Wooden flooring.

Accessories for stairs On personal plots sometimes you can see wooden decking - platforms
. They can be found around trees or next to boulders, or even just out of the blue.

The main thing is that you can always sit comfortably on these platforms by placing a table and chairs.

The attractiveness of the deck (essentially a type of terrace, which is well described in this article) is due to its shape and covering. The design of the flooring largely depends on the chosen design and the taste of the owner, as well as on the size of the boards and the method of laying them.

Wooden garden deck design Usually, the best option for garden flooring - the simplest. In this case, the deck boards are laid parallel to the sides of the platform or diagonally, which creates the illusion bigger size , since the eye tracks the drawing, and not the details of the design. More complex arrangements, such as herringbone, can be expressive if you tie them into surrounding textures or with architectural features

your house.

However, there are times when the drawing does not give the expected effect. For example, if the deck is located between a shingle house and a flagstone driveway. In this case, a simple pattern of parallel boards will distract attention from the structure. To select a design, make a sketch on tracing paper and place it on the flooring drawing; of course, all this should be on the same scale. As a rule, the more sophisticated the decking pattern, the more complex the platform base. For a diagonal pattern, more frequent installation of joists is required, and for more complex types

- double logs with intervals between them, allowing you to nail the end board. The size of the span between the supports also depends on the thickness of the flooring boards and their quality.

To make garden decking you will need the following tools:

Tape measure, square, circular saw, glue gun (optional), claw hammer, screwdriver (or electric drill with a screw attachment), gouge, sandpaper and chalk.

Most decking is made from standard boards with a section of 50 x 150 mm, 50 x 100 mm or 50 x 75 mm. It should be borne in mind that 50 x 50 mm bars easily curl and warp if they are not made of oak or cedar, and boards 50 x 200 mm and wider also tend to warp and do not drain water well. Most often I use 50 x 150 mm boards, since they are faster to lay and easier to fasten, and they are less deformed.

The simplest and also more durable: boards measuring 50 x 150 mm or 50 x 100 mm are laid parallel to the sidewalls of the platform and cover it all.

In this case, you can alternate boards of different widths.

Flooring with a pattern made from blanks with a cross-section of 50 x 75 mm and 50 x 100 mm, installed on the edge, usually rests on more massive logs made of timber. True, it will be heavier and more expensive, but it will allow covering large spans between supports.

It is better to nail boards installed on the edge to the beams, and if the joints of the boards do not fall on the logs, then side strips should be attached to the latter or double logs should be provided in these places.

Above the outer supports and in the middle of the spans, separate the decking boards installed on the edges covered with waterproof construction glue plywood spacers 3 mm thick, which should not protrude beyond the flooring boards. After this, collect the flooring in a bag and knock down the boards with nails through the spacers.

Whether you plan to install deck boards on the face or on the edge, determine in advance how many you will need for your structure.

Do-it-yourself flooring installation

The decking can be attached (depending on the material chosen) to the joists using nails, screws or special clamps. Fastening with nails is the fastest and cheapest, but screws hold better. To strengthen the fastening, in addition to nails or screws, you can use construction adhesive, which is first applied to the joists using a gun. But keep in mind that once the glue hardens, you will not be able to move the boards, and this will make it difficult to repair later if the deck is damaged.

If you are attaching deck boards with nails, it is best to hammer them in by hand. Although it is faster to work with an air gun, it drives nails too deep, especially into soft wood. Screw in the screws with a screwdriver or electric drill with an appropriate attachment.

Some manufacturers recommend nailing the boards to each joist with three nails to increase strength.

To ensure drainage, ventilation, natural expansion and shrinkage of wood, there should be a gap of 3-5 mm wide between the boards. Select the exact gap size in advance based on the dimensions

material. Sometimes freshly sawn boards are not dried before fastening, and over time they decrease in width. Taking this into account, you can lay them without gaps. In all cases, the ends of the boards must meet without gaps.

If you want to paint or preservative the deck boards or finish the base of the platform, do this before final assembly of the platform. If you are using boards impregnated under pressure, then it is enough to coat their ends with an antiseptic.

DIY flooring installation

Fastening boards. Start laying the flooring by installing the boards against the wall of the house, leaving a gap between them.

Lay the boards the entire length of the deck, preferably with the convex side of the growth rings facing up, to minimize cracking and lateral warping.

Attach boards to each joist. To avoid hammer indentations, try to drive the nails so that their heads are flush with the surface of the boards. If this causes the boards to split, dull the tips of the nails with a hammer and angle the nail slightly towards the middle of the board. If this does not help, drill pilot holes with a diameter equal to 3/4 of the thickness of the nails.

For decks where gaps are required, a uniform width can be ensured by using 90mm nails into the joists at the side of the already secured board. Press the next board close to them, secure it and remove the spacer nails. To prevent them from falling under the flooring, you can plant them. they have bosses on them. For different gaps, use nails of the appropriate diameter or cut a wooden spacer.

As you nail the boards, periodically check the dimensions of the exposed portion of the deck and, if necessary, adjust the gaps so that the last board is full width. In extreme cases, it can be sawed lengthwise.

After nailing all the flooring boards, use the bead to recess the nail heads a little.

Trimming boards. Once all the boards are nailed, draw chalk lines along the sides of the deck and saw off the exposed ends of the deck boards. An experienced carpenter can make an even cut along the chalk line, but for a beginner it is advisable to nail a guide rail to the flooring.

When making garden flooring, take note:

Location of joints in homemade flooring

Boards with lengths from 2 to 6 m and widths from 100 to 200 mm are available for sale. So, if you wish, you can make the flooring without joints. For longer floorings, the boards will have to be joined lengthwise. The figure shows three layout diagrams. Arbitrary (1) or alternating (2) joints of the layout are stronger, while consecutive (3) joints weaken the structure and, in addition, create an eye-catching pattern. To achieve maximum strength, solid deck boards must span at least three joists. At the same time, waste can be reduced to a minimum if the flooring is made with boards of the same length.

Can curved boards be used for decking?

When laying the flooring, you may find that some of the boards are too curved. To use them for their intended purpose, first nail the ends of the board to the joists. Then, on the curved section, place nails above the intermediate joists. If the board is curved outward relative to the nailed board, then at the top of the hump, drive a chisel into the joist at a slight angle and use it, like a lever, to put the board in place, nailing it. If the board is curved inward, insert a chisel against the hump and press down to nail it.

To keep both hands free for work, you can use clamps.

So that the garden platform is part of nature...

Think twice before digging up a protruding rock or cutting down a tree that happens to be in the area where you plan to build a platform. Try to preserve natural elements while incorporating them into the overall picture.

There are two approaches to arranging such floorings, but in any case, you first need to make a frame around the obstacle. Only after this make a decision - either leave an opening in the flooring, or the boards will go around the natural formation.

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How to make wood flooring with your own hands - photos, drawings of the device and design

From the many floorings on personal plots, dachas and country houses, you can make 2 simple but at the same time very beautiful ones (which of course does not cancel out other designs).

The first homemade flooring is located low, i.e. directly above the ground, the second flooring is higher, and is equipped with railings and steps for entering (descent) into the garden or vegetable garden

You can make a deck away from the house, or you can attach it directly to the house.

In both cases, the flooring will still have to be done so that it fits into the landscape design of the site.

Please take into account the fact that when changing the number or length of any parts in relation to the proposed structures, the spans between the lags should not allow the flooring boards to sag significantly.

But before you begin construction, do not forget to coordinate your project with specialists in order to take into account parameters such as the depth of the foundation supports and the distance between them, depending on the type of soil.

Do-it-yourself low flooring (Fig. 1)

The construction of a low deck (Fig. 1) for rest or work does not require large financial or time expenditures.

Since the deck is small (2.4 x 3.6 m), it is suitable for many garden plots and creates a pleasant and secluded corner in the garden.

For the foundation, use ready-made concrete blocks with anchors for racks. If the site is horizontal, then the racks can be eliminated and the beams can be placed directly on the anchors.

If the slope is noticeable, then you will need racks of different heights to maintain the horizontality of the flooring.

In this case, in the upper part of the slope, the beams can be laid directly on concrete blocks (Fig. 2).

To climb onto the flooring, you can make a step from pre-treated or painted boards (50x150 mm), a large flat stone or a concrete slab.

In order to make this flooring you will need:


SIZE, mm








Flooring boards


Face board




Ready block





80-90 mm long for flooring; nails for anchors


Anchors, steel connectors

Note. For flooring parts, use lumber treated with an antiseptic. Use corrosion-resistant fasteners.

Do-it-yourself high flooring (Fig. 3)

The corner deck attached to the house is very attractive and seems to increase the area of ​​the home.

In this case, the flooring is planned from the garden side and can serve as an entrance to the house.

Having set the height of the flooring, it is enough to adjust the dimensions of the racks and the number of steps of the stairs to it (Fig. 3-7). You can do without racks by making the flooring just one step above the garden level.

Regardless of which flooring you choose, do not forget that if its height is more than 750 mm, then a fence with railings should be provided. The latter can be done on a low flooring - it will only benefit from this, becoming more attractive.

At the same time, for convenience, round the corners of the railing, and on the back side of the staircase handrail, in order to better grasp it with your fingers, select a groove.

In order to make the second flooring you will need:


SIZE, mm









50×150 mm

Support beam near the wall of the house

100×200 mm for decking

Flooring boards


Face board



50×300 mm stringer; 50×150 mm tread; 50×100 mm risers


Posts 100×100 mm, fencing railings

and stair handrail 50×150 mm; fencing boards 50×200 mm; jumpers 50×100 mm; dowel 038 mm



300×300 mm finished block


Concrete blocks 450×450 mm; cushion for stairs 450×150 depth 300 mm


I propose to see how a simple flooring made of boards at the dacha can transform your yard. From a boring and dull concrete platform, the space turns into a comfortable multi-level relaxation area.
Concrete is strong and flat, but dull and uncomfortable. It’s strange, it would seem like a lot of space, what else do you need? But as always at the dacha, everything is filled with scattered furniture, pots, bushes, etc. That’s why it was decided to radically change everything.

We needed a comfortable and beautiful place to relax. The choice fell on wooden flooring because of its advantages: it is natural, you can build it with your own hands, if you “don’t like it” you can remove it and return to concrete, and most importantly, construction costs are relatively low.
During the work, which was completed by only one person, a wooden three-level deck was assembled - flooring. Everything was made from ordinary pine boards. In this case, boards of two width sizes were used. For the base I used pine timber. Stands for levels were also assembled from its scraps.

I am sure that many summer residents will like this project precisely because of its simplicity and effectiveness in terms of transforming space.
A little about technology and work:
-The tools used were a screwdriver, a drill and a miter saw, which can be replaced with a jigsaw or even a regular hacksaw.
-In addition to the fact that the pine was treated against rotting, the top boards were painted and impregnated with deck varnish for exterior use.

Like many successful design ideas, decking has experienced a period of over-popularity that has not benefited it. Having become a fashionable novelty, they were often used in the most inappropriate situations, after which they were undeservedly accused of a variety of sins. As a result, decking went out of fashion as quickly as it came into it. The root of all these contradictions is that wooden flooring, like other hard surfaces, are ideal for some places and situations, but completely unsuitable for others.


If you analyze the nature and properties of wood as a material, you will immediately guess where it is most profitable to use it. Wood is much lighter than brick or tile and is therefore excellent for balconies and roofs, where a beautiful and practical, but lightweight coating is required. The fact that wooden platforms are assembled on a frame rather than directly on the ground means that they can be installed on top of an existing hard surface without dismantling or breaking it. In addition, the platform can be placed on stands of any height, which means it can be raised over an uneven area or slope without wasting time and effort on dragging the earth and leveling it.

But at the same time, it will become obvious to you that in some places wood should never be used. Even wood that has been pressure treated with a preservative will rot if exposed to less than ideal conditions. For example, if water from trees drips onto a wooden deck or if it remains in the shade most of the day, mold will soon develop, the wood will become slippery and begin to deteriorate. If the flooring is well ventilated from above and below, this will improve the situation a little, but it will still have to be pressure washed from time to time to get rid of the fungus.


Your decking can be any shape, size or design - don't hold back your imagination. For example, if you want to create a corner of the tropics in your garden, place the decking on poles as tall as stilts, plant trees with large leaves around it, and place pots with exotic plants, including the vines that will wrap around the railing - on a hot day you can easily imagine that you are in the middle of the jungle. With the help of design, it is not difficult to create other illusions - for example, the proximity of water. Make the deck long to resemble a dock or pier; install it on thick pillars, and assemble the flooring itself from weathered, aged wood. The railing can be made from ropes and the flooring can be decorated with shells, sand or sea pebbles, and plants often found on the shore can be planted nearby.

Due to its light weight, the tree is one of the most suitable materials for creating roof terraces. It can be slightly raised above the main surface of the roof so as not to interfere with the flow of water; It is easy to cut notches for pipes. Most flat roofs can be converted into additional living space, but only with prior consultation with a structural engineer and possibly strengthening the old roof.


Using different boards And different ways their installation, you can easily change the visual perception of space. Flooring made from narrow boards appears wider, while flooring made from wide boards appears narrower. By laying the boards diagonally or directly away from an entryway (such as a door leading from the house to a patio), the deck will appear more spacious. If, on the contrary, you lay the boards across, the long and narrow platform will become shorter and wider. This technique is especially useful for elongated gardens, as it makes the space more proportional and visually brings the far edge closer to the viewer.

Instead of making one large deck, you can install several smaller ones at different levels or even separate them with short passages. In a small garden, this will distract attention from the cramped space and visually increase the area.


Wood flooring feels like an extension of the home and living area much more than any other hard surface. Therefore, home furniture, lamps and accessories that would look ridiculous in another part of the garden would be appropriate here.

At the same time, wooden flooring can also serve as a living room fresh air, and a place to store many necessary things. Storage drawers can be placed under the seats garden tools, pillows or children's toys. Or you can make the flooring liftable and arrange a warehouse underneath it; in this case it will be necessary to install a hatch or a small door. Of course, all these vaults will have to be made waterproof using durable plastic.


You may want to install a pergola-style canopy over part of the deck. This way you will provide yourself with protection from the sun on a hot day and a base for climbing and other plants. Pergolas are sold in finished form and are easy to install, but they can also be built according to own project. The choice of plants for them is huge: think roses, clematis or grapes.

In addition to the pergola, you need to consider a balustrade or simple railings. Of course, if the deck is built on a raised platform, they are absolutely necessary and should be at least 1.2 meters high, and the balusters should be spaced far enough so that children cannot squeeze between them. However, railings are also worth considering if your deck is at ground level. They can be an additional decorative element, and in addition, they organize vertical space, which is important if your deck is large, flat and built on one level.


If your decking will be more complex than just square or rectangular, it makes sense to draw up a scale drawing in advance. You'll be more likely to find everything on the drawing. problem areas and find ways to cut down the tree as little as possible. Go to your nearest warehouse or store and find out what sizes the boards from the wood you need are available. Take the time to make as detailed a drawing as possible.

Do not forget to mark on it the load-bearing beams (joists) located around the perimeter, as well as inside the frame at intervals of approximately 45 centimeters; it is from them that the main structure of the flooring is created. Also mark the vertical posts that support the decking: one in each corner and every 1.5 meters around the perimeter. If you have a large deck, the posts will have to be placed inside the frame.

For decks built more than 60 centimeters above ground level, it is a good idea to consult a structural engineer who can correctly calculate the load; Otherwise, your new deck could collapse, damaging the side of your home. The same goes for balconies and roof terraces: it is extremely important to ensure that the house is able to withstand the new load. Check with your local authorities to see if you need a special permit for this type of construction.


The easiest way is to buy all the materials for your construction site ready-made: sawn, in the desired shape and with ready-made grooves. There are often decking kits on sale that you just have to assemble. If you are going to install a deck under trees, you should definitely buy decking - boards with ready-made longitudinal grooves that speed up drying and prevent your feet from slipping on wet wood. However, if you want something unusual, you should choose the material yourself.


Boards for outdoor use must be at least 2.5-5 centimeters thick, otherwise they may warp from dampness and temperature changes. Taking into account this requirement, choose any material to your taste - from railway sleepers and thinner.

Deck boards are made from two types of wood: soft and hard. Solid wood is more expensive, but it is more durable and stronger. Softwood is much cheaper, but it requires constant care, otherwise it will last for five years at best.

Hardwoods include oak and teak. These trees grow very slowly, and as a result their wood is dense and hard. However, it is precisely because of its slow growth that it is expensive. Green (unseasoned) oak boards are especially durable, but they are very expensive and can curl and warp over time. Softwood includes pine and other conifers - they grow quickly and are therefore much cheaper.

Nowadays, there is hardly a person who has not heard about illegal, barbaric deforestation. If you choose to build your deck with hardwood, please ensure that it comes from a forest that is carefully maintained and continually replenishes its trees. Typically, such wood is provided with a special label. A reputable supplier or shopping center should know where their wood came from, and if they cannot accurately answer your question, it is better to buy the materials from another, more reputable place. Softwood should also come from a reputable supplier.


Be sure to make sure that the wood you buy has been pressure treated or vacuum treated with a preservative. Only such treatment guarantees that the preservative has penetrated deep enough into the wood. Buy wood only from reliable suppliers and remember that without proper treatment the wood will not last long.


In many ways, building a deck is much easier than, say, a tiled deck. The main thing here is to correctly determine the depth to which the support pillars should be lowered into the ground, and to make the strapping correctly. It is also important that all nails, screws and bolts are the correct length and strong enough. Once the harness is installed, laying the boards on it is not at all difficult.

If you build a high deck or deck on a slope, there will be empty, easily visible space underneath. You can cover it with boards nailed to the posts, you can fill it with gravel, bark chips or other bulk material, or you can plant it on all sides with plants, but in this case there must be good fertile soil between the posts.


Preparing the site and how much effort and time it will require depends on the height of the deck and the nature of the surface on which you intend to build it. If you are installing a low deck on an old patio, balcony or roof, you just need to sweep the area thoroughly and make sure it is level and sturdy enough. But if you're building a deck on bare ground, you'll have to do more work.

First you need to mark the area using pegs and twine, check whether they pass under it water pipes, and mark them too. Destroy all perennial weeds growing in the area and cover it with protective film. If your chosen site doesn't have good drainage, consider ways to improve it. If you are building a deck at ground level and want it to last a long time, you may need to remove about 10 centimeters of soil, fill the hole with gravel and compact it well.


First of all, mark the places where the support pillars will stand, then dig them into the ground and secure them with concrete. If you are building on uneven area, don't let this worry you - the posts can be leveled when you install the frame on them, but for now just make sure that the height of the post standing at the lowest point is not lower than the intended height of the deck.

Next, start making the binding. If you do not want water to linger on the surface of the deck, give it a slight slope. Select the direction of the slope and adjust the height of the outer support beam accordingly. If you are installing the deck at ground level, it would be a good idea at this stage to ensure that the space under the boards does not attract any small animals. To do this, it is enough to fill the gaps between the supports with gravel: the animals may crawl into it, but they are unlikely to want to build a nest.

Once this is done, you can lay down the decking boards. Starting at the edge, lay the boards in the direction you choose, attaching them to load-bearing beams nails or, for a more accurate result, recessed screws.

Once all the boards are in place, the wood can be painted. If there are plants nearby, use only plant-safe, water-based paint.


To secure the posts in the ground you will need to do concrete mixture. Depending on the conditions, it can be used either dry or already diluted with water. Convenient packages with such a mixture, to which you only need to add water, are sold in all construction stores. It turns out to be a little more expensive than if you mixed the solution yourself, but for small quantities this difference is not significant. If you are installing poles in damp or damp soil, a dry mixture is ideal for you - it will quickly absorb moisture from the soil; the mixture, previously diluted with water, in such a situation may simply not set. The dry mixture must be compacted tightly around the perimeter of the post and some way must be found to maintain the post in an upright position until the concrete hardens.

If you decide to dilute the mixture with water, make the solution quite steep, that is, add to it the minimum amount of water necessary for it to set. Tamp it around the post and it will harden very quickly.

The decking is installed on poles that are anchored in the ground using a concrete base.


1. If you are building a deck at ground level, dig a 30cm deep hole in the ground for each support post (for taller decks the depth should be 45cm). Place scrap bricks, gravel, or a concrete block at the bottom of each hole. Insert a post into the middle of the hole and fill the empty space around it with thick concrete mortar. Use a spirit level to make sure the post is perfectly vertical. Allow the concrete to harden (about two days).

2. In order to make the strapping, use galvanized screws to drill outer, horizontal beams to the support posts at the required height. Using a spirit level with a rule (a long straight bar), constantly monitor the installation of the beams. Using nails, screws or brackets, install intermediate joists between the outer beams at intervals of 45 centimeters.

3. Attach the flooring boards to the joists and beams using recessed screws, leaving a gap of about 5 millimeters between them (in order to accurately create the gap, use, for example, a wooden sliver - this will make your work easier). The flooring boards should protrude beyond the framing by at least 5 centimeters. When all the boards are drilled, draw a transverse line along the protruding ends and use a saw to cut off any excess.

Do-it-yourself wooden flooring at the dacha: design and production

How to make a wooden deck (garden platform) with your own hands

In garden plots you can sometimes see sometimes you can see. They can be found around trees or next to boulders, or even just out of the blue.
The main thing is that you can always sit comfortably on these platforms by placing a table and chairs.

The main thing is that you can always sit comfortably on these platforms by placing a table and chairs.

The attractiveness of the deck (essentially a type of terrace, which is well described in this article) is due to its shape and covering. The design of the flooring largely depends on the chosen design and the taste of the owner, as well as on the size of the boards and the method of laying them.

Generally, the best option for garden decking is the simplest one. In this case, the deck boards are laid parallel to the sides of the platform or diagonally, which creates the illusion of greater size as the eye follows the pattern rather than the details of the structure. More complex arrangements, such as herringbone, can be expressive if you tie them into surrounding textures or the architectural features of your home.

your house.

As a rule, the more sophisticated the decking pattern, the more complex the platform base. For a diagonal pattern, more frequent installation of joists is required, and for more complex types, double joists with intervals between them allow the end board to be nailed. The size of the span between the supports also depends on the thickness of the flooring boards and their quality.

- double logs with intervals between them, allowing you to nail the end board. The size of the span between the supports also depends on the thickness of the flooring boards and their quality.

To make garden decking you will need the following tools:

Tape measure, square, circular saw, glue gun (optional), claw hammer, screwdriver (or electric drill with a screw attachment), gouge, sandpaper and chalk.

Most decking is made from standard boards with a section of 50 x 150 mm, 50 x 100 mm or 50 x 75 mm. It should be borne in mind that 50 x 50 mm bars easily curl and warp if they are not made of oak or cedar, and boards 50 x 200 mm and wider also tend to warp and do not drain water well. Most often I use 50 x 150 mm boards, since they are faster to lay and easier to fasten, and they are less deformed.

The simplest and also more durable: boards measuring 50 x 150 mm or 50 x 100 mm are laid parallel to the sidewalls of the platform and cover it all.

In this case, you can alternate boards of different widths.

Flooring with a pattern made from blanks with a cross-section of 50 x 75 mm and 50 x 100 mm, installed on the edge, usually rests on more massive logs made of timber. True, it will be heavier and more expensive, but it will allow covering large spans between supports.

It is better to nail boards installed on the edge to the beams, and if the joints of the boards do not fall on the logs, then side strips should be attached to the latter or double logs should be provided in these places.

Above the outer supports and in the middle of the spans, separate the decking boards installed on the edge with 3 mm thick plywood spacers coated with waterproof construction adhesive, which should not protrude beyond the decking boards. After this, collect the flooring in a bag and knock down the boards with nails through the spacers.

Whether you plan to install deck boards on the face or on the edge, determine in advance how many you will need for your structure.

Do-it-yourself flooring installation

The decking can be attached (depending on the material chosen) to the joists using nails, screws or special clamps. Fastening with nails is the fastest and cheapest, but screws hold better. To strengthen the fastening, in addition to nails or screws, you can use construction adhesive, which is first applied to the joists using a gun. But keep in mind that once the glue hardens, you will not be able to move the boards, and this will make it difficult to repair later if the deck is damaged.

If you are attaching deck boards with nails, it is best to hammer them in by hand. Although it is faster to work with an air gun, it drives nails too deep, especially into soft wood. Screw in the screws with a screwdriver or electric drill with an appropriate attachment.

Some manufacturers recommend nailing the boards to each joist with three nails to increase strength.

To ensure drainage, ventilation, natural expansion and shrinkage of wood, there should be a gap of 3-5 mm wide between the boards. Select the exact gap size in advance based on the dimensions

material. Sometimes freshly sawn boards are not dried before fastening, and over time they decrease in width. Taking this into account, you can lay them without gaps. In all cases, the ends of the boards must meet without gaps.

If you want to paint or preservative the deck boards or finish the base of the platform, do this before final assembly of the platform. If you are using boards impregnated under pressure, then it is enough to coat their ends with an antiseptic.

DIY flooring installation

Fastening boards. Start laying the flooring by installing the boards against the wall of the house, leaving a gap between them.

Lay the boards the entire length of the deck, preferably with the convex side of the growth rings facing up, to minimize cracking and lateral warping.

Attach boards to each joist. To avoid hammer indentations, try to drive the nails so that their heads are flush with the surface of the boards. If this causes the boards to split, dull the tips of the nails with a hammer and angle the nail slightly towards the middle of the board. If this does not help, drill pilot holes with a diameter equal to 3/4 of the thickness of the nails.

For decks where gaps are required, a uniform width can be ensured by using 90mm nails into the joists at the side of the already secured board. Press the next board close to them, secure it and remove the spacer nails. To prevent them from falling under the flooring, you can plant them. they have bosses on them. For different gaps, use nails of the appropriate diameter or cut a wooden spacer.

As you nail the boards, periodically check the dimensions of the exposed portion of the deck and, if necessary, adjust the gaps so that the last board is full width. In extreme cases, it can be sawed lengthwise.

After nailing all the flooring boards, use the bead to recess the nail heads a little.

Trimming boards. Once all the boards are nailed, draw chalk lines along the sides of the deck and saw off the exposed ends of the deck boards. An experienced carpenter can make an even cut along the chalk line, but for a beginner it is advisable to nail a guide rail to the flooring.

When making garden flooring, take note:

Location of joints in homemade flooring

Boards with lengths from 2 to 6 m and widths from 100 to 200 mm are available for sale. So, if you wish, you can make the flooring without joints. For longer floorings, the boards will have to be joined lengthwise. The figure shows three layout diagrams. Arbitrary (1) or alternating (2) joints of the layout are stronger, while consecutive (3) joints weaken the structure and, in addition, create an eye-catching pattern. To achieve maximum strength, solid deck boards must span at least three joists. At the same time, waste can be reduced to a minimum if the flooring is made with boards of the same length.

Can curved boards be used for decking?

When laying the flooring, you may find that some of the boards are too curved. To use them for their intended purpose, first nail the ends of the board to the joists. Then, on the curved section, place nails above the intermediate joists. If the board is curved outward relative to the nailed board, then at the top of the hump, drive a chisel into the joist at a slight angle and use it, like a lever, to put the board in place, nailing it. If the board is curved inward, insert a chisel against the hump and press down to nail it.

To keep both hands free for work, you can use clamps.

So that the garden platform is part of nature...

Think twice before digging up a protruding rock or cutting down a tree that happens to be in the area where you plan to build a platform. Try to preserve natural elements while incorporating them into the overall picture.

There are two approaches to arranging such floorings, but in any case, you first need to make a frame around the obstacle. Only after this make a decision - either leave an opening in the flooring, or the boards will go around the natural formation.

If you surround a tree with decking, then do not forget that it not only grows upward, but also increases in diameter, which means it is necessary to provide living space for it. And never attach decking to the trunk. This is bad for the tree, and the swinging of its trunk from the wind can damage your structure.

If you make a large opening, then you should think about placing a bench under the tree crown.

How to make a platform for a summer house with your own hands

If the surface of your country or summer cottage has a complex topography, a wooden platform will help you comfortably arrange the area for recreation; it is practical and easy to use. Due to the fact that the decking is raised above the ground, it not only visually expands the area in front of the house, but also allows you to use a part of the landscape that is unsuitable at first glance (for example, hilly terrain).

The flooring attracts with its capabilities - you can always sit comfortably on such a platform, it can be used as a place for games or family vacation. Drawing wooden covering depends on the size and method of laying the boards, as well as on the type of finished structure.

Wooden platforms can be installed not only in open space, but also around trees, as well as on the roof of a house. In addition, the wooden base goes perfectly with lawn grass, flower borders, gravel and even stone slabs. Dense vegetation will not only smooth out the straight, clear lines of the platform, but will also create the illusion of a secluded corner in the garden.

If a bush or tree grows on the site of the future platform, do not rush to remove them; it is better to harmoniously combine the wooden platform and elements of nature. A fencing frame must be made around a tree (bush, stump, large stone). Under no circumstances should you attach the flooring directly to the tree - this will reduce the reliability of the structure.

Please note that if the deck will surround a tree, you should provide the necessary living space for it (because trees not only grow upward, but also increase in diameter). If the opening between the tree and the platform is too large, it is advisable to install a bench in this place.

In addition, wooden platforms can be used as a veranda - for this, some homeowners install platforms on the upper floors or roof of the house. Terrace flooring at the dacha can significantly transform the landscape design of your site.

Wooden platform DEKI

Wooden platforms (decks) are multifunctional structures that can not only become part of the house, but are also used in arranging a courtyard, swimming pool, or artificial pond.

Additional reliability is given to wooden platforms (terraces), especially if they surround a pond, by railings, and low internal partitions and floor flowerpots with living plants turn the area into a cozy and picturesque place to relax.

Main types of wooden flooring

Depending on the installation method, there are several types of wooden flooring:

  • garden parquet (can be used only in the warm season);
  • patio;
  • deck flooring;
  • wooden terrace.

Patio- this is a cozy island for relaxation, which is located in the garden. It can be made in a romantic, oriental or minimalist style. A patio made of wood harmonizes perfectly with any landscape design. Since this area is separated from the house, it is recommended to install an awning to protect from rain.

Deck flooring can be made in any shape, the size and complexity of the design are limited only by your imagination.

Terrace- This is perhaps the largest construction. Typically, decking is rectangular in shape and surrounds the entire perimeter of the house. However, to create a terrace you can also use flat roof Houses. Thanks to large area, on the terrace you can place sun loungers or lounge chairs, garden furniture, hammock. Bright color accents can be created using decorative elements, for example, cozy sofa cushions, fancy lamps.

If the flooring is installed permanently, the need for additional details- steps, fencing, lighting systems.

Platforms can have any shape:

  • simple (square, rectangular);
  • complex (multi-level, cascade structures).

How to properly prepare the site

Peculiarities proper preparation site before installing the decking depends on several factors:

  • height of the installed platform;
  • surface relief.

If a roof, balcony or patio is used as the base for the deck, preparatory work will be limited to checking the strength and sweeping the area. But if the platform will be placed simply on the ground, you should mark the area (using pegs and stretched twine) and clear it of weeds.

Since the base of the deck must have excellent drainage, we recommend removing a few centimeters of soil and filling it with gravel (this will protect the space under the platform from small animals and rodents). It is best to not just dig the support pillars into the ground, but secure them with concrete mortar (use ready-made or dry mixture).

What can a platform be made from?

To arrange the platform, you can use boards made of deciduous or coniferous species wood, however, if the budget allows, we recommend giving preference to decking - a special decking board made of hardwood exotic trees (for example, yew or garapa). Deciduous species include alder, modrina, aspen, and coniferous species include spruce, pine, larch, and smereka.

Coniferous species are highly wear-resistant, however, to extend their service life, the wood should be treated with special antiseptics. For additional protection against moisture, decking boards can be impregnated with special oil.

The boards are pre-cleaned of bark and also treated with antiseptic and moisture-proof solutions. If you want to give the flooring a certain color, after installation you can apply tint or varnish the boards. Varnishing will favorably emphasize the natural pattern of the wooden base. If you want to have a light coating, you can whiten the boards with a weak lime mortar; this will not only create a decorative effect of weathered boards, but will also protect the platform from mold.

wood flooring installation

Basic methods of laying wooden flooring and installation rules

The simplest type of flooring involves standard laying of boards parallel or diagonally to the sides of the base. This method allows you to visually expand the space.

A more complex pattern (for example, herringbone, rounded, at an angle of 45 degrees, diagonal, corner, checkerboard) is laid according to a previously made sketch. Complex designs should be combined with the decoration of the facade of the house and surrounding elements. In addition, the more complex the flooring pattern, the stronger the base should be, the best option are double logs made of massive timber.

How to make a wooden platform with your own hands

DIY wood flooring

Building a wooden deck yourself is not at all difficult - to do this you need to have at least minimal carpentry skills. To make a wooden platform at your dacha with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • construction tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • saw (ideally a circular saw);
  • square;
  • beard;
  • chisel, clamps (useful for leveling curved boards);

When constructing a deck, you can use boards of any size, but the most popular are 5*7.5 cm, 5*15 and 5*10 cm boards - they are not only easy to use, but also more resistant to deformation. Smaller beams are easily deformed during use, so it is better not to use them. It is also not recommended to use boards that are too wide (more than 20 cm wide), because water will accumulate on their surface, which will lead to destruction of the material.

If you want to create an original floor on the terrace, you can use boards of different widths.

The boards are attached to the base using nails and screws, but special clamps can also be used. For more reinforced fastening in places with the greatest load, you can use construction adhesive (applied using a special gun). If you decide to use nails, it is better to drive them in manually, without resorting to a pneumatic gun, because it drives the nails deeper than required. The screws should be screwed in using a screwdriver (electric drill).

The flooring installation algorithm includes the following steps:

First of all, the construction of a wooden platform begins with knocking down the edge to which the logs are attached. The outer supports are additionally reinforced with waterproof plywood inserts (no more than 0.3 cm thick). The laying of the wooden flooring begins from the side of the house wall, leaving a small gap (the exception is the ends, they should fit snugly against each other).

The gap provides the necessary ventilation and drainage wooden structure, thereby protecting the boards from deformation under the influence of moisture. In addition, wood can shrink or, conversely, expand during operation - this fact should also be taken into account during installation. For example, if you use freshly sawn boards rather than dried ones, they can be laid end-to-end, without gaps, since the wood will shrink slightly over time.

The boards must be laid along the length of the flooring to prevent cracking and deformation. The flooring is laid out with a slight slope (in the direction opposite to the house) - for better water drainage. Each board must be attached to the joist using nails or screws. If the design of the flooring requires the presence of equal gaps, they can be made using nails (90 mm), which are fixed to the side of the fixed board and removed as necessary.

If you need to make gaps of different widths, use wooden spacers or nails of selected sizes. When all the boards are secured, the heads of the nails should be “sunk” using a beard.

In order to evenly trim the protruding edges of the boards after they are secured, you should draw an even line with chalk along the sides of the flooring and saw off the protruding ends of the boards (if you are afraid to saw off the excess, you can additionally install a special rail to guide the movement). The saw blade must be sharp to ensure a tight and even cut.

To maximize the strength of the flooring, the boards must overlap at least three joists. For greater reliability, the boards are nailed with several nails.

Before you begin the installation process, you should make sure that all the boards are level. If they are curved, the installation process will require additional steps. First, the ends of the curved boards are nailed to the joists. Nails are nailed to the bend and attached to the intermediate joists. If the bend is on inside boards, opposite the bend you need to install a chisel, press it and secure the board with nails.

If the bend is on outside, the board is also leveled using a chisel, only it is first driven into the joist and used as a lever. If you perform all the actions yourself, without assistants, we recommend using clamps to make the work easier.

Wood flooring

If you plan to additionally coat the boards with antiseptic or paint, this should be done before final assembly of the structure.

Advice: if pre-impregnated boards are used to install the flooring, the antiseptic should be applied only to the ends.

Since wood is a flammable material and has a low level of fire safety, the surface of the finished platform should be treated with special solutions (fire retardants).

If you want to create your own nook for relaxing in the garden, a wooden platform - perfect option. There are various ways to create and decorate wooden flooring, but they all have one goal - creating a cozy and comfortable place for the whole family to relax in any weather.

Wood flooring (terraces, patios, platforms) allows for more rational and harmonious use of garden space, and also creates various visual illusions. The right shape of wooden flooring can visually increase the area of ​​a site or even a house.

Wooden decking or island on the lawn...

More often floorings, as part of the open terraces, are adjacent to the house, but this is not at all necessary. Sometimes the best place for relaxation - this is a remote shady corner of your garden. This solution has one tangible advantage. "Independent" flooring not connected to the house, which means it does not need a deep winter foundation. This will save you hours of hard, back-breaking work, especially in wooded or rocky areas where digging for a foundation is difficult.

The design of our island deck is quite simple. It is a square 3.5 x 3.5 m with one step. If you know how to cut boards and drive screws, you can build it yourself in one day. The only tools you will need are a circular saw and a drill. In our case, an unpretentious composite board with hidden fastenings was used as flooring. But when using it is simple wooden board with impregnation and conventional screws, the price of the structure can be significantly reduced.

Fundamental solution

Place two support beams parallel to each other at a distance of 275 cm. Attach strings of the same length to the ends of the beams, crossing them in the middle. By measuring the length diagonally, make sure that the beams are strictly parallel to each other. Use a shovel to mark the locations of the foundation blocks (Fig. A) and dig holes for the gravel.

Using a line and a building level, determine the highest and lowest points of the site. Compact the soil, then add gravel. Place blocks on the gravel bed and level them (photo 1), adding or removing gravel as needed. If you do not have 20 cm thick blocks, you can use narrow 10 cm blocks, placing them on top of each other and fastening them together cement mortar. If the height difference is more than 60 cm, place the flooring on columnar foundation- it will be both more beautiful and safer.


Place the support beams on the foundation blocks exactly at right angles. Using a piece of string, check and adjust the parallelism of the sides (photo 2). If necessary, level the beams using plastic or wooden shims. Mark the location of the joists on the support beams, starting from the edge. We used 11 logs, installing them in 30 cm increments (distance between centers). The distance is maintained specifically for a composite board so that it does not sag over time; for a wooden decking board, the interval between logs can be increased to 40 cm. To attach the logs to the support beams, use metal corners - this is both more reliable and better than driving nails at an angle ( This method often splits the wood.) Secure a corner at each joist attachment point (photo 3).

2)- Take measurements diagonally, moving one of the beams forward or back to form an even square. The twine will hold the beams in place.
3)- Screw in the corners instead of driving nails at an angle, which can split and weaken the cross beam or disrupt the symmetry of the base.

Clean perimeter

Secure the joists to the metal corners with screws. Screw the console boards on both sides. Later, the second cantilever board will need to be removed for a while to straighten the ends of the joists. At this stage, it is needed so that the logs lie flat and the side beams do not collapse (photo 4). When the cantilever board is removed at the end of the job, the joists will be held in place by the decking.

Install and secure the remaining joists. Strengthen external corners additional wooden spacers (photo 5). Find the midpoint of the lag length. Then install spacers between the joists, moving them 1-1.5 cm from the middle in a checkerboard pattern. The offsets are necessary to ensure that all the spacers do not end up under the joint of the deck boards.

5)- To reinforce the corners, install corner spacers between the two outer joists, then nail the cantilever board on both sides.

6)- Take a step. You can not lay a foundation under it, but “hang” the staircase joists under the flooring joists using metal corners or connecting bars.

Laying the flooring

Composite terrace board usually attached to the joists with special hidden fasteners. But you can also use ordinary screws: there will be a lot of holes, the screw heads will have to be recessed well, but this solution will be much cheaper.

Begin laying the decking at the edge, aligning the first board with the cantilever beam. Don't cut the boards to length, you will cut them afterwards, all together, so that the edges are even. Use four spacers between each pair of boards when attaching. Every four boards, check the distance to the cantilever board and adjust the distance between boards as necessary. After installing the second to last board, remove the cantilever board, mark and cut the ends of the cross beams so that the last deck board lies flush along the edge. Reinstall the cantilever board and secure the last deck board.

Nail 0.5 cm thick wooden pads to the console board every 40 cm to create a ventilation gap and prevent water from accumulating along the end. Cover the ends of the deck with an end board, securing it with two screws under each pad (Photo 8). After installing the ends, secure the tread boards ( horizontal surface steps). The finishing of the step is completed by installing a riser - a vertical board under the step.

7)- Lay down the deck boards. The deck will look better if you use hidden fasteners, but the work will take more time. File the ends of the deck boards along the cantilever board.

8)- Cover the deck with matching end boards, using countersunk screws just under the pads.

9)- Cover the side of the step with end boards, then measure, cut and install the riser at the front of the step.

The simplicity of this deck allows it to be built very quickly. If you have an assistant and all the materials are available, then, starting in the morning, you can finish the work by sunset. The construction of the steps and the use of hidden fastenings will require a little more time.

How to make a wooden deck at your dacha with your own hands

Flooring near a country house is one of the options for arranging a personal garden. In order to make such a garden deck with your own hands, you will need boards of a certain cross-section, elements for fastening the structure and an antiseptic for treating the platform. Country wooden flooring on a site can be of various configurations - when arranging it, the owner can show all his imagination.

Configuration of flooring on the ground near a country house

Although the terrace is usually located next to the house, you can make an attractive small garden deck out of wood in a quiet corner of the garden between fruit or ornamental shrubs. It will be a pleasant place to spend time with friends over evening tea or just sit in silence with a book. Such decking for summer cottages, remote from housing, is called platforms. They can be found around trees or next to boulders, or even just out of the blue. The main thing is that you can always sit comfortably on these platforms by placing a table and chairs. The attractiveness of the platforms is due to their shape and coating.

Wooden garden decks are very popular in America. It was the Americans who gave them the name “deck”, which means “deck”. The fact is that initially decking was made exclusively from teak, just like ship decks.

The pattern and configuration of the flooring on the ground for a summer cottage largely depends on the chosen design and taste of the owner, as well as on the size of the boards and the method of laying them.

When creating a wooden deck at the dacha with your own hands, the simplest design of the decking boards is laid parallel to the sides of the platform or diagonally, which creates the illusion of a larger size, since the eye follows the pattern, and not the details of the structure. More complex arrangements, such as herringbone, can be dramatic if they tie into the surrounding textures or architectural features of the home.

However, there are times when the drawing does not give the expected effect. For example, if the deck for a summer house is located on the street between a house covered with shingles and a path paved with tiles. In this case, a simple pattern of parallel boards will distract attention from the structure.

To choose the most suitable design, make several sketches on tracing paper and place them one by one on the flooring drawing. Of course, both the drawing and the flooring must be kept on the same scale.

As a general rule, the more intricate the design of the wood decking for the garden, the more complex the platform base should be. For a diagonal pattern, more frequent installation of logs is required, and for more complex types of patterns, double logs with an interval between them, allowing the end board to be nailed. The size of the span between the supports also depends on the thickness of the flooring boards and their quality.

Flooring for an outdoor garden: board sizes

Most decking in the countryside is made by hand from standard boards with a section of 50 x 150 mm, 50 x 100 mm or 50 x 75 mm. It should be borne in mind that 50 x 50 mm bars easily twist and warp if they are not made of redwood or cedar, and 50 x 200 mm and wider boards also tend to warp and do not drain water well.

Most often, boards measuring 50 x 150 mm are used for decking, since they are faster to lay and easier to fasten, and they are less deformed.

The simplest decking, which also has greater strength, is made from boards 50 x 150 mm or 50 x 100 mm, laying them on logs parallel to the sides of the platform. In this case, you can alternately use boards of different widths, for example 50 x 100 mm and 50 x 150 mm, 50 x 50 mm and 50 x 150 mm, or 50 x 50 mm and 50 x 100 mm.

Flooring made from boards in a dacha with a pattern made from blanks with a cross-section of 50 x 75 mm and 50 x 100 mm, installed on an edge, usually rests on beams rather than on logs. True, it will be heavier and more expensive, but it will allow you to block large spans between the supports and reduce the height of the lower part of the structure.

It is better to nail boards installed on the edge to the beams, and if the joints of the boards fall on the joists, then side planks should be attached to the latter or double joists should be provided in these places.

Depending on how you plan to lay wooden decking boards in your dacha - flat or on edge - determine how many of them you will need for your structure.

Above the outer supports and in the middle of the spans, separate the deck boards installed on edge with 3 mm plywood spacers coated with waterproof construction adhesive, which should not protrude beyond the deck boards. After this, collect the flooring in a bag and knock down the boards with nails through the spacers.

Laying wooden flooring at the dacha (with photo)

Depending on the chosen material, plank flooring at the dacha is secured outdoors to the joists with nails, screws (self-tapping screws) or special clamps. Fastening with nails is the fastest and cheapest, but screws hold better. To strengthen the fastening, in addition to nails or screws, you can use construction adhesive, which is first applied to the joists using a gun. But be aware that once the glue has set, you won't be able to move the boards, and this will make it difficult to repair later if the deck is damaged.

When fastening boards with nails, it is better to hammer them in by hand. An air gun, of course, works faster, but it drives nails too deep, especially into soft wood like pine, which is most often used for such purposes. The screws are screwed in with a screwdriver or electric drill with an appropriate attachment.

The boards are nailed or screwed to each joist with two nails or screws. Wide boards For added strength, it is recommended to nail three nails to each joist. The 50 x 50 mm bars must be fastened at only one point, otherwise the wood will simply split. Therefore, in such cases, preference should be given to fastening with screws.

To make a deck in your dacha, start by installing the boards against the wall of the house, leaving a 3mm gap between them, or on one of the far sides of the platform. Lay boards the full length of the deck, preferably with the convex side of the growth rings facing up, to minimize cracking and lateral warping.

To ensure drainage and ventilation, taking into account possible natural expansion and shrinkage, gaps of 3-5 mm wide must be left between the boards. Calculate the exact size of the gap in advance, based on the size of the material.

Boards are available on sale with a length of 2 to 6 m and a width of 100 to 150 mm, so if desired, you can make the flooring without joints. For longer decks, the boards will have to be joined lengthwise. More durable layouts are free and alternating. Group joints weaken the structure, but at the same time create an eye-catching pattern. To achieve maximum strength, solid deck boards should span at least three joists.

Attach boards to each joist. To make the wooden decking in your dacha as beautiful as possible, you need to avoid hammer dents, and to do this, try to drive the nails so that the heads are flush with the decking. If the boards begin to split, dull the tips of the nails with a hammer and tilt the nail slightly towards the middle of the board. If that doesn't work, pre-drill nail guide holes with a diameter of % of the thickness of the nails.

When laying country flooring with your own hands, you may find that some of the boards are too curved. To use them for their intended purpose, first nail the ends of the board to the joists. Then, on the curved section, place nails above the intermediate joists. If the board is curved outward relative to the plane of the flooring, then at the top of the hump at a slight angle, hammer a chisel into the joist and use it, like a lever, to put the board in place, then nail it. If the board is curved inward, insert a chisel against the hump and apply pressure to nail it. During this work, you will need both hands, so you should use clamps to temporarily fix “unruly” boards. And to prevent the board from taking on an irregular shape again, after removing the nail from the joist, use screws for fastening.

If you plan to coat the deck boards with paint or preservative, or finish the base of the platform, this must be done before final assembly of the platform. If you use boards impregnated under pressure, it is enough to coat their ends with an antiseptic.

For decks where a gap between boards is required, uniform gaps can be quickly achieved using 90mm nails, driven into the joists to the side of an already secured board. Press the next board close to them, secure it and remove the spacer nails. To prevent them from falling under the flooring, you can first hammer them into the bosses. For different gaps, use nails of the appropriate diameter or cut a wooden spacer template.

As you nail the boards, periodically check the dimensions of the exposed portion of the deck and, if necessary, adjust the gaps so that the last board fits the full width. As a last resort, it is better to saw it lengthwise.

After nailing all the garden decking boards, use a nail bit to recess the nail heads slightly. Then draw chalk lines along the edges of the deck and saw off the protruding ends of the boards. An experienced carpenter will be able to make an even cut along the chalk line, but for a beginner it is advisable to attach a guide rail to the decking with clamps.

A boardwalk of the simplest design can be easily made as follows. Directly on the ground, you need to lay out several beams with a cross section of 120x120 mm and a length of 1-1.5 m in parallel, and then nail 50x150 mm boards on top of them. This way, you can create a simple deck on an empty lot at the back of your home and turn it into something practical and beautiful.

First, determine the area of ​​the flooring. Taking this data into account, almost any lumber warehouse will quickly calculate the volume of wood required for it (however, it is still worth checking these calculations yourself). To the resulting cubic capacity, it is necessary to add 5% for accidental breakage of boards and errors in the design of the flooring. Then you should add the volume of blanks for railings, balusters and posts.

Arrangement of wooden flooring for the garden

When installing garden decks, think carefully before digging up any exposed rock or cutting down a tree that happens to be in the area where you plan to build the platform. Try to preserve natural features by integrating them into the overall picture.

There are two approaches to arranging such floorings, but in any case, you first need to make a frame around the obstacle. Only after this make a decision: either leave the “window” in the flooring, or surround the obstacle on all sides with boards, repeating its shape.

If you decide to surround the tree with decking, don't forget that it not only grows tall, but also increases in diameter, which means you need to provide living space for it. But in any case, never attach the deck to the trunk. This is bad for the tree, and the swinging of its trunk from the wind can destroy your structure. If you make a large opening, then it may not be a bad idea to place a bench under the tree crown.

Look at what wooden decking for a summer house can look like in these photos:

How to build a wooden deck in the garden with your own hands in just a couple of days?

Take a couple of weekends to create a functional deck for your garden that will be useful not only for parties, but also in everyday life.

If you love throwing parties, sooner or later you will face a problem such as lack of space in your home. That is why you should think about moving all your celebrations into the garden. But even there there may not be enough space, which is why you will need to think about organizing a suitable place in the garden. For example, you can build a wooden deck that can be used for such events.

Even if you don't have a lot of space in your yard, you can use it to create a comfortable deck. The only thing you need is to find appropriate place in the form of a bare piece of earth. You don't have to spend a large number of money to create this structure, and it will bring incredible benefits. The only thing to consider is the overall setting of your garden, but this will not be difficult and you can easily fit the new decking into the decor.

In just a few days, saving a ton of money, and with the help of your entire family, you can build a wood deck, rid your yard of bare dirt, and create an event space.

If you build your deck from scratch, it will be much easier and you will be able to complete this project much faster. If there was some kind of structure previously at the site of the proposed covering, you will have to work hard to create the flooring. You can build this structure yourself or use the services of a building contractor.

Before starting construction work, check the possibility of constructing this project with local urban planning organizations. In some cases, you may need permission from such structures. Check this point in local legislative documents.

Tools and materials

To build a deck you will need certain materials, the amount will vary depending on the size of your property. It's about about the following materials:

· Wood (it is best to use impregnated material, such as cedar)

· Stainless steel screws

Now you can create a deck for an enjoyable time. Measure the dimensions of the deck, taking into account all the features of the house and garden. Create a construction plan that will save you money, time, and peace of mind.

On average, such a deck is 6 meters long and 3.5 meters wide, however, you can go your own way and create a deck to your own size.

Based on the sizes you calculated, purchase required amount materials for construction. If there are additional elements, such as curbs, will need to be removed for further installation. Attach a board the entire length of your deck to the wall of your home. Install the pressed board with screws and use measuring materials to determine its position.

In addition to this board, you will need to install a so-called “drip guard”, which can protect your home from various damages, in particular, water entering the foundation of the building that accumulates on the flooring as a result of rain. Set aside a special place so that the water has somewhere to evaporate.

Build the foundation

To build the foundation, you will have to install support beams that will be placed parallel to the house. The distance at which they will be located from each other and in relation to the house will depend on the specific size of the decking.

Place all the supports, then measure the distance between the beams and then install the blocks. Support beams and concrete blocks should be spaced no more than 1.8 meters apart.

Dig square holes with enough space to adjust the position of the blocks. You will need to add gravel under the concrete blocks; with its help you will be able to provide a solid foundation and avoid erosion under the blocks.

Note: Check your local building code regarding spacing of support beams.

Once you've got the blocks in place and added support materials, adjust them to make sure they're at the right height. Make sure your beams are level. Use measuring tools to determine the position of these materials relative to each other.

Before attaching the support beams to the concrete blocks, you will need to measure approximately 1.8 meters into the deck from the block on one side and 2.4 meters from the cross beam lengthwise. When these two materials are 3 meters apart, the beams will be perpendicular. Make sure the ends of the support members are level with the outside of the beam.

Once you have completed all the necessary measurements, you will be able to connect wooden materials and concrete blocks using quality screws. Select screws that can resist corrosion based on the conditions in your area.

It is possible that you will have to install additional gutters to catch water on all sides of the deck. This can be especially true if you are building a sloped deck.

This part of the project is the most important and time-consuming. Be very careful when performing this step, then you will not have any problems in the future.

Attach all beams and boards

To attach the joists that you will use as the floor, you can use standard mounting joists. The most important thing is to use reliable screws and make sure that when attaching the beams you do not pierce the boards all the way through.

As a rule, the thickness of the boards used as flooring should not exceed 40 centimeters. You can make adjustments using all the tools at hand.

Every 40 centimeters you need to install rims on the boards. Each end of the beam will need to be secured using three quality galvanized screws. The rims should ideally be positioned so that they can be used to secure the beams.

All beams that act as floors must be attached to the support beams using nails. Use a tape measure to ensure that the fastening is done every 40 centimeters.

Start working on one side of your deck, keeping in mind that you need to provide enough space and clearance to work in the right direction. For determining correct angle measuring instruments should be used.

Adhering to all safety measures, it is necessary to attach the flooring parts made of strong material (preferably cedar) to the resulting floor using screws. Each screw should be firmly screwed into the boards to prevent you or your guests from tripping while moving across the deck.

Use nails to create a gap between the decking pieces to help water flow down. Here it is best to take the help of friends who will help you do this job.

Tip: On both sides, check the boards made of strong material on which you plan to walk. The better side should be attached to the top.

For a finished deck look, consider filling the screw holes with wood filler. Then it will seem that you have achieved a truly high-quality result. Then you need to trim unnecessary details using a circular saw.

To create the flooring, you can use either new, just purchased boards or old material, which had been stored in the garage for a long time and was waiting in the wings.

Complete the decking

Old wood slabs you will need to sand to remove any stains or rough spots that may have accumulated. Another cleaning option is to wash the deck with a mixture of 6 parts water and 1 part bleach.

Do you want your decking to look natural, but don't want to worry about maintaining it? Then it's worth considering creating a composite deck made from 95% recycled materials. It will cost you much less, and working with such material is quite simple.

It is very important to achieve a clean and even surface of the floor of your deck; this is a mandatory condition, without which you cannot begin painting. This is why sand the deck and then wipe down the deck damp cloth to remove any dust that may have accumulated there.

Let the deck dry and then treat it with additional materials in the form of stain or varnish. Next, you will need to let the structure dry; it is best to process the flooring in dry weather. Quality materials for painting and processing you can find in any store of the relevant subject.

Before applying the first coat of paint, be sure to read all label recommendations and be sure to pay attention to the time it takes for the paint to dry. Be aware of weather conditions that may complicate your attempts to seal the deck.

You can use the resulting space to create a cozy outdoor living room, patio, or any other living area. Accessorize with glass lanterns and pots of evergreen perennials to help you achieve the perfect color and texture.

Be sure to protect your deck from water damage by placing flower pots on protective trays. Otherwise, you will have to tidy up the flooring quite often.

Needle well: an amazing do-it-yourself well