Arrangement of a bathroom in a wooden house. Do-it-yourself bathroom in a private house: photos and instructions for arranging a sewer system Modern bathrooms in country houses

How to plan a bathroom in a private house

“Take a bath, drink a cup of coffee...” - a quote from an old Soviet film was a symbol comfortable life. You can see how Andrei Mironov’s hero, in a robe and a funny net to preserve his hair, enters a cozy bathroom, where there is a lot of space, cabinets filled with beautiful bottles and a soft, fluffy towel on the heated towel rail. It is impossible to create a comfortable bathroom without careful planning. How to properly plan a bathroom in a house?

  • Layout of the bathroom in the house: what are the features.
  • Layout of a bathroom in a private house: dimensions and standards.
  • Layout of a combined bathroom in the house.
  • Layout of a small bathroom.

Layout of a bathroom in a private house: features

The owner of a private house can choose how many bathrooms he will have, and of what size and purpose; he can provide a window in the bathroom, he can place it in the attic. But this freedom is limited by common sense and a number of current standards and rules: everything must be ergonomic, convenient, and safe. Let's dwell on the most important points.

How many bathrooms there should be in a house and how to place them depends on the area, number of residents and expected guests.

A small one-story house with two bedrooms. Large combined bathroom. Option: bathroom ( large room with a bath) and a restroom (a room with a toilet and sink) or a small bathroom (toilet + shower or shower compartment) closer to the living room.
Two-storey house with three bedrooms (or more), inhabited by two adults and children three bathrooms. On the ground floor there is a small guest bathroom (if the guest bedroom is downstairs, if not, a toilet will suffice); on the second there is a bathroom with access from the parents' bedroom, and a bathroom that the children use (it opens onto the corridor).
A house in which three generations of a family live. For older people, a full bathroom is made next to their bedroom on the first floor; Guests are offered a bathroom next to the living room.

IN two-story house the bathroom is placed above the bathroom - this way you can save on communications.

It is forbidden to install a bathroom above a living space.

Where to make a bathroom

The placement of a bathroom largely depends on whether it will have a window. If not, then it can be placed near the northern wall of the house. If you want a window, especially a large one, then you need to choose a different location (ideally, the bathroom windows face east).

In a bathroom without a window there must be forced ventilation

A small window is also acceptable in the restroom, but then the window sill must be at least 130 cm from the floor in order to place a toilet or cabinet under it.

How to determine the size of a bathroom

Giving too much space at home to the bathroom is as unwise as installing a bathroom in a cramped space. According to current SNIPs, the minimum area of ​​the combined bathroom is 3.8 square meters. m.

But such a micro-premises, reminiscent of cramped bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings, does not allow us to talk about any comfort. But the main bathroom in the house should be comfortable and spacious - these are the things that make up your lifestyle. Spacious, comfortable bathroom fully corresponds to the philosophy country life– we moved outside the city, among other things, to take a bath, admiring the large flakes of snow outside the window.

The optimal bathroom area in a private house for a family of 4 people is from 8 sq.m.

Let's see how this figure turned out.

Approximate area required:

  • for a shower stall – 2-2.5 sq.m;
  • for a sink – 0.9 – 1 sq.m;
  • for a toilet 1.2 – 1.8 sq.m.

The experience of FORUMHOUSE participants shows that a bathroom in a private home is never too large.


I have a bathroom space of 5.5 sq.m: shower, sink, toilet, drawer dirty laundry, also a wall cabinet. Nothing else will fit unless you push it in. And 15 sq.m. They will sell out with a bang, but maybe not enough!

When planning a bathroom, you need to consider the following parameters:

Layout of a combined bathroom

If the bathroom area is more than 8 square meters, the bathtub can be placed in the center - the main thing is that it can be approached from all sides, and the recommended distances between different plumbing items are observed.

It’s great if there is a chair in the bathroom; it must be waterproof. The chair can be placed next to the bathroom, but cabinets and chests of drawers can be placed further away to protect them from harmful effects moisture.

When planning a bathroom, convenience is at the forefront, this is important even in small things: rugs should not be slippery, heated towel rails should not be narrow. If the room will be used by older people, it is better to install a shower stall with a seat instead of a bathtub and limit yourself to a minimum of furniture to create spacious passages.

How to determine the size of a guest bathroom

The size of the guest bathroom is determined depending on how often guests come to the house and how many of them there will be. But usually architects recommend making guest bathrooms in private houses. It is also recommended to think about who will use the bathroom - if only guests, then a minimum set of plumbing fixtures will be sufficient in this room (toilet, sink, heated towel rail; perhaps a shower stall or a compartment with a partition). If the owners also use this room, then you can make a full-fledged combined bathroom with bathtub.

When planning a guest bathroom, you need to remember that:

  • Forced ventilation is required in this room.
  • it is better to do it either in the hall and corridor, immediately near the entrance, or next to the rooms in which guests will stay.

Layout of a small bathroom

There are simple tricks that can save space in a small bathroom:

  • need to put it in wall hung toilet;
  • install a small corner sink;
  • Light and glossy finishing materials, niches, lighting, etc. will visually expand the space of the room.

Any small bathroom It will look more spacious if you lay the same tiles on the floor and walls of the part where the shower is located.

There are also a number of norms and rules that you need to know when planning bathrooms.

  • Doors from any bathroom can only open outwards.
  • The entrance to the restroom should be made only from the corridor or hallway (in no case from the living room or kitchen).
  • The ceiling height in the room into which the toilet door opens should not be less than 2.1 m.
  • If the bathroom is in the attic, then there should be at least 1.05 m from the sloping roof to the toilet lid.

Bathroom layout: what's what

Often, homeowners begin to plan the placement of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom after the house with all the plumbing facilities has already been built, and serious problems begin: “the stone flower does not grow together.”

Here is an example of our participant with the nickname Mishelka1973: She needs to install a bathtub, sink and toilet in the bathroom. The sewer outlet is marked on the diagram with a blue dot.

If you move the sink, a regular 170 cm long bathtub will fit, but the best solution would be a small asymmetrical bathtub.

A corner bathtub is preferable for small bathrooms; it provides incredible space compared to a traditional 170*70 cm bathtub.

In the photo below is a simple corner bath measuring 135x135 cm from a member of our portal with the nickname Starajamisch66.

  • Make a list of necessary plumbing fixtures and furniture (in descending order of importance). Calculate their sizes.
  • “Arrange” objects on the diagram. Ask your FORUMHOUSE colleagues to criticize your project.
  • Cheat sheet for medium-sized plumbing models

    • Toilets – 40x65 cm;
    • Bathtubs - 80x160, 70x170;
    • Corner baths– 150x150;
    • Bathtub height – 50 cm, with legs – 64 cm;
    • Shower cabins 80x80 cm, 90x90 cm, 100x100 cm;
    • Washbasin – 50–60 cm (width).


    Every householder can cope with the independent planning of bathrooms. It is important to remember the standards and remember the priority of comfort over saving space. The bathroom is an important room in the home, and with proper thought and planning, you can begin to live a much better and happier life.

    FORUMHOUSE contains tools that help you cope with this task. You can look for a suitable project or put up your own for discussion, criticism and search for the best furniture. You can use ready-made ones. We have collected a huge array. In the blog of the respected Technician-san you can find solutions to the most difficult ones. Read our article about how, watch the video that talks about implementation unusual idea wiring of plumbing equipment.

    Unlike a city apartment, a private house gives practically limitless possibilities for registration. That’s why owners of just such homes most often decide to have a combined bathroom. But you need to understand that alone bold ideas And square meters is by no means sufficient to create a comfortable and functional combined space - it is very important to wisely manage the available space. In order for you to succeed, we will further reveal several aspects of the design of a bathroom combined with a toilet: the main advantages and disadvantages of the idea, the stages of creating the project, planning rules, features of organizing the resulting space and, in addition, photos of already equipped bathrooms.

    Pros and cons of the combination idea

    It makes sense to start design and repair work only if you are absolutely sure of the rationality and appropriateness of a combined bathroom in your home. But how to accept here the right decision? There is only one way - to soberly assess the advantages and disadvantages of a bathroom combined with a toilet.

    1. Extension usable area. Thanks to the elimination of a wall and one doorway, the dimensions of the bathroom are significantly increased. This is, of course, the main advantage, because cramped space has never been a joy for anyone - it provokes not only physical, but also emotional discomfort.
    2. Savings on finishing. Due to the absence of one wall, the volume of necessary finishing materials is reduced and, as a result, the cost of facing work is reduced.
    3. Brave design techniques. In a large combined bathroom you can realize more original ideas design than in two small separate rooms.

    A combined bathroom allows you to use space more efficiently
    1. Albeit small, but it costs money and time to draw up and execute the project.
    2. The close proximity of the toilet and areas of cosmetic and bath procedures - if a large family lives in the house, this can cause some discomfort.

    Don't the indicated disadvantages scare you? This means that the decision has been made: we begin to study the features of the immediate redevelopment process.

    Stages of creating a design project

    The layout of a combined bathroom in a private house will not result in overwhelming problems if you competently draw up a design project. And for this you need to understand all its stages.

    First– taking measurements of the premises. At this stage you need to calculate what it will be total area of the combined room, as well as the width and height of each of the four walls, ceilings and floors.

    Important! If you are designing a combined bathroom not from scratch, but in a rebuilt house with a separate bathroom and toilet, before creating the project you need to dismantle the wall and one of the doors in order to complete accurate calculations area.

    Second– zoning of space. The new bathroom should have four zones:

    • bath area: shower or bath;
    • toilet area;
    • cosmetic treatment area;
    • zone of economic needs.

    Third– determination of the new location of communications: water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, .

    Fourth– thinking through the placement of all equipment, furniture, plumbing equipment.

    Zoning in the bathroom

    Fifth– direct creation of a design project. Using information about the configuration, zoning and dimensions of the combined unit, you can proceed to drawing up a project. Here you have two options: either do the work yourself using special programs, or contact a specialized company.

    Planning rules

    How to plan a new combined bathroom so that it turns out to be both functional and comfortable at the same time? To do this, you must follow certain standards and recommendations of experts:

    • Minimum permissible dimensions: total area - 3.8 m, height - 2.5 m, width - 0.8 m, depth - 1.2 m. The maximum possible dimensions are not regulated.
    • The bathroom should not open into living rooms and kitchen. The best option- exit to the hallway.
    • The door should open outwards.
    • It is recommended to leave a space of 80-100 cm in front of the bathtub or shower stall.
    • should be located from the stall or bathroom approximately at arm's length - no more than 70 cm, so that it is within a comfortable reach.
    • It is recommended to install the sink at a height of 80-90 cm.
    • From the entrance to the sink you need to leave about 70 cm of free space for the convenience of cosmetic and hygiene procedures.
    • The sink should not be closer than 25 cm to the toilet or bidet.

    In a spacious room you can install a large bathtub

    Advice. If you want to install two sinks at once in a combined bathroom, for comfort it is advisable to maintain at least a minimum distance of 40-50 cm between them.

    • It is recommended to leave at least 40-60 cm of free space around the toilet: 60 cm in front, 40 cm on the sides.

    Although many of these rules are optional, neglecting them is fraught with unpleasant consequences: the bathroom will not only be unergonomic, but also overly cluttered, which will cause it to be inconvenient and unsightly.

    Features of the design of a combined bathroom

    Another point on which the success of implementing the idea of ​​a combined bathroom depends is the design features of the new room. In particular, its setting. Here you need to focus on the dimensions and configuration of the bathroom.

    If new room came out rectangular, and the door is located on long walls That is, the optimal arrangement would be: a bathtub or stall - against one end wall, a washing machine - opposite in the corner, a sink and the main shelves and cabinets - against the longitudinal wall, approximately opposite the doorway.

    If the bathroom is strict square shape, you can try to make it more “soft”: place the bathtub in a kind of semicircular niche, install an oval sink opposite it, and cabinets with neatly rounded corners on the side.

    In not very large combined bathrooms, you need to actively use the corners. Great optioncorner table top with a sink. You can install a washing machine under the countertop, and shelves for hygiene products above. In another corner you can place a compact shower stall.

    If the doorway is located on end wall rectangular room, use the following diagram: opposite the door - a bathtub or shower, along one long wall - a sink with cabinets and shelves for cosmetics and bath accessories, along the second long wall - a cabinet for various household assets and a washing machine.

    As you can see, if you approach the matter wisely, you can quite successfully cope with even such a difficult task as decorating a bathroom combined with a toilet. In this matter, the most important thing is to give free rein to your design imagination and adhere to all stages and rules of planning: if you don’t miss a single nuance here, you will get a functional, comfortable and ergonomic space where you can long years enjoy relaxing treatments.

    Bathroom in the house: video

    This publication should be taken as an example of a solution, a photo report on the creation of a toilet and shower in a private house. In my opinion, the result exceeded all expectations and deserves attention. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t have a high-quality camera to capture the whole process. The clarity of the photographs leaves much to be desired, but these are stills real work, and not polished and “photoshopped” pictures from packaging of building materials.

    It all started with the fact that the owners were tired of the amenities in the yard and the lack of a shower in the house. To create comfortable conditions, it was decided to use a hallway measuring only 280 by 170 centimeters. Since the entrance to the house was located there, this area also had to be used as a passage into the house. A house built in Soviet times, from the remains of reinforced concrete products from wooden floors. The vestibule was poorly insulated and in severe frosts the inside walls were covered with frost, despite the presence of a radiator. There was a need for insulation.

    The situation with the sewage system was also not encouraging: the house only had a 50 mm drain. for kitchen needs and supplying a full 110 mm pipe. was not profitable. Therefore, it was decided to use sewage pump with a grinder for forced drainage of toilet waste into the fiftieth pipe.

    For a number of reasons, in particular to eliminate wet processes when pouring concrete, we decided to install a new wooden floor along the joists. For pouring concrete slab it took more time, and there was absolutely little space on the street to receive or mix concrete. In general, after much deliberation and weighing, we finally settled on a wooden floor.

    All necessary communications were laid under the joists, including a Ø32 mm PPR pipe. to drain wastewater from the pump. All pipes were wrapped with insulation.

    Here, by the way, is the pump itself. The installation is trial, the floor is not yet laid. Flushing occurs according to polypropylene pipe, about 3 meters long, followed by a standard 50 mm pipe.

    The floor is covered, the underground space communicates with the subfloor of the entire house, plus an additional vent to the street is made under the vestibule for reliable ventilation of the underground space. In addition, 50 mm extruded polystyrene foam is laid between the joists.

    The pipes for the shower and toilet are partially laid under the floor and along the walls. Communications for the washbasin are removed from the underground in the place of the future partition.

    External, freezing walls needed to be insulated. Since insulation from the outside was unacceptable in this situation, it had to be done from the inside. In general, insulation from the inside is an extremely undesirable phenomenon for a number of reasons. If there is no other way out, then this should be done with a material with minimal vapor permeability. Otherwise, the walls under the insulation will fog up, collapse, and mold will flourish. Mineral wool, even wrapped in vapor barrier, is not suitable for such purposes. Therefore, the insulation was performed with extruded polystyrene foam.

    Calculation and planning on paper is one thing, but evaluation in practice is a completely different matter. It was necessary to make sure that all sizes matched and evaluate the convenience of the future bathroom. Some adjustments have been made. By the way, the heating pipes and two radiators had to be dismantled before insulation, because they were installed without our changes in mind.

    The central heating pipes were reconnected taking into account the changes, the frame and cladding were completed external walls moisture-resistant plasterboard. Gypsum fiber was laid on the floor for porcelain stoneware cladding.

    The time has come to erect partitions. The first one divides the vestibule into two parts, a bathroom and a passage into the house. The second is a wall for fastening glass door shower cabin. The frame was filled from the inside with slabs of mineral wool for sound insulation.

    I completely forgot about the shower drain: during the installation of the floor, a drain pipe was installed under the floor. A 20 by 20 centimeter window was cut into the boards for installing a ladder. Subsequently, the ends of the window were treated with waterproofing and the ladder was filled tile adhesive. Naturally, while pouring the window, metal pins were attached to the wood to securely fix the glue “cake” in the wooden window.

    On the flat floor of the shower stall, a small screed with slopes, 0-2 cm thick, was poured, coating waterproofing with access to the walls.

    The walls and floor were tiled, the floor in the shower was laid with the same tiles as in the rest of the bathroom. There were a lot of corners that had to be cut in the process. External corners were formed plastic corners in the color of the tiles, one is blunt external corner I had to file it into a mustache.

    Where to place a bathroom in a wooden house, brick or concrete? and issue it? These questions are asked by many owners of suburban areas allocated for construction.

    Designing a restroom in a private house is actually an important stage and has a lot of nuances. Certain rules you will have to observe both when choosing and its location. There are also regulations regarding the placement of plumbing fixtures and selection.

    Dimensions and location

    The concept of “convenience in the yard” is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Today even owners of small country houses in the villages they prefer to install a toilet right in the building. Do this if there is equipment on the market such as septic tanks that are easy to install PVC pipes, not difficult. Of course, when drawing up a project, the location in a private house should be chosen so that using this room is pleasant and convenient.

    Size selection

    According to SNiP standards, utility rooms, which include the bathroom, should account for no more than 20% of the area of ​​the house. Dimensions - no less than 3.8m2, separate bathroom - 3.3m2, toilet - 1.5m2.

    The minimum area is usually chosen when arranging a bathroom in a country house. And this is not surprising, because built with your own hands summer house, rarely differs in large size.

    Compact original restroom in a log house

    In residential cottages, the size of a combined bathroom is never less than 4.5-5 m2. Sometimes in country houses Several restrooms are also installed.

    IN residential buildings bathrooms usually have a large area

    Where to place the toilet

    When drawing up a building project, experts advise adhering to the following:

    • At least one of the walls of the restroom must be external. Ventilation will be cheaper.
    • Bathroom in country house or the living area is not located next to the kitchen or dining room. Typically, restrooms are located near bedrooms and closets or under the stairs.

    A convenient additional bathroom can be installed under the stairs

    • Waterproofing of restroom floors is mandatory.
    • Installing a bathroom in a wooden house involves treating the walls with anti-rot agents.
    • If the project provides for several latrines, they are located on floors one above the other.

    Layout of bathrooms in a country cottage

    Advice: Required device fan pipe SNiP is not provided for in small buildings. However, experts still advise including it in the project. This will relieve home owners from the risk of unpleasant odors in residential areas.

    It is advisable to install sewer ventilation even in a small house

    According to SNiP regulations, it is prohibited to bring it into residential premises. You should also not place the toilet above the kitchen or living rooms.

    Equipment and design

    So, the location for installing the bathroom in a private house and it has been selected. Now let's look at how to make the restroom comfortable by arranging the plumbing fixtures correctly. must be done so that:

    • they were convenient to use,
    • The owners did not have any problems maintaining the sewerage system.

    Bathroom in a private house. Photo of a comfortable ergonomic room

    Placement of plumbing

    Have plumbing fixtures, guided by SNiP standards.

    The minimum permissible free space in front of a bathtub or shower is 70 cm, in front of the toilet - 60 cm. The distance between devices should not be less than 25cm. Minimum height sink location – 80cm from the floor.

    Plumbing fixtures should be arranged so that they are convenient to use.

    The toilet is placed in close proximity to the riser - after the bath and sink. The farther it is from the main pipe, the higher the risk of blockages.

    Furniture installation

    In a small bathroom at the dacha or in the village one-story house Usually only shelves are installed.

    Photo of a bathroom in a wooden house. Convenient shelves for storing household chemicals

    The large restroom in the cottage can accommodate an entire set. A cabinet for storing shampoos and gels is usually located next to the bathroom. Bedside tables with drawers for cosmetics, towels and small household appliances (hair dryer, razor) - not far from the mirror and sink.

    Comfortable cabinets and bedside tables for a large bathroom

    On a note: In the restroom there is often a compact utility unit for storing mops and buckets. It can be equipped with, for example, narrow wardrobe, installing it in the corner of the room.

    Restroom design project

    The bathroom should be decorated in the same style.

    Usually repeats the interior style of the building itself. However, there are exceptions. Sea style, for example, is suitable for almost any restroom. Toilets located in attics are often designed in a loft style.

    Original loft bathroom country house

    Advice: A bathroom in a house made of timber or logs is best decorated in a folk style. It can be country, Provence, Russian, etc. For a brick or concrete building, classic and modern trends are more suitable.

    Unlike restrooms in city apartments, bathrooms in private houses are usually equipped with a window. Such a room should be decorated with indoor plants.

    Bathroom in the country. Photo of a mini restroom with indoor plants

    It is better to close the window itself not with curtains, but with hygienic blinds. A mandatory attribute of any bathroom is a mirror. It can be decorated with a beautiful frame that matches the style of the interior and plumbing.

    A mirror can become a real “highlight” of a bathroom

    A country house should:

    • be moisture resistant
    • do not be afraid of temperature changes (for dachas),
    • be easy to clean and hygienic.

    All these requirements are met by materials such as tiles and PVC panels.

    Most often, restrooms in country houses are finished with tiles and PVC panels

    Ceramic tile

    Durable and beautiful tiles - the perfect finish for a restroom. You can tile the entire bathroom or combine it with other materials.

    On a note: Arranging a bathroom in frame house, paving stones or logs, ceramic tiles are sometimes used to finish only problem areas that are most exposed to moisture.

    Bathroom in the country. Photo of a room partially tiled

    Instead of tiles, you can use ceramic or smalt mosaics to decorate the restroom. This material is in Lately became very popular. The only drawback of tiles and mosaics is that they are somewhat difficult to install.

    Neat restroom in a minimalist style, decorated with mosaics


    PVC panels are distinguished from tiles by their not too high cost. They are easier to install, but less resistant to mechanical damage. Choosing panels of a suitable shade will not be difficult for a restroom in any style.

    Advice: To decorate a bathroom in a wooden house, it is better to use panels instead of panels. plastic lining“wood-like”, beige or brown.

    Wood-look plastic is a very good finishing option for a country house restroom

    Other materials

    Sometimes materials such as plasterboard, lining and plywood are used to cover the walls of a restroom in a country house. The first option is more suitable for a brick or concrete building. Plywood and clapboard are often used to line a bathroom in a wooden house.

    Important: Upholstering a bathroom regular drywall it is forbidden. For this purpose, only moisture-resistant green material is used.

    Green moisture-resistant plasterboards are used to decorate bathrooms.

    As in a city apartment, in the bathroom of a country house you can use suspended, plasterboard and slatted ceilings.

    Combined suspended ceiling in the restroom at home

    These are the basic rules for designing and decorating a restroom in the house. Follow the recommendations of experts, be guided by your own ideas about convenience and beauty, and you will get a functional, country house.

    Most people believe that bathroom design begins and ends with choice. finishing material and him color range. In fact, this is a broader concept.

    A complete design project, which forms the basis of the renovation, includes electrical wiring, water supply and sewerage diagrams, taking into account the location of plumbing fixtures. Only after this on paper or in a computer program down to the accessories. All stages are interconnected, the result should be a harmonious picture of the future renovation: beautiful, comfortable, functional.

    Bathroom design: principles of planning and zoning

    There is such a thing as a “functional zone”, which is integrally associated with planning. Plumbing fixtures are placed in such a way that they are as separate as possible from each other, and there is at least a little free space in front and on the sides for convenient use.

    If desired, individual zones can be distinguished: combinations of textures are used, color accents are made, and partitions are installed. In a combined bathroom there should be at least three work areas:

    • Sink area;
    • Toilet areas;
    • Shower/bath area.

    The starting point for planning is sewer riser. The further the plumbing fixtures are installed from it, the more pipes will have to be laid while maintaining the slope necessary for draining. In practice, a toilet bowl 2-3 meters away from the riser will have to be raised onto a podium to ensure normal water drainage.

    There are two main ways to arrange plumbing fixtures:

    • Linear – involves parallel placement of elements, often opposite each other;
    • Radial - plumbing fixtures are placed around the perimeter.

    The complete design of a combined bathroom consists of little things, not the least of which are accessories: faucets, shelves, towel hooks, coasters, soap dishes, towel holders, toilet paper, much more. It is recommended to place accessories according to the arm's length rule. That is, everything that may be needed, for example, near the washbasin should be no further than 70 cm.

    Selection of plumbing

    All plumbing fixtures must be compatible with each other. Stylistics, material and shape are of primary importance. The dimensions of the products often dictate the small dimensions of the room. Fortunately, the modern market offers many options that allow you to make the most economical use of space without sacrificing quality or convenience.

    For small rooms, it is preferable to choose built-in, wall-hung or corner plumbing fixtures. At the same time, the physique of the guests is taken into account. A very tall man will probably be uncomfortable in a one and a half meter bathtub, and large people will be uncomfortable in a small shower.

    Pay attention to the size of the washbasin. Of course, you want to save money, but a very small sink is not always the best option. If you plan to install it under the sink washing machine Preference should be given to a model with a siphon moved back.

    Choosing a color palette

    The choice of color in the interior is influenced by personal preferences, but other important factors are also taken into account:

    • Light colors visually enlarge the room, dark colors make it smaller;
    • Psychological perception of color;
    • If you decide to stick to one style in the design of a combined bathroom, then in many respects it will dictate the choice of colors that correspond to its concept;
    • Those who are interested in Feng Shui should take into account that, according to Taoist teachings, restoration of strength and cleansing from fatigue can only be achieved by pastel shades blue, green, white, purple.

    Brown, gray, black are considered undesirable.

    Selection of finishing materials

    There are special requirements for materials. They should be beautiful, practical, and moisture resistant. This applies to all surfaces.

    The ceiling can be flat or figured; here it is important to take into account the height of the walls. Suspended structures will steal at least 5 cm from the height. If you select for walls, floor and ceiling different coatings, it is important that they fit organically into the overall interior.

    Bathroom design is a creative process, if it is difficult to draw a picture in your imagination, but you want something interesting, you can look at the interiors of combined bathrooms in the photos presented on the Internet. There are many suitable products on the modern market, as they say, for every taste and budget.

    For wall decoration:

    • Laying ceramic and glass tiles;
    • Painting walls with waterproof paints;
    • Pasting with waterproof wallpaper;
    • Decorative plasters;
    • Plastic panels.

    The main finishing material is often combined with natural and artificial stone, pebbles, mosaics.

    For the ceiling:

    • Coloring;
    • Gluing ceiling tiles;
    • Suspended ceiling made of moisture-resistant plasterboard;
    • Aluminum suspended panels;
    • Plastic panels.


    • Ceramic and porcelain tiles;
    • Flooring made of natural wood (terrace board);
    • Natural cork;
    • Waterproof laminate;
    • Self-leveling polymer floors.

    If you chose to decorate the room ceramic tile, you can perform the layout in special computer programs. In addition to visualization, they help to correctly calculate the amount of finishing and consumable materials.

    How to properly organize lighting

    Lighting is important and many people underestimate it. Properly selected and positioned lamps will provide normal illumination, make the bathroom interior more comfortable, emphasize the chosen style, help hide or highlight individual elements, and visually enlarge or reduce the space.

    Original modern solution– illumination of different zones with colored lighting, as well as highlighting individual parts LED strip.

    Lighting Tips:

    • Ideally, each functional area should have its own lighting in the form of one or more lamps;
    • A direct beam of light should not be reflected in the mirror;
    • The design of a small bathroom always involves bright lighting; it helps to visually enlarge the room;
    • The luminous flux power regulator will help organize the necessary mood;
    • It is not advisable to use fluorescent lamps cold spectrum (5000-7000K), they do not contribute to the creation of comfort.

    Meaning and location

    The mirror is chosen in accordance with the overall concept and style. If squares predominate, it should have pointed corners; in an interior with smooth lines, oval or round looks better. According to the method of installation, mirrors are divided into built-in (recessed into the finish), wall-mounted in a frame and floor-mounted; in addition, the mirror can be a facade wall cabinet.

    Very often the design of a combined bathroom in modern style emphasized by mirrors with neon lighting, but it does not carry a functional load and is only a decor that quickly gets boring. Reflective surfaces visually enlarge the room, but in excess they can be uncomfortable.

    Main areas of mirror location:

    • Above the washbasin;
    • On one less than two adjacent walls above the bathtub;
    • Interior of the front door;
    • Rear wall of the niche;
    • In large rooms, floor mirrors the size of a person are installed.

    Windows and false windows

    It so happened that the design of a bathroom with a window is rare for us. Except that apartments often have a small window into the kitchen. There is so little light from this “window” that the opening is usually sewn up. Alternatively, instead of it, you can insert a stained glass window, a painting, or convert it into a niche.

    Spacious rooms in private houses may well have a window opening of any shape and size. This solution has many advantages: daylight, additional ventilation, visual increase in space, aesthetics. If the perspective view from the window is not satisfactory, you can limit yourself to a false window. It can also be equipped with a wide window sill with a cutout for a washbasin, decorate roller blinds, cute textile curtains. And if you put moisture-loving plants on the windowsill, the restroom will turn into a real green oasis.

    Non-standard solutions and techniques

    Modern technologies and an abundance of finishing make it possible to embody the most original architectural ideas even in the bathroom and complement the interior of the bathroom with innovative elements. Perhaps one of these ideas will appeal to you too.

    Bathroom design - a bathroom in trouble

    • The podium can already be considered a classic technique. It helps to create unusual curves, lines, and baths.
    • Built-in shower cabin - rational and nice solution from which the interior of a combined bathroom of any size will only benefit. The absence of a pallet opens up new possibilities for organizing space. In addition, such showers look stylish and modern.
    • Fireplaces are original, non-standard solution became possible with the advent of biofireplaces. The new product runs on environmentally friendly fuel, does not require a chimney, carbon dioxide During the combustion process, no more is formed than from a candle. Most often, such fireplaces are built into walls.
    • Partitions in the design of shared bathrooms usually play a decorative role, while blocking a separate functional area.
    • Niches are rare, since their arrangement involves reducing the volume of the room.
    • The arrangement of plasterboard boxes is usually caused by the need to hide communications that were forgotten or could not be hidden in the walls on initial stages repair.

    The design of a combined bathroom, large or small, is quite a complex, painstaking job in which a huge number of nuances need to be taken into account. Take your time, before trying to recreate a picture from the Internet, think about whether it fully meets your requirements.