On what soil does spurge and thistle grow? How does common spurge reproduce?

What kind of tricks does a summer resident have to go to in order to grow an excellent harvest of vegetables and fruits. Fertilize the soil, carry out regular watering, mulch the plantings, tie up the plants, and also regularly fight weeds on the site. Unfortunately, the gardener has many such “enemies” as unwanted vegetation in the garden. Euphorbia also joins this group.

This garden plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It can reach from ten to twenty-five centimeters in length. The stems of the weed are very thick, one might even say fleshy, and spread along the ground. In most cases, there are small nodes on the stems. The oblong leaves of the plant can reach three centimeters in length.

Monoecious flowers are surrounded by a cup-shaped spathe. The inflorescence consists of one female and ten to twelve male flowers. The fruit of milkweed is a three-lobed trinut. The plant blooms from July to August. Among other types of weeds, spurge vine is of particular concern to gardeners. It is often used in folk medicine, but it is a weed.

Methods of combating milkweed

Euphorbia vine has one advantage - it penetrates deep into the soil root system. It is for this reason that the plant is not afraid of drought, because it can take moisture and nutrients from great depths. Weed control is only possible by combining agrotechnical and chemical methods.

1. Herbicides

If some area of ​​the garden is heavily infested with milkweed, it should be fallowed, then there will be more opportunities to fight the weed. Here you can increase the dosage of herbicides, as well as continuously treat with chemicals without fear for the harvest. In the fight against milkweed, increasing the amount of chemicals is especially important, since the leaves of the plant are covered with a special waxy layer. When in contact with a chemical, this layer prevents the penetration of herbicides into the root system, and the effectiveness of the drug is reduced several times.

In a fallow plot, under drought conditions, after two to three treatments with chemicals, spurge stops growing. Many gardeners believe that this is the end of the fight against the weed, however, to their surprise, in the spring the milkweed again pulls its sprouts towards the sun. Therefore, treatment is carried out in the first half of summer. To combat milkweed, herbicides such as Lapis Lazuli, Roundup, and Dicamba are used. One herbicide spraying should be combined with two mechanical processing weeds.

2. Agrotechnical methods

The mechanical method of controlling milkweed comes down to regular pruning of weeds. Pulling up plants by the roots is a futile exercise. A deep root system will certainly leave a small shoot in the ground, from which it will then develop new weed. But, as we have already found out, it is almost impossible to defeat spurge without the use of herbicides.

The herb Euphorbia is unpretentious and blooms beautifully; it is used in medicinal and decorative purposes. The plant is called euphorbia and is native to the island of Madagascar. On the territory of Russia, approximately 200 species of milkweed grow, which have a laxative, analgesic, anthelmintic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body, among them are field, bordered, and tirucalli. Before using the plant for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor.

Chemical composition

Due to the huge number of euphorbias, it is difficult to study their composition thoroughly. Nevertheless, it is known what substances are contained in almost every variety.

This list is represented by alcohol compounds, rubber, resin, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins, biologically active substances and organic acids. The components of the milky juice include mineral salts, euphorbon, and amorphous gum.

Features of different types

Depending on the species, euphorbia looks like grass, shrub or tree small sizes With different leaves and stems, with or without thorns. The leaves can be thin, wide, branched or straight, the stems can be fleshy or thin, columnar or triangular.

All varieties of milkweed contain white milky sap, which is usually poisonous and has a distinct odor. Some species of euphorbia are weeds that do not bring any benefit; other varieties are medicinal, decorate garden plots, and help repel caterpillars, bedbugs and insects.

The most popular types of plants are:

  • Euphorbia Pallas;
  • cypress spurge;
  • white-veined;
  • triangular;
  • trihedral;
  • Euphorbia "cactus".

Pallas has a high selenium content, which is necessary for hematopoiesis. This type of euphorbia has a lot of useful properties, among its other names are man-root, Fischer's spurge. Tinctures are prepared from the plant, which help improve the body’s condition in cases of impotence, mastopathy, oncological processes, lichen and anemia.

There are two versions of the origin of one of the famous names:

  1. 1. The whole root resembles the appearance of a male figure.
  2. 2. Euphorbia Pallasii has a positive effect on the regulation of androgen metabolism, therefore men who have problems with potency are recommended to use products created on its basis.

Cypress herbaceous plants are low (up to 40 cm in height), they are characterized by the presence of leaves, which, according to the description, are similar to small pine branches and are resistant to low temperatures. Flowering occurs twice per season. The water tincture has pronounced antibacterial, diuretic, laxative and analgesic effects. This remedy is useful for malignant tumors when the stomach, liver or uterus are affected. Euphorbia juice is used to treat the skin: to get rid of warts, calluses and wen.

White-headed spurges consist of a base in the form of a stem and oval leaves, which are arranged in tiers at its top. Adult euphorbias of this species look like a palm tree.

Triangular plants are practically not used in folk medicine; they are mainly grown only for decorative purposes. Euphorbia of this species has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Indoor (household) spurge is placed in well-lit areas of the room; it is suitable for growing in winter gardens and greenhouses, in wildlife found in America and Africa.

Triangular milkweeds are covered with small flowers and are propagated by cuttings. There are numerous shoots and dense spines, jagged ribs.

Assessing the appearance of cactus-like euphorbias, you can notice some similarities with cacti. But in this case there are flowers and inflorescences. Euphorbia of this species is a succulent, a flower with large fleshy triangular stems, which are covered at the edges with a horny layer. The height of adult plants is 1-2 meters, the spines are colored red-brown. Creation optimal conditions provides for the presence of scattered sunlight and a minimum amount of moisture. Dry air does not harm cactus-like milkweeds, but from excess water they begin to rot, so winter period Watering is significantly reduced.

Known properties include pain relief, inflammation relief, anthelmintic, antitumor and diuretic. Euphorbia preparations are used as laxatives, as well as to eliminate swelling, bite marks, age spots, warts, calluses, scabies, wounds, fungal infections, cramps and gout. Unsaturated infusions are useful for pathological processes in the stomach, kidneys and intestines; they are used to treat eczema.

The plant has many beneficial features, but there is also harm. When using it for medicinal and other purposes, you need to be careful - if the juice gets on damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes, a burn is possible. An overdose is very dangerous and can be fatal.

There are contraindications to the use of milkweed. The plant is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in case of allergic reactions to its components. Before you begin treatment for any disease, you should consult your doctor.

Uses of milkweed

Euphorbia is useful in the form of honey, juice, root and preparations made from them. The use of honey as a unique composition with a high iodine content is carried out for disorders of the thyroid gland, liver and of cardio-vascular system, for chronic fatigue, sclerosis, kidney stones, ulcers, gastritis, problems with falling asleep and rheumatism. The juice has a general strengthening effect, it is used in minimal doses and very carefully. The root is harvested in the fall, and alcohol and water tinctures and various decoctions are prepared from it.


  • Tincture for warts. To get the medicine, you need to take dry herb (1 tsp), prepare the required volume of boiling water (½ l) and pour it over the raw materials. The bath product should sit for half an hour. Strain it before using.
  • Decoction for the stomach. For treatment, you need to prepare a decoction of the root (5 g) and water passed through a filter (½ l). After boiling, keep the liquid on low heat for 10 minutes. Use the finished medicine for internal use in a single dose of 1 tbsp. l. The recommended dosage frequency is 3 times a day, the recommended time of use is before meals.
  • An effective remedy against lichen. To treat affected areas of the skin, it is necessary to use fresh milk obtained from any type of plant. Lubricate the skin, leave the product for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Milk for calluses. Lubricate the callus with milk. To get the desired effect, wear socks.
  • Depilatory product. Take fresh milk and, spreading it over the glass, place it in a dark, dry place. When the milk dries, take 1 tsp of it and combine with water (0.5 tbsp). Rub the product into the skin, making massage movements.


The crushed main ingredient in dry form (50 g) is poured with vodka (1 l) and sent to a dark place for 14 days. The finished product is filtered and taken according to one of the proposed schemes:

  1. 1. Take 15 drops 3 times a day. Increase the initial dose daily by adding one drop. When the dose is increased to 30 drops, gradually reduce it to 15 drops.
  2. 2. Use 8-10 drops. 3 rubles/day half an hour before meals.
  3. 3. First take 1 drop. 3 rubles/day before eating. Add 1 drop every day until the amount reaches 30 drops, then reduce the dose by 1 drop. in reverse order.

With regular use of alcohol tincture for at least two months, it is possible to get rid of impotence, prostatitis, cystitis, headaches and bleeding. This remedy is also useful for women, namely for infertility, uterine fibroids, cysts, mastopathy and fibroids.

Any medicinal plants should be used in consultation with your doctor. There is no need to self-medicate, it can be dangerous to health.

There are many varieties of milkweed in nature. That is why some under this name represent beautiful ornamental plant, while others are an annoying noxious weed in the garden. How to fight, and also what does this plant look like?

The homeland of wild tropical milkweed is Africa and Madagascar. However, in the process of evolution, the plant has become so adapted not only to different climates and soils, but also to places of growth that today there are already more than 200 species. They are very different: some reach enormous sizes and look like real trees (20 meters in height), others grow as small shrubs, and others grow in the form of squat small grass. Some decorative types They are very beautiful and are grown in flowerpots and flower beds, but there are also those that populate gardens and vegetable gardens under the guise of a malicious weed. However, they all have one thing in common: main feature

Today, milkweed is common on almost all continents of our planet, they are unpretentious to the soil, many species tolerate dry, hot weather well and are winter-hardy. In our country they can be found mainly in the central, southern and eastern parts.


If you look at the appearance of garden milkweed, it is easy to understand how it reproduces. At the top of the plant there are nectaries and flower stalks, approximately 2-3 cm long. It blooms from May to October, after which flat spherical three-hazel fruits are formed in the peduncles. The weed multiplies in the usual way using seeds, sowing nearby areas. Decorative and tropical species Milkweeds are most often and best propagated by cuttings.


As for the viability of milkweed, it depends on the type of plant. Speaking about the weed that grows in gardens and vegetable gardens, it sows on its own, has dense and fairly strong roots, and good endurance. It can grow freely on dry soils, as well as in cultivated vegetable gardens and orchards. Even after thorough harvesting, the survival rate of the weed remains high if there are already seeds in the soil.


As you already understood from the previous paragraph, the fight against milkweed, as with many other “unnecessary” plants in the garden, is not so simple. It has a large root system and high resistance, so even after careful digging it appears again after a while. It is best to control the weed by hand, as with many other herbs. In the spring, it has small shoots and a small root system, so timely cleaning will help protect the garden from the weed. In summer, the plant becomes stronger, blooms and has stronger roots, so you need to clean it carefully and then weed out the areas. If pieces of underground organs remain in the ground, they will take root and soon produce new shoots. They need to be removed again by weeding the beds, as in the photo.

When cleaning weeds, do not forget to wear gloves and be careful, as the plant is poisonous. If it gets on the mucous membrane, the juice causes severe irritation and burning. Also, if you have pets, make sure that this particular type of milkweed does not get into their food along with the grass. Also, do not feed the shoots to livestock yourself. However, there is another type of safe garden plant that can be given to pets, but if you are not familiar with the types of this weed, or rather, if you do not know exactly which of them are poisonous and which are not, it is better not to risk it.

When flowering, make sure that the plant's pollen is not scattered throughout personal plot, collect carefully into a pile.


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Leaves and stems are dried without access to sunlight, in the shade, in bunches. Euphorbia flowers

Euphorbia trigona (or Euphorbia triangular, Euphorbia triangular); succulent perennial shrub or small tree; stems and trunk are triangular, succulent; Branches up to 20 cm long, dark green, dissected, streaked with whitish color; leaves are spatulate, fleshy, up to 5 cm long; on the stems there are thorns up to 0.5 cm high, reddish-brown, on small shields, with bent tips (downwards); grows in Africa; Euphorbia trigona is used by gardeners as an indoor flower;

Euphorbia vine or twig-like; perennial with roots that are branched and many-headed; stems are abundantly leafy, up to 1 m tall, twig-like, erect; leaves are alternate, linear-lanceolate, up to 9 cm long, matte, dense; plant of the European part of the Russian Federation, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia;

What kind of tricks does a summer resident have to go to in order to grow an excellent harvest of vegetables and fruits? Fertilize the soil, carry out regular watering, mulch the plantings, tie up the plants, and also regularly fight weeds on the site. Unfortunately, the gardener has many such “enemies” as unwanted vegetation in the garden. Euphorbia also joins this group.

​is an annual weed that grows in gardens, parks, vegetable gardens and lawns. Knotweed contains many biologically active substances: coumarins, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins and phenolcarboxylic acids. The plant can be used as an antipyretic for colds or externally - to accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers.​



Types of weeds: name, description, photo | Construction portal

- a perennial weed with a stem creeping along the ground. The length of the plant is about 1 m, the leaves have a trifoliate shape. Buttercup reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. It develops favorably in damp and insufficiently lit places.​

​Shepherd's Purse​ Field bindweed (birch)

  • ​biennials – full cycle development includes two growing seasons.​
  • The euphorbia flower is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Euphorbiaceae family, the height of which can reach from 10 to 40 cm. The stems of the plant are erect, numerous, bare and lightly branched. And the stem leaves are linear, cypress-shaped, single-veined, sessile, tapering towards the base. The flowers are greenish-yellow, monoecious. Among the latter, one flower is female, and about 10 - 12 are male, which are collected in inflorescences.​
  • ​dried in the sun, and then placed in jars with tight lids and stored that way.​
  • Euphorbia narrow-branched; grows as a bush or tree up to 3 m in height; has a thick rounded trunk and numerous branches, each of which ends in a thorn; the plant's leaves are reduced; grows on the island of Madagascar;

​Poinsettia or beautiful spurge; evergreen shrub up to 3.00 m in height; leaves are petiolate, ovate-elliptic, dark green, have jagged edges, up to 15 cm long; plant of Mexico, Central America; This garden plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It can reach from ten to twenty-five centimeters in length. The stems of the weed are very thick, one might even say fleshy, and spread along the ground. In most cases, there are small nodes on the stems. The oblong leaves of the plant can reach three centimeters in length.​

​It will be much easier to fight weeds in the garden and lawn if there are not too many of them. To do this, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

  1. ​(hare cabbage)– perennial with a powerful root system. The weed grows in groups and easily “clogs” the lawn grass. Oxalis is very resistant to many chemicals, therefore most effective way- pulling out the weed by the roots.​​Moss​
  2. ​- wintering annual, blooming from spring to late autumn. The viability of seeds lasts almost 35 years. The height of the stem is about 20-40 cm, the leaves are pinnately dissected, the root is taproot. White small flowers collected at the very top of the stem, the weed continues to flower all summer. During this time, the plant produces 2-4 generations (the seeds fall and germinate immediately).​- a perennial weed that envelops plant stems. One plant can confuse up to 2 square meters crop area. Birch trees suffer the most berry bushes. The stem length is up to 180 cm, the leaves are arrow-shaped, the fruit is a two-lobed capsule. The branched roots of field bindweed go into the ground to a depth of five meters, so it is very difficult to completely get rid of the plant - the roots will have to be dug up.​
  3. ​Perennial​​It can be seen from the image that the spurge flower in the photo blooms from April to June. The fruit is a capsule in appearance.

Weeds in the garden: names, descriptions, photos

Euphorbia root is dug up in spring or autumn, when top part the plants have withered. Wash, then scald with boiling water and dry. Decoctions, alcohol tinctures, and water infusions are prepared from them.​ Euphorbia cereus; succulent shrub up to a meter high; branches are dark green, with 9...15 ribs, erect, up to 5 cm in diameter; ribs are narrow, have tubercles 3...4 mm high; leaves up to 3 mm long, dry quickly; the homeland of the plant is unknown;

​spurge turnip; has a spherical or turnip-shaped root with a diameter of up to 4 cm, from which, after rains, thick stems grow up to 30 cm in height (they die off during periods of drought); plant of Western China. Central Asia;​

​Monoecious flowers are surrounded by a cup-shaped spathe. The inflorescence consists of one female and ten to twelve male flowers. The fruit of milkweed is a three-lobed trinut. The plant blooms from July to August. Among other types of weeds, spurge vine is of particular concern to gardeners. It is often used in folk medicine, but it is a weed.​​Recommendations for lawn care to reduce the likelihood of weeds:​

​The presented photos and names of weeds will help you recognize and eradicate malicious pests in time.​​, like buttercup, appears on damp soils in the lowlands. To combat it, the lawn must be regularly aerated and drainage ditches. The height of the moss is no more than 50 cm. If this weed is not controlled, it can completely displace lawn grasses and lead to waterlogging of the soil.​

​Yarutka field​ Purslane

​Weeds can grow in one place for up to 4 years. After the seeds ripen, the above-ground organs of the plant die, and the root system continues to develop. Every year new stems grow from the underground part. Perennials reproduce vegetatively or by seeds.​

​Little tea grows in Siberia, as well as in Central Asia and the European territory of Russia. It also grows in fields as a weed plant and on steppe slopes.​ The medicinal properties of milkweed make it possible to prepare formulations from it that are used for cancer. They are used, of course, with the permission of a doctor.​

Euphorbia Chuisky; perennial herb up to 30 cm high with bare, numerous, erect, ascending, simple and branched bluish-gray stems; The leaves are small (up to 4 cm on branches), linear-oblong or narrowly ovate, oblong-ovate, dense, densely spaced, entire, with a bluish bloom, obtuse at the top; plant of Siberia;​ Euphorbia cilifolia; perennial grass with shoots up to 40 cm high; shoots are solitary, few, simple, all generative; stems are arrow-shaped with a diameter at the bottom up to 1 cm; leaves: ovate below, brown, filmy; middle bluish-green, dense, pinkish below, entire, with a well-defined midrib, blunt at the top, triangular; the upper ones are short, wide; plant of Siberia, Kazakhstan, China, Central Asia;​

Euphorbia vine has one advantage - it has a root system that penetrates deep into the soil. It is for this reason that the plant is not afraid of drought, because it can take moisture and nutrients from great depths. Weed control is only possible by combining agrotechnical and chemical methods.​​The lawn should not be cut too short. A young lawn should be mowed little by little, but often.

​Not all weeds are pests; you can also find useful wild plants in the garden.​ The appearance of moss may indicate a “poor” soil composition, a lack of nutrients

and excessive soil acidity- an annual plant with characteristic round fruits with a notch at the top. The height of the stem is no more than 40 cm, the leaves are collected in a rosette and are located near the ground. During the flowering period, yarutka produces up to 50 thousand seeds. The maximum depth from which seeds can germinate is 5 cm.​

- an annual plant with a reddish thick stem and fleshy leaves. The stem length is about 60 cm, the shoots of one plant can cover a significant area of ​​the garden. Purslane can be used for medicinal purposes and in cooking.​​Based on the way they feed, the following types of weeds are distinguished: ​From the above-ground part of the plant it is prepared medications

. To do this, the grass is collected while the plant is blooming, then it is dried in the air in the shade and in ventilated areas.

​Ingredients: tbsp. milkweed juice, 3 tbsp. cottage cheese

​Spurge globulus; low stem succulent up to 7.5 cm in height, lives in large colonies; has a main stem that turns into a root up to 3 cm thick; branches are articulated, short-cylindrical, spherical, up to 2.5 cm in diameter; leaves up to 3 mm long, rudimentary, falling; plant of South Africa; Euphorbia Sayan; perennial grass up to 40 cm high, bare; the main root is covered with a black crust, fusiform, ending at the top with a loose caudex; vegetative and generative shoots, numerous, simple, ascending; stems are thin; lower leaves membranous, brownish, small (up to 3 mm), ovoid-elliptical; plant only in Siberia;

​If some area of ​​the garden is heavily infested with milkweed, it should be left fallow, then there will be more opportunities to fight the weed. Here you can increase the dosage of herbicides, as well as continuously treat with chemicals without fear for the harvest. In the fight against milkweed, increasing the amount of chemicals is especially important, since the leaves of the plant are covered with a special waxy layer. When in contact with a chemical, this layer prevents the penetration of herbicides into the root system, and the effectiveness of the drug is reduced several times.​ ​Regular watering in dry weather. The lawn should not thin out after the summer, otherwise the empty areas will quickly be taken over by weeds.​​Cornflower blue

​Plantain​​Sow thistle pink

​In my own way chemical composition Euphorbia contains flavonoids, triterpenoids, salts of tartaric and malic acids, fructose, carotene, vitamin C and tannins.​

​Preparation: mash everything well together.​ Euphorbia latifolia; perennial grass up to a meter high; stems numerous, grooved, erect, with axillary peduncles above, with non-flowering branches below, rarely simple; found in Central Asia, Altai;​

​northern spurge; perennial grass with shoots up to 40 cm high; shoots are solitary, few, simple, all generative, glabrous; stems are thin, pinkish at the base, cylindrical, smooth; leaves: lower brown, scale-like, small; median thin, long, with a wedge-shaped base, obtuse, entire; from the side shoots - narrower; on the upper whorl – short; found on Far East, Altai, China, Northern Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Siberia;​​Read moreHow to get rid of dandelions in the garden

​Rake your lawn to prevent the growth of creeping weeds.​- a healing seasoning in cooking. The plant is believed to have a diuretic, analgesic, choleretic and wound healing effect. An infusion of flowers helps with boils, eczema and conjunctivitis. Dried cornflower inflorescences are used as natural dye when preparing dishes.​

​often grows on over-compacted, trampled soil or in places where there is stagnant moisture. A special garden fork is suitable for removing mature plants. If plantains have grown significantly over the lawn, then it is necessary to use selective herbicides.​

​, better known as thistle, is a common perennial weed that infests any crops. The height of thistle can reach 1.5 m, the surface of the stem is prickly. The leaf shape is lanceolate, with spines along the edges. Mature plant has a powerful root system that grows up to 6 meters deep. On the bends of the root, buds are laid, giving rise to the development of above-ground shoots.​- wintering annual, ephemeral. Weed shoots appear in early spring and when is the time for germination? cultivated plants– the woodlice grows into a solid green carpet. Carrot crops suffer greatly from this weed.

​have independent type nutrition and their development do not depend on other plants. The most numerous group.​​It is important that the spurge flower in the photo has a calming effect. But in reality - a laxative, bactericidal, diuretic, anthelmintic and diaphoretic.​

Application: the mixture is applied to the tumor and left for about an hour until a burning sensation appears. Remove, cleanse the skin, apply just cottage cheese, which is not removed until the second procedure with the mixture. It is recommended to do the treatment 2 times a day.​

Beneficial weeds on the site

​poisonous spurge plant; succulent perennial shrub – thorny, columnar, leafless, irregular shape, up to 1.50 m high; plant of Angola, South Africa (Cape Province), Namibia.​

Euphorbia Segierov; perennial grass up to 55 cm in height, gray, bare; the root is multi-headed, cylindrical, obliquely descending or vertical; stems flowering and non-flowering, erect, branched at the base, twig-like; lower leaves are scale-like, small, stem - broadly linear, sessile, lower - linear-lanceolate, or spatulate-linear, or ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, dense, entire-edged, parallel-three-veined; plant of the European part of the Russian Federation, Europe, Central Asia, Siberia, Asia;​​In a fallow plot, under drought conditions, after two to three treatments with chemicals, spurge stops growing. Many gardeners believe that this is the end of the fight against the weed, however, to their surprise, in the spring the milkweed again pulls its sprouts towards the sun. Therefore, treatment is carried out in the first half of summer. To combat milkweed, herbicides such as Lapis Lazuli, Roundup, and Dicamba are used. One herbicide spraying should be combined with two mechanical weed treatments.​

​Feeding will help you get stronger lawn grass and will not allow weeds to displace it.​​Meadow clover​

​Veronica filamentous​ The main source of clogging of the garden with thistle is the vertical root. When fighting sow thistle, it is necessary to destroy the root system located at a depth of 60-70 cm

​Medicinal infusion of plant herbs in practice traditional medicine used for kidney diseases, tumors of the stomach and uterus, catarrh of the stomach. A decoction of the plant is used externally as a remedy for scabies. The juice of the plant is used to remove freckles on the face and age spots, remove warts and treat fungal diseases of the feet. More often, infusions are made from milkweed and used externally.

Weed prevention

The healing properties of milkweed were reportedly known even before the advent of our era. The treatises of Numidian doctors that have survived to this day indicate that the milky sap of plants was used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic. They were used to treat ulcers that did not heal for a long time, swelling, and paralysis. There is information about the use of juice for bites of animals infected with rabies.​

​spurge spurge; shiny, bare, perennial grass up to 45 cm in height; stems sometimes have thin vegetative branches, simple, few; leaves are entire, widened at the base, narrowed at the top, acute or obtuse, narrowly lanceolate; plant of Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia;​

  1. The mechanical method of controlling milkweed comes down to regular weed cutting. Pulling up plants by the roots is a futile exercise. A deep root system will certainly leave a small shoot in the ground, from which a new weed will then develop. But, as we have already found out, it is almost impossible to defeat spurge without the use of herbicides.​
  2. ​Identification of diseases and pests. If it was not possible to protect the lawn, then the thinned area should be sown with fresh grass seeds before weeds appear on it.
  3. ​attributed to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities. The plant is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and dry cough. Spring salads are prepared from clover flowers and young leaves, and dried shoots are added when cooking main courses.​
  4. ​settles in moist soil, rich in useful elements. The height of the plant is no more than 12 cm, the stem is thin, the flowers are soft lilac. The weed reproduces by shoots.​
  5. ​Bluegrass​
  6. Shchiritsa thrown back

They have the ability to photosynthesize, but at the same time, they partially feed on other crops - they stick to ground organs or plant roots. Typical representatives: European strapweed, white mistletoe, field grass, swamp grass, late catcalla.​

  1. ​Depending on life expectancy, weeds are divided into young and perennial species.​
  2. ​Preparation: tsp. dry, finely chopped milkweed herb is poured with half a liter of boiling water, then left for half an hour and filtered.
  3. ​B Ancient Rus' also used medicinal properties spurge plants. Its juice was used as a laxative and emetic. It was used to cure warts, age spots, and calluses.​


How to get rid of milkweed in the garden: chemical and mechanical methods- Onwomen.ru

​rock spurge; perennial grass up to 20 cm in height; obliquely descending or vertical rhizome up to 30 cm long, up to 1.5 cm thick, often branched, fleshy, with brownish-gray bark; plant only from Altai; rare view, is in the Red Book of the Republic;​

You can get rid of milkweed in two to three years. It should be remembered that chemical and agricultural methods struggles must go hand in hand.​

Any weed plant must be removed immediately, before it grows voluminous roots and ripens to seeds.

Methods of combating milkweed

​Young nettle​

1. Herbicides


- annual weed. At the beginning of its growth, the plant is imperceptible, but over time the weed blooms and stands out as unsightly spots on the lawn carpet. Bluegrass thrives on compacted soils in lowlands. If you remove the weed in a timely manner, it will not appear on the lawn for a long time.

- an early spring annual plant characterized by very high fertility. Weed seeds are not afraid of mechanical stress and retain the ability to germinate for 5-40 years. The plant has a high pubescent stem (up to 150 cm), ovate-rhombic leaves, flowers are collected in a dense paniculate inflorescence. Seeds can germinate from a depth of no more than 3 cm.​

2. Agrotechnical methods



Euphorbia papillary; succulent shrub up to 20 cm in height, with numerous lateral branches; branches are almost cylindrical, up to 6 cm in diameter, with 7...17 ribs; leaves up to 6 mm long; plant of South Africa;

​Potanin's spurge; perennial grass up to 30 cm high, bare; stems numerous, ascending or erect, usually branched, furrowed; leaves up to 2 cm long, ovate, oblong-elliptic or elliptic, entire-edged, rounded at the base, short-petiolate, narrower on vegetative branches, obtuse at the top; plant of Siberia, Central Asia;​