tpm equipment maintenance. Deployment of the TPM - Lean Manufacturing system

Despite the presence of a large number of proprietary tools and approaches (applicable only to equipment), TPM is part of lean, one of the areas of improvement. General principles lean are valid in any process, including the maintenance and operation of equipment. The philosophy does not contradict anything, but on the contrary, harmoniously complements the lean philosophy.

  • Total staff involvement.

Already from the word “universal” it is clear that every employee of the company, who, one way or another, can influence the operation of the equipment, is involved in the work. The work requires the involvement of all personnel. First of all, these are repair and production (operating) personnel, as well as relevant managers. Their work is directly related to the equipment.

But besides this, other services are also involved in TPM: technological, quality, design, etc. All, in one way or another, can influence the efficiency of equipment and contribute to increasing its efficiency. To eliminate equipment downtime, TPM requires the participation of managers at all levels of management. The main emphasis in the work is on prevention, which is carried out by production and maintenance personnel.

  • TPMimplies a division of responsibility.

Firstly, between maintenance and production personnel. One of the tasks is to form relationships like in modern good car services: the driver himself takes care of his car, and the repair staff quickly and efficiently carries out Maintenance. He is not interested in the driver visiting him often. The same division of responsibility is expected among other services of the company.

  • Work on prevention, not correction.

Despite the extensive range of tools and approaches aimed at improving equipment efficiency, TPM is based on the principle of prevention. It is no secret that it is better to predict and prevent a breakdown or malfunction than to heroically fight it later. Most TPM approaches and tools are based on this principle.

  • Organization of workplaces (S) – the basis for improvements.

It is not for nothing that all transformations, in accordance with the classical theories of Lean manufacturing development, begin with the organization of workplaces. This is the basic requirement to start deploying TPM. The method of organizing workplaces is described in detail in the book "". There you will find step-by-step techniques and concrete solutions, and many examples. Rational organization of workplaces makes it possible to eliminate major losses in workplaces, including equipment. It allows you to stabilize processes. Quality and productivity become more stable and predictable, allowing for further improvements. The most important thing is that the organization of workplaces involves and interests the staff. That's why 5S is called the foundation for improvement.

  • TPM- this is philosophy.

The system involves the formation in the organization of: a lean culture. During the deployment of TPM, a thrifty attitude towards equipment is formed, and approaches to its maintenance and repair are changing. Equipment is placed in the center, because it is precisely this that creates for

Source: Yuri Strezhen (CEO) & Vitaly Sokolov (Managing Partner) PRACTIKA Group LLC

The implementation of TPM approaches such as autonomous maintenance is becoming increasingly popular among Russian enterprises. There is a lot of literature and articles describing the benefits of this approach, but this is all theory. In this article, we will share our practical experience in implementing TRM: what difficulties will be encountered and ways to overcome them.

TPM ( Total Productive Maintenance - general equipment maintenance) is one of the lean manufacturing tools, the use of which allows you to reduce losses associated with equipment downtime due to breakdowns.

As a rule, the decision to implement certain tools comes from management, and the most important thing here is to create the necessary information support at all levels through all possible channels, such as:

  • newspaper and Internet resources of the enterprise,
  • company information boards,
  • meetings between management and staff,
  • weekly and daily planning meetings,
  • closing/opening shifts,

through which information about upcoming changes is conveyed in simple and understandable language, describing the stages of implementation of the changes, indicating the departments that will be affected by the changes, and their role, as well as the benefits for the employees of the relevant departments and the company as a whole. The ultimate goal of information support should be the formation of an understanding among employees that changes are necessary and inevitable, and that these changes will only make things better for everyone.

At the information support stage, we describe the current state and stages of transformation, and a project implementation schedule is drawn up.

Probably the most difficult thing is to change the attitude of services to the process of servicing and repairing equipment, to eradicate the eternal dispute between production and technical service. Create a tandem from the “opposing” parties that will solve common problems to achieve common goals.

To do this, it is necessary to delimit the areas of responsibility of the departments and designate the roles of each participant. From the very beginning of the TRM project implementation, it is necessary to involve employees of the relevant departments as much as possible, forming cross-functional teams from them to develop standards for inspection and bypass of equipment, regulations for interaction between services, etc. As a rule, the cross-functional team includes the TRM project manager in the roles of moderator, site foreman, best operator, mechanic, mechanic and technologist; if necessary, an electrician, electronic engineer and other necessary specialists are also involved. At this stage, you need to introduce a small additional payment for all participants in such teams, except for the TRM project manager (this is his job anyway). By involving employees in changes, we kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, we let the team members earn a little money - this will be pleasant for them and will serve as a good motivator. Secondly, by involving employees from different departments in joint activities, we establish constructive interaction between departments at a basic level. Thirdly, the documents that team members develop will then be executed by themselves, this will greatly simplify their further implementation.

During the implementation of any changes, there is a group of workers who are for the changes, and there is a group who are against the changes, these groups are approximately equal and in total amount to approximately 15–20%, and the remaining 80% are those who will go where the wind blows . By attracting the best operators to the development, who are informal leaders, we thereby attract most of the 80% to the side of the group that is for changes.

The result of the work of cross-functional teams is a developed and agreed upon system of continuous equipment diagnostics, which includes an algorithm for interaction between services, a standard for inspecting equipment by an operator, a standard for walking around equipment by a mechanic, and visual support in the form of a walk-through board.

It is not uncommon for enterprises to record and record downtime in a free form, “as best they can,” without a clear classification. In our work, we came across enterprises where production workers recorded downtime in their uniform, and the technical service in theirs, and at the end of the month, the services butted heads with each other over hours of downtime, shifting the blame onto each other. Nobody even thinks about analyzing downtime and searching for its root causes. What can I say, there were enterprises where downtime was not recorded by anyone at all. There are companies where downtime is considered to be only that which affected the implementation of the production plan, where downtime is a shutdown of production for a day. What's all this for? In order to influence something, you need to have a clear and reliable system for measuring this something. The system for recording downtime should be with the necessary detail, simple, understandable, so that in the future it allows for analysis and search for the root causes of downtime.

It is better to start the development and implementation of an outage accounting system in parallel with the development of the necessary regulatory documents, which we wrote about above.

The downtime accounting system may include:

  • downtime registration form, where the time of shutdown and repair is recorded, the downtime group is determined and the reason for the downtime and actions to eliminate it are indicated;
  • cascade of calls - sequential information about a breakdown, escalation of the problem with a clearly defined time frame;
  • Line mapping is a document that allows you to determine the priority of a breakdown and properly coordinate technical personnel.

The downtime accounting system also serves to build equipment reliability indicators, which in turn is a key performance indicator (KPI) for the repair service.

One of the longest and most labor-intensive stages is the development of scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) orders. First of all, work orders are developed for equipment that is a bottleneck in terms of productivity. The work order indicates the performer, the number of the work order card, equipment, unit, name of work and time to complete each work.

Managing spare parts at enterprises often comes down to an application to the supply department for the purchase of a failed unit. Usually stored in a warehouse Consumables, but locksmith workshops are a treasure trove, but it is usually difficult to find the necessary spare part there due to the lack of a storage system. It is precisely the introduction of the 5C tool that is very advisable in locksmith workshops. At one enterprise, a pneumatic cylinder failed, which led to the stoppage of the entire production process; all metalwork shops and the spare parts warehouse were urgently searched, but the cylinder could not be found. A supplier urgently flew to the equipment manufacturer whose cylinder had failed and brought the necessary spare part in a suitcase; production was delayed for about three days. When they introduced 5C in a locksmith workshop, they found as many as two pneumatic cylinders.

The stage of building a spare parts management system is the most expensive, but very important, during which the required level of spare parts inventories is determined, the nomenclature and rules for managing spare parts are developed.

It is important to understand that accounting for downtime alone will not lead to their reduction, therefore next stage is a system for analyzing and searching for the root causes of downtime.

Particular attention at this stage should be paid to the training of engineering and technical workers (E&T):

  • methods of short-term and medium-term planning,
  • methods for analyzing downtime and searching for root causes of failure.

When implementing the project, the TRM changes organizational structure technical service. The essence of the changes is the allocation of an engineering unit and the formation of a duty service consisting of a mechanic, an electrician, an electronics engineer and a supervisor. The function of the engineering unit is a weekly analysis of equipment reliability indicators, analysis of long-term downtime, adjustment of maps and the plan for maintenance work, quality control of the maintenance work, participation in the elimination of complex breakdowns, development of corrective measures, tracking and stocking of the spare parts warehouse. The function of the duty service is to carry out current repairs and eliminating unplanned downtime.

A change in the motivation system for technical service employees can also be linked to a change in the organizational structure. Technical service KPIs establish equipment reliability indicators.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the success of the TRM project, as well as any changes in the enterprise, depends on two main things:

  1. The interest of top management with active involvement in the process of project implementation, as they say, “words edify, but deeds lead”!
  2. Total control over compliance with procedures at the implementation stage; for this purpose, a control schedule is developed for all levels, including senior management.

We wish you success on the path of transformation and improvement!

Oleg Levyakov

LIN (from the English Lean - slender, lean) production or logistics of "lean" production has caused a tremendous increase in labor productivity and production volumes and remains the main production system in many sectors of the world economy.

Lean manufacturing is American name Toyota Production System. The creator of lean manufacturing, Taiichi Ohno, began his first experiments in production optimization back in the 1950s. In those post-war times Japan was in ruins and the country needed new cars. But the problem was that demand was not great enough to justify the purchase of a powerful production line, in the manner of Ford. It took a lot different types cars (passenger cars, light and medium-duty trucks, etc.), but the demand for a specific type of car was small. The Japanese had to learn to work efficiently, creating many different models in conditions of low demand for each model. No one had solved this problem before, since efficiency was understood exclusively in terms of mass production.

Lean manufacturing involves the involvement of each employee in the business optimization process and maximum customer focus.

The starting point of lean manufacturing is customer value. From the point of view of the end consumer, a product (service) acquires actual value only at the time when direct processing and production of these elements occurs. The heart of lean manufacturing is the process of eliminating waste, which is called muda in Japanese. Muda is a Japanese word that means waste, that is, any activity that consumes resources but does not create value. For example, the consumer does not need to finished product or its parts were in storage. However, in a traditional management system, warehouse costs, as well as all costs associated with rework, defects, and other indirect costs are passed on to the consumer.

In accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, all activities of an enterprise can be classified as follows: operations and processes that add value to the consumer, and operations and processes that do not add value to the consumer. Therefore, anything that does not add value to the customer, from a lean manufacturing perspective, is classified as waste and must be eliminated.

The main goals of lean manufacturing are:

  • reduction of costs, including labor;
  • reduction of product creation time;
  • reduction of production and warehouse space;
  • guarantee of product delivery to the customer;
  • maximum quality at a certain cost or minimum cost at a certain quality.

As mentioned above, the history of the LIN system began with the Toyota company. Sakishi Toyoda, one of the founders of Toyota, believed that there is no limit to production improvement and, regardless of the company’s state in the market and its competitiveness, constant movement forward and improvement of all production processes are necessary. The result of this philosophy was the kaizen (continuous improvement) strategy pursued at Toyota enterprises. Sakishi Toyoda supported large investments in research papers to create new cars.

Kiishiro Toyoda, Sakishi's son, understood that he would have to do something unusual in order to successfully compete with American auto giants (such as Ford). To begin with, he introduced the concept of “just in time” (Togo and Wartman) at his enterprises, which meant that any car part had to be created no earlier than it was needed. Therefore, the Japanese, unlike the Americans, did not have huge warehouses with spare parts, while the Japanese saved more time and resources. The "kaizen" and "Togo and Wartman" methods became the basis of the Toyoda family's manufacturing philosophy.

The next in the dynasty, Eiji Toyoda, began his activities by developing a five-year plan to improve production methods. To do this, Taichi Ono was invited to Toyota as a consultant, who introduced “kanban” cards - “tracking inventory movements.” Taichi Ohno taught the workers a detailed understanding of the "kaizen" and "Togo and Wartman" methods, modernized the equipment and established the correct sequence of operations. If any problem arose with the assembly of products on the conveyor, the conveyor would immediately stop in order to quickly find and fix any problems. Toyota has been implementing its industrial quality philosophy for twenty years, including with its suppliers.

Soichiro Toyoda became president and then chairman of the board of directors of Toyota Motor Corporation in 1982. Under his leadership, Toyota became an international corporation. Soishiro began his work to improve quality in the company by studying the works of the American quality expert E. Deming. Quality management at Toyota enterprises has become clearer and has been implemented in all departments of the company.

Thus, over several generations of Toyota management, a unique quality system was developed, which formed the basis of the LIN system.

The most popular Lean manufacturing tools and methods are:

  1. Value Stream Mapping.
  2. Pull-line production.
  3. Kanban.
  4. Kaizen - continuous improvement.
  5. The 5C system is a technology for creating an effective workplace.
  6. SMED system - Fast equipment changeover.
  7. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care.
  8. JIT system (Just-In-Time - just on time).
  9. Visualization.
  10. U-shaped cells.

Value Stream Mapping is a fairly simple and visual graphic diagram depicting the material and information flows necessary to provide a product or service to the end consumer. A value stream map makes it possible to immediately see the bottlenecks of the flow and, based on its analysis, identify all unproductive costs and processes, and develop an improvement plan. Value stream mapping includes the following steps:

  1. Documenting the current state map.
  2. Production flow analysis.
  3. Creating a future state map.
  4. Developing an improvement plan.

Pull production(eng. pull production) - a production organization scheme in which the volume of production at each production stage is determined exclusively by the needs of subsequent stages (ultimately - by the needs of the customer).

The ideal is “single piece flow”, i.e. The upstream supplier (or internal supplier) does not produce anything until the downstream consumer (or internal consumer) tells him to do so. Thus, each subsequent operation “pulls” products from the previous one.

This way of organizing work is also closely related to line balancing and flow synchronization.

Kanban system is a system that ensures the organization of a continuous material flow in the absence of inventories: inventories are supplied in small batches, directly to the required points of the production process, bypassing the warehouse, and finished products are immediately shipped to customers. The order of product production management is reverse: from the i-th stage to the (i - 1)-th.

The essence of the CANBAN system is that all production departments of the enterprise are supplied with material resources only in the quantity and on time that are necessary to fulfill the order. Order for finished products is supplied to the last stage of the production process, where the required volume of work in progress is calculated, which must come from the penultimate stage. Similarly, from the penultimate stage there is a request for the previous stage of production for a certain number of semi-finished products. That is, the size of production at a given site is determined by the needs of the next production site.

Thus, between each two adjacent stages of the production process there is a double connection:

  • from the i-th stage to the (i - 1)-th stage, the required amount of work in progress is requested (“pulled”);
  • From the (i - 1) stage, material resources in the required quantity are sent to the i-th stage.

The means of transmitting information in the CANBAN system are special cards (“canban”, translated from Japanese, is a card). Two types of cards are used:

  • production order cards, which indicate the number of parts to be produced at a previous stage of production. Production order cards are sent from the i-th production stage to the (i - 1)-th stage and are the basis for the formation of a production program for the (i - 1)-th section;
  • selection cards indicating the quantity material resources(components, parts, semi-finished products), which must be taken at the previous processing (assembly) site. Selection cards show the amount of material resources actually received by the i-th production site from the (i - 1)-th.

In this way, cards can circulate not only within an enterprise using the CANBAN system, but also between it and its branches, as well as between cooperating corporations.

Enterprises using a CANBAN system receive production resources daily or even several times during the day, so the enterprise's inventory can be completely updated 100-300 times a year or even more often, while in an enterprise using an MRP or MAP system - only 10-20 times in year. For example, at Toyota Motors Corporation, resources were supplied to one of the production sites three times a day in 1976, and in 1983 - every few minutes.

The desire to reduce inventories also becomes a method for identifying and solving production problems. The accumulation of inventories and inflated production volumes make it possible to hide frequent equipment breakdowns and shutdowns, as well as manufacturing defects. Since, in conditions of minimizing inventories, production may be stopped due to defects at the previous stage technological process, then the main requirement of the CANBAN system, in addition to the “zero inventory” requirement, becomes the “zero defects” requirement. The CANBAN system is almost impossible to implement without the simultaneous implementation of a comprehensive quality management system.

Important elements of the CANBAN system are:

  • an information system that includes not only cards, but also production, transport and supply schedules, technological maps;
  • system for regulating the need and professional rotation of personnel;
  • system of total (TQM) and selective ("Jidoka") product quality control;
  • production leveling system.

Main advantages of the CANBAN system:

  • short production cycle, high asset turnover, including inventories;
  • there are no or extremely low storage costs for production and inventory;
  • high quality products at all stages of the production process.

An analysis of global experience in using the CANBAN system showed that this system makes it possible to reduce production inventories by 50%, inventory- by 8% with a significant acceleration in the turnover of working capital and an increase in the quality of finished products.

The main disadvantages of the just-in-time system are:

  • the difficulty of ensuring high consistency between product production stages;
  • significant risk of disruption to production and sales of products.

Kaizen- this is a derivative of two hieroglyphs - "change" and "good" - usually translated as "change for the better" or "continuous improvement."

In an applied sense, Kaizen is a philosophy and management mechanisms that encourage employees to propose improvements and implement them promptly.

There are five main components of Kaizen:

  1. Interaction;
  2. Personal discipline;
  3. Improved moral condition;
  4. Quality Circles;
  5. Suggestions for improvement;

5C system - technology for creating an effective workplace

Under this designation a system of establishing order, cleanliness and strengthening discipline is known. The 5C system includes five interrelated principles for organizing the workplace. Japanese name each of these principles begins with the letter "C". Translated into Russian - sorting, rational arrangement, cleaning, standardization, improvement.

  1. SORTING: separate necessary items - tools, parts, materials, documents - from unnecessary ones in order to remove the latter.
  2. RATIONAL ARRANGEMENT: rationally arrange what is left, place each item in its place.
  3. CLEANING: Maintain cleanliness and order.
  4. STANDARDIZE: Maintain accuracy by performing the first three S's regularly.
  5. IMPROVEMENT: making established procedures a habit and improving them.

Quick changeover (SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Die) literally translated as “Changing a stamp in 1 minute.” The concept was developed by Japanese author Shigeo Shingo and revolutionized approaches to changeover and retooling. As a result of the implementation of the SMED system, changing any tool and readjusting can be done in just a few minutes or even seconds, “with one touch” (“OTED” concept - “ One Touch Exchange of Dies").

As a result of numerous statistical studies, it was found that the time for carrying out various operations during the changeover process is distributed as follows:

  • preparation of materials, dies, fixtures, etc. - thirty%;
  • securing and removing dies and tools - 5%;
  • centering and placement of the tool - 15%;
  • trial processing and adjustment - 50%.

As a result, the following principles were formulated to reduce changeover time by tens and even hundreds of times:

  • separation of internal and external adjustment operations,
  • transformation of internal actions into external ones,
  • use of functional clamps or complete removal of fasteners,
  • use of additional devices.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care mainly serves to improve the quality of equipment, focused on maximum efficient use thanks to a comprehensive preventive maintenance system. The emphasis of this system is on prevention and early detection of equipment defects that can lead to more serious problems.

TRM involves operators and repairmen, who together ensure increased equipment reliability. The basis of TPM is the establishment of a schedule for preventive maintenance, lubrication, cleaning and general inspection. This ensures an increase in the Total Equipment Efficiency indicator.

JIT (Just-In-Time) system - materials management system in production, in which components from a previous operation (or from an external supplier) are delivered exactly when they are needed, but not before. This system leads to a sharp reduction in the volume of work in progress, materials and finished products in warehouses.

The just-in-time system involves a specific approach to the selection and evaluation of suppliers, based on working with a narrow range of suppliers selected for their ability to guarantee just-in-time delivery of components. High Quality. At the same time, the number of suppliers is reduced by two or more times, and long-term economic relations are established with the remaining suppliers.

Visualization is any means of communicating how work should be done. This is such an arrangement of tools, parts, containers and other indicators of the state of production, in which everyone can understand at first glance the state of the system - the norm or deviation.

The most commonly used imaging methods are:

  1. Outlining.
  2. Color coding.
  3. Road sign method.
  4. Paint marking.
  5. “It was” - “it became”.
  6. Graphic work instructions.

U-shaped cells- Arrangement of equipment in the form Latin letter"U". In a U-shaped cell, the machines are arranged in a horseshoe shape according to the sequence of operations. With this equipment arrangement, the final processing stage occurs in close proximity to the initial stage, so the operator does not have to walk far to begin the next production cycle.

In a period of intense competition and an escalating crisis, enterprises around the world have no other way than, using the world's best management technologies, to create products and services that maximally satisfy customers in terms of quality and price.

Losses in any production process- an inevitable problem for many enterprises, both producing products and providing services. Waste is a condition that, to put it mildly, does not add value to a product or service. In order to detect losses, you first need to recognize them. There are eight types of losses, due to which up to 85% of an enterprise’s resources are lost:

  1. Loss of creativity. When an employee is treated like a cog in a machine that can be thrown out or replaced at any time, when relationships are reduced to the “work with your hands and strictly follow the boss’s instructions” scheme, employees’ interest in work steadily declines. Experts believe that this order of things is outdated, it is pulling the company back, which will immediately affect the company’s profits. In Japan, for example, “quality circles” appear in various companies, where anyone has the right to express their proposals for improving the quality of processes. Analysts believe that in the 21st century, companies that can create a sense of involvement in production improvement will be successful in the 21st century.
  2. Excessive production, which is expressed in the fact that more goods are produced than required, or earlier than the customer requires. As a result, those resources that could be spent on improving quality are spent on increasing quantity.
  3. Delays. When workers stand idle waiting for materials, tools, equipment, information, it is always a consequence of poor planning or insufficient relationships with suppliers, or unforeseen fluctuations in demand.
  4. Unnecessary transportation when materials or products are moved more frequently than necessary for a continuous process. It is important to deliver everything you need in a timely manner and to the right place, and for this the enterprise must implement good schemes logistics.
  5. Excessive inventory or warehousing more products than are sold, and more materials than are needed for the technological process.
  6. Overprocessing. Products must come out of production of such high quality that, if possible, they cannot be reworked or modified, and quality control must be fast and effective.
  7. Defects that must be avoided at all costs, because additional funds are spent on resolving customer complaints: if a defective product needs to be corrected, extra time, effort and money are spent.
  8. Poor movement, or poor delivery of tools and materials within the enterprise, unnecessary movement of employees around the premises.

According to a study by the Institute for Integrated Strategic Studies (ICSI) on the spread of lean manufacturing in Russia in March-April 2006, out of 735 surveyed Russian industrial enterprises, 32% used Japanese experience. A repeat survey was conducted in March-April 2008. Application of Lean Manufacturing at Russian industrial enterprises in 2006-2008.” at the III Russian Lean Forum “Lean Russia”. Enterprises that were the first to apply lean manufacturing methods: Gorkovsky automobile plant(GAZ Group), RUSAL, EvrazHolding, Eurochem, VSMPO-AVISMA, KUMZ OJSC, Chelyabinsk Forging and Press Plant (ChKPZ OJSC), Sollers OJSC (UAZ, ZMZ), KAMAZ, NefAZ, Sberbank of Russia OJSC, etc.

Total Equipment Maintenance (TPM) Deployment Methodology

The Total Equipment Maintenance (TPM) system as a Lean Manufacturing tool is mainly chosen by companies whose production system has a large number of main equipment. Most often, products at such enterprises are produced on automated lines.

As an example, we can name such companies as Baltika (automated lines for the production and bottling of beer), Nestlé (automatic lines for the production of confectionery), KATKO (automated production for the extraction and enrichment of uranium), Bella ( automated lines for the production of hygiene products) and others.

The efficiency of such production systems depends mainly on 2 factors:

  1. From the percentage of equipment load, which directly depends on the amount of demand for the enterprise’s finished products,
  2. Total equipment downtime for various reasons, such as breakdowns, maintenance, changeovers, settings, waiting, etc.

In companies that have chosen Total Plant Maintenance (TPM) as their primary methodology for improving operational efficiency production system, the question arises about the strategy and tactics of its deployment.

Below is one possible Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) system deployment option based on the Japan Institute of Manufacturing Maintenance methodology ( JIPM).

PHASE No. 1 – PREPARATION (12 – 18 months)
STEP 1 – Notification of management’s decision to implement a TPM system in the company (1 month)

At this step, it is important to ensure the correct understanding, commitment and active participation of senior management. After this, a large-scale announcement is made to all company employees about the beginning of the preparation phase for the implementation of the TRM system. Publications are made in corporate media. If necessary, emails are sent out.

STEP 2 - Initial training and promotion of TPM (6-8 months)

Training should be organized based on current needs. For some employees, intensive training is provided, for others only general training is provided to achieve understanding and engagement. At this step it is important to organize practical training based on pilot projects, during which TRM teaching methods are also developed (adapted). Most often, at this step, external trainers and consultants are brought in for training.

At this step, the necessary organizational structure of TRM and the system of TRM councils are created. Areas of responsibility, powers, resources and interaction patterns are determined.

The council system consists of a TRM supreme council and small councils.

The Supreme Council consists of representatives of the company's senior management. The senior council is usually led by the general or executive director, their deputies, or another representative of senior management.

Small councils of TRM are created in 8 main areas of TRM:

  1. focused improvements,
  2. autonomous maintenance,
  3. scheduled maintenance,
  4. education and development,
  5. management of new equipment and new products,
  6. quality oriented service
  7. labor and environmental protection,
  8. increasing the efficiency of management and service departments.

More often, at the beginning, small councils are created only in the first 4 areas. In other areas, small councils are created as the system unfolds. TRM small councils actively involve employees trained in step No. 2 during pilot projects.

A TRM office is also being created at the rate of 1 person / 300-400 company employees. The head of the TRM office is a member of the TRM Supreme Council. The main task of the TRM office is to provide methodological support and coordinate the work of TRM councils. Typically, TRM office staff are relieved of other duties.

STEP 4 – Policy development and goal setting TPM (2-4 months)

A TRM policy is being developed. A system of indicators is being developed to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the deployment of the TRM system. Benchmarking is carried out and current achievable goals are determined for the company and for each division. A system for monitoring indicators and necessary tools analysis.

STEP 5 – Development of a roadmap and master plan for the implementation of the TRM system. (2-4 months)

The main stages and their results are determined. Master plans for the deployment of TRM are developed and agreed upon for each unit.

PHASE No. 2 – LAUNCH (1 month)

At this phase, the results of the 1st preparatory phase of TRM implementation are analyzed and a decision is made on the full large-scale implementation of the system throughout the company. There is a wide official announcement to all participants about the beginning of the active phase of implementing the TRM system in the company. Shareholders, all company employees, clients, suppliers, and the press are notified. A wide information campaign is being carried out in corporate media.

PHASE No. 3 – IMPLEMENTATION (12 – 18 months)

At this phase, plans for the implementation of TRM are detailed and implemented in all departments. To implement the activities of the plan, small groups of equipment and materials are created, which carry out the entire volume practical work in all directions.

PHASE No. 4 – INSTITUALIZATION (6-12 months)

At this stage, standardization of all TRM processes is carried out.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system - Total equipment care

The goal of implementing TPM is to achieve the ultimate and comprehensive efficiency of the production system. In other words, to obtain the highest possible result in terms of production volume (Production - P), product quality (Quality - Q), cost (Cost - C), delivery time (Delivery - D), job safety (Safety - S) and initiative personnel (Moral - M) with minimal use of human, material and financial resources.

The essence of TPM is to involve the employee in improving the efficiency of equipment maintenance. He didn’t just come and work. And also served, improved, created conditions for efficient work. Those. Treated it like it was my own car. And in order to do this, the Japanese are expanding the functions of employees, delegating responsibility to them, investing heavily in improving their skills and skills, and improving the motivation system.

The emphasis of this system is on prevention and early detection of equipment defects that can lead to more serious problems.

TRM involves operators and repairmen, who together ensure increased equipment reliability. The basis of TPM is the establishment of a schedule for preventive maintenance, lubrication, cleaning and general inspection. This ensures an increase in such an indicator as the overall efficiency of equipment (from the English “Overall Equipment Effectiveness” - OEE).

Distinctive feature TPM is a phased deployment of an operator self-maintenance system (OSMS), which includes 7 steps:

1st step. Cleaning and tidying combined with inspection.

When thoroughly cleaning dust, dirt, etc. from internal surfaces and cleaning every corner of the equipment, detected and corrected hidden defects, requiring the restoration of worn parts, lubrication and tightening of connections, which, in turn, helps prevent possible malfunctions of the equipment.

The main tasks of this stage are to strive to completely eliminate accumulated dust and stains by thoroughly cleaning all equipment components, as well as to find hidden defects in the equipment, such as sources of contamination, hard-to-reach and difficult-to-clean places, and identify deviations from perfect condition that may lead to accidents or defects, and take the right path in solving the problems encountered.

2nd step. Taking action on sources of pollution, complex and hard-to-reach places.

It is necessary to eliminate sources of dust and dirt and, thereby, prevent further spread of contamination, as well as facilitate access to places that are difficult to access and difficult to clean, lubricate, tighten connections and check, and try to reduce the time for carrying out this work.

3rd step. Preparation of temporary standards for cleaning, lubrication, and inspection.

The purpose of this step is to develop such temporary standards for the work carried out that are mandatory for each employee, so that cleaning, lubrication, tightening of connections and inspection can be guaranteed to be completed within a specified short period of time.

4th step. General inspection.

The main task at this stage is to achieve maximum efficiency in the use of equipment. To do this, the operator needs to understand the structure, functions and principles of operation of the equipment, check all its components without exception through the eyes of an “operator capable of competently operating and maintaining the equipment”, be able to detect hidden defects and bring the condition of the equipment to the desired level.

5th step. Self-inspection.

Based on the temporary standards established in the 3rd and 4th steps, new self-service standards are being developed, compliance with which will improve the efficiency of checks, prevent errors and maintain equipment in proper condition.

The work carried out at the 5th step of self-service deployment is based on the experience accumulated in the previous steps and involves operators reviewing the previously established temporary standards for cleaning, lubrication, and general inspection from the point of view of:

1) ensuring zero defects in manufactured products;

2) increasing the efficiency of inspections;

3) a balanced ratio of test and main work;

4) wider use of visual control.

6th step. Standardization.

At workplaces (production areas), order is established regarding materials, equipment, tools, measuring instruments, devices for cleaning and testing, and means of transportation. Also included existing standards and records. It is necessary to standardize (standardize) and repeat them and make every effort to achieve zero losses.

At this stage, a review and systematization is carried out various types maintenance and control of devices, such as physical distribution of standards, data on records, facilities, standards, etc.

7th step. Self-management and self-realization.

At this stage, with some confidence, based on the results achieved by the changes in the operation of equipment and personnel, carefully carry out independent management, i.e. actions to prevent breakdowns and improve equipment by each operator independently.