Original and functional: how to make a wooden table with your own hands. Unusual ideas for giving: a garden table with your own hands How to make a garden table with the hands of a woman

It is quite possible to make a wooden outdoor table for a summer residence with your own hands. For this, ready-made or independently developed drawings are used. To do it yourself beautiful table wood for outdoor use, you need to purchase quality material, and follow the rules of manufacture.

A beautiful and comfortable country table is an indispensable attribute of a summer holiday. When choosing a finished product, you need to decide on the size, as well as the following parameters:

  • using a piece of furniture outdoors or indoors;
  • maximum amount people who can sit at the table;
  • purchase budget.

The tabletop and the body of the outdoor piece of furniture can be made of different types of material:

  • plastic models are ideal option for use in the country. The advantages are affordable cost, relative compactness and lightness. As a rule, they are produced round or oval shape, and can accommodate approximately six to eight people. Despite the stylish appearance, are characterized not too long term operation. The disadvantages include the tendency to destruction as a result of the negative impact of direct sun rays. Also lightweight construction can turn over with strong gusts of wind, the need to use the most even surface for installation and susceptibility to damage, which is accompanied rapid loss original aesthetic appearance;

  • wood models look very organic even in the modern country landscape. Such pieces of furniture perfectly complement the garden plantings. Such models are classified as quite expensive. The disadvantages of natural wood include the ability to collapse and warp under the influence of water and temperature changes, and the legs pressed into the soil can rot, which is why it is required to regularly treat with antiseptics;
  • graceful metal models high quality and incredible durability. Such furniture looks especially beautiful against the background of forged fences and decorative elements. Such tables differ in considerable weight, as well as very high cost. Often modern models are a very successful combination of metal with wood or glass tops.

If you plan to use the table in country conditions all year round, then the best option will become a metal structure, which is very resistant to any adverse external factors. legs metal structure they can even be concreted, which will give additional stability to a piece of furniture.

How to make a wooden table for a summer house with your own hands

tables from wooden planks very often self made. Of course, this option will require sufficient care throughout the entire period of operation, but will give adjoining territory at the dacha bright style and originality. Among other things, build the most simple models do it yourself with little time and money, even in the absence of professional skills and special tool.

We make a drawing of the table with dimensions

Scheme self assembly may already be ready, but in order to receive original table with the most suitable size and shape of the countertop, you need to make the drawing yourself. When drawing up a drawing, it is recommended to focus on the standard dimensions of such an item. country furniture 178x95x77.5 cm.

Necessary tools and materials

To make beautiful and practical table from a tree for a summer residence, you need to prepare:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • saw;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • building level.

Work must be carried out in standard protective glasses and gloves. In the manufacture need to use Construction Materials presented by:

  • a pair of boards with dimensions of 85x10x2.5 cm;
  • a pair of boards with dimensions of 153x10x2.5 cm
  • four boards with dimensions of 168x10x2.5 cm;
  • four boards with dimensions of 75x10x5 cm;
  • board 95x10x2.5 cm - 17 pcs;
  • fastening tools in the form of nails, screws and bolts;
  • glue for woodworking.

It also needs to be purchased in advance. antiseptic formulations for woodworking, wood varnish or special paint and brushes.

How to make a table with your own hands (video)

Getting Started: Making Wooden Outdoor Table Parts

All elements in the form of wooden boards must be smooth, of natural moisture content, made of high-quality hardwood. If necessary, before assembly, the boards must be leveled and, if necessary, sanded. To obtain a durable structure, it is necessary to carefully treat the wood with antiseptics.

It is not recommended to impregnate wood oil formulations , which have proven themselves very well when operating in conditions of high humidity, but increase the level of flammability and give the structure an unpleasant and fairly stable odor that persists long time. After applying water-soluble impregnations, it is recommended to apply a layer of a special glazing antiseptic, which allows you to give high decorative properties to the product and contributes to additional protection.

Assembly and fastening of the main elements

At the first stage self-manufacturing wooden street country table the assembly of the frame base of the piece of furniture is carried out. It is to the frame base that boards will subsequently be fixed to create a table top and, as well as table legs. The frame base traditionally consists of four planed and even, longitudinal boards with dimensions of 168x10x2.5 cm and a pair of end boards with dimensions of 85x10x2.5 cm.

Assembly must be carried out on the most even surface, fixing to longitudinal boards end elements using galvanized self-tapping screws and adhesive. Very important prevent warping of the base during assembly and fastening. After checking diagonally, they must be fixed additional boards 153x10x2.5 cm, which will give the assembled structure additional rigidity, as well as hide the legs attachment points.

The tabletop is assembled from boards measuring 95x10x2.5 cm. The boards can be fixed with both galvanized nails and self-tapping screws. Be sure to leave a gap between the elements of the countertop of 0.5 cm. Legs are fastened with screws or bolts. The second option is more preferable and allows you to get a removable model that is convenient for transportation and storage.

Installing amplifiers - a guarantee of the durability of the table

If there is a need to obtain the most massive and solid construction, then amplifiers are used. To mount such parts, it is necessary to turn the product upside down with its legs. The transverse reinforcements in the middle of the tabletop are nailed, and the corners of the amplifiers are sawn off in order to save space. A pair of amplifiers with a figured cutout, which repeats the shape of the countertop crossbars, are nailed to the sidewalls.

How to protect the table from external factors

Adverse weather conditions represented by sun, rain and temperature changes are aggressive environment For wooden structure operated on the street. To protect wooden products and extend their service life, special film coatings and a variety of impregnating compounds are used. Most often applied protective films based on polyurethane. The disadvantage of such a film coating is the loss of appearance, reduced efficiency and wear after a certain time. Impregnations for wood protection are represented by a mixture based on oils and solutions of repellents. Both options for protecting against external adverse factors have proven themselves well, but require periodic updating.

Wooden outdoor table: drawing (video)

We make a wooden country table from what is at hand

As a material for creating a wooden country table, a variety of improvised means are often used. Incredibly stylish and very durable, slab tables are an option that you can make yourself with some woodworking skills. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the technology for manufacturing countertops based on saw cuts is characterized by characteristic specifics and is quite laborious, but the resulting ready product will be unique and inimitable.

very original in garden design designs look like:

  • from wooden beam for true fans of natural materials;
  • from several stumps or bobbins;
  • from old window frames with glass top;
  • from boxes supplemented with various decorative elements;
  • from an old wooden chest with forged elements.

Tables made from pallets are also quite widespread. The fashion for such products came from Asia, where such pieces of furniture are very often made for lack of free funds. When creating such an option, you can show all your imagination, but it is very desirable to replace nails from pallets with self-tapping screws, and all fastenings of the frame and boards must be strengthened with special furniture corners. If desired, you can supplement the design with conventional furniture wheels, allowing you to make the table mobile and easy to use.

How to make a metal table with a wooden top

One of the interesting and durable options for garden furniture. For self-production you will need:

  • metal profile pipe or high-quality rolled metal of sufficient cross section;
  • primer for work with metal surfaces;
  • paint on a metal surface and brushes;
  • chalk or light marker;
  • flat surface for the stencil;
  • wooden table top;
  • bars and adhesive to secure the countertop.

The tool can be represented by a welding machine, a grinder, a metal saw, a hammer, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws and bolts. The metal is pre-cleaned from rust and dirt with a steel brush, after which a frame is created in accordance with the stencil.

Welding must be done carefully to avoid the formation of welding build-up. The entire structure is cleaned with a metal brush, after which it is primed and painted. After the paint has completely dried, the countertop is fixed, which also needs to be treated with special antiseptics, and then varnished or painted.

Do-it-yourself log table (video)

Independent production of country furniture from wood is a very interesting and creative process, accessible even to beginners. Such natural material goes well with metal, glass, and plastic, which allows you to create original, unusual and very decorative solutions with your own hands.

The word dacha is associated with small garden, garden and comfortable seating area. After all, after working in the garden, you really want to relax in nature, fry a barbecue and just relax with your family.

To equip a recreation area, you need to build a gazebo or make a canopy and install it with a bench or chairs.

Such a piece of furniture does not have to be bought in a store in ready-made. You can make it yourself if you stock up free time, drawings, tools.

The feature of tables for outdoor use is their:

A table in the country can be made from different materials:

  • tree;
  • vines;
  • metal;
  • natural or artificial stone.

Each individual option has its own advantages. But most are in great demand wooden models . Since it is pleasant and convenient to work with a tree, and you can make a product of any complexity on your own, without making much effort.

What type of wood to make?

Before you start building a country table, carefully select the wood. Since from her specifications the life of the product, its wear resistance and appearance will depend. Most often, outdoor furniture is made from:

Concerning benefits wooden outdoor furniture from any type of wood, then these include:

TO shortcomings wood products include:

  • the likelihood of ignition;
  • insect damage;
  • the likelihood of decay.

Advice: to increase the resistance of the tree to all negative factors, it must be processed by special means.

Also, most people refer to the disadvantages of country tables made of wood. big weight. But such products are installed on the street once a year. At the request of the owners, for the winter they can be cleaned in summer kitchen or any host. building.

Attention: placing a wooden table under open sky, it is necessary to think over the space for water drainage.

Dimensional drawing

To make a table with your own hands, you will need to draw up a drawing. So you prevent mistakes during the workflow, and make furniture much faster. On this drawing should be the following symbols:

  • length of the product;
  • width;
  • depth;
  • height.

Also in the drawing, the materials of their manufacture should be noted. For furniture designed for 8-10 people, optimal size countertops will be 80 by 120 cm.

Important: the dimensions of the table for giving are calculated based on the needs of users and the availability free space in the allotment.

If there is a lot of free space, you can assemble a spacious country house. table with benches. The advantages of this design include:

  • capacity;
  • stability;
  • ease of use.

Some people prefer tables with ice box. Such designs are convenient. In the summer heat, they can cool drinks. This model practically no different from the product with benches. Only in the middle of the tabletop is an ice box made. Instead of an ice box, you can build a table with flowers. In the middle of the tabletop you will have a beautiful flower bed.

If there is free space on personal plot a little, it is worth choosing folding model furniture. It differs:

  • compact size and ergonomics;
  • light weight;
  • different transformation options.

Important: for the manufacture of countertops, it is worth choosing a board with a thickness of 3-5 cm.

Tools and Consumables

From the tools for making a wooden table, you need to prepare:

From the materials we need:

  • lumber;
  • furniture glue.

Manufacturing and assembly

Main components tables are:

  • load-bearing frame;
  • countertop;
  • support bars.

The process of assembling the table is carried out in the following sequence:

It will look very attractive at their summer cottage round table. For him, you need to prepare:

  • base;
  • racks;
  • countertop;
  • tabletop base.

The assembly stage will consist in the following sequence:

How to paint garden furniture

Since the garden table will be located in the open air, it will be affected by increased moisture and sudden changes in temperature. Also, the tree will be attacked by pests.

You can extend the life of the country table with the help of different impregnation, paint, varnish.

To do this, use a special outdoor paint.


Real craftsmen can make works of art out of simple outdoor furniture:

Useful video

All steps are shown in detail in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that you can make a country table with your own hands in quite short time. To do this, a drawing of the future product is created, consumables and tools are selected. With a competent approach to assembling a table for a summer residence, you will build an attractive and practical product, behind which your friendly family will gather every weekend for a summer and pleasant vacation.

In contact with

How to make a table for the country. garden table and benches with their own hands. It will be about installing a new table with benches in the garden at the dacha. To unite the family, it was decided to carry out the installation of a new table by collective efforts. The old wooden table, according to the rapidly erected scheme, ceased to suit, it had to be updated every 5-7 years. In the construction of the table and benches, new and traditional building materials were used - metal and wood. The table turned out to be reliable and, in comparison with the previous options, it will last a long time. Detailed step-by-step instructions with photos and videos are provided.

How to make a table with benches with your own hands

The design of the table has been worked out by collective efforts, taking into account material possibilities, skills and the availability of tools. The table is made and probably the choice of design option is no longer worth discussing. The old table was built of wood. Raw poles were buried in the ground in the open air and bench boards and tabletops were attached to them. The lifetime of the pillars is 5-7 years, depending on the thickness, the boards withstood up to 10-12 years. The table and benches were actively used from April to early October. Table and benches all year round exposed to precipitation in the form of snow and rain. New table made on metal frame, and the flooring of the table and benches from the boards. The boards are dismantled in October and removed to a protected place, and in the spring they are fixed back to the frame. In this way, the life of the flooring and the entire table is extended. For critics, I want to say that there is a place to rest under a canopy in the garden ( ).

Pile "Juventa"

Materials for the construction of the table and benches:

  1. Six screw piles "Yuventa" for installing a fence, 2400 mm long, head with a section of 50 × 50 mm;
  2. 10 — 12 edged boards 2000 mm long with a section of 150 × 50 mm, to speed up work it is better to purchase planed ones, pay attention to the thickness of the boards - it should be the same;
  3. metal pipe of square section 60 × 60 mm, 4 m long;
  4. metal corner with a shelf 40-5o mm 3.5 m long;
  5. paint for metal 1 liter;
  6. yacht varnish 1-4 liters;
  7. paint brush;
  8. solvent for paint and varnish 0.5-1 l;
  9. self-tapping screws for fixing boards 50 pieces;
  10. cement, sand

Table structure construction tool:

  1. welding inverter;
  2. a circular saw;
  3. laser level, tape measure, bubble level;
  4. electric planer;
  5. grinder with cutting and cleaning discs;
  6. screwdriver with a set of drills and bits.

Instructions for making a table with benches with your own hands

A drawing was prepared to install the table. See photo. The width of the table is 1100 mm (6 boards 150 mm wide and one 200 mm wide). When changing the width of the table, pay attention to the distance between the posts of the bench and the table.

  1. The location of the table was chosen long ago, under the crowns of apple trees and next to artificial pond with fish. Places of installation of piles are marked with pegs in place.
  2. We install piles "Juventa". To do this, a device for wrapping was made from a piece of pipe 60 × 60 mm. See photos and videos. In view of the peculiarities of my area, which are detailed during the construction on sandy ground, I had to make recesses for each pile. Without this deepening, the pile would have collapsed before it was completely twisted. recess done petrol drill . The recesses for the piles of the bench are dug at a right angle. And for two table piles at a certain angle towards each other. This is done deliberately for greater stability of the table.

    Digging a hole with a drill

    Piles "Juventa" for the table
  3. The twisting of the Juventa piles took place along standard scheme. Watch the video. Be sure to control your efforts so as not to destroy the pile until it is completely twisted. In my case, it was a team effort. When twisting, you must try to observe the intended location of the pile and their slope. Small flaws in accuracy can be compensated for during subsequent assembly. See details of work video example .

    Pile "Juventa" twisted
  4. After twisting the piles of the pit covered in layers of sand with humidification and tamping.
  5. For a long service life of piles, the internal space of the pile is necessary; small-scale mechanization was used. After concreting, we close the heads from the effects of precipitation and let the concrete harden. Immediately it is necessary to clean the piles from contamination.

    Pile concreting
  6. We cut square pipes 60×60 mm into 4 pieces of 550 mm and 2 pieces of 900 mm.
  7. We insert the pipes into the pile heads at a distance of 10-20 mm from the ground.
  8. We weld pipes 60 × 60 mm on the heads, while using the mounting gap, we eliminate the inaccuracies in the installation of piles. Try to install the racks of the benches strictly vertically, and the racks of the table coaxially to each other. Welding was carried out at 6-8 points at the points of contact between the head and the rack. We immediately clean the welding spots from scale.

    Racks welded to piles
  9. mark the pipe cutting lines. Do it exactly. The cutting level from the ground surface of the bench legs is 500 mm, the table legs are 760 mm.
  10. We cut the racks according to the marking with a grinder with a cutting disc. Cut carefully and accurately. The surface of each cut must be horizontal. Corners will be installed and welded on the ends of the racks.

  11. We cut corners. The size of the corners for fastening the boards of the bench is 250-300 mm, only 4 pieces are needed. The table will require two corners of 1000-1100 mm (determined by the selected table width). The edges of the corners in the vertical plane are cut into a cone, and all edges are rounded. The surface must be smooth and free of burrs.
  12. We weld the corners to our racks, controlling the horizontal plane of the shelf along two axes using bubble level. Just in case, scarves are welded to reinforce the place of welding to the rack. When welding the corners of the benches, you can slightly shift the center of welding of the corner to compensate for errors in the installation of the pile (distance of the table post from the bench post).

    Welding corners

    Corners welded to posts
  13. Boards for the table and benches I used from the remnants of construction frame house. The boards were uncut. Therefore, half a day was devoted to partial planing and sanding of the boards.
  14. We try on the boards, put them on the corners. The boards of the benches should be parallel to the boards of the table. Boards are marked for subsequent assembly. The position of the boards on the corners is also marked.

    Trying boards
  15. We mark holes on the corners for the screws for fastening the boards. A total of 14 holes per table corner and 4 holes per bench corner. We drill holes.

    Drilling holes in the corner

    Holes in the corner of the bench

    Holes in the corner of the table
  16. The boards are impregnated with an antiseptic and, after drying, covered with paint or varnish. I covered the boards with yacht varnish.

  17. Simultaneously with the varnishing of the boards, the racks and corners are painted protective paint. To avoid water ingress into the racks, plugs (mounting foam) are made on the ends of the pipes.

For those who live in big cities, a summer cottage is a kind of paradise. fragrant herbs, fresh air, the smell of a fire and always a beautiful house in which it is comfortable and at home. A special coziness to a country house and an outdoor area is given by furniture made by one's own to one's own taste, which can enliven the space. In this article we will tell you how to make a table for giving with your own hands.

Agree, it's still easier than making a sofa or wardrobe. To implement your plan, you do not need to specially study or invite specialists. To work, you need inspiration, and prepare the necessary materials.

preliminary stage

The appearance of the finished product is important. When you make a table for the dacha with your own hands, do not neglect it.

It will be nice to observe the admiration and surprise of the guests to whom you declare that you made it yourself.

  1. Its main base is a wooden tabletop. As a rule, ready-made shields or wide boards are used for this.
  2. An important factor is also the selected type of wood from which you decide to make a table:
  1. Spruce and pine are soft woods that are easy to work with. Just do not forget about the features of such rocks that are more flammable.
  2. Also, a table for giving from such a tree has a wonderful smell of needles. But remember that there is a large amount of resin in this material, and it will show through on the surface for some time.
  1. Deciduous trees such as beech, ash and oak are stronger and more beautiful.
  2. When working with them, it is advisable to use special tools for grinding and sawing.
  3. If you handle it right deciduous tree, then build a table that you will use for many years.
  1. In addition to the tabletop, the table must have legs. You can make them from wooden shield or buy ready-made.

Tip: if you didn’t find them in the store, look at the shelves where they sell auxiliary materials for making stairs - 4 pieces of metal or wood balusters can be quite useful to you.
Factory blanks will add some gloss and chic to your table.


First you need to determine where you will install the furniture, whether you plan to take it out of the house. For example, a good solution for country house will be narrow and long table, which will ensure the freedom of movement of people around the room.

Materials and tools

  1. The boards are tongue-and-groove. They will create a tight connection and help protect the table from liquid getting into the slots. You can also use a pair of ready-made wooden shields, 2000x300 mm in size.

Tip: to ensure the stability of the table to loads, select the thickness of the boards at about 30 mm.
When choosing a material, make sure that the boards or boards are even, they must fit exactly to each other, this will save time on individual measurements and cutting.

  1. Rails for fasteners - 3 pieces. They are needed for the stability of the structure. The most suitable size is 2000x100 mm with a thickness of 28 mm.
  2. Table legs (finished) or balusters, their price depends on the quality of the material.
  3. Hacksaw.
  4. Self-tapping screws.
  5. Electric drill. Please note that this tool must be available. You will definitely need it, so if you don’t have your own, then rent it or ask for temporary use.

Tip: if there are power outages in your area, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help solve the problem.

  1. Polyurethane varnish. You can choose between glossy and matte. The second shows the structure of the tree well. Instead, you can use natural oils that will protect the wood from external factors.

In the photo - country diesel generator

  1. Good quality brushes.
  2. Sanding machine. Its absence will greatly complicate the work.
  3. Sandpaper with fine and coarse fraction. This will make it possible to provide the table with the desired smoothness.


Below is a step by step guide:

  1. Connect shields or boards and lay them outside down. On this stage it is necessary to monitor the docking so that the country table is even.
  2. Attach shields or boards. Position the slats along the long sides. This will allow them to be strengthened and fixed along short boards. To ensure the stability of the table, additionally fix the boards (or shields) with the help of rails in the center in one or two places.
  3. Be careful when fixing rails. Screw the screws slowly, without changing the degree of pressure, angle and intensity. Otherwise, the shield or rail will break, which will affect the quality of the product.
  4. Fasten the table legs at a distance of 50-70 mm from the edge. With the help of an additional rail, strengthen the attachment point so that the support does not deform after a while. This will allow the table to look perfect for a long time. Fasten the legs also slowly.
  5. Turn the table over and remove debris and sawdust, sand all the roughness with sandpaper and a grinder. Dry the table thoroughly with a dry cloth.


Building a country table yourself is not all.

Now you need to start finishing, and, if you want, decorating.

  1. Cover the entire surface of the table polyurethane varnish. (See also the article.)
  2. Then you need to let it dry for a day.
  3. Carefully inspect the surface of the table, sand it again with sandpaper and varnish it a second time.
  4. If you wish, then you can paint the table, for example, acrylic paint.
  5. Once the surface is completely dry, the product can be used for its intended purpose.


In this article, it was described in detail about one of the ways to independently manufacture a country table made of wood. Although at first glance the work seems difficult, in fact the process is quite exciting, which will make it possible to make good, solid furniture for little money. The video in this article will help you find more information on this topic.


A table for a summer cottage is not just a piece of furniture, it is a ritual place where all household members invariably gather. In the summer, no one expresses a desire to go into the house to drink tea or have lunch. On fresh air and the appetite is better, and the food is tastier. In order not to carry furniture from home for gatherings, you can make an outdoor table for giving with your own hands, at the same time taking care of the benches.

garden table with built-in bench

The country table does not imply the complexity of the design, so there will be no problems with its assembly, even for individuals who are far from carpentry and creative work. We will present you some very simple and at the same time original ideas its creation, perhaps some of the proposed by us, will decorate your site.

    Material for a country table

    Do-it-yourself table for giving: interesting ideas


    Photo gallery - do-it-yourself table for giving:

the table for giving should be durable

Outdoor furniture is subjected to serious tests, so it must be made from durable materials. Specifically for the table, you can take:

  1. Stone.
  2. Tree.
  3. Metal.
  4. Handy materials.

The tables from the latter look especially interesting. But first things first.

Wooden table

outdoor dining set

Choosing the material Special attention pay attention to the type of wood. Board board - strife and use, in our case, not all are suitable. Flexible and easy to work conifers unfortunately they won't fit. In addition to the fact that they need special impregnation, because they are too flammable, the resin they release will also spoil the tablecloth and dishes.

The necessary elements must be sought among hardwood blanks. On the countertop it is necessary to collect boards with a thickness of 30-50 mm. For greater strength, they are stuffed on the frame. The legs of the structure can be saddled straight or X-shaped. It is important to process all the details well so that there is no danger of driving a splinter while wiping the table. Mandatory processing of the finished product with protective impregnations.

folding wooden table at the cottage with their own hands

In order to make a table “for centuries”, varnish it, and do it, as they say, without sparing the brush. The composition must be literally rubbed into the wood, and this will be possible only if you slightly heat it in a water bath. Lacquer coating is made in three layers.

stone table

a round table and benches made of stone will last for decades

You want to do monolithic structure that strikes the imagination and creates a special mood for meals - try working with a stone. You can create a table of this type for a summer residence with your own hands or buy a finished product. Shops offer granite and marble options in a wide range. There you can also pick up benches made of the same material as a set for them.

to inspire life in old table, it is enough to tile the countertop with tiles

It will not be cheap, but if you really want to have such a luxury in the garden as a stone table, try to reduce the price of it. Lay out the bases of the benches and the table yourself. For this, it will fit perfectly:

  1. Flagstone.
  2. Brick.
  3. modern blocks.
  4. Regular cobblestone.

stone stump table

These materials will be much easier to fit into the overall concept of the garden and combine them in existing buildings. On the tabletop, seats and backs it is quite possible to take fake diamond. The view from this, the composition will not lose.

metal tables

Those who are "friends" with iron and have a welding machine at hand may be interested in the option of metal furniture. Products are elegant and aesthetic, with openwork decor inserts. The metal table will also need to be protected from early destruction. This is done by priming the metal before the final painting.

round table for summer cottage stone countertop and figured metal legs

Forged tables will satisfy the needs of respectable owners, but it is unrealistic to make them with your own hands. Similar designs are ordered by professionals. Forging requires the conditions of a forge. However, given that products of this type can be wonderfully combined with wood, stone, glass, you can only purchase a forged base for the table and complete it with a table top yourself.

Do-it-yourself table for giving: interesting ideas

table and chair styling mushroom meadow will create some zest in the landscape design of the suburban area

If you are determined to work on creating a country table yourself and are ready to make it non-standard, look at the “unnecessary” things in each barn. Perhaps among them there are items that can become consumables for creativity.

Mixed assortment

Not less than practical option country table, along with wooden, metal, rattan, stone products, is a team of all sorts of "hodgepodge". This creation will become a multicolored "character" of your garden and will never go unnoticed. What to make it from? You will not believe! Your starting materials will be:

  1. Broken flower stand.
  2. Metal barrel lid.
  3. Colored plastic scraps or round glass.

a set of timber

Take a sheet of paper and try to draw on it a circular ornament in the spirit of the Moroccan style. Enlarge the creation to the required size. A photocopier will help you do this quickly.

We put the resulting blank under the glass and draw lines with a copper contour. Let it dry for a day or less. The recommended drying time is indicated by the manufacturer.

it is enough to decorate the side parts of the bench and chairs with wheels to get the original garden furniture for giving

Now it's the turn of painting the marked glass with stained glass paints. The main thing here is that the colors are evenly located inside the area allotted to them. If you have never worked with specific paints, it makes sense to practice on a separate piece of glass in order to understand how much you need to take for high-quality coloring of fragments. The completed painting must also be thoroughly dried.

Finished glass can be additionally decorated with elements drawn with a copper outline.

Cover the barrel lid with white paint, which will hide traces of rust, and proceed to the preparation of the main part of the countertop.

table for giving from a vazyanka of firewood

metal part flower stand, which will serve as a supportdo-it-yourself table for a summer residence, it is necessary to prime, paint with acrylic paint in the color of copper and partially patinate.

After the footboard is ready, glue the points of contact with the glass with a window seal. This is necessary for its best fastening.

Now the final stage. Gather all the parts together: put the glass top in the lid and put the composition on the stand.

It may not be very comfortable to dine at such a table, but it will be very pleasant to drink coffee in the evening cool.

decorating an ordinary stump with a mosaic, you can get an original table

pallet models

After the construction of a country house, you probably still have at least a few pallets on which packed bricks or building mixtures were brought. You do not even suspect what kind of magic wand it is for finishing the dacha. With their help, the table will be ready in a few hours, and it will have such a look that it will not be a shame to put it not only in the garden, but also in the home interior. At the same time, note that you will not even incur special financial costs.

pallet garden table

A do-it-yourself table made from pallets can be designed in several ways. For example, for the simplest option, you will need:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Brushes.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Swivel wheels.
  5. Colored antiseptic stain.
  6. Screws.

mobile table for giving from pallets

The first step is to sand the pallet. At the first stage of removing the rough layer, use coarse-grained sandpaper, fine-grained sandpaper will be required for final processing. If there is a grinder in use, which includes a grinding wheel, use it instead of sandpaper rolls. This will speed up the preparation process.

master class for making a table for a summer house with your own hands

Turn the pallet over and attach small swivel wheels to the bottom. This is done with ordinary screws. For greater reliability of fastening, place under the last washers that can be removed from similar screws used for working with metal tiles. Don't disregard this advice. Wheel bases have enough big holes, and a screw without a lining will not be able to fix the part to a wooden surface with high quality.

step by step table making process

Now it remains to open the finished product with a wax-containing antiseptic. If you want to highlight the structure of the tree, use a transparent composition. To give color, stain is required. You can style the table:

  • under oak;
  • larch;
  • rosewood;
  • nut;
  • pine.

A low wide table would be appropriate on the veranda, in the attic room, the interior of the bath.

without additional processing, the table will last at least two seasons

If you want to make the summer recreation area more comfortable, make not just a table from pallets, but a whole set of country furniture, supplementing it with permanently fixed benches. Such a kit can be made portable and, if necessary, moved from the barbecue, say, to the pool or to the pergola.

bright pallet table for the whole family

A creative option for a country environment would be a pallet, transformed into a countertop and equipped with vintage legs left over from an old dresser, table, cabinet. This detail needs to be highlighted in a contrasting color.

You can use such furniture in the bedroom, gazebo, on the terrace.

Reel table

vertical planks allow you to place various items

“The coil is heavy in itself, but it is easy to construct a lightweight version from it. table for giving and again, do it yourself »

A cable spool is also an excellent material for creating cottage design. Look at it - it's almost a finished table! A little decor and it's ready to use. The easiest way to decorate the coil is with twisted twine. To do this, simply wrap it tightly around its trunk. The upper disk of the structure is ground and varnished. If you want to add functionality to the product, install vertical rails around the circumference. They can also be decorated with a rope. With the advent of the crossbars, you can store the necessary items under the table.

reel table with umbrella mount

The coil is heavy in itself, but it is easy to construct a lightweight version of the table for giving and, again, do it yourself. You will only need the top disc from the product, which will act as a countertop. The frame frame for its installation can be made of metal.

If in shady garden there is a stump of a suitable height and strength, then it can also be converted into an impromptu table with the help of a reel disk. This idea will be good not only for the playground, it is also rational to use it when organizing a relaxation corner for adults. By sawing a wooden disk in half, it will be possible to assemble original armchairs, which can also be put on stump legs. Get a good garden set.

the reel table can be decorated with any pattern

Wood table?

Why not? Such a brutal option can become a decoration for a barbecue area and even a living room. Work is nothing. We find an old thick log, impregnate it with stain and level the lower part, giving the product stability.

stump table on wheels

No less easy to manufacture and attractive in design is a mobile hemp table. By the way, its functionality can be expanded if you are not too lazy to sew a foam seat on it, which will allow you to easily transform the structure into a comfortable pouf.

Not in short supply in the country and chopped firewood. Of these, it is also not a problem to quickly build a comfortable table design for a summer cottage with your own hands. Assemble the flat base and fasten the split timbers into the countertop with a belt tie. Put it all on its feet and enjoy communication with primitive nature in full.

table for a living room cottage from an old log

Tire garden composition

Do not rush to get rid of old tires. You can make them look great landscape decor extended functionality: to use the table not just as a table, but the pouf next to it not only as a pouf, but to arrange inside them a place for garden tools, For example.

table and chairs are made in a single design style from old tires

Paint the tires in a color acceptable to you, dry, fold in a column, fastening the elements silicone sealant or other suitable composition.

Now take care of the countertop and seat. The first one is nice to make from durable plastic or cut them out of wood. For a pouffe, also saw out a plywood disc of a slightly smaller diameter than that of tires, glue foam rubber to it and cover it with a cloth. Removable parts are ready.

Distillation table

movable table made of old boiled wood with a wooden top

Did you find grandmother's brew in the bins? Fabulous! We transform it into a mobile storage table. We equip the bottom with wheels, and for the upper part we assemble a countertop from the boards. Having cut the boards to size, we collect them together on transverse strips, the length of which should correspond to the diameter of the welding. This will help the countertop to stay firmly in place, and not move out of the way and not turn over at the slightest load. There will be enough space inside the impromptu table to organize a mini-bar.

By the same principle, empty boxes, barrels, etc. can be converted into useful items.

original table with large metal wheels instead of legs and built-in benches


As you can see, assembling a table for a summer residence with your own hands is a very exciting and absolutely not labor-intensive activity. Here, even beginners do not have to be afraid to spoil something, because, initially unsuitable for direct use, objects and elements are used. Try your hand at an unusual business for you. Perhaps the final results will be an incentive not to stop there, but to go further. From the materials presented, you can make many more unusual and necessary things in the country everyday life!

Photo gallery - do-it-yourself table for giving: