Treatment of walls and ends of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, selection of composition and antiseptic technology. Painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber: take up the brush The best way to paint laminated veneer lumber

After purchase or construction wooden house made of timber, the owner must take care of protection external walls from negative impact environment and maintaining the attractive appearance of the building on long years. The problem is easily solved by applying a multi-layer protective coating. Simple, at first glance, works have their own technological features, so we will figure out how and with what to cover the outside of a house made of timber.

Painted wooden houses are reliably protected from external influences and look attractive

Features of the harmful effects of the environment

The outer surface of logs or beams is exposed to many destructive factors:

    Humidity. Under the influence of rain and snow, wood swells, cracks, loses strength and thermal insulation properties. Wood-boring beetles penetrate into cracks, dirt accumulates, and mold forms. Even on a smoothly planed surface, after repeated wetting, wood fibers rise, causing unsightly stains and stains. The walls take on a sloppy appearance. Various hydrophobic paints, oils and impregnations protect the surface from these troubles.

    Sunlight. Under its influence, the surface layer of wood changes color and then begins to collapse. At a minimum, the southern wall of the building should be additionally coated with photoresistent, light- and ultraviolet-resistant substances.

    Biogenic influences. Various insects, woodworms, fungus and mold can quickly destroy wooden walls. In this case, impregnation and paint are used that have insecticidal and antibacterial properties.

Untreated timber collapses, becomes moldy and looks unkempt

You will have to take into account the totality of all harmful effects and, based on this, agree with the contractor on a list of all necessary work and materials. Only after discussing these issues can a final decision be made on how to paint the exterior of a timber house.

The external surfaces of a new building must be treated and painted no later than several months after completion of construction. Otherwise, they will quickly lose their aesthetically pleasing appearance. An exception is painting the outside of a house made of laminated veneer lumber; it can be done earlier, since this material does not shrink so much.

Varieties of painting compositions for exterior use

All materials for surface treatment can be divided into two main classes: impregnations and paints.


Impregnations are compounds that, when applied, penetrate deep enough into the wood. Their use allows you to solve several problems at once:

    Preparation for painting wood in a given color tone.

    Impregnation partially fills wood pores, cracks and surface unevenness. This will reduce the consumption of paint or varnish during their subsequent application, which saves money.

    Some types of paints have poor adhesion to wood. Preliminary application of impregnation strengthens the bond of paint with the surface being treated.

    Protection from insects, pests, mold and fungi.

Impregnation with an antiseptic will prevent the formation of mold and fungi

    Giving wood fire-resistant properties.

    Reducing the harmful effects of the ultraviolet component of sunlight.

Each specific brand of impregnation has a set of necessary qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss with the work performers the required parameters of the composition used and the expected amount of costs.

Paints and varnishes for exterior use

The main characteristics of paint and varnish coatings are type, color, service life. The service life of the paint is determined by its resistance to moisture, sunlight, and temperature changes.

If the wall surface looks good and has no roughness or defects, then it is best to use transparent or translucent varnishes or paints.

Such compositions include:

    Varnishes and paints based on polymer polyurethane. They have good resistance to external factors. Their high cost is explained by the durability and high strength of the coating.

    Water based paints. They are quite cheap, absorb and dry quickly. Unfortunately, without additional protection from water with a waterproofing layer, such paints quickly become stained, streaked, and sometimes simply washed away from the wall surface. It is preferable to use them for processing interior walls.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

A variety of shades of paints and varnishes allows you to choose a composition to suit every taste

Old, and sometimes new walls, have defects, stains, cracks. Making such a surface uniform in texture is difficult and expensive. In this situation, it is necessary to use opaque paints. In this case, you will be faced with the question: what color to paint the pulp from the timber - the choice of colors and textures is very large.

    Oil paints. Due to their low cost and availability, they are still popular. The main disadvantage is that after 2–3 years such paint cracks and fades. Walls that have lost their attractiveness will have to be repainted.

    Alkyd-based compositions less susceptible to fading. Alkyd paints are issued in rich color palette. the main problem– low resistance to weathering.

    Acrylic paint coatings will last longer than alkyd or oil based ones. Manufacturers offer a large number of colors and shades of this type of paint. Acrylic paint for external beams has a higher price, but this is more than compensated by the greater strength and durability of the coating.

A separate type of materials for processing are sealants and paint for the ends of the timber. It is not advisable to replace them with other compounds.

Main stages of painting

Knowing how to paint a house made of timber from the outside and the technological sequence of operations will allow you to properly control the entire process.

The quality of painting a wooden house depends on adherence to technology at all stages of the work.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer finishing and insulation services for houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Preparing for painting

The surface of the timber must be cleaned of dirt or residues old paint.

Using plows, scrapers, electric planes, remove significant unevenness, roughness, resin streaks or layers of old paint. The use of a metal brush allows you to achieve good results and high performance.

Large cracks, holes from knots and wood pests are carefully puttied. You can proceed to grinding and polishing only after the putty has completely set and hardened.

Sanding wood. This operation is performed using grinding machine in several stages. First use sandpaper with large grains. For final sanding, the sandpaper grain is reduced.

Polishing will smooth out the fibers remaining after sanding and give the surface a gloss.

Be sure to check whether the ends have been sanded and treated with mastic. This will prevent cracking and moisture penetration into the most vulnerable area of ​​the timber.

Sanding – important stage preparation before painting the house

Such work generates a large amount of dust.

Important! Before applying impregnating and painting solutions, settled dust and dirt must be removed.

Surface cleaning can be done compressed air or special cleaning compounds. Please note that the use detergents will lead to wetting of the wall surface. Before applying impregnation, you must wait several days until they are completely dry.

Impregnation and painting

Do not insist on carrying out work during rain and fog. Wet wood swells and does not absorb paint well, which leads to peeling and cracks in the coating.

Do not paint external surfaces at sub-zero temperatures.
A test inspection should be carried out before the main painting. Ask to paint small area surface and make sure that you are happy with the result. Painting examples wooden houses in the photo this is one thing, but it’s worth seeing how the paint falls on the wood of your house.

The choice of methods for applying the compositions remains with the performer:

    Painting by hand. Work is carried out using paint brush. If the wall is flat, then you can use paint roller. This method will provide the best quality surface treatment, but will require a significant investment of time and effort.

Painting using a spray gun reduces material consumption

    Using spray guns and sprayers significantly speeds up work and reduces paint consumption. If there is a significant surface area and time is limited, you should choose this type of paint coating.

A reputable contractor will apply several coats of primer and paint. This will lead to an increase in work completion time, but will ensure it high quality. And in order not to make a mistake in choosing a contractor, you need to check his work when meeting him. A reputable company always has a portfolio with photos of painted wooden houses from the outside.

You cannot delay the work on tinting a house for a significant period of time, dividing it into stages. After several weeks or months, previously painted wall sections may differ significantly in color or shade from freshly painted ones.

Video description

In the video you can study the procedure for preparing and painting a house in more detail:

Painting a house made of profiled or laminated timber

Profiled and laminated timber has a high cost, which is associated with the complexity of its manufacture and good quality. So painting the outside timber house made of such materials has some features.

The grinding and polishing stages are less labor-intensive due to the initially smooth surface of this type of timber.

Treatment with an antiseptic should be performed as quickly as possible. Otherwise outer layer may change color due to fungus, mold or exposure to sunlight.

It is best to coat the timber with impregnation during the construction process. It is advisable to apply an antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnation before laying the timber in the log house.

Applying primer is a mandatory operation when working with laminated veneer lumber. Paint or varnish binds more firmly to a primed surface.

It is advisable to paint a house made of laminated timber with varnish, oil or acrylic paints. Water-based colors cannot be used, as laminated timber does not absorb water well, and stains and stains may appear.

Video description

With expert advice on what to paint wooden house made of laminated veneer lumber, you can see it in the video:

Painting is done in several layers. Before applying the next layer, you should wait until the previous one has completely dried. In this case, clear varnishes and paints are preferable because they reveal the beauty and depth of the wood texture.

Cost of work and paintwork

The price of painting a house depends on many factors: the quality of the surface, the timing and volume of work.

Cost of processing 1 sq. m. surface when performing basic operations:

    surface grinding – from 50 to 100 rubles;

    application of antiseptic – from 50 to 80 rubles;

    processing of ends (grinding, priming, painting) – about 250–300 rubles;

    varnishing (one layer) – from 100 to 150 rubles;

    painting oil paint– from 100 to 200 rubles;

    oil impregnation – 100 rubles.

If the choice of coating color is determined by the owner of the house, then the quality and type of impregnations and paints and varnishes should be discussed with experienced professionals.

An easily understandable desire to save money by buying cheap paint can result in large expenses in 2-3 years. A cheap coating quickly begins to peel off, crack, and quickly fade.

The lower price threshold for paints is 100–150 rubles per liter. Service life – up to 3 years.

Quality paints and varnishes have a price of 300 rubles or more. They retain their properties for 5–6 years.

It must be taken into account that a low price, all other things being equal, means a shorter service life of the coating, and, therefore, additional costs for a new repainting of the facade.


Owners of a wooden house should approach painting issues responsibly. Timely and correctly executed painting of the walls of a log house will not only please you with the beautiful appearance of the walls, but will also increase the life expectancy of the structure.

Paint for laminated timber, technologies, features, advice from professionals

You cannot buy one paint for laminated timber and paint the whole house with it. It is not recommended to use the same coating technology for the facade, fences, or interior of the building. It is reckless to order laminated veneer lumber finishing “cheaper” and count on an extended warranty. Do you want to know more about what paint to paint a wooden house and how to find a professional artist? Below we have collected expert advice, as well as photos of painted wooden houses outside and inside.

Painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber: interior and exterior work

Bright but natural façade colors

  1. The risk group includes railings, veranda posts, terraces, fences, external support pillars and other external structural elements that are not protected from precipitation and sunlight. Finishing requires a coating up to 20 microns thick; the plastic film stretches without tears or cracks.
  2. The facade and the lower part of the overhangs are protected by the roof. Direct sunlight hits the tree for 2-3 hours a day, and rain passes across the surface casually, without stopping. For decoration, a thicker glazing or covering layer is used, which reliably protects the wood and gives it the desired shade.
  3. Interior decoration glued timber. The surface of indoor walls is considered stable, so the use of multi-layer wear-resistant products is acceptable. The main requirement is environmental Safety materials.

Natural coating of the interior with glazing compounds

Paint for laminated timber

Dozens of natural shades available


When working with the exterior, it is advisable to choose a neutral color or maintain the natural shade of the wood. Too much dark walls heat up quickly, this can cause deformation and resin release. If the colors are too light, possible wood defects are more clearly visible.

Do you want a blue house? Please!


High-quality paint, if the technology is followed, bonds so deeply with the wood that it does not separate even after damage. For a tighter connection, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology: apply layers correctly, take pauses, remove dust, and work taking into account humidity.

Composition of paint for laminated timber

When building eco-friendly cottages from laminated veneer lumber, oil or nitro paints or compositions based on health hazards are not used. chemicals. The main rule is to choose a product with the least amount of “chemicals” or with guaranteed weathering unpleasant odor, a quick-drying mixture that does not release toxins when heated and does not interfere with natural air exchange.

  1. Water based paints. They are considered the most environmentally friendly coating and are diluted with water. After its evaporation, only a binder remains on the surface - acrylic, harmless, absolutely neutral.
  2. Oil impregnation. Penetrates deeply into pores, after hardening it forms a durable protective film. To increase strength, sedatives are added to the composition - bonding substances based on metal oxides. Oil impregnation is more often used for outdoor work.
  3. Alkyd paints. When working, a solvent with a pungent odor is used, but after evaporation the coating becomes safe. Main disadvantage— too small alkyd particles that fill the pores and block air exchange. As a result, the tree loses its ability to remove excess moisture.

It is best to use safe water-based paints. This is exactly what the GOOD WOOD division, which is responsible for finishing houses made of laminated veneer lumber, does.

Trusted brands

It's about exactly about professional means finishing. These compounds are designed specifically for wooden buildings and meet the safety requirements:

  • Sikkens,
  • Sedipan,
  • Remmers,
  • Zobel,
  • Teknos,
  • Farbraum.

GOOD WOOD used the products of the majority famous manufacturers. We are currently working with Farbraum paint. The SEDIPAN WACT 650 line is suitable for finishing the facade and interior of a house made of laminated veneer lumber. The list includes glazing (translucent) and covering (hides the texture) coatings. For the unstable street structures(railings, stairs, fences, support posts) we use SEDIPAN WACT 640 - a product with protection against delamination. To seal the ends we use SEDIPAN WV 024.

When to paint a laminated timber house

Better right away: even large companies have factory protection designed for 6 months

Transport antiseptic is not applied by every manufacturer. At GOOD WOOD, treatment of the finished kit with an antiseptic and packaging in protective film are included in the technical process.

When ordering a house kit from a laminated timber manufacturer, be sure to check whether the wood was processed before shipping. It may be necessary to apply the composition immediately after completion of construction.

If you delay processing, the outer part begins to fade, and pests - bacteria, insects, fungi - get into the wood. Usually, when building cottages from laminated veneer lumber, the walls are painted after installing doors and windows.


The service life of the coating depends on the properties of the paint, adherence to technology, and the position of the building. Sunny sides fade faster; updating may be required after 3-5 years. On the shadow side, the paint lasts longer - up to 7 years or more.

Winter or summer?

In practice, the season of treatment does not matter - painting work is carried out at any temperature. Look how this is implemented in GOOD WOOD: work in the greenhouses is in full swing, although there is snow outside.

The heater maintains the desired temperature for applying paint

Winter work a little more expensive - the price of painting the outside of a wooden house includes the cost of using additional equipment. But by spring, the owner receives walls completely protected from humidity and bright sun.

In the summer, sometimes it’s even more difficult to work - dust can get on the paint and ruin the coating. To avoid defects, use quick-drying products. Water-based paints dry in 30 minutes and are ready to apply the next layer in 1.5-2 hours.

The only limitation when painting is humidity requirements. Wet wood It is better not to paint: adhesion deteriorates, service life decreases, and defects may appear. Before processing, the master must check the surface moisture. If this does not happen, it is better to clarify what signs determine whether the wall is ready for painting.

Checking humidity is a mandatory stage of work

Processing technology

  1. Choosing colors and painting on the wall.
  2. Elimination of defects, chips, mechanical damage.
  3. Sanding, dust removal.
  4. Applying the first layer (primer).
  5. Light intermediate sanding.
  6. Application of the main and finishing layers.
  7. Measurement of coating thickness at different points.

If regular paint is used, then it is treated with an antiseptic before priming. When using three-in-one products, the antiseptic is already included in the composition.

Cheap? Check what is included in the price!

Crews often set the price for painting a house without taking into account materials, tools, transportation costs, and other related costs. As a result, the cost doubles. GOOD WOOD lists the price of painting a house per 1 m², it includes everything from consultation on color selection and tinting to organizing the crew’s presence on the site. When building houses from laminated veneer lumber on a turnkey basis, the price of painting work is discussed separately.

Advice: When choosing a team, pay attention to examples of work. Visit completed (or better yet, ongoing) properties. Ask for certificates from the paint manufacturer - these are not just pieces of paper, they are issued after training. Taking a master class from the manufacturers of a specific product, strict adherence to technology and work experience is an excellent combination for high-quality painting of a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

One of the GOOD WOOD houses after treatment

At GOOD WOOD seminars, painting houses made of laminated veneer lumber is often discussed. Do you want to know all the intricacies of technology? Call and confirm the date.

After purchasing a house made of laminated veneer lumber, the owner is faced with the question of whether to paint it or not? If you paint, with what means and how to do it correctly? Painting a house made of laminated timber is necessary in the same way as for any wooden one. The only thing is that it is easier to do due to the characteristics of the material.

Despite the use of an adhesive base, the material is breathable and “living”. This means that the surface after construction of a house made of timber is afraid of direct sunlight, moisture and temperature changes. Surface painting with various protective equipment will save the owner from further forced repairs.

For protection, special primers are used - antiseptics, which will prevent the appearance of fungi and mold. And in the second stage, a layer of protection from direct sunlight is applied.

It is also not unimportant how the walls will look, so both glazing and matte covering compositions are used.

Products for covering a house made of laminated timber

House made of laminated veneer lumber painted with glazing compounds

There is no need to delay painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber. You need to paint it right away, and it’s better to soak it with antiseptics for the first time before assembling. Various compositions of domestic and imported production are sold for coating.

But not all of them have the appropriate quality; experts recommend using Osmo, Sikkens (AkzoNobel), Tikkurilla products. At correct painting, a repeat will need to be performed no earlier than in 4-5 years.

The qualitative characteristics of some of them can be seen in the table:

Manufacturers pros Minuses price, rub.
Sikkens (AkzoNobel) (German manufacturer) They produce a water-based coating that does not fade under direct sun rays, excellent adhesion, Many color options, low cost. You need to constantly monitor it, because after 5-6 years it begins to peel off. From 120 l.
Osmo (German manufacturer) There are both water-based and oil-based coatings that do not fade over time, protect the wood from destruction, and are easy to clean. The price is high From 320 l.
Tikkurila (Finnish production) An assortment of more than 35 colors, there are formulations based on natural oils and water, does not fade in the sun, and a reasonable price. It will have to be repainted after 3-4 years. From 150 l.
Marshal (Russia, Moscow) Low cost, does not fade under the sun, a wide range of paint coatings. Not durable, repainting will have to be done every 2-3 years, slight coloring. From 100 l.
Finncolor (Russia, subsidiary of Tikkurila) The assortment of flowers is more than 35, many different varieties, including water and natural oil, low cost. You will have to update it every 3-4 years. From 120 l.

When choosing a coating composition after completing the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, you need to focus on a number of factors:

  1. External or internal coating. (There are universal products that are used both outdoors and in the house, but it is better to use separate ones, since the main function of the internal one is decorative, and the external one is protective).
  2. The appearance of the walls (whether the owner wants to preserve the natural pattern and texture or not).
  3. What effect do you want to get (protection or enhance beauty, or both at once).

For laminated veneer lumber, two types of coatings are used: film-forming and impregnating.

Impregnating compositions

Impregnation of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Impregnating antiseptics can be divided according to their composition:

  1. Water based
  2. On organic basis.

Impregnations - water-based antiseptics do not have a strong odor and easily penetrate the wood. The timber after such coating will not lose its quality characteristics. Water-based impregnations are used mainly indoors.

Organic-based impregnations contain various impurities that help prevent the development of mold and mildew. But they may have a specific smell, so these are mainly for external work.

Coating film compositions

These can be divided into transparent and matte. Transparent ones include glazes, which do not tear off the wood, but only emphasize its texture and pattern. When coating, the shade may change slightly, but this depends on the number of layers applied, the species and the natural color.

Matte ones will hide appearance wood, and will give the house the chosen color. These are rarely used for laminated veneer lumber, since the material itself has a noble and beautiful surface.

Subtleties of painting a house

All painting takes place in several main stages:

  1. Sanding the surface of the walls. Even after building a house from profiled timber, the sanded timber must be passed through in one layer with the finest nozzle. During construction, the walls will still get dirty and, without sanding, the paint will not lie evenly.
  2. Applying a primer is an antiseptic. It will prevent the appearance of mold and fungi and increase the adhesion of paint to the timber.
  3. Painting. Varnish or paint is applied in several layers. Moreover, each subsequent one is applied only after the previous one has dried.

When painting, it is important to carefully treat the ends of the timber. If the ends are not sealed, moisture will easily penetrate inside through the capillaries. To do this, use all possible sealants, the cheapest of them liquid glass. To enhance the effect, you can tap the ends with a rubber hammer before painting. But you need to be careful, as the slats may come apart.

Before painting, it is important to study the instructions for use and correctly calculate the paint consumption. It is better to purchase a little more, since even from the same manufacturer there may be a slight difference in shade in different batches.

It is not recommended to paint outdoors in damp weather and at temperatures less than +5 degrees. The surface of the timber must be cleaned of dust and sanded. It is not recommended to paint outside in the evening, as dew will ruin the surface.

To treat interior walls, oils and mastics based on natural oil or water are mainly used. But they are not sufficient to protect against moisture and dirt, but there are enough of them inside the house. The walls are coated with glossy or matte varnish on top.

If you don’t have the opportunity or skill to paint the walls yourself, then it’s better to turn to specialists.

How much does it cost to paint walls

The cost of painting laminated timber depends on:

  1. Dimensions of the area to be painted.
  2. Whether preliminary preparation is necessary or not.
  3. Work team qualifications.

The average cost for basic work can be seen in the table:

Building a house from laminated veneer lumber is not a cheap pleasure. This means that he must have adequate protection. You need to choose high-quality and expensive coverage.

Painting the timber inside the house is primarily needed for design purposes and only secondarily as protection. But choosing the right coating on your own is difficult, which is why there are so many forums where this topic is actively discussed. If you are interested in how to paint the inside of the timber and how to choose the right color, then this article will help and advise.

Building a house from timber is primarily environmentally friendly, so when choosing a coating composition you need to focus on its composition. It must be on a natural basis. These include varnishes and paints based on natural oil, such as linseed or water. They can be glazed, that is, transparent and emphasize naturalness. wooden walls or collated.

Transparent coatings can be:

  • matte
  • semi-matte
  • glossy
  • semi-gloss

When combined color range and visual effect perception interior space will be different.

How to choose a color

Color range of some coatings

Color internal covering and gloss or matte effects are the main thing that influences the creation of the interior of a wooden house. At the same time, when choosing a color, you need to understand that matte or glossy it will look different. The color combined with the matte surface creates a soft effect.

The mood in such an environment is conducive to peace and harmony. This combination is good in bedrooms and children's rooms. Semi-gloss and gloss, on the contrary, are brighter. They are used in common rooms, such as the living room or kitchen.

Antiseptics and bleaches

Walls made of timber inside the house are less susceptible to harmful ultraviolet rays and humidity, but antiseptic treatment is necessary early. It is performed with special compounds. Antiseptics come on different bases: organic or chemical.

The former protect wood less, but are more environmentally friendly. Natural compositions are recommended by experts for internal processing. If you do not paint the timber immediately after construction, it will darken over time. To give him back original appearance The walls are being sanded. If sanding was done, but for some reason it was not possible to paint it right away, then the darkened areas can be bleached with special compounds - bleaches.

Wax coatings

Waxes for timber

Wax is best option for processing timber inside the house. It is durable and protects walls well. The only negative is the price. Costs wax coating not cheap, but the walls turn out velvety with gloss. Such processing looks expensive and professional. Most often it is used for the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

For the convenience of readers, we offer several options for painting the inside of a timber house with glazing compounds while preserving the naturalness of the wood.

Several options for painting interior walls

For various options formulations from various manufacturers are suitable. The main thing is to purchase proven products from reputable companies. These include, for example, Teknos, Tikkurila, Osmo, Sikkens (AkzoNobel), etc. For example, let’s take Teknos products; they can be replaced with any analogues. It is better to use antiseptics and paints from the same manufacturer for work. This way there will be no unexpected chemical reaction.

To work you will need:

  1. Antiseptic for wood on a single base, for example Teknol Aqua 1410-01.
  2. Acrylic varnish transparent or tinted, for example Teknos Natra or Pnelli Lac.
  3. Brush or roller.

Work progress: the walls are cleaned of dust and sanded. Then the entire surface is treated with an antiseptic in 2 layers. After drying, varnish is applied. The color of the varnish can be selected using special color cards, which are available from all major sales representatives. The varnish must be applied in 2 layers, with the second applied after the first has completely dried.

The average cost of material with consumption per 1 m 2 in one layer will be 90 rubles. Due to the low cost and ease of painting, this method is most popular among owners of private log houses.

A mistake that is made when painting is uneven application of the varnish. The result is a “camouflage” effect of color on the walls and ceiling. This can be prevented by making 3 thin layers instead of 2 layers. It is good to use such a coating for the construction of a house made of profiled timber.

Professional glaze painting

To work you will need:

  1. Antiseptic composition, for example Teknol Aqua 1410-01.
  2. Professional water-based glazing primer can be tinted, for example Aqua Primer.
  3. Colorless water-based interior varnish, such as TeknoCoat.
  4. Roller or brush.

Work progress: The surface is cleaned and polished. Then you need to do antiseptic treatment. The selected antiseptic option is odorless and dries quickly, so it is ideal for internal processing of timber. Glaze primer is applied to the dry walls. By choosing a tinted option, you can make the color of the walls deeper and more noble. The coating dries very quickly and goes on smoothly. Everything on top needs to be painted with 2 layers of interior varnish. It will create a protective layer and enhance the effect of glaze soil.

The surface will be velvety with a pleasant shimmer. The durability of such interior painting is 7 years. The cost of materials consumption per 1m2 averages from 130 rubles. According to professionals, this option is also easy to do on your own, but unlike the first, there will be no uneven tinting. The tint applies smoothly and the surface turns out to be uniform. A large assortment of tinting primer glazes makes it possible to choose a color for any interior.

Wax coating

To work you will need:

  1. Wood antiseptic Teknol Aqua 1410-01.
  2. Wood wax with a glaze effect, for example Panelvax, Teknovax.
  3. Brush.

Progress of work: The walls are cleaned in the same way as in the first two cases and sanded. An antiseptic is applied using a brush. After it has completely dried, wax is applied in 2 layers. Wax can be used either transparent or tinted. Wax painting is done with a brush. This method has one big advantage: the timber continues to breathe, since there is no varnish film on top. At the same time, the wood texture receives water- and dust-repellent properties.

The surface painted with tinted wax has an even transparent color. The walls inside feel velvety to the touch after treatment. average cost Supplies for 1m2 from 110 rub. Any of the listed methods can be easily done with your own hands and will emphasize interior interior houses made of timber.

Advantages of coating internal walls made of timber with compounds

Why is coating with compounds better than, for example, gypsum plasterboard with wallpaper or plastering? This is due to a number of advantages:

  1. The compositions for coating timber inside the house are on a natural basis, so they are environmentally friendly and do not have strong odors.
  2. The naturalness of wooden walls is preserved. A wide range color solutions makes it possible to use painting in any interior.
  3. Painting with natural compounds is vapor-permeable, which means the wood will breathe.
  4. Clear varnishes apply smoothly and there will be no color changes on the walls or ceiling.
  5. Natural-based compositions dry quickly (1-2 hours).
  6. Long service life (from 7-15 years). But in many respects this indicator for tinted options depends on the color. The lighter the color, the shorter the service life.
  7. It is easy to repair a damaged section of the wall.
  8. Good combination of price and quality.

There are not many disadvantages to such a coating, the most common is that sooner or later you will get tired of the interior, and it will be a pity to redo intact walls.

Price for work

In all major regions interior painting timber walls cost about the same. It depends on the material with which the walls are covered. Average cost of painting the inside of a house:

Works Cost, rub./m2
Wall made of timber Ceiling made of timber
Bleach treatment (restoration) From 70 From 90
Antiseptic From 65 From 85
Padding From 90 From 110
Glaze coloring (1 layer) From 120 From 140
Cover painting (1 layer) From 95 From 120
Sanding between layers From 55 From 75
Grinding From 290 From 350

In terms of square meters walls of a house, the price of painting the inside is not small. It’s easier not to overpay, but to do everything yourself. Moreover, the work is not difficult and can be carried out slowly at any time of the year and in any weather conditions.

A freshly assembled wooden house looks very attractive, the beauty of the structure natural wood can hardly “improve” even the most modern coatings. But wood has one “unpleasant” quality - over time it changes its color, darkens, and may develop various spots etc. In order for your building to have its original appearance for as long as possible and at the same time not lose the advantages of natural wood, it is necessary to paint a house made of laminated veneer lumber and be sure to use only modern paint and varnish coatings. The house should “breathe”, not emit harmful chemical compounds into the air and not require frequent maintenance. current repairs. Currently, the industry produces such dyes; they fully satisfy all modern requirements. Let's consider the algorithm for performing work, it is common to everyone wooden buildings, and are painted using the same technology.

The number and complexity of stages depends on the age of the house and its current condition. The sooner you apply makeup, the less time and money you will waste.

  • Preliminary surface preparation. If on front side there are flaws - they need to be eliminated. Sand, cover with mastic, etc., the choice of method depends on the size and nature of the damage. The most difficult thing is to deal with temporary darkening of wood under the influence of atmospheric precipitation. Such changes penetrate quite deeply into the wood, eliminating them takes a lot of time and is a very expensive process.
  • Primer. Mandatory operation for external walls; indoors may not be performed. For primers, compositions that have high adhesion and with wooden structures, and with finishing varnish coatings. It should be noted that it is varnish that is used in the vast majority of cases; it makes it possible to preserve the “natural pattern” of the walls. Some builders suggest additional treatment of external walls with antiseptics - we consider this an unnecessary operation. Moreover, it is on sale primer compositions comprehensive protection.
  • Direct painting of a house made of laminated veneer lumber. The minimum number of layers is two, the next one is applied only after the first one has completely dried. We have already mentioned that clear varnishes are most often used. But there are cases when it is very difficult to restore the appearance of the timber, then the use of opaque paint is the best option.
  • Processing the ends of timber. Be sure to close it before painting decorative boards, applying varnishes or paints directly to the insulation is prohibited. For ordinary laminated veneer lumber, such work is not necessary. You may come across “advice” that the ends should be dealt with later, they should dry. You should not listen to such advice: while you are “drying” the timber, it will crack. Then you will have to seal them, and it is very difficult to do this unnoticed. By the way, the timber is supplied with a specific humidity of no more than 12% and it is especially not worth drying it additionally.

How to paint a house made of laminated veneer lumber

We will not give a long list of different manufacturers, this is not necessary. We will tell you only about the main groups of paints.

  • Glazing paints with antiseptic properties. A clever foreign word means a simple concept - these paints are transparent. Of course, modern paints are much better performance characteristics than their predecessors.
  • Covering paints with antiseptic properties. This is a category of opaque dyes, used for painting old houses or by special order of the consumer.

Approximate cost of painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Each company sets its own prices; the data provided in the table is for informational purposes only.

It is advisable to comprehensively select paint coatings taking into account their shade properties. If you consult with a designer first, the appearance of your home will only benefit. If you decide to listen to “yourself,” that’s also an option. And then you won’t have to blame anyone. Additionally, end cuts of beams can be processed, seams between logs and cross-cuts can be sealed, stairs, terraces, balconies can be painted, and conservation can be carried out. wooden elements etc.