Description, rules for planting and caring for astrantia large. Zvezdovka, or astrantia: types and varieties

garden flower astrantia (lat. Astrantia), or zvezdovka- refers to the genus of herbaceous plants of the Umbelliferae family, whose representatives are found mainly in Southern, Eastern, Central Europe and the Caucasus. The origin of the genus name is not known for certain, but there is an opinion that the words astron are the basis, which means a star and suggests a hint at the shape of a flower, and antion - opposite (apparently, the covering leaves of astrantia are meant). About a dozen plant species are known. The perennial astrantia is very popular in America and England, in which the plant settled back in the 16th century. Its popularity is eloquently evidenced by many garden forms bred by breeders.

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Planting and caring for astrantia (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - immediately after harvest, before winter. Sowing seeds for seedlings - in March, planting seedlings in the ground - at the end of May or at the beginning of June.
  • Bloom: from early June to late summer.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or penumbra.
  • The soil: any, as long as it is fertile and loose.
  • Watering: once a week only during the dry season, but if you want to see Astrantia bloom again, keep the soil in the area slightly moist throughout the growing season.
  • Top dressing: when grown in fertile soil, it is enough to apply a complex mineral fertilizer once a season in early spring. On poor soils, you can make another top dressing - phosphorus-potassium, in the second half of summer.
  • Reproduction: seeds and division of the bush.
  • Pests: stable.
  • Diseases: extremely rarely affected by fungal infections due to improper care.

Read more about growing astrantia below.

Astrantia flower - description

The rhizomatous plant astrantia has straight, slightly branched and slightly leafy stems from 15 to 90 cm high. Leaves collected in a basal rosette are predominantly palmate-lobed or palmate-separate with 3-7 obovate or lanceolate lobes, serrated along the edge. Numerous small flowers of white or pink-ruby color are collected in simple umbellate inflorescences resembling stars. Large leaves of the wrapper are painted in bright colors green color, which adds decorativeness to the plant. Astrantia blooms in May and blooms until early autumn. The fruit of astrantia is a two-seed.

Astrantia is a honey plant that attracts bees to the garden. It is cold hardy and drought tolerant. Astrantia is planted in groups in the center of the lawn, in borders, borders, mixborders and in flower beds. In the garden, Astrantia's partners are hostas, lungworts, geraniums, astilbes and variegated geyhers. Astrantia stands well in the cut, preserving the beauty and freshness of the inflorescences for a long time. It is used even for winter dry bouquets.

The main advantage of astrantia, in addition to its external attractiveness, is its amazing undemandingness both in terms of care and growing conditions, therefore planting and caring for astrantia is more likely not work, but pleasure.

Sowing astrantia

The astrantia flower reproduces well by self-sowing, but the characteristics of the variety may not be fully preserved. Therefore, it is better not to let the cultivation of astrantia take its course. You can sow astrantia seeds in the ground immediately after harvest, before winter, and in the spring, when they sprout, thin out the seedlings. And you can put the seeds collected in the fall for 2-3 months in the vegetable box of the refrigerator for stratification, and sow them for seedlings in early spring. By the way, seeds bought in a store also need to be stratified, unless the package indicates that the manufacturer has already done this for you.

Sow the seeds in the lung fertile soil, and lightly covered with earth on top. Keep crops at 20-23 ºC under clear cover until germination.

Astrantia seedling care

When the seeds begin to germinate, the cover is removed, and the seedlings are rearranged as close to the light as possible. After a week or two, the grown seedlings are thinned out. Astrantia seedlings are taken care of, like any other: they are watered as the top layer of the substrate dries, the soil in the container is slightly loosened, and there are no drafts in the room during ventilation.

Astrantia pick

At the stage of development of the first pair of true leaves, astrantia seedlings dive into separate pots with the same soil mixture into which the seeds were sown. Ten days before planting seedlings in a flower bed, they begin to harden them: every day they take them out to an open balcony or terrace for some time, gradually increasing the duration of this procedure. When you can fearlessly keep astrantia seedlings on fresh air the whole day, you can plant it in open ground.

Planting astrantia in open ground

When to plant astrantia in the ground

Planting astrantia in open ground is usually carried out in late May or early June. Astrantia feels great both in open sunny areas and in the shade of trees. The soil of astrantia requires loose, fertile, but it has no special preferences for the composition of the soil.

How to plant astrantia

Planting astrantia and care in the open field is within the power of even a novice gardener. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. The depth of the hole should be such that the plant fits in it at the same level as it grew before. The planting of the astrantia flower ends with compaction of the soil around the bushes and abundant watering of the seedlings. Astrantia will bloom from seeds in three years.

Astrantia care in the garden

How to grow astrantia

Astrantia in the garden is one of the most undemanding plants. Care for astrantia in the open field in a normal summer with a normal amount of rain is not needed at all, since it is hardy and drought-resistant. And in a hot, dry summer, you don’t have to worry too much about her - she doesn’t need a strict watering schedule. If a single flowering of astrantia is enough for you, water it once a week during the most severe drought. But if you want it to bloom again, keep the soil slightly moist throughout the growing season. After rain or watering, loosen the soil around the astrantia bushes and remove weeds. If you want to save time, mulch the area with astrantia with humus or peat. To prolong flowering of astrantia and to avoid self-seeding, remove wilted inflorescences, and after the first flowering is completed, cut off all flower stalks - this measure stimulates the formation of new flower arrows and will help create a dense and symmetrical bush.

As for top dressing, astrantia grown in fertile soil, one top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer in early spring is enough. On poor soils, if you grow astrantia in one place for more than three years, one more top dressing will not be superfluous - phosphorus-potassium in the second half of summer. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form, and if you prefer to feed the plants with dry fertilizer, then do not forget to water after feeding.

In one place, without a transplant, astrantia can grow up to 10 years, but it is better to plant a bush after 5-7 years. Sometimes, in especially rainy seasons, astrantia needs a garter to a support.

Reproduction of astrantia

Like almost all herbaceous perennials, astrantia propagates by seeds and division of the bush. O seedling method growing astrantia you already have an idea. But usually the seeds bought in the store after a two-month stratification are sown not for seedlings, but immediately into the ground in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up, and freshly harvested astrantia seeds are sown in the garden before winter.

However, the seed method does not always convey the varietal characteristics of the plant, so it is better to propagate astrantia by dividing the rhizome. In early spring, before the leaves appear, or in autumn, when the growing season of the plant comes to an end, divide the root nest into several parts and plant these parts at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, adding to landing pit humus. In a month, sprouts will begin to appear on the astrantia delenki, in a year they will turn into full-fledged bushes, and in three years the young plants will bloom. The method of dividing the bush is used to propagate rare and valuable varieties of astrantia.

Pests and diseases of astrantia

Astrantia has an enviable immunity from diseases and pests and can only get sick as a result of improper care. For example, with chronic excessive watering, it can be affected by fungal diseases, which can be eliminated with the help of fungicides - Fundazol, Quadris, Bravo, Fitosporin and other similar drugs.

Astrantia after flowering

How and when to collect astrantia seeds

If you want to collect astrantia seeds, do not cut off the largest and most beautiful inflorescences after withering, and when they begin to dry out, put gauze bags on them so that the ripened seeds do not wake up on the ground. When the inflorescences dry, cut them off, take them to a dry, ventilated room, put them on a newspaper and let them dry completely, then peel the seeds from the inflorescences, clean them from dried petals, pour them into a paper bag or cardboard box and store in a dry, dark place.

Preparing astrantia for winter

In autumn, astrantia shoots are cut almost at surface level and covered with mulch on top - humus or peat. It is better to cover young bushes from above with spruce branches, and adult plants hibernate normally even without shelter.

Types and varieties of astrantia

Of the more than a dozen species of astrantia, three of them are mainly grown in culture:

Large astrantia (Astrantia major)

or astrantia big, grows in Ukraine, in the west of the European part of Russia, in Belarus, Moldova, the Baltic countries and in Central Europe on the edges and lawns of coniferous and broad-leaved forests. This is a spreading plant up to 70 cm high and about 40 cm in diameter with a basal rosette of three to seven-parted leaves on long petioles and simple umbellate inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter of pale pink flowers. The leaflets of the wrapper are also pale pink or green. In culture, this species has been grown since 1597. Most famous varieties astrantia large:

  • Astrantia Moulin Rouge- a variety with inflorescences of a wine-red hue and with even darker, almost black leaves of the wrapper. The flowers of astrantias growing in the sun look the brightest;
  • Astrantia Ruby Wedding- a plant with dark red inflorescences on a bush up to 65 cm high, preferring to grow in partial shade;
  • astrantia claret- a variety with burgundy inflorescences and transparent burgundy wrappers. The height of the bush reaches 55 cm, flowering lasts from early June to late September. The plant loves shade and partial shade. It is possible to grow this variety in a container;
  • astrantia prima donna- a variety with dark red inflorescences and lighter wrappers. The height of the bush is about 70 cm. It can grow both in the shade and in the sun;
  • Astrantia Venice- a variety with ruby ​​\u200b\u200bflowers;
  • Lars- pink astrantia up to 75 cm high. Its bright inflorescences seem to glow in the dark;
  • Sunningdale Variegata- a variety with light lavender flowers and spotted leaves - golden yellow and cream strokes against a green background;
  • Rosensymphony- bush up to 70 cm high with pink flowers and light pink wrappers:
  • Rosea- a bush up to 60 cm high with flowers of an intense pink hue and spotted leaves;
  • snowstar- white astrantia with white-green wrappers. The height of the bush is 55-70 cm. Astrantia of this variety prefer to grow in shade and partial shade;
  • Abbey Road- astrantia red, with purple flowers and dark purple wrappers.

Family Umbelliferae.

Astrantia can be called one of the main perennials of the garden. This is due to the outstanding appearance of this flower, resembling a star, the brightness of its inflorescences, and the duration of flowering. In addition, gardeners appreciate the culture for unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests.

This plant requires a minimum of attention, time and effort.

The astrantia flower is indispensable in landscape design, as it can be used to create beautiful, original compositions and make the backyard unique. The article below provides tips on successful cultivation this culture in the garden.

Characteristics of perennial astrantia

According to botanical characteristics astrantia or star (Astrantia)- highly ornamental perennial herbaceous rhizome plant. The shoot is erect, slightly leafy, up to 80 cm high.

The main feature in the description of astrantia are rich green leaves resembling wrappers. The leaf plates are green, palmately separate, or palmately lobed, collected in basal rosettes. The inflorescences are simple, medium-sized, shaped like a star, consist of many small flowers of white, pink or pink-ruby hue.

The flowering of the plant begins from the end of May and lasts until September. The fruit is two-seeded.

Science does not know where the name of this plant came from, there is only an assumption that it consists of the words "astron", which means "star" and "antion" - "opposite". If everything is clear from the first part of the name, then the second is most likely associated with the shape of the leaves of this flower.

This culture is otherwise called "star", which is fully explained by the inflorescence in the shape of a star.

The description of astrantia is supplemented with a photo where you can see everything features given culture:

Under natural conditions, the plant grows in Eurasia, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It settles on the edges of broad-leaved forests, in open sunny areas, glades, subalpine meadows.

Popular types and varieties of astrantia with a photo

In total, there are about 10 types of starfish in the world, but only 4 of them are popular in horticulture. In addition, at garden varieties astrantia varieties are bred, the description and photo of which is presented below.

Astrantia large (A. major)- a plant up to 80 cm high and about 40 cm in diameter. Leaf plates are long-petiolate, three-seven-parted, bright green, collected in a basal rosette. The flowers are pale pink, collected in an inflorescence - a simple umbrella with a diameter of 5 cm.

AT wild nature flower grows on open places, in meadows and edges of deciduous and coniferous forests.

Varieties of astrantia large:
"Moulin rouge"- a spectacular variety with wine-red inflorescences and leaf wrappers of a dark, almost black color. Particularly beautiful bushes of this variety, grown in open, sunny areas.

"Claret"- one of the most beautiful varieties astrantia with burgundy flowers and transparent burgundy leaf wrappers. Plant height reaches about 60 cm. Flowering begins in the first decade of July, lasts until the end of September. This variety prefers shady areas. Suitable for growing in a container.

"Ruby Wedding"- a variety with bright red flowers, about 70 cm high. Designed for growing in shaded places.

"Diva"- a variety with dark red flowers and light wrappers. The height of the plant reaches 70 cm. The culture is unpretentious, it can be equally successfully grown both in a sunny and in a shaded place.

"Lars"- a variety with rich pink inflorescences, about 80 cm high.

"Rozensymphony"- a plant with bright pink inflorescences and pale pink wrappers. The height reaches about 75 cm.

"Sunningdale Variegata"- a flower with light lavender inflorescences. A feature of the variety are green leaf plates with cream and golden strokes on the surface.

"Snowstar"- a plant with white inflorescences and white-green wrappers. It can reach a height of 50 to 70 cm. It grows well in shaded and dark areas.

"Abby Road"- inflorescences of purple color, wrappers - dark red.

Astrantia largest (A. maxima)perennial flower with a long strong rhizome and tripartite leaves, 70-90 cm high. Inflorescences are umbellate, about 4.5 cm in diameter. The flowers are small, pale pink. Leaves-wrappers are light, pink, membranous, up to 1 cm in length. blooms this species from August to September.

Astrantia small (A. minor)- a plant with slightly branched stems about 70 cm high. Leaf blades are long-petiolate, three to seven-parted. Inflorescences are umbellate, 3 cm in diameter, with numerous pink-white flowers. Flowering from July to August.

Astrantia karniolskaya - (A. carniolica)-perennial with opposite palmately separated leaves and inflorescences - umbrellas with numerous white flowers.

In horticulture, the variety of Astrantia Carniola "Rubra" is known, which has bright pink flowers and wrappers of the same shade. Plant height is 70 cm. Flowering begins in the third decade of May and ends in the third decade of June.

Much less often in horticulture, such types of astrantia as hellebore, three-cut, Bavarian are grown.

Features of growing and caring for astrantia with a photo

Zvezdovka is successfully grown by both experienced gardeners and beginners, since a feature of the culture is its unpretentiousness and good endurance. When growing astrantia, you need to consider that it prefers partial shade, and any garden soil is suitable for it.

Usually, at moderate air temperatures and the absence of heat, the plant does not need watering. With prolonged drought, the flower also does not require an abundance of moisture and may well grow and develop successfully. However, this will affect the flowering of the atrantia. Most likely, in such conditions, it will bloom no more than once per summer. If the grower wishes to re-bloom, then he must ensure that the soil around the bushes is always slightly damp throughout the growing season.

The soil around the bushes after artificial irrigation and rain needs to be loosened, weeds removed. Mulching the area with peat, plant debris or humus will help to reduce watering and prevent the appearance of weeds. To decorative garden flower astrantia was preserved as long as possible, faded inflorescences should be removed in a timely manner. After the first flowering, it is better to cut off all the inflorescences to stimulate the emergence of new inflorescences. The bush will look fresh and well-groomed.

Just once at the start spring period plants are fed with complete mineral fertilizer, but only if it was planted in fertilized soil. If the flower grows on poor soil, another top dressing will be required in the middle of summer with a fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. Liquid fertilizers are ideal. If dry ones are used, then top dressing must be accompanied by abundant watering.

At one place, the astrantia plant is grown for 5 - 7 years, after which the bushes are planted. If the bushes have grown strongly, they are tied to a support so that they do not fall apart.

Young, immature plantings varietal plants in middle lane Russia is preparing in advance for the winter season. This work begins with the onset of the first frost. The stems are cut to the level of the soil. The bushes are sprinkled with a layer of mulch in the form of peat or humus. For shelter use dense fabric, straw or spruce branches. Adults are hardy and can easily endure the winter without shelter.

The following photos will help you understand the features of growing astrantia on a personal plot and see the intricacies of this process:

Propagation of a garden flower of astrantia

A distinctive feature of this perennial is its ability to self-sow, but at the same time, the gardener needs to be prepared for the fact that seedlings will partially retain varietal parental characteristics. For this reason, it is better to use other methods of culture propagation.

One way is to sow freshly harvested seeds. This work is carried out before winter. In the spring, seedlings appear and the task of the gardener is to thin them out, and then carry out the usual care.
Most often, astrantia is planted with seedlings, then it is cared for in open ground, but before sowing the seeds in containers, they are stratified. After the autumn harvest, the seeds are placed in a cool place for 2-3 months. After the specified period, stratified seeds are placed in boxes with light nutrient soil, distributing evenly over the surface. Deepening is not necessary. Sprinkle the seeds on top with a small layer of earth. Crops are covered with film or glass and cleaned in a warm place with a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees. When the first shoots hatch, the shelter is removed.

The boxes are cleaned in a room well lit by the sun and systematic care is carried out in the form of watering and loosening the soil. After a couple of weeks, the grown plants need to be thinned out and cared for until they are properly established.

After the appearance of the first pair of leaves, the seedlings dive in separate containers into the same soil mixture in which the seedlings were grown. 1.5 - 2 weeks before planting astrantia in the ground, they carry out such care: they take pots with grown plants into the garden or onto the balcony, gradually increasing the hours of their stay in the fresh air. This is how crops are hardened. Seedlings are planted in the soil only when the plants are fully grown and accustomed to new conditions. As a rule, this is done in late May - early June after the establishment of warm weather.

Planting an astrantia flower is possible both in an open area illuminated by the sun's rays, and in the shade or partial shade. When planting, a distance of 30–40 cm is left between the bushes, they are not deeply buried in the soil, leaving the roots close enough to the surface. After planting, the soil around the plants is compacted and watered.

The flowering of astrantia grown in this way can be observed after 3 years.
Rhizomes propagate 4-5-year-old plants in April or September. Bushes carefully dig and divide the root nests. After that, the delenki are seated in the holes, after adding humus to them. The distance between the bushes should be at least 30 cm. This method of propagation is used when it is necessary to preserve the characteristics of rare varieties.

Problems when growing astrantia in the garden

Very rarely, perennial astrantia is affected by pests and diseases, and the gardener almost never experiences any special problems when growing it. But with improper care, the strength of the plant runs out and it weakens. So, excessive watering leads to the fact that the soil around the flower does not have time to dry out, and this causes the development of fungus or rotting of the plant.

Affected astrantias need to be treated with fungicides:
"Abiga Peak" containing copper oxychloride, which has a wide spectrum of action;

"Strobirulin"- can be used after planting an astrantia flower and when caring for it, suitable for the prevention and elimination of fungal diseases of horticultural crops;

"Acrobat MC"- a broad-spectrum drug. Kills diseases such as dry spotting, powdery mildew and late blight;

Alirin-B- a biological fungicide that has proven its effectiveness in the fight against fungi, powdery mildew, root rot, late blight and other diseases.

"Gliocladin"- an organic fungicide that destroys fungal pathogens in the soil.

It happens that it is no longer possible to eliminate the disease and save the plant. In this case, dig up the plant, burn and disinfect the area. Such work will help to avoid the disease of neighboring plants.
The main pest of the flower is the naked slug, which, when it hits the plant, begins to eat its foliage. Upon detection harmful insect it is collected in a container and destroyed. With the mass appearance of naked slugs, the drug "Thunder" is used.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests when growing astrantia, it is necessary to carry out proper care behind it: water moderately in hot, dry weather, then be sure to loosen the soil around the bush.

How astrantia is used on the site

Astrantia is a herbaceous plant, which is called ideal for open ground, because it is not only unpretentious, but also looks great throughout the entire flowering period. Its small flowers go well with large flowers roses, unobtrusively complementing and emphasizing their beauty. Zvyozdovka looks great with white, pink and dark crimson roses. Maroon varieties, such as "Moulen Rouge", you can try to combine with orange roses.

This plant, due to its high decorativeness, is widely used for decorating flower beds, borders, borders, mixborders. It is also planted in the central part of the lawn. They look harmonious both in single and group plantings. Astrantias go well in the garden with geraniums, lungwort, poppies, bluebells, hostas and other colorful bright perennials of the garden. In addition, a variety of cereal plants are suitable neighbors for this crop.

Astrantia is recognized as an excellent honey plant, so it can be used to attract bees to the site. These flowers are good for cutting, as they retain their freshness and decorative effect for a long time. They are also suitable for making dry bouquets. Winter compositions with this perennial look gentle, light and bright.

Below is a selection of photos with an astrantia flower, where you can see how it looks on the site in combination with others ornamental plants, as well as in single landings:

The big astrantia flower strikes the imagination with its unearthly beauty and attractiveness. It is definitely worth planting in your garden. And how to organize the care of culture - you can learn from the proposed article.

There are many legends associated with the appearance of such an interesting garden flower as astrantia and its popular species. Some sources tell us about a romantic story about a star girl who fell from the sky in order to be with her beloved and broke into many small Starflower flowers. Others reveal to us the legend of a lover who went after her betrothed, who was killed in the war, and returning back her man, who became a guardian angel, scattered astrantia flowers so that she would safely reach home.

Large astrantia flower ( Astrantia) usually in the process of growing in the open field gives a cut. If planting and care comply with the rules of agricultural technology, then quite elegant bouquet compositions are obtained. Look at the photo of astrantia flowers and see their beauty and unusualness. All cultivated varieties are discussed further on the page and accompanied by a photo.

The romanticism of the plant lies in the fact that even its name is associated with space, in literal translation from Latin it means "star". In this issue, let's take a closer look at this charming flower, learn about what types and varieties you can grow in your garden and how blooming astrantia look in the photo:

Gorgeous astrantia flowers will decorate any site
Astrantia fits into any landscape design in an original way

Astrantia: botanical description and photo

A perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Astrantia belongs to botanists in the Umbelliferae family. Back in the 16th century, when many varieties of astrantia were cultivated, a botanical description of the genus as a whole was created. Its homeland is considered to be the Eastern and central parts of Europe, some species are found in the Caucasus. There are not many species in the genus, the most popular of them in floriculture is the large and largest astracia major. They were taken as a basis by breeders who presented quite big variety varieties, some of which can be seen in the photo below.

Perennials form loose, but tall bushes, from 15 cm to 1 meter high (the length of the stems depends on the species and hybrid). Astrantia shoots are thin, erect, they practically do not branch. The basal rosette is formed from deeply cut leaves of rather large sizes with serrated edges on long petioles. During flowering, which occurs within 2.5-3 months, small flowers of different shades are formed and collected in apical umbellate inflorescences, as shown in the photo below.

In fact, it is the astrantia inflorescences that are the main decorative part of the whole plant. Depending on the species and hybrid, they differ not only in color, but also in size. During flowering, the bushes seem to be strewn with beautiful stars, as the buds have petals that act as a wrapper. Some gardeners confuse them with flower petals. But, in fact, this is just an inflorescence wrapper. By the way, in some species, the shades of the bud and wrapper are different. Rarely, but there are specimens with veins and a border of a different color.

The diameter of the astrantia inflorescence is usually from 3 to 5 cm, the volume of the flower is given by the wrapper. After the plant fades, two-seeded fruits form, they are harvested for planting astrantia before winter or in spring. It is worth noting that germination does not last long and many of them do not have it at all. Usually from 30 seeds located in situ faded inflorescence germination have from 3 to 15 fruits.

Types and varieties of astrantia: Primadonna, Abbey Road, Moulin Rouge

As horticultural crops, only 2 types of astracia are grown, namely large and largest. The fact is that even in nature this plant is very rare and is listed in the international red book. But, breeders have created quite an impressive amount interesting varieties, especially for the species large astrantia (major). Less often, but still, some gardeners grow such species as small and Karmiolskaya. Let's talk about the varieties that are presented by breeders for growing astrantia in open ground conditions and see their photos.

The most popular species used for landscaping areas is a large astrantia or, as it is also called, a big star. . This is a perennial herb from Europe and western Asia with a stem reaching from 30 to 100 cm. The palmately dissected leaves form a basal rosette, 30-45 cm in diameter. They form rather sprawling, but not dense bushes. Umbrella inflorescences are collected in them small flowers various shades. The most common flowers are a pale pink shade, the wrapper is the same color, as shown in the photo below.

In some circles, it is believed that the large astrantia has medicinal properties, which is why it is often used in traditional medicine. Used as a cultivated plant a large number of varieties. So, for example, you can often see a beautiful hybrid called Claret. The growth of this plant is usually from 50 to 55 cm, beautiful small flowers are formed on the stems, collected in simple umbellate inflorescences of wine-red color. The star-shaped wrapper is translucent and emphasizes the depth of the shade in which the claret astrantia buds are colored. Flowering of this variety can be seen from June to the end of August. Some gardeners plant this hybrid in groups in partial shade or shade. Some specimens are excellent colorful container forms.

Another rather original and popular variety large astrantia- this is the Moulin Rouge with dark red wine-colored inflorescences, representatives with burgundy buds are often found. The depth of the shade is emphasized by an almost black wrapper in the shape of a star. It is preferable to plant the Moulin Rouge astrantia variety in a sunny area or in partial shade. In the shade, flowering will be more modest.

A rather tall, sprawling bush is formed by representatives of the Primadonna astrantia variety: such hybrids often grow 70 cm in height. The inflorescences are dark red, framed by light red petals of the wrapper. Gardeners grow this plant in the sun or areas protected by partial shade.

Perennial astrantia varieties Venice grow up to 50 cm in length, they have dark purple inflorescences and wrapper petals. But, this hybrid is not as bright and juicy as the representatives of Abbey Road. These flowers grow 45-60 cm long. The flowers of the hybrid are red-purple in color, and the petals are dark. Flowering occurs from early summer to autumn. To grow this variety, fertile, moist soil and a place protected by partial shade are required.

Another variety of large zdezdovka is Shaggy, reaching 75-80 cm in height. It differs from other representatives in ivory buds, collected in simple umbrella inflorescences. Flowering can be observed all summer, and if faded flowers are removed in time, the plant may bloom again in the fall.

Another, less popular species as a horticultural crop is very rare. It's about about the largest astrantia, reaching from 70 cm to 1 meter. The Caucasus is considered to be its homeland, where in the wild it is very rare to find large loose bushes with not many-leaved tripartite leaves in whorls of 4 in the root zone. Large and bright inflorescences are visible from afar, they are mainly collected from pale pink small buds and are up to 7 cm in diameter. It is worth noting that both the pedicel and the wrapper are a pale pink shade, as you can see in the photo below.

When grown as a garden crop with other species, it is worth planting a plant with a partition, which can be a lawn tape or a dug pot. Otherwise, the largest astrantia will drown out perennials growing nearby.

The most popular variety of this type of astrantia is Roma, which forms a dense bush with warm pink inflorescences. This hybrid blooms for quite a long time, almost all summer. Another large variety of astrantia is Rudy Wedding, reaching 80-100 cm in height with ruby ​​red flowers and a purple-lilac wrapper.

Reproduction of astrantia: planting with seeds and cuttings

In order to get astrantia on your site in a garden or front garden, you can act in several ways to propagate and plant this plant. The fact is that although growing this perennial is not difficult - it can take some time. In total, there are three ways to propagate astrantia: cuttings, rhizome division and seeds. Let's try to talk about them one by one.

Astrantia garden crops are not picky plants, so any plant is suitable for them. garden soil. But, some gardeners, in order for the flowering to be much longer and brighter, fill the soil before planting the perennial. For this, ordinary humus is used. If this is not done, then a transplant may be required in 5-7 years to another place. In order for astrantia to live in one area for 10-12 years, loose and fertile soil is needed.

Vegetative propagation of astrantia is possible by cuttings or by dividing the rhizome. In both cases, this occurs in autumn or spring. In the case of division of the rhizome, a plant is taken without leaves, that is, you need to wait until they fall off or take a specimen with leaves that have not yet awakened. Perennial astrantia is dug out of the ground, after which its root is divided into several parts. Then, you need to seat it in different areas. To propagate astrantia with petioles, you need to divide the basal rosette, after which they are also seated in prepared places. Using vegetative propagation astrantia blooms for 2 years of life.

If you want to get a new plant on your site, try propagating astrantia from seeds. They can be assembled from an existing copy, or you can buy in a store. It is worth remembering that planting astrantia with seeds does not always lead to the desired result, and a new representative of the genus will differ in characteristics from the mother bush. Seed germination is very low and is 10-50% of total number, it does not last very long, therefore, if you plant for the winter, then in November you should sow the seeds of the same year. After they undergo stratification in winter, after the soil freezes, the first friendly shoots will go. They need to be thinned out so that there is a distance of 7-10 cm between them, in the event that these are seedlings. If you plant immediately in a permanent place, then it needs to be increased to 30-50 cm. Plants propagated with the help of seeds bloom for 3 years of their life.

Easy care for astrantia in the open field

Almost all types of astrantia are very thermophilic plants, but at the same time they easily tolerate the cold season. In some regions, it is recommended not only to cut them completely (the entire bush) before winter, but also to cover them with spruce branches. This is necessary both in order to preserve the plant, and in order for it to bloom even more beautifully on next year. As for the care of astrantia in the open field, it is not difficult at all.

In order to grow astrantia on your site, you can prepare a sunny or not very shaded place. This is a rather unpretentious perennial that easily takes root even in the shade of trees. But, it is worth noting that under such conditions it blooms more modestly. That is why, if you want the garden to be decorated with lush beautiful star buds, plant the plant in a sunny place.

Astrantia transplantation is required only in adult plants that have reached 10-12 years of age. They need to be dug up, divided into several parts and seated according to different places. The fact is that after this period the plant begins to lose its decorative appearance and focuses on the growth of green mass.

Top dressing is usually not required, but watering should be regular, since astrantia loves moist soil - this is one of the basics of caring for such a plant. Diseases and pests do not affect the plant. Faded buds must be constantly removed from the bush, as they take away strength from astrantia. If you do this on time, then the perennial will bloom again in the fall, in warm weather.

By the way, some flower growers grow astrantia flower in apiaries, as this is an excellent, but very rare honey plant.

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Ask the most experienced gardener about how many flowers can maintain their decorative appearance throughout the season, and he is unlikely to be able to list many plants at once. There are really few of them. Most people fill their garden according to this principle: when one fades, something else blooms next to it. And this change happens all the time.

We recommend that you pay attention to this garden plant like astrantia. Planting and caring for it is extremely simple, and its sophisticated, magnificent appearance allows it to be used in any flowerbeds and flower beds. With its help, you will create an amazing and many-sided landscape.

What is this flower - astrantia?

Our flower growers do not particularly favor this plant, and it is completely unreasonable. While in Europe it is very popular, as evidenced by the huge number of varieties bred by breeders. Many types of astrantia are common in Great Britain, where it has been known since the 16th century, and in America.

This is a fairly tall rhizomatous plant up to half a meter in height. Large dissected leaves (somewhat reminiscent of motherwort) are collected in a basal rosette. Long peduncles seem to pop out of it. They are straight and practically devoid of leaves. Flowers are collected in a neat inflorescence - an umbrella. In fact, this gave the name to a whole family of plants. The shade of flowers varies from white to dark red. The bush looks especially impressive from the side. At the peak of its growth and flowering (which begins in May and continues until the end of September), it reaches up to 40-50 cm in girth.

Astrantia major

In translation - large astrantia. This is the most famous and widespread species in culture. It is noteworthy that in the natural environment (in nature) at the present stage, it is on the verge of extinction, therefore, in many countries it is listed in the Red Book. The plant has slightly leafy erect stems up to 90 cm high, forms a sprawling bush. Flowering is plentiful and long (35-40 days), for which, in fact, it is valued by flower growers. Moreover, it can be repeated if old shoots are removed in time.

Large astrantia, like many other species and varieties, practically does not suffer from various kinds of diseases and pests, it is resistant to adverse external conditions.

How to grow on the site?

If a plant has established itself as undemanding and resistant to diseases, then this does not mean at all that it can be planted in the very backyards of the site. Do not forget that with the most comfortable conditions it will be higher, larger, and flowering - more abundant and longer. Growing large astrantia involves the right choice of location. She prefers open areas where there is a lot of light, or with a slight shadow, for example, under large trees, the crown of which will let in the rarefied rays of the sun.

The plant is not too sensitive to soils, however, fertility, good moisture and breathability are desirable, it is this kind of soil that astrantia prefers. Planting and care do not cause difficulties even for beginner growers. It is important to remember that the plant is very sensitive to transplantation and does not like it when it is done too often. On the permanent place big bush can grow up to 7 years, provided that it has good, nutrient-rich soil.

Astrantia large should not be understood as one single plant. This species combines many variations that differ in their characteristics. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Grade Buckland

It's grassy perennial with sparse erect stems. There are few leaves (the characteristic shape is palmately dissected), so the bush is compact, up to 50 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, collected in a simple inflorescence - an umbrella, pink in color. Astrantia varieties Buckland prefers sunny places, has high drought tolerance and frost resistance. Flowering is abundant and long - from May to November.

Grade Claret

Medium-sized perennial herbaceous plant up to 50 cm high. Abundant flowering (June-September). In terms of quality characteristics, it is similar to the previous grade. It differs in the color of flowers - in this species it is saturated red (pictured above). There are few leaves, they are collected in neat basal rosettes.

Grade Moulin Rouge

The plant is slightly higher than the previous varieties - 50-65 cm. The flowers are small, collected in simple umbrellas. In combination with bright red bracts, an unusual bright effect is created. This variety prefers sunny areas and fertile soils, slight shading is possible. High rates of winter and drought resistance make it possible to use it everywhere, without covering it for the winter. This is an unpretentious astrantia. Planting and care in the open field are similar to other varieties.

Variety Sunningdale Variegated

A tall representative of the species - 65-80 cm. The stems are erect, with weak branching, there are practically no leaves on them. The rest are collected in a basal neat rosette. It is noteworthy that in this variety the leaves also have a high decorative effect. They have a palm shape and light yellow, creamy fields (see photo). Pale pink flowers with large bracts. Resistance to external environmental factors is similar to that of other varieties. Flowering is abundant and quite long (June-September).

What to choose for yourself?

These are just the most common and well-known varieties of astrantia. In fact, there are a huge number of them. Classification is made not only by the shade of flowers, but also by the timing of the onset of flowering, its duration, leaf color, size, etc. Before buying seeds, be sure to familiarize yourself with this information, so you can choose the most best option. Pledge beautiful flower garden- astrantia suitable for growth. Planting and care (photo) for all varieties, in principle, are similar, it is enough to know some subtleties. For the rest, rely on your own sense of taste or take note of the work of landscape designers.

In addition to the magnificent appearance, the flower is suitable for cutting into bouquets, herbariums, flower arrangements. Pay attention to the photo - how successfully modest, but charming astrantia emphasizes the magnificence of white roses. She sets them off, but at the same time she looks quite self-sufficient.

In the garden, the plant is mainly used in plantings near large trees, where it feels great, as well as in compositions with stones, garden paths. Do not forget that astrantia is a honey plant, and during the flowering period it will certainly attract bees.

Astrantia: planting and care

  • The process of planting young plants is extremely simple and not much different from similar work with phlox, peonies or other perennials. The main requirement is the distance between the bushes of at least 30 cm, and the upper limit rises depending on the variety and its height. Freedom and space - this is what astrantia prefers. Growing and caring for her will also be much easier when there is Free access to the bushes.
  • After planting, lightly tamp the soil around the plant and pour plenty of water. Astrantia grows quite quickly, already in the second year lush bushes form.
  • Watering for adult plants, in principle, is not needed, with the exception of too hot and dry summers. But even in such a situation, it will not require a certain schedule for the flow of water from you and will endure all hardships without compromising its appearance and growth.
  • Under the condition of fertile soil, a single application of mineral fertilizer per season in early spring is sufficient. If the soil is poor, then you can repeat the procedure in the middle of summer before a second wave of flowering.
  • Astrant pruning is needed. Even if you do not achieve constant flowering, then at least for a good decorative look. Remove dry flowers and shoots in time, and then the plant will delight you with its beauty.
  • Sometimes an astrantia needs additional support or a garter, especially if you have chosen a windy area for it or it has been a rainy summer.

Reproduction by seeds

Despite the fact that on the site under natural conditions the plant is extremely easy to propagate by self-sowing, at home this process can cause some difficulties, and it is not always successful. Planting astrantia for seedlings begins in early spring. In this case, the seeds must undergo stratification, that is, keeping at a certain low temperature. After all, this is how everything happens in natural conditions. If for planting you prefer your own seeds to store ones, then experts advise sowing them immediately into the ground in the fall, and in the spring they will sprout safely. Keep purchased material for several weeks in the refrigerator. Then sow them in light, fertile soil, only lightly sprinkled with earth. Try to keep the temperature constant between 20-23°C for best germination. Caring for young plants is extremely simple: first, the seedlings need to be thinned out, and when the second true leaf appears, plant them in separate pots.

Vegetative reproduction

It can take place in two ways: by dividing the mother bush and by small segments of the rhizome. In the first case, the dates are spring and autumn, and in the second - only until the moment of awakening and the beginning of the plant's vegetation. In specialized stores, rhizomes of various varieties are most often sold. Astrantia, planting and caring for which will take a little time, reproduces well in this way, the survival rate is high. The only point worth paying attention to is root system. Before buying a plant, carefully inspect the rhizome if it is open. If the astrantia is in a container, then take a look at the leaves, they should be bright, with normal turgor, without signs of damage. When buying rhizomes in the spring, you can plant them immediately in the ground, if it is winter outside, then use small containers with light and nutritious soil.

One of the most unpretentious, but at the same time amazing plants in our garden - this is astrantia. Planting and care (photos are presented in the article) behind it are elementary simple and do not require much time. Moreover, astrantia does not even need to be transplanted too often. Bright and long flowering, spectacular appearance, low prevalence and exclusivity will allow you to create stunning corners of greenery and picturesque colors on the site.

Astrantia, or Zvezdovka (Astrāntia) is a perennial plant from the extensive umbrella family (Apiaceae), not rich in ornamental species. The genus includes several dozen species growing in Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor and the Caucasus - in broad-leaved forests on the edges and glades, in subalpine meadows. In culture, the largest astrantia (Astrantia major) and the largest astrantia (Astrantia maxima) are best known, other species are much less common: Bieberstein's astrantia, Colchian astrantia, Ossetian astrantia, Pontic astrantia, and three-cut astrantia. This popularity applies to several species, including large astrantia or large starfish. A perennial lush flower is unpretentious. The perennial will appeal to those who like to arrange areas with a natural natural landscape in their garden. We will try to find out where the big astrantia likes to grow, how it breeds, the features of growing and caring for it.

Astrantia big description

Large astrantia (Astrantia maxima) has long been introduced into the culture of horticulture. An amazing plant from the umbrella family. What we take for an astrantia flower is actually an inflorescence: the beautiful leaves of the bract form a kind of “collar” above it - a mass of small flowers on pedicels 2–2.5 cm long.

Now varieties have appeared (‘Mulen Rouge’, ‘Roma’, ‘Claret’), in which the leaves of the bract and pedicels are beautifully painted in pink-purple tones. small flowers appear in late June - early July, and then small very pretty boxes form. It seems that the astrantia blooms all July, because the bract does not lose its bright color.

Not only decorative dissected leaves, but also attractive white-green flowers have varieties of large astrantia ‘Celtic Star’, ‘Green Tapestry’, ‘Jade Lady’, ‘Snow Star’. But the biggest and greenest branches are from the popular variety ‘Shaggy’.

Growing astrantia large from seeds

Large astrantia is able to reproduce on its own by self-sowing. However, it should be noted that in such seedlings the varietal characteristics of parental plants are not fully preserved. In this regard, experienced gardeners recommend choosing other methods for propagating such a flower. Sowing of freshly harvested seeds can be done before winter after shoots appear in spring, they will only have to be thinned out. If you wish, you can grow astrantia through seedlings; for this, the seeds are sown in early spring in boxes. However, in this case, they will need stratification, for this, the seeds of the autumn harvest will need to be placed in the refrigerator in a vegetable box for 8-12 weeks. By the way, carefully inspect the packaging purchased at the astrantia seed store, if it does not indicate that they were stratified by the manufacturer, then you will have to do it yourself.

For sowing seeds use nutritious light soil. They are distributed over its surface, and sprinkled on top with a thin layer of substrate. The boxes should be covered with glass or film and put in a warm place (from 20 to 23 degrees). When seedlings appear, the shelter must be removed.

Picking seedlings of astrantia large

When the plants have their first pair of true sheet plates, they need to be picked in individual pots, while using the same soil mixture as for sowing. You need to start hardening plants 1.5 weeks before planting. To do this, the seedlings are transferred daily to the garden or to the balcony, while the duration of its stay in the fresh air should be increased gradually. Planting seedlings in open ground can be produced only after it has fully adapted to the new conditions.

Reproduction of astrantia large by dividing the bush

This astrantia propagation method is carried out either in early spring, when the first leaves have not yet appeared, or in autumn, when the star has already faded. You need to dig the bush in half, that is, remove the earth from only one side. Then divide the root into required amount parts (preferably no more than three). Next, one part must be left in a half-dug hole, and the other parts should be carefully separated with an earthen clod and transplanted into pre-prepared pits. Do not forget to add humus or other fertilizer to the transplant hole, and also water after instillation.

When to plant seedlings of astrantia large in open ground

You can plant seedlings in open ground in early June. The perfect place is penumbra, but astrantia feels great on open areas, and in the shade. The soil is preferably loose, the place is not swampy. For very clay soils: add a couple of buckets of humus and a bucket of sand to the plot with astrantia, for very sandy - only humus. In addition, there are no special preferences for the composition of the soil.

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We make holes at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, deepen so that the plant is at the same level as in the pot. The earth around the planted plant must be compacted and watered abundantly. Usually such a plant begins to bloom in the 3rd year.

Watering and soil care astrantia large

If the summer is still too dry, then watering is done 1-2 times a week. Pay attention to the top layer of soil: if it is too dry, then watering is needed more often. A feature of astrantia is that while keeping the soil moist all the days of the growing season, it can bloom again. After watering, you can loosen the soil or mulch. In the form of mulch, humus is suitable.

In autumn, the leaves and stems are cut off, the roots are covered with leaves and other covering material. In spring, the plant begins to actively grow, form buds, and blooms starting in June.

Diseases and pests of astrantia large

Zvyozdovka is a very hardy plant, it is practically not damaged by pests and rarely gets sick. Sometimes the bushes are attacked by naked slugs that eat the leaves. Astrantia, eaten by slugs, loses its attractiveness and decorative effect. If these pests are found on the flowers, they must be manually collected and destroyed. You can use the drug "Thunder" to protect astrantia from naked slugs. Sometimes the plant suffers from waterlogging, especially on heavy acidic soils. Treatment comes down to orderly watering and timely loosening of the soil around the flower.

One of the most unpretentious, but at the same time amazing plants in our garden is a large astrantia. Planting and caring for it is elementary simple and does not require much time. Moreover, astrantia does not even need to be transplanted too often. Bright and long flowering, spectacular appearance, low prevalence and exclusivity will allow you to create stunning corners of greenery and picturesque colors on the site.