wishes and create a project that matches all building regulations and fire safety requirements.

The design work takes place in several stages:

Assembly and installation of the facade

As in the case of conventional facade work, the installation of the structure is carried out on a previously prepared surface.

Ventilated façade installation technology:

  • Preparing the wall surface.
  • Manufacturing and installation of carrier metal frame for cladding.
  • Installation of decorative facade panels.

At this stage, defects on the load-bearing wall are eliminated: it is necessary to eliminate old finishing, repair cracks and chips, compensate for unevenness of the wall with plaster and treat with an antiseptic. Only obvious defects need to be repaired; no care is required due to the fact that the panels are intended for hiding these shortcomings. Treatment with antiseptic agents is carried out in order to prevent the possible appearance of fungi and mold on the wall.

As for the primer, its use is optional. Priming is carried out only if the walls are planned to be painted or coated decorative plaster.

After carrying out the above stages of work, you need to mark the installation locations of the brackets and the location of the guide profiles. The step between the slats should be no more than the width of one panel.

Manufacturing and installation of supporting frame

After marking work, you need to begin installing fasteners and guides. To do this, you will need to install anchor bolts on the load-bearing wall. Next, the brackets are installed on the anchor fasteners and the bolts are tightened. After which a layer with insulation is installed. Thermal insulation is hung taking into account specially prepared slots for fastenings.

For better protection of the insulation, you can use a protective membrane; it is laid over the insulation and secured.

The guides are positioned vertically. Then you can install a ventilated façade. The profile is attached freely so that in case of temperature exposure it does not break.

Laying thermal insulation materials

The main feature of this technology is their overlapping installation, i.e. there should be no gap between the panels, which is needed to compensate temperature deformations facade panels.

Through the layers of thermal insulation and membrane, holes are made into the wall into which disc-shaped dowels are installed, with the help of which the membrane and insulation are secured. Thermal insulation is laid from the bottom up, and the first row is laid on the base.

The membrane is attached with outside insulation with an overlap of 100 millimeters. Inner side tight attached to thermal insulation. The overlap of the material must be sealed with sealing tape to prevent condensation from getting on the insulation.

Installation of such a system will seem quite simple in comparison with other finishing methods. It is worth remembering that fasteners and profiles must withstand heavy loads, at least of the facade itself. But also when self-installation Air gap blockage may occur. This occurs when the membrane is poorly fixed - façade panels will receive additional workload.

Finishing using ventilated facade systems begins with the installation of a frame subsystem. Mistakes at this stage can result in the cladding not performing its functions correctly and even completely destroying the finish. Let's talk about frames for independent ventilation facades and the features of their installation and assembly.

Functions of the façade frame

The curtained ventilated façade is conceptually derived from the external glazing systems of high-rise buildings, from which it inherits its technological complexity. The high versatility of this finish is achieved due to a very specific fastening subsystem, which performs a number of target functions.

The main one is to distance the facing panels from the load-bearing wall and the insulating layer to obtain a space in which street air circulates freely. This is one of the most effective ways protection of insulation materials with high hygroscopicity. Over half a century of active implementation, this method has proven itself only with the best side. Due to the external cladding, the temperature exchange of the building is normalized: in summer the sun heats the walls less, and in winter the air layer prevents the diffusion outflow of heat.

1 - protection of the building from heating; 2 - protection of insulation and structure from precipitation; 3 - ventilated facade subsystem; 4 - vapor-permeable membrane; 5 - insulation; 6 - removing moisture from the room

At first acquaintance, the system demonstrates obvious complexity and creates the illusion of unreliability. This is where the second comes from key function frame - to protect the insulation and supporting structure without compromising the integrity of the cladding and its appearance. This becomes possible due to the high resistance of individual frame elements to mechanical stress and proper load distribution.

We can conclude that such high technology is very expensive, both in terms of economic accessibility and in terms of installation complexity. Therefore, the third task that is set for the frames of independent ventilation facades is a high degree of unification of components. This not only makes it possible to carry out work as quickly as possible with a high degree of participation in expensive industrial mountaineering. The frame for ventilated facades can be adapted even to very complex architecture, including surfaces with deviations from the vertical.

Types of subsystems for ventilated facades

Today there is a very wide range of frame systems for ventilated facades, each of which is designed to work in specific conditions of an object with a specific type finishing material. To classify them, you need to pay attention to two key features.

The first is the frame material:

  1. Cink Steel. Optimal for façade systems without claims to durability in favor of cost savings. It is most often used in the construction of inexpensive aluminum and polyurethane facade cladding with the prospect of replacing them.
  2. Stainless steel. Frames made from it are the most durable and are used for cladding high-rise buildings using heavy panels (once and for a long time).
  3. Aluminum substructure. It is used in restoration and insulation projects of old buildings, where it is impossible to exceed permissible load on load-bearing walls. Disadvantage - low fire safety, aluminum subsystems are not used in high-rise construction.
  4. Hydrophobized wood. Used as rack elements in low-rise construction and regions with mild climates.

Second hallmark- manufacturer frame system. Elements of different brands are not comparable with each other (with very rare exceptions), therefore they are always supplied as a set. The choice in favor of a specific manufacturer is determined mainly by the convenience and manufacturability of installation. This is almost unimportant for a private developer, but with the involvement of industrial climbers on large-scale projects, the need to additionally drill or trim anything results in dozens of extra man-hours.

Frame configuration for curtain façade

The third key difference is the form factor of the finished frame system. It depends entirely on the format of the cladding used, and every self-respecting manufacturer considers it their duty to support all three types in its assortment. Moreover, if the manufacturer facing materials provides a warranty on them, installation should only be carried out on a subsystem of the recommended type. Based on form factor, frame systems are divided into:

  • vertical orientation: for horizontal siding and continuous preparatory sheathing slab materials;
  • horizontal orientation: for vertical siding, magnesite and polyurethane panels;
  • cross type: for marble, brick, porcelain stoneware and other heavy panels.

Before proceeding with installation, study routing and an album of technical solutions for a specific product. The goal is to establish the assembly order and operation of the connecting nodes. Fortunately, almost all manufacturers have the same mapping scheme and package contents. They have stationary brackets that are directly attached to the wall, and a movable profile that, together with the first element, forms a base console. The movable bar has a standard method of connection with the rack elements of the frame, plus the kit may include connectors for extending racks, corner and cross connectors.

Beginning of installation: preparing the wall and attaching the consoles

Installation begins with preparing the walls: removing the remains of the destroyed finish and antiseptic treatment if there are signs of mold damage. The installation of consoles begins from the top row, installing them in increments normalized by the type and weight of the cladding. Installation is carried out on a plastic lining, which prevents heat migration between the wall and the frame, fastening is carried out anchor bolts, and in the case of loose and hollow bases - chemical anchors or special types of dowels (KAT, KVT). Then, from each bracket, a plumb line is thrown along the wall, along which holes are drilled and the remaining elements of the vertical row are installed.

Many manufacturers distribute the mounting holes in the consoles so that they can be mounted as an assembly, which significantly speeds up the work. After fastening, the movable planks of the upper row consoles are lined up in a common line according to the curvature of the wall plane. Then the plumb line is hung on the edge of the upper console and the remaining sliding parts are adjusted and secured in this way. To secure the retractable strip it can be used as bolted connections, and blind rivets.

If the subsystem is assembled with horizontal orientation of the rack elements, the method of adjusting the consoles remains the same, but the brackets are turned in a different direction. In this way, the outermost vertical rows are installed first, and then a fishing line is stretched over the elements of which to align the intermediate brackets of the horizontal row.

Assembling the system of fastening profiles

Sometimes it is recommended to fix the consoles after fixing the racks of the frame system. If this is the manufacturer's recommendation, this is quite acceptable. However, plumb alignment is considered the preferred method if there are no additional installation requirements.

The profile usually has standard means of preliminary fastening, represented by grooves and latches. After fixing at the installation site, the rack elements are secured along the internal shelf to the retractable console bar using bolts, rivets or non-hardened screws.

Most “branded” systems require the installation of fastening profiles after installing the insulation and windproof membrane/film. It is, however, possible to lay thermal insulation mats not only under the sheathing, but also between the racks. In this case, a windproof film is rolled out over the profiles and a system of spacer slats with a vertical or two-layer cross orientation is assembled.

To conclude our review, we note that the basement and façade parts of the wall are separated by a horizontal ebb strip. This addition is designed to limit the flow of moisture-saturated air from the foundation into the space of the main vent and prevent the entry of water - condensation and slanting rain - into the basement part. Thus, air convection in the two zones occurs separately.

Almost everyone has heard that there are ventilated facades, but only a few understand what exactly they are, how they are built and what the differences are in comparison with a regular facade.

Description and features

Ventilated facade or, as it is also called, hinged, this is a kind of technology, a system for fastening facing materials at a distance from the wall itself, onto a separate frame, which can be made of steel, aluminum alloys or any other materials.

Main difference and advantage ventilated facade systems the fact that nothing prevents the free passage of air, thereby eliminating the problem of moisture accumulation, condensation formation and solving a number of other, no less important issues in the operation of buildings.

Despite the fact that this type of engineering solution for decorating external walls began to be used in our country not so long ago, the technology itself did not appear “yesterday”. It appeared in Germany, namely in the Federal Republic of Germany, in the late 50s of the last century.

Of course, since those times both the technology itself and the materials used have gone far ahead, and if in the last century such a design of the facade was possible only in a “cold” form, today curtain structures cope with the task of insulation quite well.

"Warm » ventilated facade technology involves the use of mineral wool varieties, and if the basement part is lined, then polystyrene foam insulating materials.

A feature of an insulated curtain wall is that the distance left during its installation between the wall and the insulation material should not be less than 4 cm, in some cases 2 cm is allowed, but ideal and suitable for any climatic conditions The gap size is considered to be 5 cm.

This type of facade almost completely “extinguishes” the direct thermal output of the building itself, and the air circulating in the gap completely eliminates the problems of temperature changes, humidity levels and all other aspects that often cause trouble with traditional conservative cladding of buildings.

Another feature of this engineering solution in the design of the facade and its serious advantage is the ability to change the appearance of the building at any time, because the slabs from which it consists visible part the structures are not tightly fixed and can always be changed.

Besides, installation of ventilated facades“cold” type is not final; such a structure can always be insulated or strengthened, even after several years of operation.


Curtain facades are divided into main types depending on the material from which the cladding is made.

The most popular types of facades of this design are:

  • from porcelain stoneware;
  • from HPL panels;
  • from linear panels;
  • from artificial stone;
  • from fiber cement boards;
  • from glass;
  • from composites.

Ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware occurs most often, due to the fairly low cost and ease of installation work. This combination of qualities has made the material in demand in mass construction, carried out by various construction companies - this is how they finish and office buildings, and the lower floors of residential high-rise buildings, however, they are also completely finished in this way, and much more, and, of course, this type of facade is in demand in private housing construction.

Fake diamond– a completely universal material, suitable for almost any work, both indoors and outdoors. Of course, it is also in demand for finishing facades with curtain structures. As a rule, such tiles are used to decorate externally visible walls of small buildings or private cottages.

Fiber cement boards are an extremely economical material, which is distinguished by extremely high heat-blocking and heat-retaining characteristics. But these slabs have a very significant drawback - visible joints and fastenings. This option for finishing a curtain façade is in demand mainly in the northern regions and for finishing office and other service or work buildings. non-residential premises.

Cladding glass has many advantages, but is not used as often when decorating facades using the hinged method as in the classic way. They're standing glass panels quite expensive, and when installed using the ventilated method, their main advantage is that light transmission is not relevant.

Panels for ventilated facade devices made from a mixture of composite materials have an important advantage and difference from all others - they are capable of self-cleaning and have excellent noise and sound insulating qualities, which makes them ideal solution when finishing a facade next to a large highway, in the center of a busy street, or in some other places filled with noise. But this type of finishing slabs also has disadvantages, for example, they cope with thermal insulation much worse than all the others.

In addition to the above types of materials, for curtain facades The following types of finishing are also used:

  • metal “cassettes”;
  • "copper" plates;
  • planken;
  • glass panels.

But such types of finishing are rare and are usually used when decorating the facades of small buildings. In addition to all of the above, ventilated facades in small areas can be decorated with wood.


Hinged ventilated facade can be mounted in two ways - open and closed, they differ only in whether the fastenings will be noticeable or not, of course, for open method“secret” or decorated rivets and other fasteners are used, and with the closed method - any kind.

Before embarking on the actual process of decorating the walls of a building, when choosing a hanging type of facade structure, a subsystem is installed.

A subsystem is a combination of:

  • load-bearing profiles;
  • brackets;
  • a set of appropriate hardware - clamps, screws, anchors, and so on;
  • layers of insulation, if used.

The design of the subsystem can be fixed either directly in the wall itself or only in places of ceilings between floors or any other “seams”.

The most basic points that make up the entire installation workflow are:

  • marking the wall under future design;
  • securing brackets;
  • fastening of supporting profiles;
  • wiring output and fastening of street lamps, if you plan to use lighting;
  • installation of thermal insulation, if additional insulation is used;
  • mounting the top decorative material.

Finally, electrical appliances are connected if they are involved in architectural project, design of drains, layers, slopes and other minor works.


Cost of a ventilated facade consists of many nuances. Of course, the price is primarily influenced by what materials are chosen - what the subsystem will be made of, whether additional insulation will be used and, if so, which one, whether wiring will be required and installation of lights or spotlights, and, finally, what type of materials the facade will be decorated.

In addition to all this, the price will also include the cost of work, which also directly depends on the selected materials and the level of complexity of their installation.

Of course, on price of ventilated facade The area of ​​the building and the complexity of its walls will also affect it. For example, the design of various “roundings”, “transition corners”, canopies and other architectural delights will cost a more significant amount than the cladding of a simple straight line flat wall.

The cost can be reduced when finishing small private houses by doing the work yourself, but if we are talking about a large cottage with several floors, you will no longer be able to handle it yourself.

On average, the cost of installation work per square meter of facade, when using porcelain stoneware slabs, adds up to the following approximate figures:

  • subsystem – from 500 rubles;
  • additional layer of insulation up to 5 cm thick – from 150 rubles;
  • cladding layer – from 450 rubles;
  • strengthening the subsystem fasteners - from 80 rubles;
  • strengthening the fastening of the insulating layer - from 50 rubles;
  • fastening of decorative and other elements, including plums, layers, and so on - from 250 rubles.

That is, the cost of installation of a suspended facade made of porcelain stoneware slabs on average starts from 1,480 rubles per square meter, in the absence of any complex architectural aspects, for example, curves, on the walls of the building.

To the cost of the work you need to add the prices for material and fasteners, and multiply the resulting number by the number of square meters. This will give you an approximate cost for the planned façade. Meter installation cost hanging structure from metal cassettes starts from approximately 2080 rubles, and from composite plates – from 2045 rubles.

However, in different cities the cost may differ, for example, in large centers prices for construction works always a little lower, as in materials, than in small provincial populated areas.