Features of creating a narrow corridor design. Hallways for narrow corridors - design tips and tricks How to decorate a long narrow corridor

For a narrow and small corridor there are 5 clear rules for designing a hallway.

A scheme in which the furniture design is as practical, modern and functional as possible.

Furniture for the hallway in a small corridor

A familiar set of furniture: a wardrobe for outerwear, an open hanger or hooks for everyday items, a rack for dirty shoes and a shelf for dry or narrow shoe rack(shoe cabinet), bedside table or chest of drawers for storing small items.

But for a narrow corridor, it is impossible to arrange so much furniture without a detailed drawing of the hallway and clever ideas.

Here are photo examples the best hallways in a small corridor in the apartment. Now let’s figure out what ideas are behind such projects and why they look so beautiful.

How to design a small hallway into a corridor in a modern style:

  1. Large lift shelves and drawers up. Based on the principle of a mezzanine cabinet. For storing seasonal items and rarely used trash. The mezzanine should be made in the same colors as the ceiling or walls of the hallway, otherwise it will be perceived as cumbersome. A good mezzanine is an inconspicuous mezzanine.
  2. Other closed cabinets we lower it to the very floor, or we make a bench there with an open place for shoes under it. In both cases used as a place to sit.
  3. Load gradient. When the heaviest parts of the cabinet have gone up and down, we do open hangers and shelves on the wall between them. Those. The central part of the cabinet is in a niche format. Arrangement in levels increases the number of storage spaces with the illusion of compactness and lightness.
  4. Next to the open hangers closer to front door or we place it in any other place growth mirror. It can be very narrow. The main thing is that it is tall, so that you can examine yourself in full height.
  5. To perfectly fulfill the points above and use every centimeter of scarce space, make furniture to order. More expensive, but it sells meters, which also cost money.

And it doesn’t matter how narrow the hallway, mirror and bench should be, if there is at least some possibility of accommodating them.

Read how to make a modern one in terms of style and appearance.

1. Wardrobe mezzanine to the ceiling

It is in apartments in Khrushchev and panel houses, where not only the hallway and corridor are small, but also the rest of the rooms, they began to use mezzanines.

The design is not a decoration, but the convenience of the element is maximum. Modern version during repairs in light colors- mezzanine in 1 color with ceiling and walls.

There is always a door, and therefore free space above it.

In a long narrow corridor, furnished along one wall, the mezzanine can be made to cover the entire width under the ceiling in both open and closed parts.

2. Bench with space for shoes

If it interferes narrow wardrobe, then closer to the front door there should also be an area with a shelf or cabinet for shoes, which will also double as a seat.

It is much more comfortable to put on shoes while sitting. At the same time, you will not lean on the walls and get them dirty.

It is better to make a bench with an open space underneath to leave wet shoes.

3. Open hangers

2 reasons to make open hooks:

  1. A small hallway seems more spacious when the central part is narrow. Those. Although we have a full-fledged closet at the top and bottom, when there are just hangers in the middle, it is visually easier to perceive.
  2. You don’t have to take a steam bath and hang up your wet outerwear.

You don't have to do a lot open space. 2-3 hangers with a width of 40-50 cm are enough. Make the rest of the closet closed.

You can look at the material about, there are plenty of photos with open hangers.

4. Growth mirror

There is always room for a full-length mirror, even in the smallest and narrowest corridor.

Yes, generally always.

Even a mirror 30 cm wide will be enough, provided that it is 1 meter or more in height. And there will be 30 centimeters.

Relative location starting from the entrance: mirror, hangers, closed part.

As a last resort, it can be mirrored interior decoration front door or closet wall with hooks.

5. In a long and narrow corridor - from floor to ceiling

When the furniture is placed against the wall, and our task is to make maximum use of the area and get a modern appearance, this furniture should become a wall.

A modern, narrow, floor-to-ceiling closet in a small hallway is better than any mini-mudroom sets for part of the wall.

It looks monolithic, modern (like any built-in furniture), does not interfere with cleaning, and has a larger internal usable volume.

Little ones corner hallways also look better in wall format.

Small hallways in a modern style

We’ve sorted out the layout of the hallway into a small corridor, but how to achieve a stylish and modern appearance?

  1. Obviously, choose . Classic is much worse because requires a bunch of extra textures, accessories and decors that are not needed in a small area.
  2. Correctly trim and.
  3. Read about it already, there are many repair nuances there.
  4. And now 3 more points about furniture, because... Usually it is she who takes up the most space in a small hallway, both actually and visually.

Here's a classic, don't do it like that:

But minimalism is ideal:

But pay attention to the handles - modern style must also be maintained. Either without handles at all, or modern straight models.

Built-in furniture to order

I will persuade you.

In 2019, there are a lot of companies cutting and designing furniture. Due to competition, prices for this service are already close to usual ready-made cabinets. The advantages are enormous:

  1. Making a hallway to the size of your corridor, accurate to the millimeter. It doesn't just take advantage of the entire area, it looks cool and neat. No gaps or unclear joints, no differences in width. Ideal monolithic design.
  2. The interior layout of the closet is tailored exactly to the needs of your family.
  3. Any materials and colors of facades, any fittings and mechanisms. Door closers have long been inexpensive, but ready-made cheap furniture They are rarely installed, and this is not where you should save money.

Contact at least 5 furniture manufacturing companies and compare prices. Perhaps they will pleasantly surprise you.

Color and size

The standard texture for furniture is imitation wood. But this is just a template; in fact, the texture can be any and it has almost no effect on the cost. A narrow corridor requires a reduction in the number of colors and materials so that the space is not overloaded.

For modern styles and small corridors, furniture should be made in light colors with a uniform texture. Glossy facades are possible if they are light - both practical and visually the space will expand.

There are a couple of good wood-look chipboard options. For example, Egger Nebraska Oak Natural, but for a small corridor even this light wood is a bit dark.

Most of the other wood textures refer us back to the 2000s, i.e. it's very bad. Therefore, our choice is a plain hallway in white, beige, light gray.

The walls are the background. Only a single-color, discreet finish - we are thinking about combining it with furniture.

In terms of size, everything depends on the original width. 80 cm is enough for a passage; everything else can be taken up in a closet. 40, 35, 30, or even 25 cm - the more the better, don’t be afraid to overload if you leave a passage and follow the rules from the previous paragraphs.

According to the wardrobe.

Many people think that compartment doors occupy less space than hinged ones, and therefore are better suited for small spaces. But in practice this is not always the case and there are many nuances. Please check with the furniture manufacturers for details.

Here is a version of a modern fashionable wardrobe design:

Modular furniture for the hallway

If the hallway is so narrow that even small closet It won’t fit in it and there’s no point in making it to order; use any open forms of storage and ready-made modular solutions.

Narrow, non-standard corridors cause so much trouble for owners. There is still no ready-made solution for the design of such rooms. But if you are determined to decorate your home with taste, then you should pay special close attention to the hallway. After all, this is where you can bring a lot of your creative ideas to life.

Tasks and difficulties of designing narrow hallways

When decorating the interior of a narrow corridor, you need to solve a number of problems:

  1. Expand the space. Mirrors, spot lighting and light shades of the walls will help here;
  2. Increase the functionality of the room. Sliding wardrobes, tiny shoe stands and hanging shelves will be fully appropriate;
  3. Get rid of unnecessary doors. If you keep the doors to the kitchen or living room constantly open, then replace them with an arch;
  4. Make sure there is good lighting;
  5. Create a "dividing strip" between various rooms. Moreover, it is important not to deviate from the general concept, the same for the entire apartment.

Stylish design of a narrow corridor

A number of mistakes should also be avoided:

  1. Use of huge and heavy lamps;
  2. Choice of dark tones;
  3. Heavy clutter with furniture;
  4. Large pattern on the wallpaper;
  5. The use of elaborate and bulky finishes;
  6. Limited passage due to furniture;
  7. A sharp contrast in the style of the hallway with the style of the rest of the home.

Mirrors visually expand narrow corridor

A narrow corridor will help to visually expand the use of flooring. Remember that parquet and laminate must be placed across the length of the corridor. It is better to lay carpet or linoleum with a transverse stripe.

Sliding doors save space

The ceiling should simply be whitewashed or painted. If you have enough money, you can make a suspended or modular ceiling, as well as use various modifications. Another effective technique in our case under consideration is “raising” the ceiling by removing unnecessary doors. By the way, many designers recommend instead of the usual swing doors use sliding ones.

Color scheme for narrow hallways

Don't overload with colors color design. When choosing paint or future wallpaper opt for light shades. In our case White color almost ideal, but it also has some disadvantages, for example, a high degree of pollution. You can choose beige or light green instead; cool blue colors will add airiness. In combination with white, you can choose burgundy, sapphire or purple.

Design of a narrow corridor in light beige tones

The corridor should not look monotonous and gloomy. It is best to simply divide the walls and floor into certain sectors, that is, apply fragmentation. Of course, you shouldn’t turn the hallway into a kingdom of colorful little flowers. The use of combined finishing will look successful, and vertical division will visually increase the height of the walls.

Dark colors are not The best decision for the corridor

You should also pay attention to the floor in the hallway. So this is where increased loads fall on it. Tiles, laminate or parquet must be strong.

Furniture selection

Which one do we choose? Ideally - on built-in elements, and minimalist ones at that. Long closet will make it possible to use the room also as a storage room.

Wardrobe in a narrow corridor

Naturally, there is no way to install a full-fledged, impressive-looking wardrobe in a narrow corridor. But fortunately times have changed.

Advice. Wardrobe with sliding doors perfect for a small hallway. Nowadays many companies offer customized services.

Narrow cabinet

Thanks to the use of mirrors, a narrow corridor can be visually expanded. It is advisable to hang them on the side walls of the corridor. Mirrors will further help cope with the lack of space, and will also add an interesting appearance and functionality to the room.

Even if there is no place to put a wardrobe, then all you have to do is use regular clothes hanger, separate stand for shoes. But at least one mirror should hang on the wall, because even the smallest mirror surface visually expands the space. She recommends nailing a shelf with hooks for umbrellas under the mirror.

Console table

Wall mounted console tables ideal for such premises. Elegance and functionality are what they will give to the room. We advise you to pay attention to narrow hanging cabinets. For convenience, it is necessary to install ottomans. In addition, you can put some small things in them that are useful in everyday life.

If you are lucky with high ceilings, then you can safely place mezzanine cabinets. However, we do not recommend placing them on tall people, otherwise you may get hit on the head. By the way, it is now very fashionable to use wall panels with pockets where all small things are stored.

Wall decoration

The color scheme in narrow hallways, as we have already said, makes a significant contribution to the overall impression of your home. To give this small corridor original design, it makes complete sense Avoid using rich and dark colors. Of course, they are very practical, but the chosen solution will only narrow the already narrow corridor. That is, most suitable option in this case, choose light colors.

Tile is the most practical covering

The positive aspects of tiles are obvious. All accumulated dirt can be easily washed off. There is only one negative point about this - low temperature. In this case, part of the tile is covered with carpet or carpet, and at the entrance everything is left as is.

There is no consensus among experts about the color of the carpet. The light option is convenient from the point of view of visually expanding the space, but is not practical and gets dirty quickly. Only if cleaning is a joy for you, you can use a light carpet.

Linoleum - economical option for floor

Sometimes carpet is replaced with linoleum. It is as easy to clean as tile. Before purchasing linoleum, pay close attention to the pattern on it. Sometimes the owner of the house does not like a simple monochromatic design, then choose a design that will expand the space.

In the work plan there is such an item as repair and decoration corridor, is very often at the very end of the list. Having invested all the effort, imagination and money into renovating the rooms and kitchen, in order to get original interior There is no strength, no desire, no means left in the narrow corridor. In addition, many people underestimate the importance of the corridor - why bother especially, because we spend only a few minutes a day in this room. But the corridor is the first thing guests have to encounter when entering the house. And an artless and boring corridor can become the fly in the ointment that will ruin your entire wonderful interior.

A correctly selected corridor interior will help solve several problems:

  • visually expand the available space. This is achieved as correct selection colors of finishing materials, and correctly set lighting
  • functionality - you can place shelves or built-in wardrobes, wardrobes to “unload” other rooms
  • the corridor connects the rooms into a single whole, so its design should be in harmony with the stylistic decisions of the other rooms

Design of a narrow corridor: wall decoration

When choosing materials for decorating the walls in the corridor, preference should be given to wear-resistant and impact-resistant materials, because dirt and dust from the street constantly enter the corridor, so its walls will need additional care.

To level the walls, you will have to abandon the use of plasterboard structures - they take up too much space. But application Venetian plaster will help solve two problems at once - leveling the walls and obtaining an aesthetically attractive surface. Another variant - liquid wallpaper, which will also help eliminate unevenness and obtain an attractive and easy-to-use wall covering. For a narrow long corridor, the color of the walls should be selected in pastel, light colors - on the one hand, this will optically expand the corridor somewhat, on the other, it will compensate for the lack of light.

Washable ones are suitable for the corridor, vinyl wallpapers, and corridor wallpaper for painting or glass wallpaper, which allow repeated repainting. You should not take wallpaper with a vertical pattern (stripes) - they optically “raise” the ceiling, visually making the corridor even narrower. But a horizontal strip, on the contrary, visually expands the space. Wallpaper is not suitable for a narrow corridor dark colors and with a large complex pattern or with large flowers - all this makes the already small corridor optically even smaller. In the hallway it is better to choose wallpaper with a small pattern or abstraction. The latter are especially practical - streaks will hide small scratches or damage, small stains or dirt.

Idea! Wallpaper with vinyl chips optically conceals the unevenness of the walls.

Corridor design: non-standard approaches

In fact, the main disadvantage of a long corridor - its small size - can be turned into its undoubted advantage. After all, to highlight a corridor and make its interior unusual and attractive, you don’t have to invest a lot of money. And the options for revitalizing and diversifying the corridor can be different:

  • unusual floor - considering that the floor in the corridor is one of the most polluted places in the entire apartment, optimal solution will become a tile or self-leveling floor. Especially in the part adjacent to the entrance. These materials are easy to clean, wear-resistant, and mechanically strong. So you can pick floor tiles With original pattern or a self-leveling floor in an original color – it will be small in area (and therefore inexpensive), but will look impressive. In the same part of the corridor that runs through the apartment, you can lay laminate or parquet
  • decorative stone- an option for using inexpensive, but quality materials, get a stylish, and at the same time looking expensive and representative interior. There is no need to completely cover the walls decorative stone, unless you want to get a stone bag from the Middle Ages. Just light, slightly careless strokes are enough to help highlight and emphasize interior details: doorways, niches, recesses, visible corners, places around mirrors, lamps or paintings. As an option - partial finishing of the corridor walls with stone. In addition, stone is a material of different textures and goes well with other finishing materials - plaster, wallpaper, ceramic tiles, glass, wood, bamboo, plaster stucco. This opens up great possibilities in terms of combinations in various ways finishing
  • shelves and niches with lights - which can be filled with souvenirs, small sculptures or just different interesting crafts. If you are a purely practical person, then here you can place some things that did not have a place in the room
  • unusual ceiling - suspended or plasterboard. If the ceiling is high enough, then you can create a complex plasterboard construction– multi-level, with color combinations, arched elements, perimeter lighting or relief patterns. In a narrow corridor with low ceilings, you should try installing a glossy suspended ceiling– having physically lost a few centimeters for installation, optically such a ceiling will significantly add height to the room.

Selecting lighting

The corridor, in overwhelming cases, is the only place (well, perhaps, with the exception of the pantry) that does not have natural light. Therefore, the choice of lighting is one of the key issues in corridor design. The simplest trick is bright lighting plus light walls to help optically enlarge the space.

A long, narrow hallway is often the most neglected space in the house, where shoe boxes, old jackets and other unnecessary items are dumped. However, this is the place that opens up to guests as soon as they cross the threshold. Therefore, it is still worth spending time and effort to give it beauty and functionality. Today you will learn how to use paints, flooring, lighting and accessories to create an impeccable design for a narrow corridor in an apartment or private house, and see 28 photos of modern ideas.

How to visually expand a narrow corridor

You can make a narrow corridor appear wider in several ways, for example, by “playing” with light, the color of the walls and the selection of finishing materials. To add airiness to the interior, use light wallpaper for the walls, such as trendy pastel or neutral tones. Cool shades that will serve as a refreshing background for dark furniture and other elements.

Also read:

By the way, the dark doors against the background are more light walls- another one useful idea for the design of a narrow corridor, which allows you to visually increase the area of ​​​​the space.

Note that when choosing finishing materials for walls, you should pay attention Special attention wear resistance, shock resistance and ease of maintenance. Washable wallpaper, tiles and paint will allow you to make repairs to a narrow corridor as rarely as possible.

Design of a narrow corridor: choosing practical furniture

To avoid cluttering an already cramped interior, use compact and multi-purpose furniture in the hallway, for example:

  • Console table with a mirror suspended above it (see);
  • Narrow wardrobe (40-45 cm deep) with mirrored doors;
  • Built-in wardrobes and cabinets with open shelves;
  • Hangers and hooks for jackets and bags, shoe baskets and other organizational items that will rid a narrow corridor of clutter and will not take up much space.

Also read:

Features of interior lighting in a narrow corridor

This factor is very important, since the interior of a narrow corridor in an apartment is usually devoid of natural sunlight, which is why it looks gloomy even during the day. Bright lighting can not only visually expand the space, but also emphasize the original design.

For example, wall lights are a popular choice for a long narrow hallway. Hang sconces near mirrors, glass or other shiny elements in the hallway and they will beautifully break up the space and add a sophisticated touch to a boring long wall.

Decorative hanging and ceiling lamps will add style and coziness to the design of a narrow corridor, especially in combination with paintings or other wall decor.

Spotlights and built-in lighting LED strip They allow you to illuminate the tightest and smallest narrow corridor, and even give it an unusual style.

How to decorate a long narrow corridor

A narrow corridor will appear wider if you decorate it with a light-colored carpet, especially one with horizontal stripes. The same applies to wooden floor coverings— it is recommended to lay the boards perpendicular, and not parallel to the walls. Two rugs will help visually break up and bring coziness to a long narrow hallway.

Additionally, you can decorate the corridor with framed paintings and photographs, bookshelves, mirrors and indoor plants. Let following photos interiors will serve as inspiration for you!

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How to design a narrow corridor - 28 photos with ideas updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina

The first place anyone sees when entering a house is the hallway. It is important that the room is harmonious and practical. The features of the room do not always allow the ideas to be realized. But you can pick current design a long corridor to highlight the advantages and hide the flaws.

The corridor is the first room that guests enter when entering the house. This is where the impression of the home’s owners begins to form.

The key task in this situation is to transform the existing tunnel into a place of convenience and functionality. The design of a long corridor depends on the final result that the owners of the house want to achieve. There are many factors to consider, including the presence of pets. This will help you choose the right ones Decoration Materials. If you have a cat, then you should not wallpaper the lower part of the walls.

The design of the corridor should be in harmony with the design of the other rooms. Interiors can be visually unified through common motifs, for example, in the form of stripes in furniture upholstery and on walls

Certain techniques will help transform your hallway for the better:

  1. Proper organization of lighting.
  2. Predominance of light colors and glossy surface. Additionally, a combination of plaster and wallpaper and stone masonry are being introduced.
  3. Using built-in furniture models.
  4. Creating a visual increase in the entrance area.
  5. Complement the decor with accessories, including paintings and photo frames.

The last technique allows you to effectively change the perception of a long territory, occupying a minimum of volume.

Choosing a color scheme for a narrow and long room

It is recommended to give preference to light colors, but refrain from white. It gets dirty quickly and easily, so it is not suitable for a room of this purpose. Neutral shades are preferred, including cream and beige.

Corridor interior in neutral tones of light shades

White is suitable for the ceiling. You can choose a combination of several colors on the wall for a long area. Contrast is fine, but it is preferable to choose slightly light and dark tones from the same palette. To horizontally divide the wall, molding is introduced. The upper part is decorated in a lighter tone. Choose a molding with a width of about 8-10 cm.

Doors and baseboards are made in the same color scheme. Furniture can also have a similar color. This will allow the space to become whole and complete.

Choosing furniture design for a long and narrow room

In the design of a long corridor, it is important to choose the right furniture items. Maximum functionality should be added. The choice is influenced by the layout and area of ​​the hallway. If there are enough meters, you should install a built-in wardrobe. Its advantage will be mirror doors. This will visually improve the perception of the room.

A built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors helps to visually expand a narrow space

Advice. To increase practicality, it is worth using the corners as much as possible. Special shelves and shoe cabinets are suitable.

Light, compact furniture will save usable space

An interesting idea - a built-in niche for outerwear with a convenient bench for changing shoes

To conveniently place small accessories, purchase hanging organizers. Visually achieving space helps getting rid of interior doors, and replacing them with a semicircular arch.

To increase the width, hang a mirror on one wall and place a lamp on the opposite side. If the corridor is very narrow, wall accessories should be kept to a minimum so as not to create obstacles for comfortable movement.

The dimensions of the furniture must be selected so that there is a passage at least 80 cm wide

Suitable materials for wall decoration

Facing requires careful selection to create an attractive and practical interior. It is recommended to take into account the features of the room. The selected materials must comfortably withstand exposure to a humid environment and temperature changes. Ease of care should be one of the key selection criteria. The hallway is different high level pollution, because into the house along with shoes and outerwear bring dirt and moisture from rain.

The original interior of a narrow corridor with practical covering on the walls and bright accents in the form of yellow doors

It is recommended to abandon drywall and special panels. This option will take up space, which is already small. It is better to choose different types of wallpaper, including liquid, vinyl, textured or glass-like. Venetian plaster will do.

In addition to cladding, it is important to choose the right pattern. Eliminate stripes located vertically or horizontally, large patterns. The listed options contribute to the visual narrowing of space. Stop at an abstraction that is chaotic.

Wall decoration - increasing the space

To level the surface, use special liquid products, not drywall, so as not to take away centimeters. Paintable wallpaper allows you to regularly update the interior of the hallway by repainting the surface in new color. The hallway often exhibits defects, including scratches and stains. Abstraction will help hide such a flaw.

Contrasting light wallpaper for painting will expand the room

Choosing colors for the interior of a narrow corridor

The design of a long narrow corridor requires careful selection color palette. A light spectrum is suitable. It visually adds freshness and airiness to the room. The basis can be a delicate pastel palette, including beige, blue, and sand tones. Traditionally, most people choose a white shade for the ceiling.

Simple decoration in light colors - a universal solution for a small corridor

Contrasting combinations are allowed, but require moderation

Many corridors do not have a source of natural light, which complicates the task of selecting perfect style. Therefore, white and its tones will prevail. But you shouldn’t make the hallway completely snow-white. It looks boring and is impractical. Even when decorated with a single color scheme ceiling surface and walls, you need them to differ by a couple of shades. Top part the rooms are brighter.

Ceiling decoration in a narrow corridor

For correct design ceiling you need to follow some design tips:

  1. Use stretch fabric with a glossy fabric with a reflective effect.
  2. The ceiling and floor should have a single color palette.
  3. You can implement a design of several levels. The main part should be in the center. Not implemented when low ceilings when constructing a suspended product.
  4. Ceiling pendants are introduced into the levels, hiding them from view.

Additional lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling will provide comfortable lighting

The tension fabric can have several levels. This will level the surface and visually add width. Lightweight design does not contribute to the weight of the room. LED pendants combined with a glossy finish add volume to the room.

A white ceiling with lamps in niches will add volume to the corridor

Lighting a narrow and long corridor

Light plays a huge role in arranging a corridor. From proper organization The perception of the room depends. The hallway is characterized by a lack of natural light. To optically enlarge the space, use bright light.

Comfortable lighting of a blind corridor is achieved by combining various sources Sveta

Should not be used fluorescent lamps for daylight. They disrupt the color rendering of the interior and contribute to the transformation of shades, which negatively affects the perception of the overall gamut of the room. Many modern designers It is recommended to install halogen lights. They have the light closest to daylight.

Illuminating the shelves of the built-in closet together with white walls will make the corridor light and stylish

In order for lighting to bring only a positive effect, you must follow some tips:

  1. Avoid the use of hanging chandeliers.
  2. Introduction of the principle of combined lighting.

Spotlight in combination with wall lamps will add space to the area. The latter should be compact so as not to steal the width of the space. You can arrange illumination of mirrors and shelves to optically expand the walls. If the ceiling is glossy, then the lamps are placed at floor level, which will allow them to be reflected in the canvas and create the illusion of dual lighting.

Wall lamps also act as decorative elements

Floor in a narrow corridor

To get rid of the feeling of cramping, you should decorate the ceiling and floor in the same palette. First you need to decide on the cladding. Due to the high cross-country ability, it is necessary for the material to be wear-resistant, durable, and practical. Suitable linoleum, tiles, parquet or laminate. The specified coatings differ good quality, for a long time service and ease of maintenance.

Bright tiles at the front door will break up the monotonous interior and will be very convenient for cleaning

The laminate needs to be laid perpendicular to the walls, which will allow them to expand. Diagonal masonry also helps to visually increase the area.

  • By choosing tiles as a covering, you can continue laying them in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • When facing with parquet or boards, you need to maintain the style of the masonry in the rest of the apartment.
  • The use of tiles with a glossy finish is excluded. It is suitable for expanding the boundaries, but if you enter after rain, it will be impossible to move due to slipping.

Floor covering can be used for zoning the hallway

Hallways for narrow corridors

In cramped conditions, the amount of furniture will be limited, and it should be placed along one wall. It is better to purchase a built-in model with compartment-type doors. This will prevent you from taking up extra space when opening the cabinet. Can be found suitable model in the store or made to order. In the latter case, the characteristics of the room are taken into account, and the furniture takes into account individual parameters. The chosen model must be functional and practical.

Built-in wardrobe with mirror on the door

Making the room more voluminous by working on the design of a long corridor

Some decide to remodel to increase usable area. But this can be unnecessary. By expanding the corridor and demolishing the wall, the area of ​​the adjacent room is automatically reduced. Therefore, it is better to use special techniques to increase the efficiency of the design.

Dark doors against the background of light walls help to visually increase space

Creating special illusions using color range will allow you to correct some of the shortcomings of the hallway. The interior of the entire house should be in harmony with the corridor. A minimum of dark tones will help not visually make the room even smaller.

IN small hallway there should be no unnecessary things

Each detail should work to visually increase the space, as well as perform a specific function

In addition to colors, mirrors are actively used to improve the perception of the corridor. The most common techniques are shown in the table:

Mirror on end wall or a closet will add space to the hallway

Visual game

Various visual effects can change the appearance of a room. With the help of a palette, mirror surfaces and proper lighting, it will be possible to hide the shortcomings of this area of ​​​​the apartment, emphasize the advantages and advantageously present the available space. More light colors will fill the hallway with light and lightness. Mirrors and Spotlights visually create the illusion of a wide corridor.

Reflection in mirror surfaces always plays on visual extension space

It is best to stick to the concept of minimalism

Narrow space creates certain problems when decorating the interior. It is necessary to carefully consider every detail and use effective techniques visual change in the room. This will transform the area into a stylish and practical space.

Video: fresh ideas for decorating a long corridor

Photo: 50 ready-made solutions for arranging a narrow corridor