Autumn flowers - jagged buzulnik. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases Buzulnik Przewalski description

Buzulnik is a perennial that Lately is becoming more and more popular. The plant has beautiful flowers and leaves; it is used in single and group plantings. Since the plant is tall (up to two meters), it can decorate an unsightly wall of a building or serve as a screen.

Site selection and soil preparation

Buzulnik does not like direct sunlight; under their influence, the flower fades, losing moisture. For growing in the garden, it is better to choose an area with partial shade. The soil must be loose and hold moisture well, otherwise the plant will develop poorly and the flowering will be poor and inexpressive. The best optionshady area near a body of water, possibly artificial.

Buzulnik is a tall plant, so the place for it should be protected from the wind so that the long branches of the plant along with the flower stalks do not break from strong gusts of wind. Buzulnik is not afraid of the heavy structure of the soil if it is fertilized and moistened properly. Before planting, dig up the soil to the depth of a spade, adding humus. The choice of location should be taken seriously, because buzulnik can grow in one place for up to twenty years.

Planting buzulnik with seeds

Buzulnik propagation by seeds also occurs by self-sowing, if the seed has time to ripen and has fallen into fertile soil.

Seedling method

Seeds are sown for seedlings in January or March, depending on the varietal characteristics. Sow the seeds in a seedling box, shallowly. Sprinkle with soil and place in a warm place with diffuse lighting. Caring for seedlings involves moistening the soil. Grown and strengthened sprouts are planted on the site in May.

Did you know? Ligularia ( scientific name buzulnik) is translated from Latin as a diminutive of “tongue,” since almost all species have reed-shaped petals.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out when there is no threat of frost, although best time sowing is considered sowing in November before winter. During the winter period, the seeds undergo stratification under natural conditions, and the seedlings are considered more viable. In any case, the sowing depth is a centimeter. If you sow in the spring, make sure that the soil is always moist. Buzulnik grown from seeds blooms no earlier than in the fourth year.

Transplanting and dividing a buzulnik bush

Since the plant grows in one place for a long period, it needs to be rejuvenated every five years: divided and replanted. Buzulnik, growing up, grows greatly, its root system forms many shoots that interfere with each other. It is better to carry out the transplantation procedure in the spring, at which time it is easier for the plant to take root in a new place. Besides, in early spring Before the development of the buds, the buzulnik has the opportunity to spend energy and nutrition on adaptation.

Important! Buzulnik has a hard time taking root and recovering after transplantation. At this time, pay special attention to him. The adaptation period lasts about a month.

When dividing a bush, you do not need to dig up the entire bush:separate part of the bush with young shoots and carefully dig uphis. Cut into several seedlings that are suitable for planting and have dormant buds. Treat the cut areas with potassium permanganate. Prepare holes for seedlings about forty centimeters deep at a distance of one and a half meters. When planting buzulnik, place half a bucket of humus, a handful of wood ash and superphosphate at the bottom of the hole. Plant, straighten the roots, sprinkle with soil and water.

The mother bush also needs to be watered by filling the hole left after division. The plant will straighten out over time root system in the free space.

Combination of buzulnik with other plants

Buzulnik in landscape design goes well with hostas, daylilies, snakeweed, and soft mantle. In a plant large leaves with an interesting pattern, against their background in spring period Tulips and primroses look brighter and more expressive. Buzulniks go well with plants that have the same growing conditions, for example astilbes, brunners, basil leaves, darmers, meadowsweet, Rogers, lungworts, bergenias and others.

The yellow inflorescences of buzulnik form an interesting contrast with the blue delphiniums and purple aconites. You can create screens from buzulnik, fencing off certain areas; the height of the plant allows this. Can be planted around artificial reservoir in a semicircle, use the flower in a single planting as a central figure.

Interesting! In addition to decorative purposes, buzulnik is also grown for medicinal purposes. Blue buzulnik helps cure alcohol addiction. You can turn a drunkard away from an addiction by using the root of the plant.

Caring for perennial buzulnik in the garden

Buzulnik is unpretentious, care for it is open ground does not require botanical skills. During active growth It is advisable for plants to loosen the soil and mulch the tree trunk circle for better moisture retention.

Regularity of watering

Buzulnik is a moisture-loving plant; in summer, especially with active sun and insufficient rainfall, watering should be frequent. Monitor the condition of the soil. If the air is too dry and hot, spray the plant.

Buzulnik fertilizer

It is recommended to use organic matter as a fertilizer - mullein infusion (1:10). Feed buzulnik once every two weeks under the bush, three liters is enough for one plant. In the fall, add half a bucket of humus to the soil, being careful not to get it on the roots.

Plant garter

Buzulnik grows tall and may need support when flowering. Although the branches of the plant are quite flexible, the wind can break them, especially under the weight of the inflorescences.

Pruning inflorescences

Buzulnik flowers are cut off after flowering; if you need seeds, leave a couple. Pruning is done so that nutrients go into the leaves and branches, and not into faded inflorescences, so that there is no unplanned self-seeding. The plant will increase its foliage until wintering.

When to collect and how to store buzulnik seeds

To properly collect the seeds and not spill them on the ground, wrap the flower with gauze before it blooms. After the plant has finished blooming, cut off the wrapped inflorescences. Unroll the gauze over a sheet of paper, shake off the seeds, and remove any dry petals and dust. When sowing before winter, spread the seeds on paper and leave until the procedure.

If you plan to sow buzulnik seeds in the spring, dry them on paper and transfer them to a fabric or paper bag.

Agree, plants that have lush greenery always attract a lot of attention from others. And if we're talking about about this unusual form shrubs, like buzulnik, and even more so. But the whole problem is that few people know how to properly care for it? How to grow this plant from seeds?

Let's take a closer look at all the intricacies of growing and using buzulnik.

About the plant

The definition of buzulnik means a perennial shrub that belongs to the tall category. Perfect as a complement to any flower arrangement, it will be able to veil any unsightly areas in the garden, and will decorate any wall and even fences.

Translated from Latin, this plant is called “bright flame”, because it has inflorescences with a yellow or orange tint.

The height of the buzulnik reaches about 2 meters. Excellent for growing, either alone or in combination with other types of flowers.

Types, varieties

In its natural habitat, there are about 150 varieties of buzulnik, while designers use no more than 10 varieties in landscape design, photos of which are presented below.

If we talk about growing buzulnik in open ground, then flower growers in our country give their preference to such varieties as:

It is worth paying attention to the fact that at one time breeders managed to develop such subspecies of Przewalski's ligularia as:

Also distinguished:

  • buzulnik maplefolia. From the name it’s easy to guess that it comes from the shape of the foliage, which is very similar to maple trees;
  • Toothed buzulnik begins its flowering period at the end of summer. Unlike Przhevalsky, this variety, although a little, is still lower - no more than 130 centimeters. Distinctive feature leaves that can reach a diameter of 80 centimeters. The inflorescences have the appearance of an umbrella with a pronounced bright yellow tint.

In turn, ligularia serratus can differ from each other even in color shades foliage:

How does it reproduce

I would like to immediately note that the buzulnik can reproduce in only a few ways, namely:

This plant variety has a unique property - it can grow in the same place for at least several decades, however, flower growers still recommend dividing the so-called mother bush as a rejuvenating effect every 7 years, while planting the divisions themselves. This procedure can be carried out before the active growth phase begins (in other words, this is done in early spring).

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

If speak about vegetative propagation, then the algorithm is as follows:

  1. The rhizome of the separated part of the plant should be thoroughly washed.
  2. After this, using a regular knife, divide into separate sections.
  3. On next stage it is necessary to dig holes with dimensions of 40x40x40, and the soil itself should consist of humus with ordinary soil.

When growing buzulnik from seeds, you need to prepare yourself for the exciting task. Using this method, you should pay attention to the fact that the perennial will be able to bloom only for 3 years- Not earlier.

To obtain seed, they must ripen on the plant itself, after which they are collected in a bag and left until autumn. At the end of autumn, the seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 2 centimeters.

After the winter period has passed, the seeds will undergo stratification on their own and begin to sprout.


As already noted, ligularia is an unpretentious plant that grows in open ground and does not require a huge amount of attention, including financial costs.

To perennial felt great in open ground, it is necessary to select dark areas with sufficient humidity for it. If Sun rays will fall on the buzulnik, it will begin to lose its internal moisture and thereby wither. By the way, this can happen if the soil is allowed to dry out, so it is recommended to monitor this.

Flower growers recommend planting the plant itself exclusively in fertile, moist soil - this is a key condition for its future cultivation.

If the soil has a low humus content, holes for planting should be made with dimensions of about 40 centimeters around the perimeter. In addition, it is recommended to use a mixture of humus. It is possible to add superphosphates and wood ash.


Buzulnik includes powerful foliage with a huge number of inflorescences. For this reason, it requires regular watering.

In addition, you should pay attention to the recommendations for planting it - best plot is considered to be near a body of water, and it does not matter whether it is artificial or not.

In the summer heat, the plant requires daily watering and irrigation.

Among the key points when caring, it is worth noting the recommendations of flower growers in pruning this perennial, which takes the form of trimming the arrows of flower stalks before starting winter period. This procedure will allow the plant to withstand severe frosts much easier.

Despite its excellent stability, it still needs to be tied up so that strong gusts of wind do not break it.

Buzulnik in the garden, use in landscape design, what to combine with

When developing landscape design, many gardeners recommend combining the plant:

  • with different hosts;
  • with daylilies;
  • with snake mountaineer;
  • with the so-called soft cuff.

The use of flowers in landscape design can be seen in the photo:

It is worth noting that in various design forums, users recommend using Przhevalsky in single plantings, which makes it possible to emphasize spectacular look this plant. In addition, it must be emphasized that it is possible to form an entire wall from various types of perennials by planting them on a plot of land in the garden, thereby creating a decorative pattern for the trunks of fruit trees.

It is enough to pick optimal view buzulnik (Siberian, Othello, etc.), create for him the necessary conditions for growth and you can get an excellent picture with minimal financial costs.

Video consultation

Universal, gigantic, unpretentious, varied - this is all about the buzulnik. Broadcast from the ZagorodLifeTV video channel.

Bululnik (photo) - planting and care of varieties and types

Buzulnik flower: cultivation different varieties and species in the flower garden

Buzulnik (Ligularia) belongs to the Asteraceae family and includes about 150 species native to Europe, Asia and Africa.

The straight stems of this rhizomatous perennial can reach 120 cm in height.

All representatives of the genus are characterized by the presence of very large leaves, up to 50 cm in diameter. The unattractive tubular and bright marginal reed flowers of buzulniks are collected in inflorescences-baskets, which form more complex paniculate, racemose or spike-shaped inflorescences. The color of the flowers is not particularly diverse - yellow or orange of varying degrees of intensity.

The most common types in our gardens are: Przewalski's buzulnik (Ligularia przewalskii) And toothed buzulnik (Ligularia dentata). The first is a powerful bush up to 150 cm high, the special charm of which is given by elegant, strongly dissected dark green leaves. During flowering, it looks especially attractive, its long, narrow, brown peduncles are lined with light yellow flowers.

Buzulnik serrated is also very original, its large, kidney-shaped leaves are collected in a basal rosette. Varieties of this type are especially popular, among which the most popular are: "Othello"- with tangerine-orange inflorescences and large leaves of intense purple color and "Desdemona"- with bright yellow inflorescences and large lilac-green leaves. To rare, but interesting varieties can be attributed "Moorblut" And "Britt Marie Crawford", characterized by even darker foliage color. Extraordinarily elegant Ligularia stenocephala The Rocket, a long dark brown peduncle covered with light yellow flowers. They look quite monumental Vich's buzulnik Ligularia (veitchiana) and Wilson's buzulnik (Ligularia wilsoniana).

Their sizes are impressive: the first reaches 2 m in height, the second - 1.5 m. They are characterized by large kidney-shaped leaves collected in a basal rosette and erect inflorescences resembling yellow candles.

Possessing considerable size and expressive appearance, buzulniks are most often used in flower arrangements as accent plants. They prefer fresh and moist, well-drained, fertile soils. Considered the most drought-resistant Przhevalsky's buzulnik, but even in hot hours in the sun the foliage may wilt, but by the evening the turgor in the leaves is restored. Buzulniki look great in a damp, shady border; the coastal zone of the garden is well suited for them.

Almost all species of this genus are highly frost-resistant and do not need shelter for the winter. Remember that buzulniks do not tolerate strong gusty winds, so find protected areas for them, for example, near the walls of a house or hedges.

These plants are propagated by seeds and vegetative way. Seeds are sown in spring, and seedlings bloom in the third or fourth year. The bushes are also divided in the spring, so that there is one growth bud on each segment.

Buzulnik - planting in a flower garden: option 1

For a buzulnik, this arrangement of the flower bed is ideal. Here it is protected by a trimmed beech hedge. The composition has clear boundaries that stand out well against the backdrop of a beautifully manicured lawn. The largest and most monumental plant is buzulnik palmate lobe. Its lush inflorescences and large leaves stand out clearly against the background of a hedge. Yellow varieties daylilies are chosen to match our accent plant, and their lush bushes fill the flower garden well. The new-fashioned variety of heuchera "Caramel" with soft pink leaves is successfully located in a well-lit part of the composition, which is perfect for this capricious plant.

Plant name

planting pcs/m2

Quantity in flower garden


Total (RUB)

Heuchera hybrid "Caramel"

Japanese sage

Daylily yellow

Hybrid daylily "Aten"

Hybrid daylily "Blueberry Candy"

Hybrid daylily "Strawberry Candy"

Hosta hybrid "Wide Brim"

Rose (gr. Shrubs) "Golden Celebration"

Rose (gr. Shrubs) "Uetersens Rosenkonigin"

Buzulnik palmate lobe


Dahlia cultivars "Apache"

Zelenchuk yellow

Hairy sedge

Oregano "Aureum"

Bululnik - planting in a flower garden: option 2

Buzulniks feel comfortable in the coastal zone, where they are successfully combined with moisture-loving and decorative foliage plants.

This composition gives the impression of lush vegetation on a wet bank, while remaining on normal soil. But in order for it to imitate lush coastal vegetation, it needs nutritious, humus-rich and well-drained soil.

Plants that are also comfortable in these growing conditions were selected as companions for the buzulnik: soft mantle, daylilies, hostas, snakeweed, Arends astilbe, burnet.

Plant name

Landing rate

Quantity in flower garden


Soft cuff

Astilbe hybrid "Deutschland"

Daylily Middendorf

Hybrid daylily "Pink Jeroen"

Hybrid daylily "Alpine Snow"

Buzulnik toothed

Buzulnik Przhevalsky

Ross maplefoil

Burnet (officinalis)

Hosta decorative

Combination of flowers with buzulnik - photo

1.In the background dark leaves Buzulnik "Britt Marie Crawford" tulips and blooming Rogersia foliage look colorful. Green leafy plants highlight well unusual coloring this variety of buzulnik.

2. Classic version a coastal flower garden in which plants with similar growing conditions coexist perfectly: Przhevalsky's buzulnik, hostas, Arends' astilbe, Rogers. Willows are planted in the background.

3. The composition is made of stable ornamental plants, which look decent even outside the flowering period are peonies, jagged buzulnik "Othello", clematis and ash-leaved maple "Variegata".

4. Yellow corydalis – favorite plant Gertrude Jekyll - nestled comfortably in the partial shade. Next to it, the kidney-shaped leaves of the buzulnik look advantageous.

5. Toothed buzulnik "Desdemona" and male kochedednik thrive in partial shade on well-moistened fertile soil.

6.This composition is interesting color scheme and structure. In a single impulse, the graceful inflorescences of Przhevalsky’s buzulnik and the lush plumes of Arends’ astilbe rushed upward.

7. Plants with yellow flowers are planted in this mixborder: evening primrose, coreopsis, daylilies, gaillardia. Very soon Przhevalsky’s buzulnik will join them.

8. This kingdom of penumbra is dominated by b. toothed and b. Przhevalsky, whose narrow inflorescences will soon be covered with golden flowers. Japanese anemone emphasizes their brutality.

Buzulnik Przhevalsky is an unusual lush and tall plant. This shrub is not picky, so it won’t take much effort to grow it. But it will delight you with its unusual flowering, which resembles the bright flashes of a fire.

Buzulnik Przhevalsky is a perennial shrub. It is distinguished by its height. These bushes will perfectly complement various flower arrangements in flower beds. In addition, the buzulnik is able to cover unsightly areas and decorate various fences, walls, etc. Buzulnik is known for its flowers. They are distinguished by bright shades - yellow, orange. Sometimes it has White color. The inflorescences resemble tongues of fire. This is exactly how it is translated Latin name this plant. The buzulnik flower is very tall - it can grow up to 2 m in some varieties. He can decorate any flower arrangement, will look beautiful both alone and with other plants.

The Przhevalsky buzulnik variety belongs to the ligularia, and this is one of the most known varieties. Even a novice gardener can plant and care for it. It reaches a height of 1.3-1.5 m. This perennial is distinguished by its splendor and decorative properties. The leaves are dissected and large. They have a maple shape. Connected to the stem by cuttings of a brownish-red hue, which stand out against the background of greenery. It is distinguished by its special beauty flowering shrub. Flowering begins at the end of June. The inflorescences look like large and tall “candles” of a bright yellow hue. They will be visible from afar. They last for about a month, and the shrub does not lose its decorative effect even after flowering has ended.

At the moment, up to 150 varieties of buzulnik are known. Of these, only 10 are used in landscape design. The following varieties are suitable for growing in open ground:

  • Przhevalsky;
  • Vicha;
  • Serrated;
  • Wilson;
  • Kaempfer.

Several varieties of Przewalski's ligularia have now been developed. Here are the most popular:

  1. 1 Light Fingered. It is distinguished by its foliage - its shape is more rugged compared to other varieties. The inflorescence has a rich yellow tint.
  2. 2 Rocket. This shrub with an inflorescence can withstand even the most strong wind. The name was chosen due to the fact that the inflorescence resembles a rocket.
  3. 3 Maple leaf. It is distinguished by large maple-shaped leaves.

Serrated ligularia begins to bloom towards the end of summer. This bush is slightly lower than the Przhevalsky bush - its height is approximately 1-1.3 m. It is distinguished by its foliage - it is very large and rounded. The leaf can be up to 0.8 m in diameter. The stem is also long. The inflorescences have a bright yellow. They gather in unusual umbrellas. Buzulnik serrated also has several varieties that differ in the color of the foliage. Here are the most popular types:

  1. 1 Buzulnik Desdemona. The leaves have a light green tint. They may be bronze on top, and light purple or brownish on the back. The veins themselves stand out against this background with a bright scarlet hue.
  2. 2 Buzulnik Othello. Its foliage has red veins, which is a feature of the species. In addition, the inflorescences are distinguished by their bright orange color.
  3. 3 Britt-Marie Crawford. These shrubs will attract attention due to the bright, rich cherry hue of their foliage, making them one of the most popular varieties in landscape design.

All these varieties are very popular due to their decorative properties.

Planting and propagation

If you need to grow a beautiful buzulnik, then planting should be done according to certain rules. Ligularia is considered completely unpretentious plant, so care does not involve any complex manipulations. If buzulnik grows in open ground, then no material or time costs will be required.

It is best to choose a place with shade, where the soil is always sufficiently moist. But there should be no stagnation of moisture. Under constant direct rays, the plant's moisture begins to quickly evaporate, which leads to gradual wilting. The same thing will happen if you plant a flower in excessively dry soil.

Fertile soil is best. This is what is considered the guarantee that in the future the bush will be powerful, large and beautiful, and the inflorescences will be bright and tall. If the concentration of humus in the soil is low, then it is necessary to prepare the hole more carefully. You will need to add humus to the bottom and garden soil(about no less than a bucket). The height, width and length of the hole should be approximately 0.4 m. It is also allowed to add wood ash and superphosphate to it.

Buzulnik propagation occurs in two ways - through seeds and by dividing shrubs. The shrub is perennial. It can grow in the same place for 2 to 10 years, but experts advise cutting the mother plant once every 5 years and dividing it into several holes. This must be done in the spring, before the plant becomes active. It is necessary to cut off part of the root along with the entire bush. Use a sharp shovel for this. After this, plant it in a hole that is filled with a special garden soil and humus. Be sure to water the bushes. This type of reproduction is called vegetative. Before dividing the root, it must be washed. Each separated part should have a shoot and a fertile bud. When planting already separated parts of the bush, you can immediately add mineral fertilizers to the holes.

Reproduction also occurs through seeds. This work will be more painstaking. Flowering from a perennial can only be expected after 3-4 years. To obtain material for sowing, you need to wait until the seeds ripen on the plant itself. Then collect everything in a bag and dry it. IN autumn time sow in separate place, and the depth should be no more than 2 cm. Seedlings will appear in the spring. When they get stronger, they can be planted in a permanent place where they will continue to develop.

If you need to grow buzulnik, planting and care will be very simple, so everyone can cope with this task. These shrubs are very powerful, with big amount inflorescences and leaves, so watering should be regular. It is best to plant such a perennial near a pond, or even near an artificial one. On hot days, abundant watering and irrigation are required. It is best not to plant this plant in places that are too sunny. If there is poor watering, the bushes will begin to wither and will not be so beautiful.

Experts advise trimming the buzulnik. After flowering ends, the “arrows” must be removed. If the winter is expected to be too cold, all above-ground parts should be removed before frost begins. In this case, the buzulnik survives the winter more easily.

The inflorescences of these perennials are distinguished by their resistance, but they are very tall, so on windy days it is better to tie them up so that the flower stalks do not break. This way you can preserve the beauty of the bush.

Buzulnik Przhevalsky responds well to fertilization. If you add humus to the hole when planting, then in the first year you no longer need to add other fertilizing and fertilizers. Then, before flowering, it is necessary to use diluted mullein in liquid form - 1 liter of soaked cakes per 10 liters of water. It is recommended to feed the plant 2 times a month. Each bush requires 3 liters of solution. If the temperature changes sharply during the day and at night, then it is best to temporarily stop using fertilizers.

Experts advise doing mulching in the fall using humus. In the spring it needs to be mixed with the top layer of soil and loosened. It is allowed to periodically add wood ash.

As for various pests and diseases, insects do not like to sit on buzulnik. But some damage can be caused by slugs. They prefer the leaves of the plant as food. To protect perennials from these and other pests, use superphosphate in granules, scattering it under the bushes.

In some cases, the buzulnik may suffer from a fungal disease. An example is powdery mildew. To remove fungal microorganisms, simply spray with a light solution of potassium permanganate. You only need 2.5 g per 10 liters of water.


Przhevalsky's buzulnik is unusual and interesting plant, which will decorate any garden, the main thing is to properly care for it. There are several varieties of buzulnik, and the differences between them are minor. These shrubs are not picky, so even a beginner can master planting and caring for them. Buzulnik goes well with other plantings. For example, you can arrange mantle, knotweed, daylily, and hosta nearby. In addition, buzulniki look beautiful alone. By the way, several varieties look great, especially if their inflorescences have different shades - it seems as if they are flashes of fire.

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Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to classical care indoor crops. And even the relatives of Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the most “strange” point in caring for violets, which prefer non-standard watering classical method. But the approach will also have to be changed when it comes to fertilizing.

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The system of protection of fruit and berry plantings is based mainly on the use of pesticides. However, if pesticides can be used to protect seed orchards for almost the entire growing season Taking into account the waiting period for each drug, they can be used in the protection of berry crops only before the beginning of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises of what drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

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It often happens that chemical insecticides, especially those that have been on the market for a long time, cease to act on pests due to the development of resistance to the active substance, and then they can come to the rescue biological drugs, which, by the way, have a number of advantages. In this article you will learn how Lepidocid will protect vegetable, berry, ornamental and fruit crops from leaf-eating pests.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring to next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

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Blueberry – a rare and promising berry crop in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins and have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and tonic properties. The berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners He's annoying sometimes! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs is a “supplier” of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkle with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.